Auction of ideas for children. Business game "auction of pedagogical ideas." Auction procedure

"Auction of Pedagogical Ideas"

Target : Increased creativity teachers, creating conditions for personal and professional self-realization. Identification and distribution teaching experience.

Game props:

auctioneer's hammer, bell.

Materials: practical material: “Do-it-yourself felt puppet theater”, “Propp’s cards”, “Card index of theatrical games”, “Tabletop puppet theater”.

Auction progress:

Leading: Dear colleagues, we are pleased to welcome

At our Auction of pedagogical ideas on the topic “Organization of theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions.”

I would like to remind you that an auction is a public sale of goods using bidding. The product is sold in the presence of many willing buyers. The price of a product is determined by the process of buyers bargaining among themselves for the right to buy the product.

Auction host– today I will be the head of the MDOU Diligul L.I.

Auctioneers– are the teachers of our kindergarten who put up educational products for auction, we will present them a little later.

Auction Commission- is …. Their responsibility is to count the currency received as a result of trading.

Auctioneers– guests and employees of the kindergarten, that is, you, dear colleagues.

You auctioneers have the right to familiarize yourself with and purchase one or another lot that interests you. It will go to the one who names the highest price. Please note: The price is determined by strong arguments in favor of the fact that you need this lot.(Prove that your teaching activity has no future without this lot, and it’s yours!)

Auctioneers have the right to participate in auctions more than once.

So, pay attention!

The host rings the bell

Auction host: The auction is open (hammer sounds). Bidding for pedagogical ideas is announced.

The following lots are up for sale today:

1 lot: «

2 lot: "Propp's Maps"

3rd lot: "

4 lot: « Tabletop puppet theater"

Auction Leader: So: attention lot No. 1 - “ Do-it-yourself felt puppet theater" he is represented by auctioneer and teacher O.A. Azizyan.

(Performance in progress)

Auction Leader: So, lot No. 1 is up for sale

Practical material " Do-it-yourself felt puppet theater"

Starting price – “I would like to have such practical material”

Bidding is underway...

Auction commission: -The owner of lot No. 1 is…

    Attention! Lot No. 2 is up for sale "Propp's Maps"

he is represented by the auctioneer and teacher T. G. Yushchenko.

(Performance in progress)

Auction Leader: So, lot No. 2 is up for sale

Starting price – “this is interesting”

Bidding is underway...

Auction commission:- The owner of lot No. 2 is…

(The winner is awarded the purchase.)

    Attention! Lot No. 3 is up for sale « Card index of theatrical games." This lot is presented by auctioneer teacher II quarter. cat. Albuk T.A.

(Performance in progress)

Auction Leader: So, lot No. 3 is up for sale

Starting price – “I could use this”

Bidding is underway...

Auction commission:- The owner of lot No. 3 is…

(The winner is awarded the purchase.)

    Attention! Lot No. 4 is up for sale" Tabletop puppet theater» . This lot is presented by auctioneer teacher Kupchik K.P.

(Performance in progress)

Auction Leader: So, lot No. 4 is up for sale

The starting price is “the right thing.”

Bidding is underway...

Auction commission:- The owner of lot No. 4 is…

(The winner is awarded the purchase.)


Host: The Auction of Pedagogical Ideas has ended. Today you

got acquainted with the experience of our kindergarten on the topic “Organization of theatrical activities in preschool educational institutions”

You also had the opportunity to purchase your favorite item with a practical application. Congratulations on your successful shopping!

You are the most active participants in our auction!

The auction is closed (hammer sounds).

Solution Auction:

1. Use the provided teachers ideas for further work.

2. Teacher Albuk T.A., Yushchenko T.G., Azizyan O.A., Kupchik K.P. present your submitted material at parent group meetings.

Business game for teachers

"Auction of Pedagogical Ideas"

Target: generalization of the work experience of kindergarten teachers on the topic “Intellectual development of preschool children.”

Materials and equipment:auctioneer's hammer, cash coupons, bell, ball, chips of different colors, projector, screen, decoration for events with children, handouts for each child, attributes for holding a fair, a selection of practical material (booklets, lesson notes, supplement to the newspaper "Rastishka" ").

Auction progress:

Leading: Dear colleagues, we are glad to welcome you within the walls of our kindergarten. Today we are holding an Auction of pedagogical ideas.

An auction is a public sale of goods using bidding. The product is sold in the presence of many willing buyers. The price of a product is determined by the process of buyers bargaining among themselves for the right to buy the product. We present to your attention:

Auction leader - senior teacher

Auctioneer - head of preschool educational institution

The auctioneers are guests and employees of the kindergarten, that is, you, dear colleagues.

Auctioneers have the right to familiarize themselves with and purchase one or another lot that interests them. It will go to the one who names the highest price. Pay attention to the banknotes - coupons that are on the tables. Each of you has five coupons.

So, pay attention!

(rings the bell)

Auctioneer: The auction is open! (hammer knock). Bidding for pedagogical ideas is announced.

Leading: The topic of the auction: “Intellectual development of preschool children.”

Modern psychology argues that the intellectual potential of children is genetically determined, and that many people have a chance of achieving only an average level of intelligence. Of course, our possibilities for development are not limitless. But practice shows that if you use even “average” intellectual abilities at least a little more effectively, the results exceed all expectations.

A child comes to our classes not at all in order to reveal his potential abilities and work on improving them, not in order to learn to think, create and build his relationships with people around him. The child comes to play and communicate interestingly.

The following lots are up for sale today:

1. "Game Library"

2. "Kindergarten Plus"

3. "Time Spiral"

(The game “Compliments” is played. Music. “Good mood”)

Leading: look to the right, look to the left. Have you noticed how charming and attractive the ladies are next to you? Let's compliment each other.

(passing the ball to the neighbor on the right, auction participants compliment each other)

Leading: I am very glad that smiles appeared on your faces and you are all in a good mood. And now we present to your attention

Lot No. 1 “Game Library”.

Theoretical part

(speech by senior group teacher)

Effective development of the intellectual abilities of preschool children is one of the most important problems of our time.

Preschoolers with developed intelligence remember material faster, are more confident in their abilities, adapt more easily to a new environment, and are better prepared for school.

Taking into account age characteristics, it is necessary to remember that the main method of development is problem-based and search, and the main form of organization is play. The content of gaming and entertaining material, in any approach, must correspond to the age characteristics of children, ensure their further development, and provide ways for adjustment. Many types of entertaining games can be used from an early age, as they provide the simplest options and more complex ones that require serious logical operations for children of older preschool age.

In the course of using gaming and entertaining material, developmental tasks in children are solved:

  • independence, initiative, desire and ability to play with concentration for quite a long time;
  • the ability to analyze, compare, generalize, classify objects by properties, quantity, location, purpose;
  • the ability to count objects, use counting to estimate the number of objects;
  • creative imagination, the ability to actively act in a simple problem situation.

The forms of organization where entertaining material can be used can be different:

  • games - activities (6 - 8 children or the whole group participate in them) - traditional, complex, integrated;
  • various joint events (entertainment, leisure evenings) with teachers and parents;
  • independent children's activity - play library.

Educators working with children in their fifth year of life can use the assessment sheet. This stimulates children’s desire to complete the task faster and as best as possible, as well as to see the success of other children.

Intellectual activity based on an active search for methods of action can become habitual and natural already in preschool age if the efforts of teachers and parents are aimed at nurturing in the child the need to be interested in the process of cognition itself, to independently search for solutions and achieve the goal.

Game and entertaining material most effectively develops the intellectual abilities of children.

Practical part.

Joint activities in mathematics in the senior group

"Saving the Planet"(abstract attached)

Auctioneer: So, the lot is put up for sale No. 1 "Game library"

Starting price – 1 coupon. Practical materials are sold along with the lot: notes on the mathematical activities of the teacher and children.

Leading: We present to your attentionLot No. 2 “Kindergarten Plus”

Theoretical part.

(speaking by the teacher of the preparatory group for school and the teacher of the secondary group)

Attention! We bring to your attention an impromptu television broadcast.

(speech “Cooperation with the family in the intellectual development of the child”, accompanied by a multimedia presentation)

Auctioneer: So, it's up for saleLot No. 2 “Kindergarten Plus”.

Starting price – 2 coupons. Practical materials and a CD with a presentation are sold along with the lot.

(The winner receives purchases).

Leading: One of the areas of activity with children, in which intelligence can also develop, is familiarization with the history of the Russian people. And we present the next lot No. 3"Time Spiral"

Theoretical part.

(senior group teacher L. A. Ryabinina speaks)

Russia is the homeland for many. But in order to consider yourself her son or daughter, you need to feel the spiritual life of your people and creatively assert yourself in it, accept the Russian language, history, and culture as your own.

Deep, spiritual, creative patriotism must be instilled from early childhood. But like any other feeling, patriotism is acquired independently and experienced individually. It is directly related to a person’s personal spirituality and can awaken in a child a feeling of love for the Motherland. It is precisely to awaken, and not to impose, since the basis of patriotic and moral education is spiritual self-determination.

I have chosen the following priorities:

Firstly, surrounding objects that awaken the child’s soul for the first time, cultivating in him a sense of beauty and curiosity, must be national. This will help children understand from early childhood that they are part of the great Russian people.

Secondly , folklore in all its manifestations (fairy tales, songs, proverbs, sayings, poems, round dances) should be used more widely. In oral folk art, like nowhere else, the special features of the Russian character, its inherent moral values, ideas about goodness, beauty, truth, courage, hard work, and loyalty have been preserved. By introducing children to sayings and riddles, proverbs and fairy tales, we introduce children to universal moral values. Nursery rhymes and jokes sound like gentle talk, expressing kindness, tenderness, and faith in a prosperous future. Proverbs and sayings praise positive qualities or ridicule human shortcomings. Developed speech is the main indicator of mental development in a preschooler. Free but clear, simple but formalized speech always shows that the child understands well what he is saying.

Thirdly , folk holidays and traditions should occupy a large place in introducing children to folk culture.

The purpose of my work:

  • formation of the foundations of national identity with increased mutual understanding, respect and friendship between people of different nationalities;
  • moral, aesthetic, intellectual development of the child;
  • the relationship between man and nature, man and family, man and society as a whole.

A child’s special, holistic perception of the world is most vividly embodied in the holiday. A holiday becomes a labor of the soul when children have the opportunity to fully experience the feeling of kinship with the people around them and nature.

Practical part.

Joint activities of the teacher with children of the preparatory school group “Autumn Fair”(script attached)

Auctioneer: are put up for saleLot No. 3 “Time Spiral”" Starting price – 1 coupon. Practical materials are sold along with the lot: holiday scripts and musical accompaniment of the “Autumn Fair” on disk.

(The winner receives the purchases).


Leading: The Auction of Pedagogical Ideas has ended. Today you got acquainted with the experience of our

kindergarten for the intellectual development of children. You also had the opportunity to purchase the lot you liked with practical materials.

Congratulations on your successful shopping! The lucky winners of the purchases were:

Let's welcome them!(applause).

Congratulations - you are the most active participants in our auction!

Auctioneer: The auction is closed! (hammer knock)

(reflection is carried out)


  • Did you like our event?
  • What new did you learn today? What was the most memorable?
  • Which of these methods of working with children do you apply in your practice? Share your experience.
  • Your suggestions, recommendations, advice.

Intellectual game “Knowledge Auction” for participants of the school scientific society

Target: creating conditions for identifying children with high intellectual and cognitive abilities, broadening their horizons, developing communication skills, extraordinary thinking, the ability to substantiate and argue their point of view, stimulating interest in fundamental and applied sciences.

IN game 3 teams of 10 people each participate. Each team takes its own table. A large screen and computer are installed. The entire game is accompanied by a presentation; the use of ICT is mandatory, since otherwise the game will not be as colorful, spectacular and will not have such a voluminous information content. For the game, “silver” coins are produced - “talents”, several black boxes with objects, and prizes for participants. The game is conducted by the head of the NOU. An expert commission is elected from among teachers.

Progress of the game

Head of NOU: Good afternoon, young scholars! We are pleased to welcome you to the intellectual and educational competition “Knowledge Auction”. Today you have to show your knowledge, erudition, skills in the field of natural science, mathematics, philology, history, and art. You will earn talents. Talent is a silver coin that was in circulation in ancient times. There is such a parable: “Someone, going to distant lands, entrusted slaves with the care of his condition. He gave one 5 talents, another 3, and a third one. The two worked hard and increased the owner’s fortune. The third, lazy and cunning, buried his coin in the ground. The hard work of the first was rewarded. The returning owner gave them all the money he had earned. The third one received nothing. This is how the expression “bury talent in the ground” appeared. We wish you not to bury your talents in the ground, but to increase them throughout your life.

We are pleased to welcome teams of erudite participants.

Team greetings: name, motto, introduction of captains. (5 min.)

1st round “Natural Science” - 14 min

We are starting the first round of our auction. Listen to the rules. Each team has 50 talents available. This is the initial capital. Problems (of varying levels of difficulty) are put up for auction. The starting price of the first task is 1 talent, the second - 2 talents, etc.

The presenter draws lots, the captain names the field of science from which the question will be asked, then the teams begin bidding (who will declare more talents). The team that bids the maximum price gets the right to answer (questions appear on the screen only after bidding). If the answer is correct, then the team is given the declared amount; if the answer is incorrect, then the team loses the declared amount (it is withdrawn from the team’s capital). If a team buys an issue for the entire amount available and makes a mistake, then, alas, it is bankrupt. She cannot continue to participate in the first round. The auction host and the expert commission have the right, from their own funds, to reward players of any team once, as well as to fine participants who violated the rules. After 14 min. bidding ends.

Knowledge Auction:


Animal world

Inanimate nature

Discoveries and inventions


Nature of the Tula region

Questions for round 1


1. They have a strong, woody trunk covered with durable bark. (Trees)

2. Plants that help a person cope with diseases. (Medicinal)

3. Attracts insects, which promotes pollination and the appearance of fruits and seeds. (Flower)

4. This plant reproduces by tubers or parts thereof. (Potato)

5. These plants never bloom, there are no seeds, they reproduce by spores that are located directly on the leaves. (Mosses and lichens)

6. What plants have animal names? (Mouse peas, bear's ear, cuckoo flax, goose onion, horse sorrel.)

7. This plant is called the breadwinner of the East. (Rice.)

8. What vegetable did the Romans call head? (Cabbage.)

9. According to legend, it was from this tree that the Trojan horse was built. (Fir.)

10. In ancient mythology you can find many details related to nature. Remember, for example, what kind of wood was the club of Hercules made from? (Made of cedar.)

Word from the experts.

Animal world

1. This bird is a bad mother. (Cuckoo)

2. Which animal has ears on its legs? (Grasshopper).

3. What do koalas and kangaroos have in common? (They are marsupials)

4. Which inhabitant of fresh water bodies never drinks? (Frog).

5. Can a polar bear eat a penguin in nature? Explain. (No, since they live at different poles).

6. Do all mosquitoes drink the blood of humans and animals? (No, males feed on nectar).

7. This is the only completely blind animal of our fauna. Adapted to underground life. It feeds on the bulbs of steppe plants. The direction of the endless underground passages is indicated by heaps of earth thrown out. Who are we talking about? (Mole rat).

8. The body of this animal is “dressed” in thick brown fur with a silvery tint. The length of the animal is 40 cm, weight is about 500g. It is distinguished by an elongated proboscis nose. With its proboscis it not only sniffs out prey, but also grabs everything that can be eaten and puts the food into its mouth. Lives in bodies of water. When diving, the nostrils on the proboscis and the holes in the ears are closed with valves. Name it. (Muskrat).

10. In what part of the body is fat deposited in the platypus? (In the tail)

Word from the experts.

Inanimate nature

1. What percentage of the earth's surface is covered with water? (Approximately 70%)

2. Air movement. (Wind)

3. I myself am water and I swim on water. (Ice)

4. The air shell of the Earth. (Atmosphere)

5. Name folk rituals associated with water. (Baptism of an infant, Pouring water on the day of Ivan Kupala, Fortune telling with water, Cleansing with Holy water, etc.)

7. A fountain gushes from the source, flowing up to the skies.

There is a volcano living next to him, you know that fountain. (Geyser)

8. Which lake contains 80% of all the fresh water in our country and a fifth of the fresh water on the entire planet? (Baikal)

9. Along the bed of which river does 1/5 of all river water in the world flow? (Amazon)

10. Name the only lake on the globe where one half contains fresh water and the other half contains salt water. (Balkhash)

Word from the experts.

Discoveries and inventions

1. He dreamed about her.

You will find it on the cover of a chemistry textbook.

It contains all the natural substances in the world (from oxygen and hydrogen to iron, gold, copper).

Who is this stranger? (Chemical periodic table)

2. Galoshes, boots for puddles and mud, car tires, soles of sneakers. What is all this made of? What did Lebedev invent?

(Artificial rubber, because real rubber, from the sap of Hevea trees, is very expensive, you can’t collect a lot of it)

He was the first to create artificial rubber from cheap raw materials, and we created the world's first plant for its production.

3. Doctor Nikolai Ivanovich Lunin first showed the need for special substances for our body. The name of this substance is derived from the Latin root “vita”, which means “life”. What kind of substance is this?

(Lunin discovered substances that were later called vitamins)

4. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky made what they only dared to dream about into an exact science. And Sergei Pavlovich Korolev created the doctrine of such a means of transport that will help a person not only overcome distance, but also defeat the force of gravity of the Earth.

Another scientist continued his work and built... What?

5. What did Sergei Pavlovich Korolev invent?

By the wave, by the wave

The music floats towards me. (Radio)

6. Invention of Lodygin Alexander Nikolaevich

hidden in the following riddle:

Blink, blink,

Will dive into the bubble

In a bubble under the ceiling,

It's daylight in the room at night! (Bulb)

7. The whole Universe lives in it,

But it's an ordinary thing.

What invention of Rosing Boris Lvovich are we talking about? (TV)

Birthday! In childhood, parents organize this fabulous holiday. Teenagers, as a rule, know exactly what they want. But having matured a little, we begin to think about how to get out of this festive situation with honor and begin to look for ideas for a birthday.

As a rule, the circle of invitees is no longer as homogeneous as in school or student life. Companions with similar interests, colleagues from work, relatives, childhood friends. Different ages, status, outlook on life. How can we make sure that everyone can show themselves and admire others?

We invite you to have a little fun! As soon as the main toasts in honor of the birthday person’s health are over, an auction of rare and very necessary things is publicly announced. Moreover, all these items are so exceptional that the auctions themselves will not be held in ruble equivalent, but only in exclusive currency, for example... in Veselik (tugrik, bulik... whatever your heart desires). Where can you find such a miracle currency? Like any money - earn it! Thus, the birthday scenario emerges by itself.

Money, money, rubbish money... francs, pounds, sterlings...

The design of the bills themselves is completely unimportant. Ordinary cut colored paper can handle this role. To earn more Veselyok (our family traditionally uses this currency), guests can demonstrate any of their abilities. Who loves anything - poetry, dances, songs, toasts...

Each performance is generously paid. You should always be prepared for the fact that people you don’t know well may feel awkward, and some may not want to immediately reveal their talents. It is worth stocking up on several competitions, in which a certain amount will be given out for winning.

Remember, no matter what birthday competitions you choose, it is better that everyone present is involved. For example, “rake gold with a shovel.” Everyone is divided into pairs. Each pair is given a bank (plastic cup) and a gold shovel (spoon).

A large plate with change (gold) is placed at the same distance from the couples (in the middle of the table). After the command “start,” one of each pair begins to shovel gold into their bank. The pair with the most coins will win.

If the holiday takes place on the street, then the competitions can be more active. You can call two daredevils and organize an obstacle course in front of them. For example, they will need to sequentially burn a match, inflate a balloon, drink a glass and, when they reach the birthday girl, kiss her and say “I love you.”

If your guests don’t like to move, you can prepare a quiz for them, and mark each correct answer with one funny sign. For example, you can earn extra money without leaving your seat by painting a picture with the difficult title “Senile Insanity” (“Hell Tension”, “Second Life”, “Brain Drain”...).

Surely you have interesting competitions in mind that your friends will like. Most importantly, don’t forget to generously gift them with holiday currency! But be attentive to the silent ones, don’t let anyone be left out of the fun.

One, two, three... Sold! Everything will go under the hammer!

When the wallets of all those invited begin to burst with banknotes, it’s time to move on to bidding. There is absolutely no requirement that everything you put up for sale has any real value. You can first only advertise what is being played out and maintain the intrigue until the final cry of “sold”.

And so, advertising is the engine of trade!

  • An irreplaceable item that allows you to spend any moment of your life with a sparkle. (box of matches);
  • Multifunctional information storage device. (notebook);
  • An item that no holiday is complete without. (cutting board);
  • Memory fixer. (bookmark);
  • Reusable personal protective equipment. (soap).

And also everything that you won’t mind! Remember that the general mood in this case is much more important than the thirst for profit. Be sure to make sure that each guest goes home with a souvenir.

In conclusion, we can only assure you that the host (in this case, the birthday boy) gets a lot of positive impressions both during the preparation and holding of the holiday, and remembering it, looking at the photos.

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • In almost every family there is an elderly woman whom everyone treats with…
  • The good thing about the New Year holiday is that it is celebrated all over the world, and preparations for…
  • A child's birthday is a special holiday. Every little thing and detail is important here. Get started...

The auction includes either drawings made in advance by children or “paintings” made on a computer. (See appendices No. 1, 2, 3.) “Purchase” is made by presenting any knowledge in the form of theses about a particular item depicted in the picture. Theses may contain a definition of the subject, methods of obtaining and using it, varieties, significance, rules of use, signs associated with the subject, proverbs, sayings, poems, songs, riddles, historical information.

The “picture” is acquired by the one who provides the latest information from the mass of information offered about the subject.

Auction procedure

1. Examination of the “product” before bidding.

2. Presentation of the lot under the corresponding number.

3. Bargaining. (Potential “buyers” declare their intention to present a “payment”, that is, provide information about the item by raising their hand. The gavel taps the conditional time for presenting a new “payment”.)

4. Delivery of goods, congratulations to the “buyer”.

Relevant for students in grades 3-4.

List of "paintings" up for auction

Lot No. 1. “Russian flag”.

Lot No. 2. “The fox is moving.”

Lot No. 3. “Snowman”.

Lot No. 4. “Butterfly”.

Lot No. 5. “Mustache-striped”.

Lot No. 6. “Four-legged friend.”

Lot No. 7. “Autumn leaf”.

Lot No. 8. “Garlic”.

Lot No. 9. “Mouse”.

Lot No. 10. “Sun”.

Lot No. 11. "Salt".

Lot No. 12. “Mushrooms”.

Lot No. 13. “Book of Fairy Tales”.

Lot No. 14. “Alarm clock”.

Lot No. 15. “Pencil”.

Lot No. 16. “Bread”.

Fragment of "trading"

Leading. Dear ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen! We present to your attention lot No. 2 “The Fox Mouses”, which will primarily be of interest to hunters and animal lovers. The painting captures the moment of the “fox dance” - mouseing. What are your suggestions, gentlemen?

♦ The fox is a predatory animal. (Strikes with a hammer.)

♦ In Russian folk tales, the fox is a cunning animal. (Strikes with a hammer.)

♦ The fox has valuable fur. (Strikes with a hammer.)

♦ There is a riddle about a fox: “It has a fluffy tail, golden fur, lives in the forest, steals chickens.” (Strikes with a hammer.)

♦ The fox’s home is a hole. (Strikes with a hammer.)

♦ The fox is beneficial: it destroys harmful rodents. (Strikes with a hammer.)

♦ Sometimes a person is compared to a fox, they say: cunning, like a fox. (Hits with the hammer: one-two-three. Sold!)

Congratulations to the “buyer”.

Leading. Lot No. 12 called “Mushrooms”. The wonderful porcini mushrooms depicted in the picture will decorate not only the kitchen, but also any room in your apartment or cottage. What are your suggestions, gentlemen?

♦ Porcini mushrooms are also called porcini mushrooms.

♦ Porcini mushrooms are the most delicious.

♦ Mushrooms can be edible or inedible.

♦ Mushrooms grow well after rain.

♦ Mushrooms have many names: boletus, boletus, boletus, saffron milk cap, chanterelle, puffball, milk mushroom...

♦ Mushrooms are collected in summer and autumn.

♦ Morels appear in April.

♦ Some mushrooms can be grown at home.

♦ Mushrooms cannot be picked; they must be cut with a knife so as not to damage the mycelium.

♦ You cannot knock down poisonous mushrooms with your feet, because they are used to treat animals.

♦ Mushrooms can cause severe poisoning.

♦ Mushrooms replace meat in their nutritional value.

♦ People say: “If you call yourself a load, get into the back.”

♦ I know a riddle about a mushroom: “In the forest, a flatbread grew on one leg.”

♦ Squirrels and hedgehogs also feed on mushrooms. (Hits with the hammer: one-two-three. Sold!)

Congratulations to the happy owner of the “picture”.

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

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