Abnormal places in Russia, where all sorts of devilish things happen. Drunken Forest is an anomaly in the Ryazan region. Bran Castle, Romania

On our planet, along with modern, technologically and industrially developed megacities, there are many places created by ancient masters or nature itself.

Each such attraction has its own legend and, naturally, is silent about a lot of things. Mysterious places raise a huge number of questions among scientists, confusing them with anomalous phenomena and the unknown.

1. Devils Tower, USA

The so-called Devil's Tower is actually an amazing natural rock correct form and consists of columns with sharp corners. This truly mysterious place, which, according to research, is more than 200 million years old, is located in the USA, in the territory of the modern state of Wyoming.

In size, the Devil's Tower is several times larger than the Cheops Pyramid and from the outside resembles a man-made structure. Thanks to its unrealistic size and unnaturally correct configuration, the rock has become the object of attention of many scientists, and local residents claim that Satan himself built it.

2. Cahokia Mounds, USA

Cahokia or Cahokia is an abandoned Indian city, the ruins of which are located near Illinois, USA. This place is reminiscent of how ancient civilizations lived, and its complex structure proves that this area was inhabited by a highly developed people 1500 years ago. Ancient city It is striking in its scale; a network of terraces and 30-meter earthen mounds, as well as a huge solar calendar, have been preserved on its territory.

It is still unknown why a society of almost 40 thousand people left their settlement, and which Indian tribes are direct descendants of the Cahokians. Despite this, the Cahokia mounds are a favorite place for many tourists who come here in the hope of unraveling the mystery of the ancient city.

3. Chawinda, Mexico

This mystical place, according to the beliefs of the aborigines, is the center of intersection of the real and other worlds. This is why incredible things happen here that are difficult to understand. to modern man.

Chawinda is of interest to many treasure hunters, because according to legend, this area hides unprecedented wealth. Unfortunately, no one has yet managed to find the treasure. Would-be treasure hunters often attribute their failures to otherworldly forces.

4. Newgrange, Ireland

Newgrange is the oldest building on the territory of modern Ireland, it is already about 5 thousand years old. It is believed that this long corridor with a transverse room is a grave, but for whom, scientists have not yet been able to determine.

It is still unknown how ancient people were able to build such a perfect structure, which for five thousand years was not only lucky enough to survive, maintaining its primitive appearance, but also to remain completely waterproof.

5. Pyramids of Yonaguni, Japan

Mysterious underwater pyramids near the western Japanese island Yonaguni causes a lot of controversy among modern archaeologists and surveyors. The main question is whether the structures are a natural phenomenon, or whether they were created by the hand of an ancient man.

In the course of numerous studies, it was possible to establish that the age of the Yonaguni pyramids is more than 10 thousand years. Therefore, if the Yonagun monuments created mysterious civilizations unknown to us, then the history of mankind should be rewritten.

Mysterious civilization. Underwater cities of Yonaguni

6. Geoglyphs of Nazca, Peru

The Nazca geoglyphs in Peru are one of the most mysterious places on the planet. They were discovered in the middle of the last century and are still actively discussed by scientists who cannot say unambiguously what the ancient people wanted to express with these giant drawings of animals and for what purpose were they used?

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to ask the creators, but scientists offer 2 main versions: some, leaning towards the cosmic theory of the origin of geoglyphs, believe that they are landmarks for alien ships, others claim that they are giant lunar calendars. In any case, the Nazca rock paintings are proof of the existence on the territory of modern Peru of an ancient and mysterious civilization that lived here long before the famous Incas and was distinguished high level development.

7. Black Bamboo Hollow, China

Black Bamboo Hollow or Heizhu is perhaps the most terrible place on Earth. Local residents have nicknamed it the Valley of Death, and they do not even want to get close to it at any cost. Just the memory of the ravine fills them with great horror.

They say that children and pets disappear here without a trace, and there is a lot of documentary evidence of this. Scientists have been interested in the hollow of black bamboo for decades; they have been able to prove that the valley in the Chinese province of Sichuan is an anomalous area with a harsh climate and sharply changing weather conditions, which together provoke soil subsidence, which, according to scientists, is the cause of missing people .

8. Giant's Causeway, Ireland

The Giant's Causeway, or Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland is an amazing coastal area formed many centuries ago as a result of a volcanic eruption. It consists of approximately 40 thousand basalt columns that look like giant steps.

The natural attraction is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This place deserves admiration, which is why more than one thousand tourists from all over the world visit it every year.

9. Goseck Circle, Germany

The Goseck Circle is an ancient Neolithic structure in the German district of Burgenlandkreis. The circle was accidentally discovered in the early 90s of the last century while surveying the area from an airplane.

The original appearance of the building was restored only after complete reconstruction. Scientists have little doubt that the Goseck Circle was used for astronomical observations and calendaring. This proves that our ancestors also studied cosmic bodies, their movements and kept track of time.

10. Moai monuments on Easter Island

Easter Island is famous throughout the world for the giant Moai statues located throughout its territory. Each such megalithic figure is a large monument created by the masters of an ancient civilization in the crater of the local volcano Rano Raraku.

In total, about 1,000 remains of such man-made monuments were discovered on the island. Most have already gone under water.

Today, the vast majority of the statues are once again placed on platforms facing the ocean, from where they continue to greet visitors to the island and remind of the former power of the ancient people who inhabited these spaces.

Easter Island - Moai Message

11. Georgia Tablets, USA

The Georgia Tablets are 20-ton polished granite slabs with inscriptions in eight of the world's most famous languages. The inscriptions represent commandments for future generations on how to rebuild civilization after a global cataclysm. The monument was erected in 1979, the customer is listed in the documents under the name Robert C. Christian.

The height of the monumental structure is just over six meters, and the slabs are oriented towards the four sides of the world and have holes. In one of them you can see North Star at any time of the year, in the second - the Sun during the solstice and equinox. Several years ago, the monument was vandalized and was damaged by paint, which has not yet been removed.

12. Rishat (Eye of the Sahara). Mauritania

On the territory of modern Mauritania, the largest desert in the world hides an amazing natural phenomenon of the Proterozoic period, whose name is Richat or the Eye of the Sahara.

This object is incredibly huge (up to 50 kilometers in diameter), so it can be seen even from space. The structure consists of several ellipsoidal rings formed by sedimentary rocks and sandstones about 500 million years ago.

13. “Gateway to Hell” – Darvaza crater in Turkmenistan

In the Turkmen Karakum desert there is the Darvaza gas crater, which in appearance resembles a gate to hell. This fire pit, about 60 meters in diameter and up to 20 meters deep, is the result of excavations carried out here during the Soviet Union.

During such geological research, a group of scientists discovered an underground cavern with natural gas, which almost led to the death of a huge number of people. Therefore, the management decided to set fire to the gas so that it would not threaten local residents. But the fire, which was supposed to burn for no more than 5 days, is still burning, bringing fear to everyone who approaches it.

Brave people are ready to take selfies at the "Gates of Hell"

14. Arkaim, Russia

Arkaim is an ancient settlement, reminiscent of ancient civilizations, which was discovered several decades ago in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk. It is believed that this landmark of Russia is the birthplace of the ancient Aryans, who gave rise to European, Persian and Indian civilizations.

Arkaim is not only unique architectural monument With thousand years of history, but also a place of concentration of healing energy flows that can save a person from any disease.

15. Stonehenge, England

English Stonehenge is a real place of pilgrimage for tourists from all over the world. It attracts with its mystery, legends and mystical beginnings. Stonehenge is a megalithic structure up to one hundred meters in diameter, which is located on Salisbury Plain.

Almost every region of our country has its own rumors and legends about places where strange and inexplicable things happen: roads along which you can drive for hours and never get anywhere; mountains where local tribes performed sacrifices and where the spirits of the dead still roam and lakes where people disappear without a trace. Indeed, there are many such anomalies scattered across Russia from the Baltic states to Vladivostok. Many of them have a bad reputation, but this does not stop those who want to experience first-hand what it is like to encounter the unknown. We decided to study the most famous of the mysterious places on the map of Russia, and try to give a scientific explanation of the mystery of origin as far as possible, based on their nature and history of observations.

Moleb Triangle

This natural anomaly located near the village of Molebka; its dimensions are about 70 square km. According to village residents, a meteorite fell here in 1980. An expedition sent in 2003, which included scientists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, did not find anything, but declared: “there is something there.” Unusual natural phenomena do not stop in the Moleb Triangle: tourists and researchers observe multi-colored flashes, luminous objects and sound hallucinations. Often people there begin to have health problems: headaches and temperature fluctuations.

Village of Rastess

When through this village in Sverdlovsk region The Babinovsky tract passed through, connecting the European and Asian parts of Russia. There was a bad reputation about the village in which gold miners lived with their families: mysterious lights were seen here and they said that evil spirits lived here.
One fine (or rather terrible) day, all the villagers simply disappeared. And the local cemetery is frightening with the abundance of dug up graves. Local residents avoid the extinct village, and travelers try not to stay here for long.

Mountain of the Dead (Dyatlov Pass)

Between Mount Kholatchakhl (from Mansi “mountain of the dead”) and another unnamed peak is the infamous Dyatlov Pass. It was here that in February 1959, under still unclear circumstances, a group of tourists died under the leadership of Igor Dyatlov, after whom the pass was named. For some time, the cause of their death was said to be the local Mansi guarding the sacred mountain, and an accident during testing of new weapons and even UFOs. The real reason remained unknown, but the fact is that since then, people have died more than once in the Dyatlov Pass area, sometimes in whole groups.


There are also anomalous zones on the Kola Peninsula - the so-called Lovozero. Many expeditions that visited here noted mysterious distortions of time and space and changes in the Earth’s gravitational field. And local residents share stories about numerous evidence of the famous Bigfoot living here.

Death Valley (Vilyui)

Another disastrous place on the map of Russia is an area called Yeluyu Cherkechekh, which translated from Yakut means “Valley of Death”. The appearance of this anomaly is associated with the fall of the Tunguska meteorite. In the 1950s, seekers of Yakut gold stated that near the Algyi Timirnit River ("The Big Cauldron Has Drowned") they actually saw 7 huge cauldrons, as if made of copper, and from which trees even grew. Those brave souls who dared to spend the night in such boilers (supposedly the air in them is warmer than in environment) in the morning signs of radioactive exposure were detected.
There is a rational explanation for the emergence of boilers. For example, the presence of residual heat and radiation speaks in favor of the version of a fallen meteorite that broke up into 7 fragments.

Medveditskaya ridge

It is a chain of hills about 250 meters high, located near the city of Zhirnovsk in Volgograd region. What attracts attention to this ridge are the tunnels inside the hills, made by someone unknown. Local residents claimed that ball lightning was flying through the tunnels. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War the entrances to the tunnels were blown up, leaving in folklore legends about UFOs buried in their depths and countless treasures of treasures of the Volga robbers.

Damn Cemetery

At the junction of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk Region, slightly north of Lake Deshembskoye, there is Devil’s Glade. The Devil's Cemetery was first mentioned in the 1920s, when local residents discovered that cattle being driven into its territory were mysteriously dying, and people's health was rapidly deteriorating. Expeditions sent to these places either mysteriously disappeared or returned incomplete, none of whose participants wanted to talk about what happened. The cause of the anomaly is said to be a fallen cosmic body or a crashed UFO.

Lake Shaitan

The oval lake in the south of the Kirov region is amazingly beautiful, but local residents try to avoid it. The thing is that sometimes columns of water rise from the lake, like geysers. According to an ancient legend, a demon lives at the bottom of the lake, and when he gets angry, the water boils and splashes out in fountains.
The unusual behavior of the lake is easily rationally explained by its origin: the reservoir is a karst well. In its depths there are artesian waters under pressure. Pieces of peat that accidentally fall into the cracks of faults form plugs that fly out under high pressure, and fountains of water burst out to the surface without any regularity. Today, Lake Shaitan attracts many tourists and fishermen.


In the south of the Chelyabinsk region in the steppes, there is an ancient settlement abandoned about 4 thousand years ago. The city of Arkaim, burned, apparently by its own citizens, had a ring structure and was oriented by the stars. Many of those who wandered into the Arkaim valley saw mysterious lights, fireballs and flashes of light in the sky at night. Arkaim itself is said to have powerful energy that influences the consciousness of tourists who decide to visit this place.

Sasovo funnel

On April 12, 1991, not far from the city of Sasovo (Ryazan region), a strong explosion occurred, as a result of which the windows and doors of half the buildings in the city were broken by the blast wave. No traces of explosives could be found. The diameter of the resulting crater was 28 meters and the depth was 4 meters. On the night of the incident, eyewitnesses saw huge flying luminous balls in the area of ​​the explosion, and an hour before the explosion, a strange glow spread over the site of the future crater.
Experts associate the explosion of extraordinary force (according to estimates, at least 30 tons of TNT are needed to cause such damage) with a breakthrough in this place of a gas jet consisting mainly of hydrogen. Hydrogen, having entered the atmosphere, mixed with oxygen, forming a cloud of detonating gas, which exploded.

Peredelkino station, Kiev direction

The resting place of the French soldiers who retreated from Moscow in 1812 and died in the battle of Maloyaroslavets is not marked on the map. Finding an experienced guide, wandering through the wilderness for an hour or two and finally finding a clearing in a dry forest with grave shafts is not so bad. The most difficult thing is not to get scared and not to be pulled into the thicket when the clock starts jumping from noon to 6 pm, the grass begins to crumble under invisible feet. All the devices that record magnetic and electric fields are playing tricks here.

White Gods

White Gods town, Sergiev Posad district

Guides to mystical places promise a Russian Stonehenge in the local forest: supposedly there is a block of stone, 3 m high and 6 m long in diameter, at the foot of which they cut sacrificial lambs and maiden throats, sang the unknown gods of antiquity and asked for a good hunt. Apparently, the idol was buried long ago by the sands of time: there is not a single photograph, not a single reliable description of the altar. Mysticism - and that’s all!

Basurman crypts

Moscow, st. Hospital Val, metro station Baumanskaya

In the pestilence of 1771, Muscovites expanded their graveyards: there wasn’t enough for their own people, and then there was a whole German settlement supplying the dead. It was necessary to arrange a special cemetery for the Gentiles on the high bank of the Sinichka River (now it was hidden in a pipe). Far from their native land, among the gloomy Gothic tombstones and mossy porticos lie German musketeers, French hatters, and Polish bollards. On spring evenings, at dusk, the disconsolate melody of a flute rushes through the dark cemetery park. In the rain, an invisible musician cries notes until dawn to the sound of iron shackles from the grave of the doctor Fyodor Gaaz.

Beria's House

Moscow, st. Malaya Nikitskaya, 28/1, metro station Arbatskaya

After midnight, if you stand on the corner of Malaya Nikitskaya and Vspolny Lane, press yourself against the wall and hold your breath, you can hear an invisible car driving up, doors slamming and heavy footsteps. And it will be happiness if you hear the drunken laughter of an actress nearby, and not the groan of a repressed person. The chief security officer of the USSR, a master of torture, settled here in 1938 and lived until Stalin’s death and his disgrace in 1953.

From the local windows, Lavrenty Pavlovich looked out for pretty ladies and sent his gloomy assistant Sarkisov after them. Historians have counted more than two hundred citizens raped by the People's Commissar. Rumor has it that Beria was shot in the back of the head in his house during his arrest, and Tunisian embassy workers who moved here in the nineties discovered a torture chamber in the basement.

Lights over Sofrino

village Sofrino, Yaroslavl direction

They fly, and spin, and cut the sky with sharp rays - such different objects under common name UFO. In Sofrino, flying saucers, balls and other forms have been observed since the 1980s. There were dozens of eyewitnesses, there were even video recordings that disappeared in the archives of mysterious structures protecting the peace of ordinary citizens. You can see a UFO in the evening, closer to summer, when the air in the village is especially clear.

Sorcerer's Tower

Moscow, end of Sretenka street, Sukharevskaya metro station

Here in the 16th century there was the border of the city: the capital's huts ended, and then there was the Trinity Road. Here a watchtower was built, first from wood, and under Peter I from stone, according to all the rules of Italian serfdom: round, with a through passage. Peter's comrade-in-arms, the sorcerer-warlock Jacob Bruce, settled here. From an unprecedented 60-meter height, the alchemist observed the stars through a telescope and melted lead into gold. The sorcerer headed the "Neptune Society" for the study of science and mysticism. And Muscovites believed that Bruce owned a secret book that opens all gates and reveals all treasures, and before his death he walled it up in the tower wall. Later, Stalin ordered the tower to be dismantled brick by brick, trying to find the treasure, but hopes were not justified. Since then, the shadow of a dry old man in a wig has been flickering in the gateways of Sretenka in the hope that the tower will be rebuilt again.

Stinking Lake

Shatura, walk along the Polya River to the lake

Water mirror perfect round shape- nothing more than a crater from the fall of a meteorite with a diameter of 15 m. The disaster happened many thousands of years ago, so the old-timers’ claim that the church went under water is nothing more than a fiction. But geological anomalies in these places are abundant. The sub-lake lands emit hydrogen sulfide: that’s why the unsightly name, the reddish color of the water, and the lack of fish.

Fashion street

Moscow, st. Kuznetsky Bridge

About a hundred or two hundred years ago, Kuznetsky was the most fashionable street in the capital: dressed up milliners bustled around here, carriages of the nobility rumbled and younger sons squandered their inheritances. For the lost poor souls, the street of saloons, shops and casinos turned into a greedy maw, where passersby were merciless, the cobblestones were hard, and the bright shop windows were ominous. During the heyday of roulette and whist, people here too often thought about suicide. Soon a gray carriage began to drive around Kuznetsky at night, the driver of which offered cash-strapped players a ride for free. Those passengers were never seen again. In the age of cars and gasoline, you will no longer see a carriage on Kuznetsky, but the Frenchwoman Zhuzhu, the mistress of the philanthropist Savva Morozov, is playing pranks. It was the newspaper “duck” that ruined her: the young lady was hit by a cab when she rushed across the street to get a newspaper with a message about the death of her loved one. At midnight, journalists were barred from going to Kuznetsky.

Misers with Myasnitskaya

Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 17, Chistye Prudy metro station

On the site of this nondescript pre-revolutionary building, there once stood the house of the Kusovnikovs. Rich old people were famous for their exorbitant greed: they lived modestly, did not go on visits, and did not have servants. But at night they sat in a shabby convertible, a box with banknotes on their laps - and set off around the city. One day, while going to a distant estate, the misers hid a treasure in the janitor's room, where, without their knowledge, the servant lit a fire. The money burned overnight. As a result of the sad news, the wife immediately died, and since then the old man has been wandering around Myasnitskaya and whispering pitifully to passers-by: “Oh, my money, my money!”

Death Road

Pekhorka village, Lyubertsy-Lytkarino highway

Yes, the road is ribbed, bumpy, and narrow. But that’s not the only reason why drivers try to drive slower here, to avoid hitting someone. They say that from time to time strange pedestrians cross the highway: either an elderly lady waves a bony hand, or a transparent shadow flashes, or a traffic police inspector glares with burning eyes. It’s hard to say which of this is true, but research has shown that this place is unclean: there are ancient burials and cracks earth's crust, and the magnetic field “twists”.

Guilty without heads

With. Vozdvizhenskoe, Staro-Yaroslavskoe highway

They say that Princess Sophia, the power-hungry sister of Peter the Great, did not share the state with Prince Khovansky. According to other evidence - love. Whatever the reason, the result is known: in 1682, Prince Ivan Andreevich and his son were lured to the Trinity Monastery, captured and executed in a nearby village. To this day, offended by the unkind princess, the princes wander along the highways and scare late drivers. Some will be taken to the grave, some - if you're lucky - into a nearby ditch.

Plague Lane

Moscow, Prechistenka, Chertolsky lane, metro station Kropotkinskaya

Prechistenka was once called Chertolye: this was the name given to the deep ravine and stream that flowed in the place of the inhabited street. The ravine - therefore, Chertoroy, the devil dug. Pagans once lived here and made sacrifices to Perun. In 1656, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, who traveled this road to worship icons at the Novodevichy Convent, ordered the bad name to be changed to a pure one. But the holy land did not become holy: nearby, in an alley, they set up a Bozhedomka - a “poor house”, that is, a morgue to which the poor souls who passed away were taken without family or tribe. Here, under Stalin, the Church of the Savior Not Made by Hands was demolished: the dug up bags of bones lay for a long time in Chertolsky Lane. Now the typical Moscow school is in the dust. But the orphans and visitors did not want to rest in the Devil’s graves. To this day, black shadows still whisper in the alley at night, and dark old women from the local shelter for the poor, which was broken two hundred years ago, appear to schoolchildren.

Akterkin Ponds

Moscow, Ostankino estate, Telecenter building, VDNKh metro station

Television lands in the capital are considered harmful due to electromagnetic radiation many antennas. But the power here is more ancient and less accessible to understanding. Old Ostankovo ​​was a pagan, demonic place, which is why a cemetery for suicides was built here - hence the name. Later, the Sheremetev counts built an estate and a home theater here. The serf actresses lived a sad life: they suffered from consumption, they were flogged with rods, and in the end many drowned in the local ponds, which were nicknamed “actor’s ponds.” Now a residential high-rise building stands on the bones of drowned women, and a small building of the Television Center stands on the ancient graveyard. They say that for hundreds of years, before misfortunes and catastrophes, an old woman with a stick appears: either she will predict the death of Countess Sheremeteva, or a fire in the tower.

Although you and I live in a developed society, in the age of high technology, there are still many places on earth that have not been studied or explored by man. Such places are usually called anomalous. What's happening there is beyond belief scientific explanation. Scientists and specialists in various fields are trying to unravel the mysteries of these places, but all efforts are in vain. There are many of these places on our planet. Let's look at the most famous anomalous zones in Russia.

Map of anomalous zones in Russia

Death Valley

Death Valley is an anomalous area in Yakutia. It is located near the Vilyui River, in the Mirny district. This place has its own legend and many mysterious rumors that circulate among local residents. According to legend, mystical metal objects in the form of peculiar cauldrons are buried in this zone. There are several rooms of a strange design underground, and a small arch can be seen above the ground. These rooms are always warm, even when there are severe Yakut frosts on the surface. According to legend and numerous rumors, this place kills all living things that enter there.

These places are completely deserted. Local residents try to avoid them several miles away. According to their stories, everyone who tried to enter these rooms began to experience health problems, and those who tried to repeatedly spend the night in these rooms soon died for unknown reasons.

Expeditions of ufologists, geologists and all those who are not indifferent to this place were carried out repeatedly, however, it was never possible to find these secret rooms. In 2002, Yakut students, having heard enough legends and stories about the Valley of Death, decided to make an expedition. Almost all expedition members felt slightly unwell as soon as they arrived in these places. This manifested itself as slight weakness and dizziness. Not far from the flowing river, they managed to discover a mysterious metal structure that looked like a huge cauldron. The dimensions of the boiler were somewhere around 8-10 meters in diameter. But they were unable to find any underground rooms. The students tried to break off at least a piece from the structure, but the metal was so strong that even the strongest blows with an ax did not leave any dents on it. Around this structure grew unusually tall grass and huge burdocks.

Mountain of the Dead

This is one of the most famous places with strange anomalies in Russia. Lately There are a lot of legends and rumors about this place. The media and television very often tell stories related to this zone. This place is located in the northern part of the Urals in the Sverdlovsk region.

According to ancient beliefs, this is a bad place, and from the language of the ancient Mansi this place is translated as “Don’t go there.” In these places, inexplicable paranormal phenomena are often noticed, some attribute this to the tricks of the mystical evil spirits that live there, and others to the UFOs that frequent there.

This mountain is famous for the fact that 2 groups of tourists died there. Their death occurred under mysterious circumstances. The bodies were found not far from the tent in which they wanted to spend the night. They all had a strange reddish skin tone and a lot of damage internal organs. It was assumed that something frightened them, and they ran in wild terror in all directions. The mystery of their death has not yet been solved.

Lavozero tundra

Another anomalous zone, which is located on the Khibiny mountain range, on the Kola Peninsula in the Murmansk region. This place is famous for its rock called Angvundaschorr. There is a whole legend around it about how the giant Kuiva left the imprint of his huge body on this rock. According to legend, the pagan gods burned him because he caused a lot of trouble to the settlers who lived in those places. Since then, this place has been shrouded in secrets and mysticism, and has caused fear among local residents.

The top of the Angvundaschorr rock began to attract climbers. And many people tried to conquer her, but she did not submit to anyone. Most attempts ended in the death of experienced climbers. And in 1965, a group of people went on an expedition to these places. The group disappeared, and a few years later their remains were found. What caused their death still remains a mystery. A few years later, history repeated itself with another group, only now eleven people had already died. After this incident, all routes to those parts were strictly prohibited. More recently, the Lavozerskaya tundra became open again and began to attract climbers.

This strange cave is located in the Moscow region near the Silikatnaya railway station. That's why the cave got its name. During the war, the cave was equipped as a bomb shelter to protect civilians.

The legend about this place says the following. After the bombing, the shelter was badly damaged. One of the soldiers knew that his family was there and came there after the bombing. He saw a picture of people crawling out of the destroyed narrow entrance one by one. Suddenly a block of stone began to fall on the crawling people. The soldier threw himself under it and held this huge boulder until everyone crawled out. At the end, a block crushed him, however, when people moved this block, they did not find the remains of a soldier under it. Since then, the ghosts of the soldier and his family have been roaming the corridors of this cave. A lot of extreme sports fans who wandered through these corridors encountered ghosts. And everyone, as one, claims to have seen the ghost of a soldier and an elderly woman.

Lake Pleshcheyevo

In the Yaroslavl region, near the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky, there is a lake called Pleshcheyevo. The lake itself is unremarkable, but strange fogs often appear in its vicinity. According to eyewitnesses, these fogs are so thick that it is impossible to see anything beyond arm's length. Finding himself in such a fog, a person begins to see only one path, which leads him strictly straight, without turning anywhere. Walking along this path, various hallucinogenic experiences begin, which do not frighten, but have a positive connotation. The person falls into a kind of euphoria. When a person comes to his senses, he finds himself thrown back 20, and sometimes 30, kilometers from his original place.

On the lake itself, sometimes I also observe paranormal phenomena. For example, quite recently a group of tourists were relaxing on the shore of this lake. Suddenly they all noticed how a huge stone finger began to slowly grow out of the water. The vacationers were fascinated by this phenomenon. They all claimed that the finger appeared and disappeared within one minute, however, in reality three days passed.

Ufologists claim that a powerful bioinformation field is hidden in the depths of this lake.

Blue stone

Another anomalous place in the Yaroslavl region near the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky. There are many legends and stories associated with this stone. According to old legends, this huge stone contains an unbroken spirit that helps everyone make their dreams come true.

Initially, it was a sacred relic of the pagans; it was worshiped before baptism in Rus'. Early 17th century Orthodox Church I decided to get rid of the stone. He was buried in a very deep hole. But after a few years this stone appeared on the surface. How this could happen remains a mystery. A century later, people decided to lay this relic as the foundation of a church under construction. The stone had to be moved to the other side of the lake. He was loaded onto a large sleigh and driven across the ice. The ice could not stand it and the giant sank to the bottom of the lake. Over time, local residents who were fishing on the lake began to notice how the stone was moving towards the shore. A few decades later, the stone ended up on the shore, where it remains to this day.

Popov Bridge

An interesting structure in the form of a bridge over the Pesochnaya River, which is located in the southern part Kaluga region. According to legends, this bridge was cursed by an old witch, and not far from the bridge there is an old cemetery.

A lot happens on this bridge strange phenomena. Car engines on the bridge stall, horses and other animals for unknown reasons refuse to cross it. Local residents often see ghosts there. One day a story happened to a local resident. He was driving a car across this bridge, and an old man stopped him on the bridge and asked him for a ride to the village. Before reaching the village, the old man began to turn into a ghost, and soon disappeared from the car altogether. A few months later, that driver died.

Several night observations of the bridge were made, however, no anomalies appeared during the observation. But local residents unanimously claim that they regularly see all sorts of devilry there and hear strange sounds.

Shushmor tract

In the Moscow region there is another anomalous place, which is called “The Shushmor Tract”; it is called “Ushmor” for short. It's very old and scary place. For several centuries, people have been missing there. No remains or bodies are found. There were many attempts to at least somehow explain this, but nothing concrete was put forward.

Ushmor also amazes with abnormal vegetation. For example, grass, which usually does not grow higher than a human knee, grows here up to two meters. Some trees have square trunks or trunks of incredible thickness. There are no settlements near this place, it is an absolute wilderness.

Ufologists and other specialists constantly record anomalies here. Ball lightning, lights and strange sounds.

Solovetsky labyrinths

On the border of the Republic of Karelia and the Arkhangelsk region lies the huge Solovetsky archipelago, which includes more than a dozen islands different sizes. An anomalous feature of these places are the Solovetsky labyrinths. According to historical information, they were built back in the Stone Age.

By appearance they resemble peculiar spirals built of stones. In the central part of this spiral there is a small pile of stones. There are many versions of what these labyrinths could mean. According to one of them, these are old burial places of people, and they symbolize the transition of the soul from the world of the living to the world of the dead, and they also prevent evil spirits from entering our world from another world.

Myasnoy Bor

This is a large forest with marshy areas in the Nizhny Novgorod region. This anomalous place received the name “meat” due to the fact that during the Second World War so many soldiers died here. About a thousand of our compatriots and slightly less German soldiers. To this day, hundreds of corpses remain lying in the quagmire of these swamps. All this creates a scary and depressing environment.

According to eyewitnesses, ghosts, terrible screams and other sounds are encountered in these places. All these are the souls of restless soldiers. Birds do not fly in these places; even animals walk around this place for kilometers. Residents of nearby villages say that only the burial with honors of all the soldiers who died there will help get rid of these anomalies in the forest. But this, unfortunately, cannot be done.

Medveditskaya ridge

This place is a small bunch of dilapidated hilly mountains in the Volgograd region. The height of these mountains is small, not exceeding 400 meters. These places are full of mystical secrets; there are various legends and rumors of local residents about them.

An ancient burial site was discovered not far from this place big people. The approximate height of the person according to the found skeleton was 2 meters 60 centimeters. And on the opposite bank of the river that flows there, burials of very small people (60 centimeters) were discovered.

This place is very famous due to the statements of eyewitnesses who regularly observe UFOs there. Constantly appearing scorched on the grass big signs various forms. The Medveditskaya ridge is also famous for the accumulation of ball lightning. They form here very often, even in sunny weather. Fireballs sometimes behave very intelligently (moving along favorable trajectories, stopping for a while, combining into huge balls and setting trees on fire). These are favorite places for ufologists and paranormal hunters.

Moleb triangle

This anomalous zone is in the Perm region. One of the first to become officially anomalous in former USSR. This triangle is often compared to the well-known Bermuda Triangle. These places hide a huge number of secrets and mysticism.

Local residents have repeatedly observed UFOs of various shapes and sizes there. The sounds heard in these places travel for kilometers. Many claimed that time stood still in these places. In these surroundings there is a special place that people nicknamed “Vyselki”. Those who have been here claim that they saw mystical creatures and were constantly haunted by nightmarish visions.

Many expeditions were sent to these places. And all the people who visited there claimed that they were enveloped in an inexplicable fear, and their health deteriorated.

Devil's Glade

This anomalous place is located in the taiga of the Krasnoyarsk region. As the old-timers of these places say, this clearing appeared relatively recently, about a hundred years ago. This is how her appearance is described. A huge crack appeared in the ground, which began to blaze with strong fire and burn everything around it. Thick, bright black smoke billowed from this place for several weeks. When the flames subsided, a burnt out clearing with a black crevice formed. Since then, inexplicable phenomena began to occur in this place.

All animals that entered the clearing immediately died. Birds flying over her fell dead. Over time, this place became strewn with the bones of animals and birds, which created a very creepy picture. People approaching this place, several kilometers before it, were already beginning to experience fear and malaise.

Several dozen people died in these places. Several expeditions that were heading to the clearing for research went missing. This anomalous zone is full of secrets and mysteries that even modern man with his technology and scientific experience cannot solve.

By Guest - 04/12/2017 - 14:15

"UFO. 3. Podolsk. If you believe the numerous stories of local residents and the assurances of experts on anomalies, UFOs are very fond of the surroundings of Podolsk; the 47th kilometer of the Yaroslavl highway on the bank of the Pakhra River is considered one of the most anomalous places in Russia. Ufologists claim that this is a flight route UFO: they say, unidentified flying objects fly there like scheduled planes in our native skies of the Earth." - An obvious mistake. Podolsk is indeed located near the Pakhra River, but south of Moscow, and not on the 47th kilometer of the Yaroslavl highway. We are talking here about a place near the villages of Protasovo and Ogudnevo.

anomalous zones of the Moscow region

By Cap - 16/12/2017 - 21:29


The chapel in the Pavlovo-Posad district of the Moscow region has long been considered by the people as a lost, cursed, enchanted place. You ufologists call such places anomalous, geopathogenic zones. When I saw Chernobrov’s reports from such “zones” on TV, my first thought was: how is he not afraid to go into the abode of all sorts of devilry?

Devilry has nothing to do with it. On such expeditions there is always a risk factor of encountering terrestrial anomalies: radiation, heavy metals, ancient bacteria clogged in caves...

In 2008, there was a similar situation in the RUFORS expedition to the Kola Peninsula. While exploring the mines in Apatity, we found ourselves in a radioactive radiation zone. My friend's two years were very serious problems with health.

You yourself have worked a lot on the famous Molebka anomalous zone in the Perm region.

I am also an experimenter in life. For the time being (sighs). There is a lot in Molebka interesting anomalies. Both natural and associated with unknown factors that I cannot yet explain. Maybe the UFO really left a legacy? Old-timers talked about “circles of light.”

Witches, or what?

Witches, elves, fairies - this is what people call circles, rings of mushrooms, often poisonous. There is such a natural phenomenon. Light circles are also a purely terrestrial geoanomaly, described in science, and quite rare. They look like a faint glow in the twilight in the form of circles with a diameter of several meters. It is believed that in this way static electricity accumulates in the soil layer. On one of the expeditions to Molebka I met such a “circle”. I wondered what would happen if I stepped on it? I walked into the very center and received a strong electric shock. I toiled on my feet for two years. The so-called “Contactee Disease”.

What disease?

At one time, the famous ufologist Emil Bachurin compiled a special classification, describing many negative aspects that can happen to a researcher in anomalous and geopathogenic zones, as well as during close contacts with UFOs. In fact, this was the first domestic instruction on ufological safety precautions. But I checked it on myself, and now I know that it is impossible to enter such a circle.

Near Molebka in the Urals there is the mysterious Dyatlov Pass, the mystery of which Komsomolskaya Pravda is trying to solve. It is also considered a dead place.

Many legends and sightings of unusual objects are indeed associated with this Pass. But I think it is not appropriate to call this zone a lost place. A more interesting object is located near the Dyatlov Pass - Mount Chistop. At its top in the 80s there was a military radar station (radar station). There were a lot more “misunderstandings” going on there. The military themselves constantly reported increased electromagnetic activity, which actually burned out sensitive equipment, and they repeatedly observed luminous balls and strange glows. And the Mansi themselves, the indigenous inhabitants of these places, warned that Chistop, like the Dyatlov Pass area, is sacred and forbidden place. According to their legends, under Mount Chistop, giants sleep for the time being in ancient shelters.

Your fellow treasure hunters, who also love to wander through “lost places,” have a custom. Before picking up a coin or other treasures found in the ground, you must cross them and read a prayer to remove the spell of the previous owners. Do ufologists have similar protective rituals? Cross the same “circle of light” so that your legs don’t get shaky...

I honestly don’t know how well the trick of crossing an old coin picked up by treasure hunters works. This is more from the realm of fetishism. We rely more on science and instruments. If you see that the electromagnetic, gravitational, radioactive background is increased, you should turn on your mind and think - is it necessary to go to this place? Another thing is that we do not always protect ourselves. Because they are too passionate about the search process. Most often, the problem comes from the person himself, who incorrectly assesses the situation. And then conversations begin that the Dyatlov Pass is a lost place, aliens are abducting people on Molebka. Or they irradiate with harmful rays...

So, Vadim Chernobrov was ruined by risk? I was irradiated in an anomalous zone, the same Chapel, and developed leukemia...

The situation with Vadim cannot be called a thoughtless risk. This is a special category of people who put themselves on the altar of science without reserve. Even if it is an alternative science, not officially recognized today. But it will definitely be recognized, no matter after tens or hundreds of years. Ufology is a direction that can provide brilliant discoveries. This is what Vadim did. He always moved forward, regardless of his health. Even close friends did not always understand the danger he exposed himself to when he was exploring, for example, the radioactive Vitim fireball or UFO debris in the Sinai desert.

Chernobrov inspired many people. And I don’t know who can replace Vadim.

Vadim CHERNOBROV. The most famous ufologist and researcher of anomalous phenomena in post-Soviet Russia. Candidate technical sciences, aerospace aircraft design engineer. Back in 1980, a student at the Moscow Aviation Institute created a group to study anomalous phenomena. It has grown into the All-Russian scientific research public association “Cosmopoisk” with branches in many regions of the Russian Federation.

Organized expeditions to the areas of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite and the Vitim bolide, the Moleb anomalous zone, searched for Noah’s Ark on Mount Ararat and the “snow people” in Mountain Shoria, the “dragon” in the Tver Lake Brosno, “flying saucers” in Russia and abroad, studied the Kyshtym “the alien Alyoshenka”, mysterious crop circles and much, much more. In 1999, he took part in the Komsomolskaya Pravda expedition to the mysterious Lake Labynkyr in Yakutia, in the waters of which, according to legend, lives a monster like the Loch Ness, nicknamed the “Labykyr devil.” Conducted experiments with a “time machine”. Died at 51.

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