“No Entry” sign – is it always forbidden to drive under a “brick”? Prohibiting traffic signs

The sign, popularly referred to as “Brick,” prohibits any vehicle from moving in this direction.
Drivers of public transport carrying passengers along an established route have this right.
— in case of violation outside the roadway (for example, at a gas station), a fine of 500 rubles is imposed;
— the fine for driving under a “brick” in a one-way traffic zone will be 5 thousand rubles, or the culprit may lose his license for 4–6 months.
No such sanction is provided. However, the culprit will have to pay 1.5 thousand or 3 thousand rubles. in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol.
— if a repeated violation is detected by the camera, the culprit will receive a new fine of 5 thousand;
— and the traffic police inspector will have the right to take away your license for a year.
The procedure for imposing any fine provides for the opportunity to appeal within 10 days.
The requirements for signs and markings become mandatory from the moment they are installed and applied.
When faced with such a violation, you should write a statement to the traffic police. If a fine is imposed, it can be appealed.

The most severe, with minimum quantity The only exception is the “No Entry” sign.

Drivers also call it "Brick". Installed to prohibit movement in a certain direction.

Appendix 1 to the Rules traffic gives the designation to the “No Entry” sign, defines the coverage area, as well as exceptions.

Failure to comply with traffic rules results in administrative liability in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses.

What does it look like

The road sign "No Entry" has round shape with rectangle white on a red background. The color of the sign was not chosen by chance, as it allows you to maximally attract the attention of drivers and avoid unpleasant consequences as a result of entering the territory of its operation.

At what distance should the sign be placed? emergency stop– in its absence there is a fine?

Coverage area

The “brick” is installed:

  1. on roads that have a special lane for public transport, which makes it possible to limit the movement of other cars in the appropriate direction along a certain section;
  2. to indicate the direction of movement (entry/exit) in parking lots, rest areas on highways, gas stations and other areas, which helps to eliminate traffic difficulties and prevent accidents;
  3. to restrict entry to a certain section of the road.

The road sign “Entry prohibited” must be installed on the basis of legal requirements in accordance with the decision of the authorized body of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

The sign is mounted directly before an intersection, a U-turn, a driveway into a yard, etc. At the same time, the distance from the sign to the area covered by its action must be maintained. In a populated area, the distance is 25 m, while the sign is installed at a height of 2-4 m, outside it the range is 50 m, with a plate height of 1.5 to 3 m.

The distance from the roadway is at least 0.5 m. When installing a road sign, its visibility (at least 100 m), accessibility to the eye (should not be obscured by trees, shields, buildings and other obstacles) is taken into account.

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The “No Entry” sign is installed in clearly regulated places and prohibits the movement of all vehicles in its coverage area.

However, there are a number of exceptions according to the rules of the road. Thus, the road sign does not apply to vehicles moving in a certain direction (route), namely:

  • buses;
  • trolleybuses;
  • minibuses;
  • trams.

"Brick" does not apply to taxis. An exception is the sign that has the additional entry “Except for clients...”.

Punishment for violation

There is liability for driving into the area covered by the “No Entry” sign, which is regulated by the Code of Administrative Offences. Depending on the situation, the type of punishment may be different. As a rule, a driver faces a fine or deprivation of his driver’s license for such a violation.

If the “Entry prohibited” sign is installed to determine one-way traffic on the road, and the driver enters the zone of its coverage, a fine of 5 thousand rubles is imposed on him.

By decision of the authorized body, punishment in the form of deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of 4 to 6 months may also be applied. These sanctions are regulated by Art. 12.16.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

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If the driver drove into the lane for public transport into the coverage area of ​​the “Entry prohibited” road sign, penalties are provided in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses, in particular Art. 12.17. The driver will have to pay 1.5 thousand rubles. At the same time, the amount of monetary penalty for Moscow and St. Petersburg is 2 thousand rubles.

If traffic is violated in the yard, gas station, rest areas, etc., the driver faces an administrative fine for driving under a brick in the amount of 500 rubles, as specified in Art. 12.16.1.

For repeated violation of traffic rules - driving under the “No entry” sign, an administrative fine of 5 thousand rubles is provided, if the illegal act is recorded by technical means of registration (video and photo recording). If a driver is stopped by a traffic police inspector, a more severe punishment is applied - deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for up to 1 year.

Drawing up a protocol and appealing it

If a driver is stopped by a traffic police officer on the spot, an administrative violation report is drawn up, which includes the data of the traffic police inspector and the citizen who violated the traffic rules. Next, the reason for drawing up the document, the article and the circumstances of the unlawful act must be indicated. Next, explanations are taken from the driver and entered into the protocol.

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At the end, the date of preparation and signature of the parties is indicated. In case of disagreement with the specified information and guilt, the driver may indicate this in the protocol. If a citizen refuses to sign the paper, an additional paper is drawn up about this. If the offense was recorded by video and photographic cameras, the photographs are attached to the case file.

The driver is given a copy of the protocol, and the original is sent to the courts. Based on the document, a decision is made, which is sent to the citizen who violated the traffic rules within three days.

After receiving the enforcement order, the driver can pay the fine or appeal it.

In the first case, a citizen can, with the help of banking institutions or Internet resources, repay the collection with a 50% discount within 20 days after the decision is made. However, this benefit does not apply to a repeat offense (driving under a brick on a one-way road).

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In the second case, the driver can appeal the enforcement decision within 10 days after its issuance. To do this, it is necessary to send a corresponding petition to the judicial authorities. When writing an application, it is important to indicate all the details and circumstances that are subject to appeal.

Andrey Sokolov

Articles written

The road sign with the image of a brick on a bright red background was made specifically to prohibit the entry of cars. If you see such a sign, it means that there is an area nearby where you cannot drive or leave vehicles. The fine for driving under a “brick” is from 500 rubles. However, in special cases The result of such behavior may be the deprivation of the driver's license for a certain period.

What does the “No Entry” road sign mean?

The “brick” sign is a prohibitory sign (3.1). It can be located in a nearby area (for example, in a parking lot), on a one-way road, or in other places. It is mandatory for all motorists, except drivers of buses, trolleybuses or minibuses.

Passing under the “brick” sign is only possible in strictly defined by the rules cases and their violation threatens drivers with a substantial fine.

Most often the violation occurs:

  • when entering a public transport lane;
  • when driving into the courtyard area and between houses;
  • when turning at a break in the median strip with a lawn;
  • at the exit from a gas station or parking lot.

There are different amounts of fines for violations. The most severe punishment can be deprivation of rights for up to six months, and if the “brick” is repeatedly ignored and an emergency situation is created, up to one year.

Road signs: types and meaning

Prohibitory symbols on roads are often similar. In order not to confuse them, it is worth repeating once again how one pointer differs from another. For example, the famous “brick” clearly prohibits entry into the territory, and the very similar “No Traffic” sign imposes a ban not only on getting in, but also on leaving. It looks like a red circle on a white background and does not apply to minibuses and disabled vehicles.

The “brick” should not be confused with the indicator prohibiting the movement of mechanical means (tractor, etc.). The symbol is an image of a car in a red circle. It does not apply to ordinary passenger vehicles driven by a non-mechanical engine. A similar sign exists for freight vehicles, as well as for motorcycles, cyclists and even pedestrians. Prohibitory signs can restrict the movement of freight vehicles, prohibit overtaking and indicate danger around a bend.

In addition to prohibition signs, there are warning and priority signs. Sometimes a symbol simply carries some information, although from the outside it may seem that it is communicating a prohibition. Only after examining the sign as a whole can you make a decision on the road. Prohibitory symbols are always outlined in red so that they can be seen from afar.

What does a “No Entry” road sign look like and what does it mean?

The sign, which is popularly called a “brick,” officially bears the name: “No Entry.” It looks like a red circle with a white rectangle against it. There are usually no backlights for such signs, but they are tried to be placed in well-lit places and in a visible area.

In some cases, the mark does not apply to:

  • buses (including route buses);
  • trolleybuses;
  • trams.

This symbol is used primarily to prevent motorists from speeding into one-way traffic. They also install it at gas stations to facilitate the entry and exit of cars in large numbers. You can also see “bricks” in the courtyards of houses where children play.

In certain situations, a bus or minibus can drive past a brick sign, if necessary. Sometimes the sign indicates the time when the ban is in effect (for example, from 15.00 to 18.00). This means that the rest of the time you can still drive under the sign (for example, to leave the courtyard area).

The fine for “brick” is intended to discipline drivers. However, this is one of the most frequently violated signs, especially in parking lots, gas stations and courtyards. As a rule, the violation is recorded by video cameras. After this, within three days a letter from the traffic police arrives to the driver’s address with photographic evidence and a request to pay the fine. You can check the presence of a fine by looking at the information system on the Internet. In particular, a service for checking fines exists on the official website of the traffic police.

Where and how should the “brick” sign be located?

The prohibition sign must be visible from all sides. In most cases, its task is to limit oncoming traffic for the safety of general traffic, so it is located only in special places.

“Brick” is placed on the roads:

  • with one-way traffic to prevent oncoming traffic;
  • with several separated roadways;
  • with a minibus lane sign;
  • to deny entry;
  • to separate entry and exit (for example, from a gas station).

It is not uncommon to see a “No Entry” sign on the roads. Not everyone knows what exactly it means and how to correctly follow its instructions. And what penalties may be for the corresponding violation. In general, everyone needs to know the traffic rules. Otherwise, fines and sometimes even deprivation of a vehicle or license for a certain period cannot be avoided. How does the "No Entry" sign work? What does he look like? Are there exceptions to the rules? And what will be the corresponding violation? We now have to find out about all this.


Let's start with the simplest. Namely, what form road sign"No entry". What does he look like? All drivers need to know this.

What road sign prohibits entry into the territory? It's a red circle with a white rectangle inside it. This is exactly what the sign described in the article looks like. In common people he received very interesting name- "brick".

Now we have found out what shape the “No entry” road sign is. But how does it work? And what is the driver entitled to for violating this traffic rule?


It’s worth noting right away that this “brick” does not apply to all vehicles. But only for some. More precisely, there are exceptions to the rules that do not occur very often.

The thing is that the “No Entry” sign applies to all cars. And in general, to all vehicles that move on roads and roadways. True, as already mentioned, there are exceptions. There aren't very many of them. And it is generally accepted that the “brick” works for almost all drivers.

Exception to the Rule

Please note that the “No Entry” sign also has exceptions, as already mentioned. But in what cases does it not work? Only when we are talking about route “cars”.

Buses, trolleybuses, minibuses and trams are not covered by the “brick”. Any means intended for transportation on route flights. But with taxis (private) everything is much more complicated. Some claim that our “brick” does not affect them. Although practice shows the opposite. The “No Entry” sign also applies to private transportation companies. With rare exceptions, when there is no clarifying sign under the corresponding sign. For example, "except for clients." A fairly common phenomenon that can protect you from punishment.


There is another useful sign that can drag you into certain troubles. It is found a little less frequently than the first. The point is that, according to traffic regulations, the signs “Entry prohibited” and “Traffic prohibited” are in effect. The second “symbol” is also worthy of attention.

What does he look like? In the previous case, everything is clear - it’s a circle with a white “brick” in the center (for its appearance This is what people called him - “brick”). What about the movement prohibiting symbol?

In reality, it looks like just a white circle with a red "edge". That's all. In terms of its effect and penalties for its violation, it differs from the previous case. "No driving" does not apply to vehicles driven by disabled people. And for vehicles transporting people with disabilities, including minibuses and regular buses and cars.


The “No Entry” sign, as you can see, has exceptions. It also “observes” a certain coverage area. In what specific cases can a “brick” be installed? Sometimes it’s better to play it safe and not drive to suspicious places to avoid getting a fine.

So, the first point to consider is the traffic on the road. Typically, according to traffic regulations, a “No Entry” sign is installed in areas with one-way traffic. For example, at the entrance. If there is a dedicated lane, then route vehicles can and should move along it.

Nothing difficult about this issue no for understanding. Just keep in mind that if you see sign 3.1 ("No entry"), the exceptions do not apply to you, it is better to avoid this road. Or just try not to “get caught” by DVRs and security cameras installed on the streets. Otherwise you will have to pay for the violation. Punishments may vary. What exactly can you encounter?

Deprivation of rights

So we found out which road sign prohibits entry into a particular territory. And I also had a chance to meet some exceptions. But not yet with the punishments that worry citizens so much. But now we will fix this.

The point is that, as has already been said many times, the “brick” is capable of imposing various sanctions on the violator. Some of them are simple, but some will bring a lot of problems. For example, quite often there is such a measure as deprivation of a driver’s license.

The effect of the “Entry prohibited” sign, as practice shows, is most often kept silent. And improvident, inattentive drivers often violate traffic rules. If you drive on a one-way road in the opposite direction, your license will be revoked. For how long? For about six months. In general, everything here will be decided on the spot. You can “get off” with a 4-month deprivation of rights. It doesn’t matter how exactly you “jump out” to meet other drivers - directly or in reverse. You will still be punished.

Lane for minibuses

Violations such as driving a car in a lane intended for traffic and stops of route transport often occur. And just this action is punished with a “ruble.” To what extent exactly?

It all depends on your region of residence. So, for travel on the strip of minibuses in cities federal significance, the driver is given a fine of 3,000 rubles. Not too much, but not too little either. For example, if the violation was committed in St. Petersburg or Moscow.

The rest of the situation is much simpler. The “Entry prohibited” sign also provides for punishment for driving in the route lane as a fine. But in this case, the amount is already two times less - 1,500 rubles. Regardless of your city. The main thing is that it is not of federal significance. Although, if you constantly break the rules, then sooner or later you will be deprived of your driver’s license and vehicle in principle.

Surrounding areas

The “Entry prohibited” sign also applies to the immediate surrounding areas. If this rule is violated, you can be sure that you will be fined. But not in all cases. Sometimes there are rare exceptions.

The fine for a “No Entry” sign, to be honest, is not that big. Rather, like any other monetary penalty that can be paid “on the spot.” The thing is that you will be required to pay only 500 rubles for entering the territory adjacent to the “brick”. This is perhaps the simplest punishment of all.

When this is a one-time violation, and before you were a law-abiding citizen, you can “get off” with a regular warning. It has already been said that this practice is not observed too often. But it does happen.

Please note that when entering under a “No Entry” sign, or rather, into adjacent territories, no confiscations can be made. No one has the right to take away a vehicle or license. This is illegal. Be aware of this rule. After all, such omissions can bring a lot of troubles and problems in the future. Practice indicates that police very often immediately try to take away a driver’s license or send the car to an impound lot.

Huge payouts

Another situation is punishable by a fine. We are talking about a case that is already familiar to us - driving towards other cars with one-way traffic on the road. As mentioned earlier, your driver's license may be taken away for up to six months. But you can “get off” a little differently.

How? Just pay a huge fine. On at the moment it is 5,000 rubles. Practice shows that this kind of phenomenon is very often observed. And citizens are more willing to pay fines than to remain without a driver’s license for 6 months.

Pay attention to one very interesting fact- in this situation, the only punishment can be applied. No one has the right to take away your rights and at the same time demand you pay a large fine. This is illegal. There are exceptions, but to do this you need to be a “malicious” traffic violator who already has problems with the law. Thus, the driver is able to protect himself and his rights. The main thing is to know what kind of punishments are prescribed in certain situations. You can carry the Code of Administrative Offenses with you to point out specific provisions and articles if representatives of law enforcement agencies are trying to prove their case to you.

Summing up

From now on, we understand which road sign prohibits entry into a particular territory. And about what kind of punishments are imposed for violating this rule. Practice shows that very often drivers have no idea that not in all cases they have the right to take away their driver’s license or confiscate the vehicle. Therefore, it is worth brushing up on the traffic rules.

In general, the punishment for driving under a “brick” can be different. And just a warning for the first time, and a small fine. Or huge payments to the state treasury. But the most unpleasant thing here is the deprivation of a driver's license. Few people manage to avoid this kind of punishment. In some cases, you can pay the fine and continue to enjoy life. Law enforcement agencies cannot punish both “rubles” and some kind of deprivation at the same time. Take this into account. Otherwise, you can be left without money and without a car for quite a long time.

In general, know your rights on the road and the rules of behavior on the roadway. This knowledge will help you avoid trouble. If necessary, as already mentioned, you can take the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with you. This “collection of laws” can help you out in any given situation. Just try not to break traffic rules and be a law-abiding citizen.

The main road signs used to regulate traffic have many similarities in different countries. One of the most recognizable of these signs is a red circle with a white horizontal rectangle located in the center. Because of its resemblance to a popular building material, drivers call it “brick.”

It can be found both in urban environments and outside populated areas. For greater information content, the index can be supplemented with signs, placing them below.

Let’s figure out what the “brick” road sign means. The main purpose of the installation is to prohibit entry in a certain direction for most vehicles. However, it is important to note that there are exceptions to this rule. The blocked section of the path includes not only the adjacent path, but also traffic on a single-lane oncoming lane.

It is important to pay attention to the sign when it is located near a dedicated lane for public vehicles, where traffic of ordinary cars is not allowed.

In the Traffic Rules, the “entry prohibited” road sign is located in paragraph 3.1. It is customary to place it where it is necessary to block traffic in a specific direction. The red color is visible from afar, so once you notice it, you should look for other ways to drive in the desired direction.

According to regulatory documents and current traffic regulations, installation is permitted in the following cases:

  • On a road where there is a public transport lane. Thus, the creation of congestion in urban areas is not allowed.
  • In one-way traffic conditions, blocking entry from the opposite side. Often such sites are chosen in the city center on boulevards. Installation is carried out on one side of the road.
  • When regulating entry/exit to a parking area, rest areas or gas stations.
  • Preventing entry into a certain lane or a certain section of the road. In this case, under the round sign there is usually a rectangular picture in the form of a sign 8.14 “Traffic Lane” in the form of a black arrow on a white background, pointing down.

It is important to know that on single-lane sections where there is a left exit, the sign can also be installed on the left.

If it is intended to install a prohibitory sign in the area between two intersections, then it is customary to first install a preliminary sign 3.1 along with an information plate. It describes the distance from a specific point to the beginning of the section with the expected danger, as well as the place where the corresponding restriction was introduced or other objects along the way.

Exemptions in effect

Although the “brick” sign in the traffic rules refers to prohibitory signs, it allows for exceptions when used. When moving around the city, every driver should know them. Exceptions do not include drivers who live behind an established sign or those who need to park in a restricted area for business reasons. In such situations, the responsibility is shifted to the traffic police inspector who noticed the violation.

Experts say that among the permissible situations, which include the possibility of driving under prohibitory sign 3.1, there are no diseases, the needs of the human body, provocative road situations and other things. The presence of the sign is prohibited for the vast majority of car owners. Legal vehicles that are allowed to flout the sign in certain situations include:

  • city ​​buses;
  • trolleybuses/trams;
  • other route municipal vehicles.

When the driver has instructions issued by local authorities to move along the established route, he has the right to ignore the “brick”. However, he must have documentary evidence of permission. In any other situation, moving under the sign is unacceptable. Before leaving, you need to check its availability.

It is worth considering that the sign also applies to private carriers. This is worth considering when driving. You should also take into account the information plate under the red disc with a white rectangle. It sometimes helps to filter vehicles, for example, by indicating “except for company clients.” This will keep drivers safe.

Sign prevalence area

It happens that on a driver’s usual daily route there are prohibited passages, accompanied by characteristic signs. After the decline of emotions, you have to figure out how to act in such a situation and how to look for a way out of the current situation. The most common solutions are two options:

  • Take a different road in search of a detour.
  • Make an official request to the traffic police inspector for advice on travel under the current conditions.

When looking at the photo of the “brick” sign, it is worth considering that the sign has a limited coverage area and allows for some exceptions. However, in doubtful situations, you should not take risks in order not to receive a fine.

“Brick,” as it is often called by people for its similar shape and red color of the sign, is the most categorical in the rules of the road.

The sign prohibits the entry of any vehicles into a certain territory or section of the road in a certain direction.

An exception to this rule is the passage of fixed-route vehicles, namely, minibuses, trams, trolleybuses, and buses.

In this article:

Prohibition sign 3.1

Failure to comply with traffic rules, unfortunately, is a fairly common occurrence on the roads not only in large but also in small cities.

In addition to the fact that these actions constitute a direct violation of the current law, they can also lead to varying degrees of accidents that threaten human life and health.

Taking into account all the clarifications and comments, driving under the “brick” is qualified under Article 12.16, Part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offences. No matter how stupid it may sound, traffic police inspectors indiscriminately draw up reports left and right, and the courts deprive them of their rights.

First, let's figure out where this sign is installed and why.

The coverage area of ​​the “No Entry” sign extends from the place where the sign is installed to the nearest intersection behind the sign, and in a populated area, if there is no intersection, to the end settlement.

Sign 3.1 is installed:

  • on roads that have a specially designated lane for public transport (to prevent entry towards the general traffic flow);
  • in order to delimit entry and exit in parking lots, public recreation areas, gas stations and other areas, in order to eliminate traffic obstruction and avoid emergency situations;
  • to restrict the entry of vehicles into a separate traffic lane or a separate road section.

The location of this sign also has certain nuances. Thus, a sign prohibiting entry into the lane for traffic in the opposite direction is installed with a sign in this direction above this lane or directly next to it.

If a sign is installed on a section of road with one-way traffic between intersections, then “Brick” is placed at the beginning of the section of opposite traffic, usually on the right. Prohibition signs are also often installed in areas adjacent to separate entry and exit points.

Fines for entering under a prohibiting sign and possible deprivation of rights

This type offenses are regulated by the norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and provide for different size imposed sanctions up to and including deprivation of control of the vehicle.

Quite often signs 3.1. found in shopping centers and at the exits of gas stations.

The purpose of this sign is to prohibit entry to this particular section of the road in order to ensure uninterrupted entry of other vehicles.

When sanctions are minimal

In this case, violation of the requirements of sign 3.1 does not entail driving either into the lane of oncoming traffic or onto the side of the roadway intended for oncoming traffic.

In this case, we can unequivocally assert a violation, liability for which is provided for in Art. 12.16 part 1 of the Administrative Code. In a situation where we are talking about driving under a “brick” into a lane intended for public transport, there is also an offense under Art. 12.16 h. 1 Code of Administrative Offences.

There is no exit from the adjacent territory into oncoming traffic or onto a one-way road, provided that there was no information.

Since road sign 3.1 in this case was not installed and did not restrict the movement of vehicles. Drawing up a report and further deprivation of a driver’s license will be illegal.

In particular, if traffic rules are violated regarding entry into an adjacent territory, for example a gas station, then you can get off with a fine of 500 rubles (Part 1, Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Or, for the beautiful female eyes, if the driver is a woman, and the kindness of the traffic inspector, you may only receive a warning.

5 thousand rubles or imprisonment for a “No Entry” sign

Moving towards the general flow is punished much more severely; in this case, you will be required to pay 5,000 rubles to the state income or become a pedestrian for 4 to 6 months (Part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

If the driver repeatedly commits this offense, he may be deprived of driving the vehicle for a period of one year (Part 3.1 of Article 12.26 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Please note that if the offense was recorded by technical means of recording, then in this case you will receive a “chain letter” in the amount of 5,000 rubles.

As a result, the amount of the fine determined by the court will take into account the specific circumstances of the violation.

When movement within the area of ​​the sign will not be considered a violation

The legislation provides for a certain case of driving under a brick in the opposite direction to traffic, but only in reverse.

For example, you are driving along a one-way road and accidentally overshot a turn by literally ten meters. In this situation, you can carefully turn on the emergency signal, without interfering with the general flow, and begin to move back into your ill-fated turn.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the “brick” is the most respected prohibitory sign among motorists, since in many cases it carries important function traffic safety and security.

And accordingly, if you ignore it, you can have not very pleasant consequences for your wallet and comfortable movement.

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