Logbook of fire alarm malfunctions. Fire alarm maintenance Automatic fire alarm log

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Calculation of the cost of fire alarm maintenance.

After the installation process of a fire alarm, constant maintenance is required for the full and correct functioning of the entire security system. Our company provides maintenance of fire alarms; automatic systems fire extinguishing systems, smoke removal systems, maintenance of fire hydrants and shields of office centers and fuel and entertainment centers, administrative buildings, production and storage facilities, private and multi-apartment buildings, as well as objects for other purposes.

Currently, there are many types of fire extinguishing systems using various extinguishing agents and related equipment. For more than 10 years, our company has been performing maintenance and repair of all existing fire extinguishing systems:

  • Maintenance of internal fire water supply
  • Maintenance of automatic fire extinguishing installations

Fire alarm maintenance - prices.

Prices for the maintenance of the powder fire extinguishing system.

Every system requires professional and quality maintenance to remain efficient and operational. Our company offers favorable conditions and high quality service.

It is necessary to ensure regular maintenance of the fire alarm system due to the fact that each element of the system is equipped with extremely sensitive sensors, which can fail at the slightest influence on them. A damaged sensor can endanger living people. If the fire detector is damaged, then a reasonable question arises: Why is a fire alarm needed if it does not work properly? Systematic maintenance of the entire fire safety system will ensure its smooth functioning.

As a rule, the technical inspection of fire alarms is carried out by highly qualified specialists, competent and licensed in this field.

For the most part, maintenance is carried out by organizations that install fire alarm systems. But we recommend concluding an agreement for the maintenance of fire alarms with our company, we have a special license to carry out such activities (the license was issued by the Ministry of Emergency Situations). But most importantly, when involving our specialists, you will have no doubts about their professionalism and competence in this matter.

When concluding a contract, we must prescribe the following points:

  • Period of maintenance
  • The frequency with which the relevant services will be provided
  • How will a specialist get access to a fire alarm?
  • The possibility of an emergency call of a specialist in unforeseen situations is registered

In the event that the fire safety system used is not included in the list of technical means prescribed in the "Industry Enlarged Forms", the terms for the maintenance are set on the basis of the technical documentation of the equipment used.

"Instructions for the operation and repair of automated fire protection systems in residential buildings high-rise buildings" fully prescribes the terms for the maintenance of smoke exhaust systems in multi-storey buildings. Fire alarm. Maintenance and current repair regulations.

What are the regulated activities?

The regulated fire alarm maintenance work depends on the type of equipment used and is described in detail in RD 009-01-96. The contractor must take into account all the features of the equipment used by the customer.

The contractor at each maintenance should be interested in the customer about possible malfunctions of the system observed during operation, with a view to their further elimination.

The responsibilities of the performer include:

  • Checking the fire safety system for operability
  • Complete check of the alarm system for troubleshooting purposes
  • Checking relevant documentation

The results of the technical work carried out by the employee of the service company are entered into special acts:

  • "Act for the work performed on the initial examination of automatic fire extinguishing installations, smoke removal, security, fire and fire alarm systems"
  • "The act of the initial inspection of automatic fire extinguishing installations, smoke removal, security, fire and security and fire alarms"

In the event that a specialist discovers faulty or defective devices, the contractor must describe in detail all necessary information in the "Defective Statement".

A fire alarm system maintenance company, based on the work performed, can recommend to its customers:

  • Write-off of damaged or failed equipment
  • Carrying out equipment repairs
  • Extend the life of the equipment, and determine the date of the next scheduled inspection

Maintaining a fire alarm maintenance log.

Maintenance of fire alarm systems is a responsible job that requires careful recording. For these purposes, both parties to the contract must have two exactly the same journals, the entries in which should not differ. This journal is called - "Journal of registration of works on MOT and R".

Inspecting authorities have the right to demand this log from both parties for reconciliation of records. The integrity of the document and its reliability is ensured by page numbering and obligatory stitching with certification by seals of both sides.

The log should include:

  • Briefing on safety precautions for the operation of fire alarm systems
  • Disabling and enabling the system or its individual parts, for the purpose of repair work
  • A record of the complete shutdown of the entire fire safety system for its repair (in this case, it is necessary to separately notify the State Fire Supervision authorities)
  • End of maintenance

Based on the results of the maintenance, the following entry is made in the logs: “The unit (s) was (s) handed over to the Customer in working condition for further operation in automatic mode.”

Helpful information

Automated alarms help provide timely information about a fire, strengthen fire safety. To be sure of the operation of the devices, it is necessary to check them periodically.

The results are recorded in a specially designated journal, designed in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Is it necessary to lead

A fire alarm service log must be present at every enterprise where fire detectors are installed. When filling it out, you should follow the centralized recommendations for design and content.

Samples of the fire alarm malfunction register and other documents reflecting the complex of security and fire measures are a guide for responsible employees.

The first manager is responsible for the regularity of inspections and analysis of the state of the system.

What information is shown

The log should reflect all actions to ensure the effective operation of the alarm. So, after checking, a specialist visit, records are made about the technical condition of the device, the presence of malfunctions, and their elimination.

It is important that the wording fully and objectively reflect the specifics of the inspection or repair procedure carried out; nuances revealed during the inspection of the detectors and checking the success of their operation.

A fuzzy, subjective impression of the state of the system can, in the event of incidents, lead to catastrophic consequences.

The following types of work are mandatory:

  • appearance assessment;
  • checking the strength of fasteners, contacts;
  • inspection of the control unit on the panel, detectors, remote control, warning elements, loops;
  • checking the operation of each node;
  • control of the state of the main and spare power sources;
  • identifying the effectiveness of switching from one power source to another.

Any form of control is indicated by an entry in the fire alarm maintenance log. Maintenance of the complexes is carried out by licensed specialists of service centers with whom the company has an agreement.

The competence of representatives of service companies includes instructing the customer on the competent maintenance of alarm devices, issuing recommendations for operation, making entries in the log book, which is kept by the head of the enterprise - the customer of services.

Entries are made at least once a month. Mandatory fix the date; type of repair or maintenance procedure; technical condition of individual nodes, the system as a whole.

Enter data on the specialist who conducted the control check, adjustment; data on the employee of the enterprise responsible for the operation of the alarm system.

The entered information is confirmed by the signatures of a specialist service center and customer. The document contains numbered pages, stitched, certified by the signature and seal of the enterprise. You can study the sample to be sure of correct management.

False positive actions

Fixing the signs of a fire, the system immediately works. The responsible employee is the first to react to this, who must open the remote control, turn off the alarm and mute buttons, and report the emergency to the first manager.

It happens that the signal is false. Then it is reported to the leader; report to the service organization; record the false alarm in the log. By the number of records of false signals, it is easy to understand that the system is acting up and needs to be examined.

Panic button test

Special attention should be paid to the functioning of the panic button, which is designed to automatically transmit information about incidents to fire services.

Records about the health of the alarm are entered into a log, which records the time and results of the check, data about the operator who received the control message.

When ignoring the requirements for maintaining documentation, the enterprise is punished with penalties.

registration of maintenance work




area, shop

registration of maintenance work
and repair of automatic fire extinguishing installations,
smoke removal, security and fire protection


(Object name)

Started on "__" __________________

Graduated on "__" ________________


Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 181-FZ



Article 12. Labor protection service in the organization

1. In order to ensure compliance with labor protection requirements, to monitor their implementation in each organization carrying out production activities with more than 100 employees, a labor protection service is created or a position of a labor protection specialist with appropriate training or experience in this field is introduced.

2. In an organization with 100 or less employees, the decision to create a labor protection service or introduce the position of a labor protection specialist is made by the employer, taking into account the specifics of the activity of this organization.

If there is no labor protection service (labor protection specialist) in the organization, the employer concludes an agreement with specialists or organizations providing services in the field of labor protection.

3. The structure of the labor protection service in the organization and the number of employees of the labor protection service are determined by the employer, taking into account the recommendations of the federal body executive power in charge of labor protection issues.

Article 15. Obligations of an employee in the field of labor protection

The employee is obliged:

comply with labor protection requirements;

correctly apply means of individual and collective protection;

be trained safe methods and methods of performing work, briefing on labor protection, internships at the workplace and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;

immediately notify their immediate or superior manager of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, of any accident that occurs at work, or of a deterioration in their health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);

undergo mandatory preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic (during employment) medical examinations(surveys).

Article 17. Providing employees with personal protective equipment

1. At work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, as well as at work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with contamination, employees are issued certified personal protective equipment that flushes and neutralizes in accordance with the standards approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. Acquisition, storage, washing, cleaning, repair, disinfection and neutralization of personal protective equipment for employees are carried out at the expense of the employer.

Article 18. Training in labor protection and professional training in labor protection

1. All employees of the organization, including its head, are required to undergo labor protection training and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. For all persons entering work, as well as for persons transferred to another job, the employer (or a person authorized by him) is obliged to instruct on labor protection, organize training in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims.

3. For persons entering work with harmful or dangerous working conditions, where, in accordance with labor protection legislation, professional selection is required, the employer provides training in safe methods and techniques for performing work with internships at the workplace and passing exams, and in the process of labor activities - conducting periodic training on labor protection and testing knowledge of the requirements of labor protection.

4. The state shall promote the organization of training on labor protection in educational institutions of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education and primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and postgraduate vocational education.

5. The state provides vocational training labor protection specialists in educational institutions secondary vocational and higher vocational education.

Article 24. Responsibility for violation of labor protection requirements

Persons guilty of violating labor protection requirements, failure to fulfill labor protection obligations stipulated by collective agreements and agreements, employment contracts(contracts), or hindering the activities of representatives of state supervision and control over compliance with labor protection requirements, as well as public control bodies, are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1. Name of the object and its location (address, telephone) __________________


2. List of settings _____________________________________________________________







3. Number of the contract, date of its conclusion ____________________________________________

4. Annual cost of work _________________________________________________

5. Bank details of the Customer ____________________________________________

6. Bank details of the Contractor __________________________________________

7. Position, surname, name, patronymic of the person responsible for the operation of the installation (installations) and sample of his signature _____________________________________________

8. Order number and date, which is assigned responsible person Customer for the operation of the installation (installations) ___________________________________________

9. Position, surname, name, patronymic of the Contractor's persons performing maintenance ______________________________________________________________





Note: ________ sheets are numbered and laced in the magazine

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