Breathing life into an old mirror. Mirror repair Decorating the mirror frame

Restoration of mirror frames

Restoring mirror frames is a profitable service that allows you to return an old frame to its original appearance. Our specialists are able to restore almost any frame, preserving its uniqueness and eliminating all existing damage.

What kind of damage do we work with?

You can safely contact us if your mirror frame:

  • The geometry is broken.
  • There are visible damages such as chips and cracks.
  • There are traces of damage by insects and rodents.
  • Integrity is broken paint coating or it is completely absent.
  • Some or all decorative elements are missing.
  • The elements for fixing the mirror sheet are broken.

In addition, you can use our services if you want to modernize the frame and make it even more consistent with your taste.

Our craftsmen will restore the geometry with maximum accuracy wooden frame or adjust its size to suit your needs. All traces of wear will be completely removed, and worn elements will be replaced with new ones. The frame will be treated with special products to protect against insects, mold and mildew, and also covered with the paint and varnish product that you choose. Upon completion of all work, you will receive a frame that will not have a trace of old defects.

Why is the restoration service beneficial?

A service such as restoration of wooden mirror frames has many advantages. The most important thing is that you can update the frame without depriving it of the original look for which you like it, which is especially important for rare or simply dear to your heart things.

By applying for restoration, you can save on buying a new frame, because high-quality products have a high price, and if your old frame can last for many more years, then replacing it with a new one simply does not make sense.

Even those who own a unique item cannot do without restoration. In many cases, only restoration can stop the deterioration of the wood and preserve the integrity of the frame.

Each of our specialists is a true master of their craft and approaches their work with maximum responsibility. All the nuances of the restoration are discussed in advance with each individual customer, so you will never get an unexpected result, but only what you really need.

If you do not know the nuances of restoration, our specialist will definitely advise you and select the restoration operations that are needed in your case.

Don’t know where to order high-quality restoration of a mirror frame? We will be happy to provide you with our services!

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Frame restoration process No. 5

Today, the workshop is busy working on the restoration of several interesting orders at once. 19th century buffet, sewing machine Singer, antique cabinet from the 19th century, sideboard from the same century. They brought us a table and 3 chairs by Ambramtsev - a very rare specimen. And we are about to begin the restoration of a very beautiful double-sided icon.

But today we’ll talk about the mirror... Or rather, not about it, but about its frame, work on which is nearing completion.

We've written a little about it before, but let's refresh your memory.

This is a large wall (floor) mirror, for which the customer purchased a finial separately and asked to combine it into a single composition.

Here it is:

And an enlarged photo of the decor:

The frame itself arrived to us in very poor condition.

We just had to find out what was hidden under the layers of old coating. And for this it was necessary to clean the frame of everything that was used to cover it. for many years and not even just once. Masters call this “washing”.

Due to the fact that a special chemical solution is used, the entire procedure must be carried out wearing a protective mask and gloves to avoid chemical vapors getting into the respiratory organs and also avoid contact with skin.

The whole process is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. But after finishing the washing, the product has a completely different appearance.

Let's take a look at what's been discovered beneath the layers old paint and varnish.

The lower part of the frame was severely damaged. Many cracks and chips were found, as well as traces of bugs, which are always not against eating good wood.

Grinding, polishing, strengthening and replacing worn out parts, gluing - this is an incomplete list of what the frame for the future mirror went through.

And upon completion of all preparatory work We secured the carved pommel and started painting with varnish.

Now we won’t guess how many even and thin layers of varnish will be applied, but we already know for sure that the result will be excellent!!

We will show you the final version of the restored 19th century mirror frame with a finial in our future news, when the last layer has been applied and dried.

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Mirror restoration- a delicate process. The master is required to have precise knowledge of surface restoration technology and the availability of professional tools. Restoration carried out by amateurs can only spoil the already damaged glass, rendering the mirror completely unusable. Entrust the work of restoring the mirror surface to the specialists of our company. Craftsmen will come to any district of Moscow and the surrounding Moscow region, assess the degree of damage to the canvas and the possibility of its restoration. We accept applications for visiting specialists by phone or online.

Contact us because:

  • We will restore any mirror surface if it is subject to restoration
  • We will restore canvas of any size
  • Craftsmen have a full range of professional tools at their disposal
  • We employ only professional craftsmen
  • We will only accept payment when the restoration is 100% complete.

Is it possible to restore an old mirror?

Restoring a mirror is a rather painstaking procedure. The capabilities of restorers today are such that they can even collect the fragments and restore the integrity of the canvas. Dust from inside or partial loss of amalgam, clouding of glass and other surface damage typical of very old mirrors are all repairable. However, in some cases, returning the surface to its previous appearance costs more than inserting new glass into the frame. Therefore, mirrors that are museum value or family heirlooms are sent for complex and expensive restoration.
  There are also cases when the mirror surface is slightly damaged. There is no point in throwing away a good piece of furniture if it is only slightly scratched, has scuff marks or slight clouding. The surface can be restored to its original appearance by carrying out simple restoration work. Using abrasive chemicals the mirror can be made to shine again. However, only an experienced craftsman can choose the right product, calculate the dosage and apply the required amount of effort to bring the canvas into proper shape.

Methods for restoring mirrors

To restore mirror surfaces with minor damage, restoration methods such as grinding and polishing are used. If a shallow scratch or abrasion appears on the canvas, the mirror is polished. That is, they are removed from a reflective surface top layer using abrasives with large particles. It is important to perform this procedure very carefully so as not to wipe the surface too much. You can add shine to glass by polishing it.

Polishing itself, as a method of mirror restoration, is carried out by masters in the event of clouding of the mirror surface. The procedure consists of treating the mirror with abrasives suitable for the given type of surface. As a result, the cloudy glass begins to shine like new.

Mirror restoration can be produced to remove any imperfections from the reflective surface. Grinding and polishing of surfaces is carried out at the customer’s home, without taking the mirror cloth outside the premises. The cost of these services is affordable. You can invite craftsmen to carry out restoration work on any day of the week, including weekends.

Mirrors always need careful care. This is the only way they will always look especially impressive. However, over time, the amalgam on some mirrors may begin to come off, causing it to lose its attractive appearance. appearance and reflectivity. If something like this happens to your mirror, don’t despair and immediately take it to the trash heap. Restoring the mirror yourself will help you solve this problem. However, it is necessary to be realistically aware that mirrors are manufactured in factory conditions as a result of very complex technological process. This is why you can successfully restore only minor damage to a mirror surface.

What can cause amalgam to come off?

First of all, you need to know that amalgam can come off if free air circulation from the inside is disrupted. That is why, if transparent spots appear on a reflective surface, you should think about moving the mirror to some other place.

You also need to know that all mirrors are created under industrial conditions by applying a very thin layer of metal mixed with special substances to the surface. The metal is sprayed in several layers over the entire surface, which is impossible to achieve at home. Therefore, do-it-yourself mirror restoration is carried out in order to improve its overall appearance and make small defects less noticeable.

Restoration process

To repair a mirror you will need to stock up on the following:

  • Transparent adhesive for metal and glass.
  • Brush.
  • Hard brush.
  • Napkins.
  • Alcohol-containing degreasing agent.
  • Scissors.
  • Foam sponge.
  • Glass cleaner.

The sequence of actions for restoring a mirror at home is as follows:

  • When starting to restore a mirror, first of all, carefully remove it from the frame and inspect the areas of damage. From above, lightly clean this area with a stiff brush to remove amalgam particles and any existing debris.
  • Once the surface is thoroughly cleaned, wash it with glass cleaner and wipe dry.
  • Now you need to degrease the cleaned and washed surface. To do this, moisten a sponge with any alcohol-containing product, wipe the surface with it and leave to dry.
  • Let's move on to gluing. Cut a piece of foil that is larger in size than the damaged area. Apply a thin layer to the mirror at the damaged area with a slight overlap around it. Place the cut out piece of foil on top with the glossy side down and press firmly.
  • Very carefully level the foil with a cloth, while trying to remove excess glue.

Important! All movements should go from the center to the edges. And all excess glue is removed using a foam sponge.

  • Once the foil has been glued and aligned and any excess glue has been removed, leave the mirror to dry for several hours.
  • For reliability, the gluing area can be covered with a layer clear varnish, But this procedure is not mandatory.
  • Finally, place the mirror back into the frame.

Important! If you were unable to hide defects using this method, then this means... that their area is too large. In such a situation, there is hardly anything that can be done, and there is nothing left to do but simply buy a new product.

  • If there are traces of oil paint on the reflective surface, soak a piece of cloth in turpentine and then clean off the stain. After this, rinse the mirror warm water and leave it until completely dry.

Important! You can use a small spatula to remove paint. However, you need to be extremely careful not to damage the surface.

  • In some cases, changing the color of the frame can completely change the appearance of the mirror. Based on what the frame is made of, choose a suitable paint and paint the frame with it.

Important! Sometimes it may be necessary to remove the old paint layer. To do this, you can use a grinding machine with an appropriate attachment or just sandpaper.

Video material

Restoring a mirror with your own hands is possible only if small defects. It often happens that it is impossible to save an old product because it is too damaged, and attempting to restore it can ultimately only worsen its appearance. Don't forget about it!

My husband and I love old antique furniture - we restore it in our workshop. Remove traces of time from your favorite things and give them new life- painstaking and long work. But at the same time, furniture and interior items are now in great demand - “antique”, artificially aged by hand using various techniques and techniques.
I conduct training master classes on painting furniture and interior items, advise on furniture restoration, tools and materials.My workshop: Moscow Region Pushkino. Getting there by train from Yaroslavsky station takes 45 minutes or by car along Yaroslavsky highway. Group 2 - 4 people, formed as applications are received.
And so, succumbing to the persuasion of friends and colleagues, I decided to open a series of online master classes on decorating mirror frames, with photographs and step-by-step descriptions.
In future publications I will show how antique frames and semi-antique frames look, and most importantly, tell and show how you can decorate carved wooden frames with your own hands! Techniques of aging, gilding, patination and description of the work process are based on my personal experience!
Master class No. 1 Frame for a mirror. Gilding. Frame aging.
Our decorating techniques in this master class will be simple, economical in materials and tools. We will gild the wooden frame using metallized acrylic paints.
Materials:acrylic paint (white, black) or spirit stain (ebony), acrylic paint (bronze), acrylic (water-based) or polyurethane varnish - matte or glossy at your discretion.
Tools:a cloth swab for applying stain, flat brushes (synthetic), a sanding sponge (block), a clean dry cloth or a wide soft brush for removing dust after sanding
We'll get a frame like this! This is a copy of an antique frame.

1. I use a blank - a carved wooden frame, which our workshop specially produces for master classes and decorators.
Material - oak. Size: 60 x 46 cm. You can order and buy here
This frame is very convenient for learning aging techniques. Convex shapes, curls protruding above the plane, frame recesses in which patina remains - will help you understand the basic principles of many techniques for artificial aging of surfaces.

2. Cover the work surface with wrapping paper or newspaper. Prime the frame with white water-based acrylic paint. Water-based acrylic paints are odorless, dry quickly and are easy to sand. They are convenient to work with even when children and animals are nearby. Do NOT use latex-based acrylic paints!!!

3. Sand the entire surface with a sanding sponge (block). Be careful - protruding curls! Use a clean, dry cloth or a wide, soft brush to remove dust from the frame after sanding.

4. Prime with black acrylic water-based paint. You can use Gesso black and white. If you are a beginner decorator, then you don’t have to worry too much about this just yet. Primers: Gesso, Levkas, Bolus will be useful to us when gilding with potal (imitation gold, silver).

5. The frame coated with acrylic paint acquires a smooth surface.

6. For this frame decor, the simplest and most economical option is to coat the surface with alcohol stain. Color - ebony. But!!! The stain has a strong, pungent odor. I recommend working with this stain in well-ventilated areas, away from children and animals. Or outside, in the warm season.

7. This is what the surface of the wooden frame looks like after the stain has dried. The stain beautifully emphasizes the structure of the wood; the oak grains will subsequently be beautifully shaded using the gilding technique.

8. Let's start gilding. There are many gilding techniques. The most difficult is gilding with gold leaf (silver) or its imitation - gold leaf. More simple techniques- gilding with nitro-based metallized paints (have a strong odor) or acrylic paints (odorless). These paints are produced in tubes, jars, and aerosol cans. Apply by air spraying - with a spray bottle (in a workshop) or with a can (covering the spray area with paper or film). You can also work outside in the warm season, without wind.

The effect of the metallic shine of the gold surface is reduced in the following sequence:
- Gold leaf (the brightest, fiery)
- Potal
- Gold paint nitro-based (spray, aerosol, brush)
- Gold water-based acrylic paint (aerosol)
- Gold water-based acrylic paint (applied with a brush).
Also, the golden shine of the paint depends on the paint manufacturer. I will talk about these techniques and materials later.

We will gild our frame using metallic acrylic paints and a synthetic flat brush. Different manufacturers give the same names to paints with different shades. Here's how different shades of gold are beautifully called: ancient gold, Aztec gold, Inca gold, gold leaf, bronze, copper, etc. In our case, the color is bronze. The application technique is called “dry brush”.

9. Fragments of gilding with acrylic paint. See photos 9-12.

In this work we use a synthetic flat brush of medium hardness. Dip the brush into the paint, remove excess paint on the newspaper. Using an almost dry brush, we apply paint to the protruding bulges of the frame and curls, thereby revealing the carved relief. Hold the brush almost parallel to the surface and apply paint with the tip of the bristles. Rotate the brush to use the other side of the bristles. Change the direction of your strokes.

10. Notice how the structure of the wood is revealed with the help of acrylic paint, and the oak patterns become more noticeable. With the help of gilding, the oak frame takes on a stylish and expensive look.

11. Unsuccessful paint application can be corrected by wiping it off with a clean, damp cloth. Also, after the paint has dried, corrections are possible. An unfortunate place where you applied too much paint can be lightly rubbed with a sanding sponge. Any sanding over acrylic paint will give the surface an antique, worn look.

12. After the paint has completely dried, apply acrylic or semi-urethane (parquet) varnish. Brush, spray can or spray, avoiding paint flowing into the recesses of the frame. If, after varnishing, the shine of the gilding has faded a little, then a metallized coating can be applied on top of the varnish. acrylic paint the desired shade. If desired, you can combine several shades of gold.

13. When the frame is ready, all we have to do is insert a beautiful beveled mirror.

At your discretion, you can insert a picture or embroidery into such a frame, with the help of small improvements you can make it into a shelf for storing jewelry... There will be a separate master class about this functionality of the frame!

In the following master classes we will consider the following techniques:
- Aging. Contrasting gold (silver) abrasions against a light or dark base background.
- Aging. Patination. Light patina on a dark background. Dark patina on a light background.
- Aging. Colored patination.
- Gilding. Gold leaf, silver or gold leaf (imitation).
- Aging. Patinated with gold leaf
- Combined techniques

2012 Natalia Stroganova

P.S. Copying of this material is permitted only with a direct link to the source.

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