Lessons on creating bouquets for beginner florists. ABC of floristry or What does a beginner florist need to know? The knowledge you need to have in order to compose beautiful compositions

Floristics- this is one of the varieties of design and arts and crafts, which is embodied in the creation of compositions, collages, bouquets, panels. Flower arrangements are a creative and technical work.

Usually the goal of a designer is to express some theme or idea, event, using only flowers and leaves.

Floristry for beginners involves the creation of simple natural compositions, bouquets and collages. It can become a real hobby for lovers of something beautiful, because you can create masterpieces with your own hands. So where do you start?

Fundamentals of the art of floristry

First you need to decide on the materials. Each flower has its own meaning. Various natural materials are used for work, for example, flowers, herbs, leaves, berries, chestnuts, nuts, etc. The materials used can be both dry and live.

If you want to create a gift bouquet, remember that azalea means devotion, gladiolus means constancy, calla means beauty and balance, lotus means good health and happiness, orchid means beauty, peony means fame and fortune. In addition, each shade has its own meaning.

Red flowers symbolize passion and love, deep pink - gratitude, white - purity and innocence, purple - friendship, yellow - joy and prosperity. IN Lately flower etiquette is getting more and more attention. Therefore, by connecting various flowers you can express feelings or gratitude.

When composing a flower arrangement is very important appearance colors. When choosing flowers, pay attention to the foliage. It should be green, without brown spots. The stems should look like they were recently cut from the flower bed.

The main rule in floristry for beginners: more is not better. As a rule, experienced designers do not use more than three colors in their work. Bouquets with more than four types of flowers can appear cluttered and too colorful, spoiling their appearance.

Classification into types of compositions

Florists identify 4 ways to combine colors plants.
The first is the use of similar colors, the second is a combination of contrasting colors located opposite each other, the third is a combination of different color circles, the fourth is a combination of several shades of the same color.

Contrasting compositions look bright and unusual. To create such a bouquet, you need to use "pure" colors. You can combine orange gerberas with blue irises for an upbeat composition.

For a romantic atmosphere, you should choose bed shades, choosing muted ones: blue colors in combination with pale pink or lilac with yellow-brown. Experimenting, try to make a bouquet of flowers of a light shade and a dark one.

A particular color may predominate in a bouquet. As a rule, florists use several flowers of similar shades for a harmonious combination. Such a bouquet can be made in a transitional range of one tone. For example, for bright colors the background of the composition is made dimmer and darker, and for dark ones it is darker and brighter.

When creating a composition, you can not pay attention only to color. Try to choose natural material right size and forms.

When composing a flower arrangement, you need to prepare the plants and properly store them in the process. Place flowers in water by cutting their stems at an angle. Remove all shoots and foliage that is below the water level. To keep the flowers fresh, you can use floral foam, which inhibits the growth of bacteria.

Almost all cut flowers are best stored at +5 degrees. Gladiolus, orchids, anthuriums are well preserved at +10 degrees. You can "revive" some fading flowers, for example, a rose, by placing the plant in a bath of water for 2 hours.

Enchanting compositions of dried flowers

Dried flower arrangements look very beautiful. They are durable and require almost no further maintenance. A bouquet of dried flowers can be made in decorative tree or vase. One of the most milestones when composing a bouquet, it is the selection of the necessary flowers and their drying. You can choose high roses, gladioli.

As an addition to the bouquet, eucalyptus leaves, poppy flowers, yarrow, dried fern leaves are suitable. As a rule, dried flowers are not very bright, so you can color plants or use them as decoration. additional elements such as peacock feathers.

The most popular composition of dried flowers is a regular bouquet. To create it, you need dried flowers, a vase, decorative stones and filler. The bottom of the vase must be filled with floral foam. If there is none, you can use the usual mounting, filling it with cellophane, thereby preserving the walls of the vase.

Cut the stems of dried flowers to the required length. You need to make a bouquet starting from the highest flowers that form the shape of the future composition. Rotate the vase to complement it natural materials so that the bouquet looks harmonious from all sides. Stones can be added as desired. In a transparent vase, they will not only decorate, but also make it more stable.

The finished composition of dried flowers should be placed away from the window so that as little as possible gets into sun rays.

Tools for the future florist

If you are serious about designing with floral materials, then you will definitely need tools.

floral foam needed to fix the colors in the composition.

✽ With flower pins you can fix ribbons and moss in the right place.

floral tape is needed in order for the stem to receive additional stability.

It can also hide floral wire, which is the main one in many works.

✽ For cutting wire you will need wire cutters.

Other tools can be found in the arsenal of every gardener and grower: garden shears, secateurs etc. Scissors and pruners must be sharp so that the cut is always even. This is especially important when working with wooden twigs and flowers with a thick stem.

Experienced florists often use glue gun And sticks. Thanks to these devices, it is possible to fix the foam in the vessel. The gun can be used to make compositions from dried flowers and artificial flowers.

Directions and styles of floristry

Europeans highlight three directions of floristry: form-linear, vegetative and decorative. This classification was approved by Gregor Lersch and Daniel Ost. Peter Azman has identified 4 areas of floristry. In addition to the three above styles, there was one more - parallel.

However, this direction was moved to the category of plant material line arrangement. Currently very popular creative floristry. This direction is characterized by originality of forms, sophistication and originality.

Compositions made in a linear style are very easy to recognize. All plant materials are used rather sparingly. Any element is very important, as well as the moment of using the space between materials.

The peculiarity of the massive style is in its arrangement. This volumetric forms with soft transitions. The florist creates the central part of the bouquet, and then gradually fills in the contours of the arrangement.

Compositions made in the mixed style of floristry are very diverse. They are far from established rules linear, massive, or massive linear style arrangements. Most likely, they harmoniously combine all styles.

Floristry is an exciting activity that will give you many pleasant moments. By making a composition of flowers, twigs and leaves, you become closer to nature. Studying floristry as a design element can not only give you the opportunity to learn new possibilities, but even develop into a real profession.

Video tutorials to help beginner flower designers

1) The first lesson of floristry. Bouquet "Caramel".

2) Floristry: the secret of a simple bouquet

3) Master class in floristry for beginners

4) How did I become a florist? // My first bouquet

5) How to make a frame for a winter bouquet

6) Spiral technique on the example of white bouquets

7) Compositions in baskets

9) Decoration of the premises for the New Year

10) Bouquet of dried fruits / Floristry

11) 10 tips for beginner florists

Collages) from a variety of natural materials (flowers, leaves, herbs, berries, fruits, nuts, etc.), which can be live, dry or canned. (Wikipedia)

Many women, judging by the topics and comments on the forums, as well as my personal experience, like this profession. Some of them are seriously thinking about changing the routine office paperwork to work with flowers. Today we will talk about this profession in more detail. I will try to consider the pros and cons of this job, and also, if you are serious about becoming a florist, I will tell you where you can learn this and how to start a florist career.

Floristry is both a craft, an art, a vocation, a career, and a way of life. Floristic art allows you to create beauty and harmony within yourself and in the outside world and give it to people. Such a wonderful calling to bring harmony and beauty into the world.

Most often, the work of a florist involves working in a flower salon: making bouquets and compositions from cut flowers, but floristry is something more. These are flower collages in various techniques and work with dried flowers, stabilized and artificial, and decoration of festive events and compositions from potted flowers, with the help of floral techniques you can even make a dress and jewelry for a wedding, this is really not very convenient and impractical, but extraordinary.

The profession of a florist this moment is quite popular, there are not so many good high-class florists and a true professional, a master of his craft, will always be in demand. In Europe, it is believed that floristry is more of a male job, as it is quite hard work. In European competitions, women make up only a quarter of the number of participants. In our country, women predominate among florists and, despite the fact that the working conditions are really difficult, I still consider it suitable for a woman, because this profession combines work with natural material, beauty and freedom of creativity and self-expression, and all this very important for a woman.

IMPORTANT: the future florist must be very fond of flowers, be ready to learn and develop (unless, of course, you want to become a high-class professional), great diligence and some fanaticism, "obsession" in their work, and, of course, creativity.
How it all started

The word "bouquet" was born in France in the XIV-XV centuries, it meant a selection of various cut flowers. The oldest book on floristry that has come down to us - "Flora, or the garden culture of flowers" - appeared in Rome in 1633. The name well characterizes the fashion that prevailed at that time on landscape design gardens and parks. It was there that the first florists tried their hand. garden culture then it was very common in England, France, Russia and some other countries. Later, flowers entered the interiors of the houses of noble and wealthy people. At first, bouquets were placed only for aroma, and only then - to decorate the room.

After a while, it became popular to give bouquets to ladies; men never stinted on the number of flowers.
But there was another fashionable trend - small bouquets in the buttonholes of the suits of privileged persons. These bunches of flowers had their own language, in which the nobility successfully communicated. The necessary set of flowers was specially ordered from a florist, who was engaged in the preparation of these bouquets and knew well the meanings of a flower and the art of “coloring”.

Basic styles and directions of floristry
There are three directions in European floristry:
- vegetative;
- shape-linear;
- decorative.

This classification was approved by the world famous florists Gregor Lersch and Daniel Ost. Peter Azman identified four main areas of floristry. In addition to the three styles listed above, a parallel style has been added to it. Currently, creative floristry is especially popular. This direction is characterized by originality of forms, sophistication and individuality of each creation of a florist.

Tools for the future florist

The florist uses various tools in his work, they are not always floral, quite often they are tools from hardware stores: for example, wire cutters and pliers to bite off and bend the wire. The girls and I came to classes at floristic courses with toolboxes. Well, it was very convenient. Specific floristic materials are also needed: floral foam to fix flowers in the composition, special flower pins and wire, floristic tape, pruning shears, garden shears and glue for fresh flowers, with which you can create jewelry: bracelets, necklaces, tiaras.

Also, a glue gun is used to make compositions from artificial flowers, dried flowers and other materials. Yes, what only florists do not use: we used paper, and plaster, and cones, and much more. Floristry is creativity in pure form when practically from “nothing” you can create beauty that will delight people.
Qualities you need to have to become a professional florist
  1. Love for flowers and floristic activities, you must enjoy messing with flowers, their look, smell. Of course, you shouldn't be allergic to flowers.
  2. You need to know the main types of flowers and the conditions for their maintenance, because each flower needs its own conditions. You also need to know flower compatibility, since some flowers, such as narcissus, can secrete mucus, which will negatively affect the flowers that are with him in the same bouquet.
  3. Master the basic floristic techniques and techniques, and, believe me, there are quite a few of them.
  4. Creative potential. It is important not to be afraid to experiment, try new techniques, color combinations, styles, trends.
  5. Artistic taste is an important component of the specialty. Taste, as well as creativity, can be developed in the process of activity.
  6. Love people, because you create for people to decorate their lives. Goodwill and good mood always reflected in the bouquets. And on the client, if he likes everything, then he will definitely come back to you to buy a new bouquet.
  1. The desire to grow and develop in the profession: to learn new things: a huge number of sites, books are devoted to floristry, exhibitions are constantly held - from all these sources one can and should draw new ideas and inspiration.
  2. Develop in different directions: interior design, festive events, floral collage - having mastered all these areas, you will become an even more sought-after specialist, and you will always have a choice where to work and with whom.
  3. Salesmanship. Most often, the florist has to combine both the florist and the seller in one person. The ability to sell also comes with experience.
  4. Sketching skills may be required, especially if you are going to be doing holiday decorations, but this can be done in Photoshop by combining and selecting various suitable pictures.
Floristry is special condition souls. Many come to it at the call of their hearts from completely different professions: there are former engineers, accountants, financiers, lawyers, etc.


Of course, as in any other specialty, the work of a florist has its drawbacks. Flowers are stored in the refrigerator, where the temperature is +4 degrees, you constantly have to go there to take flowers for a new bouquet. It happens that the owner of a flower shop saves on a refrigerator and then the florists have to work in a room with a very low temperature for a person. Consider this when applying for a job, make sure that there is a refrigerator for flowers in the cabin.

You have to work a lot with wet stems of flowers, change the water in the vases where the flowers are, you have to spend a lot of time on your feet - it's quite hard physically.

Did I scare you? In fact, when you like it, all these minuses are trifles, well, except that working in a store without a refrigerator with air conditioning set to a low temperature can seriously affect your health, but you don’t work in such stores. I myself have been immersed in this activity for several years and I can say that when it is interesting and the process of doing it gives you pleasure, you do not notice either physical fatigue or difficulties. I participated in the design of various festive events and exhibitions, we worked all day from morning until late in the evening, 10-12 hours, and I was always surprised that I did not feel tired during work. Fatigue came only after everything was done and I sat down in a chair, stretching my legs. It was only at that moment that I noticed that I was physically tired. Physically, but not emotionally, which is very important, that is, doing what you love gives energy, and does not take it away.

Here is another florist's opinion:

Florists, for the most part, are wonderful, passionate people. When I worked in the financial sector, every second worked only because of the money. During my experience of decorating festive events and close communication with florists, I have not met a single florist who works only for money. People go into this profession at the call of their hearts.

Where to start if you are serious about becoming a florist

I would recommend going for short courses first. These are most often 2 week courses where you will be taught how to handle flowers and the most common floral techniques. And this is a practical immersion, and floristic courses are always practice, there is a minimum of theory and from the first day you start working with flowers and it all lasts the whole day, almost daily. That is, you get almost complete immersion in the profession. And here, listen carefully to yourself: to your emotions and your reactions. If something doesn’t work out at first, don’t be discouraged, learn. Few people succeed from the first, and even from 10 times. To become a true professional, you need to work 10,000 hours. That's when you practice for so many hours - everything will work out. But if you are tired of everything, boring and not interested in new knowledge, then this is not your thing: look for something else.

After you complete the courses, it’s better to immediately start practicing new skills: you can get a job as a florist’s assistant, if you don’t want to quit your main job yet, you can get a part-time job: there are often vacancies on the floristic forum for 1-2 days a week , or start taking part in the design of events. It's great. Floristic forums often look for people for a particular design. Participate, so you will grow very professionally, because at the design of festive events you will have the opportunity to work with big amount first class colors and apply different techniques. Well, then, if you make sure that floristry is what you want to do for the next few years, you can go to study at long-term floristic courses, they usually last a year, after which you will have enough knowledge and skills to participate in various competitions on floristry, including European ones.

And also, be sure to go to flower exhibitions and master classes conducted by master florists. This will give you a lot in professional terms: leading florists often give master classes at flower shows, you will be fed with ideas and inspiration there.

Working conditions and wages:

Most often, the work of a florist is shift: 2/2, 3/3 for 10-12 hours, that is, two days of work, two rest, but among the vacancies there are also the usual schedule of 5 working days for 8 hours a day from Monday to Friday and two days off on Saturday and Sunday. If you are going to deal with the design of festive events, then most often the time of your work will fall on weekends and holidays.

The salary of a florist in Moscow ranges from 20 thousand rubles. for a novice specialist (florist assistant) up to 70 thousand rubles, an average of 35-50 thousand rubles, it all depends on professionalism, work experience, and, of course, on creative abilities. But this is not the limit, because if you have experience and desire, you can become a florist at the design of festive events, but this is a separate story for another article.

If you are interested in this topic and you really want to become a florist, but something is stopping you: fears, self-doubt, maybe something else, please contact me. I studied this topic in detail and was immersed in it for several years: I studied a lot in different courses and master classes and participated in the design of various festive events and exhibitions, such as the design of the Vienna Ball in the Manezh, the design of a flower exhibition at the 7 Flowers company, decorated weddings, and I can help you with advice and support: I will recommend courses, websites and forums, free workshops classes and other similar information. If you want to open a florist business: flower shop or arrange holiday events, please also contact us. There is also a lot of information, developments and experience on these issues. In fact, in my opinion, it is wonderful creative profession(especially the decoration of festive events). Cost per hour consultation "How to become a florist" 3,000 rubles.

Feedback on consultation:
Anastasia Mosenkova-Kruz

I really want to thank you for your advice! I had many doubts whether or not to try to master the profession of a florist. You helped me understand that the fear of becoming a bad florist is not a reason to give up on your dream. I will definitely try myself in what I really want. Special thanks for the very useful information about courses, forums, websites and workshops for a beginner florist!

If you have seriously decided to change your unloved job for your favorite business, you are ready to act, but you need help and support at a difficult stage of the transition period, I invite you to for individual work on this task.
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With love and faith in you, Natalya Aryaeva.

In ancient times, plants and flowers were endowed with magical, supernatural powers that influenced the fate of people. Beautiful bouquets were used to decorate the dwellings of ordinary villagers and the palaces of wealthy people.

Floristry is an art

(floristry) is a surprisingly exciting activity. It will appeal to subtle natures, possessing exquisite taste and appreciating beauty. Doing this business, you will not be bored or sad. Learning how to make bouquets of flowers is not difficult if you have an artistic taste. Live and branches, leaves, fruits, etc. are used for work).

Any person can learn how to beautifully and correctly make bouquets. This opinion is very common. In fact, success in creating unique compositions consists of 30% knowledge of the technology of working with plants and 70% of artistic talent, love for wildlife and a great desire to improve your skills every day. Based on this, we can safely say that arranging bouquets, floristry is an art in which each created work is a canvas of flowers, leaves and branches.

Floristics - the world of your fantasies

Like any art, arranging bouquets (floristry) does not have strict limits for the artist's imagination. Compositions can be very diverse, and floristry styles are just options that are the basis for your creativity.

Making bouquets (floristry) from fresh flowers

The art of floristry involves the creation of compositions from living plants or dried ones (ikebana). But more often this style is used for long-term decoration of premises. Bouquets of natural flowers are more popular.

In composition, it is important to learn how to combine various varieties plants. For example, it will not look organic with an orchid. When composing a bouquet, you can apply one simple trick of experienced florists - use plants that are currently in different stages: buds, partially or fully opened flowers. Such a bouquet will please for a long time with gradually blooming buds. Decorative greenery makes the composition complete.

in a bouquet

If you want to make a gift bouquet, then you need to know about the meanings of some flowers. For example, calla symbolizes balance and beauty, lotus - happiness and good health, peony - wealth and glory, gladiolus - constancy. The shade of the flower also matters. A bouquet in dark pink tones means gratitude, white - innocence and purity, purple - friendship. Composing the composition, pay attention to the foliage. It should not have brown spots.

Bouquets for special occasions

There are many situations in our life when we cannot do without beautiful bouquets. Personal celebrations, weddings, birthdays and anniversaries - those cases when the flower arrangement will bring harmony and a certain charm to the interior of the room where the holiday takes place. If we are talking about bouquets for decoration, then you need to choose the right size. The composition should fit into the interior and not interfere with guests.

Floristry: arranging bouquets for beginners

To learn the art of floristry, you need to know its basic principles, styles, study the methods of preparing material, master the professional tools of a florist. Everything else depends on the beginner's imagination and sense of style. It is necessary to always be aware of floral fashion, that is, to know which flowers are most popular today.

Florists' tools

In order to make the perfect bouquet, you will need:

Secateurs flower;

Gardening scissors.

You need a pruner to cut flowers with a dense stem, a knife is used to remove leaves, and you can trim almost all plants. To fix the plants in the compositions, floral foam is used, or an oasis, as professionals call it. When working with artificial flowers, you can use ordinary polyurethane foam.

Used vessels for bouquets and accessories

Amazing and exquisite craze for people different ages, men and women - floristry. Drawing up bouquets, the photos of which you see in our article, cannot be imagined without the use of special accessories and vessels. It could be a vase various materials: crystal, metal, glass, plastic, wood. As accessories, you can use ribbons, bells, candles (they are often used in Christmas compositions), beads, stones, etc.

Making bouquets (floristry) is an ancient and eternally young art. It is currently one of the leading trends in aesthetics.

Floristry is one of the varieties of design and arts and crafts, which is embodied in the creation of compositions, collages, bouquets, panels. Flower arrangements are a creative and technical work. Usually the goal of a designer is to express some theme or idea, event, using only flowers and leaves. Floristry for beginners involves the creation of simple natural compositions, bouquets and collages. Floristry can become a real hobby for lovers of something beautiful, because you can create masterpieces with your own hands. So where do you start?

Fundamentals of the art of floristry

First you need to decide on the materials. Each flower has its own meaning. Various natural materials are used for work, for example, flowers, herbs, leaves, berries, chestnuts, nuts, etc. The materials used can be both dry and live.

If you want to create a gift bouquet, remember that azalea means devotion, gladiolus means constancy, calla means beauty and balance, lotus means good health and happiness, orchid means beauty, peony means fame and fortune. In addition, each shade has its own meaning. Red flowers symbolize passion and love, dark pink - gratitude, white - purity and innocence, purple - friendship, yellow - joy and prosperity. Recently, flower etiquette has received more and more attention. Therefore, by combining various flowers, you can express feelings or gratitude.

When drawing up a flower arrangement, the appearance of flowers is very important. When choosing flowers, pay attention to the foliage. It should be green, without brown spots. The stems should look like they were recently cut from the flower bed.

The main rule in floristry for beginners: more is not better. As a rule, experienced designers do not use more than three colors in their work. Bouquets with more than four types of flowers can appear cluttered and too colorful, spoiling their appearance.

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Classification into types of compositions

Florists identify 4 ways to combine the colors of plants. The first is the use of similar colors, the second is a combination of contrasting colors located opposite each other, the third is a combination of different color circles, the fourth is a combination of several shades of the same color.

Contrasting compositions look bright and unusual. To create such a bouquet, you need to use "pure" colors. You can combine orange gerberas with blue irises for an upbeat composition. For a romantic atmosphere, you should choose bed shades, choosing muted ones: blue colors combined with pale pink or purple with tan. Experimenting, try to make a bouquet of flowers of a light shade and a dark one.

A particular color may predominate in a bouquet. As a rule, florists use several flowers of similar shades for a harmonious combination. Such a bouquet can be made in a transitional range of one tone. For example, for bright colors, the background of the composition is made dimmer and darker, and for dark colors, it is darker and brighter. When creating a composition, you can not pay attention only to color. Try to choose natural material of suitable size and shape.

When composing a flower arrangement, you need to prepare the plants and properly store them in the process. Place flowers in water by cutting their stems at an angle. Remove all shoots and foliage that is below the water level. To keep the flowers fresh, you can use floral foam, which inhibits the growth of bacteria. Almost all cut flowers are best stored at +5 degrees. Gladiolus, orchids, anthuriums are well preserved at +10 degrees. You can "revive" some fading flowers, for example, a rose, by placing the plant in a bath of water for 2 hours.

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Enchanting compositions of dried flowers

Dried flower arrangements look very beautiful. They are durable and require almost no further maintenance. A bouquet of dried flowers can be made in a decorative tree or vase. One of the most important stages in the preparation of a bouquet is the selection of the necessary flowers and their drying. You can choose high roses, gladioli. As an addition to the bouquet, eucalyptus leaves, poppy flowers, yarrow, dried fern leaves are suitable. As a rule, dried flowers are not very bright, so you can color the plants or use additional elements as decoration, for example, peacock feathers.

The most popular arrangement of dried flowers is a regular bouquet. To create it, you need dried flowers, a vase, decorative stones and filler. The bottom of the vase must be filled with floral foam. If this is not available, you can use the usual mounting, filling it with cellophane, thereby preserving the walls of the vase. Cut the stems of dried flowers to the required length. You need to make a bouquet starting from the highest flowers that form the shape of the future composition. Rotate the vase, complementing it with natural materials, so that the bouquet looks harmonious from all sides. Stones can be added as desired. In a transparent vase, they will not only decorate, but also make it more stable. The finished composition of dried flowers should be placed away from the window so that as little sunlight as possible falls.

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Tools for the future florist

If you are serious about designing with floral materials, then you will definitely need tools. Floristic foam is needed to fix the flowers in the composition. Using flower pins, you can fasten ribbons and moss in the right place. Floral tape is needed in order for the stem to receive additional stability. It can also hide floral wire, which is the main one in many works. You will need wire cutters to cut the wire. Other tools can be found in the arsenal of every gardener and grower: garden shears, pruners, etc. Scissors and pruners must be sharp so that the cut is always even. This is especially important when working with wooden twigs and flowers with a thick stem.

Experienced florists often use a glue gun and sticks. Thanks to these devices, it is possible to fix the foam in the vessel. The gun can be used to make compositions from dried flowers and artificial flowers.

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Directions and styles of floristry

Europeans distinguish three areas of floristry: form-linear, vegetative and decorative. This classification was approved by Gregor Lersch and Daniel Ost. Peter Azman has identified 4 areas of floristry. In addition to the three above styles, there was one more - parallel. However, this direction was moved to the category of plant material line arrangement. Currently, creative floristry is especially popular. This direction is characterized by originality of forms, sophistication and originality.

Compositions made in a linear style are very easy to recognize. All plant materials are used rather sparingly. Any element is very important, as well as the moment of using the space between materials. The peculiarity of the massive style is in its arrangement. These are three-dimensional forms with soft transitions. The florist creates the central part of the bouquet, and then gradually fills in the contours of the arrangement. Compositions made in the mixed style of floristry are very diverse. They are far from the established rules of arranging linear, massive or massive linear style. Most likely, they harmoniously combine all styles.

Floristry is an exciting activity that will give you many pleasant moments. By making a composition of flowers, twigs and leaves, you become closer to nature. Studying floristry as a design element can not only give you the opportunity to learn new possibilities, but even develop into a real profession.


One of the most popular hobbies today is DIY floristry. This is the name of the arts and crafts of composing flower arrangements. The goal is to create a special atmosphere for certain events or holidays. If you want to try yourself in such creativity, then learn more about it from the information below.

What is floristry

Floristry is the art of arranging bouquets. This is one of the types of design, the result of which are flower bouquets, panels or collages. Such work has both a technical and a creative side. The purpose of floristics is to decorate any holiday or event, to express their theme or idea through natural compositions of flowers and leaves. Novice designers in this area should pay attention to simple collages or bouquets. As a result, such a hobby can become a real profession. Where to start - learn the basics of floristry for beginners.

Making bouquets

In this creative and fun activity for beginners, there are a number of simple but important rules. First of all, you need to decide for whom the bouquet is for a man or a woman. The occasion for which such a gift is presented is also important. According to these criteria, they choose the type of plants, their number, color and size. Before making a bouquet, beginners are advised to mentally imagine it in a ready-made form.

Floral compositions

When compiling floristic compositions from roses, lilies, carnations or any other flowers, the main thing for beginners is the observance of proportions. This applies to the proportionality of the vessel and plants, buds, vase and leaves. In general, the composition should be harmonious. The golden ratio in floristry also works. It is as follows:

  1. If the bouquet is located vertically, then 5 of the 8 parts should fall on it, and the remaining 3 on the vase.
  2. When the composition is more elongated in the horizontal direction, i.e. the plants are in a low vase, the shortest branches are 3 parts, and the longest - 5. Or in other words, a long flower is 1.5 times the diameter of the pot.

Making bouquets of fresh flowers

Exist different types bouquets. The main classification is female and male. In addition, there is a division according to the purpose of the bouquet:

  • wedding;
  • children's;
  • mourning;
  • daily;
  • holiday.

Decorating fresh flower bouquets for beginners can be tricky, so it's recommended to use only one type of plant. This makes it easier to deal with the shades, shape and type of bouquets. The main type is massive - there is no space between the elements, and the plants are presented in an amount of no more than 2-3 varieties. In addition to them, there are the following bouquets:

  • round;
  • buttonholes;
  • free;
  • unilateral;
  • flower jewelry.

Bouquets may vary in size. The big ones are for birthday parties and the small ones for weddings. In general, the technology for compiling for beginners looks like this:

  • determining the shape of the bouquet - the number of plants, their compatibility;
  • cut of plants;
  • assembly of elements into a bouquet, decoration;
  • placement in a vase with water.

The combination of flowers in a bouquet

One of the essential elements of the success of novice florists is the combination of flowers in a bouquet. It is very important to feel which shades complement each other, and which ones simply cannot be used together. In addition to the harmonious combination of colors, you need to choose the right one. warm shades will enliven the bouquet, and the cold ones will make it more restrained. The first include orange, red and yellow, and the second - blue, green, purple. With the help of a warm range, you can visually bring the elements closer. Cold shades, on the contrary, push the details away.

Making bouquets of fresh flowers

In addition to compiling the composition itself, its final design is important. Decor should not draw attention to itself, so unobtrusive decorations are considered the best option. Packing fresh flower bouquets for beginners has a number of features. The main condition is to arrange bouquets depending on the destination:

  • New Year's - figurines of birds, greens, sweets;
  • for the birth of a child - hearts, bears, small toys;
  • romantic bouquet - butterflies, beads, stars;
  • for a wedding - white, openwork, airy elements;
  • autumn bouquet - twigs with berries, birds.

Making bouquets of artificial flowers

If you need a bright and durable composition or there is no way to care for it, then the best option would be to make bouquets of artificial flowers. To create them, beginners and experienced florists use different materials- fabric, wax, metal, beads, paper or leather. First of all, a pattern of the element is created, and only then it is assembled from blanks. The whole composition may look different. A bouquet, a plant in a pot, a basket or planter, garden elements are standard options for floristry with artificial flowers.

Materials for floristry

The main material for floristry are different elements of vegetation. It can be live, dry or artificial flowers. All of them are further divided into 3 groups:

  1. Linear plant material. These are long stems, tall ornamental plants, large leaves.
  2. The main plant material, or dominant. These include large inflorescences and buds, bright leaves.
  3. Additional material, or filler. This group includes medium-sized elements - buds or leaves, the function of which is to cover the fasteners.

Along with plant material, there are also floral accessories. Their function is to complement the composition and intent of the designer. A variety of parts are used as accessories:

  • bows;
  • tapes;
  • candles;
  • shells;
  • animal figurines;
  • pebbles;
  • bells;
  • stands.
  • materials for floristry

Florist's tools

Any beginner or someone who is already seriously interested in floral design will definitely need the tools of a florist. In any composition, it is important to fix all the elements with something. For this, floral foam is used. Flower pins are used for the same purpose. Only with their help, ribbons are attached, which is necessary for decorating the stem or masking the wire. In addition to these tools, beginners and experienced florists use the following:

  1. Pliers and cutters. Necessary for cutting and working with wire in general.
  2. Flower pruner, garden shears. They must be sharp so that the cut of wooden twigs or thick stems is even.
  3. Glue gun with sticks. They are used for fixing foam in a vessel and creating bouquets of artificial flowers or dried flowers.
  4. stapler. Brackets can be attached to various small parts.

Secrets of floristry

  1. To prolong the freshness of bouquets, you should choose plants that live longer than others. You can also keep them cold and change the water more often - every 1 or 2 days.
  2. A mandatory rule is that there should be an odd number of plants in the bouquet. Even is suitable only for mourning occasions.
  3. The size depends on the occasion. For a serious celebration, you need a bigger bouquet. Compositions with a diameter of 25-20 cm are considered a universal option.
  4. It is recommended to form a bouquet from the most voluminous element, which will be the center. The following details are added in a spiral fashion. An interesting option- a combination of flowers of different textures, for example, roses and hypericum or red gerbera.

Floristry training

Now schools or just floristry courses are very popular. They provide a range of services for those wishing to learn this art. A beginner florist or a professional can visit them. Introductory classes, lectures, master classes and seminars, during which you can not only learn about the design of bouquets, but also try to make them yourself. In addition to special courses, there are other ways to study as a florist. Beginners can watch online video tutorials or master classes and even read interesting books.

Master classes in floristry

Many floristry schools offer master classes for beginners. Some of them are free to access, while others are available for a fee. This applies to video courses. There are other master classes in floristry, where a person can attend in person and even hone their skills together with a teacher. This option is better, because you immediately get theoretical and practical knowledge.

Floristry lessons for beginners

On the Internet, for free, you can view a variety of floristry lessons for beginners. Some of them are presented in video format, which greatly facilitates the learning process. Clay ceramic floristry, the history and styles of this art, the basics of European arrangement, original packaging, wedding, anniversary and other techniques. You can consider all these options in detail in such lessons.

Floristry and design courses

The best option is to take a whole course of floristry. Many professionals in this field are also involved in training. Floristry for beginners in courses is easier. They can be taken in person or online. It all depends on the particular school and its teaching methods. After successfully completing the program, you will be able to receive a certificate that will allow you to work as a florist. This profession is not only exciting, but also very creative and even enjoyable. Having learned such a thing, you will already be a non-beginner florist and will be able to give beautiful things to others.

Video: how to make a bouquet of roses with your own hands

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