Dark spots on the meat. Pig meat from a medical point of view. Technological defects in meat

Many of us have a stockpile of frozen food in our freezer. This is convenient: there is no need to frequently visit grocery stores. Meat can be stored in the freezer for an especially long time. However, sometimes, due to improper storage conditions, specific gray spots may appear on it, resembling a burn in appearance. Today we will talk about the rules for storing meat in the freezer, which will help maintain its freshness, beneficial properties, and also prevent the formation of stains, that is, “frost burn”.

Causes of freezing stains on meat

The presence of a dark gray spot on meat after prolonged freezing indicates wrong conditions storage Abroad, this effect was called “Freezer Burn” due to the specific color of the spots, which outwardly resemble a burn. In our country, the term “shrinkage” has become widespread.

Frost burn is a dry area that can form on frozen food due to the evaporation of moisture from the surface. This occurs when food is stored in the freezer without airtight packaging. Areas exposed to cold air take the form of spots with a black-gray tint, lose moisture and change their taste. Stains on meat can also occur due to temperature fluctuations during transportation or due to improper packaging during sale or production.

Despite the fact that meat with spots looks unappetizing, it can be eaten. A similar effect is observed if an unpacked piece of ham is left in the air for a long time. Essentially, any food containing water loses moisture at room temperature, becoming unappetizing.

Sealed packaging is a universal way to avoid dark gray stains

Freezing actually prevents moisture from evaporating because the water inside the food freezes and turns into ice. However, frozen foods can also be subject to shrinkage. You may have noticed that the size of ice stored in the freezer at minus 18°C ​​gradually becomes smaller. There is nothing mystical about this; a similar effect occurs when iodine crystals are heated. We are accustomed to the fact that matter has three states: solid, liquid and gaseous. The exception to the rule is iodine. It can sublimate, that is, pass from a solid to a gaseous state. The same process happens with ice in the freezer.

Solution: To avoid the appearance of frost burn (various stains), store foods in the freezer separately from each other, placing each of them in airtight packaging: for example, using special freezing bags. In this case, the likelihood of shrinkage occurring is minimal.

We recommend that you always take care of storing frozen food and use airtight packaging. By following this recommendation, you can maintain their quality and freshness even after several months of storage in the freezer.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

About ban on pork, Allah says in the Quran:

“Say: “From what has been revealed to me, I find it forbidden to eat only carrion, shed blood and the meat of a pig, which (or which) is unclean, as well as the unlawful meat of animals slaughtered for other than the sake of Allah.” Cattle, 145 verse.

According to virologists, a very important toxic factor in pork is influenza virus, which resides in the lungs of pigs in the summer and is almost always found in sausages.

A favorable breeding ground for the virus is the connective tissue of the lungs, where it resides in the invisible latent stage of the écleirs (cyst). Daily consumption of pork means daily entry of the influenza virus into the human body. Only the consumption of American lard can explain the occurrence of mass epidemics with deaths and the years of the 1st World War. It is known that in Muslim countries There are no flu epidemics because pork is not used for food.

After a thorough study of the pig cell, scientists around the world came to a unanimous opinion: the fatty pig cell does not dissolve in gastric juice, but is deposited in the human body, forming a foreign body, which then turns into a malignant tumor.

Animal fats that enter the human body with food are deposited and have the specific structure and biochemical composition of the animal to which they belong. The blood washing the fat depots carries their components with the formation of high-molecular compounds. As a result, atherosclerosis, hypertension, the blood supply to the connective tissue (especially the endocrine glands) deteriorates, which leads to disruption of coronary blood flow.

Differences between pork and other meats

Pork itself is extremely fatty; even so-called lean pork contains large quantities fat and mainly in the form of fat cells, unlike beef and lamb. In general, lamb has significantly less cellular fat than pork. With abundant consumption of pork, which, in addition, contains a lot of carbohydrates and proteins, conditions are created for the deposition of connective tissue fat, for the development of obesity.

Trichinillosis worms (Trichinella Spratis);

- pork tapeworm ( Taenia Solium);

The worm causes depletion of the body, leading to anemia, diarrhea, extreme depression, melancholy and indigestion. Cysticercosis means that the larvae first invade the bloodstream and then settle in one or more vital human organs: the brain, liver, lungs, spinal cord. The larvae grow and encapsulate, causing unnecessary pressure on environment. As a result, they develop dangerous diseases(diarrhea, indigestion, anemia, chronic disability).

- roundworms;

Can cause digestive disorders, appendicitis, subhepatic jaundice;

- nematodes.

Lead to anemia, edema, heart failure, slow growth (mental or physical), tuberculosis, diarrhea and typhoid fever.

Bacterial diseases:


Fusiformis necrofurus , which causes intractable foot fungus;

Salmonella Cholera suis, which causes cholera;



Viral diseases:


Japanese encephalitis;

Epidemic influenza ( Foot mouth disease).

Gastroenteritis in newborns, cellular disease. " Toxo plasma goundii " is an extremely dangerous disease. An infant born from an infected woman may die within a few weeks or days after birth. Having avoided death, he may become blind or deaf. In adults, it causes chronic fever with enlargement of the liver and spleen. Pneumonia, cerebrospinal meningitis lead to death or loss of consciousness may result in blindness and deafness.

According to experts, depending on which parts of pork a person eats, various diseases(biliary colic, appendicitis), as well as complications such as thrombosis and embolism due to the gradual deposition of pork toxins. Inflammation does not always occur, but more often the deposition (cumulation) of its mucous and lipid components in the connective tissue, which is manifested by various kinds of deposits and compactions, and obesity. In those who most often eat sausages, deforming cylindrical development of the limbs and shoulder girdle occurs, especially in ham lovers. Under such conditions, reserves are reduced and peripheral, cerebral and coronary circulation is disrupted.

Typical sufferings of patients with deposition of pork toxins in the back of the head are nuchal carbuncles, boils, and hidradenitis. Chronic exposure to pork toxins as a result of systematic consumption of pork is the main cause of cerebral blood flow disorders and strokes, which is associated with deposits of mucopolysaccharides (carbohydrates) in the basement membrane. Long-term consumption of pork leads to the replacement of cartilage tissue with mucous connective tissue of the pig, which cannot withstand its own stress. This is how arthritis and arthrosis arise. If there are diseases such as leucorrhoea, cervical erosion, then biologically correct treatment consists of a complete ban on the consumption of pork in order to stop the further intake of pork toxins.

Therefore, in case of intoxication there must be adequate biological treatment - Bryonia, Mercurius solubilis, Hepar sulfuris, Echinacea comp, Traumeel . It should be kept in mind: the meat of wild pigs is just as toxic as domestic pigs, the only difference being that the former have less fat. The average biological age of a person is 150 years. Residents of the Caucasus, Turkey, and Islamic countries are approaching him, where long-livers do not eat pork and are always in good health. Another modern aspect of pork inferiority. According to veterinary control, approximately 20% of pork meat has a light watery appearance, 5% is dark red. Both types of meat have a sharply changed pH (acidity level), and hence different water content, electrolytes, taste and shelf life. Biochemical processes that unfold for the first time 24 hours after slaughter determine the degree of oxidation muscle mass. Thus, stress before slaughter (transportation, loading, etc.) in sensitive animals causes increased formation of ATP and glycogen in the muscles. In addition, during this period, lactic acid leaves the muscles into the blood, which sharply changes the pH of the meat towards increasing water-containing meat; on the contrary, lactic acid remains in the muscles and therefore has a low pH. Usually after slaughter the pH is 7.2, and after 6-10 hours it is 5.4-5.8. For comparison: in beef after 12-24 hours it is 5.3-5.7. Dark meat barely reaches a pH of 6.2. Its quality is lower. It is dehydrated and dark red.

Scientists' opinions

Japanese scientists have proven that pork contains an increased amount of urea and hormones, and eating it accelerates the aging of the human body. American biochemists discovered siandelin in pork, a substance that has a stimulating effect on the aging process of cells.

British researchers claim that pork fat is refractory, and it is undesirable to use it in an overcooked form, since when it is exposed to high temperatures, chylamines and other breakdown products are formed that contribute to the development of cancer cells.

In addition, many scientists have proven that pork contains a huge amount of cholesterol, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

American biologist Benjamin Ryder made a peculiar discovery - he discovered that a pig has an accelerated metabolism, and there is also an increased synthesis of adrenaline and other biologically active elements, and therefore he does not recommend eating the meat of this animal.

Carcass defects

Hemorrhage on a carcass is a defect in the carcass, which is an accumulation of blood in the thickness of tissues or natural cavities as a result of a violation of the integrity of the wall of a blood vessel or its permeability

Pinpoint hemorrhage - a defect in the carcass, which is a hemorrhage in the tissue near the capillaries in the form of points or specks with a diameter of up to 3 mm

Bruising on a carcass is a defect in the carcass, which is the penetration of blood into the thickness of the skin or mucous membrane as a result of a violation of the integrity of the wall of a blood vessel or its permeability.

Note: bruising is a type of hemorrhage

Carcass bruising is a carcass defect, which is an area of ​​the carcass with hemorrhage resulting from mechanical impact.

Note: hemorrhages can occur not only intravitally, but also after cardiac arrest for 1-2 days

Mechanical trauma of the carcass is a defect in the carcass, which is an area with a violation of the tissue structure and hemorrhage in them as a result of intravital mechanical damage or stunning.

Technological defects in meat

Carcasses and half-carcasses containing remains of internal organs, skins, blood clots, fringes (hanging muscle and fatty tissues), dirt, bruises and bruises should not be released from the slaughter and carcass cutting workshop; are not allowed for sale in retail trade and public catering establishments. They are accepted for refrigerators only for isolated storage with the preparation of the appropriate documents. This meat must be processed at meat industry enterprises, where pre-treatment of carcasses must be carried out under the control of the veterinary and sanitary service.
We list the technological defects with which meat should not be supplied to retail and catering, but should be sent for industrial processing for food purposes. The “PP” stamp is placed next to the fatness mark:
. cleaning up the loss of meat and fat when removing skins. When stripping, soft tissues are cut off, which reduces the quality of carcasses (half carcasses); in addition, areas without superficial fascia (drying crust) are worse stored. Beef half-carcasses and quarters with stripping and subcutaneous fat stripping exceeding 15% of the surface (mutton - 10% of the surface). Pork with trimmings exceeding 10% of the surface, and subcutaneous fat stripping on an area of ​​more than 15% of the surface of half carcasses;
. half-carcasses incorrectly sawed along the spine (with a curvature of the cut line) leaving whole vertebrae or their crushing;
. darkened in the neck area, but fresh meat. In the area of ​​the cut, as already mentioned, the vessels are filled with blood, since bleeding is carried out in the neck above the cut line.

Defects in meat storage

Various undesirable processes can occur in meat, leading to the loss of its freshness, nutritional and culinary properties. As a rule, these changes occur as a result of the vital activity of microflora penetrating into the meat.
Tanning of meat usually occurs in the first hours after the slaughter of an animal as a result of improper storage of meat in a stuffy room at temperatures above 18-20 ° C, as well as when cooling or freezing conditions are violated.
Tanning often occurs when fresh meat is placed in a tight, airtight container and the heat is not removed quickly and evenly. Insufficient ventilation reduces oxidative processes, resulting in anaerobic breakdown of glycogen with the accumulation of acidic and bad-smelling substances.
Characteristic signs of tanning are the fading of the muscles, its coloring in a brown-red or grayish color with a greenish tint, the appearance of a strongly acidic odor reminiscent of the smell of the contents gastrointestinal tract cattle, flabby consistency of the area.
Meat with signs of tanning can be corrected and eaten. To do this, it is cut into small pieces and well ventilated in the air. Green areas are cleared. If signs of tanning do not disappear within 24 hours, the meat should not be used for food.
Slitting of meat is observed when storage conditions are violated, especially when temperature and air humidity fluctuate in storage areas. Mucus-forming bacteria, resistant to low temperatures, develop well even at 0°C. Most often, mucus processes occur on the entire carcass or in places where blood is contaminated, in the folds (neck, flank, shoulder blade, internal sides chest and abdominal cavities). The surface of the meat becomes sticky, gray-white in color, sometimes with an unpleasant sourish-musty odor. Mucus-forming microorganisms do not penetrate into the deep layers of meat, so the defect covers only the surface layer. However, such meat cannot be stored; it must be washed with water or a 15-20% salt solution, followed by drying and ventilation. Places where mucus or odor is especially pronounced are cleaned. Meat should be quickly used for preparing first courses or sent for processing into meat products, which include exposure to high temperatures in the manufacturing process.
Sometimes mucus occurs in initial stage rotting, which is caused by other microflora, causing the breakdown of tissues that make up the meat. In such cases, mucus is accompanied by a musty, putrid or rancid odor.
Moulding of meat occurs as a result of the development of mold fungi on the surface. Molds can develop in the presence of an acidic environment during the ripening of meat, at relatively low humidity (75%), sub-zero temperatures, poor ventilation air and during long-term storage of meat. Colonies of different shapes and colors form on the surface: white, gray-green, dark green, black, round, velvety, etc. Mold is accompanied by the breakdown of proteins with the formation of alkaline products, thereby creating conditions for the development of putrefactive microflora. The breakdown of fats leads to a change in the appearance of the meat and the appearance of a musty smell.
When evaluating meat, the intensity and depth of the process are taken into account. If the meat is affected by mold only on the surface, then it is washed with a 20-25% solution of table salt or 3-6% acetic acid, followed by ventilation and drying. If mold penetrates shallowly into the meat (0.5-1 cm), the affected parts should be cleaned and washed with strong brine. Severely affected or musty meat is not allowed to be eaten.
Meat souring is the acquisition of an unpleasant sour odor by meat, which is caused by acid-forming bacteria due to poor bleeding of the carcass, high humidity or storage at high temperatures. At the same time, the meat softens and appears gray And bad smell. The defect is not dangerous for humans; it can be corrected by washing the meat with water.
Rotting is a complex process of protein breakdown, caused by the vital activity of various putrefactive microorganisms, the development of which occurs under certain conditions: high temperature, high humidity and access to oxygen. Rotting is accompanied by the formation and accumulation of various intermediate and final decomposition products, among which there are poisonous, foul-smelling, volatile and other substances. If hygiene rules are not followed, the highest microbiological contamination of meat is observed. The increased content of connective tissue and blood in meat leads to rapid spoilage. Such meat is obtained from poorly nourished, sick or tired animals before slaughter. Meat in the early stages of spoilage is more dangerous than in the later stage. This is explained by the accumulation of putrefactive substances such as amines and bacterial toxins, which, as the decay process deepens, turn into less toxic ones. At the same time, fermentation of carbohydrates and oxidation of fats occurs. Rotting is accompanied by changes in tissue structure and physical and chemical parameters.
Darkening is the concentration of coloring substances as a result of intense evaporation of moisture during storage of chilled and frozen meat with insufficient air humidity and elevated temperature or the formation of metmyoglobin, most often in the cervical region and in areas of bruising.
Traces of insects - flies and other insects leave eggs on the meat, from which larvae hatch (eggs and larvae die at - 15°C), and also infect the meat with pathogenic bacteria. To combat insects, the room temperature should be below 5°C.

Tests household appliances are carried out in conditions as close as possible to the conditions of its use in everyday life

The test program is formed by the Customer

The test results (expert assessment) characterize exclusively those specific samples that are presented in the tests (examination) and do not apply to similar products of these manufacturing companies (brands)


To choose the right meat, the main thing is to have a trained... finger!

Every year there is more and more talk about the benefits of limiting meat consumption... And they eat it too... more and more! If anything really restrains meat appetites, it is only prices. If they had bitten differently, they would have eaten even more. The vast majority of consumers are confident that you won’t last long on products of plant origin, without meat. And I just want to eat delicious food! And we go for meat. For fresh. Benign. Delicious!

At the market, the butcher excitedly praises the “meat”, twists and turns, tosses a piece, turns it over... He assures: “fresh”! And we, the wordless spectators of this one-actor theater, have no choice but to take his word at the end of the performance, as they say - and indeed, perhaps, fresh? It happens, of course, that it’s actually fresh, but sometimes it’s not very fresh and even very stale!
To avoid being fooled, listen to the advice of experts. Fresh meat is distinguished by the so-called drying crust. Pale pink. If you touch it with your hand, it should remain clean.

Fat fresh meat soft, homogeneous pink color. Under a pressing finger, the drying crust does not tear, and the resulting hole is quickly restored when the impact stops. The muscles on the section are reddish, with a pronounced pattern of layers of fat. The surface is slightly damp: if you apply a piece of paper, there should be no blood stains on it.
Tendons and muscles are firmly attached to the bone. The smell depends on the type of meat, but is always pleasant. The resulting broth is straw-colored, transparent, aromatic.

Spoiled, or, in the language of professionals, spoiled meat is immediately visible. As they say, with the naked eye. You don't even need special knowledge here. Enough attention and responsibility. The surface of the spoiled carcass is covered with mucus, which simply cannot be ignored. There is no drying crust. The color is uneven, with dark brown spots. Yellowing of the fat also indicates spoilage. The so-called “meat tan” are areas of deep muscle decomposition. The flank, the pre-scapular part, may be covered with gray or greenish mold. The consistency of the meat is flabby. When pressed with a finger, the hole does not level out and fills with mucus. A cloudy, foul-smelling liquid drains from the muscle incision.

Looseness of meat may be a consequence of the fact that the drugs used were not completely removed from the animal before slaughter. The fact is that antibiotics are given to animals not only for veterinary indications (which is acceptable), but also to accelerate growth and weight gain. Just like hormonal foods. But the trouble is that they are not completely destroyed and are not removed even when boiled. Therefore, doctors recommend at least draining the first broth, into which the drugs are partially lost during the heat treatment.
It is better to refuse a piece of meat with uneven swelling - this is how the meat is injected with drugs. And with the smell of hydrogen sulfide mixed with ammonia hitting your nose. On the other hand, the lack of smell should also be of concern: this may be a sign that the animal was raised on chemical feed.

As you can see, to recognize spoiled meat, a simple instinct of self-preservation is enough. It is much more difficult not to fall for meat of so-called dubious freshness - it is not at all difficult for a thieving seller to pass it off as fresh. As the meat dries out, the crust begins to become moisturized. When touched, mucus remains on the hand. And the elasticity is not the same as that of fresh meat: the pits from indentation are restored, but only after a few minutes. The muscle tissue on the cut is flabby, the secreted ichor leaves bloody stains on the white sheet.. A sour smell is felt at the places of bone articulation and tendon attachment. And already at home, during the cooking process, meat of dubious freshness is “overwhelmingly” betrayed by a foamy scum with a sour smell. We've arrived! Let's assume that this is the mistake from which smart people learn.

Well, how to distinguish veal from beef? Easy: The veal has an even, pale pink color. There are no large longitudinal fibers. A finger can easily enter young soft meat when cut against the grain. And the fat, yellowed with age, thick films and coarsened tendons, alas, leave no doubt that they are trying to pass off its ancestor as a calf.
But you shouldn’t strive to buy veal in every case. Young meat is rich in protein, which makes veal necessary for pregnant women, weakened children and the elderly. But this advantage can also be a contraindication: protein-rich veal turns out to be an excessively heavy food for people suffering from liver and pancreas diseases.
There are also lard lovers among us. Experts recommend focusing on snow-white or soft pink. Yellowness and grayishness are a sure sign of aged lard. The skin should be thin, “transparent”, yellowish or pink. As the fat ages, the skin turns brown.

Calf up to 3 months - lactic
from 3 months to 3 years – young animals
from above - beef

The lard of a boar (male) gives off the smell of urea, which can be dispelled by dipping the piece in water for several hours. warm water with garlic. At the same age, heifer meat is more tender than young bull meat. The age of a fattening pig is 4-5 months, a young bull or heifer is 18-24 months, a cow is 40 months.

After defrosting, the meat must be cooked. Re-freezing meat is not allowed - it loses its nutritional properties. If thawing of meat is accompanied by darkening of muscle tissue, the appearance of a sour smell and oxidation, then most likely this is a consequence of its repeated freezing and thawing. When buying meat at the market, do not hesitate to ask to see a veterinary certificate and a veterinary inspection stamp certifying its safety.
The lard is not washed. For hygienic purposes, it is recommended to scrape scraps purchased on the market with a knife. Doctors recommend “eating” boiled lard, i.e. one that is pre-boiled for 3 hours before salting. Heat treatment sharply reduces the risk of contracting such very unpleasant “meat” diseases as trichinosis and pork tapeworm.

How to distinguish chilled meat from defrosted meat

If you want it cooked meat dish If it was juicy, you should give preference to chilled meat when purchasing. This is meat that is stored at zero temperature. If the meat has been frozen, then there is no loss in quality. When defrosting, both meat juice and valuable protein and extractive substances are washed out of it.
How to distinguish chilled beef? Not exposed to harmful low temperatures? By the so-called drying crust that forms on its surface. It should look appetizingly pinkish. On the cut it is not disgustingly sticky. The color of beef is red, veal is pink. Consistency - dense, elastic. Elastic muscle fibers. The depression quickly disappears when pressed with a finger. The released meat juice is transparent. Fat is white or yellowish in color, hard, and crumbles when crushed. Another test: touch a piece of meat with your hand and, if it is dry after that, then based on the combination of the above criteria, you can believe that you are not being “cheated” and that this is really meat that has not been subjected to unwanted freezing.
Now about defrosted meat. Its surface, on the contrary, is moisturized and sticky. The consistency is not as thick. The hole cannot be restored when pressed with a finger. After defrosting, the meat is devoid of a specific meat smell; a slight smell of dampness may appear. The color on the surface and on the cut becomes darker, with a grayish tint that is not pleasing to the eye.
Nowadays, the most sophisticated methods are used with which any meat can be given an attractive presentation and confuse even an experienced consumer. For this purpose, tinting of meat, special lighting for display cases, decoration with herbs, lemon, etc. are used. Be vigilant and don't let yourself be fooled.

Don’t waste your time on fresh meat:

“fresh” meat is nothing more than a brand!

"Steamed meat." For many consumers, these words serve as the best advertisement for meat when choosing it on the market. But this is not entirely true. Moreover, we hope that you are still being deceived by passing off chilled meat as fresh meat.
Why? According to regulatory documents Fresh meat should be considered meat obtained immediately after the slaughter of an animal within two or three hours. Its temperature in the thickness of the muscle is 35-37 degrees.
Thus, the use of fresh meat is limited to only two to three hours, since then rigor sets in, and such meat can no longer be used for food.

In order for the meat to remain suitable for consumption, it must go through a period of maturation, i.e. keep in a cool room or chamber for at least 24 hours. As a result, the meat becomes soft and acquires a pleasant taste and smell. This type of meat is called “chilled”. Its temperature in the thickness of the muscle is 12 degrees. To increase shelf life, cooled meat is cooled to a temperature of 0-4 degrees.

So sellers in city markets sell cold or chilled meat under the fresh brand. However, there is no need to be sad about the lack of fresh meat in the markets: neither cooled nor chilled meat loses its taste and nutritional value. Moreover, according to many experts, it is cooled and chilled meat that has the highest nutritional qualities.

You need to be careful that a dishonest seller does not slip in instead of chilled meat defrosted meat, the taste and nutritional value of which is much worse. When purchasing, you should make sure that the product is of good quality. external signs: red color, no gray tint, dense consistency. The hole formed when pressing with a finger should quickly level out. Read more about the difference between chilled and frozen meat above.

Which part of the pork carcass is best used to prepare which dish?

Pork, fried in portions and in large pieces; shashlik

Cutlet part
Fried cutlets with rib bone; pork, fried in large pieces

Ham non-stained, ham non-stained
Broths, first courses; chopped cutlets; chops; pork, fried in large pieces; pork, stewed in large pieces; ham, baked in large pieces

Neck b/c, neck n/c
Bake whole; fried in portions; shashlik

Non-woven blade
First courses; chopped cutlets; pork, stewed in large pieces; goulash; baking filling

Front knuckle, back leg
First courses and broths; jellies; fried pork knuckle

Brisket, bacon
First courses; fried in portions and pieces; bacon, baked with or without stuffing; solyanka

Small ribs
First courses and broths; fried pork ribs;

Non-woven thigh support
Broths; jelly; chopped cutlets, meatballs

Stew on cartilage
First courses and broths; roast; stew stew



No drying crust. The hole does not level out when pressed with a finger and is filled with mucus. Mucus. Dark brown spots. Yellowing of fat. Areas of deep muscle decomposition. Flabby consistency. Looseness. Uneven swelling. Smell of hydrogen sulfide mixed with ammonia. Completely odorless.

text: Karpukhina A.V.

Baked meat (double in ru_kitchen), but there is pre-moderation and it is unknown... An invasion of guests is expected and as a hot dish I want to bake portioned pieces of meat in the oven (gas oven, no thermometer). Meat available: pork, neck, red meat with thin …

neck and chanterelle

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*cleanses gun*

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