Among the plants there are harmful species. Poisonous meadow plants. Plants that cause discoloration of milk

We have to remember that the presence of plants in the office can worsen the condition of people suffering from bronchial asthma. Fungi of the genus Aspergillus, often present in the soil, are the cause of a lung disease - allergic aspergillosis. Fungal spores, getting into the bronchi with inhaled air, settle in them and begin to multiply. Therefore, as a soil for indoor plants, you should not use the earth with fallen leaves, straw. In general, when watering flowers, make sure that there is no excess moisture in the soil and pan. This is harmful both for plants (the roots rot) and for the health of students.

Very often, indoor plants are used as a first-aid kit. Aloe, Kalanchoe are called "doctor plants". But with a huge number of indications for use, the same aloe (agave), it turns out, has many limitations. Aloe juice is contraindicated in diseases of the kidneys and liver, is not recommended for severe heart disease, hypertension, acute indigestion, people over 40 years old, with uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding, long pregnancy.

Finally, among indoor plants there are poisonous ones, and they are very common in our classrooms. For example, oleander and dieffenbachia, the juice of which is very dangerous.

The white juice of all euphorbia contains substances that irritate the skin in different concentrations. This family includes the most beautiful euphorbia, also known as poinsettia and "Christmas star", Mil' euphorbia, motley codiaeum, akalifa.

If the plant receives a small scratch, its juice can easily get on the skin, and this, in turn, can cause eczema.

The nightshade family is known for its toxicity. It includes, in particular, browallia, brunfelsia, capsicum, nightshade, whose berries are orange in color, like clivia berries.

The kutrovy family is also very dangerous. Its most famous representatives are: oleander, allamanda, caries, cataranthus, or pink periwinkle, diplatia or mandevil and pachypodium. These plants contain substances that affect cardiac activity. True, a serious danger threatens only those who swallow flowers or leaves in large quantities. They taste very bitter and at first cause vomiting. However, this plant family should be handled with care. Of course, contact with the underground organs of plants is a relatively rare matter, but still it is necessary to know whether one should be especially careful during transplantation due to toxic substances. If a person eats a tuber of a luxurious gloriosa or an autumn colchicum, there will be a danger to his life.

You can feel sorry for those who are allergic to primroses: from the slightest contact with the reverse conical primrose, they begin to irritate or inflame the skin. It is this species that has secretions on thin hairs of leaves and stems, to which many people react so sensitively. Primroses, however, are not poisonous. A similar substance is found in peach cyclamen tubers, which, however, are not often touched by anyone.

Harm of some plants Table, 2

More on the topic Harmful and poisonous plants:

  2. Poisoning by poisonous plants (belladonna, henbane, dope)

It would seem, what dangers can there be from our meadow and forest grasses growing in a country with a temperate climate. It's there, they have, in the tropics, full of poisonous plants and animals. Yes, if nature created a couple of poisonous flowers and berries, then they have long disappeared or are listed in the Red Book, but they certainly do not grow on our household plots and cottages. There are a lot of people who think this way. And with similar ignorance and carelessness they endanger safety not only his own, but also the little members of his family. After all, children with their inquisitive mind and curiosity try everything interesting to the touch and to the tooth. How can they, little ones, know that beautiful flower can cause severe burns, and appetizing berries can be deadly poisonous.

Just imagine that in Russia and other CIS countries grows about 400 species poisonous plants!!! To list them in one article, and even more so to remember, is impossible, and it is not necessary. We recommend that you remember the five most dangerous plants, which are adjacent to people and can fall under your arm in the garden and in the vicinity of the city.

1. The leader among dangerous plants in terms of prevalence and accessibility to humans can undoubtedly be called Sosnovsky's hogweed, in the common people it is also called hogweed or hogweed. To become a victim of this poisonous plant, you do not even need to go out into nature. His a dime a dozen in the city. Hogweed is mowed, poisoned with all kinds of chemicals, but every year it becomes more and more. This is not the natural resistance of the hogweed, but artificial, bred by man, which played a cruel joke on the man himself. It was decided to modify the wild Caucasian grass into a fertile silage culture resistant to all kinds of adverse factors in order to provide cattle with fodder. When they took out the new kind cow parsnip, it turned out that it was unsuitable for feeding livestock. For good purposes - it is unsuitable, but to bring harm to a person - still go and look for one that will damage more than this agricultural crop.

Hogweed juice contains substances that, when in contact with the skin, increase its susceptibility to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, sunlight under the influence of Sosnovsky's hogweed juice causes the strongest 1-3 degrees on the skin, which do not appear immediately, but on the second day. You can get a burn by slightly touching a damp, sweaty body, and an allergic reaction - even by inhaling vapors while mowing this deadly plant.

Depending on individual susceptibility, the area of ​​​​the skin area in contact with the cow parsnip and the intensity of the sun's rays on this area, from a poisonous plant it can be different - from slight redness to large blisters, which later become deep, hard-healing wounds. If 80% of the body is burned with hogweed, a person may die. And post-burn dark spots from hogweed will adorn you for many more years.

If you have even the slightest suspicion that your skin has been exposed to hogweed, act immediately:
- if possible, immediately wash the skin thoroughly with an alcohol solution or water, preferably with soap;
- lubricate the place of contact with cow parsnip with an anti-burn preparation;
- Protect the affected skin from light by applying a tight bandage;
- If blisters appear, see a doctor.

2. Second place in our hit parade of deadly and poisonous plants occupies a shrub that blooms with very beautiful purple- pink flowers, which become bright red berries by autumn, are wolf's bast. The flowers of this poisonous plant smell pleasant, but their aroma causes headache. Its attention-grabbing scarlet berries are, first of all, a huge danger for children, since 5-6 berries for them is already a lethal dose. All parts of the wolf's bark on the skin cause redness and blisters, up to tissue necrosis. In an adult who decides to "eat" the berries of this life-threatening plant, it leads to severe irritation of the digestive system and kidneys. At the first signs of poisoning with a wolfberry plant: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rashes all over the body, you should immediately rinse your stomach and consult a doctor.

3. Bronze in the ranking dangerous and poisonous plants belongs to the hemlock spotted or speckled who poisoned Socrates. Outwardly, this life-threatening plant looks like wild carrots and parsley. All parts of the plant are poisonous, including the seeds, which ignorant people confuse with dill seeds. Signs of poisoning: an hour after the use of hemlock, clouding of consciousness, dizziness and severe headache occur. The poisoned person's legs begin to give way, he staggers, as if drunk. A person's throat dries up, he is very thirsty, but it is impossible to swallow. The face becomes pale and distorted, the pupils are dilated, the gaze is motionless. A poisoned person hears, but sees nothing and cannot speak. Fainting alternates with convulsive twitches, and later the patient's stupor, in which only wheezing inhalations and exhalations are heard. The body becomes cold, the head and sometimes other parts swell, the eyeballs protrude forward, the skin becomes purplish-blue. Death occurs within 3-6 hours after consumption lethal dose hemlock. In case of hemlock poisoning, call immediately ambulance, gastric lavage and take pills activated carbon. If breathing stops before the arrival of doctors, do artificial ventilation of the lungs.

4. We gave the fourth place henbane, a weed growing along roadsides, in wastelands and even in vegetable gardens. All parts of this plant are deadly, but especially its seeds.. Mild poisoning is manifested by dilated pupils, speech disorder, dry mouth, photophobia, reddening of the skin, agitation, sometimes hallucinations, delirium, tachycardia. Poisoning in severe cases is accompanied by a loss of orientation, a sharp mental and motor excitement, sometimes convulsions may occur with further loss of consciousness. Subsequently, the poisoned person may fall into a coma. Death occurs from respiratory paralysis and vascular insufficiency.

5. Our rating dangerous plants closes the May lily of the valley. All parts of this plant are dangerous: stems, leaves and orange berries. There is information about the poisoning of people with drunk water, in which there were primroses. Poisoning is manifested by nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting and dizziness. In cases mortal danger heart rate and rhythm are disturbed, and the pulse becomes rare. Sometimes poisoning is accompanied by convulsions, blurred vision, loss of consciousness. Death comes from cardiac arrest. First aid for plant poisoning: gastric lavage. You definitely need to call a doctor.

We have presented for review five dangerous plants, burns and poisoning which can be fatal. To make being outdoors safe, look for these plants, examine them carefully and show your children and loved ones to know these poisonous plants and beware of them.

It is difficult to imagine how many mysteries the Russian land is fraught with, and how many dangers it is fraught with is even more difficult to imagine. We will talk about the most dangerous and poisonous plants growing in Russia.

In fact, plant poison, if collected on a massive scale, could partly replace chemical, biological weapons .. and even simple weapons in some cases. There are stories when dedicated people used plant poisons for inhumane, selfish purposes, for example, eliminating the enemy.

IN Ancient Greece with the help of hemlock juice (a plant, which, by the way, is quite common in Russia), death sentences were carried out. Socrates, according to reports, was sent to the Other World with the help of hemlock juice, according to other sources - spotted hemlock. Both plants live safely in Russia.

As the legends say, earlier, during the capture of villages by enemies, the Russians, fleeing to save their lives, poured juices of poisonous plants stored in cellars into barrels of wine - belladonna, henbane, etc.

Many herbs have healing properties, but there are those that can bring not only healing, but also death. The paradox is that almost all poisonous plants are used for the preparation of medicines along with useful ones, only the raw materials are carefully dosed.

As they say (the words of Paracelsus, a brilliant physician of all times and peoples): "Only the dose makes a substance a poison or a medicine."

Very often, the juices and raw materials of poisonous plants are used to treat the heart, stop bleeding, and relieve pain.

As antidotes (naturally for mild poisoning, and not when a person convulses), they used potato juice (and also juices of various vegetables, berries: sorrel, currant, beetroot, cucumber, cabbage, cranberry), beaten egg white with raw milk, powder from dried orchid tubers, valerian root, elecampane root.

In total, about 10 thousand poisonous plants are known in the world, a lot of them grow in the tropics, subtropics, but on Russian soil, flowers and greens are almost entirely found that can, under certain conditions, harm a person. It’s just that we don’t eat and take all the plants in our hands - this saves us from the consequences. However, when visiting the forest, especially with children, one should not forget how much danger can lurk among the grass, because it is children who often suffer from plant poisons.

Consider the most common poisonous plants in Russia.

In the photo, milestones are poisonous

Milestone poisonous (or hemlock)

“Veh poisonous (spelling and pronunciation of milestones is allowed) (lat. Cicúta virósa) - poisonous plant; a species of the genus Vex of the Umbelliferae family, common in Europe.

Other names: hemlock, cat's parsley, vyakha, omeg, omezhnik, water rabies, water hemlock, mutnik, dog angelica, gorigola, pig louse.

The active toxic substance is cicutoxin. When taking hemlock juice in non-lethal doses (up to 100 grams of rhizome), symptoms of intestinal poisoning begin in a few minutes, then foam from the mouth, staggering gait, dizziness. At higher doses, convulsions leading to paralysis and death.

It is easy to confuse hemlock with safer plants - this is its main danger. It tastes like parsley, rutabaga, celery, sweetish, cloying, which again makes hemlock harmless.

In Russia, it is found in nature almost everywhere. The most common-looking plant, which is very easy to confuse with a harmless one.

Pictured hemlock

hemlock spotted

“Spotted hemlock (lat. Conīum maculātum) is a biennial herbaceous plant, a species of the hemlock genus (Conium) of the Umbrella family (Apiaceae).

In Russia, it is found almost throughout the European part, in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia.

Poisonous properties are determined by the alkaloids coniine (the most poisonous), methylconiine, conhydrin, pseudoconhydrin, conicein. Hemlock fruits contain up to 2% alkaloids, leaves - up to 0.1%, flowers - up to 0.24%, seeds - up to 2%.

Coniine is the most poisonous substance of hemlock, when taken in large doses, it first causes excitation and then stops breathing.

“The first symptoms of poisoning are nausea, salivation, dizziness, impaired swallowing, speech, blanching of the skin. The initial excitation is accompanied by convulsions and turns into depression of the central nervous system. Characteristic is ascending paralysis, starting with lower extremities accompanied by loss of skin sensitivity. The pupils are dilated and do not react to light. Increasing suffocation can lead to respiratory arrest. In contact with the skin, the juice causes dermatitis.

Antidote is milk with a solution of potassium permanganate - pink. In order to “die” a hemlock, you need to eat a lot - a couple of kilograms, there are known cases of the death of starving livestock. But the poisons isolated from the leaves and parts of the plant can be fatal in a much smaller volume.

However, hemlock is also used as a medicinal plant, it is considered almost sacred for traditional healers - they are treated with cancer, heart problems, etc.

Outwardly, it looks like a hemlock, there are spots on the stem, which is why it is named accordingly.

Pictured is a poisonous buttercup

Buttercup poisonous

“Poisonous buttercup (lat. Ranunculus sceleratus) is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant; species of the genus Buttercup (Ranunculus) of the Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). Very poisonous."

There are many species of buttercup, poisonous is similar to safer species.

Active toxic substances: gamma-lactones (ranunculin and protoanemonin), flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin, etc.).

There are known cases of animal poisoning, and the milk of cows that ate buttercups is also poisonous.

In humans, when gruel from parts of the plant gets on damaged skin, burns appear, and when it comes into contact with mucous membranes, sharp pain, spasms of the larynx. When taken orally in small doses, hemorrhagic lesions of the gastric tract occur. With more impressive doses and constant intoxication with poisons - violations of the heart, kidney damage, vasoconstriction.

On the photo is henbane


Belena (lat. Hyoscýamus) - genus herbaceous plants family Nightshade (Solanaceae).

Active toxic substances: atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine.

“Symptoms of poisoning (confusion, fever, palpitations, dry mouth, blurred vision, etc.) appear after 15-20 minutes.”

All parts of the plant are poisonous.

In the photo belladonna


This poisonous flower got its name from the formation of two Italian words " beautiful woman”(Bella donna), as the Italians put the juice of the plant in their eyes to dilate the pupils and make their eyes shine.

With mild poisoning (coming in 10-20 minutes), tachycardia, delirium, agitation begin, pupils dilate, photophobia. In severe poisoning - convulsions, high fever, drop in blood pressure, paralysis of the respiratory center, vascular insufficiency.

Pictured raven eye

Crow's eye four leaf

“Crow’s eye is four-leafed, or Crow’s eye is ordinary (lat. Pāris quadrifōlia) is a species of herbaceous plants from the genus Crow’s eye of the Melantiev family (earlier this genus was assigned to the Lilein family). poisonous plant."

The plant is deadly poisonous. Often children suffer, because the berry is quite beautiful and attractive in appearance.

“The leaves act on the central nervous system, the fruits on the heart, the rhizomes cause vomiting. Symptoms of poisoning: abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness attacks, convulsions, disruption of the heart until it stops. The use of the plant for medicinal purposes is prohibited.

In the photo castor bean

Castor bean

« Castor bean (Ricinus commúnis) is an oilseed, medicinal and ornamental garden plant. Used to decorate parks. According to sources, deaths from eating parts of the plant are rare, but the castor bean is considered a highly poisonous species.

Active toxic substances ricin, ricinin.

« All parts of the plant contain the protein ricin and the alkaloid ricinin and are poisonous to humans and animals (LD50 about 500 μg). Ingestion of plant seeds causes enteritis, vomiting and colic, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, disturbance of water and electrolyte balance and death after 5-7 days. Damage to health is irreparable, survivors cannot fully restore health, which is explained by the ability of ricin to irreversibly destroy proteins in human tissues. Inhalation of ricin powder similarly affects the lungs."

It is amazing that castor oil, so popular in medicine, is made from castor beans. To neutralize the poison, the raw materials are treated with hot steam.

Castor oil is considered one of the most poisonous plants in the world.

In the photo Chemeritsa Lobel

Hellebore Lobel

“Hemeritsa Lobelya, or Hellebore Lobelieva (lat. Verattrum lobeliánum) is a plant species of the genus Hellebore of the Melantiev family. Medicinal, poisonous, insecticidal plant.

Contains toxic substances alkaloids: yervin, rubyervin, isorubiyervin, germine, germidine, protoveratrin.

Hellebore is a very poisonous plant, its roots contain 5-6 alkaloids, of which the most poisonous is protoveratrin, which is able to suppress the central nervous system, has a detrimental effect on gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

If you use the plant inside, it starts to burn the throat, a severe runny nose appears, then psychomotor agitation, weakening of cardiac activity, hypotension, bradycardia, shock and death (when using high doses of root juice), usually consciousness persists until death occurs - at high concentrations of poison, death can come in a couple of hours.

In the photo dope

Datura common (stinky)

Poisonous substances: atropine, hyoscyamine, scopolamine.

“Symptoms of poisoning: motor agitation, sharp pupil dilation, redness of the face and neck, hoarseness, thirst, headache. Subsequently, speech impairment, coma, hallucinations, paralysis.

In the photo aconite

Aconite, or wrestler

One of the most poisonous plants. Extremely dangerous even when used externally.

The active toxic substances are aconitine, sonorine.

The taste is burning, immediately causes neurological disorders, including tachycardia, tremor of the limbs, dilated pupils, and headache. Then convulsions, clouding of consciousness, delirium, respiratory failure, if no help is provided - death.

Pictured wolfberry

Wolf bast, or wolf berry

For a fatal outcome, according to information from medical sources, it is enough for an adult to consume 15 berries, for a child 5. Causes severe poisoning, death if no help is provided.

Active toxic substances: diterpenoids: daphnetoxin, meserein; coumarins - daphnin, daphnetin.

In the photo, rosemary

Ledum marsh

The active toxic substances are ledol, cymol, palustrol, arbutin.

Negatively affects the central nervous system.

“Symptoms: dry mouth, numbness of the tongue, speech disturbance, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, general weakness, impaired coordination of movements, clouding of consciousness, increased or decreased pulse, convulsions, agitation, CNS paralysis is possible after 30–120 minutes.”

In small doses, it is used as a medicine for lung diseases.

In the photo autumn colchicum

Colchicum autumn

In parts of the flower is a deadly poison - colchicine, which acts like arsenic. The process of damage to the body can take up to several days and weeks. Even if it comes into contact with the skin, the poison causes severe burns.

Pictured is an oleander


In Russia, the plant is found mainly in decorative growing form in offices and apartments. Beautiful, but very poisonous shrub.

“Oleander juice, taken orally, causes severe colic in humans and animals, vomiting and diarrhea, and then leads to serious problems in the activity of the heart and central nervous system. The cardiac glycosides contained in it can cause cardiac arrest. Due to the poisonousness of the plant, it is not recommended to place it in children's institutions.

In the photo dieffenbachia


Widespread houseplant in Russia. Mainly causes dermatitis. However, deaths have also been reported from ingestion of the plant's juice.

Plants such as sweet clover, tansy, lily of the valley, wormwood, sage are less toxic than, for example, aconites, however, in large doses and with constant intake, they can cause irreversible damage to the body.

For example, lily of the valley juice affects the heart muscle, sage and wormwood contain substances that can cause psychosis, tansy is very toxic when taken in large doses. Sweet clover contains the poison coumarin, dicoumarin, when taken in large doses, it prevents blood clotting and causes bleeding.

Cerberus is also grown in Russia - one of the most beautiful flowers with a jasmine scent. True, only in a decorative form, on the windowsills. In hot countries, this plant is called the "suicide tree": in parts of the flower there is an extremely dangerous poison cerberin - a glycoside, it blocks the conduction of electrical impulses, disrupts the heart rhythm. Even the smoke from burning the leaves of the plant is dangerous.

In ancient times, when there were no pistols and modern technologies, to eliminate enemies with might and main used natural poisons. They lubricated the arrowheads of the bow with the juice of poisonous plants, which guaranteed the death of the enemy, and actively used the same aconite.

Poisonous plants in Russia actually grow everywhere. Their danger is mainly not that they grow everywhere - after all, people do not eat them en masse, but that they are similar to others, edible, and that many are beautiful: for example, they are simply confused with useful plants which is fraught.

Many habitually admire beautiful home flowers, absolutely not thinking about what happens and harmful plants . Within one article it is difficult to describe all the representatives of the flora capable, under certain circumstances, of delivering a lot of trouble. For comfort practical application it is advisable to compile the material in the form of a brief reference article on some harmful plants.


Many representatives of this species are able to secrete poisonous juice. If it gets on open areas of the skin, the possibility of acute inflammation is not ruled out. But even without direct contact with the human body, the juice flowing from damaged leaves enters the respiratory tract through the air and can lead to swelling of the mucous membrane, bronchial asthma, and cause suffocation. It is strictly contraindicated for those suffering from allergies. Ficus may well be called a harmful plant in such cases. The properties of ficus are described in more detail here.


Like all philodendrons, it belongs to the aroid family. The juice of these plants can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes, severe burning in the mouth and throat, vomiting and indigestion. True, for this effect, a harmful plant must be eaten (well, or chewed). Therefore, monstera is especially dangerous for children, for them it is harmful plant.

Pachypodium or Madagascar palm

Very popular with fans exotic plants. Of course, it has nothing to do with palm trees, but it sounds beautiful. Thick spiny trunk (fleshy) up to one meter high. The bright yellow star-shaped flowers are very attractive but poisonous, as are the leaves. Can seriously affect cardiovascular activity. But fortunately only with direct ingestion of the body. So do not eat it and it will not be a harmful plant.

Azalea (Rhododendron)

Heather family. The leaves are used in the manufacture of narcotic drugs. It is not recommended to grow in a house where small children live. During the flowering period, which in Rhododendrons can last up to two and a half months, the smell can lead to dizziness and loss of consciousness. But this is provided that there are many flowers.

Poinsettia or Euphorbia the most beautiful

It is found very often in home flower beds, as it has a beautiful flower. Flowering period - winter, Christmas Eve. Hence the second name - the Bethlehem (or Christmas) star. The content of poisonous milky juice is characteristic of all representatives of the genus Euphorbiaceae. If it comes into contact with the skin, it can cause blisters, and if it gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, then temporary blindness is provided. Getting inside the poison contained in the juice causes vomiting, severe pain in the abdomen, diarrhea. In rare cases, it can cause heart failure. The peculiarity of the structure is such that the juice in the leaves and stem is under pressure. And the slightest damage to the top layer leads to its outflow. You can rightfully call such home flower harmful plant.

Possible harm from flowering plants

Actually, All flowering plants bad for allergy sufferers. Especially strong allergies are caused by plants that are not of local origin. After all, allergy is a protective reaction of the body to foreign agents ( chemical substances). Everything would be fine - protection is useful, but the reaction that is called an allergy is a HYPER reaction that can lead to anaphylactic shock and death. It is akin to what if a person, smelling smoke from a fire, put a plastic bag on his head and tightly tied a plastic bag around his throat. So what do you need to know harmful plants and for whom they are harmful, but in general, flowers, of course, are good and beautiful.

  • The benefits and harms of Dieffenbachia.
  • The benefits and harms of poppy
  • Can the kitchen be harmful?«

Harmful indoor plants

Quote from Alyssa

Fashionable now houseplants do not always serve as decoration and please the eye. Sometimes they can slowly kill people and animals living in the house. In order not to become a victim of domestic killer flowers, first familiarize yourself with their properties and characteristics.


The most popular and fashionable now indoor plants of this family are dieffenbachia, philodendron, syngonium, caladium, monstera and spathiphyllum. We see them in offices, apartments, flower shops. But, unfortunately, often even sellers do not know all the features of a particular plant.

Aroid juice is rich in a very dangerous amino acid asparagine, which causes inflammation of the mucous membranes. In addition, it contains calcium oxalate crystals, which are irritating to the mouth and throat. Also, these substances can cause suffocation. It is possible that eating the leaves of these plants will lead to indigestion, vomiting, and profuse salivation.


IN Lately the housewives especially liked spurge or euphorbia. He is very dangerous. The juice of the plant has the appearance of white milk, a pungent odor and can cause skin irritation, burns and allergies. When the juice gets on the mucous membrane, ulcers form, in the eye - inflammation and temporary blindness. If the leaf of milkweed is in the stomach of a child or animal, this will lead to severe vomiting, diarrhea and convulsions.


The fruits of the Jerusalem cherry remind children of small tomatoes. Therefore, make sure that neither the baby nor, for example, the cat, eats these berries. The flowers of this plant contain a poisonous glycoalkaloid - solanine, which is toxic even in large quantities. Eating fruits can cause abdominal cramps, headaches, paralysis of the respiratory and circulatory systems.


A very beautiful and sophisticated plant of this family - oleander - is an adornment of any hall, whether it is an office center or Vacation home. But as beautiful as it is, it is just as harmful because of the content of the deadly poison oleanin.

As a result of poisoning with this plant, after a few hours, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, tachycardia, and impaired visual function may appear. There are also cases when the matter ended with a slow irregular pulse, a drop in blood pressure, followed by cardiac arrest.

First aid for poisoning

First of all, try to arrange all the plants listed above in the house in such a way that neither the child nor the animals can reach them.

Secondly, perform any manipulations with these plants with gloves and goggles so that the juice does not get on the skin and eyes.

If it happens that you observe symptoms such as burns of the mouth and throat, inflammation of the lips, severe salivation, difficulty swallowing, respiratory distress, nausea, vomiting, severe burns and redness of the eyes, watery eyes, rinse abundantly with mucous membranes and eyes with water. The baby's stomach can be washed with potassium permanganate or with activated charcoal. Be sure to call the doctor at home or take the child to the clinic.

If you notice oddities in the behavior of a cat or dog - they rub their muzzle with their paws, foamy saliva flows from their mouths, their eyes turn red, and bites or scratches are noticeable on plants, rinse the animal's mucous membranes with plenty of running water. Inside, try to give activated charcoal with liquid. Your pet will absolutely need a veterinary examination.

Do not forget also that these plants are dangerous not only when juice gets on parts of the body, but also with volatile substances that are released during their flowering period. These plants are especially dangerous in a closed, unventilated area. Then the victims have a headache and dizziness.

In allergy sufferers, poisonous flowers cause bronchial asthma, swelling of the mucous membranes, vomiting and diarrhea.

List of dangerous house plants:

1. Acalypha hispida (Acalypha bristle-haired): milky juice is dangerous.
2. Adenium obesum (adenium obese): milky juice is dangerous.
3. Ageratum houstonianum (ageratum, or long-flowered): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
4. Aglaonema (aglaonema): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
5. Allamanda cathartica (allamanda laxative): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
6. Alocasia (alokaziya): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
7. Anthurium scherzerianum (Scherzer Anthurium): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
8. Asparagus (asparagus): berries are dangerous.
9. Aucuba japonica (Japanese aucuba): berries are dangerous.
10. Begonia-Semperflorens hybrid (ever flowering begonia, hybrids): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
11. Browallia (browllia): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
12. Brunfelsia (brunfelsia): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
13. Buxus sempervirens (boxwood): dangerous leaves.
14. Capsicum annuum (pepper): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
15. Carissa macrocarpa (large-fruited carissa): all parts of the plant are dangerous, except for the fruits.
16. Cassia (cassia): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
17. Catharanthus roseus (pink catharanthus): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
18. Cestrum (cestrum): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
19. Clivia miniata (cinnabar clivia): all parts of the plant are dangerous, the fruits are most poisonous.
20. Codiaeum variegatum (variegated codiaeum): milky juice is dangerous.
21. Colchicum autumnale (autumn colchicum): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
22. Convallaria majalis (May lily of the valley): berries are dangerous.
23. Cysas revoluta (drooping cycas): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
24. Cytisus (broom): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
25. Datura (datura): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
26. Dieffenbachia (diffenbachia): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
27. Dipladenia (dipladenia, or mandevila): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
28. Euphorbia milii (Euphorbia milii brilliant): Dangerous milky juice.
29. Gloriosa superba (luxurious gloriosa): the tubers of the plant are dangerous.
30. Haemanthus (gemanthus): bulbs are dangerous.
31. Hedera helix (evergreen ivy): The berries and leaves of the plant are dangerous.
32. Heliotropium arborescens (tree heliotrope): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
33. Hippeastrum (hippeastrum): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
34. Hoya (hoya): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
35. Hyachinthus orientalis (oriental hyacinth): bulbs are dangerous.
36. Iris (iris): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
37. Jatropha podagrica (gouty jatropha): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
38. Lantana (lantana): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
39. Lathyrus odoratus (sweet pea): dangerous seeds.
40. Lilium (lily): bulbs are dangerous.
41. Lonicera (honeysuckle): dangerous berries.
42. Monstera deliciosa (monstera attractive): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
43. Narcissus (narcissus): bulbs are dangerous.
44. Nerium oleander (common oleander): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
45. Pachpodium (Pachypodium): The trunk and leaves of the plant are dangerous.
46. ​​Petunia (petunia): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
47. Philodendron (philodendron): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
48. Primula obconica: all parts of the plant are dangerous.
49. Ricinus communis (common castor bean): the seeds of the plant are dangerous.
50. Senecio bicolor (cineraria, ragwort): all parts of the plant are dangerous.
51. Salanum pseudocarpsicum (false nightshade): all parts of the plant are dangerous, berries are more dangerous.
52. Trachelospermum jasminoides (trachelospermum jasminoides): milky juice is dangerous. 53. Tulipa (tulip): bulbs are dangerous.
54. Zantedeschia (Zantedeschia, kala): all parts of the plant are dangerous.

Before you follow the fashion and mindlessly collect unknown plants, remember: it is better not to have any flowers in the house at all than to reproach yourself later for the consequences of a frivolous purchase.

Which indoor plants are harmful and which are beneficial to humans?


Ivy will help cleanse the air of toxins, different kinds ficus, dracaena, similar to a small palm tree on a high tree trunk. The broad leaves of philodendron have the same properties, and even ordinary aloe is a favorite medicine of our grandmothers.
They help relieve tension, fatigue and arousal, they calm and improve sleep. These are rosemary, lemon balm, monstera, pelargonium (everyone knows geranium). But the azalea, or rhododendron, has an even rarer gift. It is very beautifully blooming, with large pink flowers, perennial helps relieve hangover. To do this, it is enough to stay in the same room with such a "green doctor" for half an hour.
Some plants are poisonous, such as oleander or certain types of magnolias. Strong-smelling flowers, such as hyacinths and lilies, can also be harmful to health. There should not be many of them in the room, and it is generally not recommended to put these flowers in the bedroom.

Segezha Leygubskaya

Those flowers that you don’t like are harmful, you don’t want to take care of them, but you have to, this spoils your mood!
And those flowers that you like are useful, pleasing to the eye and from which the mood rises.

And you don't need to eat any flowers!

Elena Madyka - Trukhina

If a person has an allergy, then flowers with a strong smell are harmful to him. Most are helpful. And this is very individual. Personally, I breed and love lemons. There is a lemon garden on my window: lemons both bloom and bear fruit. Both pleasant and useful.

Elena Dmitrieva

Here are some of them:
Aglaonema changeable / Aglaonema commutatum
Azalea (Rhododendron Sims) / Rhododendron simsii
Aloe / Aloe spp.
Alpine Violet, Persian Cyclamen / Cyclamen persicum
Amaryllis beautiful / Amaryllis belladonna
Anthurium Andre or Scherzer / Anthurium andreanum / scherzerianum
Ornamental begonia / Begonia spp.
Ethiopian Calla / Calla Aethiopica
Japanese spindle tree / Euonymus japonica
Hippeastrum / Hippeastrum spp.
Gloriosa luxury / Gloriosa superba
Dieffenbachia / Dieffenbachia
Fig (Fig) / Ficus spp.
Caladium / Caladium spp.
Kalanchoe / Kalanchoe spp.
Calla / Zantedeschia aethiopica
Red Clivia or Orange Clivia / Clivia miniata
Variegated Codiaeum / Codiaeum variegatum
Lantana camara / Lantana camara – Hybriden
Euphorbia is beautiful, Poinsettia / Euphorbia pulcherrima
Euphorbia Milii / Euphorbia milii
Monstera lovely or delicacy / Monstera deliciosa
Common oleander / Nerium oleander
Nightshade or solanum / Solanum pseudocapsicum
Common Ivy / Hedera helix
Racemosus Broom / Cytisus racemosus
Reversed cycad / Cycas revolute
Family Euphorbiaceae / Euphorbiaceae
Syngonium leg-leaved / Syngonium podophyllum
Spathiphyllum profusely flowering, or flagolist / Spathiphyllum floribundum
Painted Scindapsus / Scindapsus pictus
Philodendrons / Philodendron spp.
Epipremnum pinnate / Epipremnum pinnatum

Also, almost all succulents are dangerous.

The danger from plants is not direct, but indirect. Dieffenbachia, euphorbia adeniums, (especially with a triangular trunk, which is often confused with a cactus), if you do not knead in your hands until the juice is released, and even more so if you do not put it in your mouth, they will not bring harm. It can be dangerous if there are small children at home. That is, by themselves, all these plants will not bring harm. if they are not damaged and do not touch the face and body parts with delicate skin.

poisonous indoor plants

The world of indoor plants is amazing and diverse. Often, acquaintance with him turns into a favorite hobby for life. However, you should be aware that many plants, and the most original and exotic ones, are poisonous and pose a serious danger to children, pets and even adults.

Many mistakenly believe that keeping toxic plants in the house is not dangerous if you put green pets in places inaccessible to children and animals. This does not solve the problem, since some plants, such as ficuses, release toxic substances into the air through the smallest pores on the leaves that can cause various allergic reactions, especially in people prone to this disease.

When purchasing a plant, be sure to obtain information about its toxicity. Trust sellers flower shops it is impossible, because they themselves are mostly unaware of the poisonous properties of plants. Below are the most popular indoor toxic plants, divided into three groups according to the level of danger.

Plants that are deadly to humans and animals

The leading position in the list of deadly poisonous houseplants is occupied by the kutrov family: adenium, allamanda, beumontia, diplatia (mandevilla), carissa, catharanthus, oleander, pachypodium, plumeria, strophanthus and tabernemontana. The most beloved and popular representatives of the kutras - oleander and adenium are also the most poisonous.



Just one oleander leaf ingested can lead to the death of an adult. All parts of this plant, especially the milky sap, stem and seeds contain poisonous cardiac glycosides, nerioside, oleandroside and saponins.

When these toxic substances enter the body, the victim begins a severe upset of the digestive system, vomiting and bloody diarrhea, an increased heart rate, and hallucinations appear. After some time, a person or animal's blood pressure decreases, the heart rate slows down, breathing and cardiac activity stop.

Poisonous substances are found in all plants of the kutrov family. When working with them, great care must be taken, since the ingress of milky juice into the eyes or mouth causes very severe burns. Be sure to wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after finishing work.

Luxurious flowers and exotic caudex stems of many kutras will undoubtedly be the highlight of any plant collection. But still, you should think a thousand times before bringing these plants into the house, especially if you have small children and animals.

All types and varieties of lilies are very dangerous for humans and animals. Blooming lilies exude a very strong aroma, which causes dizziness, headaches, fainting and allergies. In no case should you use lily leaves inside, as this can lead to lethal outcome. Pets can become seriously ill and even die if they lick a lily leaf or bite off a small piece of it.



Symptoms of lily poisoning appear 30-60 minutes after it enters the digestive tract. The animal becomes lethargic, refuses to eat, he begins to vomit. If left untreated, the animal experiences disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, they cease to function, and the animal dies. If you suspect your pet has been bitten by a lily, they should be taken to the veterinarian immediately for emergency treatment.

There is no antidote for the poison of lilies, so if there are animals in the house, and even more so small children, lilies should not be grown in the house or on the plot, and bouquets of lilies should not be brought into the house.


Another representative of the lily family, the May lily of the valley, is also very poisonous and deadly for pets.

The color-lover is unlikely to be able to resist the extraordinary ornamental plants aroid families: aglaonema, alocasia, anthurium, arizema, dieffenbachia, zamiokulkas, zantedeschia (calla), caladium, taro, monstera, sauromatum, syngonium, spathiphyllum, scindapsus, philodendron. These plants are attracted by the unusual shape of the leaves and their catchy color, while many aroids bloom very beautifully. But, unfortunately, almost all aroids contain poisonous oxalic acid, toxic proteins and enzymes.

Oxalic acid salts penetrate deep into the skin and mucous membranes, causing severe burns and irritation. The most dangerous is the ingress of aroid juice into the eyes, mouth and digestive system. Upon contact with oxalic acid, the mucous membranes swell and become inflamed, as a result of which it becomes impossible to eat, the voice disappears, breathing becomes difficult until it stops.

The most dangerous of the aroid dieffenbachia. If its juice has entered the body of a person or a pet, it is urgent to take the victim to a doctor who will prescribe decongestants and painkillers. Animals should not be given medication without the approval of a veterinarian, as many medications are toxic to them.

Rhododendrons and azaleas are toxic to humans, dogs and cats. Poisoning occurs when eating a few leaves. Plants contain substances (andromedotoxins) that affect the muscles, heart and nervous system. A few hours after the leaves enter the body, the animal begins to experience severe indigestion, diarrhea, and colic. The animal becomes weak and refuses food. Subsequently, loss of coordination, numbness, paralysis of the limbs, and weakening of the heart rhythm may develop. The animal may fall into a coma and die.


Members of the cycas family, cycas and zamia, contain the toxic substance cycasin and are very dangerous for cats and dogs. Symptoms of poisoning are vomiting and intense thirst. Animals develop hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, liver disease, which eventually leads to liver failure and death.

Cyclamen tubers contain saponins that are poisonous to cats and dogs. Symptoms of poisoning are salivation, vomiting, diarrhea. With a large number of tubers eaten, heart rhythm disturbances, apoplexy, and death are observed.


Seeing a wildly flowering hydrangea bush, you will probably want to buy it or at least pinch off a twig. Think before you do this, because hydrangea contains one of the most toxic substances - cyanide.

Toxic plants whose poison is not fatal, but in large doses causes severe disease

The fruits of plants of the Araliaceae family, for example, Japanese aucuba, poliscias, fatsia, fatshedera, sheffler are poisonous and cause digestive upset and allergic reactions. In ivy, which also belongs to the Araliaceae family, all organs of the plant are poisonous.

Begonias contain insoluble salts of oxalic acid, causing burns and irritation of the oral cavity, difficulty in swallowing, vomiting. The most toxic tubers are begonias.

Poisonous substances are contained in the bulbs of gloriosa. In large doses, they lead to impaired blood clotting and kidney disease. Symptoms of poisoning: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Unripe lanthanum berries contain triterpenoids that are toxic to humans, cats, and dogs. Symptoms of poisoning - vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, weakness. In some cases, the liver fails.


All plants of the euphorbia family: akalifa, croton, euphorbia, the most beautiful euphorbia (poinsettia), jatropha contain the toxic substance euphorbin, which causes severe burns of the skin and mucous membranes. When working with euphorbia, it is necessary to take special care of the eyes, since the milky juice irritates the cornea and can lead to temporary or complete loss of vision. Getting into the mouth, the milky juice burns the mouth and throat very strongly, causing an upset of the digestive and nervous systems.

Representatives of the nightshade family: nightshade (solyanum or Jerusalem cherry), browallia, brunfelsia, decorative peppers are quite poisonous. The beautiful fruits of pepper and nightshade are a great danger for children, who will definitely want to try them. Brunfelsia contains the poisonous substance brunfelzamidine, which causes indigestion, excessive salivation, trembling, lethargy, coughing, and seizures.

When the milky juice of ficus comes into contact with the skin, some people experience inflammation, eczema, and dermatitis. Ficus juice that gets into the air can cause allergies and bronchial asthma.



Low toxicity plants

Eating these plants leads to such unpleasant phenomena as an upset digestive system, vomiting, diarrhea, trembling and weakness.

The group of low-toxic plants includes representatives of the amaryllis family containing lycorine and other toxic alkaloids: amaryllis, hemanthus, hymenocallis, hippeastrum, zephyranthes, clivia, krinum, nerine, eucharis, and many other plants, including aloe, gardenia, geranium, dracaena, calamondin , Kalanchoe, cordilina, strelitzia, yucca.



Fortunately, there are many indoor plants that do not pose a health hazard, such as orchids, uzambar violets, gloxinia and other plants of the Gesneriaceae family, various types of succulents, hibiscus. These plants will successfully form the basis of a home collection.

Usambar violets



What indoor plants are harmful to humans?


Ficus is harmful and that it should not be placed in the bedroom, as it releases toxic substances. Lily is a strong allergen. Oleander has poisonous juice, and nightshade - poisonous berries. All this is unsafe if there are children in the house.
Poisonous milky juice has dieffenbachia. It is not recommended to keep her in an apartment, in a small room, only in a spacious office.

Be careful!

Maksim ka

Poisonous, there are a lot of them But an adult will not eat them and smear them with juice on his hands and eyes. They can cause allergies, such as pelargonium. Finally, you can simply cut your hand with a leaf of bokarnei or prick yourself with a catus.
Already answered a similar question.

Vera Shelest

Completely agree with Maxim.
What is harmful? Poisonous? Yes, there are a lot of them. But you will admire them, not eat them.
Do they emit toxic substances? This is not proven, there is just such a prejudice. All plants take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide at night. Therefore, many plants in the bedroom are not recommended.
Prickly ones prick, strong-smelling ones can cause a headache, etc.
But they are harmful in the sense of prejudices like "husband", "unfortunately", all this is complete nonsense.
Plants are pleasing to the eye and warm the soul. You can communicate with them just like with animals. Taking care of them you forget about the bad.

The most common poisonous houseplants

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An abundance of beautiful and well-groomed indoor plants has always been considered a plus for housewives: when we enter such a house, we immediately involuntarily admire, and we cannot hide this admiration - such beauty leaves few people indifferent.

Plants, if they are well-groomed and beautiful, please the eye and the sense of smell - it is more developed in us than other senses, and it greatly affects our condition and attitude. In the city, fresh air does not always enter the room through an open window, and indoor plants purify it and absorb toxic impurities - for example, the well-known chlorophytums that grow exactly where there are a lot of such impurities in the air.

However, botanists say that it is impossible to arrange "botanical gardens" in living and working premises: when there are a lot of plants, they begin to do more harm than good, releasing volatile compounds that are hazardous to health.

Of course, it is not so difficult to deal with this if the premises are often ventilated, but indoor plants are different: they are dangerous not only for health, but also for life, if they are not handled correctly.

1. Ficus.
With a tendency to it is better not to keep it in the house at all. Ficus juice is poisonous - the skin becomes inflamed from it, and in respiratory tract irritation occurs - even an asthma attack can occur.

2. Oleander.
Its flowers are fragrant and pleasantly scented, but can cause headaches if the plant blooms too violently. Oleander can grow strongly if conditions allow, and it grows up to 5 m in height; used in medicine, like many poisonous plants. Seeds and juice are especially poisonous, so you need to take care of it with gloves, and keep children and animals away.

3. Pachypodium lamer.
Something similar to a small palm tree: they call it that - the Madagascar palm tree, but the name is wrong. The leaves of the lamera are poisonous and can be dangerous to children and animals.

4. Dieffenbachia.
The juice of many dieffenbachia is poisonous to the skin - contact with it threatens with dermatitis; if it gets into the eyes, it affects the cornea and causes conjunctivitis, and if it gets into the mouth, it causes pain in the mucous membrane and swelling. Although children and animals usually do not chew this plant for a long time, everything can end in tragedy, so access to Dieffenbachia must be limited. Of the animals, cats are especially vulnerable - this juice can kill them if it gets into their mouths even in small quantities.

5. Monstera(Monstera)
In nature, this is a vine with large leaves, but in our country it grows in pots; popular just because of the leaves, shiny and very beautifully cut - because of them it is also called the philodendron full of holes. These large - up to 0.5 m - leaves contain toxins that cause burning in the mucous membranes, inflammation, strong highlight saliva, vomiting and indigestion.

6. Spathiphyllum.
also loved by housewives: it blooms in a very original way, expelling an inflorescence on the pedicel, resembling an ear, from the base of which comes a veil - a perianth, similar to a leaf, but lighter, from green to white color. This plant is even recommended to be kept in rooms with polluted air - it quickly absorbs toxins, but is itself toxic: if the juice gets on the skin, an abscess may appear that will not heal for a long time. In nature, there are its varieties, which are also toxic, although they are used in traditional medicine.

7. Poinsettia.
Almost all euphorbias are known for their toxicity - among them you can often find them among domestic flowers. poinsettia, so original that it is called the "Star of Bethlehem": the flowers of the poinsettia seem double - due to the bright red bracts framing each flower. One has only to slightly damage the leaf or stem of the plant, and the milky juice that has fallen on the skin will cause irritation; if it happens that it gets into the eye, a person or an animal may temporarily go blind.

8. Azalea.
or rhododendron (Rhododendron) - an amazing houseplant with beautiful flowers, similar to lily flowers. These plants bloom luxuriantly, and their flowers are graceful, and differ in bright colors - terry or simple, they are red, pink, white, lilac, etc., and look very beautiful in living rooms and offices. Often, azaleas are given as gifts, and amateurs breed them in large quantities; azaleas bloom for about 2-2.5 months, and their rich aroma causes dizziness, and in a poorly ventilated room it can cause loss of consciousness - this plant contains narcotic substances.

The plant can harm a person if the leaves of the plant or the nectar are ingested. The poisonous juice contained in the leaf plates and nectar can cause lacrimation, profuse vomiting, salivation, and nasal discharge.

9. Adenium.
Adenium obesum, or thick adenium, or desert rose (Adenium obesum), is a "bottle" plant with a thick stem at the base. This plant is poisonous. Its juice is able to penetrate the skin or mucous membranes into the bloodstream and cause intoxication. Some African tribes use adenium poison in hunting, impregnating arrowheads with it. Also from it create drugs against arrhythmias.

10. Euphorbia(Euphorbia) - the milky juice of this plant, protruding from the damaged parts, is quite dangerous. It causes severe burning, redness of the skin, and possible blistering. Once in the eyes, milkweed juice provokes a serious inflammation of the conjunctiva and temporary blindness. Poison that enters the body through the mouth causes vomiting, severe diarrhea, and abdominal pain. At severe poisoning possible dizziness, convulsions, delirium, circulatory disorders.

11. Hydrangea(Hydrangea) is a beautiful houseplant that requires special care. All parts of this plant contain poison. Touching the hydrangea is completely safe, the danger arises when parts of the hydrangea or its juice penetrate into the human body, for example, when swallowed. In this case, sweating increases, blood circulation becomes difficult, the victim feels pain in the stomach, itching, nausea, muscle weakness.

12. Gloriosa luxury(Gloriosa superba) is a dangerous plant only if its poison, contained in all its parts, enters the human body in large quantities. Gloriosa venom causes severe nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, in difficult cases hair loss, bleeding disorders, and there is a high probability of kidney damage.

13. Brovallia is beautiful(Browallia speciosa) is named so for a reason, but its graceful stems, interesting leaves, beautiful modest flowers and other parts contain a dangerous substance. Browllia juice, once on unprotected human skin, causes intoxication.

14. Clivia(Clivia) is beautiful when in bloom. Its bright luxurious buds open almost simultaneously, creating a bright "bouquet". But with careless handling of leaves or rhizome, this beautiful plant can do harm. Clivia venom causes vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, and sometimes paralysis.

15. Ivy- the most famous domestic liana, and it is used with pleasure for interior decoration. This plant can also be called useful - it cleans the indoor air of harmful chemicals, bacteria and fungi do not like it, but its leaves and stems are poisonous - if they happen to be tried, for example, by a domestic rodent, the animal will die. Sometimes ivy blooms, although rarely - once every few years, but the flowers smell unpleasant, and the fruits are even more poisonous than the rest of the plant; therefore, it is better to remove the buds before they have time to open.

16. Nightshade
Many people also know about the nightshade family - even the fruits of ordinary potatoes can be deadly poisonous, and solanine also accumulates in the tubers, causing severe poisoning. As indoor flower often grown false nightshade- in Australia, this plant is considered a malicious weed, but our flower growers fell in love with it for the bright fruits that give it an attractive appearance. That is why false nightshade is often poisoned by children, attracted by beautiful red-orange berries, causing stomach pain, nausea and vomiting; nightshade leaf juice is also poisonous - it causes skin irritation.

17. Capsicum.
Other members of this family are also dangerous: brunfelsia, browallia, capsicum etc.

18. Cyclamen.
Cyclamen flowers resemble graceful butterflies fluttering over the leaves, and it is considered an unusual, elite and capricious flower, but the juice of its tubers can cause skin inflammation and irritation.

19. Aloe.
It would never occur to anyone to speak badly about this plant - everyone knows about its pronounced medicinal properties, but for animals this plant is deadly. Rodents die from it, while others develop severe diarrhea; in humans, aloe juice - in case of overdose - can cause severe poisoning, and in pregnant women - miscarriage.

Aloe belongs to the Asphodelaceae family, and its other representatives grown in rooms also contain toxins: eremurus, gasteria, haworthia etc.

Most popular houseplants have poison that is not fatal to humans, but which can lead to serious illness.
20. Other plants
For example, the fruits and leaves of plants belonging to the Araliaceae family can cause indigestion or allergies. These plants include ivy, fatsia, Japanese aukuba, sheffler, poliscias, fatshedera.

For example, the composition of the leaves and stems of begonias includes insoluble salts of oxalic acid, so the juice of this plant can, in contact with human skin, cause a burn. If a begonia leaf gets into the mouth, irritation of the pharynx may occur. The most toxic are begonia tubers.

Those plants that belong to the euphorbia family, for example, such as croton, jatropha, akalifa, euphorbia, contain euphorbin, that is, a toxic substance that can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes. When a person cares for these and other plants of this family, he must protect his eyes, since the ingress of juice can lead to irritation of the cornea, which sometimes even leads to loss of vision. If the milky juice of ficus comes into contact with the skin, a person may develop dermatitis, eczema, or inflammation. In addition, allergies or bronchial asthma may occur.

Plants belonging to the nightshade family are also considered poisonous houseplants. Among such plants, browallia, ornamental pepper, nightshade can be noted. This dangerous family also includes brunfelsia, which contains a toxic substance that can cause coughing, seizures and indigestion.

Security measures

Everyone understands that it is simply impossible to force a small child or pet to be wary of houseplants that are poisonous. Therefore, if a toxic plant cannot be isolated, it must be disposed of. But it must be understood that only those plants that have poisonous leaves, flowers or stems are dangerous for children and animals.

There are indoor plants that have poisonous tubers, but it is unlikely that a baby or a four-legged friend will be able to get to them. If a person grows a poisonous plant at home, while caring for it, he must behave very carefully. When working with such plants, especially when transplanting them, it is necessary to use gloves. This is necessary in order to protect your hands from the juice of poisonous plants. In addition, you should not rub your face with your hands, otherwise the juice may get into your eyes or mouth.

First aid in case of contact with a poisonous plant
If the juice of a poisonous plant gets on the mucous membranes or skin, a person should urgently take action:

The damaged area of ​​the body must be washed with water using soap. If the juice of the plant gets into the eyes, they need to be held under running water for about ten minutes.
- if the juice has entered the stomach, the victim should be induced to vomit. You can also drink a glass of water with activated charcoal diluted in it.
- in case of poisoning, you can not drink milk, since it will not only be of no help, but will also aggravate the effects of fat-soluble toxins.

In conclusion, I will say: there is no need to be afraid of poisonous indoor plants, most of them can cause only minor harm to our health. Just when buying a green plant, you need to collect as much information about it as possible, including its poisonous properties.

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In nature, there is always a chance to stumble upon a poisonous plant. And if adults are likely to just walk by, then curious children who are eager to taste everything may suffer.

website recalls: many very dangerous plant species are grown as ornamentals and can be seen not only in the forest, but also on window sills and flower beds. Therefore, in the city, too, it is worth being vigilant.

Where does it meet: In the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere; prefers damp places, swamps.

There are several types of buttercups, many of them are poisonous.

Where does it meet: Temperate Northern Hemisphere, Australia.

The most common representatives are red and black elderberry. All parts of the plant are poisonous, and if you've just touched an elder, it's best to wash your hands. Interestingly, black berries are completely safe when ripe, they are used to make drinks and pies.

What is dangerous: Provokes headache, weakness, abdominal pain, sometimes convulsions. Possible heart failure and respiratory arrest.

Where does it meet: In tropical and subtropical regions. Used in landscape design, all over the world it is grown as an indoor flower.

A truly insidious plant that attracts with its pleasant aroma and beautiful pink or white flowers.

What is dangerous: Contains cardiac glycosides, which can alter heart rhythm, cause vomiting, headache, weakness, and even death. There is a legend that Napoleon's soldiers, out of ignorance, made a fire from oleander branches and fried meat on it. The next morning, some of the soldiers did not wake up.

Where does it meet: In Europe, Asia and North America. Because of the beautiful purple, blue and yellowish flowers, it is grown in flower beds. It is a tall and conspicuous plant.

IN ancient world it was used to poison arrows. Even bees can get poisoned if they collect honey from aconite. By the way, the delphinium is its close relative, and it is also poisonous.

What is dangerous: A VERY poisonous plant. Causes abnormal heart rhythm, numbness of the skin of the face, arms and legs, darkening of the eyes and death. Juice penetrates even through the skin.

Where does it meet: In North and Central America, Europe, southern regions of Russia.

Datura resembles a potato or a tomato, which is not surprising, because it is their close relative. This is an inconspicuous plant with thorny fruits-boxes with black seeds inside. Its white flowers emit an intoxicating scent.

What is dangerous: Contains alkaloids that cause palpitations, disorientation and delirium. In severe cases, death or coma is possible. Shamans of many nations used this plant in their rituals.

Where does it meet: In the temperate regions of Eurasia, one species exists in the USA.

Just a giant among the umbrellas, which looks quite impressive, but it is better not to take pictures next to it.

What is dangerous: Some species contain furanocoumarins, which, under the action of sunlight cause painful burns. Therefore, if hogweed juice gets on your hand, wash it and protect it from sunlight for about two days.

Where does it meet: Everywhere. It can often be seen on window sills, including in children's institutions.

Euphorbia includes a huge number of species, often they are very different in appearance: some look like cacti, others look like flowers. Teach children not to touch unfamiliar plants, even if they are in pots.

What is dangerous: Juice leaves burns. Later, malaise, swelling and temperature join.

Where does it meet: Cultivated in Europe, Russia and the USA.

In many countries, pies, salads and sauces are made from rhubarb. And many are not averse to just crunching the stem.

What is dangerous: Not everyone knows, but you can’t eat the leaves and the root of this plant, as they contain an incredible amount of oxalic acid and its salts. They can cause burning eyes and mouth, kidney problems, vomiting and diarrhea.

Where does it meet: In North Africa, Europe, southern Russia, Asia Minor, in some parts of North America.

It looks like a bush with black berries and pinkish flowers. Contains the alkaloid atropine, which causes pupillary dilation. In the Middle Ages, drops of belladonna were dropped into the eyes to make them look more attractive. Now similar drops are used for eye operations.

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