Dream interpretation of falling from a height. World dream books: why dream of a loved one, a child, or the clairvoyant himself falling from a height. Prepare for unpleasant surprises

Very often we associate any fall with some kind of failure, failure. Even the meaning of the dream does not bode well. However, not in all cases the fall has a negative explanation. Everything depends on the actions, circumstances and consequences of this fall. If you want to know exact interpretation dreams, you will have to remember all the details of the dream.

Different dream books have slightly different explanations of dreams. Psychologists and doctors have their own vision of this or that dream, but in most cases it agrees.

Interpretation by psychologist Miller

In Miller’s dream book, it is not the fall from a height itself that is deciphered, but the consequences. To fall and get hurt quite badly is perhaps an imminent loss or betrayal of loved ones or friends. Most likely, the person who will betray you is the one from whom no one ever expected this. A very big fear during a flight/fall from a height - problems and obstacles that will be sent to you from above, but they will definitely remain behind, you will successfully overcome all difficulties.

If you fall from high altitude did not cause any damage, Miller leans into the sleeper mood. It frightened me very much - in reality something will happen where the dreamer will show courage and bravery. Having stepped over himself and his inner fears, he will do something that he did not expect from himself. There are no emotions, the dreamer does not feel anything either during the flight or after landing - considerable losses await the sleeper, the only good thing is that they will be material.

A dream in which someone pushed you from a peak/mountain/roof warns that there is a very mean and unreliable person nearby. Think carefully before giving someone a job, because if the job goes to the wrong person, your material well-being will be at risk.

In a dream, the dreamer consciously climbs a high mountain/rock to jump into the water - in reality, the dreamer will undertake a rather risky and adventurous undertaking. In such a dream, you need to pay attention to how it ended. If such a jump was very successful, it means that the adventure in which the dreamer will take part will end in success.

Dr. Freud's opinion

For a girl, a dream about falling down is associated with sexual harassment or even rape. A dream where a man dreams of his fall - subconsciously he is afraid of losing his male strength, perhaps he has already had such problems.

If the dreamer has built his own business from scratch without outside help, fear in a dream during a fall means fear for his business. Unreasonable and unconscious fears prevent you from enjoying the success of your business.

Falling from a height into the water - people who were once burned by love are afraid to start any new relationships for fear that it will happen again. Put bad memories aside, if you do not forget your unsuccessful experience in a relationship, you will never be able to open up to a person and tell about your feelings.

Vanga's Dream Book

Having fallen from a great height, the dreamer miraculously survives - a very important, but difficult choice will await the sleeper. The future of not only the dreamer, but also of all loved ones will depend on him. A sick person dreamed of falling from a great height in a dream, which caused him to wake up - the dreamer is recovering. Very soon the disease will subside and you will be able to enjoy life.

The dream book says that if in a dream you managed to survive where no one in real life can't do this then the sleeper simply has enormous potential, thanks to this he will be able to overcome all difficulties and problems.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Falling from a height according to the Wanderer’s dream book - he explains in his own way the meaning of a fall and a successful landing. The higher the place from which the dreamer fell, the steeper his emotions and ambitions. Such a dream is seen by people who have already achieved a lot, but the fear of losing it all prevents them from fully enjoying their success. Stop being afraid, there is no reason to be afraid yet.

The wanderer has another interpretation of such a dream. The dreamer in the subconscious thinks about downshifting. The dreamer achieved a lot, but in the end he was a little disappointed, since at the beginning of the journey his expectations were slightly different. It is uncomfortable and very troublesome on the pedestal; the dreamer feels that this is not his and wants to return everything back.

Falling from another person's height

Very often such dreams occur to people who are a little hated or desired, but so inaccessible.

Another interpretation of the dream

Another interpretation and meaning of dreams may be as follows:

Some flight details

For those who fell from a height in a dream, modern dream book recommends paying attention to some details of the dream.

  • Jumping and ending up in the sea is a big change in life, it will be drastic.
  • Landing on rocks or ground - overcoming heavy life situations and obstacles.
  • Jumping/falling but not falling is great luck in some matter. Perhaps you can win the lottery.
  • In a dream you took off - influential and successful people will support you in your endeavors.

It doesn’t matter what dreams you have, whether you or your child fell in a dream. Think carefully before you do anything, trust your inner voice. In the near future, your loved ones may do wrong due to haste and will end up regretting it later. Such dreams are dreamed in order to warn you and protect you from wrong actions and hasty decisions.

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Dream interpretation is a real art based on many factors. After all, every vision means something. For example, seeing a fall in a dream can mean several different things. Here, a lot depends on the personality of the one who interprets night dreams, and directly on the dream book itself. Other important factors also play a role in unraveling the meaning of what is seen.

In a dream, falling from a height according to Miller's dream book

For a person falling from a height in a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, such a vision means serious fear. This dream can mean overcoming difficulties and problems. Falling from a height in a dream is a sign of a struggle that will certainly end successfully. If it seems that you are falling from a height in complete solitude, and your friends are moving away, then most likely the same situation will happen in reality. To be hurt by a fall means that a serious loss will soon occur.

Falling from a height according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, falling from a height into the sea or another body of water in a dream means the failure of all hopes and desires. You should not wait for the realization of hidden secrets. Cherished dreams will not come true in the near future.

If in a dream falling from a height is just a sensation, then such a dream means imminent regrets and losses. When a star accompanies a person falling from a height, he can expect the fulfillment of his most secret and daring desires. It’s a bad sign if you fall in a dream from a great height as if you were actually falling. This means entering into a risky business and possible troubles.

Why do you dream of falling from a height according to Longo’s dream book

The dream about falling is also interpreted by Longo’s dream book. In this situation, the interpretation of the dream is usually based on the value of the altitude level. In any case, such night dreams indicate imminent troubles.

Falling from a great height in a dream foreshadows a series of unpleasant events. If a person falls from a great height, then he probably for a long time will move away from negative situations in life that will follow one after another.

A frivolous fall from a height in a dream, according to Longo, means the emergence of a difficult situation from which it will be quite possible to get out.

If a person falls from a great height and is injured, then this bad sign. A dream that is accompanied by a feeling of pain takes on a particularly negative connotation. In this case, falling from a height in a dream indicates serious despair, a feeling of hopelessness, the burden of waiting with notes of mild insanity.

Seeing another person falling from a height in a dream foreshadows the provision of real help to your friend or acquaintance.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor: falling from a height - meaning and interpretation

Falling in a dream from a height according to the dream book Yellow Emperor means movement. First of all, this is a loss of balance between rationality and dreams. In a dream, falling from a height may foretell deprivation of a stable place in life.

Sliding or falling from a height means a loss of control over the situation and one’s own actions in combination with:

  • own weakness;
  • confusion in thoughts;
  • chaos in sensations, feelings, emotions;
  • a feeling of the meaninglessness of one’s own deeds and actions.

Falling from a height straight into the abyss is a sign of financial miscalculations, losses, and lack of prospects for the future. According to the Yellow Emperor's dream book, falling from a height in a dream is bad.

If a person falls from a great height, this may indicate diseases of the liver, kidneys and spleen. However, more specific interpretations may vary.

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Despite the fact that the height seen in a dream is always alarming, it is generally a good harbinger. In addition, knowing what heights mean in dreams, you can promptly correct life events and avoid possible troubles in reality.

Very important for correct interpretation a dream in which you dreamed of heights, analyze your own emotions. To understand why you dream about heights, you need to take into account all the details of the plot and take into account everything that happens to you in your night dreams. If you dream of heights and, looking down, you experience terrible fear and panic, then this means that you are very demanding of yourself. Try to assess the situation more realistically and should not engage in self-flagellation if you fail at something.

A dream about heights can symbolize that a person has a need for spiritual changes. Perhaps a personal crisis has come in life, from which you can only get out of it through significant spiritual renewal. Most likely, there comes a time when life priorities change and a person chooses other guidelines for himself. Simply put, everything that was important to him yesterday will become completely small and insignificant today.

Fall from a height

The most common dream is when the dreamer has to fall from a height. Such a terrible dream reflects the fact that in real life a person sets himself very difficult and, often, impossible tasks. Conventionally, such a dream can be explained by the fact that dreaming is useful, but dreams should not be made a priority in life. A dream associated with falling from a height is aimed at opening the dreamer's eyes in real life to the fact that he himself is the cause of his own failures. In some dream books there are interpretations that indicate that falling from a height against a background of severe fear is a harbinger of a serious illness.

Height on the roof of the house

When you dream of heights and you realize that you are standing on the roof of a building, this indicates your inflated ambitions. Most likely you have grandiose plans. But you do nothing to bring them to life. If you want to become successful person, then you need to start acting as actively as possible.

Why do you dream about jumping from a height?

If you intend to jump down from a height, then this indicates your desire to change your usual lifestyle. It may very well be that you want to move from the city to the countryside. As a rule, this happens after a revision of life priorities. Other dreams in which you feel yourself are somewhere highly interpreted as follows:
    Flying on an airplane and watching the view from below through the window means having the habit of building sand castles in real life. Try to be a more realistic person, this will allow you to avoid life’s disappointments. If you are standing on a tall, beautiful tower, then perhaps in reality you will be offered a new attractive position.

Emotions and altitude in dreams

A dream in which a height was dreamed of, and no remarkable emotions arose, invites the dreamer to analyze the events of the present in close connection with his own past. And after that, make real plans for the future. Such night dreams always have a positive orientation. They focus a person’s attention on the fact that he will definitely achieve success in life if he puts in the effort.

Child falling from height

A warning is a dream in which you see a child falling from a height. Especially dangerous if it was yours own child. Of course, first of all, you need to take an interest in the baby’s affairs and pay attention to him. But such a dream is often an indication of other life dangers. The fall of someone else's child from a height symbolizes your inner spiritual discomfort and indicates your mental imbalance.


If you dream that you are jumping with a parachute from a height, then this indicates that your life is filled with routine and you lack thrills. But if you experience strong fear at the same time, then this indicates that you are not a decisive person and are afraid of life changes.

Descending from a height - interpretation of sleep

When, according to the plot of the dream, you have to slowly and carefully descend from a height, this indicates that preoccupation with current affairs is preventing you from fully enjoying life.

Other storylines dreams related to heights can be interpreted as follows:
    Seeing a person falling means feeling confident in your own abilities. Your energy and experience will allow you to easily achieve your goal. Sometimes such a dream indicates that one of your friends will need your help. If in a dream you have to jump into the sea from a height and at the same time you are overcome by a feeling of admiration for the flight, then in real life you will meet a person for whom your feelings will simply be overwhelmed you. Such a dream can also symbolize that you are tired of loneliness and want to be in society. When you dreamed of a successful landing after falling from a height, this indicates that a successful period in life has arrived, and you can safely take on even the most difficult tasks. complex matters. If you dream that you crashed, falling from a height, then this promises the collapse of your affairs. But on the other hand, the dream suggests that one should not despair, because any failures only strengthen a person. Seeing a beautiful city in lights from above means getting the opportunity for successful career advancement. But at the same time, there is a high probability that you will have to leave your home for a long time. Height from the point of view of a ladder, for example, a fire ladder, symbolizes the rise to a new level of life. If you feel in a dream that you barely managed to stay at the height, then at the right moment, you can count on the help of loved ones.
Height always attracts and fascinates. But when trying to decipher a dream related to heights, you should not rely only on the meanings of dream books. Try to listen to your own intuition to understand how dream scenes may be connected to events occurring in real life.

Probably many people remember when, as a small child, you had similar dreams: you are quickly running away from something or somewhere, and suddenly your legs lose support and you fall into the abyss. The next morning you tell your parents about your recent dream, and they tell you that you are just growing up in your sleep.

Dreams from childhood

Now you are no longer a child, perhaps you are raising children yourself, but you periodically have similar dreams from childhood. Why dream of falling from above? To understand this issue, the dream book pays attention to certain aspects:

  • From what point did the fall take place (from the top floor, rock, cliff, great height).
  • What exactly did you fall into (into a river, a deep hole).
  • The fall caused you injury or injury or did not cause any harm.
  • Were you afraid of anything in your dream?
  • Before you fell, did you climb the stairs and did you manage to climb up after the fall?

The dream book also considers options when you lose consciousness in a dream or a plane crashes.

In a state of falling, a person loses control over his body and cannot be in any particular position. This fact of helplessness is used as the basis for explaining situations when the sleeper have to fall in a dream (fall into the abyss). In this case, the dream book reports that you have a chance to lose power over the affairs around you. In this case, you may lower your status on the social ladder, lose some of your savings, and your pride and honor may suffer.

If you have seen such a dream, do not despair! Not everything is so bad, it’s better to sort yourself out, sort your thoughts into shelves. Perhaps you should change your ideas and goals, understand your miscalculations and inaccuracies, and misfortunes and troubles will pass by.

The dream book also offers another interpretation of the dream: falling from a height may mean failure to implement the conceived idea. Here May be common mistake people, which consists of too high conditions and expectations. You shouldn’t immediately set exorbitant goals, it’s better to reduce your requirements and you will be successful!

In addition, a dream with a fall may indicate too much and obsessive attention of the sleeper to his passion. Dream Interpretation recommends not to waste free time wasting your life on a person who doesn’t care about you, even though he is something important to you. You have not yet found the person with whom you can walk down the aisle. Falling and getting up at the same time in a dream can only mean positive things. In the future you will become a respectable person with a decent fortune.

A dream in which you have to fall from the height of a bird's flight, and at the same time you remain unharmed - this is good news. You will soon receive a promotion at work and the attitude of your colleagues towards you will improve. In addition, a successful fall from a height indicates a hasty resolution of the issues that concern you and the acquisition of calm and relaxation.

If you dream that you tripped over a stone at night or slipped and fell into a deep hole with a loud cry, in reality you will receive help certain person. When you fall off the edge of a cliff and crash on the rocks, it's worth giving this special attention: on at the moment better to refrain from accepting important decisions and do not try to resolve major matters, because fortune has not chosen your side now. Wait a little time - and things will change for the better.

Dream Interpretation: falling from a height, and what does it mean

When you dream that you are driving a car and falling from a height, you should expect positive changes in life. They can affect both your work area(perhaps you will be given a profitable position), and your personal life (changes are possible social status). If in a dream you fell from an animal, then soon you will have a good time. The dream book warns that you have to pay for fun, in this case with money.

Let's consider a case when you had to fall from a high object in a dream. If you accept one interpretation of the vision according to the dream book, then this is how your anxiety is displayed. Are you afraid of losing yours? social status, you're afraid that failure will overtake you. In another interpretation, falling from a height means good luck and success in all types of life activities of the sleeper. When you stand on the edge of a cliff, are afraid to look deep down and instantly wake up - this is a good sign: everyday indignations will pass, things will go uphill.

If in the arms of Morpheus you fall from the attic of a building, then in reality you will be able to achieve great success. In this case there is no need rely only on luck, because you may lose the level of your achievements. Another explanation for falling from the top of a building could be receiving unexpected news. However, you should not take them at face value, they may turn out to be false, always check the information for accuracy.

The dream book also explains the causes and consequences of falling to depth in a dream.

  • The first option is a signal of impending danger. There may be few developments in this regard: a bad act on the part of the dreamer, illness or the machinations of ill-wishers.
  • The second option considers the dream as a quick romance that will remain in the memory for a long time. But if you dropped an item into the abyss and cannot find it, then in the future, expect a tidy sum to be replenished in your budget.

Other explanations for dreams in which there is a fall from a height

As the dream book interprets, crawling up and not coping with the task, collapsing to the ground into the heights is a kind of hint to perform the right actions. More likely, the task you set for yourself and are trying to implement (or are just thinking about the upcoming plan of action), it is not in your power. But this is temporary, just take a break, gather more energy and experience for your future business and everything will go like clockwork. Do it, and your plans will come true!

If in a dream you are under the power of fear when you are flying down, then in the process of achieving your goal you will experience great obstacles and difficult trials. The dream book tells you that you will achieve victory over difficulties and successfully reach your goal.

When in a dream you receive damage from a landing, then in the future you may have disagreements with loved ones. Don’t give free rein to your emotions, control yourself, don’t be too strict with your friends’ statements and behavior, and disagreements can be avoided.

As the dream book says, if in a dream you run, stumble and fly down, it means that in order to achieve your goal you will have to face and overcome certain difficulties. On the final straight you will take the lead and become the leader! A dream where you had to undergo a plane crash describes your doubt in your own will. If you saw a plane crash, it means that they will soon confess their love to you.

When you fall from a height and find yourself in water, then in real life you may find yourself in a difficult situation. It is possible to break out of it only by gathering all your strength and will. However, if you were in a good mood when you fell into a pond, then everything will be fine in your affairs.

A dangerous signal will be a dream where the sleeper loses consciousness: concentrate on the state of health of your family - there is a possibility that they may need your help.

When a girl faints in a dream, the dream book suggests paying attention to the dreamer’s attitude towards life and try to grow up, otherwise troubles are inevitable. There is a chance that they will concern health, or an unhappy love affair awaits you.

However, if in a dream you lose consciousness from the news you hear, then in real life good news awaits you. If you are pretending fainting in a dream in the company of a man, and then you feel a kiss - a happy marriage awaits you.

Dishes falling into the well means a joyful event.

If you see a live horse in the house, there will be a letter from your son.

Frost falls along with the snow - do not expect a successful completion in the case.

Leaves fall from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

A meteorite flies past, but does not fall to the ground - a change of residence.

Knives or a sword falling into the water - foretells the death of the spouse.

A star falls - there will be illness, work problems.

Snow is falling - soon there will be great luck and benefit.

Tiles fall from the roof, you feel mortal horror - there will be a quarrel with your wife.

Falling into the water means no harm will happen.

Falling into a well means illness or trouble.

Falling into a well drunk - a situation will arise related to officials, official business.

Falling into a latrine and getting back out is fortunate.

Falling on a mountain means losing your job.

Leaves are falling from a large tree - a happy event in the house.

If you fall from the ground onto the mountain, you will lose your job.

The sun and moon fall from the sky - grief, you will lose your parents.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Fall

Fall into an abyss or from a height.

Tip of the day: your plans are not feasible. Adjust them, simplify them.

Falling off a horse.

Tip of the day: you have to pay for a pleasant adventure. Prepare a “coin”.

Fall while running.

Tip of the day: a little patience and you will achieve success. Now pause.

Fall out of transport.

Tip of the day: you have to start all over again. Now is the time to dream about the future

Interpretation of dreams from
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