Flatulence before menstruation reasons. Women's health: why does the belly swell before menstruation? Medicines for bloating during menstruation

Monthly menstruation is a process that confirms that the female reproductive system is working smoothly. But often it is accompanied by poor health for the woman herself. Bloating during menstruation and before it should occur can be directly related to the process of ovulation, or menstrual periods are a kind of catalyst for the real reason why the stomach begins to swell during menstruation.

In most cases, bloating during PMS is not a pathology and turns out to be one of the symptoms that appears before menstruation.

During this period, a woman’s body increases the amount of the hormone progesterone necessary for conception. Its action is also aimed at providing the potential fetus comfortable conditions in the mother's uterus. Progesterone relaxes the uterus, and its inner layer - the endometrium - thickens, resulting in a slightly bloated abdomen.

If conception does not occur, within a few days the amount of progesterone in the body decreases again, and the effect of a bloated belly disappears.

But there are other reasons why some women experience bloating during and before their period. Most of them are also associated with the effects of sex hormones on different body systems.

Other reasons

It happens that the abdominal area can swell both before and during ovulation. In many ways, bloating during menstruation depends on the characteristics of the body of a particular woman.

For what reasons can this condition occur:

  • due to the characteristics of intestinal motility;
  • due to the appearance of swelling;
  • during the period of ovulation;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with the formation of uterine fibroids.

When premenstrual syndrome is accompanied by a bloated belly, and diarrhea, constipation or flatulence occur, this may be due to personal characteristics of intestinal motility. Sometimes the condition is due to the fact that before menstruation, a woman’s appetite sharply increases, her usual diet changes, and the digestive system cannot cope with the load.

For some, the intestines, like the uterus, relax under the influence of progesterone.

A bloated belly can be caused by excessive fluid accumulation in the body. In this case, the limbs are also susceptible to swelling, to the point that the fingers become very swollen. There is no need to be afraid of this. Before menstruation, the body usually accumulates water in the cells and intercellular space, which will leave it along with menstruation, and new water will be produced instead. In addition, if the bleeding is not replaced with fluid, this is fraught with serious consequences for the body.

Causes water retention increased level hormones: estrogen, progesterone and prolactin. They provoke the accumulation of sodium, which inhibits the removal of water from tissues. And the hormone vasopressin slows down the flow of urine.

It is because of the accumulation of fluid that some women experience regular weight gain during their menstrual periods. To this special attention There is no point in turning it around, since when the water comes out, the extra pounds go away.

To avoid the accumulation of large amounts of water and promote its renewal in the body, there is no need to limit drinking. On the contrary, it is better to regularly supply the body with fresh water so that it does not feel lack of it.

Bloating in the middle menstrual cycle, most likely associated with the ovulation process. Sometimes you feel so-called ovulatory pain, which is unpleasant but tolerable. Their cause is a rupture in the wall of the follicle from which the egg is released (this is ovulation). It may cause a slight pulling effect.

If a woman experiences bloating and does not have her period, this may indicate that she is pregnant.

And if there is also swelling in other parts of the body, especially the mammary glands, then it’s time to go to the pharmacy for a test. Some tests can show results as early as 8 days after expected conception. However, the test is not able to see, e.g. ectopic pregnancy. To do this, you must undergo an ultrasound.

If, along with other symptoms in the lower abdomen, women planning to replenish their family experience pain, nagging pain, they are advised to hurry to the gynecologist. Such manifestations occur when spontaneous miscarriage is possible.

In addition to natural causes, the stomach may swell before menstruation due to the appearance of tumors. Often this turns out to be uterine fibroids. The fact that bloating during menstruation is caused by pathological processes is indicated by accompanying symptoms: pain, nausea, elevated temperature, persistent swelling, vomiting. If they appear, you should consult a doctor.

What to do if you have bloating before your period

What should you do if your lower abdomen is swollen in the middle of your cycle or before your period? Firstly, you need to pay attention to what food enters the body and adjust your diet.

Secondly, it is important to reduce your salt intake. If you eat a lot of salty foods, even more sodium will accumulate in the body, which delays the removal of excess fluid from the body, leading to bloating. You need to pay attention not only to the amount of salt added when cooking, but also to prepared foods that may contain large amounts of this substance.

It is also worth limiting sweets, which women often crave during menstruation. Sugar increases blood glucose levels and also causes sodium to accumulate. Even if you eat less salty foods, but do not reduce your sugar intake, the effect of a bloated belly will not disappear.

At the same time, you can and should drink more clean, fresh water. It is advisable to consume 2-3 liters of it per day. Water will not only speed up the process of renewing fluid accumulated in the body, but will also remove toxins and help improve digestion. You can also consume the necessary fluid by introducing large amounts into your diet. raw fruits and vegetables.

However, drinks containing large amounts of caffeine, such as coffee and black tea, are best consumed to a minimum.

In addition to the fact that caffeine itself makes the stomach bloat, coffee, which is an acidic drink, can provoke another disease leading to bloating - gastritis.

It is also better to exclude alcoholic drinks. promotes the accumulation of gases in the stomach, sometimes at the same time. Flatulence can also occur if you eat a lot of dairy products during PMS.

To improve digestion, you need to introduce foods containing fiber into your diet: cabbage, bran, mushrooms, berries, legumes and greens. They need to be introduced gradually, bringing up to the norm 25 grams per day for the period of menstruation.

You need to increase the amount of foods in your diet that contain vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for women during menstruation: E and A, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc, which alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Folk recipes against bloating during menstruation recommend drinking a decoction of chamomile, lingonberries and cranberries, and mint tea. Cranberries and lingonberries are popularly considered to be good diuretics that help remove excess fluid.

To feel good during menstruation, it is better to use the principle fractional meals: eat often, but in small portions. This will make it easier for the body to cope with the process of digesting food, and the level of glucose in the blood will decrease.

You can reduce the swelling of your belly during menstrual periods with the help of physical activity. Exercise helps speed up the elimination of gases. You can replace them with long walks fresh air, for example, before bed.

But if during menstruation you regularly experience painful sensations, your stomach is hard and swollen, and other unpleasant symptoms appear, such as dizziness, nausea, and others, it is better to seek help from a doctor. Women whose PMS symptoms are particularly severe may be prescribed special hormonal therapy. It stabilizes the effects of progesterone, estrogen and prolactin on the body.


Bloating during menstruation is a natural phenomenon associated with changes in hormone levels during this period. They lead to softening of the muscle tissue of the uterus and intestines. The work of the latter can independently cause the appearance of a bloated abdomen due to poor digestion and accumulation of gases. The process of ovulation itself can lead to the appearance of such an effect. The appearance of swelling is also considered normal, which is caused by a temporary accumulation of fluid in the body that occurs on the eve of critical days.

A swollen belly may indicate pregnancy or a tumor in the uterus. In case of a delay in menstruation or severe abdominal pain, you should consult a gynecologist who will help you find out why this is happening.

Menstruation sometimes causes a lot of inconvenience and unpleasant symptoms may appear. One of these is bloating during menstruation.

What should a woman do and should she fight this sign of menstruation? Abdominal enlargement is a natural physiological condition before or during menstruation.

This condition can cause a girl a lot of discomfort, especially if she is watching her figure and can be upset by a protruding tummy and extra pounds.

To understand why this occurs, you need to understand the reasons and look for a suitable way to avoid it.


Bloating during menstruation is normal and will go away on its own when it ends. The appearance of such a symptom during PMS can be influenced by external and internal factors.

  1. Body constitution.
  2. Weak muscles in the abdomen. When a woman tends to be overweight and her abdominal muscles are poorly developed, bloating will be clearly visible visually. Nothing will prevent this.
  3. Elasticity of muscle tissue in the uterus. Before menstruation, the uterus may increase in size, which will lead to the growth of the abdomen.
  1. Changes in hormonal levels. When the ovulatory period ends, the body begins to prepare for the implantation of a fertilized egg. It is possible that conception is not planned in principle, but it is so inherent in nature. At this moment, many hormones are released into the woman’s body, which affect the functioning of all internal systems. Sex hormones cause the uterus to enlarge, which can affect bowel function and increase fat cells.
  2. Excess fluid. PMS may be accompanied by bloating due to large cluster liquids. This happens because the body stores water during menstruation. Symptoms: abdominal swelling and swelling of the limbs. This is the body’s natural reserve, which should not be feared. The water will go away along with the bleeding. But if it doesn’t exist, this is a serious problem.
  3. Ovulatory period. The presence of ovulation is very important for every woman. It occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. At this moment, the mature follicle ruptures, and the finished egg comes out to meet the sperm. At this moment, the body is simply oversaturated with a surge and excess of female hormones. At this moment, bloating and flatulence appear.
  4. Intestinal peristalsis. During PMS, there is a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, and since the intestines are closest, they get the most. At this moment, intestinal peristalsis becomes weak and the following occurs: bloating, flatulence, gas formation, disruption of the proper functioning of the intestines.
  5. Pathological diseases. In addition to natural and harmless factors, there may be more serious ones associated with any diseases.

Pathological problems with abdominal enlargement

Any woman should always closely monitor any changes and behavior of the body. For some, these may be ordinary symptoms of PMS, but if this has not been observed before, it is recommended to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

  1. Inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  2. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Tumors in the pelvic organs.

You especially need to be wary if, in addition to an enlarged abdomen, other accompanying symptoms appear: nausea, vomiting, fever, frequent urination, pain in the lower part of the peritoneum, intense discharge during menstruation.

His body talks to every person and reports problems. You just need to listen to him. An enlarged abdomen is one such sign.

If there are no periods or pregnancy, but the symptom does not go away, then this indicates a pathological process.

The main problem is that internal factors are not visible to the normal eye. One can only make assumptions.

The exact reason why bloating occurs during menstruation can only be determined by a specialist. A woman notices only external changes. This is an enlarged belly and extra pounds.

What if I'm pregnant?

This reason is quite real. Sometimes, the onset of pregnancy can be confused with PMS. During this period, the female body produces the hormone progesterone.

It prepares the reproductive organs for bearing a child. With the onset of pregnancy, changes occur within the woman.

The egg enters the uterus and attaches to its wall. This process is otherwise called endometrium. Progesterone affects the endometrium.

It expands, absorbs nutrients and loosens. In turn, this causes the innermost lining of the uterus to swell and the abdomen begins to enlarge.

What to do

If there is no doubt that the symptom is associated with the onset of menstruation, then there are still some tips and solutions. First of all, you need to look at your diet.

If you eat right, you can solve many problems and bloating is one of them.

During this time, the body stores fluid to replenish blood loss. It is worth limiting your salt intake.

When a person eats salty foods, sodium accumulates in the body. This element prevents the removal of fluid.

To prevent the body from lacking fluid and accumulating it, you need to constantly drink fresh water. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters.

This will help ensure constant fluid renewal, elimination of toxins and good digestion. Raw vegetables and fruits will also help replenish fluid in the body.

Don't drink coffee or black tea. These drinks contain caffeine, which causes bloating. Coffee increases acidity in the body, which means another problem may arise - gastritis or ulcers.

What should you not do during your period? Alcohol should be banned. Such drinks cause increased gas formation and nagging pain below.

Dairy products can also affect a woman’s condition during PMS.

For good digestion you need fiber. It is found in cabbage, greens, legumes, bran, berries and mushrooms. It is not recommended to introduce them into the diet abruptly.

You need to gradually increase the daily dose. The norm is 25 grams per day during menstruation.

Traditional medicine advises preparing special decoctions for this period. Infusions from:

Feeling good is possible if you follow simple recommendations, which were formed throughout life.

If a woman wants to reduce the feeling of discomfort, then she needs to create a suitable daily routine with the right diet.

Helps cope well unpleasant symptoms walks in the fresh air. Walking in the evening will be especially effective.


Knowing your body comes with experience. IN at a young age a woman is just learning to understand herself. Over time, it will become clear what is a natural expression of physiology. What to do about bloating?

If this problem causes discomfort, then you can find a solution and take some preventive measures.

Gas formation is often caused by improper bowel function, which is disrupted by the release of hormones. To avoid this, you need to monitor your diet and reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

A woman of childbearing age who has a regular menstrual cycle may eventually experience bloating before her period. Such bloating during menstruation not only does not look aesthetically pleasing, but is also a possible source of pain on the eve of menstruation. In this case, the question reasonably arises as to why the belly enlarges before menstruation.

Why does my stomach swell before my period?

  1. Before menstruation, the abdomen enlarges as a result of the body's production of increased levels of progesterone, which is designed to relax smooth muscles: the woman's uterus becomes swollen, soft, prepared to receive an embryo during possible conception.
  2. Also, under the influence of hormones, a woman, as a rule, retains fluid in her body before menstruation: the volume of the limbs may increase, internal swelling may be noted, including an enlargement of the abdomen during menstruation. Then the woman feels her stomach swell. It is believed that during menstruation, a woman’s ability to remove water from her body is worse, but at the end of her period, the belly returns to its normal size.
  3. It happens that a woman has a swollen belly, but does not have her period. This may be one of the signs of pregnancy. In case of a positive pregnancy test, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, as this may indicate the presence of uterine tone, which may result in a miscarriage.
  4. However, if the pregnancy test is negative, and the stomach is inflated and pain is noted, then this is an alarming signal and requires consultation with a gynecologist.
  5. If the stomach swells in the middle of the menstrual cycle and pain is felt, then this may be so-called ovulatory pain, which appears in a woman as a result of rupture of the follicle. This type of bloating and pain is not a pathology and does not require intervention from medical staff. However, in order to exclude possible pathological conditions of the uterus and pelvic organs, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination in addition to visiting a doctor.
  6. With uterine fibroids, a woman may also experience bloating, pain, lack of menstruation, and swelling of the whole body. In this case, medical assistance is also necessary to exclude the development of tumor diseases.

Bloating before menstruation is a sign that a woman has premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

In addition to the physiological changes that occur in a woman’s body during the onset of menstruation, she may also experience psychological discomfort:

  • feeling unattractive as a result of an enlarged lower abdomen;
  • often noted Bad mood caused by the influence of hormones during the onset of menstruation;
  • general weakness, weakness.

What to do if a woman’s belly swells before her period?

Initially, you need to determine the cause that caused bloating on the eve of menstruation. If this is a physiological feature of the body, a sign of PMS, then you simply need to adjust the woman’s diet two weeks before menstruation: reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed, excessively salty foods and increase the amount of protein foods. You should also exclude legumes, cabbage, and excessively high-calorie foods (flour and sweets) from your diet.

To get rid of edema and, as a result, reduce bloating before menstruation, you can use folk remedies: make diuretic decoctions of lingonberries and cranberries.

Many women feel their stomach swell before their period. But what exactly it is - a feature of the body or a pathological condition of a woman - can only be said by a gynecologist after an examination and obtaining data from the results of ultrasound diagnostics.

Causes of flatulence during menstruation

The childbearing age of any healthy woman is always accompanied by monthly menstrual bleeding. Sometimes this condition causes a lot of discomfort, especially when the stomach swells during menstruation. It can increase both a week before and during critical days. This condition may be accompanied by tolerable pain, and yet this is considered normal.

Why does your stomach swell during your period?

In order for a woman to become pregnant and bear a child, constant hormonal changes occur in the body, which affect physiology. An enlarged belly before menstruation can also occur due to nutrition, possible pregnancy, or the presence of diseases that require seeing a doctor. Each of these conditions can be identified based on symptoms. In most cases, bloating is a natural physiological process that normalizes towards the end of menstruation.


Monthly menstruation is a sign that an egg is constantly maturing in a woman’s body and preparing for fertilization. After the maturation process in the ovaries, it is released - ovulation, which indicates the body’s readiness to conceive. In order for the future embryo to successfully attach to the uterus, the body releases the hormone progesterone.

It allows the uterus to increase in size and become softer, for comfortable attachment of a fertilized egg. This process lasts the second half of the cycle and ends with either confirmation of pregnancy or the release of an egg - menstruation.

A bloated belly also occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the body. This also happens under the influence of hormones - vasopressin, prolactin and estrogen. They reduce the frequency of urination, and the remaining fluid is stored in fatty tissues. Therefore, swelling of the limbs can often occur before menstruation. In many ways, this protects the body from stress during loss of large amounts of blood.


If fertilization of the egg occurs during the period of ovulation, then due to the release of progesterone, the embryo attaches to the soft uterus - pregnancy occurs. In most cases, a woman finds out about it due to a delay in menstruation. At this point, the embryo is already growing, and the uterus is preparing for further growth. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the belly practically does not grow.

The cause of bloating may be:

Edema is fluid retention caused by improper functioning of the kidneys. It is determined by a sharp increase in weight and the presence of external changes in the limbs.

Hypertonicity of the uterus is muscle spasm, which can lead to miscarriage. Accompanied by pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen, sometimes bleeding, and frequent urination.

The conditions listed above require immediate attention to a gynecologist. Timely treatment will normalize the condition and avoid miscarriage.

Nutrition and other reasons

Physiological changes in the abdomen occur not only due to pregnancy or the simple release of hormones. If a woman has an enlarged belly, no periods, but pregnancy is not confirmed, it is necessary to consult a doctor to be examined for the presence of uterine fibroids or other tumors in the female reproductive system.

The stomach may take off its shoes against the background of an increasing appetite. Due to hormonal imbalance in the second phase of the cycle, a woman experiences a decrease in mood and depression, which is often consumed by foods containing fast carbohydrates. As a result, indigestion, bloating, flatulence, as well as constipation and gas formation are observed.

In some cases, intestinal dysfunction occurs:

  • intestinal obstruction, which is accompanied by constipation;
  • dysbacteriosis - causes bloating, gas formation and flatulence;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - lead to incomplete digestion of food.

These conditions are not a consequence of menstruation, but may worsen before bleeding begins.

Separately, it is worth noting the development of premenstrual syndrome, which affects the physical and emotional state women.

Associated symptoms

Changes in a woman’s body before her period can be accompanied not only by an increase in the abdomen.

A woman may experience the following conditions:

  • change of mood;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • gas formation in the intestines;
  • aching pain in the lower abdomen.
  • the appearance of pimples on the skin.

All these symptoms can also occur during ovulation, which occurs in the middle monthly cycle and lasts about three days. During the release of the egg, the abdomen may also increase slightly.

When diagnosing pregnancy, a distended abdomen may indicate hypertonicity of the uterus. The condition is often accompanied by pain, spotting and frequent urination.

The abdomen also increases with the development of tumor tumors; they are often accompanied by the absence of critical days, enlargement of nearby lymph nodes, nausea, pain and fever. If these symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to get rid of the disease

In cases where this condition is not a sign of health problems, but brings a lot of inconvenience, the woman is recommended to change some lifestyle habits or use traditional medicine and psychotherapy methods.


Depending on the source of the bloating, the following medications are used:

Drotaverine, no-spa - used as painkillers if abdominal bloating is accompanied by cramps.

Activated carbon - for flatulence, if the cause is overeating.

Pancreatin - prescribed for worsening digestion.

Espumisan - fights increased gas formation.

All drugs are used symptomatically, but to eliminate the problem, you need to reconsider your diet and lifestyle in the period before menstruation.


Often, an enlarged abdomen before and during menstruation is caused by premenstrual syndrome. It is provoked by hormonal changes, which also cause fluid retention and other physiological processes that affect the enlargement of the abdomen.

During this period, a woman’s mood often falls and depression is present.

Psychotherapy will help you learn to accept yourself, control attacks of anger and overeating. Often, for acute manifestations of PMS, couples psychotherapy is recommended so that loved ones can help overcome this condition, and also learn to treat it with understanding.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine is a popular way to combat a bloated belly. If there are no diseases or pregnancy, you can use the following methods:

  • taking decoctions of fennel, ginger, chamomile and nettle;
  • berry fruit drinks;
  • physical exercises that help normalize peristalsis and reduce spasms.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent abdominal enlargement during and before menstruation, a woman needs to pay attention to her lifestyle, and in particular to physical activity, nutrition and fluid intake. It is necessary to include as much fiber and vitamins in your diet as possible. To reduce the likelihood of bloating, it is recommended:

  1. drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  2. eliminate or minimize the consumption of coffee and sugary drinks;
  3. eat less chocolate, spicy and salty foods;
  4. increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits;
  5. eat more foods high in vitamin B - broccoli, buckwheat;
  6. do morning exercises.

Causes of bloating in women during menstruation

Common premenstrual syndrome accompanies many women today. The symptoms of this condition are always unpleasant, sometimes painful, cause stress and mental tension, as well as serious discomfort.

One of these symptoms is bloating, which is accompanied by constant feeling heaviness in the pelvic area and flatulence. Moreover, such manifestations accompany a woman, both before and during menstruation. Let's look at the main causes of bloating and gas in women.

Bloating before menstruation

Many women are familiar with this condition when the stomach swells before the start of the next menstruation. This is very unpleasant, not aesthetically pleasing, causes discomfort and a lot of inconvenience. Favorite clothes become tight, the woman experiences moral tension and stress, fearing getting into an awkward situation. But not all women experience such manifestations, because PMS manifests itself differently in each case.

Typically, the increase in abdominal volume before the onset of menstruation is influenced by several factors:

  • The physical form of a woman, the structure of the muscle corset, physical fitness.
  • Individual body features.
  • Features of the structure of the uterus, its shape and level of muscle elasticity.

If we talk about the reasons for the appearance of bloating before menstruation, there can be several of them:

  • Impaired intestinal motility. When the body begins to prepare for the next possible pregnancy or menstruation if pregnancy does not occur, most of its forces are concentrated in the area of ​​the pelvic organs, to which blood flows in significant quantities. In this case, the effect extends not only to the genitals and uterus, but also affects the intestines, which begin to swell a little and become sluggish. Due to the disruption of intestinal function, increased production of gases begins, which accumulate and cause bloating.
  • Hormonal factor. When preparing the body for gestation, some hormonal changes occur, and the production of certain hormones increases, in particular progesterone, which is necessary to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus, but also affects other organs. In addition, under the influence of hormones, the endometrial layer inside the uterus increases, which is why it begins to swell. At the same time, in thin women who do not have a well-trained muscle corset, the size of their abdomen may increase slightly.
  • Swelling of tissues. Another reason for the appearance of bloating before the onset of menstruation is tissue swelling, since fluid retention is observed in the body at this time. If pregnancy does not occur within the prescribed period of the cycle, the female body begins to prepare for the next menstruation, while storing water, since there will be a significant loss of fluid, along with which important microelements, salts and other components will be excreted, which must be immediately replenished. It is for this purpose that water accumulates, which is the so-called “strategic reserve” of the body to replenish fluid losses. At the same time, some women experience swelling in their arms or legs, while others experience an increase in abdominal volume.

It is also necessary to give up food that causes gas formation, as well as all carbonated drinks, coffee and everything that harms the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and contributes to water retention in the body.

Bloating during and immediately after menstruation

The cause of bloating during menstruation is usually a hormonal shift that occurs in the female body every month, which is a natural mechanism. In addition, during menstruation, blood loss occurs, during which the body loses not only fluid, but also important elements, primarily potassium and magnesium, as well as vitamins belonging to group B. This cannot but affect the state of the entire organism as a whole and on certain systems and organs.

Often, women during menstrual bleeding experience general weakness, dizziness, a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, general malaise, decreased blood pressure, and lightening of the skin. Due to blood loss, the functioning of some organs may slow down due to insufficient blood supply, which is what happens to the digestive system and especially to the intestines. Many women note that during menstruation, indigestion occurs.

The intensity of the symptoms of bloating in the lower abdomen in women can be reduced or their occurrence can be prevented by additionally taking potassium and magnesium supplements (for example, regular Asparkam) on menstrual days, as well as a complex of vitamins with a high content of group B elements. Dietary restrictions should also be observed, in particular , exclude from the diet foods that can further increase gas formation and lead to even greater discomfort.

Bloating before and during ovulation

In addition, often long before the onset of their next period, many women note a feeling of bloating, heaviness and even pain in the abdomen. This happens during normal ovulation and is often considered a sign of it.

When the egg leaves the ovary, the body receives an injury, albeit a very small one, because the mature egg, leaving the follicle, ruptures it. This phenomenon is accompanied by a special change in hormonal levels, which leads to a short-term malfunction of many systems and organs.

Not all women experience pain at this moment; for many, this process goes almost unnoticed, but many experience a feeling of bloating at this time.

You should not drink a lot of liquid during ovulation, as well as after it until your period begins. After the egg has left the ovary, the body begins to actively supply blood to the lower abdomen, and also begins to accumulate water in the tissues, which, with excess fluid consumption, will lead to severe edema and increased gas formation due to weakening of the swollen intestines.

Gas formation is a sign of pregnancy

Some women call bloating a clear sign of pregnancy, although in fact this phenomenon can only be considered an indirect symptom. After successful fertilization of a mature egg, changes begin to occur in a woman’s body, mainly associated with changes in hormonal levels and the beginning of active production of certain hormones. First of all, progesterone, which is necessary for normal gestation and development of the fetus.

But progesterone, being in the blood and circulating through the bloodstream, also affects other organs that contain smooth muscles, for example, the stomach and intestines. As a result of this, the walls of the stomach, like the intestines, relax and stop working at the same volume, which leads to indigestion and the appearance of bloating due to accumulations of gas produced during the digestion of food.

Other reasons

The most common cause of bloating and excess gas in women is poor nutrition, as well as eating foods whose processing in the intestines leads to increased gas production.

Products that cause bloating in women include: all varieties of cabbage, eggplants and peppers, potatoes, legumes, baked goods, including sweet pastries, chocolate, cakes, candies, alcoholic and carbonated drinks, black coffee and tea, and also heavy and fatty foods, smoked meats, marinades and pickles. Uncontrolled consumption of such products, fast food snacks various types, leads to indigestion, bloating and flatulence.

Allergies to certain foods can also lead to bloating. This happens because the body lacks enzymes to digest and assimilate a particular product, as a result, when consuming it, a person develops indigestion, rashes and other allergic symptoms.

Often the cause of bloating in a woman is the presence of some disease, accompanied by a state of bloating and the appearance of flatulence. Such diseases include uterine fibroids, fibroids, and the formation of cysts in the ovaries.

Of course, diseases of the digestive system, disruption of organ function, as well as intestinal obstruction, inflammation of appendicitis, dysbacteriosis, diverticulitis, the presence of tumors in the gastrointestinal tract, and cholelithiasis can also lead to flatulence and bloating.

Why can your stomach swell during menstruation?

Monthly menstruation is a process that confirms that the female reproductive system is working smoothly. But often it is accompanied by poor health for the woman herself. Bloating during menstruation and before it should occur can be directly related to the process of ovulation, or menstrual periods are a kind of catalyst for the real reason why the stomach begins to swell during menstruation.

Physiological causes of bloating during menstruation

In most cases, bloating during PMS is not a pathology and turns out to be one of the symptoms that appears before menstruation.

During this period, a woman’s body increases the amount of the hormone progesterone necessary for conception. Its action is also aimed at providing the potential fetus with comfortable conditions in the mother’s uterus. Progesterone relaxes the uterus, and its inner layer - the endometrium - thickens, resulting in a slightly bloated abdomen.

If conception does not occur, within a few days the amount of progesterone in the body decreases again, and the effect of a bloated belly disappears.

But there are other reasons why some women experience bloating during and before their period. Most of them are also associated with the effects of sex hormones on different body systems.

Other reasons

It happens that the abdominal area can swell both before and during ovulation. In many ways, bloating during menstruation depends on the characteristics of the body of a particular woman.

For what reasons can this condition occur:

When premenstrual syndrome is accompanied by a bloated belly, and diarrhea, constipation or flatulence occur, this may be due to personal characteristics of intestinal motility. Sometimes the condition is due to the fact that before menstruation, a woman’s appetite sharply increases, her usual diet changes, and the digestive system cannot cope with the load.

For some, the intestines, like the uterus, relax under the influence of progesterone.

A bloated belly can be caused by excessive fluid accumulation in the body. In this case, the limbs are also susceptible to swelling, to the point that the fingers become very swollen. There is no need to be afraid of this. Before menstruation, the body usually accumulates water in the cells and intercellular space, which will leave it along with menstruation, and new water will be produced instead. In addition, if the bleeding is not replaced with fluid, this is fraught with serious consequences for the body.

Water retention is caused by increased levels of hormones: estrogen, progesterone and prolactin. They provoke the accumulation of sodium, which inhibits the removal of water from tissues. And the hormone vasopressin slows down the flow of urine.

It is because of the accumulation of fluid that some women experience regular weight gain during their menstrual periods. You shouldn’t pay special attention to this, since when the water comes out, the extra pounds go away.

To avoid the accumulation of large amounts of water and promote its renewal in the body, there is no need to limit drinking. On the contrary, it is better to regularly supply the body with fresh water so that it does not feel lack of it.

Bloating in the middle of the menstrual cycle is most likely associated with the ovulation process. Sometimes you feel so-called ovulatory pain, which is unpleasant but tolerable. Their cause is a rupture in the wall of the follicle from which the egg is released (this is ovulation). It may cause a slight pulling effect.

If a woman experiences bloating and does not have her period, this may indicate that she is pregnant.

And if there is also swelling in other parts of the body, especially the mammary glands, then it’s time to go to the pharmacy for a test. Some tests can show results as early as 8 days after expected conception. However, the test is not able to detect, for example, an ectopic pregnancy. To do this, you must undergo an ultrasound.

If, along with other symptoms in the lower abdomen, women planning to replenish their family experience pain, nagging pain, they are advised to hurry to the gynecologist. Such manifestations occur when spontaneous miscarriage is possible.

In addition to natural causes, the stomach may swell before menstruation due to the appearance of tumors. Often this turns out to be uterine fibroids. The fact that bloating during menstruation is caused by pathological processes is indicated by accompanying symptoms: pain, nausea, fever, persistent swelling, vomiting. If they appear, you should consult a doctor.

What to do if you have bloating before your period

What should you do if your lower abdomen is swollen in the middle of your cycle or before your period? Firstly, you need to pay attention to what food enters the body and adjust your diet.

Secondly, it is important to reduce your salt intake. If you eat a lot of salty foods, even more sodium will accumulate in the body, which delays the removal of excess fluid from the body, leading to bloating. You need to pay attention not only to the amount of salt added when cooking, but also to prepared foods that may contain large amounts of this substance.

It is also worth limiting sweets, which women often crave during menstruation. Sugar increases blood glucose levels and also causes sodium to accumulate. Even if you eat less salty foods, but do not reduce your sugar intake, the effect of a bloated belly will not disappear.

At the same time, you can and should drink more clean, fresh water. It is advisable to consume 2-3 liters of it per day. Water will not only speed up the process of renewing fluid accumulated in the body, but will also remove toxins and help improve digestion. You can also stay hydrated by adding plenty of raw fruits and vegetables to your diet.

However, drinks containing large amounts of caffeine, such as coffee and black tea, are best consumed to a minimum.

In addition to the fact that caffeine itself makes the stomach bloat, coffee, which is an acidic drink, can provoke another disease leading to bloating - gastritis.

It is also better to exclude alcoholic drinks. During menstruation, alcohol contributes to the accumulation of gases in the stomach, sometimes causing tension in the lower abdomen. Flatulence can also occur if you eat a lot of dairy products during PMS.

To improve digestion, you need to introduce foods containing fiber into your diet: cabbage, bran, mushrooms, berries, legumes and greens. They need to be introduced gradually, bringing up to the norm 25 grams per day for the period of menstruation.

You need to increase the amount of foods in your diet that contain vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for women during menstruation: E and A, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc, which alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Folk recipes against bloating during menstruation recommend drinking a decoction of chamomile, lingonberries and cranberries, and mint tea. Cranberries and lingonberries are popularly considered to be good diuretics that help remove excess fluid.

To feel good during menstruation, it is better to use the principle of fractional nutrition: eat often, but in small portions. This will make it easier for the body to cope with the process of digesting food, and the level of glucose in the blood will decrease.

You can reduce the swelling of your belly during menstrual periods with the help of physical activity. Exercise helps speed up the elimination of gases. You can replace them with long walks in the fresh air, for example, before bed.

But if during menstruation you regularly experience painful sensations, your stomach is hard and swollen, and other unpleasant symptoms appear, such as dizziness, nausea, and others, it is better to seek help from a doctor. Women whose PMS symptoms are particularly severe may be prescribed special hormonal therapy. It stabilizes the effects of progesterone, estrogen and prolactin on the body.


Bloating during menstruation is a natural phenomenon associated with changes in hormone levels during this period. They lead to softening of the muscle tissue of the uterus and intestines. The work of the latter can independently cause the appearance of a bloated abdomen due to poor digestion and accumulation of gases. The process of ovulation itself can lead to the appearance of such an effect. The appearance of swelling is also considered normal, which is caused by a temporary accumulation of fluid in the body that occurs on the eve of critical days.

A swollen belly may indicate pregnancy or a tumor in the uterus. In case of a delay in menstruation or severe abdominal pain, you should consult a gynecologist who will help you find out why this is happening.

Belly enlarges during menstruation

Before your period your belly gets bigger! For many women, especially those who carefully monitor their weight and try to reduce their volume, this becomes a small monthly tragedy. For some, this is not even a small tragedy, but a serious reason for frustration. And of course, I want to know why the belly gets bigger before menstruation, how can you fight it? Isn't this a dangerous symptom?

As everyone has long known, almost everything that happens in a woman’s genital area during the menstrual cycle is related to hormones. A woman’s hormonal background is not in a static state, it is constantly changing. In different menstrual phases, one hormone or another predominates. And increased or decreased levels of one or another hormone have different effects on a woman’s condition and well-being.

In the second half of menstrual zinc, the level of the hormone progesterone increases in the female body, which drops sharply by the beginning of menstruation. It is this hormonal surge that brings many unpleasant moments to women, generally called PMS - premenstrual syndrome. During this period, a woman may feel a loss of strength, depression, aggression, pain in the abdomen, lower back, headache, nausea, vomiting, swelling, as well as bloating and enlargement of the abdomen. The fact is that due to changes in hormone levels, fluid is retained in the body and, accordingly, a woman’s weight increases. Before menstruation, a woman usually weighs a couple of kilograms more. This is also due to the fact that before menstruation, the uterus is in an enlarged state, swollen, full of nutrients for a possible future embryo. In addition to all this, a common symptom of PMS is a feeling of hunger. Due to the lack of serotonin during this period, a woman feels the need to restore its level, she is drawn to sweets and starchy foods. And this, naturally, adds kilograms and centimeters. This is why many women feel that their belly gets bigger before their period.

In fact, there is nothing scary or dangerous to health in this phenomenon. As soon as your period begins, you will lose the pounds and inches you have gained. However, if it is really very important for you to keep your body within the exact parameters of weight and volume, then use the following tips.

First, do not give in to temporary feelings of hunger. Don't open the refrigerator in the middle of the night looking for something to eat. To get rid of the strong desire to eat something urgently, it is better to drink a glass of water or do a simple breathing exercises(40 breaths through the nose, drawing air not into the chest, but into the stomach, exhale slowly through the mouth). You can hang a scary reminder on the refrigerator, like “Eat now - in the morning, plus a kilogram!” or “The hunger will pass, but the kilograms will remain!”

Secondly, during this period, try not to eat foods that provoke fluid retention in the body (anything salty), bloating (fresh fruits, legumes, cabbage), fat deposition (fatty, high-calorie foods, flour and sweets). You should not eat fatty cheeses, fried potatoes and chicken, mayonnaise, pickles, alcohol, chocolate.

Thirdly, during menstruation, a woman loses blood, the body tries to restore balance, strength and asks for increased nutrition. In this matter, give preference not to quantity, but to quality. You need to eat foods rich in iron. These are lean meats, liver, sea creatures, eggs, raisins, dried apricots, beans, buckwheat, peas, plums, bran.

Now you know why your belly gets bigger before your period and how to deal with it. Patience and willpower to you.

Why does the stomach swell before menstruation, weight and appetite increase?

Once a month, physiological processes occur in the female body that can disable even the most balanced girl or lady. Mood swings, pain, increased appetite and a bloated stomach lead some to real despair. Why does this happen and how to reduce symptoms?

Why does my stomach swell before my period?

It should be noted that this phenomenon is not observed in all female representatives. Some lucky women have a flat tummy even with premenstrual syndrome. This depends on your body type, the elasticity of the uterus and how well your abdominal muscles are trained.

  • intestinal peristalsis. The body preparing for menstruation focuses its work on the pelvic organs. The blood flow to them increases and puts pressure on the intestines, resulting in bloating and possible disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • swelling. Since the body faces a considerable loss of blood, before this it makes a strategic reserve of fluid, salts and microelements. Typically, excess accumulates in the abdomen, legs, arms, fingers;
  • hormones. Under their influence, the uterus prepares for fertilization, thickening the endometrial layer. If conception does not occur, the body begins to get rid of “unusable” tissue. The constant inflow and outflow of blood can be seen visually - this is bloating.

Girls and women who watch their figure have the habit of getting on the scale every day to mark even slight progress in losing those hated pounds. And how disappointing it becomes when, instead of a minus, they see an increase, which, depending on individual characteristics, can range from 2 to 5 kg!

The same hormones are to blame for the set: they retain water in the body - that’s why the belly swells before menstruation and weight increases. But don’t worry ahead of time. If the diet did not change during this period, then the excess fluid will be eliminated on its own as soon as the “critical days” are over.

Why do you want to eat a lot before your period?

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Surely many have noticed an increase in appetite before “these days.” Moreover, most often one is drawn to sweets, in particular, chocolate. Why is this happening? There are several explanations, and, of course, hormones are again to blame. The thing is that during the preparation of the body for menstruation, the production of estrogen increases, which inhibits serotonin - the very “happiness hormone”. It is precisely because of its deficiency that the brain begins to look for ways to replenish it. Where else is there so much happiness in pure form, if not in chocolate?

But this is only one explanation. Many doctors believe that the increase in appetite is due to the fact that the female body prepares every month to perform its main function - pregnancy. Because of this, under the influence of hormones, a signal is sent to the brain that it is necessary to increase subcutaneous fat tissue in order to safely bear a child. He obediently follows the command, activates the hunger center and begins to stock up on fat in reserve. All these complex processes, as a rule, are accompanied by a deterioration in mood, increased tearfulness, weakness and the desire to eat something tasty - all these are manifestations of the notorious PMS.

Can this be controlled?

Yes and no. Hormones are a complicated thing. It’s almost impossible to just not eat when you want, and what to do with the other symptoms? After all, dissatisfaction with hunger can lead to aggression or even depression. But we all live in society, and it’s unlikely that you will be able to distance yourself from the outside world so as not to lose your temper in public. But you can still deceive nature a little.

Taking oral contraceptives reduces or even eliminates PMS symptoms. Under the influence hormonal pills The ovaries enter the sleep phase. This means that the body no longer needs to prepare for pregnancy, and the activity of hormones is inhibited. This is absolutely safe method, which as a bonus reduces the amount of discharge during menstruation and the pain of sensations.

In addition to oral contraceptives, there are many drugs, including herbal ones, that balance hormonal levels and reduce PMS symptoms. These are magnesium preparations, Cyclodinone, Glycine, Afobazole, valerian tinctures and tablets, peony extract, as well as homeopathic preparations Remens and Mastodinon;

A less radical method is to follow a diet. In addition to sweets, consumption of the “joy hormone” serotonin promotes sea ​​fish, nuts, honey, seeds, beef liver, dried fruits, hard cheeses, bananas, dairy products, tea and coffee.

How to reduce bloating during menstruation?

So, we found out why the stomach swells before menstruation, weight jumps and appetite increases. Is it possible to somehow remove the bloating? You can, and it’s not at all difficult to do:

  • limit salt intake. As you know, it retains fluid, and during this period water accumulates in the body. Its excess leads to bloating and weight gain;
  • do not eat gas-forming foods such as beans, cabbage, potatoes, mushrooms.
  • do not consume sugar, especially in its pure form: it retains sodium in the body, which, in turn, retains water. During the PMS period, if you want something sweet, it is better to eat honey and dried fruits;
  • drink clean water. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, in order to remove swelling, you need to drink a lot of fluid;
  • alcohol taboo. In addition to the effect of bloating and water retention, drinking alcohol during this period can contribute to excessive blood flow to the pelvic organs and, as a result, uterine bleeding;
  • more fiber and proteins: they remove excess fluid well;
  • move a lot. Walking helps reduce gas formation;
  • drink mint tea. He deduces excess water, reduces gas formation, calms and improves mood. Mint tea - the best of folk remedies fight against PMS.

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Menstruation is a period during which many processes occur in a woman’s body, including those associated with changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and fraught with digestive disorders. But it turns out that you can fight nature - moderate your appetite, eliminate bloating, and even completely eliminate PMS symptoms. The main thing is to do it wisely.

Is a bloated belly before menstruation normal?

For the fair sex, it’s important to really monitor your appearance and weight as closely as you do your health. You don't have to be too observant to notice the rounding of your tummy before your period. Why does my stomach swell before my period? What is the reason for this phenomenon and is it possible to fight it?

Individuality is expressed in everything

In fact, not all women may experience abdominal enlargement. This is just as individual as the other symptoms of premenstrual and menstrual syndrome. Some people become irritated, while others don’t even notice the emotional changes; for some, these days are easy physically, while for others it seems like a “little death.” The same is true with the volume of the abdomen.

You've probably noticed that even pregnant girls at the same stage can look completely different. This is dictated by their nature: physique, strength of the abdominal muscles, elastic properties of the uterus itself. If you play sports and have a strong muscle corset, then any internal changes may never appear to others.

Causes of premenstrual bloating

Hormonal changes drive our life cycles. There is even a joke that a woman has premenstrual, menstrual and postmenstrual periods, that is, apart from them, there is little time left for anything else. In fact, everything is approximately like this: each period is characterized by its own changes in hormonal levels. They are needed to ensure our body is prepared for:

  • Fertilization;
  • Conception;
  • Formation of all necessary conditions for carrying a baby;
  • Renewal of tissues and blood for possible conception in the next cycle, if it did not happen this time.

Under the influence of hormones, the uterus becomes softer, even swollen - this is how it prepares to accept the embryo. Its internal lining (endometrium) thickens many times, forming a kind of lush “pillow” for the baby. The thick endometrium is very well supplied with blood, because the child’s nutrition depends on it if conception occurs.

But when it doesn't happen the right time, some hormones give way to others and the process of renewal of the internal lining begins - it must leave the uterine cavity, and the body itself must do more important work - prepare a new egg.

Another reason for a bloated belly is the body’s general tendency to accumulate fluid before menstruation. Not only the stomach may swell, but also the legs and arms. Some ladies even have to stop wearing rings and high heels for a while.

This phenomenon is also deeply thought out by nature - before blood loss, new blood should begin to be produced. If the bleeding is not replenished with at least water, a condition close to hypovolemic shock may occur.

In order for the blood to renew itself more quickly, you should not limit yourself to fluids. If water is easily accessible, the body will not have the prerequisites for its accumulation.

If the time is approaching for the start of your period and you have all the symptoms (irritability, swelling, breast enlargement), but they do not come, take a pregnancy test. By the time your period begins, you may be 2-3 weeks pregnant; modern sensitive tests for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) should respond with two strips.

No matter how you feel about the prospect of becoming a mother, if you have a positive test, there should be no pain!

If you want a child, then keep in mind: such symptoms indicate a possible threat of spontaneous abortion and you should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible. If your plans do not yet include starting a family, this is not a reason to ignore your well-being, because the test will not show an ectopic pregnancy or other life-threatening conditions.

Immediately after pregnancy is established using a hCG test in the urine (or instead), its result must be confirmed by ultrasound and an analysis of the level of hCG in the blood. The data obtained will allow you to set an exact date and make further plans with your doctor. The examination itself in a gynecological chair does not always allow one to establish pregnancy for up to 5 weeks.

Don't rely on folk signs or premonition. For example, that the stomach itches with the onset of pregnancy. In fact, the period should already be more impressive in order to somehow change the sensitivity of the skin and its blood supply. Don’t waste time - only a competent specialist will tell you everything for sure.

There are still a couple of weeks until your period, but your stomach is swollen and even some discomfort? This may be a completely normal phenomenon - ovulatory pain. They appear when the egg leaves the ovary and is not felt by every woman.

But this is not a reason not to trust yourself: if something seems unusual and more painful to you than always, then you should consult a doctor and do an ultrasound.

Pain in the lower abdomen, enlargement, swelling - all these can be symptoms of uterine fibroids. If these phenomena increase over time, you should definitely consult a doctor and conduct the necessary research. Timely diagnosis is half the cure!

Consult a doctor immediately if the pain intensifies and does not go away, the temperature rises, vomiting occurs, the ankles become very swollen, the condition persists too long or worsens sharply.

What will help reduce swelling

Suppose you have established for sure that you are not pregnant and are absolutely healthy. How can you help yourself look better even during this period?

1) Avoid intestinal overcrowding and bloating: eat less fatty foods containing refined carbohydrates.

2) Two weeks before critical days, you need to limit the consumption of salt, smoked foods, spicy food, chips and more.

3) Do not eat raw fruits, vegetables, fatty foods and legumes.

4) If indigestion already occurs, you need to stop drinking carbonated drinks, eat small meals, and drink food only after a minute. Fruits and starch-containing foods cannot be combined with protein foods, and those containing insoluble fiber should be completely excluded from the diet for now.

5) For intestinal bloating, some herbal infusions (angelica root, fennel, chamomile), as well as spices (cardamom, ginger, cayenne pepper) are useful.

6) A week before the critical days, you can start taking evening primrose oil in capsules.

8) Massage of the lower back, thighs, back of the legs with oil prepared from 3 drops of juniper and 3 drops of lavender oils, as well as 5 teaspoons of grape seed oil, is useful.

9) Take a warm bath with 3 drops of black pepper oil and the same amount of fennel oil. When your period begins, it is better not to take a bath at all.

A positive attitude makes our life much easier, regardless of whether the cause is excessive self-pity or the effect of hormones. Cheer yourself up with natural stimulants for the production of endorphins (hormones of joy).

These are foods such as chili pepper, avocado, banana, chocolate (don’t get carried away for the sake of your figure!), cilantro, milk, mustard, paprika, currants, thyme, beets. If your condition allows, then you can use the most effective tools in the fight against depression - sex and sports.

Don't forget about psychosomatics. You will feel physically better if you love yourself, feel the beauty of your body and realize that this state will only last a couple of days, and emotional experiences can take a lot of time, energy and ruin the mood not only for you!

As the end of the menstrual cycle approaches, followed by the onset of menstruation, a woman experiences certain symptoms. Each representative of the fair sex has her own set of signs of approaching menstruation. Bloating before your period is a very common symptom.

This phenomenon should not scare girls. Due to changes in hormonal levels, the appearance of bloating and flatulence in most cases is a normal physiological reaction. But there are other reasons for an increase in waist size before menstruation.

Causes of bloating before menstruation

Changes in abdominal volume are due to several factors:

  • Body constitution;
  • Development of the muscle corset in the abdominal area;
  • Elasticity of the uterine muscles.

These factors relate to external reasons bloating. Thus, in women who are prone to obesity and underdeveloped abdominal muscles, the likelihood of bloating is higher. If the elasticity of the muscular layer of the uterus is low, it may increase in size before menstruation, which will also entail an increase in the size of the abdomen.

Internal factors for changing the shape of the abdomen before menstruation include:

  • Hormonal changes. After the ovulation phase, the female body begins to prepare for the implantation of a fertilized egg, even if conception does not occur. On this basis, a hormonal release occurs, which entails changes in the functioning of many body systems. Including, due to the action of sex hormones, the uterus enlarges, which affects the intestines. There was also an effect on the increase in the number of fat cells in this phase of the menstrual cycle. All this is reflected in the shape of the abdomen and the appearance of bloating.
  • Swelling. Nature provides that a woman’s body prepares in advance for the process of menstruation. During menstrual bleeding, blood and micronutrients are lost. For this reason, on the eve of menstruation, the body reserves fluid to compensate for lost blood. The accumulation of fluid in tissues can be different parts body, the face, limbs, and abdomen may swell.

Another obstacle to the normal removal of water from the body is the synthesis of the antidiuretic hormone - vasopressin. It reduces the frequency of urination. At the end of menstruation, the water-salt balance of the fluid is restored.

Weight gain before menstruation is up to 3 kg within normal limits. If the increase is more kilograms, then this may be a signal of a malfunction in the functioning of the excretory system.

  • Ovulatory phase. Ovulation is a process accompanied by the most powerful hormonal surge during the menstrual cycle. Many women experience a bloated stomach after it, flatulence and a feeling of fullness may be observed.
  • Contraction of the intestinal walls (peristalsis). In premenstrual syndrome, there is a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Since the intestines are in close proximity to them, they have to undergo certain changes. Intestinal peristalsis becomes more sluggish and can provoke: digestive disorders, bloating, and a woman may become bloated.
  • Pathologies. Bloating before menstruation can also occur due to pathological processes.

These could be:

  • Malignant and benign neoplasms in the pelvic organs;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

You need to listen carefully to yourself so as not to confuse the physiological norm with pathologies. The diseases are characterized by accompanying symptoms: increased intensity of discharge during menstruation, the urge to urinate frequently, dizziness,.

The absence of both pregnancy and menstruation, subject to bloating, indicates the presence of a pathological process.

The internal causes of bloating during PMS are characterized by difficulty in determining them. That is, physiological processes occur inside the body, they cannot be seen or perceived by touch. And the external manifestation of these processes is one thing - an increase in the size of the abdomen.

Bloating or pregnancy

The line between the symptoms of various processes in a woman’s reproductive system is very thin. It is often quite problematic to distinguish a norm from a violation, especially without a special examination. Early signs of pregnancy may also coincide with the usual warning signs of your period.

When pregnancy occurs, it prepares the reproductive organs for bearing a fetus. The fertilized egg is implanted into the inner wall of the uterus - the endometrium. Under the influence of the hormone, the endometrium thickens, loosens and fills with nutrients. As a result, swelling of the uterine mucosa and distension in the abdominal area occurs.

If you have a positive pregnancy test and feel a bloated belly, you need to tell your gynecologist about this symptom. If it seems that the stomach continues to swell and feels quite dense to the touch, then such a sign in the first months of pregnancy may indicate that the uterus is in increased tone, and this may lead to the threat of miscarriage.

To figure out whether pregnancy is the cause of bloating or a sign of imminent menstruation, you need a little time to observe your body. Every day the pregnancy will make itself felt more and more clearly. Changes in the abdomen will not stop, menstruation will not come and will increase.

By following certain rules, you can overcome the monthly discomfort of bloating. What to do to prevent your stomach from bloating:

Limit your intake of salty and sweet foods. After ovulation, the production of the happiness hormone decreases. The result is irritability, nervousness and a desire to please yourself with something tasty. During the premenstrual period, a woman may crave salty or sweet foods. But in this case, it is not advisable to indulge the whims of your body, as this is fraught with subsequent discomfort.

Stay hydrated. The optimal drink to quench your thirst and benefit your body is water. You can drink water in large quantities. This will help eliminate toxins, hydrate the body and improve digestive function.

It is better to give up coffee, tea, and alcoholic drinks for a while. Caffeine is especially dangerous for girls who have stomach problems. In this case, bloating is guaranteed. Alcohol promotes gas formation and the lower abdomen may become bloated. It is advisable to give up these drinks a week before your expected period if you want to avoid discomfort in the abdominal area.

The exceptions are green teas, which have less caffeine than black teas, mint tea, infusions medicinal herbs. Peppermint relieves cramping abdominal pain, fights water retention in the body and bloating. Decoctions of fennel, chamomile, horsetail, ginger, and nettle have a diuretic effect.

  • Don't lead a sedentary lifestyle. Long walks and activities physical exercise have a very beneficial effect on gastrointestinal tract: promote the removal of gases from the body, improve intestinal motility
  • Eat foods rich in fiber. In the fight against constipation and bloating, a diet that includes: high content fibers. But don't overdo it. Enough to consume daily norm fiber (at least 25 g), excessive consumption can lead to the opposite effect - unfortunate bloating
  • Reduce your intake of dairy products. Despite all their usefulness, dairy products increase gas formation. To prevent your stomach from becoming bloated before your period, you need to reduce their consumption.
  • Don't overeat. Small portions of food on the eve of menstruation are a salvation from heaviness and a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Frequent, but smaller portions in this case will have a positive effect on the digestion process: the regulation of blood glucose levels improves, metabolism accelerates
  • Take medications. For problems of the digestive system such as bloating, flatulence, constipation, diuretics and all kinds of vitamin complexes are most often prescribed. You can start taking vitamins and elements without waiting for a problem to arise - 1-2 weeks before your period. You can take any medication only after prior consultation with your doctor.
  • Take baths. A systematic procedure for taking a bath on the eve of menstruation, with the addition of essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, juniper, black pepper. This will help prevent gas formation.

If the question of why your belly gets bigger before your period continues to bother you for longer than the acceptable time, then don’t waste time and go for a consultation. Only a gynecologist can determine the true cause of this phenomenon and give the necessary recommendation.

Menstruation is a natural process in the life of every woman. This is further proof that the reproductive system is working and there is a possibility of conceiving a child.

At the time of menstruation, the body gets rid of the old egg and prepares for the ovulatory period.

Menstruation sometimes causes a lot of inconvenience and unpleasant symptoms may appear. One of these is bloating during menstruation.

What should a woman do and should she fight this sign of menstruation? Abdominal enlargement is a natural physiological condition before or during menstruation.

This condition can cause a girl a lot of discomfort, especially if she is watching her figure and can be upset by a protruding tummy and extra pounds.

To understand why this occurs, you need to understand the reasons and look for a suitable way to avoid it.


Bloating during menstruation is normal and will go away on its own when it ends. The appearance of such a symptom during PMS can be influenced by external and internal factors.

External reasons:

  1. Body constitution.
  2. Weak muscles in the abdomen. When a woman tends to be overweight and her abdominal muscles are poorly developed, bloating will be clearly visible visually. Nothing will prevent this.
  3. Elasticity of muscle tissue in the uterus. Before menstruation, the uterus may increase in size, which will lead to the growth of the abdomen.

Internal reasons:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels. When the ovulatory period ends, the body begins to prepare for the implantation of a fertilized egg. It is possible that conception is not planned in principle, but it is so inherent in nature. At this moment, many hormones are released into the woman’s body, which affect the functioning of all internal systems. Sex hormones cause an enlargement of the uterus, which can affect intestinal function and increase the lipid layer.
  2. Excess fluid. PMS may be accompanied by bloating due to a large accumulation of fluid. This happens because the body stores water during menstruation. Symptoms: abdominal swelling and swelling of the limbs. This is the body’s natural reserve, which should not be feared. The water will go away along with the bleeding. But if it doesn’t exist, this is a serious problem.
  3. Ovulatory period. The presence of ovulation is very important for every woman. It occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. At this moment, the mature follicle ruptures, and the finished egg comes out to meet the sperm. At this moment, the body is simply oversaturated with a surge and excess of female hormones. At this moment, bloating and flatulence appear.
  4. Intestinal peristalsis. During PMS, there is a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, and since the intestines are closest, they get the most. At this moment, intestinal peristalsis becomes weak and the following occurs: bloating, flatulence, gas formation, disruption of the proper functioning of the intestines.
  5. Pathological diseases. In addition to natural and harmless factors, there may be more serious ones associated with any diseases.

Pathological problems with abdominal enlargement

Any woman should always closely monitor any changes and behavior of the body. For some, these may be ordinary symptoms of PMS, but if this has not been observed before, it is recommended to undergo an examination by a gynecologist.

Common problems:

  1. Inflammation of the genitourinary system.
  2. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Tumors in the pelvic organs.

You especially need to be wary if, in addition to an enlarged abdomen, other accompanying symptoms appear: nausea, vomiting, fever, frequent urination, pain in the lower part of the peritoneum, intense discharge during menstruation.

His body “talks” to every person and reports problems. You just need to listen to him. An enlarged abdomen is one such sign.

If there are no periods or pregnancy, but the symptom does not go away, then this indicates a pathological process.

The main problem is that internal factors are not visible to the normal eye. One can only make assumptions.

A specialist can determine the exact reason why bloating occurs during menstruation. A woman notices only external changes. This is an enlarged belly and extra pounds.

What if I'm pregnant?

This reason is quite real. Sometimes, the onset of pregnancy can be confused with PMS. During this period, the female body produces the hormone progesterone.

It prepares the reproductive organs for bearing a child. With the onset of pregnancy, changes occur within the woman.

The egg enters the uterus and attaches to the wall (endometrium). This process is otherwise called implantation. Progesterone affects the endometrium.

It expands, absorbs nutrients and loosens. In turn, this causes the innermost lining of the uterus to swell and the abdomen begins to enlarge.

What to do

If there is no doubt that the symptom is associated with the onset of menstruation, then there are still some tips and solutions. First of all, you need to look at your diet.

If you eat right, you can solve many problems and bloating is one of them.

During this time, the body stores fluid to replenish blood loss. It is worth limiting your salt intake.

When a person eats salty foods, sodium accumulates in the body. This element prevents the removal of fluid.

To prevent the body from lacking fluid and accumulating it, you need to constantly drink fresh water. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters.

This will help ensure constant fluid renewal, elimination of toxins and good digestion. Raw vegetables and fruits will also help replenish fluid in the body.

Don't drink coffee or black tea. These drinks contain caffeine, which causes bloating. Coffee increases acidity in the body, which means another problem may arise - gastritis or ulcers.

What should you not do during your period? Alcohol should be banned. Such drinks cause increased gas formation and nagging pain below.

Dairy products can also affect a woman’s condition during PMS.

For good digestion you need fiber. It is found in cabbage, greens, legumes, bran, berries and mushrooms. It is not recommended to introduce them into the diet abruptly.

You need to gradually increase the daily dose. The norm is 25 grams per day during menstruation.

Traditional medicine advises preparing special decoctions for this period. Infusions from:

  1. Lingonberries and cranberries.
  2. Daisies.
  3. Mint.

Good health is possible if you follow simple recommendations that have been developed throughout your life.

If a woman wants to reduce the feeling of discomfort, then she needs to create a suitable daily routine with the right diet.

Walking in the fresh air helps cope well with unpleasant symptoms. Walking in the evening will be especially effective.


Knowing your body comes with experience. At a young age, a woman is just learning to understand herself. Over time, it will become clear what is a natural expression of physiology. What to do about bloating?

If this problem causes discomfort, then you can find a solution and take some preventive measures.

Gas formation is often caused by improper bowel function, which is disrupted by the release of hormones. To avoid this, you need to monitor your diet and reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful video

Women are unique creatures. Often appearance is given more importance than one's own health.

As it happens, your period is approaching and your belly swells again! Again, your favorite jeans begin to feel unbearably tight. It seems that everyone sees this belly and points their fingers! What a horror!

Three questions arise: who is to blame, why is this happening and what to do? Let's try to understand the physiology.

It is worth noting that not all representatives of the fair sex have an enlarged belly before menstruation. Premenstrual syndrome affects everyone differently.

Symptoms, in particular, abdominal enlargement, are influenced by:

  • body features;
  • physical training – muscle corset;
  • elasticity of the uterine muscles.

Why is my stomach swollen - who is to blame?

There may be several reasons why the stomach is inflated:

Attention! If your temperature rises sharply before your period, your stomach swells, pain intensifies, vomiting begins, or your legs become swollen, consult a doctor immediately. Don’t waste time, don’t ask “what and why” questions on the Internet - you will only worsen the situation.

Bloating – what to do?

If before your period your belly is swollen or swollen, and you are not pregnant, the question arises - how to avoid this unpleasant condition?

There are several tips:

In general, you don’t need to be too upset that your waist has increased by a few centimeters. And, as a result, suffer from their own inferiority.

Bloating and swelling will go away in just a few days, along with your period.

In the meantime, wear comfortable clothes that do not put pressure on the stomach and appendage area and avoid tight fitting clothes. Not only will you not suffer from pain, such clothes will also hide your temporary “lifeline”!

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