Which sign is best suited for a Leo in marriage? Leo woman - compatibility. Leo in love relationships with other zodiac signs

Leo is the zodiac sign of people who are completely consumed by love and vanity.

WITH Leo capacity with representatives of the opposite sex completely depends on the temperament and jealous nature of these individuals. Representatives of this sign cannot live a day without love and violent passions. That is why they tend to change many partners throughout their lives.

In order to win the heart of a representative of this sign, you will have to constantly admire him and not express his shortcomings out loud. This ambitious person simply does not tolerate criticism.

These “lovers” prefer a full-fledged relationship to casual romances. They always take the end of a romance very hard, but this does not stop them from seeking consolation from a new partner.

Compatibility of Leo with other zodiac signs

In relationships with representatives of the signs Aries, Cancer and Aquarius, it is almost impossible. Leo longs to be someone's weakness: selfish Aries is not capable of this, Cancer is too practical, and Aquarius simply will not have time for this, since he takes upon himself the solution to all the problems of humanity.

Compatibility Horoscope for Leo sign advises tying the knot with representatives of your own sign. Two lions will be able to create quite harmonious relationships, because they are so similar, they have the same values ​​and worldview.

Ideal relationship may work out for Leo and Virgo. Virgo will not mind taking the place of the head of the family, and Leo will not mind an intelligent and prudent ally.

An affair with Sagittarius will calm down this proud egoist a little, and Capricorn will be able to give Leo the relationship he dreams of - no one will admire their partner so sincerely.

Is quality sex the foundation of a strong relationship?

Yes it is

I can't agree

The Leo man is incredibly jealous, but is not always ready to fight for his partner’s attention; he is simply too lazy to prove that he is the best. And if Leo loses his passion, then he will never consider himself guilty of this.

This man is prone to frequent, thoughtless breaks in relationships, which he later deeply regrets. But asking for forgiveness or trying to get their partner back is simply unacceptable for proud Leos.

The representative of this sign does not bother himself to win and attract the attention of the person he likes. The prey itself falls into their nets and obediently fulfills all their whims. This is exactly how Leos imagine an ideal romance.

Leo in love and marriage

According to the love compatibility horoscope of Leo, love for him is the meaning of his whole life, he simply cannot imagine existing without it. , and they treat each new novel sincerely and seriously, as if it were the first and last in their life. This is why Leos can enter into their first marriage quite early and be married more than once or twice.

With compatibility in love and marriage, Leo (man) is able to look after beautifully, make sweeping gestures and exquisite compliments, and give expensive gifts to his chosen one. He is a charming and gallant gentleman to whom it is almost impossible to say “no.” When it comes to family life, the most important thing for him is to feel like a complete master in the house - Leo’s pride and self-esteem simply will not tolerate any other state of affairs.

Leo sexual compatibility

At sexual compatibility Leo loves to show off himself, including in bed. You can be sure that he knows everything or almost everything about seduction. His bedroom probably has a luxurious, comfortable bed, and the lighting is carefully thought out. Leo may not be a very temperamental or inventive lover, but he will do everything possible to look like that. In any case, in Leo’s sexual arsenal there will always be several spectacular techniques with which he can pleasantly surprise you.

How to make love with a Leo

If you want to enlist the support of Leo, then in a conversation with him, do not challenge his authority with a word or even a gesture. Remember that Leos are very proud, and a carelessly spoken word can outweigh all your merits in his eyes. However, Leo’s pride is a double-edged sword: he is very easy to hurt, but he is also easy to flatter. Despite the fact that Leo is often capable of melting even from the crudest flattery, nevertheless, you absolutely should not do this. For what? After all, Leo has a lot of unimagined advantages that you can absolutely sincerely admire!

Date with Leo

Wherever you are, Leo will demonstrate his independence, try to take over the position and make sure that everyone pays attention only to him. Let him have fun. He loves to be in everyone's sight, and therefore the beach is a fertile place for him, especially if he can exercise with volleyball or prance at a disco.

The Furious Leo is ready to possess you anywhere. But create for him best conditions! Don’t think that Leo will remember for a long time the one who met him in the pub. A chic restaurant or casino is for him. But beware of losing it at the gambling table...

Where and how to find love for Leo

Since representatives of this zodiac sign love to be the center of attention, they should meet in large groups. Don't be shy: be witty and relaxed! By the way, you can try to attend theater classes - Leos will feel at home on the stage. And there it is possible that you will meet some sincere admirer of your talent.

Leo - love failure or finding happiness

Leo can “miss” his chance at marriage if he is too down-to-earth, touchy, passionate about making money and satisfying personal desires. You can get rid of failure in love if you learn to manage your energy wisely, and not waste it without reserve on obtaining earthly goods, short-term pleasures and temptations.

Leo – compatibility with other signs

Compatibility Leo – Aries

Although there is a lot in common here, both in temperament and in the character and morals of both, despite the quickly and easily emerging relationships, this marriage union without true and deep love is simply doomed to death,

“Lions” with their courage and courage can overcome a variety of obstacles and obstacles, both in life and on the path to love, and even in love, but not in marriage. Sometimes life and fate give “lions” such partners with whom, after a while, they already forget that they are “lions”. And one of these partners is “Aries”. If not only in fairy tales, but also in nature, animals tremble before the lion, then in marriage even the “lion” himself.

Both partners have approximately the same ardor and passion. But if in “Aries” his volcanic activity still has some kind of targeted cyclicity, then in “Leo” he can smoke day and night without any interruption. This is one of the most significant differences between these partners. Let us also add that family funds must necessarily be in the hands of the “Aries”, for the “Leo”, who still has some echoes of “royal blood”, will always squander them like a king, recklessly, scatter them left and right, wherever he can.

By observing the cyclical nature of “Aries” and assuming reasonable financial discipline, this marriage union can become both successful and useful, and this couple can achieve a certain social uplift and strengthen their material base and well-being. Both of them are active, hardworking and efficient. First, “Aries” takes all obstacles by storm, and then, later, “Leo” encourages and incites him to do this.

All “lions,” as you know, love gifts, and not simple ones, but royal ones, or, in extreme cases, princely ones, especially outfits, jewelry, and jewelry. And in order to receive them, they must constantly praise, praise and praise their “ram” again, while at the same time expressing to him their deepest gratitude and appreciation. Sometimes at home the “Leo” may roar, but this is done more for exercise and refreshing his voice, because his roar does not make the slightest impression on the “Aries”.

A very important role for both partners is played by both the first meeting and first impressions, as well as the first kiss and first intimate intimacy, for all this has an influence - both elevating and rejuvenating. After the honeymoon, the main test of their feelings begins. Both partners with the element of “fire” in the blood are endowed not only with the potential will and vital energy to realize their plans, but also with great penetrating power, strong feeling self-esteem, vulnerable pride.

This marriage union can become ideal only if the “leo” meets all the requirements of the “ram” both in external and mental properties and qualities, if he blindly and resignedly obeys his “ram”. If this does not happen, discord and disruption of married and family life is inevitable.

Compatibility Leo – Taurus

Despite the strong physical attraction, there is little hope for a strong and lasting marriage. AND main reason This is that none of them is capable of submission. This gives rise to and causes constant disputes and quarrels, worsening both mutual understanding and relationships. Here, all underwater reefs must be illuminated both day and night, so as not to bump into them and break.

For a solid “Taurus”, his partner is property, personal equipment, and “Leo” needs to think about this in advance and weigh everything carefully. What this marriage has in common is that both have a love for money, only “Taurus” earns and saves it himself, and “Leo” prefers to spend it, and spend it widely, “ungodly.”

This union is often threatened by various family scenes and performances based on the “lion” scenarios, of which he is a true master. and rage, to “delirium tremens” with all the sad consequences. In addition, “lionesses” must always and constantly ensure that her partner’s fire of love and passion does not go out. It must be supported by all means - both natural and artificial. Let us also note another thing: since “lions” are able to console “misunderstood souls” even outside the home, this marriage union does not promise or bring any happiness to the jealous “taurus”. This is confirmed by data from social and judicial statistics.

If “Taurus” is caution and frugality itself, a real hard worker with only the desire to have his own property and a secure old age, then “Leo” is spiritual lordship, generosity and nobility, generosity and extravagance, life’s scope and “flight into outer space.” Since Leo men love to have night drinking sessions in the company of “cheerful guys,” their Taurus spouses often have to keep their loved ones “under house arrest” or even “behind bars” in order to protect them and protect them from various dangers.

And not only because they scatter money left and right, but “night butterflies” - frivolous and flighty, who also demand their share - often interfere in these pleasure feasts. This item, as a rule, is almost never removed from the agenda.

And that's not all. If over the years all the passions and blazes seem to have settled down and died out, all the same, the “war” between both partners will continue, although in a different direction. Now there will be a “war of liberation”, “a war for freedom and independence”, and this means, as the Russian proverb says, “horseradish is not sweeter than a radish.” And therefore, it is best to avoid this marriage union.

Compatibility Leo – Gemini

This marriage union not only has a strong physical attraction, but also many common interests. Immediately after the wedding, boredom disappears from home and there is no need for detective stories, validol, valerian, caffeine and others medicines. Everyone is rejoicing. During the period of courtship, before marriage, the “lion”, and the latter are impressed by the lightness and mobility, playfulness and gaiety, wit and eloquence of the former.

True, after the stormy beginning of life together, even after the honeymoon, there is often a certain cooling of feelings, sometimes reaching a crisis, the reason for which, as a rule, is the negative character traits and disposition of the “twins,” especially their indecisiveness, which irritates the “lion.” ”, superficial feelings, criticism (albeit harmless) or endless tardiness.

All this taken together greatly hurts the pride of the “lion”, although such misunderstandings are also quickly and happily settled thanks to the skill and ability of the “twins” to make any compromise and adapt to any situation.

“Leos” must already come to terms with and be prepared for the fact that their partner from the sign of Gemini is very often not at home - either he is at lectures or reports, or at meetings or conferences, or on a business trip or on some kind of business trip, etc. .d. etc.

It is no secret that the “twins” have very weak memories and not very clear consciences, and in the sphere of love and marriage there are endless secrets, secrets, of course, only of a voluptuous nature. True, these circumstances do not really bother “Leo”, since their soul is also often covered with “sun spots”.

Because of the eternal “draft in the attic” and the absent-mindedness of the “twins” in their briefcase or backpack, in their pocket or in a drawer desk There will always be some traces of yesterday’s or the day before yesterday’s sins. And also, there is not and will not be anything terrible or tragic if the “twin” returns home only tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, or in a week or two, he will return anyway, and he will definitely return.

It should be said that categorical crises in this marriage are not necessary. On the contrary, a magnificent union is possible here, a union of intellect and strength. But on the condition that both partners turn a blind eye to the sins of the other, and if they look, then only through their fingers.

On the one hand, the “lion” must moderate his excessive pride and not demand, not wait for his actions to be immediately recognized, approving them with loud shouts and applause, so that he is endlessly surprised and admired, so that his life-size portrait in a gilded frame hangs in study next to portraits of the English Queen or Emperor Nicholas. But on the other hand, the “twin” should sometimes be more respectful, occasionally standing and bowing to his “lion”, so as not to cause hidden grief and sadness in him. Then everything will be fine. Both one and the other must stop acting outrageously and outrageously with their dignity and the title of “bearer of light and greatness,” and sometimes, at least in small things, obey each other.

And one thing “Gemini” should always remember is that their spouses from the sign of Leo demand a lot of money - the entire royal treasury, because they love glitter and luxury, a fashionable wardrobe and jewelry, showing off to the outside world and society.

Compatibility Leo – Cancer

As a rule, wonderful friendship and even cooperation often arise between them, but a marriage union is rarely successful and even less often happy.

This requires certain circumstances. Their views and opinions, beliefs and worldviews are quite different and do not coincide. It really gets on the “lion’s” nerves. And, one of the indispensable conditions for peaceful coexistence is that the “cancer,” as soon as the “lion” roars, immediately falls silent. And besides this, the “cancer” needs to forever and constantly praise him and admire him, applaud him. No “lion”, even the wildest, most formidable, can resist this.

Long before marriage, a “Cancer” should carefully check himself to determine whether he is capable of such a lifestyle, such a “feat” that can last every day for years and decades. Only if this condition is met, the “leo” will graciously take care of him and, like a child, will finance him and even love him. And if this doesn’t happen, then, of course, it’s a lost cause, then the “cancer” will no longer see love, finances, or anything at all.

If he is the “cancer”, and she is the “lioness”, then the poor “cancer” will have to sweat seven times, work to the point of overexertion and fatigue, straining all his strength in order to hold and preserve his “lioness”, providing for her not only in the sphere love and sex, but also financially, because the “skin of a lioness” is very, very expensive: she loves luxury and comfort, jewelry and jewelry, and requires a lot of money for pins. It is not surprising that over time such a house for a “Cancer” will become excessively tiring and even unbearable. True, it would be much better for a “Cancer” to be supported by its “lioness,” but such cases are very rare.

In this marriage there are three main phases, stages - taming the partner, compromising with him and getting used to him. And it’s simply amazing how Cancer men cope with their “lionesses,” because they themselves are created for peace and comfort. They themselves need reliability and self-confidence.

In this sense, it is much easier for a “Leo” man to deal with a “rakin”. She truly needs a strong man's hand, his advice and protection, love, affection and reliability.

Compatibility Leo – Leo

The marriage union between a “lion” and a “lioness” is almost always dysfunctional. Only strong friendship and fruitful business cooperation are possible here, but nothing more. As a rule, after an overly stormy start to a love epic, a rapid cooling occurs.

In nature, there is a law known to all of us under the concept of “lion's share”. This means that such a concept as “equality” does not exist either in nature, or in society, or in this union. It's just a utopia pure water, common among idealistic socialists and communists.

And although both partners have a lot in common, both good and bad, all their best inclinations, received from fate as a gift under the influence of life’s difficulties, will inevitably change for the worse. There is no time for a happy marriage here.

Compatibility Leo – Virgo

Only friendship and business cooperation are possible here. Too much big difference in the temperament, characters, morals, and habits of the partners makes this marriage very problematic. “Lions” cannot tolerate the pedantry of “virgins”, merciless criticism, and “virgins” cannot tolerate the carelessness of “lions”. For Leos, their existence is poisoned by constant poisonous behavior, their pettiness, coldness, and deliberate flirtatiousness. And the “virgins” are simply “killed” by countless boyfriends and girlfriends of the “lions”, endless night parties.

Here, a business union can even bring obvious prosperity, while a marriage union can bring bitterness and sadness, disappointment and discord, breakup and divorce followed by separation.

Compatibility Leo – Libra

According to statistics, marriages between Leo and Libra have the lowest divorce rate. Here is a form of communication, interest in each other at the highest level literally from the first meeting. This is probably why their life together, both during courtship, that is, before marriage, and after it, is full of joy and happiness, warmth and mutual understanding. Partners quickly and easily get used to each other, become attached and rise together.

If only the “Leo” sufficiently finances and financially encourages his partner from the sign of Libra, then their house will always be white, bright and clean - like the soul of a newborn child.

In this marriage union about your external beauty and attractiveness, do not lose your festive face. They must always and constantly evoke the admiration and desire of their “lion”, seduce him, while using all the auxiliary means known so far.

If only the “Leo” is lucky and has received a big name, a high award or an important title, gratitude and approval from the public, then the “Libra” will definitely put it in the appropriate gilded frame, will look after it and keep an eye on it so that there is not the slightest specks of dust so that both the “lion” itself and its frame are always perfectly clean. And this will further strengthen their mutual understanding and relationships and already for a long time or even for the rest of your life.

True, the “Leo” will be disturbed for some time by girlfriends or former admirers of the “Libra”, who, even after marriage, find it difficult to do without hymns of praise and amorous advances from their former gentlemen. In addition, the “Leo” will have to gradually accustom his partner from the sign of Libra to everyday everyday work - this is not an easy task, since “Libra”, as a rule, fears physical work, overexertion and overwork more than the devil incense, being deeply confident that that they were created only for joy and pleasure, to satisfy both the mental and physical needs of other people, but not for work. But since the “lions” still show stubbornness and perseverance, over time they really manage to change the situation. The marriage union takes on a new breath, marital and family life is established and brings corresponding beneficial results.

Compatibility Leo – Scorpio

The background of this marriage is too dark. We can say that this union is mined from the first days of courtship, that danger threatens here from all sides, already starting from the honeymoon. Due to the striking dissimilarity of both partners, the contradictions of their character and disposition, views and opinions, beliefs and worldviews, their marriage union is not only doubtful and problematic, but is also obviously doomed to death.

True, they certainly have a lot in common. Both have highly developed feelings of inner pride and self-esteem, their “I”. But God forbid they are even accidentally injured or humiliated.

It is no secret that Leos love to play with fire even in the sphere of love and marriage. But they should already know in advance that with a partner from: these creatures are overly serious and even dangerous. They immediately resort to outright violence. They can grab their precious “lion” by the mane and throw it into a cage or, in the worst case, throw it over a fence or into a garbage pit. “Scorpios” are ruthless conquerors, owners who tidy up and appropriate everything they can. And having appropriated it and made it their property, they will defend it, as they say, mercilessly, “to the last bullet,” “to the last drop of blood,” until complete victory.

The potential for tension and the charge of feelings is great, like an entire power plant. And if they start to spark, then - God have mercy, then you can already expect an explosion and a fire. If the “Leo” does not allow himself to be controlled, then what can we say about the “Scorpio”? And, besides, it has never happened before that a “scorpio” was afraid of the roar of a “lion”. On the contrary, there were cases when the “scorpion” had to not only protect its poor “lion” from another predator, but also wash and tidy up its disheveled mane.

“Leo” is never as defenseless as at the moment when a lady from the sign of SCORPIO praises or flatters him, saying that he is, without a doubt, the strongest and strongest, and the smartest and wisest, and the most, the most, etc. . etc. At this very moment she takes him into her hands not by force, but by cunning and cunning, diplomatically. True, if he sometimes growls later, it’s more for order, for his own pleasure, so that those around him know that he is still a “lion,” that is, from a royal family, and not some kind of gopher or viper.

“Scorpio” women, as a rule, when choosing a partner for love and marriage, pay attention to outstanding and original people who are famous. They, of course, are impressed by “lions” that are truly “thoroughbred”, “with a mark of quality”, but such types are now becoming less and less common, even more so - they are simply becoming a “museum rarity”.

In this possible marriage union, the best option is between “scorpio” men and “lionesses” women. The fact that “lionesses” require a lot of care is not so important. While they are young, beautiful and hot, this “game is worth the candle,” because they know how to present love with fire and fervor.

Compatibility Leo – Sagittarius

The marriage union between male “Sagittarius” and female “lioness” is not only problematic, but is doomed to failure and failure, discord and rupture. Soon after the honeymoon of new love experiences. “Lionesses” are also in no hurry to begin the strict life of a married lady and strengthen the prestige and reputation of their wife. All this only complicates and complicates the beginning of a joint marriage and married life.

It is known that “Sagittarius” people need an audience, listeners, but it is also known that “lionesses” not only do not know how, but do not even want to listen to others. Most often, they do not allow the poor “streltsy” to say a word. And the soul of a “Sagittarius” is sensitive, very receptive and impressionable, full of internal disagreements and contradictions, and when the cup of patience is already full, with the last resentment they decide to break up, divorce and separation from their former partner in love and marriage.

A completely different picture is visible when in a given marriage he is a “Leo” and she is a “Sagittarius”. If the “Leo” will remain in a fog of doubt, in eternal riddles and guesses, then the “Sagittarius” girls come to marriage with extensive experience in intimate life. They very skillfully, with great skill or even art and extravagance, present and serve intimacy from the kitchen of love on a silver tray. The similarity of temperaments and characters of both partners is the real guarantee of a full-fledged family union, in which the “Leo” man saves his “shooter” from fruitless comparisons of one partner with another.

For a Sagittarius woman, a Leo man is just perfect. Therefore, the latter are trying to create the most ideal conditions, freeing them from disagreement and compromise. “Lion” is both a monument and a shrine for her, for it is he who perfectly understands the most complex labyrinths of her soul, understands her aspirations, desires and needs and not only understands, but also tries to satisfy them. And women from the sign of Sagittarius are great masters in the bedroom; Leo is quite happy. Having accumulated extensive experience in the field of love and intimacy, they can satisfy even the most spoiled “salon lions”, who have a rich enough imagination and vivid imagination to delve into the recesses of their partner’s girlish heart without any difficulty, or even with obvious pleasure from the sign of Sagittarius.

In this marriage union, you won’t hear the lion’s roar at home. And indeed, at home he behaves quietly and meekly, decently and decently. And there is always the opportunity to growl at work or at the stadium.

Compatibility Leo – Capricorn

Between the “lions” and is a very rare occurrence. Most likely, here we can only talk about friendship, even reliable and thorough, about business cooperation - equally reliable, but not about marriage. They are separated by too many contradictions in temperament, character, and disposition.

Compatibility Leo – Aquarius

There are many contradictions between these partners, but they can almost always be overcome. In this marriage union, divorce is rare. Being under a common roof and a common blanket, small wars of a local nature constantly arise between them, however, without winners and without losers. Strong physical attraction over time smoothes out differences in views and opinions, beliefs and worldviews, temperament and characters.

Free connections. They are never in a hurry to get married. And if you manage to get him through the threshold of the registry office, then initially you should not change the way of life that it was before the marriage. It will be familiar to the “Aquarius” and, by the way, no less convenient for the “Leo” himself.

In this marriage there are a lot of fantasies and cunning, cunning and humor, a lot of original intimate fun. "Aquarius" is the most unique, original type from the entire Zodiac. He does not recognize either titles or social ranks, much less philistine prescriptions or conservative dogmas with the smell of mothballs. His ideal is freedom and independence without violence, without coercion. And, although all this often makes the “lion’s” hair stand on end, deep down he understands that there is still some grain of truth here. And if so, if you still can’t achieve anything else, then you need to tuck your tail between your legs and compromise. Moreover, here “Aquarius” cannot be convinced by any attacks - not by weighty arguments, facts from the pages of newspapers and popular magazines. Having convinced himself of this, the “lion” agrees to mutual understanding. The best option for this marriage is between Leo men and Aquarius women. There are almost no divorces here.

Compatibility Leo – Pisces

The marriage union between the “lions” and collapse. “Pisces” for “Leos” are only suitable for love affairs, as bedding, and then not for long. The Lions immediately lose interest in them. Their dissimilarity is reflected both in temperament and in characters, morals, and in views and opinions, literally in everything.

The representative of this sign is sociable and charismatic, thanks to which almost all zodiac signs are attracted to him.

But he creates long-term relationships only with those with whom he feels spiritual closeness.

Leo is looking for a partner who can constantly admire him. He is able to create a passionate and ardent union with representatives of the fire element, who will perfectly suit him in temperament and worldview.

Can a representative of this sign make compromises in relationships?

Leo best compatibility with representatives of the fire element - with Aries and Sagittarius. Such signs are connected by common interests and a hot intimate life. The only thing that should be avoided in such an alliance is the desire for leadership in the relationship.

With a representative of his own sign, Leo can create an incredibly vibrant union, full of passion, equality and understanding.

Romance with Virgo will be a mouthful fresh air, if both are willing to compromise. They will achieve harmony when they determine the role of the leader of the relationship, which should go to the fire sign.

A very extravagant union awaits Leo and Libra, if only both are ready to discuss all financial issues and expenses with their partner.

Despite the fact that between the representative of this sign and Capricorn Relations regarding leadership will often be strained; this union may turn out to be quite promising, since together they can reach incredible heights.

Is it better for representatives of this sign to live with their complete opposites or with people similar to them?

With opposites

With people like them

Paired with Taurus, Leo will create an extremely unhappy marriage, since the judicious Taurus will be irritated by the partner’s vanity, and with Aquarius they will turn out to be completely incompatible, since there will be practically nothing in common between them.

The relationship between Leo and Gemini will be very strained, despite the fact that the fire sign attracts Gemini like a magnet. However, the inconstancy and changeability of the latter will lead to a quick break in the relationship.

Leo has poor compatibility with representatives of the water element, since fire and water may be too destructive for each other.

The desire of a representative of this sign to constantly be in the center of attention will have a detrimental effect on his relationships with sensitive and vulnerable signs - Cancer And Pisces. In addition, these water signs are used to having their head in the clouds, and a realistic Leo will open their eyes, resulting in stress and depression.

Bright appearance, interesting character, sociability and charm - this is what can be said about such a person as Leo. The compatibility of other people with this person deserves special attention, since finding common language Not everyone can handle it.

Union with Aries

These people are similar to each other - both in temperament, and in character, and in morals. It is generally accepted that Leo is the king of beasts. However, he is by no means the ruler among the zodiac signs. Paired with Aries, he will be in awe of him. They both have approximately the same temper and passion, but in Leo it can arise out of nowhere and, as a rule, does not have much weight. But Aries flares up for good reasons, and if this happens, it will not be good for those who are nearby. What kind of relationship is there between these “volcanoes”? Oddly enough, but not bad. And if mutual love reigns in the union, then an idyll can be achieved.

About relationships with Taurus

Leo is a zodiac sign, the compatibility of Taurus with which is unlikely to be successful. And all because neither one nor the other agrees to obey their partner. These relationships are more like competition rather than true love. Because of this, constant quarrels arise that develop into scandals. Taurus perceives their partner as personal property. Leo, accustomed to freedom and independence, does not understand this attitude towards himself. What they have in common, perhaps, is a love of money. But this is also a minus, because due to such greed no one is going to share.

Marriage with Gemini

Leo is a zodiac whose compatibility with Gemini is quite successful, unlike those listed above. Why? Because they are physically attracted to each other - firstly. And secondly, they have a lot of common interests. If these two unite into a single union, then they will never be bored. They will always be looking for adventure and always have fun. Even in adulthood. These couples are not like other elderly people sitting bored at home, spending time watching TV series. No, even in old age they will spend time traveling and looking for adventure.

And, I must say, they do not waste their youth. This is a union of playful, cheerful and intricate Gemini and generous, cheerful Leo. There are very rarely quarrels in this couple - except at the beginning of the relationship. Then they get used to each other, get used to their partner’s character and stop provoking arguments.

Leo - compatibility with Cancer

If we talk about this union, then it should be noted that friendship will be much better between them than close relationships. Cooperation and business partnerships are also real. A marriage union is very rarely successful. Because their opinions and outlook on life are too different. And the characters are different. This happens when two people, who are representatives of “neighboring” zodiac signs, have completely opposite temperaments. Cancer's mood changes very often, which Leo doesn't like. And he, in turn, considers himself too independent and exalted. In order for them to have a good, harmonious relationship, Cancer will have to work on himself. He should be silent more often and praise his partner. In this case, Leo will love him and take care of him. Otherwise, no way.

The most successful marriage

Leo is a zodiac with which it is quite difficult to establish compatibility. And, based on everything described above, you can understand why. A quick temper and restless temperament are what Leo has. The zodiac sign with which he may have successful compatibility is Libra. Indeed, they very rarely experience divorces. According to statistics, this is generally the lowest percentage of breakups. They become interested in each other at first sight. Leo will receive everything he needs from his partner - calling, praise, respect, love. Libras love to praise their chosen ones, listen to them, support them, and give advice. They will be there for their significant other no matter what. These are very bright and good-natured people. In return, they will receive sincere love and care from Leo. In addition, both love to have fun, have fun and travel. They enjoy spending time with each other and don't get tired of it at all.

Leo, whose compatibility horoscope tells a lot of interesting things, can form a good alliance with Virgo. But not love, but friendship. Or business. A person like Leo is too different from Virgo in character and temperament. Their work compatibility will be excellent because they successfully complement each other. Virgos meticulously develop strategies and plans, and Leos implement them with enthusiasm and courage, fearing nothing. Such an alliance brings very great success.

Relationships to Avoid

The Leo man, with whom not every girl can establish compatibility, is a very temperamental person. Same as Scorpio. These are two “volcanic” signs whose relationship is doomed to failure in advance. Scorpio will never tolerate Leo's careless attitude towards love. This girl is not to be trifled with. This is a ruthless conqueror who will not spare anyone. So Leo should avoid such a union with his attitude to life and relationships.

What can be said about an alliance with Sagittarius? Maybe something will work out with him for a person like a Leo man? The compatibility of these two, unfortunately, is also doomed to failure. Leo is very jealous. But if he himself can flirt with someone, he will not allow his chosen one to do this. But the fact is that Sagittarius herself loves intrigue, flirting and adventure. They are similar to Leo in temperament, character and attitude to life, but these similarities will not play into their hands in this case.

“Lion” union

This is perhaps one of the most interesting couples. This union is very bright - it is difficult not to notice it. Friendly, cheerful, cheerful - this is a couple in which friendship and cooperation are evenly distributed with love. Leos do not like romance and walks under the Moon; it is much more important for them to feel support from their partner and mutual understanding.

But what is important to them is how their significant other feels about such a delicate issue as sex. And in this regard, such a couple as “Leo and Leo” is very successful. The love compatibility of these two is also successful because they have common interests, hobbies and, of course, friends. They are not shy about appearing together in society. On the contrary, this couple always attracts a sea of ​​​​looks. The girl in this union receives a gentleman who is ready to gallantly look after and love her. And he, in turn, will always be accompanied by a beautiful, intelligent and understanding lady.

Nuances in the pair “Leo and Leo”

Although the love compatibility of representatives of this zodiac sign is going well, this pair also has its drawbacks. And the main problem here is that both of them are incredibly stubborn. Neither of them can ever learn to give in. Because both the guy and the girl are proud, proud and even selfish. And if they have different opinions, then this is not good. A dispute can develop into a quarrel, which can turn into a scandal, and it all ends in war. No one wants to give in, and everyone is waiting for a step from their partner. This could even develop into a chronic war. Only the wisdom and ingenuity of one of them can save the situation. If they really love each other, they will overcome their character and try to make peace. They both need to work on themselves to stop this eternal struggle for leadership. You just need to understand that love is not competition. And lower your pride.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Leo with whom is the best compatibility - the most full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

In the first half of your life, you will be able to recognize the traits of an ideal partner in Aries and Sagittarius, also fire signs. Aries will attract you with the courage of your plans and infectious adventurism, and Sagittarius will captivate you with your ability to admire any of your ideas and boundless devotion. In the second half of life, Leos have the best chance of finding complete happiness in alliance with Gemini and Libra. Is it true, ideal partner Only the Gemini with whom you sat at the same desk at school or studied at the institute will become. And eternal love with Libra is possible only against the background of common professional interests: with a colleague, for example.

Best Couple for Leo

Sagittarius: The relationships of these zodiac signs begin brightly and last a long time with varying degrees of stability. But overall it's very good combination, as the compatibility horoscope promises. Leo and Sagittarius have a lot in common: they are both constantly in search of bright impressions and new emotions. Leo is fascinated by the witty Sagittarius, and Sagittarius is impressed by Leo's love for life. This couple's relationship will be intense pleasant moments and can smoothly flow into a reliable marriage, this is predicted by the Leo Sagittarius compatibility horoscope.

Aries: An extremely successful couple, as confirmed by the compatibility horoscope. Leo and Aries are ideal for each other emotionally. Energy is multiplied by two, so this tandem has enormous potential. By joining forces, Leo and Aries can achieve a common goal very quickly. Often the best option for this is creativity. Main problem This couple is selfish, everyone is used to being the center of attention and does not intend to give in. This is precisely what can lead to conflicts, warns the Leo Aries compatibility horoscope.

Twins: Representatives of these zodiac signs form a harmonious couple, as indicated by the compatibility horoscope. Leo and Gemini have many common interests, the main ones being: entertainment, travel and beautiful life. Gemini's fantasy brightens up the already bright life of Leo, who, in turn, tries to please his half in everything. The problem of this relationship can be Leo’s jealousy - Gemini should moderate their frivolity, warns the Leo Gemini compatibility horoscope.

Worst Match for Leo

Capricorn: Romance between representatives of these zodiac signs can be pleasant, but as a rule. It ends quite quickly. The reason for this lies in the unwillingness to compromise. The compatibility horoscope warns about this. Leo and Capricorn can have a great time together until Capricorn tries to take over. Leo loves to enjoy life and this often causes the disapproval of Capricorn, who dreams of gaining power over Leo. This is most often the main reason for quarrels; this is foreshadowed by the Leo Capricorn compatibility horoscope.

Taurus: This relationship will be filled with quarrels and misunderstandings due to the fact that none of the couple is ready to compromise, the compatibility horoscope warns about this. Leo and Taurus are both extremely self-centered, but at the same time Leo lacks the admiration of Taurus, who himself is not averse to receiving the attention of a partner. The thrifty Taurus is outraged by the spender Leo, and as a result, conflicts are inevitable. Only the desire to make concessions will help save the relationship, but, as a rule, none of the couple wants to do this, the Leo Taurus compatibility horoscope warns about this.

Scorpion: The novel promises to be vivid both in terms of the intensity of passions and the number of quarrels. Tension and impetuosity are the main components of relationships, the main characters of which are Leo and Scorpio. The compatibility horoscope warns that Scorpio will be jealous of his half on every occasion, and Leo will consider all this to be whims and nonsense. It is on this basis that conflicts are likely, predicts the Leo Scorpio compatibility horoscope.

Strained Relationships

Lion: For this couple, the ability to distribute roles and give in will be especially important, which is extremely difficult for such a proud zodiac sign as Leo. The compatibility horoscope warns that two self-centered Leos will make a wonderful couple, but unwillingness to make concessions can lead to a serious conflict. It can be difficult for Leo to make room for another similar egocentrism nearby, this is confirmed by the compatibility horoscope. The Leo woman compromises more willingly than her companion.

Aquarius: The relationship of this couple can start beautifully and romantically, this will continue until the euphoria of first love ends and it is replaced by Leo’s desire to be in the center of attention at all costs, the Aquarius Leo compatibility horoscope warns about this. Although these zodiac signs have a lot in common: they are sociable and always in search of new experiences, Leos will at some point try to subjugate their companion to their will, but Aquarius is too independent for this.

Leo Man with other Zodiac Signs

Who is Leo compatible with according to the horoscope? Leo compatibility with other zodiac signs

Who is Leo compatible with according to the horoscope and how do they love?

It is wrong to say that Leos love everything shiny. Because it's not about brilliance, but about visibility. Leos love everything noticeable. Everything that the eye stops at. And they themselves always strive to become such an object. To those who will not be ignored. No one will pass by. Even if Leo can't look like a billboard, it doesn't mean anything. He knows a great way to get noticed. This is a very simple way. He will look intently into your eyes - and you will see him.

Being a Leo is quite difficult in our times. But at the same time, the chances of becoming noticeable today are much higher than two hundred years ago. The difficulty is that greatness is now considered stupidity. Faith in him has almost been lost. And Leo has greatness, which too often results in self-sacrifice. This is why the self-realization of the Leo Sun is so difficult. Nobody sees the feat in his life. Even he himself does not see it.

Meanwhile, Leo's life is a feat. Because it is laid not for oneself, but for others. Everything Leo does, he does for someone.

Leos love heroes because they are noticeable. They are believed to value authority. They respect authorities. They study the lives of those who have achieved something and become famous in some way. This may take the form of increased interest in people with high positions or large capital. But Leo is not really attracted to money. And not a position. Something completely different. The desire to make the world a better place, most likely. Leo is sure that everyone who has achieved fame did not do it for his own sake, but for the sake of everyone else. So that everyone else understands that achieving fame is possible. That everyone can achieve the same. You just need to know how. And know exactly what kind of fame you want.

Leo helps those around him. Because this is how his faith in himself is manifested. Every Leo is beyond competition from birth; it’s just that not everyone is lucky enough to receive recognition of this fact from others. But Leo himself never doubts his exclusivity. Therefore, he never sees any reason not to be generous to people who are not as lucky as him. Nobody can surpass him. But everyone can feel better and should do so. And Leo is ready to help them with this. Because Leo only wants to see cheerful faces around him. Only shining eyes. Only those who can rejoice. If Leo cannot make a person happy, he himself is unhappy. This can manifest itself in the demand for smiles even when you really want to howl - and therefore a sad Leo can not be seen so often. Leo does not tolerate sad faces around him. He doesn't want to deal with boring people who just moan. Just because you feel bad is not a reason to make everyone around you sick. Don't upset others with your sorrows. Leo wants life around him to be full of sunshine and laughter from the heart. That's why he loves holidays, fireworks and anything that can make others happy.

Leo compatibility with other zodiac signs - Leo in life and love

Power is divine. That's what everyone says. And Leos agree with this. They demand it for themselves and always command and dispose, even if it is not appropriate for them by position and position. They give orders and get very angry when no one wants to follow them. There is a reason why people disobey Leo's orders. It lies in the fact that people clearly see the difference between love and pride. Pride is what appears where love is lacking. This is its substitute. Surrogate. If a person is proud, he lacks love. And he himself loves little. People can instantly see whether Leo orders because he loves them, or because he thinks they should love him.

The reason why Leo gives orders is his desire to save those around him. As soon as there is a threat in the air, no matter what, Leo will immediately appear in the form of the leader of the rescue efforts. He is capable of screaming so loudly that his ears become blocked, because he is fighting death and no one dares to interfere with him in this. Everyone must resist its destructive effects. In fact, Leo is very inclined to behave with people as if they only have five seconds to live, no more. The intensity of his pressure on others depends, of course, not on the real state of affairs, but on Leo’s own ideas about this situation. If he is sure that the common cause is about to collapse, he will bite to death anyone who refuses to save this very cause. In general, he doesn't like it when people argue with him. It is very difficult, in his opinion, to simultaneously save a person from a burning house, for example, and convince him that it is necessary to save himself. Leo gets very angry when people don't understand how important what he asks of them is. But he must listen to what others say. So as not to break your heart. Not everything he considers murderous actually is.

Leos love to help people. Some people think that this is being done for good reason, and they are often right. But still, Leo’s help is not too expensive. Just your eternal gratitude. Considering that eternal gratitude has no monetary equivalent, you owe him practically nothing.

Leo must be needed. I just have to. Because this is the meaning of his life. He wants to please everyone so much, he wants to see smiles on their faces so much that he is literally ready to die for it. Power for Leos is not a means of self-aggrandizement, although many people think so based on everyday experience of communicating with them. Even completely unbearable Leos are always not really worried about themselves. They can be inadequate from the point of view of others and expect praise and praise for some nonsense. But this often means that help that is nonsense in your eyes has cost Leo a lot of effort in his inner reality. He demands for himself praise equal to the efforts of his spirit. And if you had been more merciful, you would not have refused him this. Because deep down, Leo knows very well that he doesn’t deserve anything. He did what he wanted to do, and this was his reward.

People cannot be deceived. If Leo pretends to be a hero, people pretend to be his fans. The truth in actions is always visible, and no one is mistaken in their assessment. If Leo is selfless, he receives selfless help from people. If Leo is ready to help everyone, he can expect help in return. Otherwise, nothing works. It is impossible for someone to rely on people who is not themselves a support for them. And it is impossible to command someone who is not ready to carry out his orders himself. The one who reigns receives admiration for this, they don’t take their eyes off him, they rush around him like a white sack. But it always costs a person his life. And if Leo does not understand this, he does not know the main thing about himself. The day he began to give orders, he agreed to die for those who carry out his orders. And this is forever for him.

Who is Leo compatible with according to the horoscope and what kind of Leo is in everyday life?

Leos have all sorts of talents. They may have golden hands. They can do anything, they are practical and know all the rules. But Leos will never work in vain - their payment is always at least admiration. Therefore, Leo would rather go to the ends of the world than stay at home, where no one notices his great merits, taking them for granted. Leos love the public so much because many admiring eyes are always better for them than just one.

Dear Leo mothers, tell your child a hundred times a day that he is the best. Firstly, because it is so. And secondly, because Leo’s confidence in his right to dare is very fragile: he is just learning to use his strength, which means he makes many mistakes and is a victim of many failures. Praise his every effort to acquire skills - because belief in one's worth requires the ability to achieve one's goals. Don't be stingy with your praise. Leo does not need to be punished - because it is too much for him. If you don't praise what he did, he will never do it again. What does not bring at least an admiring glance is devoid of any value for him. Remember also that for Leo, any fame is better than none. This means that if your little Lion Cub can't get your attention with something good, he will learn to do something bad, to which you will definitely react. So take your pick. It depends on you whether his fame will be good or scandalous, or, even worse, terrible.

Leos can be very demanding regarding material rewards for their efforts. It’s amazing how such a great man can be so petty at the same time when it comes to everyday matters, how he can combine this willingness to stand for you to the death with endless tediousness and pickiness about your every action. They are very punctual when it comes to schedules and routines. And they do not miss a single detail in the ritual of worshiping their majesty. They have a talent for pestering you with details. Preparing everything thoroughly is what matters. And Leos prepare carefully.

Day-to-day interactions with a Leo can be very difficult. He is demanding to the point of insanity, at the same time expecting accuracy from you - and not showing it himself. Order must be observed, order must be in everything, and first of all in how everything works and looks. Health, work. Everything that is part of the surroundings must be impeccable and thought out in detail. Therefore, His Majesty is completely unbearable for those who deal with him constantly. No one dares to be late, no one dares to break his rules. No one dares to tell him what and how best to do, because he himself knows it very well. Leo notices other people's shortcomings very quickly, but does not notice his own at all. He treats those who help him, and at the same time absolutely cannot do without them. His retinue tolerates him, even if it consists of one person. They forgive him a lot. But he should never forget that gratitude to people is his only protection from them. If he's not grateful, they'll get rid of him. Leo may have a pathological fear of poisoning.

And not in vain, because they are often bullied - on purpose or accidentally, in the literal and figurative sense of the word. Therefore, Leo needs to be very, very grateful to those who are next to him day after day. And then you never know.

Leo compatibility with other zodiac signs - main features

Leo cannot be afraid of death. Leo's courage can be adequate, but this is quite rare. The harmonious Sun is not a frequent occurrence. Most often, Leo's courage is tinged with recklessness or despair. He can get into trouble, enter into a fight with very dangerous people and risk your life a hundred times a day. It is not the adrenaline that attracts him to such matters, but the opportunity to measure his strength with a mean old woman with a scythe. He hates her with every fiber of his being. He must definitely do something so that she does not get anything. So that death does not dare to show itself even to the eyes and does not leave traces of its approach in the form of wrinkles on the face. Leo must win against death. He must take everything he can from her. When two Leos meet, they first find out which of them is braver and what risks each can take. This competition may well end not only in the clinic, but also in the morgue. Because each of them wants to know how far he can go in his disdain for risk. That's why Leos are gambling. That's why they are reckless. In their eyes, all life is a gamble. But was it really possible to start it in such a world? Therefore, you can’t say to them: I bet you’ll chicken out? For them, these words are like a red rag to a bull. Just try to tell Leo that something is too tough for him, and he will go crazy, but he will show that you are confused. And the more dangerous the challenge, the greater the desire to accept it. What is our life? Game! Leos do not like change and are most afraid that change will happen. They consider changes in feelings to be the most unpleasant thing in life. First of all, in love. They care about how faithful each of them can be. Which of them is able to resist temptations and the demands of circumstances - and maintain constancy. Loyalty is a very Leo virtue. Leos strive to be faithful. And they demand loyalty from others. Love should be eternal - for Leo. There is nothing more disgusting than betrayal, than a change of feelings. Love is the only force that resists death. Because Leo is more afraid of losing love than life. He is ready to die so that what he loves continues to live. He will sacrifice himself to preserve what is much more important to him than himself. But you need to remember that before that he is quite capable of sacrificing everyone who surrounds him for what he loves. He himself is the last hope of his loved one, business or project. So be careful not to become the fuel that keeps him alive.

Very often, Leos exact a price for their loyalty, demanding greatness from the one they love. If you want Leo's loyalty, you have to be great. He will not rush around with a nonentity. He just doesn’t want to agree that he himself makes others priceless with his love. He would rather agree to love someone who seems priceless to everyone. Leos are fans of any shine. They assume that fame does not fail and whoever achieved it deserved it. This means that you can remain faithful to him without humiliating your dignity. Lions obey only the great - because it is worth it. Leo is ready to submit only to someone whose merits are obvious. To someone who is open, direct, sincere and believes in the vital necessity of his orders. If Leo sees that carrying out an order will only benefit the commander, he will not lift a finger. He will serve only those who themselves serve everyone. Whose orders are dictated by the desire to save others from death, ruin or a shameful existence. A lion will do absolutely any work, even shoveling manure, if people's lives depend on it. He will dig a well if the life of an entire village depends on it, and he will dig it even alone. He always starts alone - and he is always joined by those for whom he does his work. The strangeness of love. As soon as he starts doing something for himself, people disappear.

Leo compatibility with other zodiac signs

Leos are a less temperamental sign of Fire compared to other representatives of this element. Leo will be a wonderful soul mate for Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries, but Leo's relationship with Aquarius, Scorpio, Capricorn and Taurus is unlikely.

Leo in love relationships with other zodiac signs

Leo's relationship with other zodiac signs

The representative of this sign is sociable and charismatic, thanks to which almost all zodiac signs are attracted to him.

But he creates long-term relationships only with those with whom he feels spiritual closeness.

Leo is looking for a partner who can constantly admire him. He is able to create a passionate and ardent union with representatives of the fire element, who will perfectly suit him in temperament and worldview.

Can a representative of this sign make compromises in relationships?

Best matches for Leo

Leo has the best compatibility with representatives of the fire element - with Aries and Sagittarius. Such signs are connected by common interests and a hot intimate life. The only thing that should be avoided in such an alliance is the desire for leadership in the relationship.

With a representative of his own sign, Leo can create an incredibly vibrant union, full of passion, equality and understanding.

Romance with Virgo will be a breath of fresh air if both are willing to compromise. They will achieve harmony when they determine the role of the leader of the relationship, which should go to the fire sign.

A very extravagant union awaits Leo and Libra, if only both are ready to discuss all financial issues and expenses with their partner.

Despite the fact that between the representative of this sign and Capricorn Relations regarding leadership will often be strained; this union may turn out to be quite promising, since together they can reach incredible heights.

Is it better for representatives of this sign to live with their complete opposites or with people similar to them?

Who will Leo never build happiness with?

Paired with Taurus, Leo will create an extremely unhappy marriage, since the judicious Taurus will be irritated by the partner’s vanity, and with Aquarius they will turn out to be completely incompatible, since there will be practically nothing in common between them.

The relationship between Leo and Gemini will be very strained, despite the fact that the fire sign attracts Gemini like a magnet. However, the inconstancy and changeability of the latter will lead to a quick break in the relationship.

Leo has poor compatibility with representatives of the water element, since fire and water can be too destructive for each other.

The desire of a representative of this sign to constantly be in the center of attention will have a detrimental effect on his relationships with sensitive and vulnerable signs - Cancer And Pisces. In addition, these water signs are used to having their head in the clouds, and a realistic Leo will open their eyes, resulting in stress and depression.

Co Scorpio Leo will be bound by a strong passion, but this fire can be detrimental, since both will be very jealous and fight for leadership.

Who is Leo compatible with?

The fire sign is Leo - he, like his namesake, the king of beasts, is called to sit on the throne. But Leo also needs a mate. So who is Leo compatible with?

Before answering this question, let's talk about the “lion” character. Leos are prone to love of idealism, they are noble and generous, have a phenomenal desire for independence and are unlikely to obey anyone. However, there are exceptions to any rule that only confirm the rule itself.

Both Leo men and women love to be the center of attention and bask in the rays of adoration and admiration. If you decide to give your heart to the owner of this zodiac sign, it is important to remember that not only sex is important to Leo, he is a supporter romantic relationships. For a Leo of any gender, it is very important what his significant other looks like and what impression he makes on others. Sense of humor, positive mood and, most importantly, the willingness to recognize Leo’s primacy, admiring him, will allow you to keep his attention for a long time.

What signs is Leo compatible with?

Leos can find their happiness with Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini and Libra. It is better to avoid marriage with Taurus and Scorpio.

Such a marriage is characterized by creativity and productivity. Both signs have a great reserve of strength and creativity. These two fire signs get along well with each other, both love adventure, in this pair Aries is the inspirer and the “back-up dancer.” A very strong union.


This couple is not only great friends, but also wonderful lovers who understand each other's spiritual aspirations. In this pair, Leo sits on the throne, and in his shadow there is the “gray eminence” Gemini, skillfully playing out the score. Another option for a relationship could be a uniting adventurous spirit that throws both of them in search of adventure. Two freedom-loving signs who understand each other well.

It is considered the most successful union. Diplomatic Libra gives Leo a lot of contacts and restrains his irrepressible fiery energy.

Leo – Sagittarius

This union, first of all, is active creativity. Unbending Sagittarius can agree to submit only to the royal Leo. Sagittarius is wise and intuitive, which is very important for Leo. This is a successful combination of fiery energies, resulting in dizzying success.

Compatibility horoscope for the sign Leo

LEO – ARIES: They get together because they are both very interested in sex. Both have eccentric, passionate natures. However, Aries' passion to lead clashes with Leo's desire to command, and thus an irreconcilable conflict arises. However, their physical similarity is too great and it overcomes these problems. A joyful connection, a wonderful marriage.

LEO – TAURUS: A romantic beginning can turn into war. Both are overly stubborn, and the competition can be explosive. They can have a good sexual relationship, but Leo’s exaltation will irritate the quiet, balanced Taurus. The extravagant Leo can be offended by the tight-fisted nature of Taurus. A connection is possible, but a long-term relationship is unlikely.

LEO - GEMINI: Gemini should have enough intelligence to constantly charm Leo. Leo may not like betrayal; it undermines his royal image. Gemini's courtesy will help them maintain relationships. Leo is attached to Gemini, but easily dominates their relationship because he is the stronger personality. Nice connection, good marriage.

LEO – CANCER: Leo is tuned in casual connection more so than Cancer, who is prone to more serious relationships. Cancer wants more than just a sexual relationship, he is inclined to stability and those small signs of attention that are characteristic of love. Leo is ready for this if in return he receives the love of Cancer and some admiration from the outside. If this does not happen, then the prognosis for mutual understanding is unimportant.

LEO – LEO: In the bedroom, as everywhere else. Leo tends to think about himself alone. The question is: can two “I”s become one “we”? Well, kings and queens usually say “we” to themselves, so why not? Both are extremely romantic and sexually compatible. Each must allow the other to “shine,” and, if necessary, share the light of its rays. This is not always possible, of course, but when it works, long live the king! Long live the queen!

LEO – VIRGO: Leo is more sexual than Virgo, and this can cause problems in the bedroom. Leo's royal extravagance also causes a painful reaction in the conservative Virgo. Virgo doesn't like being bossed around, but that's all Leo needs. If Virgo tries to criticize, then Leo “roars.” A very short connection is likely. Marriage? Ha ha!

LEO – LIBRA: Leo's approach to sex is more physical and spontaneous than Libra's. However, they can spend quality time together as Libras are also capable of passion. Libra, who has an easy-going attitude to life, should not forget that due admiration for Leo is necessary on their part, especially in the bedroom. There is no need to be overly sincere. Leo is advised to control his moods. In this case, a good and long-lasting connection is possible.

LEO – SCORPIO: Candles, luxury and sparkling wines in the bedroom. It might brighten up possible problems. Scorpio's jealousy offends Leo. Scorpio lacks the respect and admiration Leo needs, which he so badly needs. Scorpio has possessive tendencies, which Leo cannot stand; everyone wants to dominate. The relationship may be pleasant, but marriage is not recommended.

LEO – SAGITTARIUS: Both are adventurous and see love as one of them. They are extroverted, passionate and follow their sexual inclinations without causing feelings of resentment from their partner. Both love to make love often. Sagittarius stimulates and inspires Leo, and Leo evokes in Sagittarius the maximum sense of devotion that this sign is capable of. The connection is wonderful and a happy marriage is guaranteed.

LEO – CAPRICORN: Practical Capricorn puts a rein on the expansive, optimistic nature of Leo. They are very different from each other. Leo's brightness can dim from this connection. Capricorn is not as romantic and loving as Leo, but can be too demanding. Leo's extravagance irritates Capricorn. A relationship is possible, but the marriage is unlikely to be successful.

LEO – AQUARIUS: Aquarius enhances Leo's sexual personality and makes lovemaking more fun. Leo is angered by Aquarius' penchant for analysis. This undermines Leo's confidence in his own power as a ruler. In addition, Aquarius' unorthodoxy in the bedroom gets on Leo's nerves. A short relationship is possible, marriage is unrealistic.

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