Elba Irina, Osinskaya Tatyana. Alexander Bushkov “Stalin. The Frozen Throne The Frozen Throne read

Stalin. Frozen Throne

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Title: Stalin. Frozen Throne

About the book Alexander Bushkov “Stalin. Frozen Throne"

In his new book, A. Bushkov continues to explore the personality of Stalin in the last two decades of his life. Bolshevik terror, personnel purges on the eve of the war, behind-the-scenes intrigues around the leader and the great battle with fascism became the subject of his unbiased analysis.

The author does not set himself the task of either “rehabilitating” or “praising” Stalin. He is only trying to restore the real history, understand the motives and explain the actions of Stalin without primitive clichés, when only black and white paint is used.

Along with unique materials and photographs, the author, for the first time in the last 50 years, publishes the famous report of L. Beria at a meeting of the Tbilisi party activists.

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The author, like many, did not answer the question why the Red Army needed to get rid of commanders who had reached the limit of their service life, individuals who did not correspond to their positions and an illiterate contingent. What was mythologized and called “purge”. But there was a basis, and on a global scale for the army - the PRINCIPLE of formation was changing (from militia-territorial to regular), the size of the army increased dramatically and rearmament began with more modern types of weapons. And getting rid of such ballast is natural, especially since they were replaced by young commanders with appropriate education and training.
And those 2,500 repressed for embezzlement, abuse of power, murder, rape, espionage and other illegal actions are a completely different story. In the case indicated in the first paragraph, the “repression” was handled by the personnel department with pen and paper, and in the second, the competent authorities dealt with it.

uapalett 04.10.2016 03:16

Busya... have you read about the purge in the army? 40 thousand were FIRED from the ranks of the Red Army, not killed, but fired! Moreover, for drunkenness and moral decay, in the majority. Of the 40 thousand actually executed, 100 times fewer were repressed. Moreover, the majority are for the cause - murder while drunk, rape. Has anyone used this to settle personal scores? Yes, of course I did! But what does Stalin have to do with it?! By the way, I have a strong conviction that it was Zhukov who “hooked” Rokossovsky. Are there any hints, you know?

And I would like to draw your attention to the extent to which drunkenness and moral decay have reached in the army, that the highest authorities had to gather to resolve this issue. body of the country, bypassing the People's Commissariat of Defense and his immediate superior, who turned out to be unable to cope with the problem! Moreover, if I’m not mistaken, the officer corps at that time was 250 thousand in total. It is clear that 40 thousand of the worst were fired. And for an arrest, the consent of a higher-ranking superior was needed. And there were precedents (albeit rare, such a military brotherhood) when the boss did not sign and the arrest did not take place! So they fired 40 thousand, but even the worst ones remained! And there were many times more of them!
Who was our people's commissar at that time?!? Isn't it Tukhachevsky? I advise you to read the works of this “outstanding”
military figure. And then take and immediately read Guderian’s book “Tanks Forward,” written all the way in 1935.
You will get a LOT OF IMPRESSIONS. I assure you

Grade 5 out of 5 stars from Ivan 02.10.2016 15:12

I love Bushkov
1. Refers to himself as a source.))))
2. I, he says, am a detective, so I know how it should be according to the rules of a detective.))))
3. And in general - since they are all bastards, then they had to be killed.

Grade 2 out of 5 stars from natpis_1964 27.07.2016 11:49

In his desire to justify the repressions, Bushkov, in my opinion, goes too far. He says that the army was overloaded with officers. That's why they cleaned it up. A good way to downsize. I shot the extra ones and everything was in order. Again about the “brilliant designers”. Bushkov has such hostility towards Tukhachevsky that he casually attacks those people whom T. helped in some way. Namely, Korolev, Langemak, Kleimenov. Bushkov overlooks the fact that Gird initially worked on the enthusiasm of the people who founded it. Nobody helped them. And Tukhachevsky paid attention to them and helped a little. By the way, this GIRD later became part of the Rocket Science Research Institute, which created rockets. Vladimirov writes that Langemak was the creator of Katyusha. And Bushkov writes about him as a worthless “inventor.” Until now, I trusted what Bushkov writes, but now somehow my trust has wavered.

Grade 4 out of 5 stars from Busya

Part of the text has been removed to prevent the book from being distributed on pirated resources!

Chapter 6 - Kaimin! - an annoying voice rang somewhere in the backyard, preventing us from continuing to bask in the cozy embrace of darkness. - Kaimin, wake up! But I didn’t want, I didn’t want to wake up, enjoying such rare moments of unconsciousness lately. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. My rest also came to an end when someone unknown poured a whole glass of ice water on me. Instantly jumping on the spot, she hit her head on something hard and fell back with a groan. However, my groan was echoed by someone else. - That's why I hate doing good deeds! - they hissed from above, and then Laren appeared into view, rubbing his chin. - Happy awakening, girl! - What? - I exhaled, feeling my heart stop for a moment from fear. - And the fact that you faint like a real girl. What, you've never seen corpses? “There are no survivors,” I exhaled with relief, at the same time trying to come to my senses and remember the latest events. “Well, if you look at it from this point of view, I haven’t seen anyone alive either,” the red-haired man responded sarcastically and filled the glass with water again. - Here, drink. - Thank you. “You’re welcome,” Tan waved him off, sitting down in a chair. - I want to clarify this point right away. If after Gibor's death the guards and interrogators had not come running into the corridor, I would have left you there. - So you regretted it and brought it? By the way, where did you bring me? - To your chambers. I was lazy to unravel the security spells on yours. - Clear. Then thank you for stopping the spell... - Oh,” this not a fan of good deeds waved his hand, “this also had its own selfish goals!” “In any case, I’m grateful to you,” I said seriously and tried to get up. Alas, it didn't work out. -You have severe magical exhaustion. The doctor should arrive in a couple of minutes, so for now you can take advantage of my kindness and rest. - Thanks again, but I'm fine. I’ll rest in my room for a while and by dinner I’ll be good as new. - Let the specialist decide what you need and what you don’t. I didn’t argue, and it was useless, given the redhead’s character. But what to do with the doctor is the question. It is not known how someone else's spell affected my cloaking artifact. And without him, the magician will quickly determine that the guy in front of him is not a guy at all. So what should I do? By the time there was a knock on the door and Tan let the supposed healer into the room, I still hadn’t come up with anything. I thought about rolling off the couch and crawling away, but I’m afraid that after that I would have another meeting with the healer of souls. In any case, it was too late to put the plan into action. - Why are we lying there? - a malicious voice rang out, after which Tril Lael leaned over me. - By the way, your experiments there are ownerless, not patented by anyone. “They don’t let me go like that,” I complained and glanced sideways at the imperturbable Tan. - They told me to wait for the doctor. - Consider that here I am. That's it, you can get up and go to work. I may have been able to, but for some reason it didn’t work out. From the waist down, everything seemed to continue to be frozen in ice, preventing me from moving, let alone feeling my limbs. And to be honest, it was very scary. “It’s strange,” the teacher muttered thoughtfully, tugged at his gray beard, and then looked somewhere behind him. - Maybe you can take a look? There was no verbal response, but Tril Lael disappeared from my field of vision, and in his place... a girl appeared. Very beautiful and unusual for our region. Slanting eyes of a rich brown color looked very carefully, looking at either my face or my soul. Red hair with burnt ends looked exotic, complimenting her dark skin. The stranger was miraculously beautiful, and clearly belonged to the Fire-Walkers. "Thanks for the compliment!" - a voice suddenly rang out in my head, after which the girl winked at me and continued to look at me. “Excuse me, but you…” “This is Miraya,” the teacher answered for the girl. - She is the king's guest. “And also a magician-mentalist,” the southern woman herself added, and after these words I pulled myself together and tried to close myself. Alas, it's too late. - “Don’t be afraid of me, girl. I know how to keep other people’s secrets.” - Aya, what's going on? Violation of auric integrity? Why can't I see? Ah-ah-ah, that's it. Can you fix it? Then I won't interfere. I didn’t ask inappropriate questions about what was happening. You shouldn’t distract the master from his work, and you need to think about what to do. I knew the Code of Mentalists and understood that Miraya would really keep my secret. The oath that the magicians of consciousness swore when they entered into full power simply would not allow it. However, there were cases when magicians were given relief. And the threat to the monarch was one of them. These thoughts led me to a question that I asked: “Excuse me, Tril Lael, but how, having a mentalist in the palace, are not only conspiracies possible, but the very thoughts about them?” - Tell me, little thing, what was the first thing you did when you found out that Aya was a magician of consciousness? - Closed. - That's it. No, Miraya is a strong girl and can break any block if she wants, but why? For this purpose, there are investigators who receive a very decent salary. So let them work, but Aya and I have slightly different tasks. And if you're done messing around, then let's go to the laboratory. We have work to do. - Yes, I would be glad, but I really can’t! - and to confirm my words, I tried to get up again. And, thank Lihar, I succeeded! Slowly sitting down and then standing up, I took a few hesitant steps, then turned to the girl and sincerely thanked her. "My pleasure!" - the thought came, after which the southern woman headed to the door, followed by the teacher. I decided to follow their example, stopping only to thank Laren again. And only when she stepped into the corridor did she stop feeling the red-haired man’s strange, thoughtful gaze on her. The laboratory was surprisingly empty. Following the teacher into his office, I froze in the aisle and looked around in surprise at the littered table. Moreover, it was not bursting with documents, but under the weight of numerous dishes, at the sight of which you immediately wanted to eat. - Have a seat, little thing. This is all for you. - To me? - I was surprised. - And for what? - It’s better to ask our monarch about this. It was he who ordered lunch and asked to keep an eye on you. - I don’t understand... - Kaimin, listen to the old man. Sometimes the actions of men do not need to be understood, but should simply be taken for granted. Believe me, this will save nerves for both you and this man himself. But in fact, I think the king wanted to express his gratitude in this way. After all, the attack was not being prepared on you. - Tell me? - I asked, settling down at the table. Miraya sat down next to us, immediately reaching for the wine and filling our glasses. I laid out the salads with meat on plates, distributed them to the diners, and only after that began to eat my portion. “Honestly, there’s nothing special to tell,” Tril Lael began to answer my question. - The conspirators knew His Majesty’s schedule quite well and had a rough idea of ​​where and what time to expect him. So the ambush was precisely on him - weakened and distracted after taking poison. - Acceptance? I warned him that there was karamazia in the food! “She was a distraction,” the teacher smiled sadly, throwing off the guise of an old man and accepting a glass from the southern woman. -Thank you, coal! Oh, don’t wrinkle your wonderful nose! It really is a coal! Okay, okay, I'll shut up! So, after the assassination attempt, the king went to his office, where he was delivered a new portion of breakfast along with herbal tea and wine. All these dishes were supplemented with another herb, which in small quantities is completely invisible and harmless. But if you consume more than three grams, it begins to affect magic. It doesn’t block, no, but it prevents you from concentrating and casting spells. This is exactly what the trap was designed for. Only the conspirators did not take into account two things - the king’s indifference to wine and Tril Gibor’s hatred of you. And so it happened that instead of the king, an attempt was made on you, and the monarch himself saw and even managed to neutralize the attacker. It's just a pity that he killed him. Now you will have to open the portal to the southerners again and ask the shaman for help. - And for what? - I was curious. “So that he lifts the veil between the worlds and calls the soul of the murdered man for interrogation,” Miraya answered me instead of Lael’s tril. - I heard about magicians who are capable of this, but I thought it was just a fairy tale. And then it turns out... - I wasn’t allowed to finish my thought. Feeling some strange movement in my legs, I sharply moved away from the table and jumped up from my seat. At the same time, the fork, as a means of self-defense, ended up in my hands completely by accident. But I must admit - by the way. Something was crawling up my leg. Most of all, this creature resembled a striped snake, with yellow and black streaks all over its body. Only instead of smooth skin it was covered with fur. And this “something” slowly but persistently attacked me, not paying the slightest attention to the glances and the fork directed at it. - Chulya! - after a minute of examining the unknown creature, the teacher said reproachfully. - What are you doing? Naturally, “something” did not answer, but very expressively stretched up, pointing at my hands. Moreover, it showed one of the five-fingered tentacles on its head. - And what does it want? - Trying to calm the trembling in my voice, I asked. “On your hands,” the archmage shrugged and returned to dinner. - Excuse me, but is it not poisonous? And... what is this even?! Looking at me as if I were a foolish child, Tril Lael shook his head and then asked his question. - Who asked me not so long ago why I walk around in only one sock? “I,” she answered hesitantly, not quite understanding what the teacher was getting at. - Well, that’s why I go. Meet Chulya - my second prodigal sock. - What? - I gasped in surprise, falling back onto the chair. True, I haven’t stopped watching the “sock”. “Togo,” muttered Tril. - It happened by accident. “Yeah, just someone very sloppy and overconfident!” - Miraya giggled in my head, after which she turned her sly glance at the archmage. - Well, what are you telling the girl there? - A dissatisfied glance slid over the southern woman, and then settled on me. - In general, don't be afraid of him. Chulya is a sweet and kind creature who loves to be scratched. Especially between the toes! - So it's alive? - More likely yes than no. It's hard to say what he actually is. I don’t know how I achieved this miracle, but all other experiments ended in failure. But I don't lose hope! - Incredible! Teacher, based on this situation, I have a new question. So why do you walk around in one sock if the other one is alive and definitely can no longer be used for its intended purpose? -Have you ever heard of the theory of true couples? Is it when real couples, blessed by the gods themselves, have a connection whereby they can find each other anywhere? So, Chulya and his leftist brother are the perfect confirmation of this theory. Thanks to the left one, Chulya can find me anywhere in the palace. - Why would he look for you? “But this is our big secret,” the archmage smiled mysteriously and glanced sideways at Miraya, thoughtfully examining something in her glass. - Clear. Teacher, thank you for your help and lunch. Can I start experimenting? - You can, but first, change clothes and go to the chief interrogator. He was eager to interrogate you right at the crime scene, but the king forbade him to touch you. So now Tril Casto is probably tearing up and throwing up. - What did I do to him? - Vig is probably interested in why Gibor attacked you and thwarted the plan that had been prepared for several months. - Aren’t you interested? “And I already know everything,” the teacher waved him off, after which he winked at me slyly. - That's it, go already, you curious little thing! We'll talk when you get back. - Fine. Just now? “Please take this off me,” and I pointed to the result of the unsuccessful experiment. - Kaimin, please call him by name. Otherwise he will be offended and do dirty tricks. “Okay,” I nodded, cautiously looking at the yellow-black something. - By the way, why Chulya? “It’s just a stocking,” Tril Lael chuckled. “Well, yes, why am I doing this,” I muttered and, thanking for dinner and company, hurried to my chambers. The sooner I meet Tril Casto, with whom we do not have the best relationship, the sooner I can start my business. And there were quite a few of them to come. For some time now the office of the chief royal interrogator has evoked in me not the most pleasant associations. However, so does their owner. I was unable to find a common language with Tril Casto either as the heir of the Deren family or as a princess of the Diren family. This young tril was equally courteous, and at the same time harsh and indisputable with both. So I didn’t expect anything good from this meeting. And as further conversation showed, my premonitions did not deceive me. “Tril Deren,” bowing his head slightly in greeting, the interrogator looked at me attentively. - Tril Casto. Did you want to see me? - Yes, I have a few questions for you. And I hope that I will receive truthful answers to them. “Each of us has our own truth,” shrugging my shoulders and, without waiting for an invitation, I sat down on a chair opposite the man. “Then let’s hope that your truth coincides with mine.” So, where were you after breakfast and what were you doing? - After the meal, the teacher and I retired to the laboratory on the personal orders of His Majesty. - And what were you doing there?.. For the next two hours, I answered the same questions several times, watching with some evil amusement the interrogator who was trying to catch me in a lie. And it would be fine, he was simply checking all the unwitting witnesses to the assassination attempt on the king. No! I couldn’t shake the persistent feeling that three, by hook or by crook, was trying to pin the crime on me! And he was not at all embarrassed that it was I who almost turned into a living statue. In general, I don’t even know how I restrained myself and not at all aristocratically sent Casto... to other witnesses. As a result, I left the interrogator tired and with a migraine. To be honest, I really wanted to go to my chambers, drink a soothing tincture and go to bed, but alas. A teacher and experiments were waiting for me in the laboratory, so I had to limit myself to breathing exercises and ward off fatigue with a cup of herbal tea. When I returned, I walked past the other laboratory assistants, who were looking at me with poorly concealed interest, and looked into Tril Lael’s office. Nothing has changed since I left this room. The teacher was still sitting at the set table and lazily sipping wine, stroking the quietly purring Chulya with his other hand. Miraya moved to the fireplace and was absorbed in reading a book. They didn’t even seem to notice my arrival, both immersed in their own thoughts. After hesitating for a while, I finally decided to attract attention to myself. - Teacher, I'm already back. Any orders? “They will,” the archmage drawled lazily, leaning back in his chair. - Please pass on your notes on the experiments to the fifth and sixth tables. I already warned the guys. I'm also waiting for a list of everything you need. Once you're done with this, you can go and pack your things. - Things? - I asked in surprise, not quite understanding what it was about. - Things. And don’t forget that the climate of the Borderland is different from ours. - Teacher, forgive me, but I don’t understand. - Oh, young people, you need to know everything, explain everything. No, just to obey the elder,” Tril sighed and put down his glass with regret. - Kaimin, why did the king leave you in the palace? - To increase the magical reserve. - Here. How will it increase without training? I understand and approve of your love for the exact sciences, but magic should also be developed. That's why I, as your mentor, came up with a task for you. Or rather, it was invented by the king, but that’s not the point. - And what does it consist of? - You will keep Miraya company. Together you will travel to one of the villages of the Borderlands and check the recorded magical surge. - Excuse me, but isn’t this what border guards should be doing? - Maybe they should, who knows these soldiers. However, the king entrusted this task to you, and it is better not to argue with his orders. So go ahead and get ready. - But... Why did the king choose me? “You can ask him about this,” the teacher chuckled and reached for the drink again. Having realized that I couldn’t get anything else out of Lael’s tril, I went to carry out the orders. The laboratory assistants turned out to be smart, so I finished the explanations in half an hour and went to get ready for the trip. For some reason it seemed to me that this unexpected task would be very exciting. The main thing is that there are no lethal consequences. The borderlands are free lands that serve as an unspoken dividing line between the Western Republic and the Northern Kingdom. They did not submit to any authority, living in their own, separate world. The climate there was much milder than ours, allowing residents to engage in agriculture, and the convenient location contributed to the development of trade. These lands often became a haven for fugitive criminals, exiles and mad magicians. Due to the latter, these territories were swarming with various creatures - the consequences of experiments, which periodically had to be cleared out. I myself had never been there, but according to the stories of my father and the teachers of the academy, the place was very inhospitable and even dangerous. So why did the king suddenly decide to send me there? This question haunted me the entire time I was packing my things. It tormented me while I was getting ready for bed, and even after falling asleep did not give me peace. It’s not surprising that the next day I was sleep-deprived, irritable and unfriendly. And when she saw her companions, she became completely gloomy. In addition to Miraya, whom the teacher mentioned yesterday, Laren somehow inexplicably turned out to be with us. He looked no more pleased than I did, and this, at least a little, improved my mood. - Good morning! - the teacher greeted joyfully, looking around at the audience. - You are all already familiar with the task. The portal will take you as close as possible to the place where the power was released, so all you have to do is find it and find out what it was. If you believe the report of the border guards, this place is very quiet and calm. There’s even a village nearby, so you don’t have to worry about meeting the creatures. You have three days to complete it. To disguise yourself as the local population, each of you will receive an artifact. Questions? - Are there at least approximate assumptions about what exactly we are looking for? - I asked. - Anything. From a storage button that accidentally came off, to the altar of the Others. Leave the search problem to Tril Tan - he has much more experience in this. You have to measure the magical background, describe the find and bring a sample for testing. - And Miraya? - And she is for the eldest. He will keep an eye on you idiots and will not let you get into trouble. Any other questions? Then let's go! And may the gods protect you!
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