What are geotextiles, types and characteristics. Geotextiles: what is it and how is it used in construction and landscape design What is geotextile and its use

All types of geotextiles belong to the group of materials that can simultaneously isolate individual technological layers from each other, reinforce the structure and allow moisture to pass in only one direction. Geotextile fabric is one of the most popular materials for insulation in modern construction. Why geotextiles are needed in the foundation, how to choose and use it is described in this article.

Types of fabrics produced and technologies for their production

Depending on the manufacturing technology, woven and non-woven materials are distinguished.

Non-woven geotextiles are made from polyester fibers, which are arranged in a chaotic manner in the fabric.

To connect the fibers, the surface is processed using a needle punching machine, where a large number of needles tighten the fabric into a strong single structure. According to another technology, the connection of individual threads of non-woven polymer textiles is carried out as a result of heat treatment using calendering with highly heated air or adhesive gluing.

Woven fabric can be made from polyester, polyester or polypropylene threads. A combined composition of two or three types of polymer thread is allowed.

Thanks to the woven construction, the material has increased ductility. Therefore, woven geotextiles for foundations can be used in areas with complex configuration. In this regard, the fabric base is superior to the non-woven one, since it withstands breaking deformations well.

If the woven material is subjected to heat treatment, its density will increase. In this case, it becomes possible to ensure high-quality insulation of wet soils and prevent groundwater from reaching building structures.

The use of geotextiles in the construction of foundations

The use of geotextile fabrics allows for:

  • separation of individual bulk layers, eliminating their siltation over time;
  • waterproofing the foundation with geotextiles;
  • uniform distribution of weight loads from building structures on the ground;
  • improved drainage properties of the lower crushed stone layer and, as a result, free removal of moisture;
  • additional reinforcement and general strengthening of structures.

For strengthening, special reinforced geotextiles are used. This material is durable, not affected by moisture, low temperatures and rotting.

Conditions for choosing the right material

The choice of geotextile directly depends on the conditions of its further operation. Manufacturing technology, density, elasticity and waterproofing properties are taken into account. At the same time the main technical parameter and characteristic is the density of the material and depending on this, polymer textiles are used:

  • for the installation of drainage layers and moisture removal - 150-200 g/m2;
  • to protect the foundation and as a separating layer between crushed stone and sand - 250-300 g/m2;
  • to evenly distribute loads on the ground from building structures and create protection from the effects of heaving soils - from 350 g/m2.

Therefore, in order to find out what geotextile to use, it is necessary to accurately determine the design of the foundation and the technical problems that must be solved with the help of this material.

Characteristics of geotextiles.

The use of geotextiles for various elements of the foundation structure

When constructing a foundation, polymer textiles are used as a reinforcing and underlying layer, a material for constructing drainage systems and as protection from mechanical damage, heat and a waterproofing layer.


The foundation is considered as a single structural system, including a soil base, a drainage layer, a bulk cushion and building elements. During the calculations, the load-bearing capacity of the foundation structure is calculated depending on the actual soil resistance.

In order to increase the bearing capacity of the soil and avoid the consequences of swelling when the structure is shallow, the top layer of soil is removed to a depth of 1.0 meters and replaced with bulk non-metallic materials in the form of crushed stone and sand.

Pit with laid geotextiles.

A layer of geotextile fabric made of propylene monofilament with a density of 300-350 g/m2 allows you to evenly distribute the loads and eliminate possible mixing of the soil and bulk layers. It is also recommended to use this material for protection engineering communications in case of existing possibility of seasonal soil movement.

Drainage water removal

Drainage system.

As a result of operation, the drainage underlying layer of crushed stone and drainage drains are gradually silted up with soil and fine sand. To prevent this from happening, the drainage layer is protected with geotextiles on top and bottom. Holes in perforated drains are also clogged with ground silt. Therefore, it is recommended to wrap the crushed stone covering them in polymer non-woven textiles with a density of 200 g/m2.

Geotextile protection

In order to protect the concrete strip foundation from the adverse effects of moisture and reduce heat losses on its outer walls, they are covered with a layer of waterproofing and polystyrene foam. However, these coatings, in turn, themselves need protection from mechanical damage. Especially at the time of the trenches.

The integrity of hydraulic and thermal insulation can be ensured using geotextiles by gluing it to the surface of the foundation wall. For this, it is recommended to use non-woven material with a density of 150-200 g/m2.

Technologies for using geotextiles for different types of foundations

Geotextile fabric in a strip foundation.

The difference in the structure of foundation structures makes its own adjustments when laying geotextile materials in each special case. Therefore, you should consider how to correctly lay geotextiles under the foundation for each type separately, and also separately mention the conditions for protecting the blind area as an element of the overall structure.

Monolithic strip foundation

After the trenches have been dug, a leveling sand cushion must be poured onto their bottom, compacted well and covered along the entire length with a layer of polymer textile with a density of at least 300 g/m2. Such protection will reliably block the access of moisture to the lower part of the monolithic foundation structure, and will also additionally strengthen the underlying layer of soil or sand cushion.

Next, the formwork is installed and a waterproofing geotextile layer is fixed along its walls on the concrete side, the edges of which should extend beyond the upper edge of the formwork. It is recommended to use a moisture-proof thermally bonded type of fabric with a density of 200-250 g/m2 as a material. More thick fabric will cost more, but the result will not improve. Connecting the joints of adjacent panels is best done using heat treatment.

After completing this work, you can begin installing the reinforcing frame and pouring concrete into it. After hardening of the monolith, the formwork is removed and the integrity of the hydraulic insulation is checked for damage. If there are tears, they should be carefully sealed.

Precast concrete foundation

The main difference between protection and installation of monolithic structures is that geotextiles are glued to reinforced concrete blocks using or other waterproof composition. In this case, all seams between adjacent canvases are carefully worked out.

The edges of the bottom layer must be extended beyond the edges of the concrete blocks by 150 mm and after assembling the foundation, they are folded up and glued in the same way, which ensures tight laying of the geotextile under the foundation and on the walls.

Slab structures

If installed, then the entire bottom of the dug pit is covered with geotextile. The density of the material in this case must be at least 350 g/m2. After backfilling and compacting the underlying layer, its surface must be completely covered with geotextile with a density of 200-250 g/m2.

To simultaneously distribute the load and protect the concrete from moisture in a slab structure, it is recommended to use textiles in the form of a heat-pressed film.

Non-woven fabric in the blind area around the house.

Pile foundations

When installing, the geotextile is used only if there is a base. After installing the piles over the entire area, the top layer of soil is removed between them, a layer of geotextile is spread, which is covered with a layer of sand, crushed stone, gravel or cement mortar.

Blind area device

Properly done, it will protect the base and foundation from the penetration of precipitation and, as a result, its possible destruction. For the stability of this protective layer, it is recommended to use geotextiles on the surface of the underlying layer, running it along the wall of the house above the level of the surface of the blind area.

Popular types of domestic materials

Experts identify and advise three types of fabrics produced in our country:

  • tensile-resistant reinforced “Stabitex” made of polyamide;
  • inexpensive "Geospan", with high strength;
  • elastic and resistant to mechanical damage "Dornit".

From these brands you can always choose geotextiles of the required density and strength.

Cost of geotextiles.

Video on the topic

Technology does not stand still and very often new construction or finishing materials appear. One of them is geotextiles. This material appeared quite recently, but it is already recommended to be used in the construction of paths, roads, and landscaping.

What is geotextile?

A group of materials is hidden under the name “geotextiles” for various purposes, composition, production method and even type. Most often they are laid “on” or “in” the ground. The main component is synthetic threads or fibers. These materials are durable and relatively inexpensive. In some cases, glass fiber is used in production, sometimes they are added to synthetics natural materials- cotton, wool. All this changes the properties and characteristics of the material and affects the area of ​​use.

Raw materials for the manufacture of geotextiles

The most common are polyester and polypropylene geosynthetics. Polypropylene has a denser structure, usually higher tensile strength, and is not as fleecy in appearance. The disadvantage of polypropylene is that it reacts poorly to ultraviolet light and becomes brittle. Therefore, it is better not to use it as a covering material.

Polypropylene geotextiles can have any color, since dyes can be added to the feedstock. The basic one is white, but more often the color changes due to additives that are added to obtain special properties. For example, in order for geosynthetics to better tolerate sunlight.

Polyester geotextiles can be made from recycled materials (plastic bottles, etc.), and therefore usually cost less. Polyester threads are not long, so the material is more “shaggy” and less tensile strength. Color - any, but most often gray (Dornit brand), black, beige or brown, very rarely - white. This is when it is made from primary raw materials.

Geotextile "Dornit" is a non-woven, needle-punched material with high strength. Made from synthetic fibers, the fabric is wound into rolls of 50 meters and goes on sale in this form. Due to its strength, wear resistance and fairly affordable cost, Dornit is actively used in the construction industry and landscape design

To summarize, polypropylene geotextiles should be used where high strength is needed - when constructing roads, paths, strengthening slopes, foundations, and fills. Polyester material - suitable for beds, slides and other landscape features.

Production methods and main properties

There are three different ways to make geotextiles:

If the fibers are connected using needles or thin streams of water, the material resembles felt in appearance and has a fleecy surface. Thermally bonded - smoother. Different ways thread connections give geotextiles various properties Hence, they are used in different fields.

If we compare all three types of non-woven geotextiles, hydro-bonded has the highest tensile strength, then thermally-bonded and the “weakest” is needle-punched (the needles still damage the fibers). Thermally bonded geotextiles are made from polypropylene, since polyester has too high a melting point, which sharply increases its cost.

Impregnation and landscaping

There are geotextiles with impregnations - latex, plasticizers, plastic compounds. They give the material additional properties, but almost completely deprive it of filtering ability. This must be taken into account when choosing a material. For example, for constructing a pond the lack of filtering capacity is a plus, for drainage it is a minus.

Bonding is the re-binding of already finished fabric. The method of re-bonding is usually different from the primary one. This gives the geotextile increased strength.


Geotextiles have appeared recently, but are already used in various fields: in construction, landscape design, vegetable gardening and horticulture, in the construction of pedestrian paths, highways and runways. The same material, only of low density, is used to make hygiene products, disposable medical clothing and linen, and is used as rough upholstery for upholstered furniture. In general, the scope of geotextiles is very wide, and it is worth knowing which type is suitable for which purposes.

One of the types of application is when arranging a site

Depending on density

The cost of geotextiles can vary significantly. As you already understand, the price is determined depending on the material and production method. But density also plays an important role. The same materials, but with different densities, have different prices. How to find out what geotextiles are needed in a particular case? You can roughly navigate by this division by density:

These are just approximate boundaries. It is always worth choosing geotextiles, paying attention to specific conditions. For example, for hard and rocky soil, a characteristic such as elongation at break will be important. The better the material stretches, the less the possibility of tearing when “fitting” over irregularities and protrusions.

When choosing geotextiles for construction work and under roads/paths, parking lots, platforms, make sure that the breaking load (tensile strength) is high. This characteristic can be neglected if you form uneven terrain, but there will be no load on them.

Depending on the raw material and production method

Thermally bonded geotextiles have high tensile strength, but drain water only in the transverse direction. That is, it can be used in areas with low groundwater levels, on well-drained soils. It is good as a separator of different fractions and materials when constructing sites for pedestrians, and is suitable for changing the landscape. But all this is in areas with good drainage. It is not very suitable for - the water is not drained well enough.

Needle-punched is less durable, but water passes in both longitudinal and transverse directions. It is suitable for installation on heavy soils that do not drain water well - loams, clays. The lack of strength can be compensated for by laying geogrid underneath - another type of geosynthetics. It will take on the main loads, and geotextiles will prevent factions from mixing. This type can be used in drainage. The optimal density of drainage geotextiles in terms of price/quality ratio is 200 g/m².

Geotextiles for drainage. Properties: elasticity and strength, resistance to heavy loads and mold, long shelf life, ease of installation, fire safety and non-toxicity, resistance to ultraviolet rays

Woven geotextiles are very durable and have high tensile strength. It is ideal for creating embankments, modifying landscapes, and creating retaining walls. Moreover, it can withstand the load without question. It is not recommended to use it in drainage - the spaces between the threads quickly become clogged with small particles, which impairs water drainage.

Examples of use

The scope of geotextiles is wide; the following types are divided according to their intended purpose:

When purchasing geotextiles, pay attention to the technical characteristics and purpose, and do not choose based only on price. If you lay packaging, garden or furniture under the crushed stone, it will not do anything. The money will be wasted, as the material will tear over the course of months, and maybe even while backfilling.


One of the main functions of geotextiles is to separate different layers. These can be different fractions, different materials.

For all types of work, in order to prevent the materials from “spreading” and mixing, it is necessary to take the width of the geotextile into account so that it rises to the entire thickness of the layer of bulk material and is still wrapped by 30-60 cm. With planned significant loads, the folding can be doing more will be more reliable. This applies to both construction work and landscaping, gardening, etc.

In the arrangement of the site

Work on the site involves a large amount of ground work. To ensure long-lasting results, geotextiles are used.

These are just some of the processes in which this material can be used. There is also an application that is rarely seen in our country - when creating green roofs.

Laying rules

In order for geotextiles to fulfill their functions, they must be laid correctly. First, let's tell you what shouldn't happen. First of all, you should not lay geotextiles with holes (mechanical damage). If it is not possible to replace the entire piece, install a patch that more sizes holes of 50 cm. Secondly, it cannot be dragged. Thirdly, cars cannot be driven on the dispersed road surface.

As we said earlier, the width of the canvas should be larger so that it can be wrapped on a layer of crushed stone, earth, sand. And so that the “turn” is at least 30-50 cm.

There is one more question: which side should the geotextiles be laid on? There is no definite answer, as it depends on the material. Some types can be laid with either side, others - only with the smooth or only the fleecy side up. Specifically, which side to lay the geotextile is stated in the instructions for the material. If you do not buy a whole roll, but only a part, check the rules for laying it with the seller.

Geotextile is usually called a building material that was made from raw materials of synthetic or organic origin, for example, from mineral, basalt or glass fiber and the like, while geotextile is a woven (geofabric) or non-woven fabric, made using calendering, needle punching, or hydraulic fastening from polymer threads. The forming substances for fibers are most often the components of polypropylenes and polyesters. Geotextiles can be made in two variations: from a single thread (monofilament) of arbitrary length, or cut into pieces of 5 to 10 centimeters (staple).

Geotextiles - what is it?

The main purpose of geotextiles in construction is to create layers that perform various functions, such as: reinforcement, drainage, protection, filtration, waterproofing, thermal insulation. The scope of application of geotextile fabrics is extensive; they can be used not only in civil engineering, but also in hydraulic engineering, transport and other areas.

The main criteria dividing geotextiles into types are: differences in production technology, materials used, density and area of ​​use. Next you need to understand each type.

Classification of geotextiles according to substances used in production.

Geotextile fabrics are made from the finest synthetic or organic fibers made from different materials, which in turn can be contained in the canvas in different proportions. Depending on the quantity and predominance of certain components in the final product, the final properties of the material change. This leads to the following types of geotextiles:

  • Polyester geotextiles;

Fibers made from polyester or polyester substances have excellent resistance to chemical influences and are safe for people, animals and plants. The main physical characteristics are a fairly large margin of safety and good elasticity.

  • Polypropylene geotextiles;

The material is made from synthetic polypropylene fibers. In comparison with polyester geotextiles, this type of fabric is characterized by increased resistance to various types of mechanical influences from the outside. The margin of strength and elasticity is at a relatively good level. In addition, polypropylene geotextiles can be used as a kind of geofilter due to its excellent drainage, separation and filtration properties.

  • Multicomponent geotextiles;

A mixed type of geotextile involves the presence in the fabric of several components simultaneously, made from pure polymeric materials, or from materials obtained from processing waste from various industries specializing in the production of wool, viscose, cotton and other materials.

The naturalness of the substances included in the fabric causes low resistance to mechanical and chemical influences from the outside. Under the continuous influence of environmental factors, geofabric of this type begins to decompose and loses its beneficial properties.

Accordingly, this type of geotextile fabric has a lower cost compared to previous types and, ultimately, by purchasing such material you can save significantly. But this saving may not be justified, since multicomponent geotextiles are inferior to synthetic fabrics in strength and durability.

Geotextile production technologies

As described earlier, geotextile fabrics are produced using various technologies, on which the final qualities of the product depend. On at the moment There are three main types of geotextiles: non-woven, woven and knitted. Non-woven, in turn, is divided into heat-fixed and needle-punched.

Now about each type in a little more detail.

Woven geotextile or geofabric

The production technology is identical to that used in the production of conventional textiles. It involves weaving threads in various ways.

Most often, in the manufacture of geotextiles, glass or polyester fibers are used, which are subsequently impregnated chemical compounds, strengthening the canvas. After impregnation, the finished canvases are processed in calenders, where high temperatures ah, incomplete fusion of the threads occurs, which makes it possible to compact the surface of the material and make it much stronger. This type Excellent for creating various roads, for distributing the load on the base, and generally strengthening the structure of the building.

Non-woven Needle Punched Geotextile

It is very similar to ordinary felt fabric. But unlike it, it is made from individual fibers of polypropylene or polyester, which are subsequently held together into a single whole by needlepunching.

The production of nonwoven material occurs in several stages:

  1. Formation and uniform distribution of a layer of fibers. It is important that the layer is formed as uniformly as possible, since its heterogeneity can lead to serious defects in thickness, which promises a loss of product strength.
  2. Felting and compacting the fabric using serrated needles. Penetrating through the layer of fibers, the barbs on the needles intertwine them together, creating strong bonds.

The resulting geofabric has the ability to transmit moisture well; in addition, it perfectly withstands heavy loads, various kinds of mechanical influences from the outside, and at the same time almost does not deform during operation. This type of material is often used in conjunction with geogrid, which increases service life.

Non-woven thermoset geotextile

The production of thermoset material occurs through heat treatment of materials made from polyesters or polypropylene. Due to sintering of all components, the finished material has a uniform and dense structure, which makes it very durable. The fabrics are quite elastic, filtration is at a good level. The synthetic components of this geomaterial make it resistant to chemical influences and prevent decomposition and mold formation.

The production of thermofixed geomaterial proceeds as follows:

  1. The fabric is made from molten polypropylene granules and polyesters using the extrusion method.
  2. Microscopic fibers are applied to the surface of the resulting layer.
  3. After this, the two resulting layers are treated with high temperatures, as a result of which the threads and granules melt and tightly fuse together.

As a result of exposure to high temperatures, the fabric becomes unusually resistant to mechanical damage, acquires enormous strength and elasticity, which distinguishes this type of geotextile from others. Due to their outstanding qualities, thermoset sheets are widely used in various branches of construction.

Knitted geofabric with stitching

The only difference between this type of geotextile and the others described above is that the fibers forming the base are additionally stitched strong thread. The mechanical properties of knitted geofabric are quite unimpressive, but it is remarkably permeable to moisture. It is also worth noting that all fabrics made in one way or another using polyester components are less resistant to chemical influences than those made using polypropylene. Therefore, be sure to make adjustments for the area of ​​application when choosing a blade.

Often, to improve the properties of geotextiles, various strengthening impregnations are used: latex, polymer resins with plasticizers and other components that reduce the harmful effects of the environment where the geotextile is used. The geofabric treated with impregnation turns into a kind of flexible composite material made of plastic reinforced with synthetic fiber.

Classification of geotextiles by density.

One of the factors that determine the suitability of using geotextiles in a particular natural environment is its density. Such characteristics as water permeability, elasticity and, of course, strength directly depend on this parameter. Density is usually selected according to two parameters: the type of soil in which the geotextile will be located; the purposes that geotextiles will need to fulfill.

Characteristics of geotextiles

Density g/m2Characteristics, application
17,3 Does not interfere with the passage of moisture and light. Mainly used to protect crops from birds and insects.
42,6 It allows moisture and light to pass through well and retains temperature. Widely used as a coating in the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses;
60 Completely prevents the passage of light, but perfectly conducts moisture. Main areas of application: drainage systems, soil covering to protect crops from weed germination,
100 Elastic, dense, less permeable to moisture. Can be used in construction flower beds, landscape formation and other similar works;
150-200 High density allows its use in soil separation, in the construction of filtration and drainage systems, road surfaces, artificial ponds, etc.;
250 Heavy and dense, ideal for covering road surfaces that can withstand passenger vehicles without deformation;
300 Suitable for roads and parking lots of heavier vehicles;
from 350Will be able to withstand the load of light aircraft, trains, and trucks on highways;
from 400Fabrics of this density are used for the construction of various airports with high congestion.

Geotextile fabrics are packaged in rolls with a width of 2 to 5.2 meters and a length of 30 linear meters. Rolls are packaged in thick black polyethylene film, which prevents the passage of ultraviolet radiation, the integrity of which is a high priority.

Where is geotextile used?

As we have already figured out, operational, physical and chemical characteristics Each type of canvas differs due to different technologies production and raw materials used. But despite all the differences, we can highlight several qualities inherent in all types of geotextiles:

  • Wide scope of application;
  • The fabrics have good resistance to chemical influences, including oxidative processes;
  • The material has high elasticity, ability to filter, reinforce and drain;
  • Dense geofabrics prevent the germination of weeds and are not susceptible to destruction by rodents and insects;
  • Affordable price;
  • Simplicity and ease of use.

Functions of geotextiles

  • Drainage;

The ability to use geotextiles to direct water flows in the required directions. Geotectile prevents those layers of bulk from silting building materials which it covers.

When hearing about geotextiles for the first time, most want to know what it is, where and how it is used. We invite you to get acquainted in more detail with existing species of this material, its characteristics and possible areas of use.

Read in the article

Why do we need geotextiles: the main direction of use

Geotextiles belong to modern technological materials, and therefore we suggest you understand why they are needed. It is actively used in sales, not only near private houses, but also in public places. Thanks to its performance characteristics, high-quality geotextile allows you to implement the most complex and exclusive solutions.

If we talk about what geotextiles are most often used for, then they resort to its help if necessary:

  • cover the structure from moisture;
  • separate the bulk layers and prevent their silting;
  • ensure uniform distribution of the load on the ground from construction structures;
  • enhance characteristics;
  • help reinforcing structures.

What geotextiles are made from: raw materials used

The basis of the finished fabric can be various fibers, depending on which geotextiles are divided into:

  • polyester. It is based on thin polyester fibers. Eco-friendly material with low resistance to external aggressive substances;
  • polypropylene. Durable material that can withstand external influences. Doesn't rot. Has good filtration properties;
  • multicomponent. For its production, various recyclable materials are used: cotton products, wool and viscose. It is cheaper than analogs made from polyester and polyester and has lower strength characteristics. Natural components rot quite quickly, contributing to the appearance of voids, due to which the canvas often begins to collapse.

How geotextiles are made: main methods

The production method has a direct impact on the characteristics of geotextiles. The material can be made using the needle-punched method. This method is used in the production of domestic geotextile fabric “Dornit”. We invite you to watch a video that reveals in detail the intricacies of the production process:

The process of making woven fabric also has its own nuances. We invite you to watch a video that will help you understand the technological features of the process:

General characteristics of geotextiles

Polypropylene and polyester fabrics:

  • do not rot;
  • have biological and chemical resistance;

  • have a long service life;
  • are able to maintain their characteristics over a wide temperature range;

  • do not absorb water, but at the same time let it pass freely;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • become a barrier to weeds;
  • have the same properties in all directions.

How does the density of geotextiles affect its use?

The purpose and use of geotextiles largely depend on its density. This indicator has a direct impact on the water permeability and elasticity of the material. The choice of the appropriate option is carried out taking into account the type of soil and the goals pursued.

The material may have the following density (g/m²):

  • 17,3 . A suitable option for protecting planted seeds from birds. Transmits light and water well;
  • 42,6. In demand for the device and. Can be stretched onto the frame. Light and water pass freely through the canvas;
  • 60. Material laid on the ground allows water to pass through, but becomes a barrier to sunlight. In its presence, the development of weeds stops, which is especially important for agriculture. Can be used as a filter drainage system;
  • 100 . It is used in design, arrangement of ponds, formation of decorative slopes;

  • 150 – 200. The high density of the material allows it to be used when installing drainage, constructing, or forming on a personal plot;

  • 250 . Geotextiles are in demand when installing;
  • 300. The material can be used in the construction of truck stops;

  • 350. Suitable option for highways, runways with low traffic;
  • 400. Relevant when constructing runways at international airports.


Geotextiles: scope and features

It is important not only to know what geotextiles are, but also where they can be used. We invite you to get acquainted with the main varieties of this material, the distinctive features of each type and the recommended area of ​​use.

What is non-woven geotextile and possible areas of its application

The basis of simple non-woven needle-punched geotextiles is polyester or propylene fibers. It is made using harpoon needles to form a characteristic felt. The material stretches well, and therefore is used in creating garden paths, organizing a drainage system and, if necessary, separating adjacent layers of soil.

Heat-fixed (calendered) geotextiles are also needle-punched. However, additional strengthening carried out by rolling the rollers with feed warm air into the processing zone, allows you to increase the strength characteristics of the material. A thin fabric with high filtration properties is formed.

Knitted geotextile

The fabric is made by loop weaving threads. The material has low cost and low breaking threshold. The width of the canvas is 1.5-6 m with a length of 100-350 m. Its thickness is 1-3 mm. Density can reach 600 g/m².

Geotextile - what it is, distinctive features and how it is used: main areas

Before we tell you how geofabric is used, it’s worth understanding what it is. In the woven fabric, the fibers are tightly connected to each other, which ensures higher strength characteristics compared to other types of geotextiles. The raw materials used to make geotextile affect its properties.

The material is widely used in the implementation. With its help, the bearing capacity of the soil increases. It is relevant for the installation of drainage systems, the formation of embankments and the construction of beds.

We invite you to watch a video that talks about the geotextile and where it can be used:

Geotextile laying technology depending on the scope of application

The scope of application of the material may vary significantly. The technology for laying geotextiles depends on the purpose of its use. We invite you to get acquainted with the main areas of application of geotextiles.

Geotextiles in house construction: main areas of use

Geotextiles are widely used in the construction of buildings for various purposes. In construction, this material is used in construction and formation. We invite you to get acquainted with these areas in more detail.

Geotextiles for foundations: main functions

The use of geotextile allows you to increase the strength characteristics of the foundation of the house, ensure a more uniform distribution of the load, and prevent soil deformation. The choice of geotextile suitable for the foundation is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the soil on which the structure is erected, as well as design features the building itself. The optimal range is 150-400 g/m². For a device it is worth choosing a material with the lowest density, for a shallow-depth one - with the highest.

Geotextile for roof

Most often, geotextiles are used when arranging inversion type roofing. On such a roof, you can subsequently arrange a recreation area. Installation work performed in the following sequence:

  • a bitumen waterproofing layer is installed on a monolithic base or concrete slab;
  • a drainage system is installed to remove excess moisture;
  • mounted ;
  • geotextiles are laid;
  • a sand-cement cushion is formed, on which a layer of earth is then laid or poured.

Geotextiles for drainage: important points

Excess water on the site can have a negative impact on the foundation of the building and harm plants, shrubs, and trees. Harmful effects can be prevented by installing a drainage system that includes storage and drainage systems placed in gravel.

Long-term operation of such a system can cause silting of pipes and subsidence of the soil. Using geotextiles for drainage, you can prevent negative consequences due to the high filtration properties of the material. To do this:

  • a trench is prepared;
  • a layer of crushed stone is poured under the geotextile;
  • geotextile is covered;
  • a second layer of gravel is poured, inside which elements of the drainage system are located;
  • the free edges of the agrofibre are connected to each other with an overlap of 30-60 cm;
  • a layer of soil is poured.

To install a high-quality drainage system, you should choose a synthetic material that has a tensile strength of 100-600 kN/m², a density of 100-250 g/m² and a filtration coefficient of more than 50 m³/day.

Geotextiles in road construction

The material is used in the construction of highways. The special structure of the canvas prevents mixing of different layers of sand and gravel. As a result, the reliability of the cushion placed under the asphalt increases and a more uniform distribution of the load on the roadway created by moving vehicles is ensured.

The high filtration characteristics of the material prevent the appearance of dips and potholes due to premature leaching of the components of the sand-cement cushion. The service life of the highway increases by 1.5 times.

The density of geotextiles for a road depends on the intensity of its use. Canvas of 200-350 g/cm² is used. The latter is used more often.

Geotextiles for garden paths: increasing service life

To increase service life and make it presentable appearance garden paths Geotextiles are widely used. If it is present, it is possible to prevent soil subsidence and the appearance of irregularities and bumps on the surface. To do this, agrofibre is laid between a gravel bed and the soil. As a result, not only will the mixing of layers and the growth of various plants be prevented, but also a uniform distribution of the operating load will be ensured, as well as a rapid outflow of water.

Attention! The use of non-woven material when constructing paths in areas with soft soil can increase their strength characteristics.

Geotextiles for artificial reservoirs

The bottom of a fountain or pond is often formed using geotextile. It allows you to ensure reliable insulation of the base and improve its strength characteristics. Decorative stones are often used to fix a small one laid out on the bottom.

Attention! The geotextile helps stabilize the shoreline, further preventing the growth of unwanted plants.

Geotextiles for garden beds

A fairly common use case. Geotextiles in gardening can be used for growing seedlings, separating neighboring ones, forming flower beds, and insulating plant roots. To prevent excessive growth of the roots of planted shrubs or trees, geofabric is laid in the prepared hole. In winter, young trees are covered with canvas to prevent them from freezing. Agrofibre laid on the ground helps prevent excessive weed growth and moisture evaporation.

We invite you to watch a video that explains how to properly lay geotextiles:

Leading geotextile manufacturers

The performance characteristics of the material largely depend on the technology used by the manufacturing company. When choosing high-quality geotextiles, pay attention to the products:

  • "TechnoNIKOL". The polyester needle-punched materials offered by the manufacturer have a density of 100-200 g/cm². Supplied in rolls of 2-6 m;
  • "Texpol". The density of the geotextile can be 150-600 g/cm²;
  • Kanvalan, which produces polypropylene needle-punched fibers;
  • Geotex, which offers similar products;
  • "Polyleft" from the Austrian concern;
  • "Nomatex". The density of the proposed geotextile reaches 800 g/cm²;
  • "Pinema" from a Belarusian manufacturer;
  • "Taipar". Products from Luxembourg, manufactured using original methods, have high operational loads.

It is also worth paying attention to products from other manufacturers, which have earned positive reviews.

Review of Megaflex geotextiles:

More details on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_3908036.html

Geotextile Megaflex

Review of Komitex geotextiles:

More details on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4962358.html

Geotextile Komitex

How much does geotextile cost - overview of prices per m²

The price per m² depends on the density and manufacturer of geotextiles. The denser the material, the more expensive it will cost to purchase.

Share in the comments whether you have figured out the features of the geotextile, what it is and where it can be used, and whether you had to use it when decorating your personal plot.

Today, the construction of roads, airfields and buildings, as well as drainage and gardening work, cannot be done without geotextiles. Initially, the material was used only to prevent mixing of different layers of substances - today geotextiles are also widely used for drainage and reinforcement. This is a moisture-resistant, durable material that is resistant to decay and aggressive environments, which today is produced in a wide range. Geotextiles differ mainly in strength, production technology and the type of material used for its manufacture, which largely determines its properties and scope of application. How to choose geotextiles for drainage, landscaping or path construction? What types of geotextiles exist, and which manufacturers offer truly high-quality products? We will understand all the nuances of the right purchase.

No. 1. Geotextile production technology and its properties

Geotextiles, one of the types of geosynthetics, are made from synthetic raw materials and are often used polyester and polypropylene threads, other polymers and fiberglass. The method of producing geotextiles and, consequently, the main qualities of the finished material and its scope of application depend on the source raw materials.

The most durable geotextile It is obtained from polyester and polypropylene threads. You can also find on sale a material made from mixed threads, the production of which uses waste from the textile industry. If threads of cotton or wool were mixed in, then such material is not particularly suitable for drainage work, as it wears out quickly, but for garden work it is quite suitable. If the manufacturer used glass inclusions, then the strength of such geotextiles will be excellent.

According to the production method, geotextiles are divided into the following types::

No. 2. Types of geotextiles: geofabric and geotextile

Geotextiles are divided into two groups:

  • geotextile;
  • geotextile.

Geotextile made by knitting and stitching method. Threads of different strengths (1-3 mm thick) are intertwined at right angles, which makes it possible to achieve strength and elasticity, but the final strength directly depends on the density of the fibers and the distance between them. The geotextile is elastic, tensile strength (withstands up to 1000 kN/m2) and has a low water permeability. It is used for reinforcing and increasing the bearing capacity of soil during the construction of roads, airfields, solid waste landfills, as well as for the organization of steep slopes, and in landscape design.

Geotextile– a non-woven material that is produced by needle-punched or thermally bonded methods from polyester, viscose, polyamide, polypropylene or other polymer fibers. This material is characterized by low strength, but decent elasticity and water permeability, so geotextile is widely used for drainage, filtration and as a separator between different layers.

No. 3. Density of geotextiles and areas of application

Density is the most important parameter of geotextiles, on which the degree of elasticity and water permeability depends. Density is selected based on depending on the type of soil and the purpose of the work performed:

In private construction, there is no point in using expensive dense material - geotextiles with a density of 200 g/m2 are called universal, which can be used to organize a drainage system and carry out most landscaping work. In conditions of unstable soils, it is recommended that drainage be carried out entirely with geotextiles of 300 g/m2, and simple landscaping work can be carried out with material with a density of 100 g/m2.

Geotextiles are produced in rolls with a width of 2 to 5.2 m with material winding from 30 to 130 linear meters. You should choose based on the scale of the work being carried out, so that as little waste as possible remains. Rolls are packaged in black polyethylene film with protection from ultraviolet rays - its integrity is extremely important.

No. 4. Choosing geotextiles for drainage

When a country house is located in a lowland, an area of ​​high groundwater, or in close proximity to a natural reservoir, it is necessary to protect the area from the negative effects of seasonal rises in groundwater levels. They can lead to leaching of soil from underneath and the formation of voids, which can have catastrophic consequences. Besides, increased level soil moisture may harm some fruit trees And ornamental shrubs. To prevent such an outcome, it is necessary to develop a drainage system in which geotextiles play an important role.

The drainage system consists of pipes and a storage well. Drainage pipes are placed in a layer of gravel, which can gradually silt up with soil and sink into the soil. To prevent this from happening, geotextiles are needed, which in this case plays the role of a filter and ensures the stability of the entire system. The principle of arranging drainage is to create a trench, fill it with a layer of gravel approximately 15-20 cm and lay geotextiles on it. After this, another layer of gravel with a thickness of about 20-25 cm is poured, and the drainage pipes. The remains of the geotextile overlap each other, and the trench is filled with previously excavated soil.

Experts recommend removing geotextiles from the packaging only before direct use and filling them up as soon as possible after installation, since ultraviolet rays I have a detrimental effect on the material. Lay the material freely, without tension or folds, with an overlap of 30-60 cm.

Regarding which geotextile is better for drainage, needle-punched or heat-bonded, experts hold diametrically opposed opinions. Fans of needle-punched geotextiles say that glued geotextiles do not have sufficient throughput and can only be used on rocky soils. Other experts recommend heat-bonded, recalling that it is usually used for drainage in private construction in Europe, and that it does not become clogged with soil so quickly. In domestic conditions, needle-punched geotextiles are most often used for these purposes.

To ensure high-quality drainage and durability of the entire system, the material must be:

No. 5. Geotextiles for roads and sidewalks

In the construction of roads and sidewalks, geotextiles are used as reinforcing and separating layer. It prevents siltation of the bulk layer, ensures uniform distribution of the load, and does not allow the formation of failures when passing heavy equipment. If you do not use geotextiles during road construction, then under the influence of groundwater and rain flows, the roadbed will quickly sag under trucks. Moreover, geotextiles make it possible to lay highways in areas with weak-bearing and soft soil, which is especially important given the long length of roads. In areas where there is a high risk of mudflows, it makes sense to use a geogrid layer, which has more pronounced reinforcing properties, instead of geotextiles.

Geotextiles are indispensable for arrangement of pedestrian paths, in particular those laid with tiles or paving stones. Without a layer of geotextile, the ground under the tiles will gradually wash out and sag under the influence of rain flows, and the durability of the coating is unlikely to exceed 8-10 years - the use of geotextiles can solve this problem. Under paving slabs it is necessary to remove the layer of soil, compact the bottom well, cover it with a layer of 5-7 cm, and then lay geotextiles, on top of which pour quarry sand - the base for laying the tiles. The geotextile serves as both drainage and layer separator. For pedestrian sidewalk roads, choose a material with a density of 150-200 g/m2.

No. 6. Geotextiles in landscape design

In gardening and landscape work, geotextiles have found wide distribution and are used for the following purposes:

  • when constructing artificial reservoirs to strengthen walls, protect slopes from water erosion and to protect the waterproofing layer from damage. In this case, it is better to take heat-bonded material with a density of 250-400 g/m2;
  • for growing varieties of plants and trees, which cannot grow on the site due to the fact that the soil is too alkaline or clayey. In this case, at the planting site, a layer of soil is removed to the depth of the future root system, geotextiles are laid and covered on top with the soil that is suitable for growing the desired plant variety. The geotextile will act as a barrier;
  • when arranging paths made from wood chips, sand, gravel or grass, geotextiles with a density of 150-300 g/m2 will perform barrier and drainage functions, preventing the layers from mixing and sinking after rain;
  • to protect planted seeds from birds. The soil is simply covered with this material; it is important to take geotextiles with a minimum density so that it allows the sun and moisture to pass through;
  • for the construction of greenhouses and greenhouses.

No. 7. Geotextiles in private construction

In private suburban construction, as well as in large-scale residential construction, it is already difficult to do without geotextiles. It is used:

  • when laying out the foundation to give it greater strength, protection from negative factors, to evenly distribute the load on the ground and prevent soil deformation. Density is chosen from 150 to 400 g/m2, and more exact value depends on the type of soil and the house. For example, for a pile-screw foundation, a material of minimum density is required, and for a shallow foundation and others - it is denser;

No. 8. Large geotextile manufacturers

The choice of geotextiles on the Russian market is huge and it is represented by products domestic and foreign manufacturers. To choose geotextiles of appropriate quality, it is better to pay attention to the products of companies with a name, which in itself is already a guarantee of quality. You can trust the products of the following geotextile manufacturers:

In addition, the products of the domestic company OJSC performed well. Montem"(non-woven geotextile), Austrian Pollifelt, international concern " FreudenbergPolitex"and British manufacturer Terram. When purchasing, be sure to carefully study the packaging, which contains all the characteristics of the product, and do not forget to think about the method of transportation in advance: small rolls can be taken away in a passenger car, but rolls with a width of 4.3 m or more will be more problematic to deliver.

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