What does the Algiz rune mean? Algiz - rune of protection! your shield from any attack on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels! What does the Algiz rune protect against?

Runa Algiz(Algiz ) has several meanings: it is a reed bristling with branches (in Old German alga - sedge), and an antlered elk (älg in Swedish). It is also compared to a mighty tree, its branches stretching towards the sun, and to the wings of warlike Valkyrie maidens. Some researchers correlate it with the god Heimdall, the guardian of the rainbow bridge Bifrost between the world of people and Asgard - the world of gods, or aesir.

Rune Algiz (algiz) is the fifteenth Futhark rune.

Algiz is the fifteenth Futhark rune. Even people not familiar with the Northern Tradition have probably seen amulets with it at least once. Galdrastavs based on it are very beautiful: they look like exquisite openwork snowflakes, which is probably why they deserve their popularity.

Rune Algiz is a rune of protection , it protects the owner from all troubles, and above all, from attacks by enemies.

The meaning of the direct rune

If in the scenario it appears rune Algiz, its meaning in upright position- security and caution. It protects against danger in precisely this way: by warning about it in advance. The meaning of the direct rune is the coming changes, during which you need to remain calm, keep your emotions under control and be fully armed. She calls for close attention to the situation.

Algiz - how road sign warning the traveler: “Attention! You are entering dangerous territory! Anything can happen ahead - be on your guard." However, these dangers will not necessarily threaten humans. He who is forewarned is forearmed, and even encountered enemies will prefer to bypass such a traveler. This is also the protection of the Higher Powers, the help of the gods. In the Armanic tradition this is the rune of life , it is associated with conception, pregnancy and motherhood. In addition, it points to the need to strive for the highest, the divine: those who overcome themselves and try to become better receive the help of the gods.

The meaning of the reversed rune

If the Algiz rune appears upside down, this is a harbinger of alarming events. Perhaps the fortuneteller is about to face a number of serious troubles. He is left without protection, and enemies can strike from an ambush! In the Northumbrian Futhark there is a calc rune, very similar to an inverted Algiz - this is a symbol of death. It vaguely resembles a funeral pyre or an inverted ritual cup from which something flows - perhaps the life force of a person. The meaning of the inverted Algiz rune is refusal or deprivation of help, protection of the gods, vulnerability, deception. You shouldn’t go ahead, it’s better to bypass the obstacle. When it is impossible to act directly, you need to be flexible - otherwise you can break. Also, inverted Algiz has the meaning that you should not do business with this person or accept a dubious offer.

Analogue of the rune in Slavic culture

Reconstructors of Slavic runes include two similar runes in their system:

  • Peace is a straight rune, symbolizing the World Tree. She is responsible for order and harmony of both the external world and the inner spiritual essence of man, and also gives the protection of the gods.

  • Chernobog - inverted, associated with the deity of Chaos and destruction, means the desire to break old ties, exit from any closed system and relationships.

Use of the Algiz rune in magic

For magical purposes, Algiz is used to protect oneself and one’s home, including to repel directed negative magical influences, such as damage and the evil eye. This The magic symbol provides the strongest protection against any dangers and energy attacks. In addition, it helps to reveal your own magical potential, receive the protection of higher powers, and develop creative abilities. It helps to maintain a connection with a spiritual mentor and covers vulnerabilities in a person’s energy structure. In addition, it gives good luck and helps to regain inspiration and good spirits.

Inverted - cuts off any attachments, channels, helps get rid of larvae and other settlers. If the straight line Algiz mirrors the negative, then the reverse position of the rune extinguishes, destroys other people's influence. It also cleanses the magician of energy traces of his own witchcraft, cleanses him of light negativity, the evil eye and similar things.

For love and relationships

In the relationship chart, Algiz is in direct position may mean that the chosen one is not yet ready for contact: he shows distrust and is afraid. It takes time for relationships to become warmer. The meaning of the rune in love - caution. This could also be advice not to rush, losing your head, into the pool of love, to take a closer look at the person.


  1. Odal(Otala) - possessive love, jealousy;
  2. Kennaz- a person was wounded in love and is afraid to enter into a relationship again so as not to experience pain;
  3. Perth- with external coldness, the partner experiences deep feelings that he does not show for the time being;
  4. Berkana- for a man, indicates the need to more clearly demonstrate masculine qualities, to protect and protect, for a woman - advice to exercise reasonable caution;
  5. Uruz- you can rely on a person, he will lend his shoulder in time, behind him, “like behind a stone wall.”

Reverse position , unfortunately, means that love has faded away and all relationships between people are over.

For business and work

In financial matters, the most relevant advice is not to trust what they say, to be on your guard, as there is a danger of being deceived and losing money. The principle “Trust but verify” should be followed.


  1. Fehu- you can make a good profit, but there is a risk, it is advisable to minimize it;
  2. Soulu- a profitable business, but requiring constant monitoring and strict boundaries;
  3. Nautiz- you should not have any business with this partner, it will bring only problems and need;
  4. Gebo- mutually beneficial partnership, strong business relations;
  5. Laguz- excessive caution interferes with the flow, perhaps it is worth loosening control a little.

The inverted position reduces any undertakings to nothing, or warns that you should not even take on this matter. A negative answer to all questions related to money.

To your health

Algiz in a health reading warns that you need to take care of yourself: so far everything is good, but additional care will not hurt. You need to strengthen your immune system, start eating right, and check the condition of your body. Otherwise, the disease will strike suddenly at the most inopportune moment.


  1. Soulu- head, vision;
  2. Laguz- blood and excretory system;
  3. Berkana/Inguz- women's/men's health;
  4. Kennaz- complications after injuries or possible inflammation;
  5. Uruz- immunity, muscles and bones;
  6. Evaz- legs;
  7. Yera- digestion;
  8. Eyvaz- spine.

It should be remembered that fortune telling about your health must be confirmed by diagnostic results from a doctor.

Against this background, the inverted Azlgiz looks frightening, but it can only mean a loss of strength, for example, due to overwork, severe fatigue, or after a serious illness. However, in this state, health is vulnerable and it takes some time to restore normal physical condition.

Why do you need an amulet with the Algiz rune?

Amulet, talisman, amulet - objects of power on which you can depict both a single sign and a galdrastav.

The most famous of the Galdrastavs with this rune is Aegishjalm, or Helm of Terror. It has several varieties, the simplest of which is eight runes aimed at different sides. Multiple repetitionenhances the effectAlgiz gives protection in all directions. The warrior of ancient Scandinavia had to depict this sign on his forehead to intimidate the enemy. He was also depicted on a helmet, shield, and armor. Similar staves were used against witchcraft, against death and pestilence of livestock. Currently, aegisjalm is still the most popular protective amulet. It is carved on wood, engraved on metal and worn around the neck.

An amulet with a separate rune is worn to establish a connection with the gods and develop abilities, as well as increase vigilance.

Is it worth getting a tattoo with the Algiz rune?

Runic tattoo is a popular trend in recent years, when the Northern Tradition came into fashion thanks to Hollywood films and TV series. Tattoos with a single rune are rarely made, but the Helm of Horror, thanks to its beauty and harmonious proportions, is often used as decoration. It is often applied to their bodies by people who have little understanding of the Northern tradition. This sign looks very strange on the ample chest of a young model and even on the biceps of a strong man. Is it possible to get a tattoo with runic signs? Yes, if there is a clear understanding of why it is needed. Applying runic tattoos for fun only causes laughter and bewilderment among practitioners and researchers of the Northern Tradition.

Algiz warns against rash actions and advises establishing connections with higher powers, since their support may be needed in a difficult situation. It indicates the need to be as collected as possible and not lose concentration.

We must remember that the gods help only those whom they deem worthy of help, and for this you need to do a lot on your own.

Algiz, translated from ancient languages, means reed. This is the support and patronage of the Higher Powers, a symbol of the Scandinavian god Heimdal, who is the Guardian of the Gods, protecting the World from attacks by dark forces.

What does the Algiz rune mean:

  • Symbolizes a person with his hands raised to heaven. The rune is similar to the astrological sign Zodiac sign Pisces also the patron of this constellation, Neptune.
  • The reed obeys the slightest breath of the Wind. This is a river of above-ground energy, which is connected to the higher will, so it can be deceptive. The fortuneteller who receives it must be like a reed.
  • This auspicious sign. The main thing is to correctly understand its meaning, but heavy runes may come next, for example, Perth.

Unlike the others, it predicts not material, but spiritual acquisition.

The magical designation conveys information to the human Spirit, but not to its vessel.

Straight position

This is a strong protection that has the significance of a bridge between people and gods. With such help, a person can withstand any test. The power of Algiz is enormous, so in ancient times it was carved on the human body or engraved on military weapons.

Given magic sign encourages you to trust your intuition. In a difficult situation, when a person has a difficult choice, a signal will be given from above about what needs to be done and what decision is correct.

Magic protection is another action of this runic symbol. The upright position indicates that the individual has a strong amulet or some kind of amulet that protects against various troubles.

In everyday life, it is important to have a strong friendship with a person who has a wonderful character and a great sense of humor. Be sure to pay attention if there are:

  • Turiaz. Then the meaning changes to an extraordinary, unexpected gift of fate.
  • Soul. Shows that a person is capable of achieving his goal.
  • Berkana. Testifies to a reliable and indestructible “rear” in the form of a family that will always support.

Algiz is also a talisman against physical danger. At some point there will be a risk, but it can be successfully avoided. Or circumstances will arise in the future that pose a health hazard. If you are paired with Raido, then most likely it will be related to transport.

Reverse or inverted position

The Algiz rune inverted symbolizes:

  • vulnerability;
  • senseless self-sacrifice;
  • the fortuneteller does not know something because he himself is mistaken or someone is deceiving him;
  • the person asking someone from his environment devotes a lot of time, but does not receive any return;
  • Someone is trying to fool the person who is being told fortunes and make him the culprit of all the troubles, even if he has nothing to do with it.

Gives you the opportunity to change the situation and benefit from it. So, in combination with Feu, it will predict financial benefits, but what remains unknown is whether the fortuneteller will be able to succeed.

Interpretation in amorous affairs

Description and meaning in love in direct location This symbol can be interpreted as the need to see in the second half not only an object for carnal entertainment, but also a friend who would always understand and share common moral principles and spiritual quests.

The Scandinavian rune Algiz in relationships says:

  • about a connection that is based on trust and a sense of unity between partners;
  • about reconciliation, which will either be in the near future or is already underway.

If it comes up in a combination:

  • with Teyvaz - victory over an opponent;
  • with Inguz - romantic meetings will end with a marriage proposal.

Reversed designation

In love and relationships, the rune in reverse warns against making new acquaintances, much less new close connections. She indicates that the future partner will have personal motives. The questioner will not be able to understand this quickly.

  • In combination with Uruz, it foretells that the other half will impose their views on the fortuneteller.
  • In combination with Ansuz, it says that the questioner listens strongly to the advice of his lover or beloved.

If on at the moment If the fortuneteller has a person striving for favor, then there is no need to encourage signs of attention, because after a certain time it turns out that this person’s character is not as good as thought.

Is tattooing allowed?

Despite the fact that this is a symbol of protection, runologists do not recommend applying it to people who rarely work with this type of fortune telling. The rune carries great energy, which will have a strong impact on the life of its owner.

Interpretation of Algiz on human body will change depending on the position in which others will see her.

It has both direct and inverted meanings, which will have a negative impact. Every time the tattoo turns over, situations in life will change.

How and when to use

It is allowed to be applied:

  • on a wooden board;
  • on a metal plate;
  • on the stone.

It is allowed to carve a hieroglyph on a wooden base, but not to burn it, as there is a belief that this method will harm the soul of the tree.

The runic sign is used in extreme cases. If a person finds himself in dangerous situation can be drawn on the body with a ballpoint pen, or on a foggy window or with a dry branch on the ground. If you want to protect yourself from evil spirits the amulet is scratched or engraved on silver jewelry.

It can be embroidered on clothes, but so that prying eyes cannot see it. This will be universal protection against physical dangers and energy attacks. When embroidering, it is recommended to use red thread.

Algiz and astrology

A person born between October 23 and November 7, that is, at the beginning of the zodiac constellation Scorpio, is under the protection of Higher Powers. In this case, this runic sign will help open up new perspectives, and drastic positive changes will constantly occur in life. But only if a person born under this sign tries to correct his negative traits.

People under her auspices want to know themselves and discover hidden talents, but before doing this they need to stand confidently on the ground so as not to lose their balance. They have a strong instinct for self-expression. They are used to spinning around to improve their well-being. If they sense danger, they instinctively defend themselves.

It is not easy to harm people under the auspices of this rune symbol, since they have a great potential for vital energy. It is she who protects the personal aura and strengthens determination.

It promotes:

  • the emergence of creative ideas and their development;
  • searching for hidden sources of energy when facing any difficulties;
  • deviation is a bad influence;
  • gaining balance during times of stress.

If a person does prohibited acts to please his own bad habits, he loses his restraint and composure. People who fall under the protection of the Algiz rune should avoid bad habits.

You definitely need to be scrupulous about your mental health so that there are no problems in the future. They need to learn to be moderate, courteous, and loyal. This is how it will be possible to resist the dangers and attacks of negativity from the outside.


The meaning of the Algiz rune is power. But not simple, but the highest, divine. This force stands on the side of a person and is ready to fight for him. Protection from danger, helps to get out of the water “dry”. Represents friendship with higher powers. Thanks to this, a person gains the power of premonition.

The runic symbol is elk and reed. Also, her interpretation shows that the person is raising his hands to the sky. He prays to the gods for help. No matter what difficult situation befalls a person, the gods will help him. The protection of higher powers will protect you from troubles and misfortunes. Rune Algiz is a powerful protector. It is used as an amulet that protects from troubles.

The meaning of the direct rune

A favorable description of the rune suggests that a person has all the “ingredients” for victory. An important point in actions, is the direction of energy in the right direction. Once you understand this, you can achieve what you want faster than ever. Higher powers will help by sending the necessary thoughts. It is important to listen to your inner voice. Intuition is now in first place. In this way, any unpleasant consequences can be avoided.

In this position, Algiz shows that the fortuneteller will soon have a strong patron. This person's help will be invaluable. Obstacles that seem incomprehensible will crumble under his power. Fears, worries and deception will pass by.

Key words:

  • protecting yourself and others
  • hold on to what was rightfully earned
  • a signal to ward off evil
  • temple, sanctuary
  • desire for the Divine
  • a strong symbol of protection from negative forces or energies
  • help,
  • warning
  • support
  • mentor or teacher

In Norse mythology, Heimdale is a guardian and protector. He is an observer standing at the gate to guard the borders between worlds. Its energy can be used for attack or defense, depending on the situation.

The traditional meaning is "protection". This symbol represents our subconscious desire to protect ourselves from harm.

In the physical world, Algiz symbolizes a weapon of defense, such as a sword. IN spiritual world it represents faith in oneself and the gods, in that which is beyond our perception.

When the symbol appears in a reading, you may feel a desire to protect yourself and your loved ones. You may feel the need to follow your instincts, to be safe. This may indicate that you have a desire to escape from everything. Or that help will come from an unexpected source.

When Algiz appears in a prediction, she says that although your path ahead may have obstacles, you are well protected. You will be safe in all your actions and emotions, the main thing is to remain aware and not rush. Now is not the time to be calm.

The meaning of the reversed rune

It's time to sound the alarm! After all, this warning is sent to a person in order to realize in time the state in which he finds himself. This is a bad omen. This suggests that the fortuneteller found himself in the treacherous clutches of an evil fate. Those around him wear masks, there are lies and slander all around. You need to be careful, because a wrong step can be a step into the abyss.

You should take a closer look at the situation to avoid falling into the “cage” of lies. After all, insufficient attention to what is happening can cause deep wounds. Even if it seems that nothing terrible is coming, this is just the calm before the storm. You need to be alert. Otherwise, you can become guilty without guilt. The consequences may be irreversible.

Key words:

  • Hidden danger
  • loss of divine link
  • warning

This is a warning to proceed with caution. You should not take steps rashly or hastily. You may be vulnerable to hostile influences at this time, so it is important to focus on building your physical, emotional and spiritual strength before moving forward.

Reversed Algiz is a sign that there are hidden dangers ahead. Poor health can take a toll. It can also represent a warning that it is important to get a second (or third) opinion before committing to anything important.

Algiz in magic

It is used in magic in several cases:

  1. To protect against trouble.
  2. As a protection for yourself and your loved ones.
  3. To protect property, movable and immovable.
  4. In order to protect friendly and love relationship from " evil eye", quarrels and other troubles.
  5. Helps develop inner potential and gives outlet for ideas.

To activate magical power, you need to apply the runic sign in an upright position on the prepared amulet. It can be made from wood or stone. To protect your home, the sign can be painted directly on the floor or walls. It can be hidden from prying eyes under a carpet or a picture. To protect yourself and your loved ones, you should make amulets-pendants. It is acceptable to apply the Algiz sign directly to the body.

Algiz in different areas

In love

Fate sends along a person with strong charisma and developed sensitivity. An absolutely selfless, pure and strong personality. With such a partner it is easy to go through life, to feel protected and protected. This is a real gift.

Also, promising acquaintances with interesting people are possible. By establishing friendly or business relationships with them, you can move forward with the implementation of your plans. Their bright minds, ideology and creativity will help them develop together.

In health

Everything will be fine if the questioner receives the rune in an upright position. Its meaning indicates that health is in good shape. At a time of high probability of contracting an infection, a successful combination of circumstances will protect you from this scourge. But you shouldn’t relax, just strengthen your immunity. With effort, your health will last for many years.

When receiving a rune warning in an inverted position, you need to think about your health. Maybe it's time to leave bad habits, start a new one and healthy life. Circumstances may result in an unexpected decline in health, a person is warned about this from above. If you ignore this warning, you may pay dearly.

In progress

Go forward and almost straight ahead! Like a moose rushing through the thicket of forests. Good time for career growth. Troubles run away, but success comes. The positive influence of business partners will play into the fortuneteller’s hands.

In a negative scenario, you should be careful. After all, this is the first indicator that a “set-up” is being prepared. You shouldn't trust everyone. Attentiveness and slowness in making decisions will help you get around sharp corners.


The time has come when things are successful. Past failures recede and light appears. The long and thorny path will be rewarded with victory. Storms can knock you down, but that won't stop you from reaching the top.


Algiz: detailed description

Algiz depicts a newborn person, the moment of birth, as well as any other time in human life. This rune connects top and bottom, front and back. It represents a human antenna.

When Algiz appears, it is a sign that you need to be aware of your boundaries and perhaps ask for protection from above. When she appears with Eyvaz or Pert, it's a sign that you need additional protection for any mental work you do. When it drops from Gebo, it may indicate the need for protection from energy vampirism.

Eliminated value

The shape of the Algiz rune resembles the antlers of an elk. We can also associate it with a person who stands with his hands up, asking for protection and help.


Gender: male

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Tarot: moon

Archangels: Cassiel and Michael

Chakras: root

Health: head and brain, bones

Key phrase: "Although your path may be fraught with danger, you have the power of protection within you."

Color: gold

Herb: angelica

Stone: amethyst, agate

Wood: yew

Element: air

Animal: moose

Gods: Valkyryur, Heimdal, Valkyren

Magic effects

  • Protection
  • Strengthening vitality
  • Communication in general
  • Exposing illusions and foreign proposals
  • Amulets against scope limitation
  • Talismans for wealth, information and wisdom
  • Use to enhance self-healing and healing of others
  • General strengthening of vital forces
  • Can be used to properly supply energy. Strengthen strength and luck.
  • To ease the mind and release blockages that cause stress and headaches. Used to strengthen the entire body.

Divine meanings

Protection, boundaries, seeking, courage, strong faith, overcoming temptation

Reversed: lack of boundaries, warning of the need for protection, separation from the Source, defeat, yielding to temptation.

Relationships: Be mindful of boundaries, respect yourself and others. IN reverse position means codependency, psychic vampirism, someone who reads email your partner or text messages.

Health/wellness: good posture, bone healing - Reverse posture: slouching, brittle bones.

Business: ambitious enterprise, inspired enterprise, security companies, security guards, firewalls, IT security

Reversed: Information leaks, untrustworthy business partner, theft, uninspired ventures, hackers, industrial espionage

Healing tips from Algiz

Take the rune to enhance energy and protection. Use your breath to connect Heaven and Earth with your body. Improvise with in various ways to do circular breathing that makes you feel safe.

Draw it in four quarters, invoking the protection of Archangel Michael.

To create a feeling of stability and protection, focus on the energy in your root chakra and connect it with a mental cord to the center of the earth.


  • I am completely protected by the forces of Love and Light.
  • God always dwells in me, wherever I am.
  • I'm safe.
  • I have healthy boundaries in all of my close relationships.
  • I respect the boundaries of others.
  • I'm brave.


Great Spirit, thank you for sending me Archangel Michael and his guardian angels to watch over me now and protect me from evil.

Help me to realize that I can always call on angelic help, and when I do, it comes instantly. Grant me the courage to overcome my fears when faced with adversity. I know that I'm never alone. You are with me. Amen!


This rune forms a bridge between human and divine consciousness. The rune gives protection, helps create a safe space, gives strength to better cope with the difficulties of real life.

Elk and rune

For northern residents, moose are a powerful, protective totem animal. Anyone who wears this rune is protected from negative attacks and threats of all kinds. The rune symbolizes the elk. His horns were an antenna for the subtle vibrations of all living beings in the environment.

The moose is a protector not only because it senses danger, but also because it is fast, so this symbol is a powerful ally; it helps to find a safe path in difficult times.

Look at your situation from an objective point of view and try to understand what is real now. Review your problem and try to live here and now. First of all, stop feeling sorry for yourself. In the current situation, the energy for all subsequent actions and experiences lies in awareness. If you remain aware, you will receive protection.

Timely action and correct behavior are the only real protection. When pain occurs, observe it without turning away. Don't try to hide facts and avoid life. You are on the path of progress and knowledge is your best defense.

In reverse: take care of your own health and do not add importance to other people. When you deal with people who exploit you, you should always be aware of it and take responsibility. Then you can benefit from this situation.

Whether your business succeeds or fails, you don't have to worry too much: even if you don't succeed, you never have to be a loser because you can learn from everything that happens.

The question of how to apply runes to the body and whether it can be done is one of the key questions in runic magic. Sacred ancient signs are the most powerful occult tool, which, when the right approach will give any result, and if incorrect, it will cause serious problems.

In the article:

How to apply runes to the body and in what ways this can be done

Runes that are drawn on the skin are a serious aspect of working with sacred symbols. Traditions were practiced where the corresponding culture was developed. Incorrect application, non-compliance with safety precautions and carelessness will be the reasons serious problems in all areas of life.

Drawing symbols in different ways, the most radical of which is tattooing or scarring. Warriors, leaders, storytellers, erili and priests often used this method of drawing symbols. The procedure helped direct life in a certain direction, to take their own Path, which the signs obliged them to follow until their death.

There were other ways of applying marks to the skin. The Vikings used ocher and henna for temporary tattoos. Henna tattoos are made easier and faster. The procedure will take no more than a few hours, taking into account the preparation and application of the composition.

Short-lived designs are not suitable for solving short-term issues - the time during which henna is washed out of the skin is several weeks. In a short period of time, runes seriously influence life, especially if their power is not needed to resolve issues.

For short-term relief of mystical signs, less durable options for their application are used: water-based paints, gouache or watercolor. They try to choose a composition that is easily washed off and harmless to the skin.

Is it possible to apply runes on the body - dangers and precautions of the procedure

When asked whether it is possible to apply runes to the body, they answer with a quote from the Tale of Egil:

Rune shouldn't cut
Someone who doesn't understand them.
In strange signs
Anyone can go astray.

Scandinavian runes tattoo

They don’t take on work if the master doesn’t understand their essence. They do not apply runes if they are not aware of the possible effects of the procedure (even when choosing a non-eternal design).

Tattoos are often found among neo-pagans. The practice is dangerous: not everyone who resorts to scarring understands the meaning and power hidden in the ancient signs. Even the safest rune will turn into evil if its meaning is misinterpreted. It is impossible to get rid of the influence of the symbol - the tattoo remains for life. Caution is exercised when working with individual signs and when applying runic words and combinations. The rule applies to all Scandinavian and pagan signs, for example, .

When applied to the body, runes work effectively, radically changing events. If you know how to use a specific sign, understanding its essence, there will be no problems with tattoos or temporary designs. If you want to get a runic tattoo, good option- circle Elder Futhark. Signs depicted in the form of a circle do not have a specific effect on the object of influence. With a tattoo, a person feels each symbol better and works easier with ancient symbols.

What runes can be applied to the body

Any runes are applied to the body: each sign provides tools to cope with the problem. There are a number of symbols whose power is not recommended for beginners in runic magic. Applying powerful marks to the body is dangerous in the wrong hands.

Dangerous runes: Hagalaz, Isa and Nautiz. Experts in the northern tradition call them signs of corruption. Be careful with the symbols of Turisaz, Perth, Soulu. Thurisaz requires control of power, but the sign is used if a person is engaged in meditation, trying to learn lucid dreaming or other magical practices. Perth radically changes life in one moment - it is a sign of complete rebirth. Soulu, although considered a symbol of the Sun, burns with flame a person who does not know how to use her power.

There are runes that cannot harm in certain situations. He will improve relations with his beloved Gebo. For success in financial matters they use Fekha, for negotiations and solving complex intellectual issues - Ansuz. Pregnant women are recommended to use the Berkan sign during pregnancy. Inguz will help men with sexual function problems.

Knowing which runes can be applied to the body, it is easy to cope with difficulties. The signs are given a clear task. They erase symbols from the body, achieving the fulfillment of a dream.

How to correctly apply runes on the body and which hand to draw them on

Teyvaz or stone hand

To know how to correctly apply runes on the body, remember simple tips and the principles underlying runic magic.

The signs are made with red paint. Traditionally, a drop of blood is added to its composition. Runologists, in particular Edred Thorsson, they believe that the ritual activates the work of signs.

Symbols are often applied to the hand. There is no answer to the question of which hand to apply runes to, except in situations where the power of the design is related to the working hand. For example, a person in the military profession puts the Teyvaz sign on right hand. To ensure the success of the transaction, the businessman applies Feha to the hand he uses to sign the contract.

The order in which the runes are written and their orientation are important. Signs are drawn on the body so that they can be read by a person looking from the outside. The body acts as a “canvas” on which symbols are drawn.

Applying runes to the body - classic way working with symbols. You should not use their power indiscriminately without fully understanding it. The consequences of thoughtless use are catastrophic.

The Algiz rune literally translates as “Protection” or “divine protector”. Therefore, it is a very strong protective rune: it is used to make powerful amulets, as well as in fortune telling. But this is not the only meaning.

Photo of the rune:

By the way!
It’s on our website - enjoy it for your health!

She is a very favorable rune. Has two main meanings:

  1. Protection from troubles, adversities and difficulties that arise in the immediate vicinity of a person. The rune is also capable of not only protecting, but also warning of impending adverse events.
  2. It is also the rune of friendship. But not in the usual sense: it symbolizes friendship with patrons, influential people that can change your life for the better and help you cope with troubles.

In the classical sense, the Algiz rune is a very powerful rune of protection. The person who uses it is under the protection of higher divine powers that protect and protect him.

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Meaning in fortune telling


  • A person is under the protection of higher powers - he is not able to be influenced by magical rituals that other people use to harm him.
  • A person will win in the fight against enemies, he is invulnerable to other people's opinions, gossip, slander. Therefore, very often the rune was depicted on weapons and military uniform soldiers going on campaigns.
  • A person is open to self-development. He can reach high degree awareness, is able to control the processes that occur in his subconscious. He is open to new prospects and constantly receives chances from fate to improve his life.
  • A person is protected absolutely from all threats from the outside world. This is a powerful amulet.
  • Algiz is also the personification of luck, spirituality, inspiration and creative flight. If you use this rune, luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. You easily find new ideas for creativity and self-development, and you have decided on your purpose.
  • You will constantly receive new profitable offers and opportunities to achieve your goals.
  • There is a devoted friend in your circle who is ready to completely selflessly help you and support you in any situation, even if everyone else turns their backs on you.
  • You have incredibly strong intuition, you are able to anticipate problems and difficulties and get away from them in time.

When the Algiz rune appears during fortune telling, rest assured that in the near future fate will give you a chance to radically change your life for the better. Try not to miss opportunities and take advantage of them in time.

Upside down

Any rune radically changes its meaning if it appears in an inverted position. As a rule, the characteristics of a runic symbol become negative. But this means that you just have to pay attention to certain aspects of your life to avoid this negativity, rather than accept it.

This is what the inverted Algiz rune can mean in fortune telling:

  • You need to be more attentive to your health - now it is extremely vulnerable. You may already be sick and it is worth going to the doctor to identify the disease on early stage and heal quickly. Or maybe your immune system is very weakened and needs to be strengthened.
  • Problems are coming in business relationships: with partners, colleagues, and superiors. Established connections are under threat, you risk losing influential patrons. You may be abusing their help and not giving anything in return. It may also be that someone will try to involve you in a dishonest game - avoid this so as not to harm your own reputation.
  • Quarrels with close friends and loved ones are likely due to your fault. Try not to provoke conflicts, look for a compromise in any quarrel and try to put yourself in your opponent’s place.

If the rune falls in an inverted position, you are too straightforward, because of this you risk “breaking the woods” in a problematic situation and ending up losing. Carefully control your behavior, do not commit unseemly acts, and troubles will be avoided.

Watch a video about the meaning and use of Algiz:

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