Celandine infusion with sunflower oil. Celandine oil. Properties and use for skin and fungal diseases, cosmetology, gynecology. Useful properties of celandine


The healing properties of such a widespread plant have long been used in medicine. Since celandine is poisonous plant, the official pharmacopoeia has now abandoned its use.

However, in homeopathy and folk medicine, this plant is successfully used to treat many diseases. At the same time, traditional medicine does not deny the effectiveness of external use of celandine for the treatment of skin diseases.

Healing plant alkaloids

The bitter taste, pungent odor and toxicity of celandine are due to the high concentration and a large number(more than twenty) alkaloids contained in it. Among them, a special place is occupied by:

  • chelidonine, which is similar in action to morphine;
  • homochelidonin, which has an anesthetic effect;
  • chelerythrine and sanguinarine, which cause local irritation, and other components.

Celandine has very strong bactericidal properties, reduces pain, and promotes the restoration of healthy tissue.

Since ancient times, this plant has been used to treat wounds, fight fungal diseases, eczema, and skin mites; Bathing in celandine was used for children with scrofula. Celandine preparations were used to remove papillomas, warts and calluses, and they were used to destroy freckles.

Back in the 19th century, the effectiveness of this herb was proven for leprosy, cutaneous tuberculosis, lupus, and also for malignant tumors.

For external use maximum effect gives fresh celandine juice, but it is not always at hand. Year-round treatment can be carried out medicines based on this plant. Among such remedies as canned juice, decoction, alcohol tincture, oil-based preparations are widely used, and first of all, celandine oil.

Plant collection

Collection should be done in dry weather, and metal objects should not be used. It is also advisable to wear gloves, since prolonged exposure of the juice to the skin can lead to the formation of not only difficult to wash off stains, but also blisters. The collected herbs are dried in the shade and stored separately from other medicinal plants.

Celandine collected in May, at the beginning of flowering, has the greatest healing effect.

How to prepare butter?

For treatment, an oil infusion of celandine is used, the active effect of which is based on alkaloids and other active ingredients of this herb. At the same time, celandine oil softens the skin and prevents it from drying out due to the action of caustic substances that this plant contains. Ready-made celandine oil is commercially available, but it is not difficult to prepare it yourself, which will allow you to individually select the oil base and, importantly, save money.

Although celandine root contains the highest concentration of active ingredients, dry herbs are used to prepare the oil infusion. It is desirable that the dry raw materials for making oil consist of young tops.

The basis for the oil infusion of celandine can be any liquid vegetable oil. For cosmetic purposes you can use olive, almond, peach or other base oil, suitable for your skin. If edible oil, such as sunflower oil, is used, it must be unrefined; It is also advisable to heat it in a water bath for at least half an hour and use it warm.

Preparation of oil:

  1. To prepare the oil infusion, a glass container is filled with dry raw materials, then filled with oil so that the celandine is covered by 2 cm.
  2. This mixture needs to be kept warm for an hour, then transferred to a cool, dark place, where it needs to infuse for a week (with periodic shaking).
  3. Then the oil is drained and filtered, after which it is stored in the cold without access to light.

The remaining celandine raw materials can be filled with oil again.

Use of oil for various skin diseases

Celandine oil is found in calluses, papillomatosis, lichen, microbial eczema, furunculosis, psoriasis, skin tuberculosis, neurodermatosis. Treatment instructions involve applying this product locally twice a day for 15 minutes, after which the remaining oil is carefully removed.

In the same way, you can precisely apply this product to age spots, pimples, and single blackheads.

If there are inflamed areas of the skin, acne, etc. The affected area is wiped twice a day with a swab soaked in celandine oil, and after 15 minutes, carefully blotted with a napkin. Celandine oil has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance, it can be used to combat skin diseases even in children, but before starting use you should do a skin test.

For the treatment of problem skin, peeling, acne prevention It is recommended to add celandine oil to the cream (3 drops of oil per 10 g of cream base). This cream slightly lightens the skin, it is very effective in treating facial aging and preventing early aging. When treated with celandine cream, sometimes after the first use there may be a slight exacerbation of existing inflammatory processes on the skin, which soon disappear and the skin becomes healthy and smooth. The course of using this cream is 3-4 weeks, after which you need to take a break.

Use of oil for other diseases

In addition to skin care, celandine oil is widely used. The treatment instructions require that the feet be first steamed in a soda solution (a tablespoon per three liters of water). After this, if possible, remove the peeling parts of the nails and rough skin, then apply celandine oil to the nails, and, if necessary, to the feet.

This procedure should be done daily before bed. The use of celandine oil is also effective in the treatment of gynecological diseases (in the form of tampons), external hemorrhoids (lubrication), and dental diseases (applications and lubrication).

Hello everyone, today I wanted to touch on the topic of using summer herbs for your needs. Each person takes upon himself his own responsibility and caution before any actions. In this article we will talk about CLEANITY.

Celandine - herbaceous perennial with pronounced yellow flowers, with medium-large leaves, orange sap exudes from the herb. Grows in moist soil, near ponds or wooded areas.

The time for collecting celandine begins as soon as it begins to bloom, May - June.

Celandine is a poison in large quantities, it affects the heart muscles and any excess consumption of it will entail danger.

I use celandine in different types, I brew it in boiling water, make oils, and take it in baths with dry celandine.

The therapeutic effect of celandine is unique and specific; it contains more than 20 alkoloids, which calm the body and relieve cell nervousness.

Basically, celandine reduces warts, calluses, treats eczema, dermatological diseases and much more.

Celandine oil.

To prepare the oil you will need:

1 liter jar with lid

Fresh celandine, gram 500

100-150 ml sunflower oil, olive oil or any other similar oil you like best.

We take fresh celandine, which we have recently cut off, rinse it and put it in a jar, tamp it a little and fill everything with oil. We put it in a dark place and give it time to tincture, about a week or two. We will have to look at the situation and readiness. After everything has settled and it’s time to prepare the oil for consumption and use, take gauze or calico and strain and squeeze out all the juices from your jar. The point here is to mix our olive oil as much as possible with celandine juice in order to smear the hands, body, and feet in the future for healing and itching. The juice itself cannot be stored for long, and it is more poisonous in pure form.

Therefore, by making this oil with celandine, your wounds and itching will leave you.

30 ml of celandine oil costs $1 or 50 rubles, from such a jar we will get much more oil, it is still unknown how they make it and with what% of this beneficial herb.

It is also good to brew fresh celandine in a glass with hot water, it turns out like a tincture, then immediately after taking it, a feeling of calm and relaxation.

Oil is also made from celandine roots, I just added some roots to my liter jar, approximately 200 ml of oil will come out.

Cleaner for baths.

Here I got 5 celandine bushes, I started drying half for baths, using half for oil, let's see what comes out of this.

It is better to dry celandine naturally, that is, place fresh celandine in a hot place and cover it with newspaper on top or dry it in a dark place so that our grass does not turn yellow. Brew celandine in boiling water and let the decoction steep for a day; you should not brew too much. 500 grams of water approximately 4-6 pinches of dry herb. Our decoction is infused, pour it into a full bathtub with a volume of 500-700 liters. We lie in the bath for 15-20 minutes and relax. These are good to take for eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and any other skin diseases.

Celandine has been used as a remedy in folk medicine for a very long time. Everyone knows about its healing properties in the treatment of various skin diseases. Even its name speaks for itself: “pure body” means “clean body” or “clean skin”. Our ancestors always treated this seemingly inconspicuous plant with special respect, because it relieved many ailments of both children and adults. Not only the plant itself, but also its oil has beneficial properties.

Celandine oil has a cleansing effect on the skin, relieving a person from various skin diseases. It is often used for pimples, irritation, acne, etc. One of the advantages of this oil is that it can be used in the treatment of infants. As you know, babies often suffer from skin irritations. And here celandine oil comes to the rescue, gently and painlessly soothing the skin and removing redness. It is enough to simply wipe the problem areas of the skin with this product, and after some time the irritation will disappear.

Composition of celandine oil

Celandine oil contains many useful and healing substances, namely: alkaloids, carotene, vitamin C, saponins, flavonoids, bitterness, organic acids (malic, citric and succinic) and resinous substances.

Among the alkaloids, the main ones are chelidonine and sanguinarine. Chelidonine is similar in properties to morphine; it is a very strong local anesthetic. It promotes oppression nervous system and decreased sensitivity of the body. Sanguinarine has the same property, but in addition it also affects the digestive system, stimulating intestinal activity and salivation. This substance also has analgesic properties.

Useful properties of celandine

Celandine oil can have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing and anti-allergic effects. Doctors often recommend using this remedy to treat various skin diseases. For example, with its help you can get rid of psoriatic plaques, calluses, fight skin tuberculosis, etc. Of course, it also has a beneficial effect on the skin for such common diseases as acne vulgaris, furunculosis, microbial eczema, seborrhea, etc.

An interesting fact is that celandine oil works even in an environment that has managed to develop resistance to antibiotics. Sometimes folk remedy becomes a more effective therapeutic drug.

For diseases accompanied by itchy skin, it will also come to the rescue celandine oil. It effectively soothes the skin, relieving itching. It also helps with polyps and papillomatosis.

Celandine oil can also be used as an antifungal and antiviral agent . Therefore, it can also be used as a medicine for herpes, warts and even lichen. Due to its antibacterial properties, this remedy is sometimes used in dentistry in the treatment of periodontal disease.

Application of celandine oil

Celandine oil can be bought at a pharmacy. However, you can cook it yourself. To do this, you first need to collect raw materials. To prepare oil, as a rule, only the upper part of the plant is used; the roots are not needed. You need to collect celandine grass during the flowering period, that is, when the bushes are covered with small yellow flowers. It is best to go in search of raw materials in May or June. It is quite difficult to confuse celandine with another plant. If you cut it, a yellow liquid will appear on the stem. If you apply it to your skin, it will darken and turn brown over time.

Celandine grows everywhere - in parks, vegetable gardens, forests, etc. Villagers, as a rule, do not have to look for it. This plant is like a weed that surrounds the fences of front gardens and vegetable gardens. It is also important to collect celandine in dry weather, and you need to choose those plants that are in the shade. Then the raw materials will have the strongest healing properties. Traditional medicine also says that the most useful raw materials from celandine are obtained if collected during the waxing moon. Cut the plant, stepping back from the soil by about 10 cm. It is best to do this with gloves; it is important to ensure that the plant juice does not get into your eyes. It must be remembered that its juice in its pure form has toxic properties.

After harvesting the plant, it can be cut into several pieces and laid out to dry. The place for this procedure should be dry, not sunny and well ventilated. To prevent the celandine from accidentally starting to rot, you can shift or turn it over from time to time. When the raw materials are completely dry, you can put them in a linen bag and use them if necessary. After all, from dried celandine you can make not only oil, but also infusions, decoctions, etc. During drying and storage, you need to ensure that children do not try to eat celandine. This is very dangerous for their health.

To prepare the oil, dried celandine herb should be placed in a glass container and pour oil on top. You can use regular sunflower oil, but apricot, almond or peach oil is best. In the case of sunflower oil, it is best to preheat it in a water bath for 1-2 hours. And, of course, you should not use refined oil. The oil must be poured so that there is a layer of several centimeters above the raw material. Then the resulting mixture should be placed in a dark, warm place for 1 hour. After this, the dishes can be moved to a cool place and left there for a week. From time to time you need to shake the contents of the dish. And after the expiration of the period, you need to strain it and add the same amount of regular pure oil to the resulting oil. The healing oil of celandine is ready. It should also be stored in glass containers, preferably in a dark place.

The resulting celandine oil is often used in cosmetology. It is especially effective against acne. However, you need to take into account that when using it, there may be more rashes temporarily. But soon they will disappear completely.

Celandine oil is used in different ways for different purposes.. To remove a wart or callus, apply a little oil to the affected area of ​​skin several times a day. The treatment period may vary; it can be stopped when the desired result is achieved. For acne or irritation, apply the oil to problem areas for 10-15 minutes, and then carefully remove it by blotting the skin with a napkin.

Celandine oil has virtually no contraindications. It can even be used to treat small children. However, you should first make sure that there is no individual tolerance to celandine. It is also worth considering that the safety of celandine oil does not extend to the plant itself. Celandine juice has a rather harsh effect on the skin and can cause burns.

Fungal infection of the nail plates (onychomycosis) affects one fifth of the world's population. The disease caused by pathogenic fungi is difficult to treat and is contagious, sparing neither adults nor children. World pharmacology is seeking new methods and drugs to destroy harmful microorganisms. Homeopathy traditional medicine in turn, it has many treatment methods, effective unique substances and potions; celandine oil for nail fungus is one of such remedies.

What is onychomycosis?

For effective therapy, basic knowledge about the disease, which is infectious in nature, is necessary. Infection can be multiple, even occurring within a family. Numerous types of fungi that infect the nail plates are present wherever there is a warm, moist environment favorable for their reproduction. The insidiousness of the disease is the late manifestation of symptoms:

  • peeling of the skin of the extremities, itching between the fingers;
  • damage to the nail plate: discoloration, thickening, cracks, chips.

Spores are also causative agents of infection: keratinized skin flakes inhabited by spores flake off, stick to wet human skin, penetrate under nail plate, begin to actively reproduce. The risk group consists of people suffering from chronic diseases. Weakened by illness, immune system the person is unable to resist, the infection progresses.

Therapy should be started at the first signs of the disease. An urgent visit to a dermatologist to establish a diagnosis will help you choose an individual treatment method.

Important! Strict adherence to personal hygiene measures at home, when visiting public places that involve walking barefoot, and the use of protective equipment (antifungal cream, spray) will protect against infection.

Is it possible to treat nail fungus with celandine oil?

The asymptomatic period can last for years, which worsens the disease. The combination of medications and homeopathic drugs gives a more effective therapeutic result. Celandine oil is recognized by dermatologists as a medicine; it is used to treat many skin ailments. It is with onychomycosis that the drug has a beneficial effect.

In the early stages of infection, celandine oil extract is used monotherapy as an external remedy. Thanks to the unique natural properties of the plant, compliance with treatment recommendations, and patience, it is possible to achieve a complete recovery.

Late stages of infection, which manifest themselves as inflammation of the periungual tissues, and the nail itself has become deformed and moved away from the bed, are difficult to cure; external use of the remedy alone is not enough; complex therapy is required, including taking medications inside the body. Celandine oil is actively used in such treatment methods as external therapy, even in hopeless cases when many other remedies have failed.

Celandine as an antifungal agent

Warthog, yellow milkweed ( popular names celandine) unpretentious weed, which has juicy dark green leaves, yellow inflorescences, often found in our latitudes, has been used since ancient times as medicine for skin diseases.

Aboveground greens and roots are medicinal. The cut stem releases an orange-yellow poisonous milk that can cauterize skin tumors, destroy keratinized tissue, and kill microbes. World medicine actively uses poisons of natural origin for diseases that are difficult to treat. Onychomycosis falls into this category.

Warthog juice contains more than 20 different alkaloids, flavonoids, organic acids, vitamins, choline, histamine, carotene, tannins, and many other components that can destroy fungal spores, relieve pain, heal wounds, and restore skin.

Pharmacy chains have different dosage forms plants:

  • dried leaves, stems, roots;
  • alcohol lotions, tinctures;
  • oil, cream, ointments.

Each form has its own purpose. Pharmacy sets affordable prices, but given the prevalence of yellow milk, it is possible to prepare the product yourself.

Attention! The use of celandine is strictly dosed. Uncontrolled use of the drug leads to tissue burns and poisoning of the body.

How to properly prepare celandine

The plant has the greatest healing power during flowering, usually May - June (depending on the region). This period is considered the most favorable for the procurement of raw materials. You need to collect grass in dry weather, away from highways and polluting objects.

To harvest the green mass of yellow milkweed, you cannot use metal objects; it is better to pick and chop them by hand. Considering the toxicity of the plant, use gloves; prolonged contact with the juice of the grass leads to skin hyperemia, burns, and inflammation of the epidermis.

Dry warthog separately from other herbs, in a dark, well-ventilated room, tied in small bunches. The finished grass retains its properties for 3 years. For storage use airtight glass containers. A tincture or oil extract made from dry herbs has all the qualities found in freshly harvested raw materials.

Important! Celandine growing in the shade has maximum power.

How to prepare celandine oil at home

For the treatment of onychomycosis, yellow milk extract has all the qualities of a tincture, but is safer. It has unique properties:

  1. Antifungal - kills fungal spores, penetrating deep inside the nail.
  2. Antiseptic - disinfects the surface of the nail and adjacent tissues, preventing the development of bacterial infections.
  3. Anesthetic - eliminates pain.
  4. Decongestant - relieves swelling of the inflamed dermis.
  5. Regenerating - promotes tissue cell restoration.
  6. Antipruritic - relieves allergic processes, eliminates itching.
  7. Antitoxic - slows down oxidation reactions (removes toxins).

Thanks to these qualities, treatment of mycosis of the fingernails or toenails is faster and more successful. At long-term use no complications arise.

You can prepare your own oil extract from dry or freshly picked herbs. The basis for the extract is any vegetable oil.

Recipe 1. From dry grass

  • 150 ml oil;
  • 150 grams of grass.

Simmer the vessel with oil in a water bath for about 2 hours. Fill a glass container with chopped herbs. Pour the contents of the jar with the heated base. Mix. Close tightly. Keep at room temperature for 4 weeks, protected from daylight, shaking the composition periodically.

Strain the resulting extract using a sieve (gauze), carefully squeezing out the herb. Dilute with sterilized vegetable oil 1:1.

Recipe 2. From freshly picked herbs

  • 500 grams of chopped herbs;
  • 150 ml oil.

Grind the warthog with your hands, wearing gloves. Pour heated oil (as in the previous version) into the herb, tightly packed into the jar, and close with a lid. Place the mixture in a dark place, leave for 2 weeks, shake periodically. After 14 days, filter the contents of the jar and squeeze out the herb additionally. Pour the oil extract into dark glass vials.

Attention! Before therapy with any form of celandine (natural juice, tincture, oil extract), it is necessary to undergo an antiallergic test. Gently rub a cotton swab moistened with the product along the inside of the elbow. If after 24 hours redness, burning, and itching appear, these are contraindications to the drug.

How to treat nail fungus with celandine oil

The main condition for fighting a fungal infection is patience and regularity of procedures. There are several methods of therapy, it is advisable to coordinate the procedure with a specialist (celandine has many contraindications). Treatment of fungus complicated by skin defects of the periungual fold (cracks, ulcers) requires caution, it is necessary to adjust the dosage and select specific techniques. If the infection proceeds without any particular complications, it is possible independent use some procedures.


  • carry out hygiene procedures for nails;
  • moisten a cotton pad with oil extract;
  • apply to the nail plate;
  • secure with adhesive tape or cling film, leave for 30 minutes.

After the specified time, remove the bandage. Apply twice (morning, evening). When using applications, the product is applied only to the affected area, protecting the healthy tissue around the nail with Vaseline.


  • make a steaming soda bath;
  • remove keratinized areas of the nail (tweezers, file);
  • lubricate the nail plate with an oil extract;
  • Wear clean socks or cotton gloves.

Important! Celandine is contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, allergy sufferers, and people suffering from bronchial asthma; patients with individual intolerance to plant components.

Daily treatment of affected areas instructions

The key to successful recovery is proper preparation surface of the nail to apply the medicinal product. Before using the oil form of warthog, daily treatment of infected nails is necessary. There are some recommendations for this:

  1. Make a steaming bath to soften the nail plates: in a bowl of warm boiled water (you can add 30 grams baking soda per 1 liter of water) lower the limbs, steam for 5 - 10 minutes (the duration depends on the degree of thickening of the nail).
  2. Dry your fingers with a towel (a damp surface is an ideal environment for spores to spread).
  3. Clean out loose subungual contents, being careful not to damage the periungual skin (use a special scraper).
  4. Trim the free overgrown edge of the nail with sharp, disinfected scissors or tweezers.
  5. Use a file to grind off the exfoliating porous layer from the nail plate to improve the penetration of the medicine inside.
  6. Treat the limbs with a swab moistened with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
  7. For each nail, use disposable tools; if this is not possible, metal ones should be calcined with fire before processing each nail.

The nail plates are prepared for treatment with applications or lubrication with an oil extract. Disinfect all instruments and repeat the procedure daily.

Important! If you have onychomycosis, you should not use false nails. Microcavities are formed between the nail plate and the false nail, creating favorable conditions development of the disease. Nail extensions are prohibited.

Baths with celandine oil properties application

During the main therapy, when the signs of inflammation pass, the condition of the nail plate and epidermis improves, you can alternate evening lubrication with the extract with thermal baths. These manipulations increase blood flow to the extremities, increasing their resistance to infection.

Ingredients: for 0.5 liters of water, take 1 tablespoon of celandine and tea tree oils, baking soda.

Dissolve the oils in advance with a small amount of warm boiled water. Heat the water for the bath to 45 degrees, first stir the soda, then stir the oils. Hold the limbs for 20 minutes. After the procedure, wipe your fingers thoroughly dry.

There is no need to cover it with anything, oils create protective film. Within 2 hours, local immunity will be restored.

Important! By combining antifungal treatment and daily treatment of shoes and gloves, the recovery period is significantly reduced. It is enough to wipe the shoes with a swab soaked in chlorhexidine or vinegar, inner side Irrigate gloves with miramistin.

Celandine oil for nail fungus use with other remedies

The Internet is replete with folk recipes for treating fungus. Are they really that effective? Celandine is recognized by traditional medicine as an effective drug. Providing a productive external effect, the oil extract has proven a healing effect. The combined use of some components from folk recipes enhances each other’s healing effects and speeds up recovery.

Tea tree oil. They mix. Proportions: 1 teaspoon of celandine oil extract - 5 drops of tea tree ether (1 teaspoon of oil). Used for applications, as well as lubricating nail plates. The duration of treatment is about 3 - 4 months.

Iodine. Alternate: morning - applications with celandine oil; evening - smearing with iodine. Apply before complete replacement the affected plate with a healthy nail.

Propolis. Add warthog oil extract (20 ml) to an alcohol solution of propolis (150 ml). Used for evening compresses. All these methods of treatment involve steaming with soda and treating the fingers with hydrogen peroxide before use. There is another known way to soften the nail plate. Recipe:

  • salt 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon juice 5 drops.

Moisten the salt lemon juice Without allowing it to dissolve, treat the affected fungal nail by making a compress. Leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with water. Remove the loosened layer with a scraper. Lubricate the prepared nail with warthog oil extract.

How to properly store celandine oil

Considering that the warthog, which inhabits shady places, exhibits medicinal properties stronger chemical composition it is richer, so for storing any form of the plant it is necessary to choose containers that protect from ultraviolet rays.
Long-term exposure to oxygen is detrimental to the components of the milk yellow milk composition; glass prevents the penetration of air; dark glass bubbles are the most acceptable material for storage. A tight lid will prevent the esters from evaporating.
A cool, dark place will protect against exposure elevated temperatures, destruction of valuable components, thereby preserving the advantages of the medicine.

Celandine for onychomycosis reviews from doctors and patients

The unequivocal answer from dermatologists and mycologists about the use of celandine oil in the treatment of fungus is identification of the pathogen, complex therapy under the supervision of a doctor. Efficacy of systemic treatment (skin + nail) early stages mycosis (for certain groups of pathogens) various forms celandine has been proven, but treatment regimens are individual and depend on general condition body, chronic diseases, personal reaction to the drug. The pressing problem of mycoses is reflected in numerous patients of dermatological clinics and comments on Internet forums.

Visitors to the Harmony forum:

Yulya (group: moderators) shares the success of using the “oil solution” of celandine. There was a fungus on thumb legs. The oil helped to heal completely; I applied it twice a day. The treatment was long, patience was failing, but she returned to daily procedures. Only after half a year the result became noticeable. She continued to perform the procedures until the nail was replaced by a healthy one. Treats nails prophylactically after visiting the pool or public transport.

Ylai (group: users) says that it is impossible to cure fungus with oil alone, without the help of medications, but “... you can only reduce the pain when the nail is deformed or slightly improve the appearance.

Ella (Women's Opinion forum), told an incident that happened to her mother. The stubborn woman refused to see a doctor. I tried different ones folk recipes. I even burned my skin with vinegar, but I didn’t stop testing myself. Her ordeals were crowned with success. Celandine. Alternating applications with infusion of celandine - in the evening, in the morning I removed the bandage, trimmed the looseness, coated the nails with oil. No pain, no discomfort. After 3 months, the nail became thinner and healthy began to grow back. The treatment takes a long time, about a year, but she stubbornly continues the procedures.

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