Ditties about love. Fresh funny ditties: the best Ditties about your beloved

Once I was sailing along the Irtysh (or along the Lovat?)
And I met a naked Kalmyk woman very opportunely.
Oh, the task is not easy - to conquer the Kalmyk!
But I took the master key out of my shorts in time.

Where Baikal splashes (such a lake),
I entertained the Cuban woman with what was at hand...
I am grateful to fate that my Cuban
She took me to her very depths!

One night on the steep bank of the Amur
The girls stared at the "Heart of Bonivur" in droves.
There I noticed two young Tuvans
And he stayed with them all night between their halves.

One night on the Oka, on an empty barge
I crumpled the dude’s breasts in my hand carefully.
We sat down on the mattress, poured some beer...
And the dream of the young Chuvash came true (seven times).

One day in broad daylight in Krakow (on the Vistula)
The polka's legs hung on my shoulders.
The food of the long-legged polka was good!
By morning I went crazy, pushing the slices apart.

And one day in the spring somewhere on the Danube
I met a German woman who was mentally ill.
I burrowed into it like a mole and bit like a horsefly...
The German woman defended her degree about a year later.

One night a longboat sailed on the waves of the Euphrates.
In it, I just taught the Kazakh woman to debauchery.
I aimed my device at the young Kazakh girl...
The Kazakh woman still has her legs wide open.

The Nile flooded widely downstream...
There I persuaded the Bashkir woman to engage in porn entertainment.
It was the ninth wave!.. I will be Bashkir by morning
I barely pulled it away from myself by the scruff of the neck!

Once on the Limpopo River, which is known to children,
I met a typist from our depot,
What stood in the way, bending low...
I couldn't get past the typist!

Somehow near a vacant lot, somewhere on the Hudson,
I was picking a Buryat woman in the erogenous zone.
And an arrow of love entered the heart of that Buryat woman...
The next morning she couldn’t go out to exercise.

Once on Lake Huron (or Huron?)
I chambered my cartridge for the Uzbek woman.
The Uzbek woman ran away from me as fast as she could...
But in vain - I could not allow a misfire.

Past a quiet village along the Ohio River
The Swede was swimming naked, and naked at that!
It's a pity that her mother is so Swedish
May be encountered on the road extremely rarely!

Once a Japanese woman under a bush on the Izhora River
She sang “The Boston Waltz” in B-flat major.
Oh, what an alluring look that Japanese woman had...
Since then, both eardrums have hurt.

A huge crocodile swam along the Elbe,
Where I and a Czech woman conducted live firing...
And two days ago at the mouth of the Rio Grande
The Ethiopian woman was kneading her tonsils against me.

Once a Karelian came to see me and brought a Karelian girl.
I heated up a whole plate of borscht for her...
On the bend of the Ob River somewhere closer to night
I loved that Karelian very much in an unconventional way.

Once upon a time in Kolyma (or Ilmen?)
I fucked Nanayka and her deer.
Oh, I’ll go to the wilds of the Amazon in the spring!
The Finnish and Estonian women missed me there.

Cheerful miniatures could be heard in villages right on the street, during gatherings, weddings, feasts, etc. Often people began to dance to the cheerful performance. There were songs with a lyrical mood, which reflected current events and experiences in rhymed lines. Even the sad ditties were still filled with humor, which supported an optimistic view of the future.

It’s interesting that the people surrounding the performer not only listen, but accept active participation in entertainment: dancing, clapping, commenting, objecting or supporting. Moreover, the most common reaction is to answer with a ditty, which thus turns into competition.

When did ditties appear?

There is an opinion that the first poetic and musical miniatures appeared in the 17th-18th centuries. At that time, people were entertained by buffoons, jokers and traveling artists. Other researchers believe that this happened around the middle of the 19th century.

Turning to ancient literature, you can notice that almost all types of folklore of that time are mentioned there, only not a word is said about ditties.

  • The chronicles contain the names of epic characters, legends and parables.
  • A. S. Pushkin wrote “The Song of the Prophetic Oleg”, based on the legend about the death of Prince Oleg from the “Tale of Bygone Years”, and also retold folk tales.
  • Folklore genres are also found in Nekrasov’s work.

At the same time, ditties in literary works then they are not mentioned. Even in explanatory dictionary V.I. Dahl does not have “ditties” in the meaning of “short song”. This word was first used by Gleb Uspensky in his 1889 essay “New Folk Songs.”

Such a significant event as the abolition of serfdom in 1861 is not indicated in a single ditty. But those following her (since the 70s of the XIX century. historical facts found in folk quatrains: Russian-Turkish and Russo-Japanese War, the first Russian revolution of 1905.

In literature, it appears in the poems of the 20th century: in S. A. Yesenin, A. A. Blok, V. V. Mayakovsky and their contemporaries.

Variants of ditty names

They began to compose ditties in the most different corners Rus' almost at the same time. Each locality endowed the song miniatures with an individual flavor, and sometimes even a name.

  • By character: hoot, little short, short, galloping, wagtail, gypsy, Semyonovna, hoot, chorus, gathering, spinner, stomper.
  • By place of origin: Volga matanechki, Ural taratorki, Saratov suffering, Ryazan ikhokhoshki, Yeletskaya, Siberian Podgornaya, Novgorod draft.

Some of the composed quatrains had to be sung, others had to be shouted out to the melody for dancing, performed with musical accompaniment (accordion, balalaika, horn, tambourine) or without it.

Varieties of ditties

  • Lyrical (choruses)- quatrains on various topics.
  • Dancers- 4-line songs with a special rhythm that was combined with dancing. The lines are shorter than those of the lyric ones. Example: ditties like “Apple”, which arose at the beginning of the 20th century in Ukraine as love songs. In 1917-1920 they transformed and began to reflect a socio-political theme.
  • Suffering- usually these are 2-line ditties about love. They were sung slowly and drawn out. Were distributed in middle lane Russia and the Volga. They were not known in the northern part of the country, in the Urals and Siberia.
  • "Semyonovna"(ditties named after the beginning) - 2-line ditties with a special mournful rhythm. Semyonovna is a broken Russian woman. The first songs of this type appeared in the 30s. XX century Then, based on them, in the 30-40s. composed many cruel romances.
  • "Matanya"- a type of ditty in which the word “Matanya” was used to address lovers. Moreover, such an appeal was often found both in the chorus and in the chorus. This song is a trochee in four feet, and the stanza consists of two lines and has a chorus.

Ditties about the village and village

My dear tractor driver,
I am his milkmaid.
He is in fuel oil, I am in manure -
Fighting couple.
I stood behind the porch
And they said: well done.
I took out my handkerchief
And they said: she kissed.
Why are you sitting there, guys?
Are you wiping your pants?
There are only weeds in the field,
And you are all walking.
Oh grandfathers, grandfathers, grandfathers!
How cunning are you?
How I walk on water -
Gray hair in your beard.
I threw a pebble
To the dear one through the window.
The window has dissolved
It turned out to be a cat.
A rooster sits on the chimney.
He shouts that he sees two:
Vanya with flowers,
Petenka with money!
I will paint my lips brightly,
I'll go through the village
It will be hot for all the guys
Well, it’s fun for me.
Seven beauties, seven sisters
A fire was lit in the meadow.
Songs are sung
They invite you to visit.
The guys don't like me
And men don't like it
And I'm running around with snot
And I blow bubbles.
Plowing in the field in spring
Our tractor drivers
And they kiss under the pine tree
Our harmonica players.
We weeded the garden
The guys were having fun.
It got hot, we took off our clothes,
And they fell.
I'll stomp left foot,
I'll stomp on the right one,
Girls love me anyway
Even though I'm small!
Milkman Vasya became sad,
And he sighed wearily.
Milked all the cows
But the milk yield is not enough!
Got an accordion girl
Eyes sparkle with love.
I fell in love with the accordion player
I couldn't hold the brakes.
Clouds are floating across the sky,
Reflected in the lake.
And Taras came to Nyura,
On your bulldozer.
Summer is boring without ditties,
Without funny songs -
Without a groovy accordion
The world is not interesting!
The sun is shining cheerfully
There's no reason to frown.
Women are walking across the field,
And they squint at the Sun.
I was sitting on the stove
She guarded the rolls.
And there are mice behind the stove
They were guarding the donuts.
Hey, little gray cat
I went to the river under the bridge,
I dipped my tail into the water,
The cats caught some fish!
Ha-ha-ha, - the goose sang.
I'm not afraid of chanterelles.
All the chanterelles on the scale
I'll take it away in a basket!

Ditties about love

Why did you lure me in?
When am I not nice to you?
You would say in the fall,
I wouldn't go in winter.
I walk around the village with Timoshka,
And my Timoshka is with an accordion.
He plays, sings,
The wind blows the curls.
Darling, don't knock
Nice one, don't shout,
Under the middle window
Scratch quietly
Darling is sleeping, breathing quietly.
I kiss him - he doesn’t hear.
Soon I will become a housewife
At the sweetheart's house:
They will have dinner and sit down
By my order.
Dear in autumn
He said a secret word:
- Save up, dear lady,
Engagement ring.
Curly Alyosha
I want to love, I want to leave.
They came to marry me
With gilded arc.
While I was powdering and blushing,
We went to another
Well, what is it like to become,
Carry buckets up the mountain?
I'll get married there
Where there is water under the window.
I sewed a pouch for my dear one,
And the mitten came out.
My darling came and praised:
- What a craftswoman!
My little one and I were walking
Near our pond;
The frogs scared us -
Let's not go there anymore.
I was sitting on the window
My darling rode on a cat,
I started to drive up to the window
I couldn't hold the cat.
Who has what cutie -
I have a craft one:
I gave the shoes to be sewn -
I sewed birch bark beetroot.
The heart bursts with love:
The cabbage soup is boiling, she doesn’t hear.
Timoshka has a wave of forelock,
He's looking after me.
Oh, cat, shoot!
Don't sit on the threshold:
And then, my dear, you'll go
If he stumbles, he will fall.
On my sundress
Club-footed roosters;
I myself am not a clubfoot -
Clubfooted grooms.
Why did you bloom?
Cornflower in the rye?
Why did you come?
My dear, tell me?
Eh, Semyonovna,
You are my little one,
Yes I came to you
Yes, under the window.
Honey, what, honey, what?
Darling is angry about what?
Is it what people said?
Did you notice something yourself?
And my darling gave it to me
Your true love,
And I gave him
Its dimensionless one.
Behind the outskirts of the woods,
And behind the forest there is a river.
Where do you go my friend?
My heart ached.

Ditties about the wedding

There was a time - I was having fun
I'll be there until the morning!
And now I'm going to take a little walk,
The husband shouts: “It’s time to go home!”
I have a good reason -
Sing ditties and dance.
Congratulations, mother-in-law,
You have a good son-in-law!
Music plays for us -
Let it not stop!
When a husband kisses his wife -
It's getting envious!
We don't have enough space
There's nowhere for an apple to fall!
Nice, fresh bride,
I just want to steal it!
The wedding party drinks and has fun,
And laughs, Woo-ha-ha!
And let the bride be proud
Looking at the groom!
Summer warms the earth,
The wedding is going well
And let this event
Brings joy to everyone's heart!
Let the wedding sing and dance,
Blooms like a bouquet...
Mother-in-law gently rubs her hand
And he sends greetings to his mother-in-law!
We want to wish lovers
Share the house fairly -
Who wants trash and dishes?
Who's to give a damn!
Young, you are obedient
Follow your husband's orders
Husband, be faithful to your wife
Don't get on her nerves!
You under the very roof of paradise
We want to build our own nest!
And so that there is that nest
One hundred percent full!
I was looking for a bride
Trampled half of Russia.
Friend, just admit it honestly:
Where did you get such a beauty?
Oh, you are my ring,
Gold test...
I will love my dear
Until the very grave!
Unreliable girls
The country has been overrun.
Nowadays, rely
You can only use your wife!
I'm tired of the will in girls,
I love the lot of married people,
I will help my husband -
Buy perfume and dresses!
Everything is in my father-in-law's mind!
He loves his wife!
He desperately gets money -
He's giving his daughter away in marriage!
There is no summer without July,
And July without flowers;
There is no love without a kiss -
All the love is in a kiss!
The bride and I are friends,
I can't count how many years.
Promise, groom, bride
Kiss every hour!
The father-in-law at the wedding is a general!
He gave his daughter in marriage!
He is sure: there will be happiness!
The son-in-law loves the bride very much!
If the berry is ripe,
We need to pick the berries.
Tired of calling the bride -
You know, it's time to call me your wife!
What happened, oh-oh-oh,
We can't find a place:
My daughter is such a little thing -
That's the bride!
Don't rush, girlfriend, to get married,
Walk down the street.
The feather bed is not ready yet -
Feathers on a chicken.
The guests were whispering at the table,
I overheard the conversation.
They say more beautiful than a couple
Haven't seen it yet!

Ditties for children

Go, hut, go, hut,
Go, chicken, crested,
Walk, canopy and threshold,
And sour cream and cottage cheese.
In the morning to mother our Mila
She gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give it,
She immediately ate them herself.
Vova was lazy in the morning
Comb your hair
A cow came up to him
I combed my tongue!
Irishka was riding down the hill -
She was the fastest;
Ira even has his own skis
Overtook on the way!
If only, if only
There were mushrooms growing on my nose,
We'd cook ourselves
Yes, and they rolled into my mouth.
I'll go out, I'll go out and dance
In new shoes,
All the guys say
That I'm like a picture!
Play it, balalaika,
Balalaika - three strings!
Sing along, don't yawn,
Come out, dancers.
I'm not Tyatkina
I'm not my mother's -
I grew up on the street
The chicken killed me.
Yegor has two shoulder blades,
And Nina has molds.
I give them a tongue for it
I'll stick it out of the window.
I baked a cake
I treated Vanya.
He showed for it
I have a bug in my glass.
Grandfather taught a mouse to write,
And what came out was scribbles.
The mouse got a deuce.
And both cried bitterly.
The lazy mother says:
"Make your bed!"
And the lazy woman: “Mommy,
I’m still little.”
Smoky pan
Manya cleaned with sand.
Three hours in Manyu's shower
Grandma washed it afterwards.
Dima got dressed in the morning
And for some reason it fell:
He stuck it for no reason
Two legs in one pant leg.
I'm under the tap wash your hands,
And I forgot to wash my face,
Trezor saw me
He barked: “What a shame!”
Boiled milk
She went far away.
I approach him again:
There's no milk in sight.
Eh, one time again,
We'll bow now
Let's start dancing
We will try for you!
Let's start singing ditties,
Please don't laugh:
There are a lot of people here,
We might get confused!
I've grown a centimeter
And Vitek - by as much as five.
And Lariska got fat,
You can't hug the whole class.
Vanka sits at the gate
With my mouth wide open,
But people won’t understand
Where is the gate and where is the mouth.
I caught a mouse in a cage
And locked it there tightly,
After all, you can’t assemble without a mouse
There's a turnip in the garden.
Like gardening
The goat loves to walk.
After this trip
There is no harvest!
I'm a cow anyway!
My horns are like a crown.
Who will visit me?
He'll taste the milk!
On my sundress
Cockerels and cockerels
There is nothing more beautiful in the whole world
My dear grandmother!
Sasha and Masha played
All the toys were scattered
They started arguing and shouting
Who should collect toys?
Little kids love
All kinds of sweets.
Who gnaws and who swallows,
Who is rolling on the cheek?
That's how good Petya is
Watering the garden bed!
Now everyone there is a frog
Doing exercises.
I went fishing
I cast the fishing rod.
A fat crocodile pecked -
The boat capsized!
We played hide and seek in the forest
And Oksana was lost.
She climbed into the hollow -
I slept there until dark!
In the summer, every clearing
Like a self-assembled tablecloth.
Delicious berry forest
He'll feed you and me at once.
- What kind of mushrooms are these?
Are all the stumps stuck around?
- You guys are lucky
These are friendly mushrooms!
Those red-haired girlfriends over there
They are called waves.
Hurry to them, Irinka,
Invite to your basket.
Mom allowed her daughter
In the morning, go mushroom hunting.
My daughter brought it soon
Two baskets of fly agarics.
On the golden sand
The sun was shining -
How summer it is sometimes
We had a good time!

Funny and funny ditties

We know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad.
It's interesting to listen to
Who doesn't know any.
Eh, dear friend,
All the people know about us.
No one will sleep without you,
Without me, he won’t start singing.
I ditty for ditty,
I’m knitting like a thread.
You prove it, girlfriend,
If I don't tell you.
Don't look at me
That I'm thin.
Mom didn't feed me lard,
It's not my fault.
Don't scold me, mama,
Don't scold so threateningly.
You yourself were like that -
Came late.
Behind the village on the pond
Frogs croak.
And I'm making sweet little noodles -
I hang it on my ears.
Oh, you, pit, pit, pit...
I don't know who was digging.
The little one was going on a date,
Accidentally fell into it.
I haven't bathed for three weeks
And he caught a louse.
She's fat, big,
You can't kill with a rifle.
I cooked according to the book,
And it closed...
Now how can I guess
What happened there?
I watered the flowers
There is a watering can on the balcony.
For some reason I suddenly became wet
Uncle on the bench...
How about the Borkinsky guys?
The brave are so brave.
They ran three kilometers -
The sheep were scared.
And my darling cheated on me,
He rode a goat to Crimea,
But I didn’t give up,
I caught up with the cow.
Oh, I stomped
And I didn't stomp.
Ate half a pound of gingerbread
And I didn’t burst.
Came out to dance
Grandmother Lukerya,
Where there was no hair
Sticking feathers

Ditties about pies

Bake some pies
Everyone left a long time ago
I would like to entice you
Yes, you are looking out the window.
And there he met Ninka...
Ninka was carrying pies, -
The cat has joy and laughter...


The pies are piping hot!
To the kettle and samovar!
You, friends, sit down quickly!
Well, praise the hostess!

Well, praise the hostess!
Start right here
After all, then your mouths will be occupied
Hot pies!


I wrote her sonnets,
Called her "buddy"
And she responded to this:
Eat the pie off the shelf!
I'm waiting for my dear girlfriends
Visit this week.
I want you to be mine
We ate pies.

Pies, pies
Lush and delicious.
Pies, pies
With meat, with cabbage.

There will be tea with the pies
With mint and hops.
Hey girlfriend, don't be bored
Pour it fuller!

Pies, pies
Lush and delicious.
Pies, pies
With meat, with cabbage.

Let's sing songs
Standing on the porch.
Let's dance "Lady"
With an exit from the stove.

Pies, pies
Lush and delicious.
Pies, pies
With meat, with cabbage.

We are about delicious pies
We sang ditties for you.
Ah, thank you for coming,
Darling girlfriends!

Pies, pies
Lush and delicious.
Pies, pies
With meat, with cabbage.

Baba sowed flour
I kneaded the dough.
And a neighbor for a pie
Invited to visit!


To your old hut
I invite everyone
The table was set a long time ago,
The pie is getting cold!


I baked pies
I put it on the window.
The crow pecked everything
Didn't leave any crumbs


I loved Grandma Dusya,
When I baked pies
With vinaigrette and carrots,
She always called me.


Our nature is good
The river is nearby, the forest is all around!
Help yourself with raspberries
And with fish pie!


Pies for lunch with jam
They are also very harmful to us.
We now enjoy them
We eat in the evenings!


My darling is ill
When you baked me a pie,
He devoured it himself, now he suffers -
And he eats all the crumbs...


I wanted something for my mother-in-law,
The pies are delicious!
Eh, we'll go back
We are not invited guests...

I'm coming to see the cutie.
At the table I drink compote.
My dear sits down next to me.
He puts pies in my mouth.


Early darling had fun,
Pies won't fit into your mouth.
You knew that Vasilisa -
Granddaughter of Grandma Yaga!
Rinse your mouth with them.
I'll go to Katya's doorstep,
She invited me to a pie.
We welcome you with a samovar,
We bring pies to the table,
We don't miss tea
We talk about this and that

Pirogov with with different fillings
We'll bake it on the weekend.
Let's put the samovar on for tea,
And we'll gather our neighbors.

Go to

Go, hut, go, hut,
Go, chicken, crested,
Walk, canopy and threshold,
And sour cream and cottage cheese.

If only, if only
There were mushrooms growing on my nose,
We'd cook ourselves
Yes, and they rolled into my mouth.

I drank tea,
I made samovar.
I broke all the dishes -
I was cooking.

My little one and I were walking
Near our pond;
The frogs scared us -
Let's not go there anymore.

Honey, what, honey, what?
Darling is angry about what?
Is it what people said?
Did you notice something yourself?

My mother sent me
Drive the gander
And I walked out the gate
And - let's dance!

I was sitting on the window
My darling rode on a cat,
I started to drive up to the window
I couldn't hold the cat.

Who has what cutie -
I have a craft one:
I gave the shoes to be sewn -
I sewed birch bark beetroot.

Oh, cat, shoot!
Don't sit on the threshold:
And then, my dear, you'll go
If he stumbles, he will fall.

On my sundress
Club-footed roosters;
I myself am not a clubfoot -
Clubfooted grooms.

Your streets are straight,
The streets are lopsided.
You can't walk down the street:
The neighbors are toothy.

You'll run, darling, it's drowning
Come and say goodbye to me:
I'll take you to the river,
I’ll point out a deeper place!

Isn't there enough forest?
I chop a birch tree.
Are there really not enough kids?
I love a married man!

Darling, don't knock
Nice one, don't shout,
Under the middle window
Scratch yourself quietly.

There's a meadow in the yard
Ducklings are running.
And I'm barefoot from the stove
I thought: guys!

I walked through the village - the girls were sleeping,
He played the harmonica - they stood up,
We got up, woke up,
The windows dissolved.

Oh, stomp your foot,
Don't be sorry for the boot
Tyatka will sew new ones
Or these will fit.

I'm not Tyatkina
I'm not my mother's -
I grew up on the street
The chicken killed me.

I'll go dance -
Nothing to bite at home:
Rusks and crusts -
Supports on the legs.

Like Semyonovna
Sits on the stairs.
Yes about Semyonovna
Songs are sung.

You, Semyonovna,
Russian woman:
Chest high
The jacket is narrow.

Oh, Semyonovna,
Fashionable girl:
I bought a watch
She herself is hungry.

I'm going, I'm going,
Two paths apart.
Love the good one
Leave me skinny.

Here is Semyonovna
Eating jam.
That's how he fights
For acceleration.

The accordionist sits
What color is in the field?
I love him
But there is no date with him.

Oh, mountain, mountain,
And under the mountain there is a stream.
Showed me off
I don’t know whose.

If only girls
Were fish
The boys are behind them
They jumped into the water.

Oh, Semyonovna,
Leather skirt,
You, Semyonovna,
Folded folded.

For Semyonovna
My mother nags me:
Don't sing, daughter
My head hurts.

Oh, Semyonovna,
Striped skirt.
Yes at Semyonovna's
No voice.

At Semyonovna's
The shoes are tight.
How are the guys here?

Why did you bloom?
Cornflower in the rye?
Why did you come?
My dear, tell me?

Eh, Semyonovna,
Where do you hang around?
Yes, home at night
You are not.

Stands on the mountain
Big building.
There is no happiness in love -
One suffering.

Oh, Semyon, Semyon,
You are green like a meadow.
And I, Semyonovna
The grass is green.

Eh, Semyonovna,
You are my little one,
Yes I came to you
Yes, under the window.

Keep it up always
Your line
And you will stay

Ditties for children

In the morning to mother our Mila
She gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give it,
She immediately ate them herself.

Vova was lazy in the morning
Comb your hair
A cow came up to him
I combed my tongue!

The chicken went to the pharmacy
And she said “Crow!
Give me soap and perfume
May the roosters love you!”

Irishka was driving down the hill
- I was the fastest;
Ira even has his own skis
Overtook on the way!

Rubbish - rubbish - rubbish!
I could perform all day!
I don't feel like studying
And you’re not too lazy to sing ditties!

Once Alyosha went himself
For cereal at the supermarket.
“Mom, there’s no cereal there,
I had to buy some candy!”

Leshka is sitting at the table
Picking his nose
And the booger answers:
I still won't get out!

Yegor has two shoulder blades,
And Nina has molds.
I give them a tongue for it
I'll stick it out of the window.

I baked a cake
I treated Vanya.
He showed for it
I have a bug in my glass.

Grandfather taught a mouse to write,
And what came out was scribbles.
The mouse got a deuce.
And both cried bitterly.

I'll go out, I'll go out and dance
In new shoes,
All the guys say
That I'm like a picture!

Play it, balalaika,
Balalaika - three strings!
Sing along, don't yawn,
Come out, dancers.

The lazy mother says:
“Make your bed!”
And the lazy woman: “Mommy,
I’m still little.”

Smoky pan
Julia cleaned with sand.
Three hours in the shower Yulia
Grandma washed it afterwards.

Dima got dressed in the morning
And for some reason it fell:
He stuck it for no reason
Two legs in one pant leg.

I washed my hands under the tap,
And I forgot to wash my face,
Trezor saw me
He barked: “What a shame!”

In the morning to mother our Mila
She gave me two candies.
I barely had time to give it,
She immediately ate them herself.

Boiled milk
She went far away.
I approach him again:
There's no milk in sight.

Family and love

Why did you lure me in?
When am I not nice to you?
You would say in the fall,
I wouldn't go in winter.

I stood behind the porch
And they said: well done.
I took out my handkerchief
And they said: she kissed.

Darling, don't knock
Nice one, don't shout,
Under the middle window
Scratch yourself quietly.

Get up early, mommy
Wash the burner with sand,
The jerk will go to get married -
I will cry with my voice.

It's okay that I'm small -
I took a star from the sky.
I sat one evening
Made the guy crazy.

Mommy is not my own,
The stew is cold,
If only I were dear,
I poured some hot cabbage soup.

Oh, mountain, mountain,
And under the mountain there is a stream.
Showed me off
I don’t know whose.

Soon I will become a housewife
At the sweetheart's house:
They will have dinner and sit down
By my order.

Dear in autumn
He said a secret word:
- Save up, dear lady,
Engagement ring.

Darling, you will lose happiness -
You won't marry me.
I'll cry one day
You will be lost forever.

They came to marry me
With gilded arc.
While I was powdering and blushing,
We went to another one.

Well, what is it like to become,
Carry buckets up the mountain?
I'll get married there
Where there is water under the window.

The windows were curtained
Thin white linen.
You know, they got a girlfriend,
He sits and cries under the window.

For the high mansions,
Daddy, don't give it away:
A person is more valuable than a house -
Choose a person.

Isn't there enough forest?
I'm chopping birch trees.
Are there really not enough kids?
I love a married man.

It would be nice to have shoes
At a gentle pace,
So that mommy doesn't hear,
When I go home.

Don't scold me, mom
Don't scold me, dear:
She was young herself
Came late.

I sewed a pouch for my dear one,
And the mitten came out.
My darling came and praised:
- What a craftswoman!

And my darling gave it to me

Your true love,

And I gave him

Its dimensionless one.

(ditties about love )

Behind the outskirts of the woods,

And behind the forest there is a river.

Where do you go my friend?

My heart ached.

I fell in love with him

He's a good boy.

Well, of course, not forever -

Just for two evenings!

(ditties about love, family, separation)

I don't need a pound of peas,

And one pea,

I don't need too many girls

And one good one!

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Why did you come here?

Unfamiliar guy?

Dried my heart

Like crackers on the stove.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

I loved the falcon

I darned his socks.

And he, the damned crocodile,

He played tricks with others.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

There are two flowers on the hill,

Blue and scarlet.

I wouldn't change it for anything

you, my dear.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

I was given to someone else

And I will be faithful to him forever,

How faithful Mumu was

To my Gerasim.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

I don't want to drink tea

I don't want to brew

I don't want to love you

And even talk!

(ditties about love, family, separation)

My little darling is on fumes

Like a snake is burning.

Punch him in the face -

Loves, welcomes.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

You, my dear, leave your wife,

Go to the station.

You put your wife in the trunk

And lose your receipt.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

I'm walking, the window is closed

Blue curtain.

Congratulations, dear,

With a new suitor!

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Why did you lure me in?

When am I not nice to you?

You would say in the fall,

I wouldn't go in winter.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Darling, you will lose happiness -

You won't marry me.

I'll cry one day -

You will be lost forever.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

I stood behind the porch

And they said: well done.

I took out my handkerchief

And they said: she kissed.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Well, what is it like to become,

Carry buckets up the mountain?

I'll get married there

Where there is water under the window.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

My darling is good

Looks like a teacher.

And he will put on a jacket -

A real fool.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

I'll buy myself a ring

With gold hallmark.

If they don't marry you,

I'll try anyway!

(ditties about love, family, separation)

There is fog outside.

The diaper is drying.

All your love is a deception

Besides the child.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Darling, don't knock

Nice one, don't shout,

Under the middle window

Scratch yourself quietly.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

For the high mansions,

Daddy, don't give it away:

A person is more valuable than a house -

Choose a person.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Get up early, mommy,

Wash the burner with sand,

The jerk will go to get married -

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Don't scold me, mom

Don't scold me, dear:

She was young herself

Came late.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

It's okay that I'm small

I took a star from the sky.

One evening I sat

Made the guy crazy.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

I sewed a pouch for my dear one,

And the mitten came out.

My dear came and praised:

- What a craftswoman!

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Mommy is not my own,

The stew is cold,

If only I were dear,

I poured some hot cabbage soup.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Oh, mountain, mountain,

And under the mountain there is a stream.

Showed me off

I don’t know whose.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

It would be nice to have shoes

At a gentle pace,

So that mommy doesn't hear,

When I go home.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Soon I will become a housewife

At the sweetheart's house:

They will have dinner and sit down

By my order.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

They came to marry me

With gilded arc.

While I was powdering and blushing,

We went to another one.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Dear in autumn

He said a secret word:

- Save up, dear lady,

Engagement ring.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

The windows were curtained

Thin white linen.

You know, they got a girlfriend,

He sits and cries under the window.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Isn't there enough forest?

I'm chopping birch trees.

Are there really not enough kids?

I love a married man.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Everyone was invited to the wedding

All the relatives have gathered,

Gave me a lot of money

And the “iron horse”.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

The guests gave us

Mortar, chock and trestle bed,

Nothing strange here

After all, a wedding is made of wood!

(ditties about love, family, separation)

A star fell from the sky

On a straight line.

My darling is translating for me

In your last name.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Bite a big bulldog

Mother-in-law's skinny leg.

I died immediately from the bite -

Poisoned by my mother-in-law.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

We have a bride anywhere,

Beautiful Elenka,

Here's a miracle:

Previously, there was a wall propped up in the club.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

I have a sister-in-law

Not that beautiful

But the mother-in-law is no matter where,

Stately and sweet.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

My darling is the fear of the night,

My ears are ten...

But if you drink, there's something to it

Screw her!

Tell me, friends,

What should I do, I don’t know?

Should I risk getting married?

Should I drown myself right away?...

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Water flows from the well,

Bubbling, foaming.

Let your girlfriend leave you

It's not going anywhere.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Don't take it from your mother-in-law in a barrel

You are salty mushrooms.

So that with a smile on your lips

Don't sit in the bushes afterwards.

(ditties about love, family, separation)

Darling, what are you doing, darling, what are you doing

Leaned on your shoulder?

And I, dear, no matter -

fell in love passionately.

(ditties about love )

Ditties about love

I used to love him
And now I'm done:
His girlfriend is chasing him
Like a hound dog.

Stop dragging around, Vanya,
Walk with long-tailed animals,
Isn't it time for you to get married?
You won't be spoiled.

They told me about Milov,
That he is thin and small.
Watch on Sunday:
Like a scarlet flower!

I broke the bird cherry
Branches fell into the river.
I was born ugly
But I’ll attract anyone!

If only, dear, it weren’t you,
They would buy me bots,
And you with a long tongue:
I was left barefoot.

I loved gray eyes -
Isn't this fun?
And now the eyes are gray
They've gone far.

Like at this party
All the guys are good
Only gray little eyes -
Ripping my soul!

I haven’t raced and won’t -
This is not my character
I won't get down on my knees,
Dear, in front of you.

Sincere friend,
Don't rush to go out for a walk,
Stayed at the party
Only sprat and ruff.

I am my rival
I'll take you to the mill,
I put my head in the pool,
So as not to compete.

Fenced the vegetable gardens,
I rarely put up stakes.
He didn't leave me as a darling,
I left him.

I put a candle on the river,
For clean water.
Forget me, skinny one,
Get the boost.

Remember, darling, that bush,
Where did you kiss me?
And now I'm crying tears,
And that bush withered.

There is a handkerchief of soap on the river,
I hung it on a birch tree.
Milenka did not love with her heart,
I amused myself with conversation.

I have a big braid
Raspberry ribbon.
While I was studying in the city,
They recaptured my dear one's home.

Goldfish in the sea
The scales on it are burning.
Calm down, my little buttock,
My heart hurts!

All the stars are shining,
And one went out.
All the girls are happy
I'm the only one unhappy.

I'll wash it all with tears
Down pillow.
Fate made me love
Someone else's fun little thing.

There are two huts behind the mountain,
The stoves fire up early.
Girls twirl their curls,
They are in a hurry for the evening.

It's good to mow the grass,
Which itself is looking askance.
It's good to love him
Which will ask itself.

Like that one on the bridge
The board fell down
On my darling
Melancholy set in.

Apples hung in the garden -
Where there are four, where there are five.
Let's sit with you, honey,
We're on our last night.

How many times have I sworn
Sing songs to the accordion,
How the accordion will play -
Can the heart endure!

The rye is thick and frequent,
The spikelets are long.
Remember, remember how we walked
Winter evenings.

Don't scold me, mom
That I come late:
I'm in the last minutes
I look at the cute one.

If only there was no path,
There would be no polelyuska.
If only it weren't cute
There would be no grief.

We parted ways with the little berry
Near two white birches.
Now those birches are withering
From my hot tears.

I won't stand by the river,
I'll walk along the bank.
I won’t love busy people
And I’ll find a free one.

I walked with him for a short time -
Just two times.
I'll take another walk -
I'll refuse.

I'll go to the fast river
And I will say to the fast waves:
“Make way, the waves are fast,
It’s still a separation for us!”

I'm a little white handkerchief
I hung it on a birch tree.
Didn't let anyone in -
I amused you, my dear.

My annoyance is not a seedling:
You can’t spread it over the ridges:
And a torment is not a torch:
You won't burn in the evenings.

If only my daddy hadn't died,
Mama is not a widow -
I wouldn't have grown up like this
Tricky head.

By the river on a gray pebble
The scarlet flower grew.
Involuntarily, I, a girl,
I had to break up.

There is a crow on the road
Black, sad.
Grief has come to me,
I didn't look forward to him.

The black raven drank water
Shore to shore came together.
Is it really me and my little one?
Separated forever?

The sun doesn't warm me
There is fog over the head.
Girls don't like me
Should I tell you, brothers?

How many times have I approached
To this whirlpool.
I wanted to drown myself -
Sorry for the berries.

Three flowers bloomed
By the river under the bridge.
I'm not happy, girl
Beauty and growth.

I mowed behind the lake,
I asked Alyonushka:
“Give me a drink, Alyonushka -
Fill your heart with fire."

It buzzed, it made noise
There's bad weather in the field.
I got into an argument with my little boy,
There is anxiety in my soul.

Blue flowers
They opened up in the rye.
On me, my little buttock,
Don't hold out hope.

My gray eyes
They were clouded with sadness.
Because of you, my dear,
Others backed down.

Get up, my friend, you're hurt,
Our lake is in the fog.
A seagull flutters over the water,
Mil laughs at me.

I'll go to the pole field,
I will sow scarlet poppy.
I love villages with all my heart
The most daring one.

A star fell from the sky,
I was walking along that path.
Come back, love is hot,
Which passed!

At my rival's
Thin legs
Head like a snake
Voice like a cat.

I wear a black skirt
Darling thinks, I push.
According to such chatter -
I don’t even want to think!

Eat, little cow, straws,
Don't rely on senzo.
Take, dear, a handkerchief,
Don't rely on the ring.

From window to window
White fluff flies
I'll never believe it
That he loves two at once.

I danced and got tired
And she took the galoshes off her feet.
I quickly forgot you
Well, you couldn't help me.

I don't know why
I can't determine
Why grey-eyed
Made me love.

My darling accompanied me
He held my hand tightly.
How many stars are there in the sky,
Kissed me so many times.

Noisy white birch,
Submissive to all winds.
My heart never happens
Never calm.

Don't look out the window, honey.
Don't show black eyebrows.
Better go out the gate
Say a word kindly.

I love fun
His mother scolds him.
How cheerful he will play -
Glad to break my head.

Tell it, little one, to the uterus,
To your mother, fool:
She wouldn't judge
When I walk down the street.

Say what you want -
I will, girl, endure.
Until the last patience
I'll sit with my dear one.

They say that she is very lively,
Boyka - I don’t repent.
I fell in love with nine
I'm packing up on the tenth.

It's not the tea that makes her fade
My tea cup
I won't tell anyone
Why am I walking around sad?

The river flows through the sand,
This is how my life flows.
I don’t hope for dear -
Someone will beat it off.

If you don't love me
Tell me quickly!
There's a knot in my heart
Hurry up and untie it!

Here's the spinning wheel, here's the flax,
These are the forty spindles,
You sit and spin
Look at me.

Shouldn't I mow it down?
Meadow by the bank?
Shouldn't I dry it?
Friend's heart?

The tall spruce rustled
I stood at the gate.
My beloved has changed me -
Life took a turn for the worse.

Me at home for dear
They want to beat you with a stick.
I told my mother:
“Even if you kill me, I will love you!”

They're watching me at home,
Karaulte, it doesn’t matter
If there is no move at the door,
Then there is a window to go.

I tripped over the Christmas tree
She tangled behind a pine tree.
I lost my father and mother -
I chased after my little one.

Girls, love is hot
Keep it locked up
I carried everything in a basket -
It was blown by the wind.

I drew water from the river -
The handkerchief drowned.
Loved Black-Eyed -
The black-eyed man deceived.

What have you done, my dear?
Did you cut down the green oak?
It would be better with a knife to the heart,
What else did you love!

Lilac is white, lilac is white
It blooms in front of the Trinity.
Blindfold my eyes -
There goes my traitor.

Clover blossomed
All over the strip.
We used to walk secretly
Why did everyone know?

Why ruin the hunt?
With poppy pink bouquet!
How much to find out about hunting:
Loves darling or not.

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