Biography of Evgenia Konstantinovna Glushenko. Alexander Alexandrovich Kalyagin Evgenia Glushenko and Alexander Kalyagin divorced

Born on May 25, 1942 in the city of Malmyzh, Kirov region. Father - Kalyagin Alexander Georgievich (1895–1942). Mother - Yulia Mironovna Zaideman (1901-1972). Married for the second time, his wife is Evgenia Konstantinovna Glushenko, People's Artist of Russia. Daughter (from her first marriage) – Ksenia. Lives and works in the USA. Son (from his second marriage) – Denis. He graduated from the prestigious private school George School in the USA, then St. John College, and now lives and works in Moscow.


Alexander Kalyagin was born in evacuation in a small town, where he lived for less than a year, but he continues to come to the city of Mamlizh to this day, his father is buried here. And Alexander Alexandrovich is a frequent guest of the Vyatskopolyanskaya children's theater school, which bears his name. He not only represents at its anniversaries and holidays, but also pays scholarships to the most talented children from his personal funds. In 2014, Alexander Kalyagin was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the Kirov Region. Kalyagin spent his childhood in Moscow in house No. 7 of Maly Kharitonyevsky Lane. Here they lived with their mother in an 11-meter room in a communal apartment. Nearby, in Stopani Lane, there was the House of Pioneers, where as a schoolboy he ran to study in the children's art reading studio. The Turgenev Library was located nearby; Sasha came here not only to read books, but also to watch TV; there was no TV in the house. There was another favorite place - a bakery, where they sold the most delicious high-calorie buns. And when, many years later, the “Et Cetera” theater is built on Turgenevskaya Square, a uniquely beautiful structure in which the ideas of Alexander Kalyagin himself were implemented in many ways, he admits: “This is a miracle! In my hometown, on the street where I ran as a boy, there is a luxurious theater that looks like a magic castle, the dream of my childhood come true.”. (Photo: Alexander Kalyagin is 3 years old)

Alexander Kalyagin was the only and late child in the family. His father, the dean of the Faculty of History, died shortly after the birth of his son, having only managed to give him a name. My mother, a French teacher (she spoke five languages ​​in total), after the death of her husband, raised her only child alone. It is not surprising that all the wishes, all the whims of little Sasha were always fulfilled.

From the age of 5, Kalyagin dreamed of becoming an artist. From his memoirs: “From infancy, I was surrounded only by a feminine aura, I was enveloped in love and tenderness. As a boy, I felt it and immediately sat on my head. And sitting down, he showed his persistent character. And this despite the fact that I am not an impudent person, but lazy. Apparently, I realized early that antics and doing nothing are my element. My family loved me immensely and were delighted with all my performances. “A very, very talented boy,” they told me. It inspired and liberated me. Although they didn’t ask me: “Alichek, stand on a stool and read something.” They liked it when I imitated someone. Then it seemed to me that the work of an actor was easy...”

When seven-year-old Sasha wanted to have a home theater, his mother brought a carpenter, who, “according to the instructions” of the young director, made a real small theater - with wings, a portal and a stage. There were several curtains of different colors, and they could be hung in accordance with the “artistic design”. Sasha invited the children of his neighbors in the communal apartment, and the performance began. Mom’s necklace turned into a snake, a bottle of perfume into a palace, paper cut-out people into heroes. A plot was immediately invented - funny or scary. The young author himself commented on what was happening on stage. When, many years later, Alexander Kalyagin sees a real theatrical model, he will have the feeling of something he experienced long ago, as if he were returning to his childhood again.

Charlie Chaplin and Arkady Isaakovich Raikin became his idols in childhood. At the age of 13, he wrote a letter to Arkady Isaakovich Raikin in which he asked the question: “How did you achieve such talent?” And the great artist answered the completely unknown boy very seriously: “Talent is not achieved. This is what is given or not given by nature. But I believe in only one thing in life: work.” To this day, Alexander Kalyagin carefully preserves this letter as a “safe conduct letter.” He retained his admiration for the great artist throughout his life, as well as his admiration for the genius of Chaplin, whom he fell in love with at the age of 7 after seeing on TV - today a portrait of Charlie Chaplin hangs in his office as the artistic director of the Et Cetera theater. As a schoolboy, Sasha read poetry at the Palace of Pioneers, and was one of those cute, plump boys well known from the old days, who congratulated their adult uncles and aunts at ceremonial meetings with ringing voices. When I got older, I began to perform reading serious literature, this was already in the folk theater of the reader of the House of Culture for Health Workers. To this day, Alexander Alexandrovich remembers with gratitude Nina Adamovna Buivan, who taught him the art of literary reading when he was a medical school student and then an ambulance paramedic. (Photo: 1956, Alexander Kalyagin - seventh grade student)

Mom adored her son. At times Sasha even wanted to break free, run away from guardianship, and feel independent. Many conflicts arose on this basis. There were also problems at school, where drill reigned (so, in any case, it seemed to the future actor). Mathematics and physics were difficult for Alexander; he simply hated German. He studied well and loved only literature and geography. I took failures very hard. If he got a bad grade, he left classes, and his mother took his school bag from school in the evening. Until the 4th grade, he studied only with boys; Later, when schools were united and girls appeared in the class, internal conflicts became even more acute. Sasha found it unbearable to study, he hated school, and his mother decided that it was better for the boy to leave school, change his environment and get a specialized secondary education.

Choosing a path

Despite Alexander’s desire to become an actor, at a home council, his mother and aunts decided that he needed to get a “normal” profession. And Alexander entered medical school No. 14. He graduated from it in 1959, after which he got a job as an ambulance paramedic. So two difficult years passed, during which Kalyagin learned what the wrong side of life is. After which he finally decided to fulfill his childhood dream... He intended to study acting exclusively at the Shchukin School. I submitted my documents and passed the first round. But then he was asked to bring a medical certificate about the condition of the ligaments. His voice was, as they say, “with sand” - the result of diligent imitations of Arkady Raikin. He was afraid of the medical commission and did not go to the next rounds. After medical school, logically, it was necessary to enter a medical institute, but the wise mother realized that her son could not be broken, especially since the teacher of the folk theater reader N.A. Buivan, with whom she decided to consult, assured that Sasha should become an artist. Then Yulia Mironovna did a fantastic thing: she found her former student, whose mother was the head of the department of Marxism and Leninism at the Shchukin School. Through her, an audition was arranged, which was attended by Boris Evgenievich Zakhava himself. He listened to Kalyagin, was satisfied, but advised him to prepare another fable for the exam and wrote a note: come to the third round. In 1962, Kalyagin entered the Higher Theater School named after B.V. Shchukin at the State Academic Theater named after Evg. Vakhtangov. (Photo: 1957. Amateur performance)


(Photo: Alexander Kalyagin, Evgenia Glushenko, Ksenia and Denis) At the Shchukin School, Alexander Kalyagin met his first love. A talented actress and a real beauty Tatyana Korunova came from Sverdlovsk, where she studied until her third year at the university in physics and mathematics. She was accepted into the Shchukin School without any qualifying rounds. No one knew about the romance between Alexander and Tatiana. They got married secretly in their second year, they simply signed at the registry office. Tatyana Korunova tragically died early, Yulia Mironovna soon passed away, and Alexander Kalyagin was left with his little daughter in his arms. Alexander Kalyagin met his second wife, actress Evgenia Glushenko, on the set of the film “An Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano.” They soon got married and have been living together ever since.... There are two sacred zones for Alexander Kalyagin where no one enters. This is his creative laboratory and his family. He is proud of his children Ksenia and Denis, and now his grandson Matvey, who plays the cello, plays football and attends two schools at once: Russian and English. Recently, a daughter, Anechka, appeared in Ksenia’s family.

Planet Kalyagin

Kalyagin does not like giving interviews or appearing on television. He is annoyed by aimed cameras and camera flashes. A public person does not like publicity - this also happens today. He laughs at colleagues who allow reporting from their own bedrooms. Doesn't judge, just chuckles. He himself follows the commandment: “Do not judge, you will not be judged,” but this does not change anything in his life - he is judged for everything: for success and failure, for recognition and awards, for the built theater and positions, for an expensive car and a good house and for a lot more. He irritates, no, not because of his luck, there are more fortunate ones, but he irritates because he eludes direct definitions. They love him without understanding why, and they hate him without delving into whether there are reasons for it. He falls out of every role: neither a tragedian nor a comedian, he exists somewhere on the border, in that border zone where few people dare to venture. It seems that there is an element of play in everything that Alexander Kalyagin does. As a true Moscow Art Theater member (and almost 30 years of his life have been given to the Moscow Art Theater), he acts clearly in accordance with the proposed circumstances, and always lives “in truth.” But, being also a true Vakhtangovite, he always slightly sneers at this “truth”, and, above all, sneers at himself. Self-irony is his defense. He doesn’t perceive people without humor, he immediately interrupts flattering speeches: “it’s at the coffin...”. Helps many, but never advertises or expects gratitude. But to unfair attacks against himself, his theater “Et Cetera” or the Union of Theater Workers of Russia, of which he is the Chairman, he reacts violently, here all diplomatic tricks are swept aside, he responds sharply, without observing politeness. Very quick-tempered and very easy-going. Despite all his outward openness and democratic communication - lively intonations, jokes, loud laughter - he is a closed person who does not allow anyone into his world. One of the many thousands of articles about him is called “Planet Kalyagin”, and this very accurately characterizes him. Planet Kalyagin - about which so much and so little is known. What is known you will find on the pages of this site. Welcome!

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Biography, life story of Evgenia Konstantinovna Glushenko


Born on September 4, 1952 in Rostov-on-Don. When Zhenya was a student at a Rostov high school, her mother told her: “You should study in some kind of circle, well, at least in drama”. The girl obeyed and at the age of 10 began going to a drama club at the House of Pioneers in Rostov-on-Don. When the time came to choose a profession, I began to think about a pedagogical institute. She loved the theater, but it seemed unattainable to her. Mom said: "Are you an artist? Don't make me laugh". But the head of the drama club, professional actress Tamara Ilyinichna Ilyinskaya said: “If Zhenya wanted, I would prepare her.”

Theater school

She was afraid to go to Moscow to study as an artist, and Tamara Ilyinichna said: “You know what? Let’s go here first, and then we’ll see.”. In general, Zhenya became faint-hearted and remained in Rostov, becoming a 1st year student at the local theater school. She endured it for a year, and then finally fled to the capital. Moreover, a great-aunt lived there, and her son was a circus performer. Together with two friends from the drama club, Zhenya applied to several theater universities in the capital.

It so happened that the exams at the Shchepkin School were several days earlier than all the others, Zhenya successfully passed them and was enrolled. Everyone was very surprised how this girl from the southern city of Rostov with a typical Ukrainian surname had such correct, accent-free speech. The explanation was simple. By that time, she had already been studying to be an actress in Rostov for a year, where she was taught stage speech and breathing exercises, and she independently worked on correct literary pronunciation.
The leader of her course was the famous actor and director of the Maly Theater Mikhail Tsarev. This fact played an important role in the fate of Evgenia Glushenko.

After graduating from college in 1974, she initially did not receive placement. “There are no applications for you, no one needs you”, they told her. And then the director of the Kostroma Theater offered to go to him, immediately naming the specific roles that Evgenia was to play there. However, a week later she was invited to the State Academic Maly Theater and offered the role of Lisa in “Woe from Wit”.



And after that, every year she received roles in new theater performances. Among her first works are Cordelia in "King Lear" by W. Shakespeare and Tanya in the play "The Picture" based on the book by D. Granin. In total, over the years of work in Maly, Evgenia Glushenko played roles in more than 20 performances.

For the first time, Evgenia Glushenko acted in a movie at the age of sixteen. This was the graduation work of director and cameraman Igor Klebanov, “And I’m Going Home” (1968). However, this painting was recognized as anti-ideological and anti-aesthetic and, naturally, was not allowed to be defended. Therefore, it is no coincidence that many encyclopedias consider Evgenia Glushenko’s acting debut to be her second film – “An Unfinished Piece for a Mechanical Piano”, which he based on the works of . In this film she played Sasha.

The painting “Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano” played an important role in her life. It was here that she met an outstanding actor who played the main role of Mikhail Platonov in the film. Everyone remembers how she ran after her Platonov, stumbling, to the river: “Misha! Mishenka!. How they then hugged knee-deep in water, in a sea of ​​tears.

Then, during filming, the aspiring actress was embarrassed by her famous partner. Two years passed... One day he suddenly called her and suggested going to the theater. This is how their romance began. Alexander Alexandrovich's daughter Ksenia liked the beautiful and kind woman from her first marriage, and since then they have been living together. Later, the couple had a son, Denis.

Work in cinema in the 70s - 80s

The melodrama “Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano” brought Evgenia Glushenko real success. From that time on, she began to regularly act in films. One after another, films with her participation are released: “Cherednichenko’s Big Love”, “Married for the First Time”, “In Love of My Own Will”, “We Didn’t Expect, We Didn’t Guess”... And almost everywhere the actress plays the main roles.

In the melodrama by Joseph Kheifitz “Married for the First Time,” Glushenko played a lonely woman “without much education” who, after her daughter’s marriage, finally decided to take care of her own happiness. In the short story "Cherednichenko's Big Love" - ​​a touring actress with whom a furniture factory planner falls in love (in the role of which her husband starred). In the socio-psychological drama “Zina-Zinulya” - the head of the mortar unit of a large construction site is Zina, a young, taciturn, honest and principled woman.

As a rule, in all her films, Evgenia Glushenko plays ordinary women who attract the attention of men not with their appearance, but with their warmth and warmth of character.

The role of Vera in the film “In Love of My Own Will” was especially successful for the actress. Her heroine helps drunken truth-seeker Igor Bragin (played superbly) by self-hypnosis to regain interest in life, work, and find love. But with these sessions she helps not only him, but also herself. In the film, the viewer sees the story of two outcasts, for whom self-hypnosis became the only way to survive in society. Vera and Igor escape into a little love harmony, and she protects the lovers from social disharmony.

Back on the screen

Since the late 80s, Evgenia Glushenko has practically stopped acting in films. Only a decade later, in 1997, she again appears on the screen in one of the main roles in Nikolai Dostal’s eccentric comedy “Policemen and Thieves.”

This picture began a new period in the film biography of the actress. In the late 90s, she starred in the series “Waiting Room” and “With New Happiness!”, as well as in the Russian-Belarusian tragicomedy “Three Women and a Man”, where together they played two middle-aged women in love with a young hairdresser () .

After that, in the 2000s, she appeared on screens more than once.


Father - Glushenko Konstantin Ivanovich (born 1924).

Mother - Glushenko Olga Anatolyevna.

Spouse - Kalyagin Alexander Alexandrovich (born 1942), chairman of the Union of Theater Workers, People's Artist of Russia.

Son - Kalyagin Denis Alexandrovich (born 1980).

Daughter - Kalyagina Ksenia Aleksandrovna.

Evgenia Konstantinovna became a reliable, eternal rear for her husband.

Express Gazeta reporters were the first to learn about the family crisis of the famous actor couple Kalyagin - Glushenko.

The article begins like this: “Their love was born beautifully - under the gun of movie cameras during the filming of the magnificent film “Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano.” She ran after him, stumbling, to the river. And then they hugged, standing knee-deep in the water, and cried - the most popular and beloved actor Alexander KALYAGIN and the then very young, charming Evgenia GLUSHENKO. Soon this wonderful acting couple could celebrate a pearl wedding - 30 years of marriage."

It turned out that Kalyagin had not appeared in their apartment on 1905 Street, 3 for several months. Only his wife and son Denis lived there. After “The Piano” Kalyagin turned into the most popular artist - completely deservedly so. At the same time, he was going through a difficult period in his personal life - he was raising his little daughter Katya alone - his first wife Tanya died of cancer when the girl was 4 years old.

EG: “Kalyagin didn’t even think about getting married again for a long time, because a strange woman in the house could cause irreparable injury to the child. He liked Zhenya Glushenko right away - sweet, kind, wise. Later he admitted that, looking at her, he thought: “Exactly such a woman could become an understanding and loving wife to him and a good mother to Ksyusha. And only a year later the actor dared to take a step towards him.”

And one more thing - EG: “Let Aunt Zhenya come to live with us,” said the daughter after several months of meeting her father’s chosen one. Soon Evgenia gave birth to a son.

It's all very charming. But this is how Kalyagin himself talks about their romance in an interview (Caravan of Stories, 09/1/2003 - ):— On the set of “The Mechanical Piano” you met your current wife, actress Evgenia Glushenko? - Yes. But we didn’t have an affair at that moment - we communicated exclusively as partners. I had other hobbies then, and other girls came to me in Pushchino, where filming was going on. Only a year later, when suddenly there was a pause - I broke up with one, nothing was clear with the other - I suddenly remembered: “By the way, Zhenya... What’s her phone number?..” Well, why lie? I didn’t suffer, lying on the sofa: “Oh, what a woman I missed!” Our life with Zhenya was not strewn with roses. Zhenya and Ksyusha did not immediately get used to each other. It was hard for both of us at first."

There is something unpleasant about this.

Evgenia Glushenko endured gossip for a long time about her husband’s infidelities: a romantic relationship with the charming Katya Rednikova, whom Kalyagin invited to play leading roles in his theater. “Soon no one in the troupe doubted that Kalyagin appreciated not only Katya’s acting abilities.” The relationship with her went wrong - this affected her employment in the theater. “For several years she played in only one play... “There was also some dark story with rape. Oksana Gorbacheva submitted an application to the prosecutor's office, then she took it away. The editors of “Your Day” have the results of the examination at their disposal. According to experts, the injuries found on Gorbachova’s body could have been received under the circumstances outlined in her statement. “Oksana refused all accusations against Alexander Kalyagin. And in the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case, the investigator wrote: “On August 14, 2006... Gorbachova and Kalyagin had sex in a natural form, without any pressure from Kalyagin A .A."

Everyone knows how such stories end when the name of a famous person is involved.

And here’s what a visitor to the forum under the name Gek Finn wrote: “It was enough for me to work for his theater for a year to be forever disappointed in Kalyagin as a person. I remember very well the revelations of one young woman from the junior staff of “Et Cetera”, whom Kalyagin threatened to fire if she did not give him a blowjob... Well, who among us is not a womanizer. But to persuade people to have sex using administrative resources and threats is a bummer. His theater was once rightly criticized for the fact that it did not have a single character actor with brutal masculine charisma and a powerfully expressed libido. Well, except for the entrepreneurial Vladimir Simonov. All the others, from “heroes-lovers” to “extras,” were selected according to one criterion: only the boss tramples the chicken coop in this barn.”

Evgenia Konstantinovna said that she believed only her beloved husband, until an audio recording of Kalyagin’s dirty old man’s harassment was posted on the Internet (oh, you’ll be surprised what this old penguin dreams of!

And don't forget to read the comments.

Sinner: “There are so few real men in our time. Good luck to A. Kalyagin. His wife will not be ashamed of such a man, she is a smart woman.”
Natalia: “But the story about Kalyagin’s sexuality turns me on. It’s wonderful that he is a lively, active man. ... If anyone is deprived of libido, they won’t understand, of course.”

Galina: “I know one thing, that dear Alexander Kalyagin is a very talented artist and I am sure that he is a decent person!!!”

It's clear? Be proud, madam, of your husband's persistent libido. We are so happy for them!
It’s interesting that it’s mostly ladies who think so. This probably happened in their family, when their beloved father ran to his young mistress, and mother, carefully adjusting her scarf, said: “Say hello to Katya, and just be careful not to disgrace me.”

Stasya: “If a journalist presents himself as so delicate, then why does he dump porn, and even savor it?”
But because we read. And, let me note, it’s interesting, I won’t hide it. And you're curious, aren't you?

Again, this is a family affair. However, Kalyagin knows that the artist is a public figure, and could have been more careful so as not to humiliate his wife. But apparently he considers himself invulnerable.

And some more touches to the portrait of San Sosanych.
Remember the story with the former common-law wife of singer Zhenya Belousov? Lena Savina began dating businessman Viktor BONDARENKO. From this relationship, a girl, Zhenya, was born six and a half years ago. The rich man rented a mansion for his passion on Rublevskoye Highway in the prestigious village of Gorki-10 and provided him with basic necessities: German cars, Yakut diamonds, antique furniture and paintings. However, over time, the love left, and Bondarenko decided to get rid of the annoying woman, but keep the child for himself by any means. Bondarenko apologized to his wife, telling the truth about his daughter. It seems that his wife said: “Girl? Very good! I will be a wonderful mother to her."

Representatives of the state who defend motherhood and childhood were very much influenced by a letter from the chairman of the commission on cultural development of the Public Chamber of Russia, Alexander Kalyagin, where it is made clear that the daughter should live with her father - “a famous cultural figure, philanthropist, and outstanding public figure.” (“Patron” Bondarenko traded icons for foreign currency back in Soviet times. Thanks to him, foreigners exported works of art from Russia. For this he served four years. And now this page of his life is presented as a heroic struggle against the hated Soviet regime). According to Kalyagin, the child’s mother has “complex behavior,” which “plays an extremely negative role,” and “the child’s life is being seriously tested.” Moreover, San Sosanych’s assistant, Mr. Yudin, first confirmed that the letter existed and was prepared by him personally, and that Sosanych believed that the child should go to school, etc., and then cuckooed that Bondarenko forged the signature! And Kalyagin threatens to conduct a personal investigation.

Vile Vanyukin!

Evgenia Glushenko and Alexander Kalyagin are two stars of Russian theater and cinema. At the time they met, each of them could not even imagine that they would become husband and wife.

And, most importantly, they will be able to save their family for many years. They do not allow strangers into their lives, do not comment on emerging scandals and refuse to talk about their relationships in front of cameras. But they have been together for almost 40 years, which in itself is proof: family is the most important thing in their lives.

First meetings

They met in 1977, on the set of “An Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano.” In the drama by Nikita Mikhalkov, Kalyagin played Mikhail Vasilyevich Platonov, Evgeniy - Sashenka Platonova, his wife. Their performance was so authentic and piercing that the audience immediately decided that there was an affair between Kalyagin and Glushenko. Such a young actress cannot play such feelings, you can only experience them. Although in fact they were really in love at that time. Evgenia into another man, Alexander into another woman.
By the time they met, Alexander Kalyagin had already experienced a personal tragedy; his first wife, Tatyana Korunova, had died. He was left alone with his five-year-old daughter Ksenia in his arms. He never complained about difficulties, but did everything to ensure that his Ksanyulka did not need anything. He categorically did not tolerate and does not tolerate pity addressed to him, he simply worked, not allowing himself to relax.

Evgenia Glushenko and Alexander Kalyagin in the film “Unfinished Piece for Mechanical Piano.”

At the time of approval for the role, Evgenia Glushenko had already served at the Maly Theater for three years after graduating from the Shchepkinsky School. The young, very bright and at the same time very strong actress could not go unnoticed. Alexander Kalyagin appeared in her life only a year after the end of filming.

When love comes

Evgenia Glushenko on the stage of the Maly Theater.

Colleagues of Alexander Kalyagin recall: many women tried to win the heart of an enviable bachelor. One could form a real queue of them. True, young Evgenia had no idea about anything and did not try to charm the famous actor. He appeared on his own.
Already during filming, Alexander Kalyagin saw a holy girl in Evgenia Glushenko. He considered himself a real eagle: he was a celebrity, handsome, a favorite of spectators and women. According to the actor, he was incredibly lucky; meeting Evgenia became his lucky ticket.

Alexander Kalyagin.

On their first date they went to the theater. In general, it would be a stretch to call it a date. They sat in the auditorium, watching their colleagues on stage with interest, and then discussed their own and others’ roles. Communication was easy, but more reminiscent of communication between two colleagues. The rapprochement proceeded slowly, but mutual interest had already outgrown the professional framework.

Evgenia Glushenko, Alexander Kalyagin and Anastasia Vertinskaya at the opening of the Peoples' Friendship Theater.

Alexander Kalyagin and Evgenia Glushenko were already confident in their feelings, but Evgenia had one more, most important test to pass. Alexander Kalyagin long ago promised himself that he would marry for the second time only to the woman whom his daughter Ksenia would accept.
The girl herself approached her father’s chosen one with the words: “Aunt Zhenya, move in with dad and me!” And in 1978, Alexander Kalyagin and Evgenia Glushenko became husband and wife.

The secret behind seven locks

Evgenia Glushenko and Alexander Kalyagin with their daughter Ksenia.
Evgenia Konstantinovna at the age of 26 became the second mother for Ksenia. According to colleagues, the actress always treated the girl as her own daughter. And two years after the marriage, the couple had a son, Denis.

Evgenia Glushenko and Alexander Kalyagin with their daughter Ksenia and son Denis.
Her parents helped the actress a lot with her child. When she went on tour, her son stayed with his grandparents. At one time, Evgenia’s parents made her decision to become an actress. So, after many years, Evgenia will react favorably to the choice of professions for her adult children.

Evgenia Glushenko and Alexander Kalyagin with children.

Ksenia became a programmer, lives in America, and in 2001 her son Matvey was born. Denis became a journalist. The daughter and son, just like the parents, carefully protect the family life of their parents from prying eyes. They never give interviews and avoid talking about the personal lives of Alexander Alexandrovich and Evgenia Konstantinovna.

Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Evgenia Glushenko and Alexander Kalyagin, 1991.

Kalyagin and Glushenko believe that the family is an area that should be closed from viewers and journalists.

No matter how difficult it is

The spouses did not comment on the emerging rumors and scandals surrounding the name of Alexander Kalyagin. At that time he was already running his own theater “Et Cetera”. Kalyagin’s novels with young actresses and even his alleged harassment began to be actively discussed in the yellow press.

Evgenia Glushenko and Alexander Kalyagin.

Unceremonious journalists simply besieged the actress, calling her at any time. She made the only correct decision in that situation: Evgenia Glushenko simply ignored all the dirty insinuations. After all, not a single rumor has ever been proven. And despite the yellow articles, Kalyagin and Glushenko still remain husband and wife. And they still don’t let anyone into their lives.

In 2018, the married couple will celebrate the 40th anniversary of their married life. And is it possible to live in a marriage for so many years without mutual love?

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