What is the essence of the concept of water disposal, decoding of DPU and KPU in the receipt. What do we pay the utilities for: a new line has appeared in the housing and communal services receipt: cold water PC What does cold water mean for hot water supply

In apartment payment receipts you can find various abbreviations that are incomprehensible to most ordinary people.

How some of them are deciphered, as well as how the cold and hot water supply allocated for general house needs is calculated, you can learn from this article.

Explanation of cold water supply, hot water supply and single use in the payment receipt

Payments collected for the provision of housing and communal services are fixed by Article 154 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

A citizen who owns an apartment or has rented residential premises undertakes to make payments for hot and cold water, heating and electrical energy, gas supply and disposal waste water if he uses these services.

All of the above services are encrypted in the payment receipt in the form of abbreviations. This is done to make the document easier to read.

The following abbreviations are distinguished:

  • Cold water supply - cold water supply;
  • DHW – hot water supply;
  • ODN - common house ones are needed;
  • DPU – house metering device;
  • KPU - apartment metering device;
  • and others.

If you see the abbreviation HVS DPU on your payment receipt, it means the calculation of the amount required to pay for cold water supply, determined using the readings of a common house meter.

If the measuring equipment is installed directly in your apartment, the receipt should have a different abbreviation - HVS KPU.

In other words, the calculation of the amount required to pay for consumed cold water is based on the data of the individual apartment meter.

What is meant by ODN?

If everything is clear with the DPU and KPU, then the ODN raises many questions. In 2017, this line should be excluded from the payment receipt. This does not mean that owners of apartments in multi-apartment buildings will no longer have to pay ODN.

The amount of this fee will become fixed and will depend on the standards established in a particular subject Russian Federation. Formally, it will be part of the payment for the maintenance of residential premises.

General household needs include the following expenses:

  • lighting local area and entrance;
  • functioning of the elevator and water supply pumps in the house;
  • heating of technical premises and entrance;
  • elevator, attic and basement lighting;
  • cleaning of premises and local area;
  • operation of intercom and video surveillance (if available);
  • preparing the house for the heating season;
  • cleaning communications.

Consumption standards for ODN can be found on the official website of the local administration or your management company. Exceeding these standards is unacceptable by law, but the exception is the presence of an agreement signed general meeting residents.

Changes in legislation are aimed at protecting the interests of users, since since 2017, costs associated with water or energy losses in the house fall on the shoulders of the management company or homeowners association servicing the residential premises.

It is impossible not to pay the one-time tax payment, according to Article 158 of the RF Housing Code. Each owner of residential premises undertakes to bear the costs associated with the maintenance of his own apartment and common property.

If you have accumulated arrears on ODN, you will have to pay it off in any case, since deleting this line from the payment receipt does not relieve the citizen from the need to pay the existing debt.

What is the increasing coefficient for cold water supply on ODN?

The law obliges the installation of individual (IPU) or common house (ODPU) utility metering devices if the residential premises meet the appropriate technical specifications.

If they are absent in a building or apartment, an increasing factor is added to the housing and communal services consumption standards. For hot and cold water supply it is up to 1.6 since the beginning of this year.

Important condition the calculation of this coefficient is the absence of an accounting device in an apartment or house, if according to the technical characteristics it could be installed indoors.

If there was no technical ability to install such metering equipment, determining the amount of payment for the use of hot or cold water carried out according to the basic standard.

The procedure for calculating hot water supply and hot water supply for single-use supply units in the house

Methods for determining the amount of payment for ODN depend on the presence or absence of accounting equipment in the residential premises - ODPU (in an apartment building) or IPU (in an apartment).

Standards for resource consumption for maintaining common property are established by regional authorities.

These standards were introduced to monitor the activities of management companies or homeowners associations. Thus, management companies will no longer be able to transfer any discrepancies with meter readings to apartment owners. Energy and water losses will have to be paid for by the HOA and management company themselves.

If there is a metering device in the house, ODN will be determined as the difference between the volume of resource consumed and the totality of equipment readings with expenses according to standards in each room that does not have a meter.

This difference will have to be distributed among the owners of apartments in the building in proportion to their area.

So the owners three-room apartment will be forced to pay many times more for the maintenance of common property than the owners of a one-room living space. In this case, the number of residents is not subject to counting.

If there are no metering devices in the house, ODN is determined from the standard of consumed resources multiplied by the area of ​​common property.

In addition, the amount of costs for ODN is influenced by the reliability of the data provided on the area of ​​​​all residential and non-residential premises in the building, as well as on the number of citizens actually living in the apartments.

Failure to pay this item is considered illegal. Special penalties may be applied to the debtor (for example, partially or completely limiting the supply of hot or cold water until the debt is repaid).

In receipts for public utilities a new column has appeared - DHW. It caused confusion among users, since not everyone understands what it is and why it is necessary to make payments on this line. There are also apartment owners who cross out the box. This entails the accumulation of debt, penalties, fines and even litigation. In order not to take matters to extreme measures, you need to know what DHW is, DHW heat energy and why you need to pay for these indicators.

What is DHW on the receipt?

DHW - this designation stands for hot water supply. Its purpose is to provide apartments in apartment buildings and other residential premises hot water with an acceptable temperature, but hot water supply is not the hot water itself, but the thermal energy that is spent on heating the water to an acceptable temperature.

Experts divide hot water supply systems into two types:

  • Central system. Here the water is heated at a heating station. After this, it is distributed to apartments in multi-apartment buildings.
  • Autonomous system. It is usually used in private homes. The principle of operation is the same as in the central system, but here the water is heated in a boiler or boiler and is used only for the needs of one specific room.

Both systems have one goal - to provide home owners with hot water. In apartment buildings, a central system is usually used, but many users install a boiler in case the hot water is turned off, as has happened more than once in practice. An autonomous system is installed where it is not possible to connect to the central water supply. Only those consumers who use the central heating system pay for hot water supply. Users of an autonomous circuit pay for utility resources that are spent to heat the coolant - gas or electricity.

Important! Another column in the receipt related to DHW is DHW at one unit. Decoding ODN - general house needs. This means that the DHW column on one unit is the expenditure of energy on heating water used for the common needs of all residents apartment building.

These include:

  • technical work that is performed before the heating season;
  • pressure testing of the heating system carried out after repair;
  • repair work;
  • heating of common areas.

Hot water law

The law on hot water supply was adopted in 2013. Government Decree No. 406 states that users of a central heating system are required to pay a two-part tariff. This suggests that the tariff was divided into two elements:

  • thermal energy;
  • cold water.

This is how DHW appeared on the receipt, that is, the thermal energy spent on heating cold water. Housing and communal services specialists came to the conclusion that risers and heated towel rails, which are connected to the hot water supply circuit, consume thermal energy for heating non-residential premises. Until 2013, this energy was not taken into account in receipts, and consumers used it free of charge for decades, since outside heating season The heating of the air in the bathroom continued. Based on this, officials divided the tariff into two components, and now citizens have to pay for hot water.

Water heating equipment

The equipment that heats the liquid is a water heater. Its breakdown does not affect the hot water tariff, but users are required to pay the cost of repairing the equipment, since water heaters are part of the property of homeowners in apartment building. The corresponding amount will appear in the receipt for the maintenance and repair of the property.

Important! This payment should be carefully considered by the owners of those apartments that do not use hot water, since their housing has an autonomous heating system installed. Housing and communal services specialists do not always pay attention to this, simply distributing the amount for water heater repairs among all citizens.

As a result, these apartment owners have to pay for equipment they did not use. If you discover an increase in the tariff for repairs and maintenance of property, you need to find out what this is connected with and contact the management company for recalculation if the payment was calculated incorrectly.

Thermal energy component

What is this - a coolant component? This is heating cold water. A metering device is not installed on the thermal energy component, unlike hot water. For this reason, it is impossible to calculate this indicator using a counter. How, in this case, is the thermal energy for hot water calculated? When calculating the payment, the following points are taken into account:

  • tariff set for hot water supply;
  • expenses spent on maintaining the system;
  • cost of heat loss in the circuit;
  • costs spent on coolant transfer.

Important! The cost of hot water is calculated taking into account the volume of water consumed, which is measured in 1 cubic meter.

The size of the energy fee is usually calculated based on the readings of the common hot water meter and the amount of energy in the hot water. Energy is also calculated for each individual apartment. To do this, water consumption data is taken, which is learned from the meter readings, and multiplied by the specific heat energy consumption. The received data is multiplied by the tariff. This figure is the required contribution, which is indicated on the receipt.

How to make your own calculation

Not all users trust the payment center, which is why the question arises of how to calculate the cost of hot water supply yourself. The resulting figure is compared with the amount on the receipt and on the basis of this a conclusion is made about the correctness of the charges.

To calculate the cost of hot water supply, you need to know the tariff for thermal energy. The amount is also affected by the presence or absence of a meter. If there is one, then readings are taken from the meter. In the absence of a meter, the standard for the consumption of thermal energy used to heat water is taken. This standard indicator is established by an energy saving organization.

If an energy consumption meter is installed in a multi-storey building and the housing has a hot water meter, then the amount for hot water supply is calculated based on general building metering data and the subsequent proportional distribution of the coolant among apartments. If there is no meter, the rate of energy consumption per 1 cubic meter of water and the readings of individual meters are taken.

Complaint due to incorrect calculation of receipt

If, after independently calculating the amount of contributions for hot water supply, a difference is identified, you must contact the management company for clarification. If the organization's employees refuse to provide explanations on this matter, a written complaint must be submitted. Company employees have no right to ignore it. The response must be received within 13 working days.

Important! If no response is received or it is not clear from it why this situation arose, then the citizen has the right to file a claim with the prosecutor’s office or a statement of claim in court. The authority will consider the case and make an appropriate objective decision. You can also contact organizations that control the activities of the management company. Here the subscriber's complaint will be considered and an appropriate decision will be made.

Electricity used to heat water is not free service. Payment for it is charged on the basis of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Each citizen can independently calculate the amount of this payment and compare the data obtained with the amount on the receipt. If any inaccuracy occurs, you should contact the management company. In this case, the difference will be compensated if the error is recognized.

There is such an item in the receipt of the Housing and Communal Services called “Water Disposal”.

Where does this payment come from and is it legal? Let's try to figure it out.

Drainage is the sum of DHW (hot water supply) and cold water supply (cold water supply). It is believed that as much as it comes, so much goes back. Toilet flush - drainage; Did you swim? — water disposal. We washed the dishes - also drainage. All water that flows through your meters is considered waste water.

Why do we pay for this?

Our government wanted to split the water payment so that utility costs would be lower, but it turns out that now we we pay twice as much for them than before. As they say: “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.” Payments for the consumption of resources and for the services provided were established in the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” and approved by the Post. Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated May 6, 2011. (valid from September 1, 2012). In general, the meaning of the rules is this:

Even when your apartment does not consume any resource (not turned off, but not used), for example, gas, it burns out in those apartments where an individual meter is not installed in the apartment (or a common meter in the house). Simply put, you pay both for yourself and for the person who did not install a meter for himself.

You can write a complaint, and maybe, when there are too many of them, the utility companies will think about changing the “Rules”.

Although you spend the same amount of resource (as much came, so much went), the tariffs in housing and communal services for sewerage and water supply are different. And although we are not all return water to the sewer(nobody has canceled watering the plants, and we still drink it), accounting is done this way, because so far not a single utility company has figured out how to count drainage separately. Of course, the tariff for this payment is higher than for the supply, but do not forget that the used water is also supplied to wastewater treatment plants, where it undergoes deep biological purification and is then delivered to pure form back to us.

Many people do not understand why they pay for it if they already give their money to housing and communal services for hot and cold water, but there is a law that states why payments for sewerage are charged and how the payment is calculated. Utility payment for waste water and payment for the supply of clean water are different services! This is always worth remembering. And you need to pay for it, regardless of whether you have water meters or not.

Tariff calculation

Wastewater is water that we have already used, money for its disposal(transportation) for treatment, for the operation of treatment facilities and for transporting water back to people, already purified. This column is calculated very simply:

If the consumption of hot water and cold water in total is about 20 cubic meters (for example, hot water = 15, and hot water = 5), and the tariff is 16 rubles, then it will be like this:

16 x 20=320 rubles.

Yes, it’s a bit much, but there’s nothing you can do, it’s the law. This utility payment can also be calculated using this table:

But if the receipt says that cold water supply is 5, hot water supply is 7 (together equals 12), and drainage is 15 cubic meters, you can safely contact utility company with a claim or complaint to the court, because this cannot happen! Don't forget about it!

In an apartment building, a common building meter is usually installed and the amount of payment for draining wastewater is determined from it; if there is none, the company provides an invoice. And if you want to purchase an individual meter, then you simply submit an application for installation of the meter, a permit for installation is issued, it is sealed and payments for utility services are recalculated.

Here is a list of companies, which manufacture water meters:

  1. Automation STC
  2. Aqua c
  3. Armsnab trading house
  4. Save water
  5. Beregun
  6. Bitar plus
  7. Breeze c plus
  8. BytEnergoService
  9. VodoGazService
  10. Water accounting
  11. Water accounting of the Civil Code
  12. Water project
  13. GasEnergoMontazh NPP
  14. Housing and Public Utilities Service
  15. Intechservice
  16. IR-service
  17. Neptune
  18. Oasis
  19. Heat Mag
  20. Station wagon groups

You can change this

If you don't want to pay housing public utilities for this payment, then submit an application to the management company(of course, written and by registered mail) and ask to be sent a list (list) mandatory services and supporting documents. You will need to do the following yourself:

  1. Calculation of fees (by tickets);
  2. Directions from ex. company report on work for the current year;
  3. Proposals from the same company on expenses for the next year (expense estimates and their copies must be provided);
  4. A document about the income and expenses of the management company.

Speaking in simple language, water disposal is sewerage. All water after washing, washing dishes, bathing, etc. must go somewhere. She merges and this is considered drainage. We pay housing and communal services for the fact that we have an outlet for water, which is then purified and not simply drained into the street. And not because someone at the top wanted to rob us.

What is drainage on a receipt? Housing and communal services tariffs

Owners of apartments and private houses receive a monthly bill for housing and communal services. One of the services listed on the bill is sewerage. Often consumers have a question about what is drainage on the receipt. This service is included in the general list along with others: water supply, gas supply, electricity supply and heat supply.

Difference between water supply and sewerage

Water supply and sewerage are two completely different utilities. Water supply means that cold water goes through cleaning and disinfection before entering the apartment, and hot water is heated to a certain temperature. Drainage is the removal of any waste water from the apartment. The service involves the primary purification of water and its direction to the sewer system. This is a complex technical process consisting of several stages. After the water is drained, it is delivered to treatment facilities, where it undergoes multi-stage purification and is disposed of.

All previous regulations were developed by federal and local authorities. The law is amended periodically. For example, questions about water quality, the safety of service provision, and the frequency of monitoring the system are undergoing changes.

Water disposal on the receipt: what is it and how is it calculated?

Housing and communal services are paid by the owners monthly. The payment receipt contains such an item as drainage. We will tell you in the article what drainage means on a receipt, how it is calculated and whether it is possible to refuse to pay this payment on legal grounds.

What is sewerage in a housing and communal services receipt?

What is water disposal KPU or DPU in the receipt? This is the total consumption of hot water (hot water) and cold water (cold water), its purification and subsequent disposal through sewerage.

The abbreviation KPU is affixed to the receipt for owners paying housing and communal services for the apartment. DPU - water disposal in a receipt in a private house.

Where does the payment for sewerage come from? In fact, you pay for the work of flushing the toilet, bathtub, kitchen sink. All cold and hot water that comes to you according to the meters is waste water.

It is worth distinguishing between the concepts of “water supply” and “sewage” in the receipt. The main difference is that the payment for water supply includes the cost of water treatment. The hot one is heated, the cold one is disinfected. Wastewater disposal is the removal of already used water.

If we talk about what drainage is in a water receipt, we can highlight the following services for which the owner pays:

  • drainage of water after use;
  • transportation to treatment facilities;
  • cleaning from contaminants;
  • disposal;
  • wastewater disposal.

Read also: How to join alternative service

Charges for sewerage in the receipt are regulated by the “Rules for the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings,” which were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 (came into force on 09/01/2012). According to this document, despite the fact that residents spend the same amount of water (income and consumption), the tariffs for these housing and communal services in the receipt are different.

How is drainage calculated on the receipt?

  1. The water disposal line in the receipt is calculated as follows: Water disposal = (DHW + cold water) x Tariff (RF Government Decree No. 392 of July 30, 2004).
  2. When making calculations, you must rely on meter readings. If there are none, you need to calculate the payment based on local consumption standards. These standards are recalculated annually and published in the media and on open administration resources on the Internet. Each region has its own regulatory indicators.
  3. If you live in an apartment building, the receipt may contain the wording “sewage for general house needs.” This means that this housing and communal services service is not calculated individually, but according to a common building meter. In the absence measuring instrument The management organization calculates the payment according to the standard.

If you want sewerage to be calculated on your receipt based on your individual consumption, you will need to install a meter in your apartment.

Please notify us before installation management organization and obtain appropriate permission from them. After this, the meter will be sealed, and a recalculation will be made using the drainage column in the receipt.

Is it possible not to pay for sewerage in the receipt?

Payment for sewerage, and in simple words- for sewerage, this is not an invention of the management company. This is a payment established by the regulations of the Russian Federation. We pay housing and communal services for the fact that used water is purified and disposed of, and not discharged into the street.

If you want to clarify whether sewerage is a mandatory payment for you, you can request information from the management company in in writing. The application should request a complete list of services with supporting documents.

What is DHW in the receipt?

When paying for utilities, consumers see various abbreviations on their receipts. It is important to know what stands behind these letters and where the money goes. DHW is a hot water supply service. But let’s take a closer look at what it includes and what it consists of.

Regulatory framework and definitions

Hot water, centrally supplied to consumers, in accordance with the provisions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011, is one of the communal resources. A utility service is the provision of a resource to the consumer by the service provider (provider).

That is, in the case of hot water supply, the utility service is the supply of hot water of the required parameters to apartments in apartment buildings, dorm rooms, enterprises and public buildings (hospitals, laundries, kindergartens, etc.).

The heating network provides services for the supply of hot water to residents, and it is also its responsibility to carry out central heating residential and public buildings.

Features of the service

The preparation of hot water for the needs of hot water supply occurs in centralized heating boiler houses, in the same place where the coolant of the heating system is heated.

Boiler rooms can be connected to a looped DHW system or be a dead-end type - designed for a group of houses or one house (for example, rooftop boiler rooms). The closer the consumer is to the source of hot water (boiler room), the better the quality of the service provided and the higher the water temperature. However, connecting to loop networks is preferable from the point of view of reliability and uninterrupted hot water supply.

  1. Boiler room maintenance. Unlike heating, domestic hot water is provided all year round, while the boiler houses switch to summer (minimum) operating mode.
  2. Trail maintenance.
  3. Carrying out scheduled repair work on networks.

Water heated in the boiler room for an open (unclosed) DHW system enters consumer apartments through supply water pipes, distributed through intra-house DHW networks.

It should be remembered that hot water cannot be used for cooking due to the presence of additives in it - special additives that reduce the level of scale formation on the internal walls of pipelines.

The temperature of hot water for consumers is regulated by sanitary and legal standards and is +50…+65 °C. In reality, it often does not exceed +40 °C.

This is due to heat losses during the supply of coolant along routes (poor pipe insulation, gusts) or due to low temperature at the outlet of the boiler room. Boiler room operators adjust output parameters based on outside air temperature.

The service provider’s task is to provide apartments with a utility resource of appropriate quality. Sometimes the heating network justifies the poor quality of the service by the deplorable state of the networks - routes built in the last century that require overhaul, will not withstand temperature changes in winter if the parameters of the coolant at the exit from the boiler room are maintained at the standard level.

It turns out to be a vicious circle - many residents often do not pay for hot water due to its low temperature or refuse this service altogether, switching to heating water with electric boilers. And heating network enterprises cannot carry out repair work, because... the population's debt to pay does not provide them with an influx of cash.

Whether or not to pay for a hot water service if it turns out to be of insufficient quality is a purely personal matter. It is important to understand that if you decide to take the path of non-payment, you do not need to simply create debts. It is necessary to collect the evidence base according to the following scheme: carry out commission measurements of water temperature, send the results to the company providing the services. Be sure to receive an official response explaining the reasons for the poor quality of the service. Having collected a package of evidence, you can go to court to assert your rights.

What is hot water supply, hot water supply and sewerage in housing and communal services receipts?

Having received a receipt for paying for a utility bill, many Russians look at it with bewilderment, trying to understand what is encrypted in the mysterious abbreviations, and for what services they need to shell out quite a lot of money.

Do housing and communal services have the right to come up with names for their services?

The list of services that must be paid for by residents of apartment buildings is clearly defined by Article 154 of the main industry document - the Housing Code. Homeowners and tenants are required to pay for housing maintenance and repairs. In addition, their responsibility includes payment for services:

Residents of apartment buildings who receive bills for utility bills often come across such an abbreviation as “HVS DPU” and wonder what it is.

In most cases, the decoding of this abbreviation cannot be seen on receipts, so many owners of residential premises are interested in the question of what this abbreviation means.

What payments are charged for the provision of utility services?

In order to understand this abbreviation, residents and owners of apartments in multi-storey buildings must have a complete understanding of all utility bills that are calculated for the services provided.

According to current regulations, residents of high-rise buildings are provided with the following public services, for which they must pay:

  • supply of electrical energy, for which payment is made according to installed meters;
  • gas supply for cooking, heating water, and in some cases heating (if the apartment is equipped autonomous system heat generation);
  • removal of garbage and other household waste;
  • cleaning staircases and other landings of an apartment building, its outdoor area, as well as the funds necessary for routine repairs;
  • supply of cold water, as well as hot water for heating;
  • wastewater, that is, the purification of water that has been used, or sewage discharges.

In some regions, additional utilities may be installed, then they will be used by a different payment document, but on at the moment this is rare.

Sometimes utility workers, when filling out columns of payment documents, make abbreviations or even write the abbreviation of the service provided, which confuses some citizens. Among such abbreviations, HVS DPU is often found.

It is important to remember that enterprises that provide utility services must provide all information about them upon the first request of the consumer, that is, the owner or tenant of the apartment.

HVS DPU - what is it? An abbreviation found on bills

An abbreviation found on utility bills

In most cases, you can find such abbreviations that appear in payment documents - GVS, GVS KPU, KhVS, KhVS DPU.

Let's take a closer look at them.

The definition of hot water supply means hot water supply, which is used for heating residential premises, that is, water flowing through the radiators. At the moment, there are two types of accounting.

The first involves monitoring its quantity using a meter, which is located on the heat main of the boiler house or other enterprise providing such services.

The second is, that is, the KPU - a communal metering device.

The nuance is that if accounting is kept by an enterprise, then it will blame all kinds of losses in water and its temperature (for example, breakthroughs, leaks) on consumers, and they will pay for it. If in a house, then residents will pay for the water and heat that came into the house.

What is HVS? Cold water is used for cooking and other needs of residents (for example, sewage). Its accounting is carried out in two ways.

The first provides for the establishment of a special standard for each resident of the apartment, in the form of monthly cubic meters(for example, for one person the standard is 3 cubic meters, if 2 people are registered, then the payment will be for 6 cubic meters consumed, even if people consumed less).

The second involves the equipment of each. It will take into account the cold water consumed, the data on it is transmitted to the water supplier every month, and he issues an invoice based on it.

Therefore, in this case, the payment slip will contain the abbreviation HVS DPU, that is, payment for cold water supply according to a home meter.

It is important to remember that water meters must be installed by citizens at their own expense.

What is more profitable - standard consumption or a meter?

Is it worth installing a meter for the amount of hot and cold water consumed?

The answer to this question is very complex, and lies in how a particular family uses water in general. If everything is clear with the hot one, it is used for heating, then with the cold one some questions may arise.

Having analyzed situations where a consumer consumes water according to the standard, we can come to the following conclusions:

  • he does not have a record of how much water was consumed, even if he consumes less, he will have to pay money for what was not used;
  • if one person is registered in an apartment and several people live in it, then some savings can be achieved, since the payment will be received for the number of cubic meters per person;
  • if the owner likes to bathe often or uses a lot of water, then best choice For him, this is normative consumption.

Now let's consider the option when consumption goes through a meter. In this case, payment for water will be made only according to the readings of the meter (meter), so citizens can save significantly by reducing water consumption.

But this option, as mentioned above, is not suitable for those who consume a lot of water, or if many people live in the living space.

These are the nuances that occur when using cold water.

It is important to remember that if the owner or members of his family do not live in the apartment for some time, they can submit an appropriate application stating that they will not live for such and such a period of time. Utilities should not be charged for it.

How to detect deception?

How to check whether payments for consumed utility services are calculated correctly?

Of course, utility companies are trying in every possible way to write off their losses on consumers, so sometimes situations arise when the charge suddenly goes not according to the meter, but according to the standard, or the bills indicate larger amounts than the actual amount consumed.

Water is supplied to each apartment - cold and hot. Bills for it are issued according to the volume consumed by consumers - per cubic meters, which is easy to determine: you need to take meter readings on the first day of the new month and compare them with the readings on the first day of the previous month, the difference will be the actual water consumption for the past month.

To find out how much you will have to pay, you need to multiply the actual cubic meters used by the tariffs.

Calculation of tariffs is regulated by the following legislative acts:

  1. To heat 1 m3 of water, you need to spend 0.055 Gcal according to the norm. heat;
  2. the heating tariff in Astrakhan, for example, is 1,635.56 rubles/Gcal;
  3. the result of the calculation is as follows: 3m3x0.055x1635.56 = 270 rubles.

The two-component breakdown of the cost of hot water is more correct and, moreover, more economical.

A new line has appeared in the housing and communal services receipt: cold water PC

Those residents who have not installed water meters in their apartments pay according to standard consumption. This can be beneficial only in one case - when the registration rules are violated, and the apartment where 1-2 people are registered actually lives more people, and the actual water consumption is much higher than that indicated on the receipt, because it is proposed to pay for the consumption of two residents.

In all other cases, without meters for hot and cold water, you have to pay more than for the cubic meters actually used. The situation has especially worsened since this year, when a new line appeared in receipts: cold water pc.

The abbreviation PC stands for “increasing factor”, which increases the payment amount from 2017 according to the standards by another 1.6 times (RF RF dated April 16, 2013 No. 344), provided that it is technically possible to install metering devices, although would be collective, there is.

What is the norm of water per day per person and per month in housing and communal services?

Cold water consumption standards per person in housing and communal services without a meter are approved by local governments per person. and for Moscow (Resolution No. 75-PP) are:

Monthly consumption rates must be multiplied by the number of residents registered in the apartment, standard cubic meters are obtained, which must be multiplied by the tariffs in force in the current period of time in a particular locality. Amounts received are subject to payment if there are no meters.

It is worth spending time and incurring small financial expenses on the purchase and installation of apartment metering devices, but then paying only for those resources that were actually spent by the residents themselves.

The use of an increasing coefficient should encourage those who have not yet taken care of equipping their homes with water meters to quickly do so - the amounts in receipts for water will then be pleasantly surprised.

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