Tibetan fortune telling “Mo. Fortune telling by Buddhist lamas - fortune telling

Post by: desert17 on October 15, 2013, 12:39:08 PM


The predictive meaning of Mo's fortune telling symbols consists of three parts:
1. description of the general situation, your tasks and plans for the future;
2. family relationships, property issues and personal life problems, relationships with friends and ill-wishers;
3. rest, advice on health, self-improvement and specific activities.

1. AH AH - Clear sky 19. TsA AH - White umbrella of good luck
2. AH RA - Sun rays 20. TSA RA - Flaming sword
3. AH PA - Good Moon 21. TSA PA - Emptiness of the mind
4. AH TSA - Clear Star 22. TSA TSA - Banner of Glory
5. AH NA - Golden Land 23. TSA NA - Mara - demon of skandhas
6. AH DHI - Vajra Saraswati 24. TSA DHI - House of Good News

7. RA AH - Bright Lamp 25. NA AH - Golden Mountain
8. RA RA - Add fuel to the fire 26. NA RA - Mara - Son of a celestial
9. RA PA - Mara - the demon of death 27. NA PA - A precious vessel filled to the brim

10. RA CA - King of Power 28. NA CA - A crumbling mountain of sand
11. RA NA - Withered tree 29. NA NA - Golden Abode
12. RA DHI - Door of auspicious visions 30. NA DHI - Treasury with jewelry

13. PA AH - Vessel of nectar 31. DHI AH - Manjushri Appearance
14. PA RA - Drying Pond 32. DHI RA - Endless Knot of Luck
15. PA PA - Ocean of nectar 33. DHI PA - Goldfish
16. PA CA - Mara - demon of passions 34. DHI CA - White shell
17. PA NA - Golden Lotus 35. DHI NA - Golden Wheel
18. PA DHI - Healing nectar 36. DHI DHI - Banner of Victory

Post by: desert17 on October 15, 2013, 12:46:13 PM

Tibetan fortune telling Mo

Concentrating on your question, roll the dice twice and look for the resulting combination of syllables among the answers.

The responses cover eight topics:

1. family
2. business plans
3. friends
4. enemies
5. health
6. spiritual world
7. occult evil
8. losses

If you want to make sure your answers are accurate, roll the die again. The loss of the same syllables will confirm the accuracy of the prediction. The reverse sequence of syllables means the uncertainty of your future. If the signs are completely different, then the first prediction remains valid.

You can guess for the near or distant future or for a certain period of life.

ON ON (“ Gemstone on gold"). Your plans will come true, although with some delay. Family relationships are excellent, and no changes are expected in them. The spiritual world is harmonious. Expect new friends to appear, and your enemies will be powerless in front of you. A long illness will not do much harm. Sacred evil does not threaten you. The lost item must be looked for at the place where it was lost.

NA RA (“Fire of Suffering”). Big troubles may await you regarding your plans and family life. The spiritual world is in danger: sacred evil threatens with a red triangular object or a person coming from the west. Loss of friends or blood diseases caused by infection are predicted. Lost items will not be found.

NA PA (“Precious Vessel of Happiness”). Your plans are correct, and your family life is filled with happiness. The spiritual world is organic, and occult evil actually promises good luck. Old friends will return, but enemies will remain inactive. Your main illness will soon be cured. The lost item is located south of where it was lost.

ON CA (“Destruction of the Golden House”). You will experience a gradual deterioration in family relationships, and the collapse of your life plans is possible. The spiritual world is in decline, the reason is your habit of making wrong decisions and committing unwholesome deeds. Friends may leave you, and enemies may strike you unexpectedly. A minor illness will be cured. A lost item will be difficult to find.

NA DHI (“Western Treasury”). Luck accompanies you in everything. Your spiritual world is perfect, your aura is free from occult evil. Friends will be loyal to you, and enemies will disappear. A lost item must be looked for where it was lost.

NA AH (“Golden Constancy”). Life plans will not only come true, but will also bring happiness. Family relationships are harmonious, as is the spiritual world. Occult enemies do not threaten you. Your power will defeat your enemies and attract friends. Health is as good as ever. What is lost will be found, if it has not yet fallen into the wrong hands.

RA NA (“Tree of Confusion”). In the near future, boredom and stagnation await you in family affairs. And although your enemies are weak, you will not find support in your friends. In the spiritual realm, your desires are too numerous to bring good luck, but the astral evil that threatens you from things connected with the earth will not cause you much harm. It will be difficult to find what is lost.

RA RA (“Fire of Joy”). Your family relationships will improve as well as your business. Friends surround you, their connections will bring wealth. If you want to crush your enemies, then do it now. Do good deeds to strengthen your spirit, because your aura is darkened by the bad thoughts of the past. Pay attention to blood diseases, but don't worry. Look for the lost item to the south of the place where it was lost.

RA PA (“Lord of Death”). Take heart! You or your loved ones are in danger. Leave everything you are doing, give up your plans, because they will not bring you luck. Friends will turn their backs on you, and enemies will strike. A dangerous time will come for those suffering from colds. Your aura is polluted with unclean drinks, and your spirit is like a flame ready to go out. Losses will not be refunded.

RA TSA (“Power of the Tiger”). Your family is prosperous. Your plans should be implemented immediately, regardless of ethics and morality - this will bring success. Enemies will be defeated, and soon new friends will appear. Your spiritual world is not darkened by anything, and your aura is not clouded by sacred evil. No illnesses are expected. Lost items can be returned by force.

RA DHI (“Door of Wisdom”). Your life is joyful and not overshadowed by troubles. A friend's advice will bring success. Don't be afraid of enemies. Diseases will decrease, since your aura is free from occult evil. Spirituality should be enhanced by prayers and vows. Look for losses in the south or west of the scene of the incident.

RA AH (“Lamp in the darkness”), Calm and grace reign in family and business affairs. Friends will remain friends, and enemies will not dare to oppose you. However, the illness that torments you requires effort, since your aura is clouded by previous bad deeds. The loss will be found to the west of the place of loss.

PA NA (“Lotus of Happiness”). Everything is fine in family affairs. Soon new friends will appear, and enemies will not cause harm. It is necessary to intensify treatment, then the disease will subside. Your spirituality is strong, and your aura is completely free from occult evil. All losses will be found, although not immediately.

PA RA (“Castle in the Sand”). The family and business are now prosperous, but the situation may worsen in the future. You will not make new friends, although your enemies will not cause you much harm. Beware of serious illnesses, they are already waiting for you. Take care of your spiritual world, as some sacred evil has entered your aura. What is lost cannot be found.

PA PA (“Cleansing with nectar”). In family and business, from good you come to perfection. Friends will be helpers in everything, and reconciliation will come with old enemies. Beware of colds, and most of all dropsy. Your spiritual world is fine, but you should not meet new people, because they will bring occult evil with them. Your lost items will be found by your relatives.

Post by: desert17 on October 15, 2013, 12:46:22 PM

PA TSA (“Boiling of the Ocean of Passion”). There will be discord in family life. Give up plans for the future - they promise losses. Friends may leave you, and you can expect a blow from your enemies, as they are going to sue you. Among the diseases, you need to beware of diseases of blood vessels and tendons. Your spirit is confused, because occult evil is attacking you (damage is possible). The loss cannot be found.

PA DHI (“Clouds of Happiness”). Your family affairs in in perfect order. The fulfillment of your plans will bring wealth, especially if friends help with this. The enemies are silent, powerless. If you are sick, follow the doctor's advice and complete healing will occur. Your spiritual world is calm, and sacred evil does not disturb you. The lost thing will definitely be found.

PA AH (“Nectar of Peace”). Your life is calm and joyful, and your goals will soon be achieved. With the help of friends you will make significant profits, but with enemies everything will end peacefully. Use the right medicines and see how the disease leaves you. Your spiritual world is not clouded by any evil, so there is no danger. The loss should be looked for near a body of water.

CA NA (“Demon Sickle”). Big setbacks are coming. You should beware of enemies, victory may be on their side. Possible diseases respiratory tract, so take action. Your spirit is in decline. You are facing the strongest occult evil coming from yellow and items square shape(house, room, book, etc.). You can't get your losses back.

CA RA (“Sword of Power”). In family and business areas act forcefully and you will receive great benefit. The same should be done with regard to enemies. Diseases will not affect you, and occult evil will be defeated by the power of the spirit. Everything that is lost will be found.

CA PA (“Empty Valley”). Your family is in danger of disintegration, but it is still fixable. In business, you should expect minor upsets from friends who have become enemies, but you should not fight them - this is dangerous. Diseases are minor. Don't communicate with bad people, for they contain occult evil that can poison your spiritual world. A lost item will be very difficult to find.

Ts A TsA (“Banner on the Mountain”). Your family and affairs are in order, all your endeavors will be crowned with success. You will make new friends, and win the upcoming battle with enemies. Minor illnesses are possible. Great glory awaits you in the spiritual realm, and your aura will become even purer. The loss should be looked for in the northeast of the place of loss.

CA DHI (“Tree of Benefits”). Both family and business endeavors will have unexpected but positive results. There is complete mutual understanding with friends, do not be afraid of enemies. The illness tormenting you will soon pass, and occult evil will not disturb you. The lost item will be found.

TsA AH (“Flower of Luck”). Good luck awaits you in everything. Friends will remain faithful, and enemies will move away. You will soon recover from diseases, if any. Your spirit is strong, and therefore the fears that torment you are not associated with occult evil, but with your own mind. The lost item will most likely be found.

DHI NA (“Golden Throne”). There is peace in your family life. Things will go well, especially if they are related to culture and art. Friends will remain faithful to you, and you will be able to crush your enemies. Recovery will take time. Your spiritual world is not clouded by evil. The lost item will be found soon.

DHI RA (“Knot of the Beautiful”). Good luck accompanies all your endeavors and family life. Expect new friends and don't worry about enemies. Diseases will be cured soon. Your aura is clear and your mind is at peace. The loss will soon return.

DHI PA (“Fish of Happiness”). Fortune telling promises success in all matters. Prosperity and good luck follow you everywhere. Soon many new friends will appear, and enemies will not be able to harm you. Diseases, even minor ones, do not threaten. The aura of the spirit is pure. The loss will return.

DHI CA (“Clam of Glorious News”). Expect good news in family and business pursuits. You will soon hear positive news about your friends, while your enemies will remain silent. In the spiritual realm, glory awaits you. No serious illnesses are expected. You will receive a message about lost items.

DHI DHI (“Precious Banner”). This sign promises good and once again good. Expect prosperity in your family and business. Friends will be with you, but there will be no enemies nearby. The illnesses will go away on their own. You will find your lost item by following your friend's advice.

DHI AH (“Primordial Wisdom”). The light of the benefits of this sign illuminates all areas of your life. You can only expect positive changes.

AH NA (“Golden Stagnation”). Everything will be fine in family life. Business plans will be fulfilled, but do not interfere with the course of events. Expect new friends to appear. Enemies will not bother you. Your spiritual practice is successful (there is no occult evil). Beware of diseases of the mucous membranes. The lost item will be found by someone close to you.

AH RA (“Ray in the Dark”). Do more good deeds, and then you and your family will prosper. The illness tormenting you will soon pass. Your spirituality will increase through practice. A message from a stranger will come about lost things.

AH PA (“Moon Cloud”). There may be an addition to the family. Things will go well if you are calm and unhurried. Relationships with friends and enemies will remain the same. Beware of colds and indigestion. Try to do good deeds, and your aura will purify even more. The lost item will be found by a woman you know.

AH TSA (“Star Whirlwind”). Your family is and will be prosperous. Business ventures related to travel will lead to their successful completion. Friends and enemies will remain the same. Possible illness intestines will quickly heal. Your mind is troubled by conflicting thoughts, but this is not an occult evil. The lost must be sought as soon as possible, otherwise it will fall into the hands of strangers.

AH DHI (“Joy and Wisdom”). Balance reigns in your family and affairs. You don’t have to fear your enemies, but trust your friends. Diseases are quickly curable. Drive away the thoughts that bother you and do not take them for sacred evil. You will have to work hard to find lost things.

AH AH (“Giving Harmony”). Your family life is not in danger. Sober and calm thinking is the key to success in all matters. However, you should be careful that your friends do not leave you. Don't be afraid of enemies. Diseases will not bother you, just like occult evil. Spiritual practice will lead to complete cleansing of the aura. The lost item must be searched for at the place where it was lost.

The Tibetan Plateau stretches from India to China. A great people live here whose faith is Buddhism. The majestic atmosphere, mystical culture, magnificent architecture, numerous monasteries, and religious schools attract pilgrims from all over the world. The Tibetans dreamed of creating a “spiritual academy” on the planet. And they succeeded. Millions of those yearning for awakening flock every year to this mysterious country in search of harmony and knowledge.

Tibet is a storehouse of ancient practices and knowledge. The secret organization Ahnenerbe, whose leader was Adolf Hitler himself, had a huge interest in the culture and knowledge of the Tibetans.

Having merged with Buddhist philosophy, the “Mo” method of divination allows the fortuneteller to get an answer to any question. Future or past - it does not matter, the answer comes from the depths and is beyond time and space.

The “lovely voice” (मञ्जुघोष, Mañjughoṣa), which answers the questioner in fortune-telling “Mo,” belongs to the Deity Manjushri. It is his mantra that consists of the syllables “OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI”, which are applied on the edges of the cubes in order to tell fortunes with their help. This sacred text pronounced three times before starting the process.

Preparing for fortune telling

Fortune telling "Mo" is simple to perform, but requires concentration and clarity in the formulation of the question. First, use the meditation technique. Try not to think about anything, clearing your mind, observing your breathing, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli. We recommend turning off your cell phone, dimming the lights, lighting candles and incense sticks, the smell of which is calming and relaxing. Forget about the world around you, be alone with yourself both physically and mentally. Only you and your questions are important. Allow thoughts to pass through you, do not interfere with their movement, but draw them into your game. They cannot be stopped by willpower, but by indifference it is quite possible. As soon as you calm down, think through and formulate your question.

You cannot ask questions about yourself that begin with the words “When?” and "Why?" The answer will be correct if the question begins with the word “What.” If the fortune telling is about another person, adjust the question according to the situation.

Important! Take responsibility for your life and future. Not everything is outlined and prescribed for you. There is always a choice. Take advantage of this right. Conquer the “karma” of the inevitability of the future and providence will meet you halfway.

“To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life” (2:7 Apocalypse of St. Apostle John the Theologian).

Various Tibetan fortune telling "Mo"

Tibetan fortune telling "Mo" is based on the seven syllable mantra - "OM" "AH" "RA" "PA" "CA" "NA" "DHI" of the Deity Manjushri. The syllable "Om" is used at the beginning of fortune telling as a sound that pacifies the mind. There is no “Om” symbol on the faces of the cubes (dice).

To get the answer, formulate a question, voice it and roll the first die. Write down the value, ask the question again and roll the second die, write down the result. You can roll one die with inscribed symbols. Roll twice to get two syllables. For example: "RA-NA"; "DHI-CA"; "CA-PA." It doesn't matter whether you throw the dice with your right or left hand. Having received the results, proceed to deciphering the prediction.

To invoke Divine wisdom and more fully understand the answers, before fortune telling, say the mantra-spell:


Its power will tune the mind to pure vibrations and help you get a clear and unambiguous answer.

If it is not possible to purchase “Mo” cubes, make your own cards with the syllables of the Manjushri mantra. Write a divine spell on 12 pieces of paper, shuffle them, arrange them in any order, ask a question and pull out a card. Voice your thought again and take out the second one.

Basic meanings of syllables (symbols on dice):

  • “AH-AH” - “Clear Sky”. The mind is freed from destructive thoughts. There is no need to “act” - now is the time to plan.
  • "AH-RA" - " Sun Rays" Down with doubt, it's time to believe in yourself and the World is coming to meet you halfway.
  • “AH-PA” - “Moon Nectar”. Nice meeting you, romantic relationship and this symbol promises great Love for women. But in general - pleasant relationship and a short-term business that promises material gain.
  • "AH-CA" - "Clear Star". Keep your mind clear and don't let anything cloud it. It is clear thoughts that will lead to success. Expect a journey and nice meeting you.
  • "AX-NA" - "Golden Land". Stability and calm should now come first. Avoid hard work - it will not bring satisfaction. Don't believe everything people say; much of what you hear or read will be a distorted truth.
  • "AH-DHI" - "Sound of the Vajra." You are on the crest of success. Any enterprise started will be successful. Great time to start a new business.
  • "RA-AH" - "Bright Lamp". All the bad things are behind us. Feel free to make plans and make plans for the future without repeating past mistakes.
  • “RA-RA” - “Add Oil to the Fire.” Passivity is disastrous for you now. Don't be afraid to move forward, even if the direction seems wrong. Active life positionright choice.
  • "RA-PA" - "Test". You shouldn't be too active. Hide like a cobra before it strikes. Any steps will not bring results. Be patient, gather strength and observe.
  • "RA-CA" - "King of Power". Down with doubts and fears. Be decisive. Every difficult step will give you more strength. Pressure and pressure is your motto.
  • "RA-NA" - "Withered Tree". Put everything aside and reflect. Contemplation, concentration - this is necessary now.
  • "RA-DHI" - "Door of Auspicious Visions." Take a closer look at the signs that the World sends, listen to yourself. Advice from friends and acquaintances will become a prophecy.
  • “PA-AH” - “Vessel of Nectar”. Tolerance towards others and correctness in communication will help strengthen relationships and friendships. Sea cruise possible.
  • "PA-RA" - "Drying Pond". It's time to rely only on yourself. Be careful and cautious. There is no need to be afraid of enemies, but you should not annoy them either.
  • “PA-PA” - “Ocean of Nectar”. The cash flow is directed towards you. The Universe sends abundance. Any undertaking will bring profit.
  • “PA-CA” - “Flame of Passion”. Walking in nature will calm the fire raging in the soul. Avoid communicating with people, because you are a storm and a hurricane, every harsh word will turn against you.
  • "PA-NA" - "Golden Lotus". A little patience and your plans will come true. Don't rush things and don't do anything rash. A reward awaits you.
  • "PA-DHI" - "Healing Nectar." Luck is on your side. Life goes on as usual, as expected and even better. Share your happiness with your family, otherwise it will be incomplete.
  • "CA-AH" - "White Umbrella of Good Luck." Don't be sad about unfulfilled hopes. Luck will not leave you and everything will turn out well.
  • "CA-RA" - "Flaming Sword". It's time to show your teeth to your ill-wishers and strengthen your position. But in love affairs, show gentleness - firm pressure will lead to nothing.
  • "CA-PA" - "Emptiness of the mind." You are irritated and suspicious. You take any remark with offense. Relax and immediately discover that all the problems are within you. Don't take any serious steps. Allow yourself rest and peace.
  • “CA-CA” - “Banner of Glory.” Fame and success await you. Don't fuss or rush - the path has been chosen correctly.
  • “CA-NA” - “Locked Breathing.” The time is suitable for relaxation and meditation. Don't dig a hole and don't rush into work headlong. Take a breath.
  • "CA-DHI" - "House of Good News". Time to search for new knowledge and meet new people. In the future they will bear their precious fruits.
  • "NA-RA" - "Fire Obstacle". The unfavorable period in life will soon end and you, like a Phoenix bird, will be reborn from the ashes to a new life.
  • "NA-PA" - "Precious Vessel Filled to the Brim." You are full of happiness and joy. Share them with your loved ones.
  • "NA-CA" - "Crumbling Mountain of Sand." Unnecessary problems in life should be ignored. The Universe helps with this. Set your sights on new things.
  • "NA-NA" - "Golden Abode". Be grateful to life for the joy and happiness that you have. Appreciate what you have. Everything about you is wonderful.
  • "NA-DHI" - "Treasury with Jewels." Don't expect changes anytime soon. Everything is fine with you. Communicate with loved ones and friends, giving away your warmth.
  • "DHI-AH" - "Appearance of Manjushri." All dreams and desires will come true. Pay more attention successful people, listen to their advice.
  • "DHI-RA" - "Endless Knot of Luck." Trust yourself - this is the key to your success. Do as you see fit.
  • "DHI-PA" - " Goldfish" Luck is on your side. Even a little effort will bring success.
  • "DHI-CA" - "White Shell". Time to look inside yourself. Fill yourself with new knowledge. Good time to study foreign languages and philosophy.
  • "DHI-NA" - "Golden Wheel". You are confident in yourself, you have chosen the right path. Maintain harmony in everything.
  • "DHI-DHI" - Victory Banner. Victory is just around the corner. All endeavors will bring success. Trust yourself and your friends.

☞ Video story

Other Buddhist fortune telling

One of the attributes of Buddhist monks is a rosary consisting of 108 beads. They are used to count pronounced mantras or practices. You can use these beads to tell fortunes. It is an object that allows you to get an answer: “Yes” or “No”. The Buddhist ritual begins with the recitation of the mantra:


  • “OM” - eliminates jealousy;
  • “Ma” - relieves anger;
  • “NI” - destroys pride;
  • “PAD” - leads away from greed;
  • "ME" - destroys the chains of attachment;
  • "HUM" - dissolves ignorance.

After reciting the mantra, ask a question and right hand take the rosary. Go through them in random order for a while. When the hand stops and the counting is over, count out four beads. The first is “Yes,” the second is “No,” the third is the unknown, and the fourth is the probability of “Yes.” Continue sorting the beads until the end of the rosary. The last bead will be the answer to the question.

When telling fortunes with the help of rosaries, say the mantra over them 108 times:


Then put them in a glass of water and drink healing water before bed. In a dream, answers and tips for solving problems come.

Reference! One of the most powerful and ancient mantras is “OM-MA-NI-PAD-ME-HUM”. With its energy it influences the dimensions of human existence and cleanses of negative phenomena. Drawing a parallel with the magical practices of the representatives of the Order of the Golden Dawn, this mantra is similar to the “Spell of the Seven Planetary Spirits”, which was used to expel negative energy from a person or room.

☞ Video story

Concentration and focus on the question is the key to successful fortune telling. Be as collected and relaxed as possible. Don't let your thoughts distract you from the process. Fortune telling "Mo" requires a special attitude. Don't cast a spell on bad mood, during illness, when there are doubts and too often, asking the same question. Correct behavior is especially important. Every action must be meaningful, every question must be considered.

Pronouncing mantras will calm you down and tune your mind to perceive high, positive vibrations.

The truth always lies on the surface; there is no need for it to hide. And every lie is shrouded in mystery and attributes of importance. Have you met the most in simple ways Buddhist fortune-telling, which will allow you to look into the future, turn around and analyze your past without worry, and draw conclusions about your present. I wish you success!

I got the Na Dhi symbol. Very good sign! I’m saving it for myself so I can re-read the result.

You got one of the most successful symbols Tibetan fortune telling MO. This sign portends success in any endeavor (unless it is aimed at harming another person). Your luck will be the more complete, the more wisely you are able to manage the generous gifts of fate. Be assertive and courageous: if you yourself are confident in your abilities and rights to carry out this or that business, then those around you will be imbued with your confidence.

Currently, the biggest obstacle on the path to happiness may not be life circumstances or the heavy fate hanging over you, but your own habit of being too emotional about everything that happens and constantly worrying about any more or less responsible matter.
Remember: continuous internal tension can undermine even naturally very good health . Can you say that your health is perfect? Constant worry about serious matters and trifles is not at all a trifle, as you used to think. Dr. Joseph F. Montague, author of Upset Stomach nervous soil”, says the following: “Stomach ulcers do not arise from what you eat. Ulcers come from what eats you.”
Remember these words in those moments when nervous anxiety drowns out the voice of reason, claiming that everything is in order and that you are worried because of mirages that exist only in your imagination. And no matter how life circumstances turn out for you, you must remember: health is the most difficult thing to restore. How much can you accomplish in your life, suffering from damaged nerves and other misfortunes?

You are now in that happy state of mind when every task you set meets your true desire.
You move forward, relying not only on the prompts of your mind, but also listening to your intuition, which you have developed very well.
Such an ability to harmoniously combine all the wonderful qualities and talents of one’s personality cannot but ultimately bring worthy fruits.
Feel free to set yourself new, seemingly difficult to achieve goals. The higher you raise the bar over which you have to “jump”, the greater the result you will get. . The upcoming stage of life will help you believe in yourself and your extraordinary strengths.

Relationships with loved ones in the family will bring you in the near future peace of mind and the joy of being. Your sincerity and cheerfulness can improve the mood of anyone who happens to meet you for personal communication or business.
We hope that you are no less lucky with your loved ones: Thanks to mutual consideration and the desire to help each other in everything, family relationships are like a warm sunny day, when the soul is light and pleasant.

If you are concerned about property transactions, then know that fortune telling NA DHI predicts exceptional well-being in everything related to the material side of your life . Just try not to get involved in deliberately adventurous enterprises, the outcome of which looks extremely doubtful from the very beginning.
Most likely, you are not a gamer by nature. Why tempt fate once again? It’s better to pay more attention to those problems that require a sober and thorough approach, rather than flashes of insight, which are always unpredictable.

It is possible that in lately, as soon as you thought about the topic of your personal life, not very cheerful thoughts immediately began to creep into your head. It is difficult to say now whether you had real grounds for this kind of grief. You yourself are well aware of how much fiction and fantasy is sometimes woven into this area of ​​life..
In any case, try to throw away all old hopes and fears. No matter how attractive or, conversely, heartbreaking they may look, it’s time to forget about them. Don’t be indignant and don’t scream in your hearts: “How can you forget everything that was experienced and suffered?!” Well, don't forget in the literal sense of the word. But make sure that the past remains the past - the time has come to clear the way for new feelings and hopes!

Try to introduce something new into all areas of your life that would allow you to face the new day with more joy and hope. All this can be fully attributed to your relationships with friends. Be more direct in expressing your feelings and moods. Don't isolate yourself!
If you want to meet up with some of your old friends, call them and invite them to your place (or go visit them). Do your friends behave differently when they want to meet you?
On the other hand, don't limit yourself to old, proven relationships. Even if you are overly suspicious and afraid of new acquaintances, try to relax a little and try to make contacts with people you are interested in. Remember: your current friends were also once strangers to you.

If meeting new people is hindered by the fear of possible misunderstandings and resulting conflicts, then keep in mind that V present moment you have not the slightest real basis for this kind of concern. As the NA DHI symbol says, now you should not fear any intrigues from ill-wishers.
We advise you to forget old grievances and devote your attention (as well as time) to something more worthwhile than memories of troubles that have already happened or thoughts about troubles to come. Rejoice at this successful period of life - how many of your most cherished desires are ready to come true in the near future!

Despite all the troubles, even if they are very pleasant, do not forget that from time to time you need to rest. This is where your old acquaintances will come in handy. Look through your notebook and choose some of the nicest numbers. Invite people to your place or suggest a gathering at someone else's place.
Just make sure that all the “chosen ones” are well acquainted with each other, and also have warm feelings for each other, because you want to spend a pleasant evening, don’t you?

If you are in the midst of preparing for a party with friends Some kind of illness will suddenly knock you down, don’t tear your hair out in despair - nothing serious threatens your health. That ailment that threatens to bring so much grief and frustration into your life will be cured very quickly. Direct all your energy to healing, and not to worries, and you yourself will be surprised at how quickly results can be achieved!

Undoubted success awaits you on the path of self-development and self-improvement. You will achieve great heights in this, and all thanks to your ability to work, as well as the support of fate, which will remove the most insurmountable obstacles from your path.
Try not to waste time and move as far as possible in your quest to make your life and yourself a little better and more interesting. A decisive approach to a problem can already yield a lot, and with the help of fate you will be able to achieve unheard of results

When engaged in self-improvement, do not be lazy to pay more attention to such qualities as patience and the ability to wait . This will serve you well when it comes to the specific task you have in mind. The wish that you have made has every chance of being successfully fulfilled, as stated by the NA DHI symbol that fell out to you. But the process of its implementation will take some time, perhaps considerable time. Don't get upset and don't give up halfway. Undoubtedly, your desire is worth pursuing to completion!

You have received one of the most successful symbols of Tibetan fortune telling MO. This sign portends success in any endeavor (unless it is aimed at harming another person). Your luck will be the more complete, the more wisely you are able to manage the generous gifts of fate. Behave persistently and boldly: if you yourself are confident in your abilities and rights to carry out this or that business, then those around you will be imbued with your confidence.

Currently, the biggest obstacle on the path to happiness may not be life circumstances or the heavy fate hanging over you, but your own habit of being too emotional about everything that happens and constantly worrying about any more or less responsible matter.

Remember: continuous internal tension can undermine even very good health. Can you say that your health is perfect? Constant worry about serious matters and trifles is not at all a trifle, as you used to think. Dr. Joseph F. Montague, author of Nervous Indigestion, says this: “Stomach ulcers are not caused by what you eat. Ulcers come from what eats you.”

Remember these words in those moments when nervous anxiety drowns out the voice of reason, claiming that everything is in order and that you are worried because of mirages that exist only in your imagination. And no matter how life circumstances turn out for you, you must remember: health is the most difficult thing to restore. How much can you accomplish in your life, suffering from damaged nerves and other misfortunes?

You are now in that happy state of mind when every task you set meets your true desire. You move forward, relying not only on the prompts of your mind, but also listening to your intuition, which you have developed very well. Such an ability to harmoniously combine all the wonderful qualities and talents of one’s personality cannot but ultimately bring worthy fruits. Feel free to set yourself new, seemingly difficult to achieve goals. The higher you raise the bar over which you have to “jump,” the more grandiose the result you get will be. The upcoming stage of life will help you believe in yourself and your extraordinary strengths.


Relationships with loved ones in the family will bring you peace of mind and joy of life in the near future. Your sincerity and cheerfulness can improve the mood of anyone who happens to meet you for personal communication or business. We hope that you are no less lucky with your loved ones: thanks to mutual consideration and the desire to help each other in everything, family relationships are like a warm sunny day, when your soul is light and pleasant.

If you are concerned about property transactions, then know that fortune telling on DHI predicts exceptional well-being in everything related to the material side of your life. Just try not to get involved in deliberately adventurous enterprises, the outcome of which looks extremely doubtful from the very beginning. Most likely, you are not a gamer by nature. Why tempt fate once again? It is better to pay more attention to those problems that require a sober and thorough approach, and not flashes of insight, which are always unpredictable.

It is possible that recently, as soon as you thought about the topic of your personal life, not very cheerful thoughts immediately began to creep into your head. It is difficult to say now whether you had real grounds for this kind of grief. You yourself are well aware of how much fiction and fantasy is sometimes woven into this area of ​​life. In any case, try to throw away all old hopes and fears. No matter how attractive or, conversely, heartbreaking they may look, it’s time to forget about them. Don’t be indignant and don’t scream in your hearts: “How can you forget everything that was experienced and suffered?!” Well, don't forget in the literal sense of the word. But make sure that the past remains the past - the time has come to clear the way for new feelings and hopes!

Try to introduce something new into all areas of your life that would allow you to face the new day with more joy and hope. All this can be fully attributed to your relationships with friends. Be more direct in expressing your feelings and moods. Don't isolate yourself! If you want to meet up with some of your old friends, call them and invite them to your place (or go visit them). Do your friends behave differently when they want to meet you? On the other hand, don't limit yourself to old, proven relationships. Even if you are overly suspicious and afraid of new acquaintances, try to relax a little and try to make contacts with people you are interested in. Remember: your current friends were also once strangers to you.

If meeting new people is hindered by the fear of possible misunderstandings and resulting conflicts, then keep in mind that at the moment you do not have the slightest real reason for this kind of concern. As the symbol NA DHI says, now you should not fear any intrigues from ill-wishers. We advise you to forget old grievances and devote your attention (as well as time) to something more worthwhile than memories of troubles that have already happened or thoughts about troubles to come. Rejoice at this successful period of life - how many of your most cherished desires are ready to come true in the near future!


Despite all the troubles, even if they are very pleasant, do not forget that from time to time you need to rest. This is where your old acquaintances will come in handy. Look through your notebook and pick out a few of the nicest numbers. Invite people to your place or suggest a gathering at someone else's place. Just make sure that all the “chosen ones” are well acquainted with each other, and also have warm feelings for each other, because you want to spend a pleasant evening, don’t you?

If, in the midst of preparing for a party with friends, you are suddenly struck down by some kind of illness, do not tear your hair out in despair - nothing serious threatens your health. That ailment that threatens to bring so much grief and frustration into your life will be cured very quickly. Direct all your energy to healing, and not to worries, and you yourself will be surprised at how quickly results can be achieved!

Undoubted success awaits you on the path of self-development and self-improvement. You will achieve great heights in this, and all thanks to your efficiency, as well as the support of fate, which will remove the most insurmountable obstacles from your path. Try not to waste time and move as far as possible in your quest to make your life and yourself a little better and more interesting. A decisive approach to a problem can already yield a lot, and with the help of fate you will be able to achieve unheard-of results.

When engaged in self-improvement, do not be lazy to pay more attention to such qualities as patience and the ability to wait. This will serve you well when it comes to the specific task you have in mind. The wish that you have made has every chance of being successfully fulfilled, as the NA DHI symbol that has fallen to you states. But the process of its implementation will take some time, perhaps considerable time. Don't get upset and don't give up halfway. Undoubtedly, your desire is worth pursuing to completion!

You have received one of the most successful symbols of Tibetan fortune telling MO. This sign portends success in any endeavor (unless it is aimed at harming another person). Your luck will be the more complete, the more wisely you are able to manage the generous gifts of fate. Behave persistently and boldly: if you yourself are confident in your abilities and rights to carry out this or that business, then those around you will be imbued with your confidence.

Currently, the biggest obstacle on the path to happiness may not be life circumstances or the heavy fate hanging over you, but your own habit of being too emotional about everything that happens and constantly worrying about any more or less responsible matter.

Remember: continuous internal tension can undermine even very good health. Can you say that your health is ideal? Tireless worry about serious matters and trifles is not at all a trifle, as you used to think. Dr. Joseph F. Montague, author of Nervous Indigestion, says this: "Stomach ulcers don't come from what you eat. Ulcers come from what eats you."

Remember these words in those moments when nervous anxiety drowns out the voice of reason, claiming that everything is in order and that you are worried because of mirages that exist only in your imagination. And no matter how life circumstances turn out for you, you must remember: health is the most difficult thing to restore. How much can you accomplish in your life, suffering from damaged nerves and other misfortunes?

You are now in that happy state of mind when every task you set meets your true desire.

You move forward, relying not only on the prompts of your mind, but also listening to your intuition, which you have developed very well.

Such an ability to harmoniously combine all the wonderful qualities and talents of one’s personality cannot but ultimately bring worthy fruits.

Feel free to set yourself new, seemingly difficult to achieve goals. The higher you raise the bar over which you have to “jump”, the more grandiose the result you will get. The coming period is conducive to the accomplishment of the most daring plans; the most ambitious goals can be set. Everything will come true if you apply your will and desire. Start moving towards your goal and find success.

Family, property, personal life, friends and ill-wishers

Relationships with loved ones in the family will bring you peace of mind and joy of life in the near future. Your sincerity and cheerfulness can improve the mood of anyone who happens to meet you for personal communication or business.

We hope that you are no less lucky with your loved ones: thanks to mutual consideration and the desire to help each other in everything, family relationships are like a warm sunny day, when your soul is light and pleasant.

If you are concerned about transactions with property, then know that the fortune-telling Treasury with Jewels predicts exceptional well-being in everything related to the material side of your life. Just try not to get involved in deliberately adventurous enterprises, the outcome of which looks extremely doubtful from the very beginning.

Most likely, you are not a player by nature. Why tempt fate once again? It’s better to pay more attention to those problems that require a sober and thorough approach, rather than flashes of insight, which are always unpredictable.

It is possible that recently, as soon as you thought about the topic of your personal life, not very cheerful thoughts immediately began to creep into your head. It is difficult to say now whether you had real grounds for this kind of grief. You yourself are well aware of how much fiction and fantasy is sometimes woven into this area of ​​life.

In any case, try to throw away all old hopes and fears. No matter how attractive or, conversely, heartbreaking they may look, it’s time to forget about them. Don’t be indignant and don’t scream in your hearts: “How can you forget everything that was experienced and suffered?!” Well, don't forget in the literal sense of the word. But make sure that the past remains the past - the time has come to clear the way for new feelings and hopes!

Try to introduce something new into all areas of your life that would allow you to face the new day with greater joy and hope. All this can be fully attributed to your relationships with friends. Be more direct in expressing your feelings and moods. Don't isolate yourself!

If you want to meet some of your old friends, call them and invite them to your place (or go visit them). Do your friends behave differently when they want to meet you?

On the other hand, don't limit yourself to old, proven relationships. Even if you are overly suspicious and afraid of making new acquaintances, try to relax a little and try to make contacts with people you are interested in. Remember: your current friends were also once strangers to you.

If meeting new people is hindered by the fear of possible misunderstandings and resulting conflicts, then keep in mind that at the moment you do not have the slightest real reason for this kind of concern. As the Treasury with Jewels symbol says, now you should not fear any intrigues from ill-wishers.

We advise you to forget old grievances and devote your attention (as well as time) to something more worthwhile than memories of troubles that have already happened or thoughts about troubles to come. Rejoice in the successful period of your life - how many of your most cherished desires are ready to come true in the near future!

Rest, health, self-improvement, business

Despite all the troubles, even if they are very pleasant, do not forget that from time to time you need to rest. This is where your old acquaintances will come in handy. Look through your notebook and pick out a few of the nicest numbers. Invite people to your place or suggest a gathering at someone else's.

Just make sure that all the “chosen ones” are well acquainted with each other, and also have warm feelings for each other, because you want to spend a pleasant evening, don’t you?

If, in the midst of preparing for a party with friends, you are suddenly struck down by some kind of illness, do not tear your hair out in despair - nothing serious threatens your health. That ailment that threatens to bring so much grief and frustration into your life will be cured very quickly. Direct all your energy to healing, and not to worries, and you yourself will be surprised how quickly you can achieve results!

Undoubted success awaits you on the path of self-development and self-improvement. You will achieve great heights in this, and all thanks to your efficiency, as well as the support of fate, which will remove the most insurmountable obstacles from your path.

Try not to waste time and move as far as possible in your quest to make your life and yourself a little better and more interesting. A decisive approach to a problem can already yield a lot, and with the help of fate you will be able to achieve unheard-of results.

When engaged in self-improvement, do not be lazy to pay more attention to such qualities as patience and the ability to wait. This will serve you well when it comes to the specific case you have in mind. The wish that you have made has every chance of being successfully fulfilled, as stated by the symbol “Treasury of Jewels” that you have drawn. But the process of its implementation will take some time, perhaps considerable time. Don't get upset and don't give up halfway. Undoubtedly, your desire is worth pursuing to the end!

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