Current repairs - what is it? What exactly does the current repair of common property in an apartment building include? What may be included in current repairs?

Current repairs of common property in apartment building includes the whole complex work aimed at maintaining the operability of a residential building, replacing equipment, restoring its serviceability if necessary.

The management organization with which the contract has been signed is responsible for each of these services. All owners of apartment buildings contribute a certain amount to carry out repair work. cash, which is indicated in receipts to pay utility bills.

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What applies to the common property of an apartment building?

Peculiarity apartment building is that in addition to the premises owned by the residents, there are common property, which all owners enjoy equally.

Reading time: 6 minutes

All elements of a residential building wear out during use. For this reason, sometimes there is a need for a major overhaul - a complete replacement of faulty equipment and structures. Work to restore the premises to an acceptable condition is included in the routine repairs of an apartment building.

Apartment building renovation

Repair of an apartment building is a set of construction and other technical measures, the purpose of which is to eliminate identified faults or restore the functionality of elements, equipment and engineering systems living space.

After repairs have been carried out, the apartment building must comply with housing codes and standards and be suitable for habitation.

Repairs can be either major or current. Each of them has a separate budget, its own procedure for spending funds and a schedule for completing work.

The concept of current repairs and its differences from major ones

Current repairs are a set of measures to maintain the housing stock, undertaken by responsible organizations in order to maintain a satisfactory condition of apartment buildings, eliminate faults that impede the safety and comfort of residents.

Work within the framework of current repairs is carried out at the expense of residents. To do this, in the payment receipt utilities a special expense line is included.

The frequency of repair work depends on the condition of the housing, the degree of wear and tear and the type of residential building: is it a brick house or a panel house, and so on.

Extraordinary restoration work may be carried out after inspection of the premises.

It is not difficult to understand what current repairs of common property in an apartment building are, given the range of issues that are resolved with its help. Thus, current work is carried out in relation to:

  • walls and roofs;
  • hot and cold water supply pipes outside apartments;
  • gas and electrical equipment;
  • elevator;
  • basement

The difference between current and major repairs is that in the first case the work is aimed at carrying out supporting measures, for example, eliminating roof leaks in several places, and in the second - at replacing and restoring load-bearing, enclosing and communication structures (complete roof replacement).

Major overhauls include:

  • roof change;
  • complete replacement of hot risers and cold water;
  • window replacement;
  • cladding the facade of a building, etc.

In addition, current repairs differ from major repairs in the frequency of their implementation. The first is carried out when a problem is detected, while the second is carried out strictly according to schedule and is financed from a separate fund.

Legislative framework

Legal regulation of activities for the implementation of current repairs begins with the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). So, in accordance with Art. 153 Housing Code of the Russian Federation physical and legal entities must pay for ongoing repairs in a timely manner. This obligation arises from the moment of registration of ownership of the premises.

According to the provisions of Art. 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, fees for current repairs, as well as for the maintenance of housing, must be paid monthly by the 10th.

The payment schedule can be set within contractual relations with the service organization.

The contract also stipulates work related to current repairs. Their recommended list is indicated in the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock, approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee dated September 27, 2003 No. 170.

Some issues are also reflected in Government Decree No. 491 dated August 13, 2006. For example, it sets out the specifics of conducting inspections of premises to identify faults.

Who is responsible for organizing the work

The organization servicing the house is responsible for carrying out routine repairs:

  • housing construction cooperative (HBC).

For example, a house contract with a management company must contain separate provisions that regulate:

  • frequency of inspections of premises, as well as recording their results;
  • frequency of measures to repair common property;
  • list of works;
  • requirements for the timing of repairs, as well as for the organizations performing them.

Repair work is carried out by employees of contractors who have entered into an agreement with the company that services the apartment building.

The contractor can be selected based on the results of an announced or housing cooperative competition. The service company must monitor the progress of the work and then accept the result.

Who makes the decision to carry out routine repairs?

In accordance with paragraphs. 4.1 clause 2 art. 44 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the decision to carry out routine repairs is made at a general meeting of premises owners. To do this, you need to get a majority vote from total number participants.

The authority to order routine repairs may also be transferred to the building council. The decision on this is considered adopted if at least 2/3 of the votes of the total number of premises owners agree with it. This option simplifies the organization of work, because it is much easier and faster to assemble a council than to ensure the presence of all residents.

In addition, at the meeting, residents must agree on the following issues:

  • list of services and works;
  • conditions for their implementation;
  • tariffs.

Work included in current repairs

You can learn about what is included by law in the current repairs of an apartment building in 2019 from the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock (Appendix No. 7). They provide a wide range of restoration work:

  • foundation: elimination of minor deformations and damaged areas;
  • facades and walls: closing joints, sealing architectural elements, painting;
  • ceilings: painting and sealing seams and cracks;
  • roofs: updating waterproofing, replacing gutters;
  • door and window filling: restoration or replacement of elements, for example, those located in entrances. The inspection report of the premises or the work plan under the contract may separately stipulate what is included in the current repair of the entrance;
  • stairs, balconies, entrance porch;
  • inter-apartment partitions;
  • floors: repair of individual areas;
  • finishing of common areas;
  • central heating, water supply and sewerage;
  • electrical devices;
  • ventilation: replacement or restoration;
  • garbage chute;
  • sidewalks, paths, driveways, recreation areas.

Consideration of the list of works allows you to get an idea of ​​what the current repairs of common property include.

Note that this type restoration activities do not apply to residential premises. All work that is carried out in the apartment and concerns the personal property of the owner is organized and paid for by him personally. An exception is, for example, hot and cold water risers, which belong to common property, although they are located inside the housing.

Sample list of additional work

The list of repair work can be supplemented with activities that go beyond the scope recommended by the legislator. Solving a number of problems requires a quick response, so waiting, for example, for a major home renovation to eliminate them is not always acceptable. In these cases, the list of ongoing work expands.

In exceptional circumstances, what is considered current repairs may also include certain restoration measures in individual apartments.

This only applies to cases where damage to the owner’s property was caused by actions or inaction management organization.

For example, she ignored the need to restore the roof, so she ordered roof repairs late, and a violation of its tightness led to damage interior decoration in a top floor apartment.

It is important to note: what work is considered additional can be negotiated by the residents of the house, and their priority is determined based on the results of inspections of the premises and identification of current needs.

Frequency and timing

When planning routine repairs, you should focus on damage occurring in the house, so it can be situational. However, as a rule, such repair activities have a certain sequence and are not spontaneous.

The frequency of work is determined based on full and partial inspections of premises and equipment that correspond to a pre-established schedule.

General inspections occur twice a year: in spring and autumn, but before the start of the heating season.

If during the inspection, violations of the technical condition of the house and the surrounding area are revealed, they should be recorded in the inspection report. After drawing up this document, the service organization selects a contractor.

The timing of routine repairs in an apartment building depends on the following factors:

  • complexity of events;
  • scale of restoration work;
  • speed of work of contractors.

Who pays for repairs

The budget for current repairs is formed from funds that homeowners contribute monthly. The rate may vary depending on the home. It is determined taking into account the needs of the residents and the condition of the premises, therefore it is usually established at a general meeting.

If the residents and the management company are unable to reach an agreement, payment is made at the standard rate municipality, approved by local authorities.

It is important to note that financial participation in expenses will be different for each apartment. This is explained by the fact that the amount of the monthly payment depends on the area of ​​the living space. In this case, the number of people living in the apartment does not matter.

Thus, expenses are calculated according to the following formula:

Tariff for 1 m2 x apartment area.

The funds from the repair fund are spent:

  • on the basis of an agreement with the contractor;
  • in accordance with the assessment of restoration work;
  • according to the prepared estimate, which includes the purchase of materials, performance of work and payment of taxes.

The process ends with the signing of the acceptance certificate, which confirms that the payment for the current repairs of the apartment building was made reasonably.

Where to complain about poor quality of repairs or inaction of the management company

If the repair fund is regularly replenished, an agreement with the service organization has been signed, but troubleshooting work is not carried out, residents have the right to demand in writing that the service organization recalculate contributions.

In case of her groundless refusal, you can apply for a judicial solution to the issue.

When the inaction of the management organization leads to damage to common property, you can demand compensation for the damage caused.

If the renovation took place, but its quality did not satisfy the residents of the apartment building, it is necessary to study the clauses of the contract concluded with a third-party company. The document must be set warranty period for the work performed and the conditions for correcting defects.

Evgeny Rasskazov

Lawyer. Member of the Bar Association of St. Petersburg. More than 10 years of experience. Graduated from St. Petersburg state university. I specialize in civil, family, housing, and land law.

To maintain normal condition Any real estate requires maintenance and repair work.

In case of serious damage to property, it is required. In other cases, current work will be sufficient. Next, we will understand the concept of routine repairs and what it is according to the law.

What applies to current repairs? Current apartment repairs - what is this according to the law?

What is repair? Any property must be maintained by its owners (owners) in proper condition.

The provisions of the Civil and Housing Codes indicate that the owners of premises bear the burden of its maintenance. Therefore, if necessary, they must carry out the required repair work on them.

In addition, they participate in the costs of maintaining common property in a multi-storey building (hereinafter - MKD).

These include fees for those made by service organizations. Persons occupying the premises are given the responsibility to carry out ongoing repairs.

More serious capital work is carried out by the owner. Due to this great value has a distinction between these activities.

When assigning responsibilities for repairing premises, it is important to determine which actions belong to which type of repair. Civil and housing legislation does not answer this question.

Relevant information can be obtained from regulatory documents Gosstroy of the Russian Federation:

  1. Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170 “On approval of the Rules and Standards for the technical operation of the housing stock.”
  2. Methodological manual on content and MDK 2-04.2004.

List of works related to current repairs of the premises

What is current residential renovation?

It should be noted that there is no specific list of current (other residential premises). By definition, such actions are associated with eliminating problems that have arisen and improving the condition of the premises.

Such work should not make major changes to the premises, affect supporting structures, or imply complete replacement engineering equipment.

In-line work includes painting floors, walls, wallpapering, whitewashing ceilings, replacing plumbing fixtures, replacing windows, radiators, replacing pipes, repairing wiring and sockets. As for the repair of common premises and other property in apartment buildings, here is an approximate list of such work.

According to the Rules approved by the State Construction Committee on September 27, 2003, the following types of work are considered continuous:

  • plastering and painting walls and ceilings;
  • restoration of floor coverings;
  • repair of stairs, fences, railings;
  • replacement and repair of door and window fillings;
  • filling potholes, cracks and crevices;
  • insulation of individual parts of premises during freezing;
  • repair and partial replacement of pipes, taps, mixers, pumps;
  • restoration of gas equipment;
  • repair of waste chute elements;
  • strengthening existing partitions;
  • replacement and repair of fans and other ventilation equipment;
  • replacement of lamps in entrances and common areas;
  • repair of faults in electrical networks.

And this is not all of the work provided for by these rules. Their full list can be seen in Appendix No. 7 of these Rules, Appendix No. 2 MDK 2-04.2004.

At the same time, apartment owners in apartment buildings, when concluding agreements with the management company, can determine specific types works

Frequency of work

How often should routine repairs of an apartment building be carried out?

For the satisfactory condition of the premises, it is important to periodically assess it and timely carry out work to maintain it.

Most of the actions are carried out as planned for preventive purposes. Their volume and list are determined during inspections specific premises based on the condition existing at the time of inspection.

By Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170, the frequency of continuous repair work is determined within 3-5 years.

It is important to consider technical characteristics the premises (buildings) themselves and the external conditions affecting their condition.

As a rule, a plan for carrying out such actions is drawn up in advance based on information obtained as a result of inspections. Residents of the apartment building should be familiar with this plan, as well as the estimate of the proposed work.

However, the need to conduct such events may arise earlier than the date stipulated in the plan. This need may arise when emergency situations, upon receipt of statements from residents of apartment buildings about any malfunctions.

Who should carry out routine repairs?

As for routine work inside apartments (other premises), their owners (tenants) must independently carry out such work. For these purposes, they can also involve third-party organizations, but the repairs will still be carried out at their expense.

Repairs of apartment building property should be carried out by service organizations and (or) contractors attracted by them.

Depending on the chosen management method, HOA or management company:

  • develop a plan for ongoing repair work;
  • determine the procedure for their implementation;
  • conclude contracts for their implementation;
  • notify owners about the cost and scope of work.

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

Answers to questions

The actions of service organizations for routine repairs of property common to apartment buildings always raise many questions. Next, we will look at the most frequently asked questions.

What ongoing work should be carried out by management companies? It should be repeated that approximate lists of works in MKD related to current ones are contained in Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170, MKD 2-04.2004. In addition, a specific list of works is included in the contract with the management company. Therefore, first you should study the agreement concluded with the management company, and then other regulatory documents.

Can residents of apartment buildings request information from the management company about the costs of ongoing repairs and the organizations that carried them out? This is possible due to the provisions of Article 161 of the RF Housing Code. It provides for the openness of information about the activities of the management company, including the repair of common property. Owners have the right to receive information about the cost, contractor and other characteristics of the work performed.

What is the difference between capital and routine repair work? Current work is aimed at maintaining a satisfactory condition of the premises and preventing their premature wear. They include the restoration or repair of individual elements of the premises and the elimination of minor damage. Capital work affects load-bearing structures and implies a complete replacement of engineering systems, equipment, and other basic elements.

What to do if the management company does not carry out in-line repairs? If the management company does not carry out the required ongoing work, this should not be ignored. Nobody wants to pay for services that are not actually performed. If such a fact is discovered, you should first write a complaint to the Criminal Code itself. If this does not help, you can complain to housing inspection or Rospotrebnadzor. The final authority in resolving this issue may be the court. You can try to solve this question and through the Prosecutor's Office.

Russians have a vague idea of ​​what rights they have in relation to public property, and also what they can count on if there is a need for repair work. In addition, residents and apartment owners do not know what responsibilities the service company has in relation to common property.

According to the law, current repairs of common property in an apartment building include a wide variety of work necessary to maintain the property in proper condition. Every month, homeowners pay charges for consumed resources, which also includes fees for carrying out certain works. Today we will talk about what is included in the general list of necessary repair measures and what requirements the owner can contact responsible persons.

There is no specific clearly defined definition of such a concept as routine repairs. As a rule, when they talk about carrying out routine repairs, we are talking about a whole set of measures aimed at maintaining the housing stock in a satisfactory condition, as well as eliminating problems that have arisen that interfere with the full and comfortable living of citizens.

The necessary work is carried out strictly according to the plan drawn up initially, and can be assigned to restore an entire residential complex or partially replace worn-out communication nodes. It is important to distinguish between routine repairs and capital works. For major repairs, residents pay on a separate receipt, starting in 2015, but for current repairs, money is collected by including the required amount in the total charges.

Tariffs for payment are set municipal authorities, and the priority of carrying out the necessary work is determined by 2-5 years, taking into account the condition of the living space, as well as the degree of wear and tear of structures and materials.

The basis for determining the need for routine repairs may be a scheduled inspection of buildings. As a rule, the examination is performed before and after heating season- in autumn or spring.

List of works that are included in the current repair of apartment buildings

The list of repair activities is determined by a special document - methodological recommendations for repair and maintenance of housing stock 04/2/2004, approved by the State Construction Committee. The document contains a lot of provisions and points that determine the list of necessary work. The following types of work can be cited as examples:

  1. Elimination of existing deformations, strengthening and restoration of the foundation.
  2. Restoration of architectural elements of a building and sealing of joints of a building.
  3. Painting the façade of a building, walls or ceiling.
  4. Restoration of window openings, replacement of glass.
  5. Repair entrance doors and vestibules.
  6. Restoration of internal communications, including repair of pumping units and elimination of problems associated with disruptions in the operation of the power supply system.
  7. Minor repairs to railings, replacement of mailboxes.
  8. Installation of canopies and “aprons” in the garbage chute.

The above list is not complete, since it also includes other types of work. For this reason, if there is conflict situation and the management company or other organization refuses to carry out certain repair work, you should arm yourself with the above document and go to court to protect your own rights.

Who is responsible for carrying out routine repairs?

All responsibilities for carrying out repair work are assigned to the management company, which initially collects funds from the residents of the house specifically for the maintenance and repair of the premises. This provision is enshrined in Art. 154-156 Housing Code of the Russian Federation and general rules maintenance of property approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in PP No. 491 of August 13, 2006.

The direct implementation of repair work is entrusted to specialized organizations within the framework of the competition. All work must be carried out strictly in accordance with the specified rules and regulations. It should be noted that, unlike major repairs, current work can be organized without drawing up a protocol general meeting owners, but only if there is an application from residents.

A repair work plan is drawn up annually, but amendments may be made to such a document. Upon completion of the repair work, a special commission must accept the work. This body includes representatives of apartment owners and employees of the management company.

If necessary, it will be possible to involve experts. If the work was performed poorly, then you will first need to file a claim with the management company, and if they refuse to correct the deficiencies, you can file an application with the court or the apartment. The Criminal Code is given no more than a month to correct the situation.


Organizing repair work in an apartment building is the responsibility of the management company or other organization involved in servicing a specific residential complex.

Every year a special plan is drawn up, which serves as the main document on which the necessary work. Changes and amendments can be made to the drawn up plan, and the direct performers of the work are contractors identified within the framework of a specially organized competition.

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