Holy baptismal water: when to collect, how to store and use. Baptism of the Lord: traditions and customs, when water becomes holy and healing, how to draw water correctly

The Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on January 19. On a festive day in the morning, everyone goes to church and collects blessed water. You can also collect consecrated water on Christmas Eve, January 18th. The rite of consecration of water takes place either on January 18 (in the evening) or on January 19 (in the morning, after the Liturgy).

After consecration, the water acquires healing and healing properties.

Note that Epiphany water is special. Holy water collected on both January 18 and 19 has the same healing power.

It has long been believed that Epiphany water has strong properties. She heals from serious illnesses, helps in difficult times, is able to create protection. Consecrated water should be used for every good.

There are rules for the use of Epiphany water

1. You need to collect consecrated baptismal water in a clean glass or plastic vessel. Keep holy water in a quiet secluded place.

2. Returning from the temple, sprinkle Epiphany water all corners of the house, while reading a prayer.

3. If you have a nervous, tense atmosphere at work, you can quietly sprinkle the workplace.

4. If you feel unwell, drink a few sips of baptismal holy water in the morning on an empty stomach.

5. You should not collect baptismal water for the future, because over time it loses its healing properties.

The feast of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is solemnly celebrated by the entire Orthodox Church on January 19, is considered one of the main celebrations of Christianity. It is a memory of a real historical event that took place on the Jordan River. Christ received from the prophet John, thereby fulfilling the ancient Israeli law. The Church claims that the Lord, as it were, washed away human sin in the waters of the Jordan. That is, in the current baptism, a person, being adopted or adopted by God, receives sins.

There is a tradition on the eve of Epiphany and in itself to sanctify water in temples and at springs or springs. It is this water that is. However, there is an opinion among the people that all water is consecrated at 12 o'clock at night with the onset of Epiphany. And many do not even go to the temple, but go to springs where there was no water blessing, and with a clear conscience draw water there. This tradition appears in Russia only after the revolution of 1917, when churches began, and the clergy were shot and sent into exile. Orthodox consciousness could not accept that now the water is not consecrated. Therefore, they began to go to the springs in secret, to pray there and draw water. But the rite of consecration was not carried out. Since then, the tradition of persuading that holy water is everywhere on the night of January 19 has gone on.

The attitude of Christianity to such a categorically negative. The charter allows consecrating springs and springs. In this case, water really has grace. But where the rite of consecration did not take place, the properties of holiness are not added to the water. This is a general law - what is not sanctified is not holy.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Mikhail Kurik

Every year on January 19, people line up near churches to get Epiphany water, and the bravest rush to swim in the hole. After all, it has long been believed that this water is healing. The clergy are convinced of this, and simple people. And more recently, scientists!

Physicists and chemists in different countries conducted experiments and found out: the structure of holy baptismal water is many times more harmonious than on an ordinary day, and its energy and beneficial features are simply unique.

Ukrainian experiments on volunteers

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Kurik has been conducting his research on Epiphany water at the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for about 9 years. In the laboratory of a scientist - dozens of bottles of water, dated late December-January different years. Epiphany water long years remains clear, odorless and almost free of sediment.

- As a scientist, I was primarily interested in the fact itself - what, from the point of view of physics, is Epiphany water. Patriarch Filaret blessed our research, specially allocated a hieromonk, a graduate student of the Theological Academy, to help, and we plunged into work, - Mikhail Vasilyevich tells BLIK.

One of the experiments was carried out for five years on several volunteers, with the participation of Viktor Zhukov, an employee of the Institute of Human Ecology. The experimental subjects drank 150 ml of water in small sips, and after 30 minutes, using the method of electropuncture diagnostics, the state of their body was measured. For the experiment, water samples were taken from the same church well. One water sample was taken in December - early January; the other on the morning of January 19th.

- In experiments with water collected from a church well in late December - early January, no effect on the subject's body was found, - says Mikhail Vasilyevich. – The electrical conductivity values ​​did not differ in any way before and after the subject drank water. And here is the action drinking water, collected on January 19 from the same church well, always made itself felt with a spasmodic effect - a sharp increase in bioenergetic activity in all subjects. We came to the conclusion that Epiphany water improves and evens out the circulation of energy, enhances a person’s energy, which has a beneficial effect on a person’s health, unblocks “stuck” energy.

Perfect Crystals

What happens to the water physical level? You probably know that frozen water has a crystalline structure. So, the scientists took various water frozen and viewed under a microscope. crystals tap water looked like ugly monsters, water from an ordinary river or lake - almost the same. But the crystals of the water over which prayers were read, and especially the baptismal holy water, are symmetrical crystals of ideal shape. And she conveys her harmony to people who drink it or plunge into the Epiphany hole.

By the way, the famous Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto came to the conclusion that any water "hears", perceives and absorbs information: if it plays music, speaks good words, read prayers, then its structure becomes more harmonious and cleaner.

Ukrainian scientist Mikhail Couric also examined water not only from church sources, but also from lakes, ordinary bottled, tap water.

- All our experiments have shown that any water collected on the morning of January 19 is subject to the "Epiphany" phenomenon - that is, it has increased energy.

And the specialists of the laboratory of drinking water supply of the Moscow Institute. Sysina began to observe the water from January 15th. The water collected from the tap was defended, and then the amount of radical ions in it was measured. In the course of the study, the number of radical ions in water has been creeping up since January 17th. At the same time, the water became softer, its pH increased, which made the liquid less acidic. The water reached its peak of activity on January 18, in the evening. Due to the large number of radical ions, its electrical conductivity was really like that of water saturated with electrons. At the same time, the pH of the water jumped over the neutral one by 1.5 points. The researchers also studied the degree of structure of Epiphany water. They froze several samples - from the tap, from the church spring, from the river. So, even the water from the tap, which is usually far from ideal, when frozen, was a harmonious spectacle under the microscope. The curve of the electromagnetic activity of water began to decline already in the morning of January 19 and by 20 took its usual form.

Water "charges" space

To understand why it is on Epiphany that water becomes bioactive, scientist Mikhail Kurik decided to go further. He began to collect water samples from December 22 - the day of the winter solstice, in order to more accurately trace why and how the water changes its structure on January 18-19.

And he came to the conclusion that the properties of water are influenced by the energy fields of the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the fields of the planets of the Solar System, and various cosmic radiations.

“Everything is explained by the laws of nature,” says Mikhail Vasilyevich. – Every year on January 19, the Earth, together with solar system in Space it passes through the rays of special radiation, as a result of which all life on Earth comes to life, including the increase in the bioenergetics of all the waters of the Earth. It is on January 18–19 that water receives additional energy due to changes in the gravitational field in galactic space. For what? Everything is simple! After all, spring is approaching, and all living things need energy to be born again.

But according to the results of research by the Russian physicist Anton Belsky, in space before January 19, for a number of years, intense bursts of the neutron flux were recorded, exceeding background levels by 100-200 times. The highs were on both the 18th and 17th, but sometimes exactly on the 19th.

The energy channel structures the water

Astrologers also adhere to the "cosmic" theory of the origin of baptismal water.

- On this day, the water becomes clean, carries a charge of holiness and rejuvenation. And it's not just like that, - says Pavel Mikhlin, candidate technical sciences, astrologer.

It is believed that the Sun, the Earth, the center of the galaxy are located in such a way that on January 18-19 a communication line between our planet and the center of the galaxy opens, everything begins to interact. The Earth falls under an energy channel that structures everything, including water on Earth. In addition, there are usually frosts at Epiphany, and the frozen water absorbs and “preserves” positive energy during worship and prayers. And during the consecration, people themselves charge the water with their positive energy, because they really believe that the water should become healing, sanctified.

By the way

Many people ask: they say, if a person is 70% water, can our bodies be cleansed of everything bad on Epiphany night and immediately be cured of all diseases? But no, it's impossible, the churchmen say.

“There is nothing automatic in religion. A person consists not only of water and protein - the body, it also has a soul, - says Abbot Eustratius. “And it’s not easy to cleanse the soul. You can even lie in holy water all day long, you won’t become a saint. To cleanse the soul, you need to live righteously and pray. And holy water is just a blessing for that.

How to use holy water

Often we ourselves do not know how to use holy water, although we collect it in the church literally in liters. But it is not necessary to do so. Abbot Yevstratiy, press secretary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, told BLIK about these subtleties and some secrets.

They drink holy water during illness and every day on an empty stomach a little - 60-100 grams.

Store it in glass vessel near the icons, so that the light does not fall.

You can enhance the effect of water by reading a prayer over it, for example - "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

Holy water cannot be used for domestic purposes - to wash dishes, make tea, cook something, and even take a bath from it. After all, it can not be that she went to stock.

It is not necessary to take the consecrated "temple" water, you can bring your own for consecration - even tap water.

It is advisable to take clean and high-quality water for consecration, because physical dirt will not go anywhere.

Consecrated water can be diluted with ordinary water, such water acquires the qualities of a saint. Don't bring fizzy drinks mineral water, it is better to take the usual.

Epiphany water can be sprinkled on a dwelling.

The water stood for three years

Usually, baptismal water is stored for a year until the next Epiphany. But few people know that such water can stand for longer - and three, and even ten years.

“My Epiphany water stood for three years - and did not deteriorate, did not bloom,” says Father Varsonofy, treasurer of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. “I got it from our holy well of Anthony. After I drank it, I felt a surge of strength and a blessing all day long. I know that scientists came and even collected water for experiments from the source of St. Anthony. After all, studies have shown that the optical density of baptismal water is higher than water from the same sources on ordinary days. Moreover, it is close to the optical density of water from the Jordan River.

But hegumen Yevstratiy, press secretary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, told BLIK that he knows a case when Epiphany water stood for 10 years and did not deteriorate!

Epiphany magic will preserve beauty and fulfill wishes

The main thing is to remember the dream

Everyone knows about baptismal divination. But ordinary dreams on the night of Epiphany are also “letters from the future.” Before falling asleep, you need to ask a question about your fate, which interests you the most. unmarried girls in the old days they put a comb or a king of diamonds under the pillow and asked to dream of the betrothed. The evening before, spend as calmly as possible, go to bed early, and wake up on the morning of the 19th not at the wake of the alarm clock. In this case, it is more likely to see a prophetic dream and not forget it right there. They say that a dream will be brighter and better remembered if you eat something salty at night, but do not drink water. Put a pen and a notepad next to the bed, and when you wake up, immediately write down the dream or tell someone right away - this way you are more likely to remember.

most cherished

It is believed that the night from the 18th to the 19th - perfect time for making your deepest desires. It is believed that the sky at this time hears best what people ask for, and requests are fulfilled. Only one main condition: you need to make wishes with a pure soul. And only good ones! Before asking for something for yourself or your loved ones, it is better to first, at least mentally, ask for forgiveness from those whom you have hurt for a year, to whom, albeit reluctantly, you have harmed. And also - thank God for all the good things in life. And only after that, with an open heart, make wishes. How? Yes, even just going out on the balcony and looking at the sky! You can write 12 wish notes, put under the pillow. And when you wake up in the morning, pull out three of them. They will definitely come true.

Wrinkle free all year round

And here is a tip for ladies who want to keep their youth for a long time. Early in the morning on December 19, pour Epiphany water into a bowl and look at your reflection. You need to examine yourself very carefully, noticing wrinkles and flaws, after which you wash your face three times with your hands. Water the flowers with the rest of the water. The effect will increase if the water is from the river, where the woman herself goes for it early in the morning. But, if you believe that in Baptism all water gains strength, ordinary water left overnight under the sky may also do. They say that after such a magical procedure, your face will be fresh and attractive all year long.

Read a book about baptismal water:

Why is holy water used to consecrate temples, houses and vital objects? How is Epiphany water different from the water consecrated at the prayer service for the blessing of water, and from the water in holy springs, springs and wells? How are prosphora consecrated and what is the difference between antidoron and arthos?

And finally, what is the significance of these shrines in the life of an Orthodox believer, and how should they be treated?

You will find answers to all these questions in this book.

See also books section pantry of nature- there are interesting publications about water and its properties.

Thousands of people come to churches for Epiphany water on January 18 and 19. She is believed to have unique healing properties. Is it true that all the water on the planet becomes special at Epiphany? How is baptismal water different from the one that is blessed daily in the church? How to properly store holy water and what to use it for?

Epiphany is one of the most ancient and revered holidays among Christians. According to legend, Jesus Christ came to the Jordan to John the Baptist and ordered him to be baptized. During the sacrament, the Epiphany occurred - that is, the sign of the Holy Trinity: the voice of the Father sounded, the Son of God was there, and the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove.

How water becomes holy

Water in churches is consecrated twice - on Epiphany Eve on January 18 after the Divine Liturgy and on the feast of the Epiphany itself. Epiphany and Epiphany are two names for the same water, it is the same, since the prayers, chants and actions of the clergy are identical.

The two blessings of water go back to different church traditions. The first is connected with the early Christian custom of baptizing new believers on the eve of Baptism itself, but since there were more and more people who wanted to, they began to baptize on other days. The custom of consecrating water a second time was originally only in the Jerusalem Church, where at Baptism itself they went to the Jordan for water blessing.

The water over which the rite was performed is called the Great Agiasma (from Greek - a shrine). There is also a Small Hagiasma - this is water that is blessed in churches daily. We stepped into an ice font. PHOTO

It is believed that consecrated water receives healing properties and can heal wounds and diseases. A special property of holy water is also called the fact that even its drop imparts beneficial properties. ordinary water. Therefore, it is not necessary to collect huge containers in the church.

“Remember that this water is called holy, because it contains the grace of God. Draw it with reverence, without fuss, do not make noise near the shrine, do not try to draw water first. Stay at this shrine for as long as possible. Pray for yourself, for your loved ones, for our Fatherland,” said Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' in his sermon.

There is a belief that on Epiphany exactly at midnight all the water on the planet becomes special, even ordinary tap water. But the priests clarify that only water is sacred, over which a rite is performed in the church, or water from a source over which a prayer is read.

How to use holy water

“With reverence, having scooped up holy water, take it to your homes, sprinkle them, let your family and friends taste this water, save it for the difficult moments of your life, especially on days of illness, because through this water you yourself God's power will touch you according to your faith,” said Patriarch Kirill.

According to church advice, holy water should be taken one spoonful in the morning on an empty stomach, usually along with a piece of prosphora. Be sure to read the prayer. Only on Epiphany Eve and the holiday itself, believers can drink water throughout the day. When sick, you can use it in unlimited quantities.

“Harm (from holy water) will not be 100%, well, if you do not drink 10 liters a day, like any water. It all depends on the attitude of the person himself, on faith. There is such a term - psychosomatics. Roughly speaking, the body under certain conditions can independently get rid of many diseases. Depending on a person's attitude to faith, to religion, there can be very tangible benefits, ”said doctor Yakov Novoselov.

You can sprinkle the house with Epiphany water so that there is order and peace in it, as well as any household items, a car, clothes, and even pets.

But you can’t wash the floors, because after cleaning they will be walked on, and this is regarded as trampling and desecration of the shrine. Also, do not wash dishes with such water and wash them in it. There used to be a belief among the people that those who rinse their laundry in a previously lit hole will definitely have hands that hurt for a long time.

Psychics and magicians use holy water in various divination and conspiracies. The church categorically forbids such an appeal.

How to store and pour holy water

There is a belief that Epiphany water does not deteriorate and can be stored for many years. It is best to keep the capacity of the table next to the icons. If this is not possible, then in a dark place behind behind closed doors. The bottle should not be placed on the floor.

In fact, Holy water can still go bad, especially if it was collected in a dirty container. There are conflicting reports that the chemical composition of water changes after consecration. At the same time, there are cases recorded by Rospotrebnadzor when people fell ill after drinking consecrated water from open reservoirs.

If holy water needs to be poured out, it cannot simply be thrown into a sink, from where it will enter the sewer, or onto the ground where people can walk. Water must be poured into a river or under a tree, it can also be used to water home flowers.

For us, Orthodox Christians, the feast of Epiphany has a special, unique flavor. We love the wonderful Epiphany Christmas Eve with its special service, including many readings from Old Testament. The great consecration of water is dear to us, the holy water of Epiphany - agiasma, which on the feast of Epiphany you can drink as much as you like, and the whole next year - only on an empty stomach, because this is a great shrine.

The godfather participates in the preparation for baptism and in the rite itself: he testifies to the faith of the baptized, and when the child is baptized, he confesses with his parents the faith of the Church in which the child receives baptism. Only he who is mature enough to carry out this task has already joined the Sacrament of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist and belongs to Catholic Church and lives according to the teachings of Christ.

By baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God, become members of Christ and are implanted into the Church and become partakers of his message. The sacrament of rebirth with water and the word. Baptism of saints. This is a sacrament in which, by sprinkling water and uttering sacramental words, a person receives the forgiveness of sins and all sins before baptism and becomes a child of God and receives eternal life. For a Christian, this means accepting what Jesus commands: acknowledging the needs of others for their sake, facing suffering and weakness, seeking the will of God in all cases, and uniting through love with God.

Many people love on the day of the Epiphany, despite the severe frost, to plunge into the Jordan - a hole carved in the ice of reservoirs especially for the holiday, usually in the shape of a cross. On rivers and other bodies of water, the Great Blessing of Water also takes place on this day, according to the same order as the Great Blessing of Water in the temple.
“Today the waters are sanctified by nature,” is sung in one of the stichera of the feast. Does this mean that all water: in rivers, ponds and water pipes - becomes holy on the day of Epiphany?
There is such a belief among the people. “Water becomes holy because, through the prayer of the Church, God’s grace unites with it,” answers Alexei Ilyich Osipov, Doctor of Theology, professor at the Moscow Theological Academy. “But God's grace is not an impersonal element. God always looks at the power of faith and the capabilities of believers. If people have the opportunity to be present at the service, pray at the blessing of water, or at least come and take the blessed water, but they do not use this opportunity, they say “let us draw from the tap - it will be holy”, they do not receive holy water.
Another thing is when it is not possible to receive blessed water, as, for example, it was during the time of persecution of the Church, when many believers, not being able to receive water blessed in the temple, went to the river or a spring at midnight and drew water there. Such water was really holy, it stood for years and did not deteriorate.
According to the doctor of theology priest Oleg Davydenkov, “water on earth on the night of January 18-19 is consecrated because the Lord Himself consecrated it with His baptism. At this time, all earthly waters show the presence of the grace of God. However, the belief that all water is consecrated on the night of Epiphany does not equate all water with the water that is consecrated in the temple.
The consecration of waters on Epiphany night is a one-time manifestation of God's grace. The baptismal water consecrated in the temple does not lose its power over time. The fact that on this day all water is blessed does not detract from or cancel the sacraments of consecrating water in the temple.

From the teaching of Bishop Siedlce: the teaching of Bishop Siedlce on the sacraments of the saints. Getting baptized is not just about doing some paperwork and performing a certain rite in a religiously understandable way more or less magically. Baptism brings a person into complete new reality, a new life, a life different from that which the world offers. In the case of young children about the faith of their parents and godparents, they will bear the child. Baptism is far superior to the cleansing prescribed by the old law, because it brings these effects through the power of the mystery of the Passion and the Resurrection of the Lord.

The very tradition of bathing in the hole is determined precisely by the belief in the consecration of the water nature on the day of the Baptism of the Lord. A person wants not just to be sprinkled, but to immerse everything in the consecrated waters. "I think," says Prof. Osipov, - if we do this with faith, we can get a lot of benefit for ourselves. What if it's just a tribute? folk tradition and there is no desire to be sanctified, then there will be no benefit. We start bathing in a holy spring or just drink holy water, it has a grace-filled power only for those who promise: Lord, I will try to live like a Christian, send her grace to me. (Of course, it is not useful for everyone to plunge into an ice hole in a thirty-degree frost, everything needs to be approached with reason).
Finally, such a delusion is connected with the feast of Epiphany that the water consecrated on Christmas Eve differs from Epiphany water. Those who think so can be advised to compare the rite of consecrating water on Christmas Eve and on the very day of Epiphany. We will not find a single word of difference, this is the same rank, and, therefore, the water is absolutely the same.

From the Orthodox magazine "Neskuchny Sad"

For those who are baptized, joined to one with Christ in the likeness of His death and plunge into death with him, in him will be brought back to life and resurrected with him. Baptism celebrates and celebrates the Paschal Mystery in the sense that people pass from death to sin.

Ensuring the Sacrament of the Baptism of the Saints. In the parish of Koka: the proper time for baptism is the Easter Vigil. During the year we also give the sacrament of baptism every second Sunday of the month during Mass. It is celebrated at 00 and on the first day of Easter and Christmas. Parents inform the child about the baptism in the pastor's office and participate in baptisms in baptismal catechisms, which are held every Saturday in the room at the parish. 00.

January 19 is one of the most ancient and revered in the Orthodox Christian Church holidays - the Baptism of the Lord. It was on this day that John the Baptist baptized Jesus, who came from Nazareth, in the Jordan, after which Christ began to enlighten people. As all four Gospels testify, on this day God comes into the world to show the Light to people. Therefore, another name for this holiday is Epiphany.

To complete the formalities, the baptism must be brought to the attention of law firm. Required documents . Godparents: those who have received the sacrament of Confirmation and who, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church points out, are "deeply believing, able and willing to serve the newly baptized Christian way of life." This is not a secular function, but a religious one. The parents of the child are guilty, therefore they are present in a person who fulfills religious and moral requirements. They are not only family members or friends.

The goddess of the father and mother used to come to confession, and at the time of their baptism they entered Holy Communion. The action of baptism is drawn up and signed by the parents and godchildren within one week before the date of baptism during the opening hours of the parish office. The Jordanian holiday is also one of the most symbolic and picturesque holidays in the Orthodox and Orthodox churches Greece. The symbolism of the Jordan is manifested primarily in the symbolism of water. During the ceremony, the water changes its meaning - from the image of the flood, so the symbol of the elemental and death becomes the water of baptism - "the source of living water."

It is believed that on Epiphany night the Spirit of God sanctifies the water in all reservoirs, and bathing in the hole for Epiphany allows you to cleanse yourself of all sins. These days the Blessing of Water takes place - on the eve, January 18 at Epiphany Christmas Eve, the consecration of water in temples is carried out. January 19, after the morning Liturgy, in the reservoirs.

And here, personally, I have questions: if the Spirit of God himself ALREADY sanctified the water in rivers and lakes, then why do the priests do it again, during the procession? If ALL water becomes holy on this day, is it possible to assume that holy water flows simply from the tap?

Believers on the feast of the Jordan is considered a symbol of re-baptism in water. The holiday is a memorial to the baptism of Christ in Jordan. At this event, when the voice of God the Father came from heaven and the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove, the entire Trinity appeared on the water. We acknowledge that the acceptance of the baptized Son and the revelation of the Holy Trinity over the Jordan led to the sanctification of water and all nature. We can say that this holiday has its own ecological aspect - it is associated with the value of nature, through which God is revealed.

We assume that on this day all the water in the world will be sacrificed. Water, which is the source of life, acquires the power to purify the body and even wash away sin. Celebrations begin in the evening of the previous day. Then the Liturgy of St. Basil, combined with Vespers, with the consecration of bread, wheat, wine and oil. After the liturgy in the church, the first, main consecration of water, the so-called. great dedication of water in Jordan In the evening the Great Horrors are celebrated. On that day, believers are saved quickly, and in the evening there is a so-called lavish evening - a gala dinner, similar to the one on Christmas Eve.

This year I decided to experiment. Since childhood, despite the fact that my parents were unbelievers, I firmly knew that there should always be holy water at home. And that on the day of Epiphany, you need to sprinkle all the corners of the house with holy water so that peace and prosperity reign in it. And that you definitely need to drink 3 sips of holy water collected that day in the church. All this for the whole year will protect from diseases and purify the soul.

On the very day of the apparition of the Lord, the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, and then the second blessing of the water, in which the faithful take part. According to tradition, this time of the holiday should be dedicated to living water. Where possible, the second blessing of the water takes place on the river, where the faithful go to the solemn procession. The largest such procession in Poland takes place in Przemysl, on San. The sacrifice occurs through the prayers of the priest, immersing in the so-called water. three special candlesticks with three candles, a hand blessing and the breath of the priest, which symbolizes the breath of the Holy Spirit and immersion in the cross.

Of course, swimming in the hole at Epiphany is not for me, because I have never been a walrus, but I definitely collect holy water in the church. And I drink 3 sips, and I sprinkle corners, a cat, a dog.

Does holy water help or hurt?

Helps? Maybe. For in my house I have peace and tranquility, and indifference to my own health has not yet had any particularly terrible effect. Well, I always have holy water at home. It stands until next year, and sometimes for several years.

Even if the ceremony takes place on the shore, most often the water is not washed out of the river, but rather the other, previously prepared in tanks. The Jordanian waters of the faithful eat the day of the liturgy and take them home. She runs with her detours, fields, keeps on various needs. The Jordanian water also brings into the house a priest walking on the rudder. This water is known for keeping it for a very long time.

Roman Bilas Chairman of the Board of the Union of Ukrainians in Koszalin. This washing is called enlightenment because those who receive instruction are enlightened by God himself. This sacrament is considered by Christians as the most beautiful and wonderful gift, grace, anointing, enlightenment, a garment of indestructibility, a regenerating wash, a seal, and everything that can be combined with the most valuable gift. The reason for this belief is, first of all, the realization that it is given to those who do nothing; Grace - because it is given even to those who have sinned; Baptism - because sin is buried in water; The anointing is because it is holy and royal; Enlightenment - because it is a bright light; The robe, because it covers our shame; Wash - because it cleans; The seal is because it protects us and is a sign of God's reign.

Does it hurt? In no case! Well, what are a few drops of water on the floor and walls?! Additional humidification of overdried air. No, theoretically, of course, it can harm. For example, if you sprinkle bare wires with holy water (short circuit) or pour water into a cat's ear (otitis media).

So, back to our sheep, that is, to the water. Since I am Lazy, why not look for a way to make your life easier: After all, if holy water flows from the tap on this day, then why go to church for it?

Baptism is the first of the sacraments that are called the sacraments of Christian initiation. Through it comes a unique and unique passage of man into a new and final life with God. This process is accompanied by the need to make a choice regarding the final destination of a person. With the choice of God and the beginning of the Son of God, Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God, man joins the Church, the Body of Christ. Thus, he enters into a new quality of life. It is characterized by the received gift of vitality, the source and giver of which is Christ.

Therefore, the experiment will be as follows: I will draw water in 3 identical containers. One will contain tap water collected on the day of Epiphany, January 19th. In the second - water from the same tap, but collected a day or two before or after, in the third - holy water from the church. And if the weather is good that day, there will probably be a fourth container, with water from the river, which will be consecrated. I really wonder how long the water will last in each of the cans, and you?

This sacrament can receive any person who has not yet been baptized. By baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God, we become members of Christ, and we are implanted in the Church and become participants in his message: baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water and the word.

Peter tells the crowd stirred his sermon, "Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." The apostles and their associates baptize anyone who believes in Jesus: Jews who fear God and Gentiles. Baptism is always associated with faith: "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will save yourself and your home" - St.

P.S. The experiment was carried out, see the results.

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