Properties of ecowool. Technical characteristics of ecowool. Automatic laying method

Ecowool - new on the Russian market insulation material. Depending on the method of application, it can be classified as bulk or sprayed materials. Ecowool was developed in Germany in 1928; in the 50s, the material conquered Europe and America. Ecowool is made from recycled cellulose; the eco-friendly insulation has excellent thermal insulation properties and low flammability. Ecowool does not attract rodents; mold and mildew do not grow in it. A home craftsman can insulate structures with his own hands.

Composition of ecowool and its main properties

High-quality ecowool contains only three components:

  • 80% cellulose fiber.
  • 12% boric acid, which inhibits the development of microorganisms, mold, and mildew.
  • 8% borax, or potassium tetraborate. It repels insects and rodents and at the same time is a strong fire retardant.

Several types of raw materials are used to make ecowool:

  • Waste from paper and cardboard production.
  • Residues from the production of corrugated cardboard products.
  • Printing defect.
  • Waste paper unsuitable for processing into high-quality paper, including contaminated paper.

Not so long ago, ecowool appeared on the Russian market and is gradually gaining popularity in the thermal insulation of buildings for a wide variety of purposes: from airports and concert halls to warehouses, industrial buildings and private homes.

What is ecowool made from?

The main characteristics of ecowool offered by the market are as follows:

  • Thermal water coefficient at the level of mineral wool and expanded polystyrene is 0.036-0.043 W/mK. It must be borne in mind that due to seamless application, the overall thermal insulation ability is significantly higher than that of other materials.
  • The density depends on the method of installation (or application) and can range from 25 to 90 kg/m3.
  • Heat resistance group – G2, smoke generation – D2.
  • The vapor permeability of laid ecowool is 0.3 mg/(mhPa).
  • Air permeability(80-120)*10-6 m³/msPa.

Fluffed ecowool is ready for application

The strength of the material is low compared to others. It is not suitable for insulating flat roofs, where the insulation has to withstand heavy loads during operation.

The main positive characteristics of ecowool

The main advantages of ecowool, which make it stand out among its competitors, include:

  • Excellent sound insulation. Elastic cellulose fibers repeatedly interlocked with each other perfectly absorb sound waves. One and a half centimeters of ecowool reduces the sound by 9 decibels. This property was appreciated by designers of airport terminal buildings, concert halls and recording studios.
  • The low density of ecowool determines its economical consumption. A cubic meter of finished insulation weighs only 25 to 65 kg. For comparison: a cubic meter of mineral wool weighs from 65 to 210 kg.

Ecowool in opened packaging
  • Excellent penetrating ability. Ecowool can be blown into the most inaccessible places; the fibers evenly fill cavities and sinuses in building structures. This makes the material an excellent choice for thermal insulation of both already erected buildings and buildings under construction.
  • The absence of seams and joints significantly increases the total thermal insulation - up to 10% of heat loss when insulating with mineral wool passes through loose joints, remaining or emerging gaps.
  • Almost zero allergenicity and carcinogenicity. The substances that make up the material are harmless to human health both during use and during operation.
  • The material repels rodents and insects. When dismantling the renovation of houses insulated with ecowool, no passages gnawed by mice were found in it. The components of the material prevent the development of microorganisms, mold and mildew.
  • Combination of high quality and affordable price.

Disadvantages of ecowool

Like anyone really existing material, ecowool has a number of disadvantages. Unfortunately, some illiterate “specialists” and unfriendly competitors are still trying to create a negative information background around promising material. Let's try to understand the accusations.

The most frequently mentioned disadvantages of insulation are the following.

Large volumetric shrinkage

When dry laying the material, especially when insulating vertical surfaces, shrinkage of up to 20% can actually occur. In this case, bare areas no longer effectively protect the building from frost, and so-called “cold bridges” arise.

It should be noted that most manufacturers suggest using a wet-glue method for insulating vertical walls, which reduces vertical shrinkage to 1% over the entire service life. For those who nevertheless chose the dry method, it is recommended to increase the laying rates by 20-25%.

High hygroscopicity

The material is capable of absorbing moisture from 10 to 15% of its volume. At the same time, the thermal conductivity of ecowool increases slightly. However, compared to glass wool, thermal insulation properties which decreases several times when moistened, the deterioration of thermal insulation is simply insignificant. In addition, it is compensated by the unique property of ecowool: when the temperature rises or air humidity decreases, i.e. when the dew point shifts, the fibers begin to actively evaporate the accumulated moisture and the original value of the thermal conductivity coefficient is restored. This allows the material to be used as a kind of moisture stabilizer. After all, low humidity is no less harmful to humans than high humidity. In addition, with proper vapor and waterproofing and ventilation of air gaps, the effect is minimized, and this drawback does not look so terrible.

Expensive equipment

Professional spraying equipment really costs hundreds of thousands of rubles. However, household-grade models that are quite capable of insulating a private home cost from 20 thousand. If home handyman If you don’t mind a screwdriver for 9 thousand rubles, then the device entry level will also fit into the construction budget. In addition, when laying by machine, the consumption of ecowool for square meter surfaces, the filling of cavities and the uniformity of injection increases. This results in minimizing possible shrinkage.

High qualification requirements

When working on a professional unit, both special training and experience are really necessary. Unevenly laid fibers will not provide the calculated level of thermal insulation. You can master a household-grade device much faster. Before you start insulating your home, it would be wise to practice and get your hands on auxiliary buildings - a bathhouse or a garage.

Long drying when applied wet

There is nothing to argue with here - you will have to wait 2-3 days for complete drying. This period is not always acceptable, especially during repairs. During construction, you can always use this pause to carry out other work.

Low stiffness and strength

Compared to expanded polystyrene and dense basalt wool ecowool is really fragile. This does not allow it to be used for insulating flat roofs, the insulation on which must withstand high loads, including snow.

Insufficient heat resistance

Ecowool can resist open fire, but with prolonged exposure high temperatures the fibers change their structure and begin to crumble and even slowly smolder. This does not allow the material to compete with basalt wool or vermiculite in the thermal insulation of stoves and chimneys.

Consequences and harm to health

This already falls into the category of outright fiction. Ecowool is the most environmentally friendly and least harmful to health insulation; it does not cause allergies or provoke development oncological diseases. Ecowool can even be swallowed in small quantities, which cannot be said about, say, glass wool. Of course, during installation, especially in a dry manner, you should protect your respiratory system from dust by wearing a respirator.

To summarize, we can say with confidence: if you use ecowool in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations and strictly follow the technology, the balance of pros and cons will be in favor of the progressive material.

Laying features

There are the following main methods of insulating buildings with ecowool:

  • wet;
  • wet-adhesive;
  • dry.

Spraying cotton wool with a special installation allows you to improve the quality and uniformity of the coating and at the same time reduce material consumption.


The method is used for walls and other vertical surfaces.

In this case, compositions such as PVA or lignin of natural origin are used as glue. The wetted fibers adhere well to the walls. In this case, a monolithic insulating layer with a density of 50 to 65 kg/m 3 is formed.

Cotton wool moistened with water without glue is also well applied and distributed over the wall, but there is still a risk of it settling during long-term use.

Application by wet-glue method

Excess cotton wool can be cut off with a construction knife, crushed and reused.

Dry method

Fluffed cotton wool is poured into the sinuses until it begins to spring back when pressed with your hand. It is better to fluff the cotton wool in a large tank or construction basin. To estimate the mass of the required material, it is enough to calculate the volume of the cavity to be filled and multiply it by the standard filling density.

Dry blowing

Industrial method

The method requires the use of a special fan that delivers the fibers to the application site through a sleeve under slight pressure. Ensures uniform fiber distribution. Allows fibers to be wetted with adhesive or water when using a wet or wet-adhesive application method.

Scheme of operation of an industrial unit

Leave technological holes or openings with a width of at least 10 cm. After application, they are sealed.

With your own hands

Household-grade installations cost from 20 thousand rubles. But you can do it yourself by manually pouring the material. In this case, it will be necessary to strictly adhere to the technology, first of all, the quantity and density of application.

The fibers, pre-fluffed in a spacious container, are simply poured onto horizontal surfaces and leveled. To loosen, you can use a construction mixer at minimum speed.

Backfilling by hand

To insulate vertical surfaces, cotton wool is poured into prepared cavities between two walls until the material begins to spring back when pressed by hand.

The method is good for small volumes of insulation or repair work, insulation of a change house or shed. To insulate an entire house, it will be easier to buy or rent an installation.

Area of ​​use

Ecowool is increasingly used for thermal insulation of objects such as:

  • frame houses;
  • ceilings, floors and ceilings;
  • floors;
  • walls;
  • cavities, sinuses in attics and attics.

General scheme use

In the future, experts predict an expansion in the applicability of this promising material. As the number of successful applications and the qualifications of operators increases, the popularity of environmentally friendly, high-quality and relatively affordable material on the Russian market is sure to increase.

In an era of energy crisis and global environmental problems, the search for effective insulation is urgent task for every developer.

In addition to the beauty of the facade and the comfort of the interior, it is very important to find a material that will reduce heating costs and will not poison the residents. The most environmentally friendly materials - natural stone and wood. Over hundreds of years of technological progress, man has never been able to find a worthy replacement for them.

Despite the market abundance of building materials, there is little choice in the class of insulation materials. Basalt and glass wool and various modifications of foamed polymers (expanded polystyrene, polyethylene foam, polypropylene foam).

Wood, unlike stone and glass, for a long time did not lend itself to “transformation” into insulation. Only after the invention of the technology for separating paper into cellulose fibers did it become possible to create an environmentally friendly and inexpensive heat insulator from wood.

Nowadays, insulation with ecowool (a product of recycled paper) is gaining momentum. The reason for its growing popularity is unique properties new material, which we will consider in detail.

Characteristics, application, advantages and disadvantages of ecowool

Thermal insulation characteristics of ecowool ( specific gravity 25-75 kg/m3, thermal conductivity coefficient from 0.037 to 0.042 W/mK) are similar to the parameters of basalt and glass wool. However, it has very important advantages that you will not find in other building insulators.

Accumulation and evaporation of moisture

Ecowool, like mineral insulation, absorbs water vapor. However, unlike mineral wool, it can absorb large amounts of moisture without losing its thermal insulation properties.

This is what data from full-scale tests indicate: when mineral wool reaches 1% moisture, it loses its heat-insulating qualities by 8%. Ecowool, even at 20% humidity, reduces the ability to retain heat by only 2-4%.

Mineral wool, having absorbed water, releases it very poorly. Cellulose, on the contrary, actively evaporates accumulated moisture. Therefore, insulating a house with ecowool, provided that the free movement of water vapor through the walls is ensured, is much more more efficient use mineral wool (not to mention waterproof foam).

No seams

This advantage arises from the technology of ecowool insulation. If mineral wool and foam plastic have seams - an inevitable price for simple installation, then cellulose insulation is laid without seams (by spraying under pressure or manually). A solid mass of thermal insulation retains heat much better than one separated by seams.


Ecowool is resilient and elastic, so it absorbs sound waves well in any range. According to this parameter, it is more profitable than any type of foam. Foamed hard polymers not only do not absorb acoustic vibrations, but at certain frequencies they become resonators that amplify sound.

Environmental and fire safety

These are the most important advantages that the use of ecowool provides in housing construction and reconstruction. The composition of fluffed cellulose, which forms the basis of ecowool insulation, does not contain toxic phenols (as in phenol-formaldehyde foam), as well as toxic adhesives such as basalt and glass wool slabs.

Boric acid (rotting protection) and borax (fire protection), which are added to ecowool, are environmentally friendly. They do not decompose or evaporate as is usually the case with the chemical components of polymer insulation.

Mineral and glass wool begin to gather dust over time, releasing sharp particles of their structure into the air, which are harmful to the lungs. Cellulose insulation consists of wood fibers that are harmless to health. Therefore, reviews of cellulose insulation do not contain complaints about toxicity, mold or unpleasant odor.

For the sake of objectivity, we note the disadvantages of ecowool, which are less significant than its advantages. The first disadvantage is insulation large area requires the use of special blowing equipment and highly qualified performers. The cost of work increases.

At the same time, insulation with ecowool with a small amount of thermal insulation can be done with your own hands. To do this, you will need a construction mixer and a container with high sides. Separating pieces from a block of pressed cotton wool, they are placed in a container and fluffed using a mixer. The resulting mass is placed in prepared cavities (walls, floor, ceiling and roof).

Methods and nuances of laying ecowool

There are two basic methods for laying ecowool insulation: dry and wet. Wet is only realized using a blow molding machine. Dry cellulose wool can be laid not only using a compressor, but also manually.

According to the application technology and the type of insulated structures, the dry method is divided into blowing (horizontal, inclined and vertical cavities are filled) and open laying (cotton wool is supplied by a compressor through a hose and evenly distributed over a horizontal surface).

The main advantage that dry blowing of ecowool gives is the ability to insulate closed cavities with uniform filling internal space. To do this, holes are made in the frame cladding through which fluffy insulation is supplied through a hose under pressure.

Wet technology (water, adhesive) is used for thermal insulation of vertical and horizontal open surfaces (facades, ceilings, walls, attics).

At manual way laying on the ground when insulating the underground space, waterproofing (roofing felt, plastic film) must be placed under the ecowool to protect it from soil moisture. When installing cellulose insulation in a heated attic (floor, walls, ceiling), the condensation protection technology is similar to laying mineral wool.

Approximate prices and consumption

Since mechanized laying of ecowool provides more high quality insulation compared to manual insulation, this material is offered on the market along with the cost of work.

Cost of 1 kg of ecowool on average ranges from 26 to 30 rubles. For laying insulation along with its cost, performers ask from 38 to 45 rubles per 1 kilogram (depending on the volume).

Approximate material consumption you can only determine taking into account the position of the insulated structure, because the installation density of ecowool during installation is different. When insulating walls, it is maximum (65 kg/m3). When laid on a horizontal surface, the density is 40-45 kg/m3. When installed on inclined planes – 50-55 kg/m3.

With the dry insulation method, the cost of work, taking into account the material, is:

  • horizontal insulation – 1800-2000 rub./m3;
  • inclined application - 2200-2350 rub./m3;
  • vertical cavities - 2450-2600 rub./m3.

Wet spraying is the most expensive and its estimated cost (including material) ranges from 3200 to 3600 rubles per 1 m3.

The material began to be produced in Germany in 1928. After the Second World War, active construction began in Europe, new house-building technologies developed, which contributed to an increase in demand for building materials and interest in inexpensive ecowool. Now the material is popular in Japan, Canada, the USA and Europe. In the Russian Federation, people only recently learned about insulation, but it has already gained popularity.

Ecowool – technical characteristics:

  • High density;
  • The thermal conductivity of ecowool is high;
  • Moderately flammable;
  • Non-flammable, produces little smoke in case of fire;
  • Low breathability;
  • Low vapor permeability;
  • pH level - 7.8 - 8.3;
  • Chemically passive material that does not cause corrosion of adjacent elements;
  • Sound absorption 63 decibels with a material thickness of 50 mm;
  • The material does not shrink, as it is springy and has adhesion to metal, wood, brick and glass;
  • Experts have confirmed the hygiene of cellulose wool, it does not cause allergies, is absolutely clean and harmless;
  • Installed by spraying, covers all cracks and hard-to-reach places, creates ideal insulation;
  • Excellent manufacturability: simple installation, immunity to low temperatures– they work with ecowool even in winter.

The main advantages of ecowool

  • Excellent thermal insulation - thermal conductivity coefficient at the level of the world's best insulation materials ().
  • Low breathability: small-sized wood fibers allow even a thin layer of ecowool to retain heat. Heat transfer is minimal.
  • Seams and voids are eliminated: ecowool lies solid insulating layer, which is impossible with classical insulation with solid or roll materials. The result is insulation of the highest quality.
  • High-level sound insulation: for example, a small layer of ecowool creates a sound absorption coefficient of 63 dB, but a dense layer of drywall with wool retains 37 dB.

  • Resistance to moisture: the material can absorb and release accumulated moisture without losing its basic characteristics. The capillary structure of cotton fibers prevents the accumulation of condensation and water droplets. Water flows out through cellulose capillaries. In winter, steam does not turn into condensation - no additional coatings are required to prevent its formation. Eliminating the need for steam insulation saves money and reduces work to a minimum.
  • Environmentally friendly material: the insulation is made from natural non-volatile components that do not cause allergies or diseases. In case of fire, toxic gases are not released.
  • The fire retardant in the material raised the level of fire safety to the maximum. Ecowool does not support ignition and prevents its spread: salts and fibers contain moisture and water, which, when released, extinguishes the fire.
  • Long service life and resistance to external influences: borax and salts protect cotton wool from destruction by microorganisms, protect it from rotting and mold. The strength of the materials is maintained, and rodents do not grow inside. The warranty period for ecowool is 50-80 years with proper use.

  • The insulating material is very easy to apply, allowing you to work not only during the construction, but also in the reconstruction of buildings.

Read more about sound insulation. Sound is transmitted through gaps and cracks in the floor and walls. Ecowool creates a soundproofing wall, filling all the cracks and gaps. The fibrous structure of the material helps to penetrate even the smallest voids.

The main indicator of sound insulation is the external noise absorption index, expressed in decibels. The index is measured by the frequency response of noise absorption by the fence.

Normal noise absorption index for partitions, houses, educational institutions, hospitals, recorded in the Code of the Russian Federation is equal to 60 Decibels.

We draw conclusions: to achieve the optimal noise absorption index, it is enough to lay out a 50 mm layer of ecowool.

About fire properties

Investigating the fire-fighting properties of ecowool, experts conducted an experiment - the roof of one plywood building was insulated with ecowool, and the second building was covered with glass fiber insulation. The fire was located inside near the roof. After 5 minutes, the fire had already broken through the fiberglass to the outside. After 20 minutes, the second building practically burned down, but the one insulated with ecowool itself extinguished the fire.

During a fire, the fire chars the outer part of the ecowool, which, under the influence of heat, begins to release water and extinguishes the fire. The low level of breathability and the dense crust of ecowool block the access of oxygen to it. Fire penetrates at a meager speed of 1-2 mm per minute. Plasterboard partitions, insulated with ecowool, have increased fire resistance. Combustion does not spread deep into the material, but remains at the top. Top layer Burnt cellulose breaks down into water and carbon monoxide, so the material does not release toxic substances into the atmosphere.

7 disadvantages of ecowool

  • Good thermal insulation and thermal conductivity decrease over time under the influence of such factors. During operation, ecowool reduces its weight by 20%. Experts advise laying the material in excess by 20-25% to avoid problems with operation in the future. Ecowool absorbs moisture well - by 9-15%, and over the year its humidity increases by 1%. With every percentage increase in humidity, the level of thermal conductivity increases by 2.5%. Therefore, for thermal insulation it is necessary to provide ventilation - to allow moisture to escape into the atmosphere.
  • Installation requires innovative, expensive equipment - pneumatic devices that carry out high-quality installation of ecowool. Only modern equipment creates the necessary injection level and a coating layer to further avoid shrinkage.

  • For proper installation, you need qualified specialists with experience working with ecowool - the material is very finicky and requires handling skills.
  • When installed dry, the material can generate dust, and when installed wet, it takes a long time to dry. Ecowool can dry from 2 to 3 days - it all depends on the weather conditions and humidity level of the region where the work is taking place, sometimes drying takes longer. This is the biggest drawback of the material, because often there is not much time for construction. It is wet styling that gives best result: the material is compacted and dries evenly, which ensures high level sound and heat insulation of the room.
  • If we compare ecowool with polystyrene foam boards, it has a low level of rigidity, which makes it impossible to use the material as an independent insulation when installing floor screeds.
  • If you carry out insulation work in a vertical base and do not make the insulation density the required standard - 65 kg/m2, then shrinkage will occur in uninsulated areas.
  • Builders do not recommend using ecowool near sources of open fire, pipes, stoves, and fireplaces. Due to constant exposure to heat, the insulating material begins to smolder. Ecowool is used to protect special coatings made of asbestos and cement, fire-resistant basalt mats, surfaces with foil to reflect heat - all this extra expenses and work.

How much does ecowool cost?

The main characteristics of the material for construction are the optimal price-quality ratio + cost of installation work. cubic meter material today costs up to 4,000 rubles (as of 2014). In one cube. m includes 120 kg of material. During installation, the material increases its volume by 2-3 times.

Ecowool has no competitors in terms of price and quality ratio. The material is not so popular in the Russian Federation for several reasons: untimely appearance during an unfavorable period for construction (90s), artificial complexity of installation work, high price at the beginning of sales, expensive installation equipment.

From the point of view of Russian users, ecowool is a new product on the market, the technical characteristics of which few people know. According to statistics, 90% of users now wait for a neighbor to supply materials, so that later they can verify its quality using someone else’s example. Let us note: residents of the USA, Europe and Japan have been using insulation for more than a century, and it is unlikely that our capitalist neighbors, accustomed to comfort, would use material with poor technical characteristics. Ecowool, the characteristics of which are almost ideal for economical and high-quality construction, undergoes several strength tests every year.

In terms of its characteristics, ecowool is not inferior to wood and cellulose wool; during installation, a tight-fitting layer of insulation is obtained that perfectly protects from cold and sound.

Ecowool is a cellulose insulation material that does not change its basic characteristics even at a dampness level of 20%. (Ecowool packaging contains up to 10% moisture, so best option its application - wet).

Preface. Let's consider in the article natural insulation - ecowool, consisting of 80% cellulose. Despite the emergence of new synthetic materials for thermal insulation, many individuals want to use natural insulation. Sprayed cellulose ecowool is environmentally friendly and retains heat well in the room. Let's consider what other important technical characteristics the material has.

What is cellulose thermal insulation ecowool

Materials for thermal insulation today are offered by manufacturers in huge quantities and variety. There are differences between synthetic and organic insulation materials according to technical parameters - cost, strength and durability, thermal conductivity and structure. Natural cellulose insulation ecowool stands out against the background of synthetic materials; the technical characteristics of the material are determined by the natural origin of the thermal insulation.

Ecowool is a loose thermal insulation material consisting of 80% recycled cellulose and 20% fire retardants and antiseptics (minerals and boric acid). This is blown or sprayed insulation. Ecowool is produced from wood fibers, the raw materials are waste from paper and cardboard production, as well as waste paper. At the same time, waste paper is considered a second-class raw material for the production of thermal insulation.

Technical characteristics of ecowool insulation

Ecowool retains heat well in a room, the thermal conductivity coefficient is about 0.041 watts per meter per degree Celsius. Thanks to the application technology, it is created one-piece coating without “cold bridges”. The resulting monolithic thermal insulation coating has excellent heat-insulating properties, since most of the volume is occupied by an air layer that perfectly retains heat.

Laying of the material is carried out using equipment that allows you to increase the speed of work to the maximum. When the insulation gets wet, the fibers become sticky due to lignin. Insulation is often used for thermal insulation of wooden floors in houses and apartments, production premises. It is practical to use the material where there is high humidity and there is a risk of condensation.

Basic properties of cellulose thermal insulation

Environmental friendliness. The basis of the material is natural cellulose fibers with antiseptic and fire-resistant additives. There is no danger to human health when installing and further using cellulose thermal insulation. Thanks to this, ecowool is used in kindergartens and hospitals.

Fire resistance. Fire safety thermal insulation is provided by fire retardants - salts boric acid. Additives prevent ignition; in the event of a fire, ecowool does not spread fire and does not melt. If you remove the influence of an open flame on the material, the ecowool itself will go out.

Moisture resistance. Ecowool is able to absorb moisture and then release it; the material “breathes”. Changing the moisture content of the material does not affect thermal conductivity. The material can absorb moisture 5 times its weight, so condensation will not appear on structures when using ecowool.

Density. During production, thin fibers are made from cellulose, and the slabs are quite dense. It is the air layer that is the best heat insulator. When ecowool is applied, a light and durable layer of thermal insulation is obtained with a density of up to 75 kg per cubic meter.

Durability. The properties of the material remain unchanged over time. There are examples where houses were insulated with ecowool back in 1900. Russian studies can confirm a fifteen-year service life. Next, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of ecowool that this material has.

Ecowool thermal insulation: pros and cons

Photo. Spraying ecowool on the facade of a house

For high-quality insulation In building structures, cellulose insulation must be applied using special equipment, which increases the cost of installation. When dry laying insulation in the room, a lot of dust appears, which is an unpleasant moment. But, despite these shortcomings, with the entry of ecowool into the market, many developers are ready to abandon such popular insulation materials as polystyrene foam or URSA mineral wool.

Any horizontal surface can be quickly covered with cellulose insulation. Ecowool can tightly seal all small cracks and voids in structures, which distinguishes the material from other materials. Ecowool insulation has repeatedly confirmed its characteristics (thermal conductivity, sound absorption, durability, moisture resistance and fire resistance) by many studies by manufacturers.

Video: Ecowool technical characteristics

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