Electrical wire connectors in a junction box. How to connect the wires correctly. How to connect wires in a junction box. Internal structure of distribution box

In order to provide every corner of an apartment or office with electricity, you cannot do without a distribution box. Modern distribution boxes are very diverse both in shape and in the materials from which they are made. They come in overhead and internal installations.

The purpose of such devices is to route wires in the desired direction to points of consumption or disconnection - these can be switches, sockets or lighting fixtures. Routing the wires in a junction box will not be a hassle for a professional electrician, but for a novice electrician it can be a real science. Today, WAGO universal terminals are increasingly used for contact connections in the distribution box.

We follow the colors of the wires in the junction box

In order to cope with the installation, you need to use your imagination: the wires are “pipes”, and the electric current is “water”. The “water supply” flows through the phase wires, but the “return” flows through the neutral conductor, while the protective conductor serves just in case of an emergency: if “water” leaks somewhere, it will certainly be “drained” into the ground. It is very convenient that they are modern. The most common colors look like this: white - phase (L), blue - zero (N), yellow-green - ground (PE).

During electrical installation, it is very important to maintain consistency in the colors of the wires, which will greatly facilitate their routing in the junction box. Before you begin electrical installation work, you need to clearly decide on the installation of lighting points, sockets and switches, i.e. draw up a diagram to install distribution boxes in convenient places, and in the future preventive and repair work could be carried out.

Be sure to read detailed articles about connecting wires:

Installation procedure for distribution box

Many people make repairs using suspended or suspended ceilings, so the electrical wiring must be laid so that it does not end up in the drilling area when the guides are installed, and care must also be taken to ensure that the distribution boxes remain within the access area. If the junction box remains behind the false ceiling, you can install a small hatch.

The last word in electrical engineering says this: from the distribution board you need to lay a wire for lighting - 3x1.5, for sockets a wire - 3x2.5. Therefore, in the junction box there may be a fairly large number of wires for connection. To avoid confusion, they must be labeled.

Scheme in a junction box, two lamps

Scheme in a junction box, two lamps and a group of sockets

Connection diagram for lighting and sockets

One of the main difficulties that arise in the process of installing electrical wiring with your own hands is the need to connect the wires in the distribution box for electrical wiring. In order to prevent common mistakes and, as a result, malfunction of switches or sockets, we will consider each stage of independent work.

Almost every person, one way or another, has an idea of ​​what a junction box looks like. But not everyone knows why it is actually needed and how it works. Let's look at the general data that we know about this element.

Distribution boxes vary depending on their shape, as well as the specific application. Some of them are rectangular in shape and some are round. This setting does not affect functionality in any way.

As for the features of application, there are:

  • distribution boxes for hidden wiring;
  • distribution boxes for open wiring.

They differ from each other in the method of fastening, in some features of the device, and in some cases in size. In any case, they have one single purpose - routing wires from the panel to separately located points of energy consumption, for example, switches, lamps, sockets. At the same time, the distribution of electricity must be uniform to avoid interruptions in the operation of devices.

To achieve this goal, electrical wiring is divided into separate lines or so-called groups. Separate wires are laid in each room, which will supply the devices with electricity, ensuring their operation. It is at this stage that distribution boxes appear. They are installed at nodal points where the wires are connected to each other.

It is necessary to buy a distribution box for electrical wiring, first of all, for fire safety reasons. Since it is at the places where the wires are connected that the risk of a fire is greatest. If contact is broken, the resistance increases and the connection begins to heat up. In some cases, this may cause a fire.

External electrical distribution boxes serve as an insulating layer between a potential fire source and surrounding objects. In addition, they also have a significant aesthetic role, hiding not always beautiful wire connections from view.

Is it possible to do without installation junction boxes?

Some argue that having distribution boxes in your home is not at all necessary. But in fact, in order to do without them, it is necessary to lay a separate wire from the panel to each place where electricity is consumed. To do this, you will need to make many grooves in the wall that are deep enough and wide enough to lay wires in them in several rows. All this will entail additional costs of finance and effort.

If, when refusing to use junction boxes, you are guided by the fact that laying separate wires generally eliminates the presence of connections in the electrical wiring, and therefore is safer, then there is a good answer from experts. The connection of wires, carried out in accordance with all standards and the wiring diagram in the junction box, does not pose a danger. In any case, you can always turn to specialists for help.

Junction box: sizes and prices

Each installation junction box has a number of its own characteristics, among which size and price play a special role. Let's consider the three most popular options that are usually installed in residential buildings:

  1. Distribution box 100x100x50 mm IP54.
  2. Junction box IP65 88x88x53 mm.

The first option is one of the most accessible and at the same time widespread. For example, a Tyco distribution box can be purchased for only 50 rubles. Its low cost is due to domestic production, as well as minimal configuration (body and cover).

The second option also has a minimum cost - 46 rubles. It is made of propylene and LDPE. Of course, it cannot be said that it will ever be able to compete with metal junction boxes, but it more than fulfills its function of protecting wires from precipitation and wind.

The third option, made in Germany, will cost you a little more, about 211 rubles. At the same time, the characteristics and dimensions of the distribution box are not much different from the first two options. However, according to the manufacturer Hensel, the plastic used to make their products is of very high quality and meets all the requirements for electrical wiring elements.

Of course, these are all fairly simple and cheap options. Electrical distribution boxes with terminals will cost many times more. But even here we can say that their price is justified by the ease of connecting the wires and their further maintenance.

Useful advice! If you don't want to skimp on safety, then you should consider purchasing an explosion-proof junction box.

Terminals occupy a special place in the arrangement of electrical wiring. Installation of a distribution box of this type is the easiest and does not require special skills. The bottom line is that the box is already equipped with special clamps that are designed to connect wires. Compared to conventional ones, such distribution boxes have a number of advantages:

  • installation and dismantling of conductors is carried out much faster, and there is no need to use any additional tools;
  • thanks to the use of a special paste, you can connect wires made of different materials, for example, copper and aluminum;
  • a special wire placement system helps maintain order in the box, which reduces the risk of a short circuit to zero;
  • The special design makes it easy to measure current without the need to remove insulating materials from the wires and does not affect the integrity of the system at all.

For open wiring, these types of junction boxes have become the most popular option. After all, the absence of the need to twist and connect the wires yourself made using the terminals very convenient. Today there are many different options on sale, including an explosion-proof terminal box.

Connecting wires in a junction box for electrical wiring in various ways

It is generally accepted that good contact is the result of the correct connection of wires to each other. If the work was not done well enough, this will immediately become noticeable due to weak contact or its complete absence. In addition, problems can arise at the moment when you plug in some fairly powerful device.

All this, of course, causes a lot of discomfort. And it is much easier to take care of this in advance, at the stage of installing the electrical wiring, than to try to solve this problem over time. Let's look at the most popular ways to connect wires to each other:

  • twisting wires in the junction box;
  • crimping;
  • welding;
  • commissure;
  • use of contact screw clamps;
  • bolted connections;
  • self-clamps.

All these methods are quite simple to implement and do not require special skills. Let's look at each of them in more detail to get an idea of ​​how best to connect the wires in the junction box.

How to properly connect wires in a junction box

In order to independently carry out all the work correctly, you should take into account only one main requirement that applies to the installation of distribution boxes: it is necessary to ensure free access to all wire connection points. This is necessary in case one of the sockets or switches malfunctions.

Pay attention! If during initial installation the junction box is hidden behind the finishing coating, then at the first malfunction you will have to completely remove it in order to carry out repairs.

The problem may not always be hidden there, but it will never be superfluous to check the presence of contact. Therefore, think through everything in advance so that any repair work can be carried out as easily and quickly as possible. In this case, connecting the wires in the junction box can be done in any way convenient for you, which will be discussed below.

Connecting wires in a junction box by twisting and crimping

Almost everyone knows how to twist cleaned wire ends. However, if we are talking about connecting wires in a junction box, it is worth remembering the regulatory documents that cover this issue.

Twisting is considered an unreliable connection option, since the contact area is very small, and you cannot count on full contact between the wires. In addition, over time, even this small contact tends to weaken, which makes it impossible to use powerful devices that place a serious load on the system.

A much more reliable method is considered to be crimping, for which a special connecting sleeve is used. The main parameter for its selection is the thickness of all the wires that will be placed in it. The material of manufacture can be either copper or aluminum, and the choice depends on what material the wires themselves are made of.

In order to ensure fixation, a special tool is used to compress the sleeve. This can only be done with press tongs. It is strictly not recommended to use it for this purpose. Otherwise, this technology fully complies with all standards and requirements stipulated by regulatory documentation.

Here's how to connect the wires in this way:

  • the insulation is stripped from the wires taking into account the required length, that is, the length of the sleeve used;
  • the stripped ends of the wires are twisted and inserted into the sleeve;
  • the sleeve is crimped using press pliers;
  • using electrical tape or insulating the connection point.

How to connect wires in a junction box using welding

This method is considered to be very reliable, since the result is a single whole wire that is practically resistant to oxidation. By fusing the wires together, you get reliable contact that will not weaken over time. However, the implementation of this method is a little more complicated than the previous one, because you will need welding equipment and the ability to handle it.

List of tools that are necessary for wire welding work:

  • a welding machine with a power of at least 1 kW and rated at 24 W;
  • carbon electrode;
  • rosin or flux, which will further protect the metal part of the wires from oxidation;
  • personal protective equipment: glasses and gloves for welding.

If you have at least minimal skills in working with a welding machine, as well as all of the above components, further stages of work will not be particularly difficult for you. The insulation is cleared from the wires, and their interior is cleaned with sandpaper until shiny.

After this, twist the wires in the traditional way and pour flux into the recess of the electrode. Press the wires against it and hold until you see a ball appear, the so-called contact point. After this, the process of connecting the wires can be considered complete. All that remains is to clean the joint from excess flux, varnish and insulate.

Connecting wires in a junction box using soldering

At first glance, this method is similar to the welding method, but it has a significant difference. Solder melted with a soldering iron is used to solder the wires together. This is an authorized method that ensures a reliable connection. Its only drawback is that it is not very reliable in places where the wires are subject to strong heat.

Pay attention! If you do not know how to solder, then it is better not to use this method. The connection may turn out to be too fragile, and with the slightest mechanical load or tension, the wires may simply break at the point of soldering.

In order to solder the wires you will need:

  • soldering iron;
  • tin-lead solder;
  • rosin or flux;
  • if using flux, use a special brush for it;
  • fine sandpaper.

For the most part, the process of connecting wires is the same as in the case of welding. But it’s not the metal itself that melts, but only the solder. In this case, you need to carefully ensure that the molten solder flows inside the twist for a more reliable fastening. For the most part, this method is used to work with copper wires, however, provided you have special solder, the same can be done with aluminum ones.

Use of screw terminals and bolted connections

The use of screw terminals is a fairly common method that is used by many due to its simplicity and convenience. However, it also has its disadvantages, which are useful to know about before starting work.

Initially, screw clamps were used to connect different metals that should not touch each other. For example, it could be copper and aluminum, which, in the presence of moisture, begin to interact with each other. Over time, this method began to be used for connecting wires. And it was even fixed at the level of regulatory documentation.

Pay attention! When using this method on aluminum wires, you need to be aware that they will require periodic crimping to ensure that the contact does not lose or weaken over time.

Bolted connections are also quite often used to connect wires, however, if we are talking about hiding them afterwards in a junction box, then this method can be considered inappropriate. It's all about the cumbersome connections.

In order to connect the wires in this way, you need to insert a steel washer between them. This happens in the following sequence: a washer is put on the bolt, then one of the wires is put on, and then another washer. This is followed by a second wire and a nut that tightens the system. Of course, all this also requires good insulation, so the connection volume is decent.

Useful advice! This method has its advantages - it is well suited for joining different metals, since a special paste can be placed inside to prevent oxidation processes.

Installation of distribution box for electrical wiring

Having figured out the ways in which wires can be fastened together, let’s look at how to install the system itself using the example of an IP55 distribution box for outdoor installation 100x100x50 mm.

Most often, installation is carried out in a blank wall made of brick or concrete. This may cause some difficulties as you drill a niche for it, but the system will be securely fixed. If the box has round holes, then you can use special drill bits. For rectangular or square ones, use a grinder with a special diamond blade designed for working with concrete.

After the niche is ready, be sure to try on the junction box for it to make sure that everything is prepared correctly. The distribution box must be completely placed in the wall so that after installation its front surface is at the same level as the wall.

Some junction boxes have special plugs that are specifically designed to insert cables in these places. They must be carefully broken or cut out, while maintaining the integrity of the overall structure. The ends of the electrical wiring are inserted into them according to the diagram.

Once you are sure that all the wires have been inserted into the junction box, you can begin preparing the mortar to fix it. The fixation principle is very simple:

  • a certain amount of solution is placed into the niche prepared for the junction box using a spatula;
  • the box with the cables already installed is pressed inside as deeply as possible;
  • excess solution protruding from the sides is removed;
  • if there is such a need, the box can be held with your hand in the first few minutes to allow the solution to set a little.

Useful advice! Instead of mortar, you can use alabaster. It dries much faster and at the same time can withstand the weight of the box just as well.

Both when working with the installation of a junction box for open wiring, and in the case when we are talking about a closed system, high-quality installation largely determines the life and quality of service of the electrical wiring. The main thing in working with electricity is to correctly assess your capabilities and, if necessary, seek help from professional electricians.

Installation of a distribution box in an apartment is an important stage of electrical wiring; thanks to it, the electric current is evenly distributed to the points that consume electricity (lamps, sockets, switches). A properly installed box ensures 100% uninterrupted use of electrical wiring. In appearance, the junction box is a metal or plastic structure with holes on the sides. Wires extend from the box, which provide current to all important electrical devices.

To distribute electricity evenly, the wiring is divided into separate groups of consumers. In rooms, distribution boxes are installed at the wiring connections.

Distribution boxes perform several important functions in residential premises:

  • ensuring fire safety;
  • creating an aesthetic appearance in the apartment.

The wires are located inside the box; thanks to the housing, they are not subject to mechanical stress, which ensures their safety.

According to the installation principle, the boxes are built-in and external. Built-in ones are installed in specially prepared recesses in the wall, and overhead ones are fixed on the wall surface.

Main function of distribution box

Distribution The box allows you to reduce wire costs. If it were not there, each electrical device would be connected with a separate cable. No box provides an increase in the channels for laying wires, but visually this looks unaesthetic.

The advantage of using distribution boxes is undeniable, and proper connection of wires will ensure the safety of the premises. This device isolates contact points from the effects of flammable wall materials.

The ease of use of the junction box ensures ease of repair. The main function of the box is that it ensures uniform distribution of electricity to the locations of the main consumers. In addition, such designs of switching boxes involve adding new branches of electrical networks to the existing wire if necessary.

Types of distribution boxes

Distribution boxes according to the type of fastening are divided into:

  • overheads, which are installed outside on the wall;
  • internal, installed in the prepared wall recess.

The main purpose of the junction box is to provide easy access to the electrician in the event of a system malfunction. For convenience and to preserve the integrity of the wires, the box is closed with a lid. To perform any manipulations with the electrical wiring, specialists just need to remove the cover and get acquainted with the causes of the problems.

Distribution boxes are made from the following materials:

  1. Plastic.
  2. Metal.

Metal cases are made of tinned steel sheets or aluminum alloys. The main requirement for materials is that they are not subject to corrosive changes.

If a distribution box is needed for strategically important facilities, then it must be selected with the following characteristics:

  • screw cap;
  • waterproofing gaskets.

The metal case has universal properties and perfectly protects the wiring during a fire, that is, during a fire, the metal structure is able to preserve the contents of the box for some time, during which it is possible to de-energize the network.

The plastic case also has positive properties: resistance to oxidative processes and the ability to isolate electric current.

Distribution boxes vary in geometric shape and are:

  • round;
  • square;
  • rectangular.

If a small number of wires are supplied to the box, then a round box configuration can be used. In cases of a large number of wires, it is better to use a rectangular distribution structure.

Important! If the walls are concrete, then it is easier and more convenient to install round box structures.

The dimensions of distribution boxes depend on the number of wires and their cross-section.

Internal structure of distribution box

The design of the junction box consists of a housing and a cover, as well as side inlet holes.

The internal cavity of the box is equipped with terminals and clamps for fastening wires. Typically, the input cable is secured using terminals, and separate wires are secured using clamps. If the box is not equipped with terminals, the wires are secured together by twisting.

The disadvantage of a terminal connection is that after use the bolts can become loose and disrupt the wiring contact. Loose contact causes heating and subsequently burning of the wires. Twisting is considered a more reliable method.

It should be taken into account that the connection of aluminum and copper wires in the junction box leads to destruction of the connection and the occurrence of an electrochemical process.

Important! Brass terminals provide high-quality connection of aluminum and copper wires.

Installation Rules

Electricity distribution boxes are mounted approximately 25 centimeters from the ceiling. In cases where the distribution box is installed in a hidden way, the cover must be on the surface so that it can be easily opened and work carried out.

When choosing a place to install the box in a hidden way, you need to ensure access to it while respecting the design intent of the interior of the apartment.


In concrete or brick construction, electrical appliances are placed in the wall cavity in specially prepared holes in the wall. Such recesses are made with a hammer drill; in cases of a round design of the distribution panel, the holes are made with a special crown. In the seat, the box is attached to the wall using alabaster mortar, which guarantees a strong connection between the housing and the wall.

After determining the installation location of the box, you need to prepare the wire network and make the connection. In order to bring them to the switching box, you need to prepare grooves into which the wires will be laid. If the walls allow the possibility of wiring in a horizontal position, then the gaps between the walls and the ceiling are quite useful for this.

After preparing the channels and socket boxes, the wiring of the switching box wiring system is carried out.

Important ! To ensure the correct connection of the wires in the junction box for the purpose of quickly carrying out subsequent repair work, the wires are marked.

The input cable from the electrical panel is designated as “input”, the wire from the sockets should also be marked, because labeled wires will not allow mistakes during maintenance and repair. In order for the wires to be used correctly, the cross-section must be strictly observed; for example, to supply electricity from the panel, a two or three-core cable with a cross-section of 4 square millimeters is used.

Such a cable guarantees full use of any high-power consumer. For the lighting system, a cross-section of 2.5 square millimeters is used, and for sockets - 1.5 square mm.

After familiarizing yourself with all the nuances, they begin to install the junction box. The basic principle of installing the switching structure is indicated by precise adherence to the sequence of wiring connections. The wiring diagram in the distribution box includes the following parameters: phase is connected to phase, zero is connected to zero, and grounding is connected to grounding.

Laying of wires occurs subject to compliance with all parameters and requirements of the drawn up connection diagram. The wires are laid inside the box, preferably with an allowance of about 10 centimeters. When connecting wires, it is necessary to strip the ends of insulation and secure them in the terminals.

If there are no fasteners, you can simply fix the connections by twisting. This method involves twisting the wires at the points of contact; this method is often used and is considered reliable. After this, the joints are fixed with insulating material (insulating tape or plastic caps).

Important! The wires are mounted in pipes made of metal or plastic, which provide insulation from external negative factors.

Various modifications of switching devices are widely presented in specialized electrical stores. The accompanying instructions indicate the main characteristics and voltage and current ratings.

Connection principles

For quick connection and to avoid confusion, the wires are marked with colors of different shades. The following color combination is considered popular: white indicates phase, blue represents zero, and light green symbolizes grounding. When connecting, strict compliance and consistency must be observed.

Like any other work, electrical wiring in a junction box also begins with a design. To draw up a competent electrical wiring diagram, you need to determine the exact location of electrical installation points - lamps, sockets, switches. In accordance with the diagram, distribution boxes are placed in convenient places. Providing access is necessary in case of interruptions in the electricity supply.

The rules for electrical installations stipulate that wires must be connected by soldering, welding or using clamps. However, the “old-fashioned” method of twisting wires has proven itself among the people; this method ensures the manufacturability and reliability of the system.

Sometimes twisting the wires is not enough; to ensure reliability, the contact area is treated with soldering. After connecting, the wires are insulated and placed in the box body so that they do not come into contact with each other.

After carrying out the entire complex of work, diagnostics are carried out; for this, the most powerful electrical appliance in the apartment is connected to the network and the wires are checked for the presence of heating. If you find any wire heating up, this means that it does not have enough contact area, and in such cases you should probably replace the wire with a larger cross-section wire.


All types of work with electricity are strictly related to the installation of a junction box. Such a device is an important link in the electrical network, and proper installation ensures that the facility is fully supplied with electricity.

Experts recommend installing boxes in every room, because they connect all the wires from sockets, lamps and switches. In cases of electrical problems, it is quite easy to determine the location of the breakdown and thereby carry out repairs quickly and without damage to other premises.

The above information will serve as instructions for the correct installation of the junction box.

One of the stages of electrical installation work is the connection of wires in junction boxes, which follows immediately after laying the cables. According to the Electrical Installation Rules (ELR), electrical connections of wires must be made only in junction boxes.

Today, there are many ways to connect wires in a junction box. The choice of connection type depends on the following factors: core material - copper, steel or aluminum; working conditions - on the street or in an apartment; number of conductors - two, three, four; the cross-section of the cores is the same or different. Based on these factors, the most suitable and correct method is selected.

Why do you need a junction box?

Quite often there is some neglect of the distribution box (junction box). Some people think that using it when laying wires is a waste of time. After all, it still needs to be fixed to the surface, and this is additional effort. It is much easier, for example, to twist the conductors, insulate the junction and “roll up” everything with plaster.

    But this overlooks some issues:
  1. During operation, free access to the wire connections must be provided. For example, if there is no light in some room or the socket does not work? The test showed that the reason was the lack of voltage. How to find a distribution box in an apartment or a faulty section of the circuit? Tearing off wallpaper, breaking plaster to gain access to twisted wires?
  2. If in the future you need, for example, to install an additional one (two, three). Connect them “in parallel” from the first? Is this always convenient? While connecting new wires in the distribution box will not be difficult;
  3. Proper connection of wires is using terminal connectors. How deep do you need to drill a “channel” in the wall in order to hide the terminal block there?
  4. In terms of fire safety, the advantage of such a box is undeniable.

Wire connection methods

Special Electrical Installation Rules (PEU) regulate the correct connection of electrical conductors by welding, soldering, crimping or using screw and bolt clamps.
The rules do not stipulate the most common connection method - twisting. Although a properly performed twist is more reliable than a poor solder connection.

    The choice of connection method depends on several factors:
  • materials to be joined. It can be aluminum, copper or a combination of both;
  • number of cores in the connection. You can connect not only two, but also three, four or more wires;
  • cross-section and number of cores.

Twisting wires

To make such a connection, you need to strip the ends of the wires, carefully twist them with pliers and insulate the twisted area. Very simple and without material costs. But such a connection weakens over time due to residual elastic deformation of the material, which means that the resistance in the connection increases and the contact begins to heat up to the point of destruction and fire.

Therefore, in no case should you lay twisted wiring on flammable substrates, for example, in a wooden house. And one more prohibition - poor protection against moisture does not allow such a connection to be made in rooms with high humidity. In this way, it is strictly forbidden to connect dissimilar materials, multi-core cables with single-core cables and at a current of more than 3 A.

In order for the twist to be of high quality, you need to remove up to 80 mm of insulation from the wires, fold them perpendicular to each other if there are two of them, and parallel if there are three or more, and twist them tightly. The remaining ends of the wires must be removed with pliers in a screw motion, as if smearing the material of the wires into one another.

The total length of the finished twist should be at least ten, and preferably fifteen, diameters of the cores. If special caps or heat-shrinkable tube (cambric) are used for insulation, they are put on the wire before twisting.

It is recommended to put on the heat shrink tube twice, and lay the insulating tape in at least three layers. Whatever insulating material is chosen, it must also capture the wires’ own insulation to protect it from moisture and slippage.

Soldering wires

This method is the best in terms of its combination of manufacturability and reliability, but requires some skills to make a quality connection. Before soldering, the wires must be thoroughly cleaned of insulation and oxides, tinned if necessary and twisted not as tightly as with simple twisting, coated with flux and soldered.

By soldering you can connect both copper and, with some skill, aluminum wires, with suitable flux and solder. Do not use active acid flux, as it will destroy the connection by remaining on the exposed wires. The connection point is isolated in the usual way. The distribution box in this case is called a junction box

    Despite the undeniable advantages, this method also has quite significant disadvantages:
  1. the need for skills in work, the complexity of the process;
  2. use of a special tool;
  3. permanent connection, that is, for repair it must be completely removed;
  4. an increase in resistance in the connection over time, which deteriorates electrical conductivity and increases voltage losses in the network.

Welding wires

Welding is an even more reliable connection method than soldering, but it requires a welding machine with personal protective equipment and welding skills, which is much less common in everyday life. Unless you need to carry out electrical installation work in a country house yourself, then purchasing an inverter-type welding machine will be economically justified.

Welding inverters are small-sized, have a wide range of welding current control, and provide stable arc burning with low power consumption. To weld copper wires, carbon-copper electrodes or carbon rods from ordinary AA batteries are used.

Preparation for welding differs only in the density of the twist and the fact that the free ends of the two wires, even if there are more of them in the connection, are straightened and pressed parallel to each other to facilitate the formation of a melt ball. Then the twist is placed in a welding clamp (regular old pliers) and the ends of the wire are welded with a carbon electrode to the main twist for two to three seconds so that the insulation does not melt. After cooling, the welding site is isolated in the usual way.

There is often a temptation not to wait for natural cooling, but to use cold water to speed up the wiring installation process. But cold water causes microcracks to appear in the material, which naturally affects the quality of the connection.

Wire crimping

This method of connecting electrical wires uses special tubular sleeves or lugs. The industry produces sleeves for wires with a cross-section from 2.5 to 240 mm², and it is very important to choose the right one for electrical wires specifically for each connection.

To perform the work you need a special tool. This may be a crimping press or tongs, mechanical, electrical or hydraulic. Having selected a suitable sleeve and adjusted the tool, remove the insulation from the wires, strip the ends and apply quartz-vaseline paste to them, put on the connector and crimp.

If the tool is simple, then you need to perform several compressions at some distance from each other. Using a good tool, you can crimp the sleeve in one go. At the end, the usual insulation of the joint is performed.

The wires to be connected can be inserted into the connector from opposite sides so that their joint is approximately in the middle of the sleeve. It can be convenient to insert both wires on one side, and the total cross-sectional area of ​​all wires should be less than the cross-section of the sleeve. High-quality installation and reliable insulation are the positive aspects of using crimping.

    But there are also negative points:
  • the sleeve is deformed during crimping and its reuse is impossible;
  • the need for a special tool to crimp the sleeve, adjust it to length and remove insulation from the conductor;
  • to crimp the connection of copper and aluminum wires, you need a rather rare special sleeve;
  • Quite a lot of time is spent on installing electrical wiring.

Using clips (PPE)

The clamp is a cap with a square steel wire coiled into a spiral cone. For aluminum wires, the cone is filled with a special paste that prevents oxidation of the exposed ends. Information on the packaging with clamps will allow you to select the correct size of personal protective equipment in accordance with the cross-sectional area and the number of connected conductors.

To connect the wires, their ends are stripped to a distance slightly less than the depth of the cap, folded together, slightly twisted, and the cap is screwed on top. There is no need to clean bare wires from oxides, since this work is performed by the edges of the spring, and its turns tightly press the cable cores to each other.

The use of such connectors is technologically advanced; they not only connect wires, but also insulate the junction, although they do not provide the same contact area as when twisted and soldered. The bright colors of the caps help during installation to mark zero, phase and grounding if the wires do not have.

    The disadvantages include:
  1. gradual weakening of the spring over time, and, consequently, an increase in contact resistance and voltage losses in the network;
  2. restrictions on the number of connected wires, you can connect two with a cross-section of 4 mm² or four with a cross-sectional area of ​​1.5 mm²;
  3. impossibility of mixed connections.

Connection using a bolt is a simple, reliable and effective method. You just need to have a short bolt of small cross-section, three washers and a nut. True, it takes a lot of electrical tape to make such a connection, and it is not used in the distribution box due to its bulkiness. Put a washer on the bolt, then screw on the stripped wire, another washer (if connecting copper and aluminum), a second wire, a washer and tighten the nut tightly.

Screw terminals

Screw terminals allow for quick and neat installation. They are widely used when connecting lamps, switches, and sockets to wires. With their help it is possible, and there is no need to isolate the connections.

    The disadvantages of screw clamps include:
  • the need for crimping or soldering a multi-core cable before installation;
  • the need for periodic maintenance of connections, since the screws need to be tightened, that is, access to them is required.

Walnut clamp

This connector is named for its shape. It is a cable clamp with special plates with grooves for wires and four screws in the corners. The wires are stripped, inserted under the plate and secured with screws. Then the carbolite shell is put on.

With this clamp you can connect copper and aluminum, the insulation is quite reliable, the installation process is simple and does not cause difficulties. Basically, this outlet connection is used to drain apartments from a common aluminum riser. But besides tightening the threaded connections, there is another drawback - the dimensions, due to which the “nut” does not fit into the junction box.

Connection using terminal blocks is used in distribution boxes, when installing lamps, sockets and switches. The terminal blocks are small in size and easily fit into a box. A brass bushing is inserted into a small plastic case, into which screws are screwed on both sides.

Stripped conductors are inserted from the ends of the block and clamped with screws with force. For wires of different sections, terminals with different inlet holes are designed.

    The quality of such a connection is high, installation is easy, dissimilar materials can be connected, but there are also significant disadvantages of terminal blocks:
  1. connecting only two wires;
  2. poor quality of the pads themselves, which can cause disruptions in the network;
  3. Care is needed when installing aluminum and stranded wires so as not to damage the contact due to the fragility of the metal.

WAGO connection terminals

This relatively new type of connection using insulated spring clamps (connectors) is the most reliable and safe today. Disputes regarding the reliability of connections using Wago terminals may be associated either with counterfeits on the market or with the wrong choice of terminal for a specific load.

International certificates and approvals protect the reputation of these products. Their only drawback is their high cost. A special screwless spring mechanism makes installation of connections simple and quick. for connecting wires can be reusable with a special lever that clamps the wire and releases it if necessary.

How to use Wago terminal blocks? Disposable terminals fix the core with some effort, but, according to manufacturers, it is impossible to release it. For installation, you only need to strip the ends of the wires and insert them into the clamp.
    Advantages of WAGO terminals:
  • possibility of mounting dissimilar metals;
  • possibility of fixing more than two wires at the same time;
  • neat fixation of thin wires;
  • good connection quality;
  • compact sizes.

Detailed connection diagram

During operation of the electrical wiring, malfunctions may occur - for example, a circuit break has occurred. If, during electrical installation, workers did without switchboards. boxes, and the joints were simply rolled up with a finishing material such as plaster, then in order to get to the joints again, you will have to disturb the external finish - tear off the wallpaper, break the layer of plaster, etc.

It is unlikely that anyone will be satisfied with such prospects. If in the future you need to install additional sockets, then in such cases it is not always convenient to pull wires from previously installed sockets; it is easier to organize the connection directly to the box.

If the wires are connected using terminal blocks, then you will have to drill a fairly deep channel into the wall, which is much more labor-intensive than a simple connection in a junction box.

Finally, from a fire safety point of view, the advantage of using junction boxes is undeniable. For the correct organization of electrical installation work, there are special Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations (PUE), which also regulate the procedure for connecting electrical wires.

One of the very important steps when installing electrical wiring is connecting the wires in the junction boxes. It is very important to make the connection in the junction box reliable, because subsequently, access to it may prove difficult, especially since in some modern houses the branch boxes are completely plastered over.

There are several different ways to connect wires: regular twisting with a layer of electrical tape (or heat shrink), twisting with welding of the ends, twisting with PPE (tip with a spring), connection using Wago clamps.

Which of these methods is better has been debated for a long time. Many cite various documents and regulations that state that connections must be made by welding. However, this rule is valid for aluminum wires, which are now practically not used anywhere. For copper, the reliability of welding is somewhat questionable, although it is still better than conventional twisting with electrical tape.

If you still decide to connect the wires by twisting them with electrical tape, then it is better to use heat-shrinkable tubing and wrap it with a small layer of electrical tape. The most optimal, in my opinion, is the connection using PPE (connecting insulating clamp) or Wago.

What we see after plastering the walls:

We take out the cables and clean the box. We cut the cables with a margin and make them the same length. I do about 70-90 mm, if measured from the wall.

Remove the insulation from the cable.

We clean the wires. The length of the bare copper section is about 30-40 mm

Then we twist it. It is convenient to do this with pliers. We bite off the ends a little.

We wrap a layer of electrical tape over the PPE, I use black fabric electrical tape.

Then we carefully stuff everything into the box. After puttying, the box will need to be closed with a lid.

Below are photos of the connection using Wago clamps.

We expose the wires, the length of the exposed copper section should be about 8-10mm.

We insert the wires into the clamps and snap them into place. Make sure that the clamp holds the conductors well.

Then, carefully put everything into the box.

Connection creation mechanism

Wiring your home is not difficult. To do this you need to have the necessary knowledge and equipment. The equipment is purchased in the store; you don’t even need to buy knowledge. At the very beginning, a diagram of the electrical network should be drawn up. In most cases, the owner of the construction hires an electrician who does not imagine the future location of the furniture and, as a result, switches are covered by doors, sockets in the corners are covered by furniture.

    As a rule, electricians draw diagrams with chalk on the wall of the future equipment, but it is better to place a diagram of the electrical network with the placement of electrical current collectors on the floor plan as a separate drawing, including the switching (connection) of the power cable cores in the distribution box - this will help:
  1. calculate the load on the electrical network;
  2. wire cross-section;
  3. divide consumers into groups.
    In terms of a household electrical circuit, there are at least two groups of electrical consumers:
  • lighting;
  • power part, that is, sockets.

It is best that these two circuits are mounted with separate power cables. If you plan to install powerful electrical appliances: electric stove, oven, boiler - these devices must have their own separate circuit, i.e. separate switch, fuse and cables.

Connection of wires in the junction box according to the PUE

PUE is a collection of regulatory documentation for the design and installation of electrical circuits; in fact, it is a desktop Bible for all people who begin to engage in electrical work. The collection shows the basic principles of creating circuits, the rules for their calculation, protection and communication devices. Further, all descriptions of electrical devices will be in accordance with the rules according to the PUE.

Selecting the cross-section and brand of wire

To lay electrical wiring in rooms and connect wires in a junction box, according to the PUE, the conductors must have a different color insulating coating, from the same manufacturer with the same color scheme. For wiring, it is best to use VVGNG brand wire - single-core copper, flat, double insulated, best with the additional designation NG, which means non-flammable.

It is best to purchase a cable from a well-known manufacturer, which must have a certificate. There is no need to take a wire without markings; electrical wiring in the house is, first of all, safety and is done for more than one year, so saving is inappropriate here. It must be taken into account that a copper cable with the same cross-section can withstand one and a half times more load than aluminum.

Attention! For a capital circuit, you cannot use a multi-core PVS or ShVVP cable. Although these wires are soft and more convenient to lay, they have a higher current resistance, and accordingly they will heat up more when a load is connected.

Power calculation

One of the basic rules for calculating a cable: 1 sq. mm is used in the calculation - 9 A. of electric current, that is, a cable with a cross-section of 1 mm can withstand the load of a kettle or iron with a power of 2 kW.

    Based on these recommendations, at least the following should be used for wiring in the house:
  1. lighting core is 1.5mm square, which corresponds to 10 - 12A;
  2. sockets in rooms are 16A, which corresponds to a cross-section of 2.5 mm. sq.
  3. kitchen electric ovens, the wire for which must withstand 25A. - this is a 4mm section. kv;
  4. The core of a four-burner electric stove must withstand 32A. - cross section 6 mm2.

Correct choice of electrical connection. wires in the junction box depends on its cross-section.
Attention! You cannot use electrical cables from different manufacturers, as they have different specific (ohmic) resistance per 1 linear meter.

Electrical junction box and wire connection

After laying the wires, according to the drawn up diagram, they must be connected to each other. In order for the connection to be in one place, there are communication boxes (distribution boxes). Depending on the installation, device connections can be round or square, deep or shallow, and are divided into internal (for hidden wiring) and external according to the method of fastening.

According to the requirements of the PUE, the electrical cable must extend at least 15 cm from the ceiling, taking into account all canopies. At the same distance, a device for switching cable cores is also attached. To install the internal box, a niche corresponding to the outer diameter of the sleeve is drilled in the wall; for external mounting, it is made directly to the wall.

How many wires can you twist in a junction box? You should not skimp on junction boxes and try to put as many wires there as possible - it will be inconvenient to connect, and all of them may not fit. As a rule, 3-4 wires are inserted into one junction box.

Basic wiring diagrams

When making connections in a junction box, knowing how to connect the wires is not everything. You need to figure out which wires to connect.

How to connect sockets

How to wire a socket from a distribution box? As a rule, the socket group runs on a separate line. In this case, everything is clear: you have three cables in the box, each with three (or two) conductors. In this case, usually brown is the phase wire, blue is neutral (neutral), and yellow-green is ground.

In another standard, the colors may be red, black and blue. In this case, the phase is red, blue is neutral, green is ground. In any case, the wires are collected by color: all of the same color in one group.

How to disconnect a junction box. The wires brought into the junction box are folded, stretched, and cut so that they are the same length. Do not cut short, leave a margin of at least 10 cm so that if necessary you can re-seal the connection. Then the conductors are connected using the selected method.

If only two wires are used (in old houses there is no grounding), everything is exactly the same, only there are two connections: phase and neutral. By the way, if they are the same color, first find the phase (with a probe or multimeter) and mark it, at least by wrapping a piece of electrical tape around the insulation.

If there is a switch, the matter is more complicated. There are also three groups, but their connection is different.

  • input - from another junction box or from a panel;
  • from the chandelier;
  • from the switch.

How should the circuit work? Power - “phase” - goes to the switch key. From its output it is fed to the chandelier. In this case, the chandelier will light only when the switch contacts are closed (the “on” position). This type of connection is shown in the photo below.

Connecting a single-key switch in a distribution box

If you look carefully, this is what happens: the phase with a light wire goes to the switch. It leaves from another contact, but this time blue (do not mix it up) and connects to the phase wire that goes to the chandelier. Neutral (blue) and ground (if network) are twisted directly.

Testing wire connections in junction boxes

After all connections have been made, the exposed areas of the conductors are insulated using heat-shrinkable tubing, and the wires are laid in junction boxes. The boxes themselves are left open until the installed electrical wiring is tested. First, voltage is supplied to the connected lines by turning on the corresponding circuit breakers.

If, after switching on, nothing sparked anywhere and the machine was not knocked out due to a short circuit due to an erroneous connection of wires or poor-quality insulation of connections, the electrical wiring is tested with load current (loading), which is carried out by connecting various electrical appliances to the mounted lines. It is recommended to load each line with the maximum permissible current.

The download should continue for some time (preferably several hours). During this period, possible electrical installation defects will have time to manifest themselves. A visual inspection of the connections in the junction boxes should be carried out - signs of high temperature will be visible by melting of the insulation or terminal blocks. It is also important that there is no characteristic odor of overheated or burnt insulation.

After relieving the voltage, you should check all connections by touch - they should not be hot. If, when loading electrical cables with the maximum rated current for several hours, no comments are identified regarding the operation of the connections, then the electrical installation is considered normal, the junction boxes can be closed and the wiring can be put into operation.

Junction boxes perform a very important function. They ensure the distribution of electrical wires between points of consumption, i.e. switches, lighting fixtures and sockets.

Have you decided to install the devices listed above yourself? Then you need to thoroughly understand the features and order of connecting cables, as well as the basic methods of connecting them.

For a better understanding of the process, this event will be considered in several stages: from preparing the necessary materials to connecting electrical appliances using the example of an outlet, a two-key switch and light bulbs. First, you will learn about the basic methods of connecting cables and wiring features

Wire connection methods

There are several methods for connecting electrical wires. You can choose the most convenient and suitable option for your case.

Prices for cables and wires for construction and repair

Cables and wires for construction and repair

The first stage - getting ready for work

First of all, we prepare everything that is needed to connect electrical appliances to the box. Set includes:

  • cables 3x2.5, VVG;
  • cables 2x2.5, AVVG;
  • switch with 2 keys;
  • fastenings;
  • lighting fixtures;
  • socket;
  • round nose pliers;
  • roulette;
  • wire cutters;
  • pliers;
  • flat screwdriver;
  • hammer.

Second stage - make the markings

At this stage, we mark the installation locations of electrical appliances and the routes for wires. This way we can calculate the required amount of materials for installing the system.

The third stage - we begin installation

First turn off the electricity supply.

We connect the wires to the junction box. As a rule, cables are laid in grooves. Small nails or special plastic staples are used to secure the cables. If the work is carried out in a wooden house, the wires will be supplied through special mounting boxes.

Important note! You should try to lay the wiring so that the cables do not intersect. If intersections are unavoidable, such places must be isolated especially carefully.

The fourth stage - we connect electrical appliances and connect the wires

We insert approximately 10 cm of wire into a distribution box pre-built into the wall or fixed to the base (depending on the model). We remove the general sheath from the cables. Then we remove approximately 0.5 cm of insulation from each core. At this point, we focus on the situation - we remove enough insulation so that the cores can be connected in the chosen way.

The diagram shows an example of connecting electrical wires using terminal blocks.

In the example under consideration, the connection is made using a two-wire wire, in which one wire is a zero, the second is a phase. We connect the socket to zero and. We connect the phase supply wire to the socket and one core of the switch cable.

In our example, the switch is two-key. Each key is responsible for controlling a separate group of lighting fixtures. We connect the second wire of the switch cable to the first button, the third wire is connected to the second button.

The distribution box contains the neutral wires from the socket and light bulb sockets. The power cable is connected: zero is marked in blue, phase is marked in red. Wires are connected to connect each switch button to the light sockets.

Fifth stage - checking the functionality of the system

We turn on the power supply and check the operation of our outlet and. Everything works fine. We did a great job.

Now you know the order of connecting the wires in the junction box and the connection features of each main electrical appliance. Using the information received, you will be able to independently cope with all planned events.

Good luck!

Video - Connecting wires in a junction box

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