Why do you dream about the dead? Why do you dream about dead people?

To death loved one you can never be prepared. Even if you know that a relative or friend does not have long to live, that an illness is killing him, it is impossible to reconcile and let the person go, especially if he meant a lot to you. At such moments, very often many people begin to dream of deceased relatives and loved ones.

A question that worries so many people who have experienced loss: why do we dream about the dead? Perhaps when a loved one dies, you feel guilty. For example, for not communicating with him during his lifetime as often as they should have. Or you think that you are to some extent to blame for his death. Guilt may be one of the reasons why you see a dead person in your dream.

What does this come from?

Constant dreams in which the deceased is present can occur when you have not visited the grave of a loved one for a long time. You constantly think about it, remember. You store even more pain and bitterness in your subconscious. If you constantly dream about the deceased, perhaps you have strong feeling guilt. This is because you think that you could have prevented his demise. But this is not true. You need to let go of the pain, give freedom to yourself and the soul of the deceased (if you believe in it).

The same thing happens when, before the death of a relative, you quarreled with him. They said too much, but didn’t have time to apologize. Now you torture and punish yourself for this by constantly talking to a dead person. Understand that no matter what happens, you are forgiven because you repented and admitted the mistake.

The reason why you dream of deceased relatives before some important event in your life may not only be a “sign from above.” When you have experienced a loss, be it a father, mother or another person close to you, you mentally, at a subconscious level, turn to him for advice. You are used to a person who has been with you all your life and then left. You want to talk with him, discuss issues that are important to you, exactly as it was during your relative’s life. When you are not physically able to do this, you try to find it in your subconscious. And it, in turn, shows you what you are looking for. Therefore, in dreams you can often see a conversation with a person who is no longer alive.

Dreams are an amazing and one of the most curious manifestations of human consciousness. Indeed, what is sometimes not seen in a dream? Let us consider in more detail why a dead person dreams.

Dreaming of a dead person can symbolize future troubles and defeats. IN family life such a dream could mean betrayal.

  • Sleeping dead man. Seeing a dead person in a dream means his complete departure to another world, forgiveness of all sins and complete peace.
  • Cheerful dead man. Dreamed of a dead person in good mood- this is a sign of wrong life position and a call to correct errors.
  • The voice of a dead person. Hearing the voice of a dead person in a dream means future news. And a conversation with the deceased is a call to help those in need.

Why do you dream about the dead? It is worth noting that such dreams very often turn out to be prophetic. A general interpretation for all dead people it is a change in weather.

Why do you dream about dead relatives?

  • Mother. Dreaming of a dead mother symbolizes a very long life with a happy ending.
  • Father. A dream of a dead father is a sign of conscription for going to church. It is advisable to atone for all your sins and light a candle.
  • Sister. Deceased sister, which you dreamed about, symbolizes unstable financial condition. This dream can also be interpreted as an inaccurate formulation of the goal.
  • Brother. Seeing a deceased brother in a dream symbolizes longevity and all kinds of prosperity.
  • Grandmother. Dreamed deceased grandmother symbolizes imminent health problems among close or distant relatives.
  • Grandfather. Grandfather seen in a dream can mean very important event in a family, which can radically change the established way of life.
  • Distant relative. A distant relative seen in a dream can symbolize an upcoming family quarrel with devastating consequences.

What are the limits of such dreams?

Is it normal for dead people to often come to you in your dreams? If immediately after death, when you have not yet come to terms with the loss, a deceased person comes to you in a dream, this is normal. You can see this person alive, if he was sick - healthy. Your brain and subconscious mind show your desires as interpreted in your dreams. But if you have been dreaming about dead relatives or friends constantly for many years, you may need to consult a psychologist. This does not mean that you have any abnormalities, it may just be a sign that is being given to you to let go of the dead person or to come to terms with the loss as much as possible.

We hope our article helped you understand why dead people dream. Live and be happy, no matter what!

How you want to open a book of dream interpretation on the desired page and find out the meaning of the dream. Why do you dream of dead people? Dream– such a natural and such a mysterious state of a living organism. This is a necessity, a physiological need. For 2,500 years, the human race has been comprehending the history of sleep. And if in this area the veil of uncertainty is gradually lifted, then dreams remain a mysterious and little-studied world, in which myth and reality are intertwined.

Psychologists' point of view

Psychologists believe that people come into contact with their second self. The loss of a loved one is stress not only for the psyche, but for the whole organism. Endless memories, mental replays of recent events persistently haunt us again and again over a certain period of time. It’s not for nothing that older people say that you need to let go of your soul. Long stay in such a depressed state it can become dangerous to health. The psyche reacts in its own way to such a mood, and a dream can release the accumulated negative energy. Favorite images may often appear in your dreams.

Esotericists' point of view

According to esotericists, in moments of dreaming, a connection arises between human consciousness and the Higher Mind. The human soul can be a conductor of certain types of energy. These could be feelings, images, memories. If you dream about the dead, then:

  • These souls need help - we need to pray for them;
  • Loving souls look after us and warn us that we must pray for ourselves.

The living and the dead are connected not only by blood relationship. We are in the same energy orbit. Everything affects each other. When the soul leaves the body, energy breaks free and spreads throughout the family. She can be protective, then we receive protection. But it can also be harmful.

Why do deceased parents dream?

Witches interpret such dreams as a warning. They want to protect the souls of deceased parents from rash actions. Altar servers believe that messages come to children from heaven. In this way, parents remind themselves and ask them to light a candle for their repose.

Popular interpretation

If you dream of a dead person, then:

  • Something will happen, it will rise again. Information about an unexpected event;
  • The deceased ask the living for forgiveness;
  • They bring news of another world;
  • Ask for help;
  • Conveying a message for others;
  • To a change in weather.
  • The living shed many tears for their deceased relatives; you can hear stories of how the dead ask not to mourn them because they are lying in the water;
  • The dead are silent in a dream, which means that they simply came to visit the dreamer and remind them of themselves;
  • If you dream of a celebration and the dead are present at the table, you should pay attention to your health;
  • If the deceased screams and swears, this is a warning. There is a risk of making an irreparable mistake;
  • The deceased is cheerful and smiling - good luck will accompany him;
  • The deceased calling for him or chasing after the dreamer is not good. Everything will depend on what happens next in the dream. If you don’t follow him or run away, everything will be fine.

Interpretations according to different dream books

Esoteric dream book

  • The dead come in a dream in the first forty days after death; what they say can be understood literally. In esoteric teachings, as in Christianity, it is believed that the soul leaves this world on the fortieth day, after which it is finally freed from the bodily shell;
  • The dead come in the first 9 days; it is believed that they come to say goodbye. In the period from 9 to 40 days, they “rethink” their life again, some episodes are the brightest moments of their implementation. And so they worry their loved ones and take stock.

Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian

  • The appearance of dead relatives in a dream is an attempt to communicate something important, to establish a spiritual connection.

Symbolic dream book

  • Unfamiliar dead people are unnecessary worries.

Chinese dream book

  • The deceased is having dinner - to illness;
  • - to a quarrel;
  • If he came close - to grief;
  • Turned to dust - to prosperity;
  • The deceased has risen - to the news.

Dream Book of G. Miller

  • Dreaming of a deceased mother - health problems;
  • Deceased relative - the family needs help;
  • The dead and unexpectedly resurrected are someone’s bad influence, an attempt to drag them into a financial adventure. In a difficult situation, you should not expect help from friends;
  • The dead man rises from the grave - friends will not leave you in trouble;
  • The deceased invites you to follow him or takes him away - bad sign. To trouble.

Interpretation of S. Freud

  • The deceased says something - his words may turn out to be prophetic;
  • Deceased relatives mean a long, eventful life.

Interpretation of Vanga

  • If you die as a result of an illness, you will have to face injustice;
  • There are many dead people - family or loved ones are at risk of getting into a catastrophe. It's worth being on your guard;
  • Hugging a dead person means change is possible. Both good and negative;
  • A dead person dies is a manifestation of treachery on the part of friends. Don't be too trusting. People who were trusted can deceive.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Kissing a deceased person in a dream means conquering doubts and fears;
  • The dead calls for you - to illness.

Loff's Dream Book

  • Dreams about the dead - the body is exhausted. Rest and restoration of the nervous system is necessary.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

  • A recently deceased relative means trials are possible;
  • Deceased father - problems with grandchildren.

Dream Interpretation Maneghetti

  • A deceased relative who comes to a seriously ill dreamer may foretell an imminent death;
  • Kissing the deceased on the forehead - receive forgiveness, or forgive someone yourself.

Modern dream book

  • Dreaming of a dead person is a bad sign. Financial difficulties;
  • The deceased in a coffin means complete misfortune. You have to be careful;
  • A dead relative is a scandal in the family;
  • For lovers - betrayal.

No matter how people receive the signal from the deceased, humanity continues to believe that this is an attempt to contact the living. The souls of loved ones never cease to care for us. Let them be in another world. Not everyone is ready for contacts of this kind. People often experience panic. The memory of loved ones is alive. Perhaps in order to meet, we just need to let go of our subconscious.

Mystics claim that the world of our dreams is a connection with other worlds that are inaccessible to our waking consciousness, so it is no coincidence that since ancient times it was believed that dreams about departed people are an important sign that cannot be ignored.

The dead come to us with a message, advice or warning, which should be correctly interpreted in order to avoid unnecessary troubles and not make mistakes. With the help of “spiritual” research, it was revealed that there are psychological and spiritual reasons why deceased loved ones come to us in our dreams.

In 30 percent of cases the cause is psychological, in the remaining 70 percent it is spiritual.

Psychological reasons are when a person has a feeling of guilt or regret due to the fact that he did not spend enough time with a loved one, or he has some kind of concern regarding this departed loved one.

In this case, the arrival of a deceased person in a dream is a surge in our subconscious.

There are two spiritual reasons. One of them is that the subtle body of a dead person needs help in afterlife and tries to contact his descendant or relative. Another reason is an attempt at revenge and a desire to take at least someone with you.

Dead in a dream

However, let's take a closer look at the mystical point of view and try to understand what messages people who are now alive only in our memories and can only speak to us through dreams can bring us.

Modern dream books often do not pay enough attention to many important nuances. For example, they do not take into account how a dead person looks in our dreams, whether he is dead in the grave, or came to us alive and happy. Or maybe he comes to life right before our eyes? Or in a dream do we not remember at all that this person is not among the living?

Interpretation of dreams about a deceased person

It is generally believed that if you dream of a deceased person (you talk to him, listen to his advice, or do what he says), then this is a sign of unexpected news or changes in life.

Christian dream books explain dreams involving departed people by saying that the soul of our deceased relative or friend has not yet found peace, and give advice on carrying out some additional ceremonies or fulfilling the person’s request (for example, if the deceased asks for water).

Pagan interpretations of dreams that have come down to us recommend doing everything a dead person asks to avoid the wrath of the gods. And even though dreams of dead people can sometimes be scary, they are still a good omen.

For example, if in a dream you see a dead person being resurrected, this could mean that something lost will soon return (money, things or even social status).

Another book of dreams interprets dreams about dead people as a sign that something very happy will soon happen in the family, for example, a wedding or the birth of a child. However, seeing a deceased person on the eve of the wedding is an unlucky sign of a bad future for the union. The marriage will be unhappy, and the children born in it will be sick and weak.

Seeing a dead person in a dream

But what about if the deceased person in your dream is a close relative?

On at the moment There is no consensus, so many factors must always be taken into account. But most interpretations regarding dead relatives in a dream, especially parents, indicate a warning about the problem.

Sometimes dreams in which a person communicates for a long time with his deceased parents help him find his inner peace, gain self-confidence, and even influence success in business and well-being in the family.

It is also believed that a person cannot voluntarily see a deceased relative in a dream. It is absolutely useless to try to do this, since it is not we who call them, but they decide when and to whom to come.

Dead relatives in a dream

There is another classification of the reasons for dreams about deceased loved ones, which divides them into three groups:

1) “Regular visit”

2) "Aspect of Self"

These are dreams that give you relief, help you heal emotionally from some problems, or help you overcome some difficulties in the dream world so that you can later cope with them in reality.

3) "Memories"

These dreams are a reminder of a person with whom you enjoyed communication or, conversely, avoided this relative. Also in these dreams, a deceased person may indicate your strength or weakness, which you may have forgotten about, and which can help you in solving your current problem.

Our dreams are sacred access to the place where we existed before we were born and where we will return after this life. And this place is filled with departed loved ones who are waiting for us. Love is something that we can take with us and give freely.

Sometimes, especially during the holidays, when there are a lot of memories and love for the departed person, the line between the world of the living and the dead becomes especially thin. This is when deceased loved ones most often use our dreams to communicate.

Their speech cannot be heard because it is part of the death process. But we can see them and it reminds us that they are in parallel dimension just a dream away. Write down your dreams, try to read the lips of departed relatives to understand what they want to say. It could be something warning, or it could be a simple “I love you!”

Often dead people, especially deceased relatives and friends, appear to a sleeping person in a dream, as if they were alive. Often dreams in which there is an element of the other world are a sign for the dreamer about impending difficulties, problems in real life, warn of danger and disease.

Various dream books interpret the meanings of dreams in which a dead person is seen alive in different ways.

Thus, Aesop’s dream book associates a deceased person who appears alive to the dreamer, does not show interest, does not express dissatisfaction with the sleeping person and is calm in appearance, with a change in the weather. But if a deceased person addresses a sleeping person in a dream, as a rule, this is a warning and a signal about a possible deterioration in the dreamer’s health.

Zhou-Gong's dream book identifies a crying dead person with an impending quarrel for the sleeping person and the deterioration of his relationships with people around him. If the deceased simply stands or freezes, he is trying to warn the sleeping person about the need to take care of himself and prepare for the impending disaster that may happen soon. A dead man with watery eyes, dissolving into thin air, is an auspicious dream, foreshadowing an improvement in well-being. If a dead person suddenly comes to life in a dream, you need to wait for notification, some kind of news.

Sheremenskaya in her dream book identifies a dreaming dead person alive with a change in weather conditions. A conversation with a deceased father in a dream foreshadows gossip and intrigues that are directed against the sleeping person; you need to wait for a trick from those around you.

When in a dream the dreamer talks to his mother, who has died, it is necessary to take care of his health, the deterioration of which may be the consequences of an incorrect lifestyle. A brother who appears in a dream and talks with the dreamer may say that his relatives and friends need the help of the sleeping person in real life.

Dreaming of dead friends alive warns of bad news.

A deceased husband appearing in a dream brings with him bad news, followed by complications and sorrows in real life. If in a dream a deceased person comes to a sleeping person and looks like he is absolutely healthy, then this is evidence that everyday life is not properly organized and wants to be better. It is necessary to reconsider views on the world around us. In this case, all actions performed in real life must be clearly thought out and calculated in advance. If a deceased relative or acquaintance comes in a dream and asks for something, then he is a harbinger of impending mental oppression and internal crisis.

Miller's dream book describes a dream in which the sleeper sees his deceased father as a harbinger of failures in real life; there is no need to resort to radical changes in one's plans for the future, and to beware of others, as there may be enemies among them. If in a dream there was care for a deceased mother, then it is necessary to take care of your health, since a serious illness is possible.

Seeing a deceased brother or friend predicts that in the near future someone you know will need help or good advice. When a dead person in a dream shows by his appearance that he is happy, you need to pay attention to the people who are currently constantly nearby, perhaps negative impact one of your new acquaintances. Because of them, unexpected problems and additional waste may arise. A dream of a dead man who took a promise from a sleeping person to fulfill something, in real life foreshadows black stripe, from which only the help and advice of friends can protect you.

At the same time, Loff's dream book describes the vision of a dead person alive in a dream, as a kind of presence, a solution to everyday problems in everyday life, discussion by outsiders. IN general case a dead person in a dream does not carry a semantic load, he is simply a participant in the events occurring in the dream. This perception of him is probably associated with memories and sadness about the deceased person. The dreamer is simply bored and sad that the deceased person is not around.

Why a dead man dreams of a living person is well described in the family dream book.

Seeing a dead person alive in a dream is usually caused by a feeling of compassion and the inability to change what happened. If a dead person who comes in a dream is outraged by something and acts out, this foreshadows troubles in life. A dead person appearing in the dreamer’s house is clearly a signal of danger that lurks in reality.

An unexpected disruption of plans and obstacles that arise in business are the result of a dead man appearing in a dream and hugging the sleeping person. If a dead person who appears in a dream simply stands, does nothing and is silent, this indicates that this is for the better. The deceased person thus wishes goodness, happiness and wealth.

Dead man alive according to the dream book

Many people believe that seeing a dead person alive in a dream means danger. It is assumed that dead people warn the dreamer about troubles that will soon arise in real life. But not all dream books interpret such a dream exactly this way. Everyone explains why they dream of a dead person alive in their own way.

For example, the 20th century dream book believes that if you dreamed of a dead person alive, then in reality a new period will begin. Old relationships, work, outlook on life will go away and new ones will come to replace them. This plot can also predict ordinary weather changes.

If in a dream you are desperately trying to get rid of a dead man, but he still does not want to leave you alone, then in real life some events from the past are bothering you. It is worth trying to free yourself from the shackles of the past. If you live only for today, life will become much more joyful and brighter.

Interpretation of a dream with a dead person alive according to the dream books of Gypsy and Zhou-gong

Why a living person dreams of a dead person is explained in the Gypsy’s dream book. If you saw yourself as a dead person, then, in reality, a rather long and quite happy life awaits you in reality. If some other person plays the role of a revived corpse, then life will not only be long, but also interesting.

To see a dead person in a dream alive and rising from the coffin, according to Zhou Gong’s dream book, for the arrival of guests from afar. If he is simply in a coffin, then feel free to prepare to receive additional material profit in reality. There is a high chance of winning the lottery in the near future.

In a dream, seeing a dead person alive and talking to him according to the same dream book is a sign of some kind of misfortune in real life. A crying dead man promises a quarrel with someone. A quarrel can happen with a loved one or with a complete stranger. Seeing yourself in the role of a zombie is fortunate. If the role of the living dead is played own child, then soon in reality a joyful addition to the family will happen.

Options for explaining this dream according to David Loff’s dream book, as well as Russian and Ukrainian interpreters

Seeing a dead person alive in a dream means an active discussion in real life of some important issues. Receiving a living dead person in your home as a guest means longing for the deceased. Such a dream does not carry any real meaning. You will simply remember the one who has passed on to another world and yearn for him.

David Loff's dream book explains why one dreams of a dead person in a living coffin. If he tries to get up and talk to you, then in reality you will soon have to sort things out. You will have to have heart-to-heart conversations with someone dear to your heart. If you do not clarify all the issues that concern both sides, then a protracted and unpleasant conflict may arise in the future.

According to the Russian dream book, seeing a dead person alive in a dream and kissing him means a feeling of guilt towards to this person. Perhaps you somehow offended the deceased or did not say important words and are now tormented by a persistent and unrelenting feeling of guilt. If you ask for forgiveness at this person’s grave, and do it sincerely, then your soul will calm down.

The Russian dream book also explains why one dreams of seeing a living person die in a dream. Such a plot indicates your bad feelings towards this person. It is possible that your hatred is so great that you wish him death.

Why the dead people dream of being alive is also explained in the Ukrainian dream book. This plot predicts major troubles in real life. Also, it is quite possible that you will show weakness in an issue where this is absolutely not worth doing. Such a dream can also speak of a long life in reality.

If in a dream a dead person says that he is alive, in reality you will receive significant news. The news will also have a major impact on your life. Why do dead relatives dream of being alive? He also explains Ukrainian dream book. If you see your previously deceased relative during your night's rest, be sure to remember him. The visionary mother and father warn of misfortune. Misfortune can happen to both you and your pets.

The Ukrainian dream book contains detailed description Why does a dead father dream of being alive in a dream? If he asks to give him clothes, then in real life you should definitely buy some item of men’s clothing and give it to the beggar free of charge. Then the father will no longer come in dreams. You should not go along with the living dead, even if he calls. If you extend your hand to him, then in reality you can say goodbye to life yourself.

Explanations of dreams according to dream books of the 20th century, Great-grandmother, Velesov and Tsvetkov

Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and hugging him means good health in reality. More for a long time after such a dream you will not be bothered by any illnesses or ailments. Great-grandmother's dream book says that this plot promises a change in the weather. If it is sunny and dry outside, then in the evening, for example, it will definitely rain.

Kissing a living dead person in a dream means changes in life. These changes will not necessarily be negative. It is quite possible that you will be unexpectedly lucky and become the owner of a large cash win. The dream book of the 20th century says that seeing one of your acquaintances in the role of a living dead means weakening of friendly relations in reality with this person. Your paths will diverge, and new interests will lead you along different roads.

The dream book of the 20th century also explains why the deceased dream of a living grandfather or grandmother. If the mood of long-dead relatives seen in a dream is serene and calm, then do not worry about the little things. Fate will be very favorable to you for some time. Having long, intimate conversations with them can lead to danger in reality. You should exercise prudence and be careful in any situation.

According to Velesov’s dream book, deceased relatives predict health problems for relatives. Your own well-being will remain unchanged. This plot can also warn of important family events.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a famous loved one who appears in a dream as a zombie is a messenger of fate. In reality, expect some sign that will change the entire course of your life. Such a sign could be a lucrative job offer or new love relationship. Tsvetkova’s dream book also explains why you dream when a dead person kisses a living person three times. This dream predicts in reality a quick separation from a citizen near and dear to his heart.

Also, Tsvetkov’s dream book says that if a person who is currently alive appears in the role of a revived corpse in a dream, then he will receive an invitation to a wedding. He may also have incredible success in life. For a young woman, such a dream promises only unpleasant meetings and events.

Seeing a deceased person revived in a dream, cheerful and contented, warns of the insidious plans of enemies. Ill-wishers are plotting against you. Be careful and be as prudent as possible in everything you do in the near future.

A few more explanations of why a living dead person dreams

According to Miller's dream book, a living dead person seen in a dream is a warning. If it was a long-deceased father, then in real life the upcoming event will not go well. You shouldn’t invest money anywhere in the near future or generally make particularly important financial decisions.

A deceased mother seen in a dream promises the illness of a loved one in reality. Other blood relatives foretell improvident financial waste. Also, a revived dead person can mean a friend’s negative influence on you. Think about it, maybe you really began to do things that are out of character for you in lately, which are difficult to characterize positively?

If a dead man in a dream stretches out his hands to you from the grave, then in reality, get ready to rely only on your own strength. When necessary, none of your acquaintances or devoted comrades will lend a helping hand. You will have to solve all the difficulties yourself.

In the dream book you can find an explanation for why a dead person dreams of being alive for up to 40 days. This dream speaks of the care and concern that you will receive from others. If a dead person is in your apartment, then this only portends minor troubles that will ultimately cause a lot of trouble and grief.

Kissing a living dead person in a dream means numerous problems. But, if such a plot is seen by a sick person, then there is a high probability of his imminent death. According to the dream book, kissing a living dead person on the forehead means separation for a long time from one of the family members. A short meeting and communication with a “zombie” predicts disappointment in someone in real life. This disappointment will bring a lot of worries, even severe depression.

In the dream book you can also find an explanation of why lovers have such a dream. In this case, the dream is interpreted negatively. The relationship between these once close people will never be as trusting and happy as before. No matter how hard they try, they will not be able to relive the happiness of the beginning of a love affair.

If in a dream you saw more than one rebel from dead corpse, but several at once, and you did not experience any fear or panic, then rejoice, the current business will end in resounding success. All your efforts and hard work will be rewarded with the expected results.

Vanga’s interpreter says that seeing one dead person in a dream promises injustice. Either you will act extremely dishonestly with someone you know, or you will experience this injustice yourself. A large number of people rising from the dead predict an epidemic or some kind of terrible global catastrophe.

What does it mean to dream about a deceased person alive?

The modern dream book assures that seeing a dead friend alive is not too good sign, it is possible that soon the dreamer will be told unfavorable news about loved ones who are currently very far away and cannot come.

Martyn's dream book has its own explanation for the fact why the deceased dreamed of being alive - for lovers, this dream foreshadows the betrayal of a partner, and family people- quarrels with the other half. That is why, if you dream of a deceased person alive, the dreamer should be more lenient and attentive to his partner in order to be able to smooth out the tense situation in time.

Miller's dream book explains the situation according to his point of view, for example, to see a living thing in a dream deceased mother- to a long and happy life, other relatives - to good news, good completion of affairs. Long-dead neighbors who have come to life in a dream foretell future troubles and losses; the appearance of a father in a dream signals that the business started by the dreamer requires careful analysis. Sometimes the appearance of a father can warn that the dreamer has developed serious problems with health or he is too carried away by addictions. Deceased sisters or brothers in a dream is a call for the dreamer to pay attention to the people around him; it is possible that some of them are in great need of support and help; sleeping with a deceased husband is a sign of serious troubles that will cause certain, more often material, damage to the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation Veles has its own interpretation of the dream, let’s say seeing a deceased grandfather or grandmother alive in a dream means that one of the dreamer’s relatives (along the line of the deceased) has significantly deteriorated in health. Deceased relatives gathered at one table foreshadow an important matter, the success of which depends on the composure and mental abilities of the dreamer.

The English dream book interprets the dream depending on the mood of the person revived in the dream, for example, if cheerful dead people foretell happiness and prosperity; and the sad ones talk about the appearance of various kinds of troubles and difficulties in the dreamer’s life.

If the deceased does not ask the dreamer for anything and does not make any claims, then this vision does not carry any meaning and simply warns of a change in the weather. Communicating with deceased relatives and telling them about your affairs means that some of the problems that the dreamer is currently solving will soon fade into the background, and more significant events will happen in life.

A dream with a deceased relative on the eve of the wedding may indicate that the dreamer was in a hurry and this marriage will not bring happiness to anyone and will become a burden for both spouses. This dream is also a warning that this marriage may produce weak, sick, vicious children who will add their own fly in the ointment to the general family misfortune.

A revived dead man, looking reproachfully at the dreamer, signals that in the life of the sleeper something is not going according to the rules, or he is too carried away by vicious deeds or addictions that the deceased does not approve of.

In turn Muslim dream book says that if in a dream a deceased relative talks to one of the lovers, it means that the latter will be betrayed by his partner, so you should take a closer look at the actions of your future soulmate. If the deceased embraces the dreamer in his arms or simply puts his hands on his neck, then a long life awaits the latter. interesting life, that's true, good health such a meeting does not bode well, but the ailments that the sleeper may suffer from are not too serious and are quite treatable.

Grishina’s dream book states that a dream in which dead relatives or friends are seen alive foreshadows several events at once: the fulfillment of secret desires, longing for a warm relationship, a change in the weather, a desire to receive support; what exactly to choose depends on the situation.

In those cases when a deceased relative calls the dreamer to follow him, leads him somewhere, or the dreamer himself follows his trail, you should be more attentive to your own health, since such a dream may foreshadow the presence of a serious illness or even death.

If a dreamer gives someone’s photo to a deceased person in a dream, then the person depicted in the photo will soon become very ill and most likely die, so in real life the dreamer should try to meet the sick person and say goodbye to him.

Taking something from a deceased person means unexpected wealth and happiness; congratulating the deceased on their anniversary or any other holiday - soon the dreamer will have a chance to commit a worthy act.

If a deceased person is tormented by thirst in a dream, it means that someone speaks ill of him; talking with a deceased friend at a round table means that all troubles will soon subside and the dreamer will again begin a white streak in life.

Particular attention should be paid to the words spoken in a dream by a deceased person; as a rule, this is true information and should not be neglected. No less important also has the appearance of parents in a dream, while the father warns the dreamer against actions for which he will later be ashamed, and the mother, with her appearance, most often indicates emerging health problems.

Of course, dreams in which the dreamer sees already dead people alive are very frightening, but if you look at it, they rarely mean something bad, much more often such visions warn the sleeper about impending danger or health problems.

Why do you dream that a dead person is dying?

A person who has already passed away may mean something from the past that you have conveniently forgotten about. Perhaps you somehow associate this with the deceased. Try to think in this direction. Do you dream that a deceased person is dying? This means that you will have to face forgotten events or people. What will this bring you? Find out how you feel about night vision.

Have you seen death from illness?

If you dream that a deceased person is dying as a result of a serious illness, then this is a hint that you yourself may end up in unpleasant situation due to illness. It so happens that ill health will not allow you to fulfill some very important obligations. There will be no excuses for you, since you should have fulfilled your promise ahead of time, but you kept putting it off until later. It turns out that you will let us down very good man. Having seen such a dream, try to remember what you promised and to whom. Perform the agreement immediately so as not to feel remorse later. Loff's dream book says this: "If you dream that a deceased person is dying, look at what character qualities you associate with him." This is the main symptom you will encounter in the near future.

Why do you dream of a dead person?

Since ancient times, it has been believed that the soul of the deceased comes to you as a Guardian Angel. Even if the person was not well known to you, he tries to protect you and warn you. When you often dream about a deceased person, this is a sign to you that something extraordinary is coming. Good or bad - judge by the overall impression of the dreams. If you have an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul, expect a disaster; if you are in a sunny mood, there will be a sensation! Maybe the dead man told you something? These words carry a special meaning. They should be thought about and deciphered. Please note that the Angelic Entity is well aware of your secret thoughts. Therefore, the message will be designed specifically for you. Dream books will not always be able to tell you what it means.

You dreamed of death from an accident

If you see the tragic death of a person who has been dead for a long time, this means some kind of danger. Perhaps the soul of the deceased came to show you exactly the misfortune that may threaten you in the future. In addition, this vision suggests that it is time for you to change your lifestyle. You fuss a lot and do little to do things that please your soul. It's time to change the order of things. If you dream that a deceased person is dying, then it is time for you to change your life. Miller's dream book believes that this image may be a harbinger of loss. In any case, difficulties after it are guaranteed to you. Hasse's dream book predicts danger to the dreamer. Some past sin will be revealed. You will have to pay for it soon. Perhaps you have once organized your life incorrectly. Now the results of old mistakes will overtake you. Mobilize your forces. Don’t let troubles push you into a whirlpool of worries. What has already been done cannot be corrected. But you are quite capable of smoothing out an unpleasant impression. If a person was little known to you during his lifetime, a dream about his death may portend longevity for you.

Why do you dream about a dead friend?

Those who loved a person, but by the will of fate left this mortal world, often come to him in a dream. The souls of the dead can tell the sleeper what it makes sense for him to fear, how his affairs will develop further, and express their approval or dissatisfaction with his actions.

If you dreamed about a deceased friend, then this dream is important, and, in all likelihood, it contains a clue that is significant for the sleeping person. In searching for the answer to a dream, you need to pay attention to its smallest details, especially what is connected with the central character of the plot - the deceased friend of the sleeper.

His appearance, facial expression, gaze, clothing and actions explain the reason for the appearance in a dream of a person close to the sleeping person in the past. For example, if the dream is about the dreamer's upcoming wedding, and the deceased friend is wearing a yellow suit with dirty stains on it, this is a sign that the deceased does not approve of his friend's choice.

The color of clothing suggests that betrayal, envy and quarrels await a person in marriage. A deceased friend can express his disapproval of the upcoming celebration in another way. For example, verbally.

In our real world, a person is given hours of rest at night, during which he sees a variety of dreams, sometimes inexplicable and bizarre. He gets scared if someone dead appears in them, he is perplexed when he meets in a dream someone alive, but unfamiliar in person. Turns to books that interpret dreams. But everyone does it in their own way. The person does not find a clear answer. Meanwhile, based on personal experience, every person sometimes finds confirmation of dreams later. The living seeks explanations for dreams, but the deceased does not need this.

Having seen a deceased relative in a dream, usually when waking up they think what is this for if they remember the dream. A common opinion is that the Christian religion advises remembering relatives from time to time. Otherwise, they will “remind” themselves of themselves by appearing in dreams. And sometimes often.

I know one real case about the discovery of hidden money, found thanks to a prophetic dream. The man's name was Benjamin. He saved money all his life, sometimes to the detriment of his health, eating inadequately. Then he died and was buried. He did not manage to realize the significant amount of money hidden at home during his lifetime. The relatives could not find anything. And then the granddaughter sees a dream - in it Benjamin is alive and says that the money is lying over the doorpost front door, under the wallpaper. The girl didn’t attach any importance to this, you never know what she’ll dream about! But her uncle began to appear in her dreams constantly. And sure enough, when she told her mother about the vision, the treasure was immediately found. This is unusual, but it happened in one Vologda village. How is it possible for a living person to communicate with other world, no one knows this yet. And at night he continues to dream strange things while he is alive.

I personally dreamed of a classmate who died long ago. But his image slowly melted away when he tried to get closer. In the dream, everything happened in silence. I walked through the foggy haze. The dream with the appearance of Volodya happened only once in my life, but for some reason I remember it because it was bright and colorful. I also saw a bunch of dead relatives in a dream - they gathered for some kind of holiday with harmony. I dream about my father and mother all the time. The only explanation for this is that I subconsciously grieved over the loss of loved ones, although in reality I rarely remembered them in everyday worries.

While asking a person if he dreams of dead relatives, I found out that yes. Some often, some not. I also found out whether they are frightened by such dreams and how they explain it. It turns out that in a dream, the world of the dead and the world of the living are mixed, and the dead appear to be real individuals. It’s as if we exist simultaneously, there is no fear. And when we wake up, we think, what is this for? From my own experience of seeing such dreams, I decided that these dreams do not portend anything bad if the deceased was not a villain during his lifetime. The living, however, do not need to fear the dead.

Miller's Dream Book

By reading Miller's dream book, you can be convinced that the appearance in the dreams of deceased relatives or acquaintances warns of some danger in the near future. The father dreams - this indicates caution in actions, and the mother - you should take care of your health. If the dream of a deceased acquaintance is cheerful, then this means trouble in personal affairs.

Vanga's Dream Book

Referring to the dream book of Vanga, who was in contact with the other world, one can explain the vision of a funeral procession with a coffin and own name on it because you need to change your lifestyle. I recently dreamed of a fallen coffin with unknown dead man, which according to Vanga is a good omen - this is my guardian angel who will help me cope with some kind of trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

From the depths of centuries, the dream book of Nostradamus has reached our days. In it, a dream with the appearance of a dead man speaks of some kind of misfortune threatening the family. This threatens lovers with a quarrel, and it also foreshadows... a wedding! According to Nostradamus’s dream book, a dead man in a coffin is a blessing, a quick release from boring responsibilities. A living person always has something to do.

Freud's Dream Book

It is interesting to read Freud's dream book. In it, a corpse seen in a dream foreshadows for many years life. Yes, at a young age I saw my father dead, he lived beyond 80 years! You can probably trust this dream book. According to him, seeing himself dead in a dream and then revived - this foretells material losses in the future. If someone else comes to life in a dream, new friends will appear. The same is explained in the dream books of Miller and Vanga.

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