Red blood tales. Red blood tales (erythropotspt). SE indicator: what he denotes

What are the tests talking about. Secrets of medical indicators - for patients Evgeny Alexandrovich Green

1.1.2. Red Tales

1.1.2. Red Tales

Red Tales, still known as red blood cells - small round flat cells with a diameter of about 7.5 microns. The feature of the erythrocyte is its unique form. So, at the edges, it is thicker than in the center, and many compared with the form of a biconed lens. It is believed that this form is the most optimal, and it is due to it that the maximum saturation of erythrocytes with oxygen occurs when they pass through pulmonary capillaries, and carbon dioxide when passing internal organs and tissues.

And how much is the erythrocytes in the norm?

Fig. 1. So the red blood cells look like

And again, their amount depends on the floor and is normal in men 4-5x1012 g / l, and in women - 3.7-4.7 x1012 g / l.

Of course, it does not cost without fluctuations and the number of erythrocytes. With different diseases, their number can, how to decrease and fall sharply.

For example, reducing the content of erythrocytes in the blood by analogy with hemoglobin may indicate the development of anemia.

But it does not do without features. The fact is that with different forms of anemia, the number of erythrocytes and the level of hemoglobin are often reduced disproportionately, with the number of hemoglobin itself in the erythrocyte may be different. It is worth considering when carrying out a clinical analysis of blood, because it is immediately necessary to determine the color indicator, we are talking about which will go later, and the average hemoglobin content in red blood cell. Very often, it provides invaluable help to the doctor in the rapid and correct formulation of the diagnosis of various forms of anemia.

Do not forget about the possibility of a pathological increase in the number of erythrocytes, called in a medical environment briefly - erythrocytosis. In such cases, the indicator may grow to 8-12x1012 g / l and more. Unfortunately, both for the doctor and for the patient, this fact of growth testifies to the development of one of the forms of leukemia, called Eritreia. Of course, there are cases of compensatory increase when there is an increase in the number of erythrocytes in response to finding a person in extreme conditions, for example in mountains or flights at high altitudes, where the atmosphere is discharged by oxygen. However, often the compensatory increase in the number of erythrocytes is also found in patients who have an increase in the number of erythrocytes, for example, in emphysema of the lungs, pneumosclerosis, chronic bronchitis and other diseases accompanied by respiratory failure, or diseases accompanied by heart failure.

It should not also forget about other possible red blood cells, whose bright representative is the red blood cell, known as the Parneoplastic (Greek. Para - near, with; neo ... + Greek. Plasis - education). This phenomenon is found at various forms of kidney cancer, pancreas and other organs.

It should be known that with the development of all sorts of pathological processes, the form and size of red blood cells can be unusually changed, which is an important diagnostic sign. So, in the blood under anemia, erythrocytes of various values \u200b\u200bmay be observed, which is called anisocytosis in a medical environment. Moreover, the red blood cells are called normocites, enlarged - macrocytes and reduced, as it was already possible to guess, microcytes. The latter are found in hemolytic anemia, anemia after chronic blood loss, as well as for malignant diseases. The enlarged erythrocytes are observed at B 12 -, foliine-defective anemia, in malaria, as well as during diseases of the liver and lungs. Often, at b 12 -, foliine-defective anemia and rarely, with sharp leukes, there are also very large red blood cells, which were called megalocytes. In addition to changing dimensions, with diseases, red blood cells can take elongated, worm-shaped, pear and many other incorrect forms. This phenomenon is called PAYCOilocytosis and is explained as a result of the defective regeneration of erythrocytes occurring in the bone marrow. Poikilocytosis is often a sign of B 12-identical anemia.

There are often cases of specific change in the form of red blood cells in some congenital diseases. For example, when the erythrocyte has a form of a sickle, this indicates the presence of sickle cell anemia. Another variety of violations of the form are targeted erythrocytes, whose feature is a reduction in the site in the center, which gives it a kind of target. This phenomenon is found in thalassemia or in lead poisoning.

Fig. 2. It looks like a pathologically modified red blood cell

We should not forget that there is an opportunity to detect young erythrocyte, so-called reticulocytes in the blood, the value of the content of which ranges from 0.2-1.2% of the total erythrocyte. The change in the number of reticulocytes allows to judge the ability of the bone marrow to quickly return to the norm the number of erythrocytes under anemia. For example, in the treatment of B 12-identical anemia, one of the first signs of recovery is to increase the content of reticulocytes in the blood and is called reticulocytosis. At the same time, when the level of reticulocytes in the blood increases as much as possible, this phenomenon is called the reticulocyte crisis.

However, in the case of reducing the level of reticulocytes with prolonged anemia, it suggests that the regenerative ability of the bone marrow is reduced and is a bad sign.

In cases where anemia is absent, and the reticulocytosis is, the entire range of diagnostic procedures should be carried out, since this fact may indicate the presence of cancer metastases in the bone marrow and some forms of leukemia.

Another indicator when working with erythrocytes is a color indicator, which is normal of 0.86-1.05. The change in this indicator as towards the decline and in the direction of the increase may indicate the availability of the disease. In the case when the color indicator is above 1.05, this indicates the presence of hyperchromy (Greek. hyper. - over, over, on the other side; chroma.- Color) and appears in people with b 12-state anemia.

As in the case of increasing, the decrease in the color indicator by 0.8 and less indicates the hyperchromy (Greek. hYPO.- from below, under), which is most often occurring at iron deficiency anemia. Often hypochromic anemia develops with malignant tumors, very often with a stomach cancer.

In cases where the amount of erythrocytes and hemoglobin levels are reduced, while the color indicator is within the normal range, we can talk about normal anemia, to which the so-called, hemolytic and aplastic anemia can be attributed. At the same time, at the first disease, the rapid destruction of red blood cells occurs, and during the second - in the bone marrow there is an insufficient number of erythrocytes.

Another indicator characterizing the bulk excess or lack of red blood cells in the blood is a hematocrit number, or hematocrit. Simply put, hematocrit is the ratio of the volume of erythrocytes to the volume of plasma. This figure in men is 0.4-0.48, and in women - 0.36-0.42.

By analogy with other indicators, a decrease or increase in hematocrit indicates the availability of the disease. Thus, the reduction of the hematocritum is observed under anemia and blood dilution and is due to the preparation of a large number of medicinal solutions or the adoption of a large amount of fluid inside.

An increase in the indicator takes place during eritrium - the form of a severe oncological blood disease and compensatory red blood cells.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

1. Introduction to blood

Blood is nothing more than liquid fabric. It circulates along a closed vessel system and performs a number of vital functions, among which among which among which functions. It is both diversity of nutrient substances to organs and tcantle, and there was a liver. It gives special attention to the function of nutrition, transport and protection. Thanks to these functions, the organs and tissues of the whole organism are supplied with oxygen and all sorts of nutrients, and microorganisms are neutralized and "exhaust" products of human activity to organs destroying these products are delivered.

As for the total amount of blood, then men in the body are up to 5-6, and in women - 4-5 liters, and the speed of blood flow through the vessels reaches 40 km / h.

The main role is assigned, of course, the composition of the blood, because only due to the presence of unique components in it, which so nodally interact, the blood is provided by all the necessary properties.

The composition of the blood is simple, like all ingenious. It includes a plasma - its liquid component and so-called shaped elements: erythrocytes, or red blood tales, leukocytes, known as white blood tales and, finally, platelets, referred to as blood plates.

1.1. What is a fence and how does it happen?

Clinical analyzes have invaluable help to the doctor for the formulation of a finite diagnosis. It is the shift of the quantitative and qualitative composition of blood components in the direction of increasing or lowering indicates the presence of a certain disease. For a long time, a method was sought, allowing to quickly and qualitatively evaluate changes in the indicators. And as a result of many years of painstaking work on the search for the optimal research method, it turned out to be the method of fence of capillary blood from the finger, usually unnamed. This method is sufficient, easy to use, is quite informative and, importantly, for many, almost painless.

Blood fence lasts a few minutes and does not bring much discomfort. But for accuracy, it requires compliance with several simple rules that will be removed from erroneous and inaccurate results. So, for example, before analysis, it is worth refraining from taking alcohol, at least three days before the blood fence. Also, the last meal must be 8-12 hours before analysis. Therefore, the fence is carried out in the morning clock. Of course, in foremutors, when the doctor has a suspicion of a serious threat to life in the form of acute diseases, such as acute appendicitis, pancreatitis, myocardial infarction, blood is taken without delay, and the fence itself should not depend on the time of day and the presidency of food.

Plus, before surrendering blood to the laboratory, it is advised to abandon excessive physical exertion, such as running and moving weights, as well as refrain from visiting a bath, saunas, in general, from all intensive impacts on the body.

Well, finally, how does this happen and how technically needs to be done correctly?

In fact, just! The nameless finger of the right hand is taken, if necessary, you can use a similar finger on your left hand. In the extreme case, you can use the average or index, but the practice shows that the nameless is quite enough. Before taking blood, the skin is treated with alcohol solution. Next, the laboratory assistant in rubber gloves takes a sterile disposable lanceset and makes the puncture of the side surface of soft tissues of the end phalanx. The first drop of blood flies with a ball from the wool, and the latter is used to prepare blood smears, as well as a set in a special glass capillary to determine the rate of sedimentation of erythrocytes and evaluating other indicators, which will be discussed further.

1.1.1. Bearing oxygen

One of the most important indicators under investigation, hemoglobin is considered to be rightfully.

And the question may be quite appropriate. "What is it and what is it necessary for?".

Hemoglobin is nothing more than a special protein, which is part of the red blood cell and has a unique ability to attach oxygen to itself, carrying it into all organs and tissues of a person. And its specific red color and determines the characteristic color of blood.

The hemoglobin molecule of two parts consists, one of which has the name of the gem, which includes iron, and the second is a protein called Globin.

Like everything else, hemoglobin has its own quantitative standards of blood content. So, in men, this norm varies within 130-160 g / l, in women - 120-140 g / l.

Under certain adverse conditions, the amount of hemoglobin can sharply decrease and cause a disease that is called anemia. The most common causes are the deficiency of iron, with its insufficient receipt of it with food or impaired suction in the intestines, sharp and chronic blood loss, lack of vitamin B 12 and folic acid. Anemia is often found in patients with oncology. Also, we should not forget that anemia is a serious warning and requires immediate conduct of in-depth diagnostic procedures.

What happens in the body with anemia?

At the same time, with a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin there is a decrease in the nutrition of the body of the body with oxygen, and the most suffering the bodies in which the metabolis actively occurs: the heart, brain, liver and kidneys.

And the smaller hemoglobin, the heavier the course of anemia. Moreover, the indicator below 60 g / l is already considered life-threatening and requires urgent blood transfusion or erythrocyte mass.

Of course, the level of hemoglobin can increase. This phenomenon occurs during leukemia, with the dehydration of the body, when the "thickening" of the blood occurs, as well as in the form of compensation in healthy people who are located in the conditions of high mountains or at the pilots after flying at high altitude.

1.1.2. Red Tales

Red Tales, still known as red blood cells - small round flat cells with a diameter of about 7.5 microns. The feature of the erythrocyte is its unique form. So, at the edges, it is thicker than in the center, and many compared with the form of a biconed lens. It is believed that this form is the most optimal, and it is due to it that the maximum saturation of erythrocytes with oxygen occurs when they pass through pulmonary capillaries, and carbon dioxide when passing internal organs and tissues.

And how much is the erythrocytes in the norm?

Fig. 1. So the red blood cells look like

And again, their amount depends on the floor and is normal in men 4-5x1012 g / l, and in women - 3.7-4.7 x1012 g / l.

Of course, it does not cost without fluctuations and the number of erythrocytes. With different diseases, their number can, how to decrease and fall sharply.

For example, reducing the content of erythrocytes in the blood by analogy with hemoglobin may indicate the development of anemia.

But it does not do without features. The fact is that with different forms of anemia, the number of erythrocytes and the level of hemoglobin are often reduced disproportionately, with the number of hemoglobin itself in the erythrocyte may be different. It is worth considering when carrying out a clinical analysis of blood, because it is immediately necessary to determine the color indicator, we are talking about which will go later, and the average hemoglobin content in red blood cell. Very often, it provides invaluable help to the doctor in the rapid and correct formulation of the diagnosis of various forms of anemia.

Do not forget about the possibility of a pathological increase in the number of erythrocytes, called in a medical environment briefly - erythrocytosis. In such cases, the indicator may grow to 8-12x1012 g / l and more. Unfortunately, both for the doctor and for the patient, this fact of growth testifies to the development of one of the forms of leukemia, called Eritreia. Of course, there are cases of compensatory increase when there is an increase in the number of erythrocytes in response to finding a person in extreme conditions, for example in mountains or flights at high altitudes, where the atmosphere is discharged by oxygen. However, often the compensatory increase in the number of erythrocytes is also found in patients who have an increase in the number of erythrocytes, for example, in emphysema of the lungs, pneumosclerosis, chronic bronchitis and other diseases accompanied by respiratory failure, or diseases accompanied by heart failure.

It should not also forget about other possible red blood cells, whose bright representative is the red blood cell, known as the Parneoplastic (Greek. Para - near, with; neo ... + Greek. Plasis - education). This phenomenon is found at various forms of kidney cancer, pancreas and other organs.

It should be known that with the development of all sorts of pathological processes, the form and size of red blood cells can be unusually changed, which is an important diagnostic sign. So, in the blood under anemia, erythrocytes of various values \u200b\u200bmay be observed, which is called anisocytosis in a medical environment. Moreover, the red blood cells are called normocites, enlarged - macrocytes and reduced, as it was already possible to guess, microcytes. The latter are found in hemolytic anemia, anemia after chronic blood loss, as well as for malignant diseases. The enlarged erythrocytes are observed at B 12 -, foliine-defective anemia, in malaria, as well as during diseases of the liver and lungs. Often, at b 12 -, foliine-defective anemia and rarely, with sharp leukes, there are also very large red blood cells, which were called megalocytes. In addition to changing dimensions, with diseases, red blood cells can take elongated, worm-shaped, pear and many other incorrect forms. This phenomenon is called PAYCOilocytosis and is explained as a result of the defective regeneration of erythrocytes occurring in the bone marrow. Poikilocytosis is often a sign of B 12-identical anemia.

There are often cases of specific change in the form of red blood cells in some congenital diseases. For example, when the erythrocyte has a form of a sickle, this indicates the presence of sickle cell anemia. Another variety of violations of the form are targeted erythrocytes, whose feature is a reduction in the site in the center, which gives it a kind of target. This phenomenon is found in thalassemia or in lead poisoning.

Fig. 2. It looks like a pathologically modified red blood cell

We should not forget that there is an opportunity to detect young erythrocyte, so-called reticulocytes in the blood, the value of the content of which ranges from 0.2-1.2% of the total erythrocyte. The change in the number of reticulocytes allows to judge the ability of the bone marrow to quickly return to the norm the number of erythrocytes under anemia. For example, in the treatment of B 12-identical anemia, one of the first signs of recovery is to increase the content of reticulocytes in the blood and is called reticulocytosis. At the same time, when the level of reticulocytes in the blood increases as much as possible, this phenomenon is called the reticulocyte crisis.

However, in the case of reducing the level of reticulocytes with prolonged anemia, it suggests that the regenerative ability of the bone marrow is reduced and is a bad sign.

In cases where anemia is absent, and the reticulocytosis is, the entire range of diagnostic procedures should be carried out, since this fact may indicate the presence of cancer metastases in the bone marrow and some forms of leukemia.

Another indicator when working with erythrocytes is a color indicator, which is normal of 0.86-1.05. The change in this indicator as towards the decline and in the direction of the increase may indicate the availability of the disease. In the case when the color indicator is above 1.05, this indicates the presence of hyperchromy (Greek. hyper. - over, over, on the other side; chroma.- Color) and appears in people with b 12-state anemia.

As in the case of increasing, the decrease in the color indicator by 0.8 and less indicates the hyperchromy (Greek. hYPO.- from below, under), which is most often occurring at iron deficiency anemia. Often hypochromic anemia develops with malignant tumors, very often with a stomach cancer.

In cases where the amount of erythrocytes and hemoglobin levels are reduced, while the color indicator is within the normal range, we can talk about normal anemia, to which the so-called, hemolytic and aplastic anemia can be attributed. At the same time, at the first disease, the rapid destruction of red blood cells occurs, and during the second - in the bone marrow there is an insufficient number of erythrocytes.

Another indicator characterizing the bulk excess or lack of red blood cells in the blood is a hematocrit number, or hematocrit. Simply put, hematocrit is the ratio of the volume of erythrocytes to the volume of plasma. This figure in men is 0.4-0.48, and in women - 0.36-0.42.

By analogy with other indicators, a decrease or increase in hematocrit indicates the availability of the disease. Thus, the reduction of the hematocritum is observed under anemia and blood dilution and is due to the preparation of a large number of medicinal solutions or the adoption of a large amount of fluid inside.

An increase in the indicator takes place during eritrium - the form of a severe oncological blood disease and compensatory red blood cells.

1.1.3. Speed

So it's time to tell about, perhaps the most famous of the indicators - the rates of settlement of red blood cells. Many people like the speed, but in the case of the velocity of the erythrocyte settlement, it is better that it is minimal and laid in men within 1-10 mm / h, in women - 2-15 mm / h.

Fig. 3. Test tubes for measuring the erythrocyte sedimentation speed

But why so? What is this indicator? What does this speed mean?

All simple! ESO is the speed at which the inverted blood is divided into a special capillary is divided into two layers. The first lower consists of axial red blood cells, and the second top, consisting of a transparent plasma. As it was already possible to guess, this indicator is measured in no kilometers or meters, namely in millimeters per hour.

Increasing the speed of erythrocyte sedimentation, as a rule, always a bad sign talking about failure in the body.

What is the reason for the increase?

It is assumed that EE increases due to an increase in the relationship in the blood plasma of protein particles of large-sized, known as globulins, and small sizes called albumin. It is worth noting that globulins include antibodies that perform a protective function. If you get into the body of viruses, bacteria, fungi, the amount of antibodies rapidly increases, which entails a change in the ratio of blood proteins.

That is why the main reason for the increase in ESP is the answer to the inflammatory process that flows in the human body. Therefore, when a person gets sick with some infectious or non-infectious disease, be it pneumonia, angina or just inflammation of the joints, it immediately rises Soe. Moreover, how much it will increase, directly depends on the severity of inflammation. So, with a light form of ESO, it may increase to 15-20 mm / h, and already with severe - up to 60-80 mm / h.

However, when EE decreases in the treatment process, it speaks of a favorable course of the disease and the soon recovery of the patient.

It will be an erroneous statement that an increase in ESP always talks about inflammation. The value of ESO is influenced by many factors: this is the change in the ratio of dense and liquid blood parts, and a decrease or increase in the number of red blood cells, and the loss of protein with urine, and even a violation of protein synthesis in the liver.

It is also possible to allocate groups of non-unprepaid diseases leading to an increase in ESP. These are anemia, severe diseases of the liver and kidneys, malignant tumors, myocardial infarction, light infarction, stroke, as well as frequent blood transfusions and vaccine therapy.

It should be not forgotten that in addition to the pathological causes of an increase in ESR, there are physiological to which pregnancy or menstruation can be attributed.

It must be remembered that the increase in ESP may not occur if the patient has any concomitant pathology, such as chronic cardiovary and pulmonary failure; diseases and conditions, such as compensatory erythrocytosis and eritremia, in which the number of erythrocytes in the blood may increase; acute viral hepatitis and mechanical jaundice; Increased protein in the blood. Plus, the decrease in ESP may contribute to the reception of calcium chloride and aspirin.

1.1.4. White Tales

White blood tales, in the medical medium most often called leukocytes, is colorless cells, rounded or irregular shape, measuring from 6 to 20 microns. Leukocytes are often compared with Ameba, because they are similar to a single-cell organism in that they have a kernel and are capable of moving without any help. Another feature of the white blood taurus is that their amount in the blood is much less than the same erythrocytes and is 4.0-8.8x10 9 g / l.

What are leukocytes?

Fig. 4. It looks like leukocyte

Leukocytes can be deservedly called the main protective factor in the confrontation of the human body with all sorts of diseases. In service with these cells, there are special enzymes that can "recycle" microorganisms, and alien proteins and decay products, which are formed in the body in the course of the body's vital activity, are able to bind and split. And do not forget about the ability of individual forms of leukocytes to produce special protein particles, attacking any alien microorganisms that have been in the blood or on the mucous membranes or other human organs and tissues.

White blood tales are divided into two main types. So granulocytes, or granular leukocytes, are called the cells in which the cytoplasm has a specific grain. At the same time, granulocytes are also divided into three groups: neutrophils, divided into rod and segmented, as well as basophiles and eosinophils.

As it was already possible to guess, the leukocytes of the second type cannot contain the granules in the cytoplasm and two groups are distinguished among them - lymphocytes and monocytes. The listed types of leukocytes have specific functions and varies in different ways under various diseases.

The phenomenon in which the level of leukocytes is higher than the norm is called leukocytosis, while the decrease in leukopenia.

These phenomena can be physiological, occurring normally in healthy people and pathological, with the appearance of certain diseases.

In what specifically, physiological leukocytosis may be observed?

The so-called digestive leukocytosis can occur 2-3 hours after meals. Among other reasons, leukocytosis can be noted after intensive physical exertion, hot or cold baths, psycho-emotional stress, and also before menstruation and in the second half of pregnancy.

Therefore, before studying the indicators of the number of leukocytes, stressful situations, intense physical exertion, water procedures should be avoided. Also, the blood fence is better to do in the morning on an empty stomach.

The causes of pathological leukocytosis are all sorts of pathological diseases, including Otitis, Ryg, meningitis, pneumonia, as well as supplies and inflammatory processes of pleura (empieme, pleurisite), abdominal cavity (appendicitis, peritonitis, panarium), subcutaneous fiber (Panariums, phlegmon, abscess). In addition, pathological leukocytosis can cause extensive burns of body parts, heart attacks, lungs, spleen and kidney, states after significant blood loss, leukemia, CPN, or chronic renal failure, as well as diabetic coma.

It should be borne in mind that due to weakened immunity in people of senile age, exhausted people, alcoholics and drug addicts, with the above states, leukocytosis may be absent. It must be remembered that if there is no leukocytosis in infectious and inflammatory diseases, then this is an unkind mark and does not bind anything good.

Another type of pathology, but due to a decrease in the number of leukocytes below 4.0x10 9 / l, is leukopenia, the cause of which is the oppression of the formation of leukocytes in the bone marrow. In addition to the main frequently encountered leukopenia development mechanisms, rare alternative mechanisms are observed. Among them, excessive destruction in the vascular bed and the redistribution of leukocytes with their delay in the bodies-depot, which is observed at shock or collapse.

What diseases and pathological conditions contribute to the development of leukopenia?

Leukopenia may appear due to the effects of ionizing radiation, after taking drugs, among which it is worth allocating: anti-inflammatory agents (analgin, amidopyrin); antibiotics (sulfonamides, levomethitsin); funds depressing the function of the thyroid gland (mercazolyl, propycyl); The means used to treat oncological diseases are the so-called cytostatics (methotrexane, vincristine). In a number of perpetrators, leukopenia are hypoplastic or aplastic diseases, the reasons for which are still understood, as well as diseases leaving the spleen defeat, among which it is worth noting cirrhosis of the liver, lymphogranulomatosis, syphilis and tuberculosis. In addition, leukopenia occurs in the systemic red lolly, B 12-identical anemia, during oncology with metastases in the bone marrow and in the initial stages of the development of leukemia, as well as due to individual infectious diseases, such as malaria, brucellosis, abdominal typhus, crust, rubella, Influenza and viral hepatitis.

Fig. 5. Thus looks like leukemia

For the convenience of diagnosis, the percentage ratio of all forms of blood leukocytes is used as an assistant. And this ratio was named leukocyte formula. For convenience, all values \u200b\u200bof the leukocyte formula are presented in Table No. 1.

Table 1. Leukocyte blood formula and the content of various types of leukocytes in healthy people

Thus, with an increase in the percentage ratio of those or other forms of leukocytes, the ending in the names of the AIA, - OZ or - EZ, for example, (neutrophilez, monocytosis, eosinophilia, basophilia, lymphocytosis) is changed accordingly.

In the case when percentage decreases, the title of this type of leukocytes is added to the ending - singing, for example, neutropenia, monocytopenia, eosinopion, basing, lymphopenia.

But the determination of the interest ratio is not a sufficient solution for making a diagnosis and when using it can only lead to diagnostic errors. Therefore, in addition to the percentage ratio of leukocyte forms, their absolute number is also investigated. For example, if the leukocyte lymphocyte formula contains 12%, which is lower than the established norm, while the total number of leukocytes 13x10 9 g / l, the absolute number of lymphocytes in the blood is 1.56x10 9 g / l, that is, "fits" in regulatory value.

Therefore, it is customary to distinguish between absolute and relative changes in the content of various forms of leukocytes. Thus, absolute neutropylosis or neutropenia and absolute lymphocytosis or lymphopenia are indicated when the percentage increase or a decrease in those or other types of leukocytes with their absolute blood content occurs. It happens that it is disturbed by both the relative and absolute number of different forms of leukocytes. This indicates the presence of absolute lymphocytosis or lymphopenia, absolute neutrophiliza or neutropenia, and so on.

It should be borne in mind that different types of leukocytes provide various protective reactions and when analyzing the leukocytic formula indicators, you can learn a lot about the nature of the pathological process and help the attending physician to put an accurate final diagnosis.

Now you can disassemble more, which indicates a decrease or an increase in various types of leukocytes.

For example, the development of an acute inflammatory process and especially the purulent diseases are very clearly indicated by neutropyl. Moreover, in medical terminology, inflammation is indicated by the connection of the end - IT to the Latin or Greek name of the body, and, accordingly, neutropyl is observed in meningitis, appendicitis, pancreatitis, otitis, etc., as well as phlegmones and abscesses of various localization and face inflammation.

Plus, many other infectious diseases, diabetic coma, myocardial infarction, stroke, severe renal failure and bleeding are accompanied by an increase in the number of neutrophils.

In addition, the reception of glucocorticoid hormonal preparations, such as prednisone, triamcinolone, cortisone, can provoke an increase in the number of neutrophils.

It is worth noting that with purulent processes and acute inflammation, rodiced leukocytes are most active. Moreover, an increase in the number of leukocytes of this type in the blood is referred to as the shift of the leukocyte formula to the left, or with a pulmonary shift.

In addition to increasing the number of neutrophils, there are cases of their decrease. This phenomenon received the name of neutropenia. It can be observed in some infectious diseases such as abdominal typhoids and malaria and viral diseases - flu, polio and viral hepatitis A. An even decrease in the number of neutrophils occurs during the severe course of inflammatory and purulent processes and is an unkind sign indicating an unfavorable forecast for the patient.

Also, a decrease in the number of neutrophils may be observed when the bone marrow function is suppressed, b 12-identical anemia develops, the body receives a dose of ionizing radiation, intoxication when taking many medical drugs, such as Analgin, Biseptol, Levomycetin, Cefazolin, Mercazolyl and many others.

If you were attentive, we were able to notice that what causes leukopenia, leads to a decrease in blood neutrophils.

Now we will learn when a pathological decrease or an increase in the level of lymphocytes occurs. Thus, lymphocytosis is observed with such infections as brucellosis, abdominal and return epidemic title and tuberculosis.

For example, in tuberculosis patients, the increase in the level of lymphocytes is a good sign and suggests that the disease is favorably and possibly recovery, while lymphopneysia testifies to the opposite.

Plus, lymphocytosis often appears when a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland: hypothyroidism, thyroid, chronic radiation disease, bronchial asthma, B 12-identical anemia, starvation. There are cases of the appearance of lymphocytosis when taking drugs.

The decrease in lymphocytes indicates a decrease in immunity and is very often detected in patients with severe and long-term infectious-inflammatory processes, severe forms of tuberculosis, AIDS, individual forms of leukemias and lymphogranulomatosis, long-term fasting, which leads to the development of dystrophy, as well as persons suffering from chronic alcoholism, Drug addicts and toxicomicians.

The decrease in monocytes is most common in infectious mononucleosis, as well as with infectious vapotitis and rubella. The appearance of monocytosis in the blood indicates the presence of severe diseases - sepsis, tuberculosis, some forms of leukemia, as well as with malignant diseases of the lymphatic system, such as lymphogranulomatosis and lymphoma.

While monocytopenia talks about the damage to the bone marrow and occurs in aplastic anemia and high-tech leukemia.

Well, finally, we will analyze the reasons for changing the number of eosinophils and basophils.

Increasing the level of eosinophils indicates the presence of the following pathological conditions in the body:

Allergic diseases and conditions (bronchial asthma, urticaria, swelling of quinque and others).

Some skin diseases (eczema and psoriasis).

Collagenoses (rheumatism, SLE, or systemic red lupus).

Some severe blood diseases (lymphogranulomatosis).

Infectious diseases (syphilis, tuberculosis).

Reception of some drugs (antibiotics).

Hereditary forms of eosinophilia.

Eosinople may appear in the height of one or another infectious disease, B 12-identical anemia and in cases of bone marrow damage.

An increase in the number of basophils in the blood speaks of the presence of chronic myelolecosis, lowering the function of the thyroid gland. However, there are physiological causes of basophilia, for example, in the premenstrual period in women.

Reducing the number of basophils on the contrary indicates an increase in the function of the thyroid gland, as well as about pregnancy, possible stressful effects. Another basopy is found in the disease of Itsenko-Kustenga, such a pathological condition, when the work of the pituitary or adrenal glands is disturbed and the level of glucocorticoids is increasing in the blood.

1.1.5. Blood plates

Blood records, or platelets - this is exactly the name of the last smallest of the representatives of the bloodstray. After all, their size is only 1.5-2.5 microns. But, in spite of small dimensions, platelets, perform one of the most important functions - prevention and stop of bleeding. And if the platelet balance is impaired, it can lead to extensive bleeding and pathological change of vessels - they lose elasticity and begin to bleed.

Fig. 6. Thrombocytes look like

But before analyzing which consequences can cause a change in the number of blood plates, it is necessary to find out what their number is normal. So in a healthy person, the amount of platelets is equal to 200-400x10 9 g / l.

As it was already possible to guess, for various reasons this quantity can change. Simultaneously with the number and the name changes. Therefore, if the platelet level drops below 200x10 9 g / l, this state is called thrombocytopenia, while increasing their level on more than 400x10 9 g / l - thrombocytosis.

Reducing platelet levels - a dangerous state, which is accompanied by abundant and long bleeding. This state is observed in some diseases and states, namely:

Verlgood diseases, or autoimmune thrombocytopenic purpura, in which under the action of specific antibodies there is increased destruction of blood platelets.

Acute and chronic leukemia forers.

Reducing platelet formation due to aplastic and hypoplastic states of an unknown cause, B 12 -, foliine-defective anemia, as well as cancer metastasis in the bone marrow.

Increased spleen activity during liver cirrhosis and chronic viral hepatitis.

Systemic red lupus, sclerodermia, etc.

Thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism.

Some viral diseases, such as measles, rubella, influenza, etc.

DVS syndrome, or disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome.

Reception of some drugs that cause toxic or immune bone marrow damage: cytostatics (vincristine, vinblastine), aspirin, analgin, levometometicin.

Since low blood cell content can fill heavy complications, it is necessary to conduct a bone marrow puncture to study antithromobocutary antibodies.

Increasing platelet levels may not cause bleeding, but it serves as an unfinished sign and can accompany very serious illnesses.

What are the most frequent causes of raising platelet levels?

First, malignant tumors, such as kidney cancer or stomach.

Secondly, oncological diseases of blood, such as leukemia.

It is worth noting that thrombocytosis often serves as an early hazardous disease, which is especially important in diagnosis.

In addition to diseases, the reason for increasing the number of platelets may be the state after extensive blood loss, after removing the spleen and during sepsis.

The first school lessons about the device of the human body introduce the main "blood inhabitants: red cells - erythrocytes (ER, RBC), which determine the color due to the contained, and white (leukocytes) in them, the presence of which is not visible to the eye, because they are in color Do not affect.

Human erythrocytes, unlike animals, do not have a nucleus, but before losing it, they must pass the way from the erythrobusta cell, where the hemoglobin synthesis begins, reach the last nuclear stage - accumulating hemoglobin, and turn into a mature nuclear-free cell, the main The component of which is a red blood pigment.

What only people did not do with red blood cells, studying their properties: and around the globe tried to wrap them (it turned out 4 times), and to lay them (52 \u200b\u200bthousand kilometers) in the coin columns (52 thousand kilometers), and the area of \u200b\u200bthe erythrocytes is compared with the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe human body (red blood cells have exceeded all expectations Their area was higher than 1.5 thousand times).

These unique cells ...

Another important feature of the erythrocytes lies in their two-way form, but if they were spherical, the total area of \u200b\u200btheir surface would be less than 20% of the present. However, the abilities of the erythrocytes are not only in the magnitude of their total area. Thanks to a biconged disk form:

  1. Erythrocytes are capable of carrying more oxygen and carbon dioxide;
  2. To show plasticity and freely pass through narrow holes and curved capillary vessels, that is, for young full-fledged cells, there are practically no obstacles in the bloodstream. The ability to penetrate the most remote corners of the body is lost with the age of erythrocytes, as well as with their pathological conditions, when their form and size changes. For example, spherocytes, sickle, weights and pears (cachylocytosis), do not have such high plasticity, cannot be brought into narrow capillaries macrocytes, and moreover, megalocytes (anisocytosis), therefore, the tasks of their changed cells are not so flawless.

The chemical composition of ER is presented to a greater degree of water (60%) and a dry residue (40%) in which 90 - 95% occupies a red blood pigment -, And the remaining 5 - 10% is distributed between lipids (cholesterol, lecithin, kefalin), proteins, carbohydrates, salts (potassium, sodium, copper, iron, zinc) and, of course, enzymes (carboangeerase, cholinesterase, glycolithic, etc.).

Cellular structures that we used to celebrate in other cells (core, chromosome, vacuoles), ER is missing as unnecessary. Erythrocytes live up to 3 - 3.5 months, then constituted with the help of erythropoietic factors, which are allocated during the destruction of the cell, serve the team that they are time to replace with new ones - young and healthy.

The beginning of its erythrocyte takes from predecessors, which, in turn, originate from the stem cell. Red blood tales are reproduced if everything is fine in the body, in the bone of flat bones (skull, spine, chest, ribs, pelvic bones). In cases where for any reason, the bone marrow can produce them (tumor defeat), the erythrocytes "recall" other organs (liver, fork iron, spleen) were engaged in these organs (liver, fork iron, spleen) and force the body to start erythropoes in the forgotten places.

How many of them should be normal?

The total number of erythrocytes contained in the body as a whole, and the concentration of red cells, cruising on the bloodstream - the concepts of different. The total number includes cells that have not yet left the bone marrow, went to the depot in case of unforeseen circumstances or went into swimming to fulfill their immediate duties. The combination of all three populations of red blood cells is called - erytron. Erytron contains from 25 x 10 12 / l (tera / liter) to 30 x 10 12 / l of red blood cells.

The rate of erythrocytes in the blood of adults is different in gender, and in children, depending on age. In this way:

  • The norm in women ranges from 3.8 - 4.5 x 10 12 / l, respectively, hemoglobin they also have less;
  • That for a woman is a normal indicator, then men are called a mild anemia, since the lower and upper limit of the erythrocyte norms are noticeably above: 4.4 x 5.0 x 10 12 / l (the same applies to hemoglobin);
  • In children, before the year, the concentration of red blood cells is constantly changing, so for each month (in newborns - every day) there is its own norm. And if suddenly, in the analysis of blood, erythrocytes in a child of two weeks of one week are increased to 6.6 x 10 12 / l, then it cannot be regarded as pathology, simply in newborns such a norm (4.0 - 6.6 x 10 12 / l).
  • Some oscillations are observed after the year of life, but normal values \u200b\u200bare not particularly different from those in adults. In adolescents 12-13 years old, hemoglobin content in red blood cells and the level of the erythrocyte themselves corresponds to the norm of adults.

Increased content of red blood cells in the blood is called erythrocytosiswhich is absolute (true) and redistribution. Rediatric erythrocytosis of pathology is not and occurs when erythrocytes in the blood are increased under certain circumstances:

  1. Stay in the mountainous location;
  2. Active physical work and sports;
  3. Psycho-emotional arousal;
  4. Dehydration (loss of fluid in diarrhea, vomiting, etc.).

The high indicators of the content of erythrocytes in the blood are a sign of pathology and true erythrocytosis, if they have become the result of the reinforced formation of red blood cells caused by an unlimited proliferation (reproduction) of the predecessor cells and its differentiation into mature erythrocyte forms ().

Reducing the concentration of red blood cells called erythroenia. It is observed in the blood loss, inhibition of erythropoese, decay of erythrocytes () under the action of adverse factors. Low erythrocytes in the blood and reduced HB content in red blood cells is a sign.

What does abbreviation mean?

Modern hematological analyzers, in addition to hemoglobin (HGB), reduced or elevated content of blood erythrocytes (RBC), (HCT) and other familiar analyzes, can count other indicators that are denoted by Latin abbreviation and are not at all clear to the reader:

In addition to all the listed advantages of red blood cells, I would like to note one more thing:

Erythrocytes are considered a mirror reflecting the state of many organs. A peculiar indicator capable of "feeling" problems or allowing to monitor the course of the pathological process is.

Big Ship - Great Swimming

Why are red blood cells are so important to diagnose many pathological conditions? Their special role follows and is formed by virtue of unique opportunities, and so that the reader can imagine the true significance of the erythrocytes, let's try to list their duties in the body.

Truly, functional problems of red blood cells are wide and diverse:

  1. They carry out the transportation of oxygen to the tissues (with the participation of hemoglobin).
  2. Carbon dioxide (with participation, in addition to hemoglobin, carbanese and ion exchanger enzyme CL- / HCO 3).
  3. Perform a protective function, since it is capable of adsorbing harmful substances and transfer the antibody (immunoglobulins) on its surface (immunoglobulins), the components of the complementary system, formed immune complexes (AT-AG), as well as to synthesize the antibacterial substance called eryitrine.
  4. Participate in the exchange and regulation of water-salt equilibrium.
  5. Provide tissue nutrition (erythrocytes adsorb and transfer amino acids).
  6. Participate in maintaining informational bonds in the body by transferring macromolecules that these bonds provide (creator function).
  7. It contains thromboplastin, which comes out of the cell during the destruction of red blood cells, which is a signal for the coagulation system to begin hypercoagulation and education. In addition to thromboplastin, red blood cells carry heparin that prevents thrombosis. Thus, the active participation of erythrocytes in the process of blood coagulation is obvious.
  8. Red blood cells are capable of suppressing high immunoreactivity (perform the role of suppressors), which can be used in the treatment of various tumor and autoimmune diseases.
  9. Participate in the regulation of the production of new cells (erythropoes) by exemption from destroyed old erythrocytes of erythropoietic factors.

Red blood calves are destroyed mainly in the liver and spleen with the formation of decay products (, iron). By the way, if we consider each cage separately, it will not be so red, rather, yellowish - red. Accumulating into huge millionth masses, they, thanks to hemoglobin, in them being, are becoming as we used to see them - a rich-red color.

Video: Lesson on red blood cells and blood functions

When blood fence on overall analysis, quantitative indicators of erythrocytes and leukocytes are investigated. Significant deviations from the norms will indicate any pathologies. - It is red blood. These blood bodies perform an important function in the human body. With their help, the tissue of the internal organs is saturated with oxygen and other necessary substances.

The composition of the erythrocyte is included containing iron. It is this protein and paints red blood cells in red, hence the name - red blood. White blood consists of which have a bluish shade. If the blood test shows a reduced level of erythrocytes, it means that there are inflammatory processes in the body. The doctor appoints therapy, and also recommends changing the diet of a person and lifestyle.

It shows not only the quantitative indicators of erythrocytes, but also the level of hemoglobin. For diagnosis, the color indicator will be required, the size, volume of red calves, as well as the average distribution of erythrocytes. Based on the general picture, the doctor will already judge the state of health.

On each segment of the rural path of erythrocytes, different:

  • For women, the indicator is 3.4-5.1.
  • For men, the norm is excellent and amount to 4.1-5.7.
  • The level of erythrocytes in pregnant women is much lower and is 3-3.5.
  • Kids on their birthday have indicators from 5.5 to 7.2.
  • Kids in the first year of life 3-5.4.
  • Children from year 4-6.6.

Small deviations from the norms, as a rule, it is easy to fix with the help of a diet and taking the missing vitamins of group V. If significant deviations are observed, the inflammatory process occurs in the body. The doctor may appoint additional surveys to obtain a clear picture of health status.

Do not forget that only the doctor will be able to find the cause of the reduced erythrocyte rate.

The successful treatment of the patient depends on the correct diagnosis. Do not attempt to increase the level of red blood cells yourself without consulting a specialist. This can lead to deplorable results.

With any deviations in the results of the tests, it is important to find their cause. It is necessary to understand that the therapies are subject to not the blood body themselves, but a disease that provokes a decrease in indicators.

Causes of reduced level of red blood cells

Deviations from the norms are provoked by a number of serious pathologies. Therefore, the results of analyzes should be treated seriously and take measures at the first signs of the disease.

One of the most common diseases, the consequence of which the low level of red taurus becomes, is the anemia and all its types. The reduced level of hemoglobin is hand in hand with a low content of red blood cells.

Anemia is divided into several types:

  • - This disease arises due to bloodstures, pregnancy, or impaired iron suction process. This type of anemia is considered the most common.
  • Cideroblast anemia - This type of anemia implies a lack of iron, and enzyme, with which synthesis occurs. This disease is not common, but is serious, as it is incurable. Man all life takes a number of drugs to maintain health.
  • The deficiency of B12 and folic acid - vitamins B12 and B9 enter the body with food, they themselves are not produced. The lack of these elements leads to anemia. More often people are subject to people who do not use meat and fermented dairy products, as well as pregnant women. A shortage may arise against the background of the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, vitamins are not absorbed. The disease is amenable to treatment.
  • Postgemorrhagic anemia is developing in response to large or small blood loss, chronic or acute character. Chronic postgemorrhagic anemia arises against the background of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, hernia), neoplasms, pathologies and. This type of anemia is dangerous in that it is not possible to identify it. Usually a person appeals for help when he becomes completely bad.
  • Hemolytic views of anemia - this disease implies the destruction of red blood cells, which occur much faster than the birth of new blood cells. Such anemia is divided into those acquired or inherited.
  • Sickle-cell species - this anemia means an irregular or defect form of the molecule, which leads to hemolytic crises - dizziness, swelling, noise in ears, reduced pressure, fainting.
  • Thalassemia is a hereditary disease, as a result of which hemoglobin molecules are formed with a very short speed. The disease is impossible to cure.
  • The hypoplastic appearance is the disease differs from all other things that there is a deficiency not only erythrocytes, but also of all other cells that are part of the blood as a whole. Pathology is hereditary and acquired.

In addition to anemia, the reasons for the reduced level of the Red Taurus may become diseases such as erythitoid leukemia. These are malignant formations in the bone marrow, where erythrocytes develops. Young cells are subjected to transition to malignant cells. Why this process occurs until it is established, but some of the factors are identified - these are the procedures of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. If a person has not been subjected to these factors, the reasons for which the ill-quality of cells in the bone marrow occurs.

For more information on anemia, you can learn from the video:

The main cause of the reduced level of erythrocytes is anemia and all its types. Therefore, the symptoms of such states is similar:

  • With anemia observed dizziness, headaches, reduced pressure, fainting, nausea, weakness, increased fatigue, insomnia along with a drowsy state.
  • Diseases are developing, the increase in liver and spleen is almost in all cases.
  • There may be problems with memory, a violation of coordination, the states develop, about which a person says "cotton legs, hands", "goosebumps".
  • There are problems from the cardiovascular system.

Depending on the view of the anemia, the doctor assigns appropriate treatment, recommends adhere to a specific diet and follow the mode. The success of therapy depends on the correct diagnosis and clear following instructions of the doctor.

Therapy anemia, as a rule, requires reception of drugs to increase levels. Depending on the type of disease, iron-containing or combined drugs are prescribed.

In the launched cases, the patient offers inpatient treatment, which will be compulsory accompanied by injections - iron-containing or combined solutions, vitamins of group (12, 9).

The therapy will also include the reception of drugs aimed at the seraction of the main disease, provoking the decrease in the red blood taurus. In case of complex diseases, such as leukemia, treatment is carried out only inpatient and may require a bone marrow transplant. The treatment diagram will always be different, as it depends on many factors that only the doctor can take into account.

Folk recipes to increase red blood cells

In folk medicine, there are a large number of recipes for combating. All of them, as a rule, contain major plants that help to cope with the ailment.

These include leaves of forest strawberry, rosehip berries, heel (roots) and meduse. It is recommended to make fees from these herbs and drink on a small cup twice a day. It is not necessary to overdo it, as strawberry leaves, for example, reduce, which is already low in people suffering from anemia. Total should be in moderation. The course of treatment of herbs should be at least three months.

If there is no possibility to drink brazers from herbs, prepare:

  1. Beetal juice with honey. To do this, lean the beets and squeeze juice from it, mix with honey to taste. Drink every day on a tablespoon three times a day.
  2. A mixture of dried fruits with honey. This medicine includes raisins, prunes, walnuts, kuraga and honey. Everything is mixed in equal proportions. Eat one or two teaspoon three times a day before meals.

These are effective recipes from traditional medicine, which will certainly lead the content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes to the norm. It is also recommended to drink juices from carrots, beets, raspberries, pomegranates and apples in mixing with honey. However, it is worth remembering that juice therapy is unsafe lesson. Juices have a powerful action and in certain diseases can provoke a deterioration in the state. Therefore, it is very important to consult with the doctor before using any juices.

Usually the doctor himself recommends what kind of diet to stick to what to drink and what juices will benefit. Of course, juices need to be done from fresh vegetables and fruits, and not to buy in the store. Only in this case will be a positive effect.

An important meaning has a diet, in the menu of which includes vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products.

It is very important to include the liver and other sub-products in the ration. On the table should always be:

  • Red vegetables (beets, tomatoes), greens (cabbage, spinach).
  • Fruits (apples)
  • Meat, liver, kidney (better beef and chicken, do not eat pork).
  • Equal milk products (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir).
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Grass cultures (buckwheat, lentils, oatmeal or decoction).

It is not recommended to eat fried, smoked dishes, since anemia often observed failures in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Take yourself for the rule all cooking or stew. It is better to abandon sweet - candy, baking, desserts. You can use a real, bitter chocolate in small quantities.

Observing the diet and strictly following the instructions of doctors, anemia retreats with the exception of those types that are not subject to cure. As prevention, timely visits to the therapist and delivery are recommended. Do not forget, lifestyle without bad habits, movement and rational food - a guarantee of good health!

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