How did they find technetium? Discovery of elements and the origin of their names New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova

Segre was carrying a piece of irradiated molybdenum across the ocean... But there was no confidence that a new element would be discovered in it, and there could not be. There were “for” and “against”.

Falling on the molybdenum plate, fast deuteron penetrates quite deeply into its thickness. In some cases, one of the deuterons can merge with the nucleus of a molybdenum atom. For this, first of all, it is necessary that the energy of the deuteron be sufficient to overcome the forces of electrical repulsion. And this, by the way, means that the cyclotron must accelerate the deuteron to a speed of about 15 thousand km/sec. The compound nucleus formed by the fusion of a deuteron and a molybdenum nucleus is unstable. It must get rid of excess energy. Therefore, as soon as the merger occurs, a neutron flies out of such a nucleus, and the former nucleus of the molybdenum atom turns into the nucleus of an atom of element No. 43.

b Deuteron - the nucleus of the hydrogen isotope - deuterium. Deuteron used as bombarding particle in charged particle accelerators. The small cross section for neutron capture with the simultaneous efficiency of their moderation (due to the small mass of deuterons, the neutron quickly loses energy upon collision with them) allows the use of deuterons (usually in the form of heavy water, the molecule of which contains two deuterons) to moderate fission neutrons in nuclear reactors.

Natural molybdenum ( Mo, №42) consists of six isotopes, which means, in principle, in an irradiated piece of molybdenum could be atoms of six isotopes of the new element. This is important because some isotopes can be short-lived and therefore chemically elusive, especially since more than a month has passed since the irradiation. But other isotopes of the new element could “survive”. These are what Segre hoped to find.

Let's say that this is where all the pros ended. There were much more “against” ones.

Ignorance of the half-lives of isotopes of element No. 43 worked against the researchers. It could also happen that not a single isotope of element No. 43 exists for more than a month. “Accompanying” nuclear reactions, in which radioactive isotopes of molybdenum, niobium and some other elements were formed, also worked against the researchers. It is very difficult to isolate the minimum amount of an unknown element from a radioactive multicomponent mixture. But this is exactly what Segre and his few assistants had to do.

Work has begun January 30, 1937. First of all, of course, we found out what particles are emitted by molybdenum that has been in a cyclotron and crossed the ocean. He radiated(familiar to us) beta particles- fast nuclear electrons. When about 200 mg of irradiated molybdenum was dissolved in aqua regia, the beta activity of the solution was approximately the same as that of several tens of grams of uranium.

Previously unknown activity was discovered; it remained to determine who it was. "culprit".

First, the radioactive substance was isolated from the solution by chemical means. phosphorus-32, formed from impurities that were in molybdenum. The same solution was then “cross-examined” by row and column of the periodic table. The carriers of unknown activity could be the following isotopes:

  • Sh niobium
  • Ш zirconium
  • Sh Renia
  • SH ruthenium
  • Finally, molybdenum itself

Only by proving that none of these elements were involved in the emitted electrons could we talk about the discovery of element No. 43...

Two methods were used as the basis for the work:

  • Ш one - logical, elimination method
  • Ш another - widely used by chemists to separate mixtures "carrier" method when a compound of this element or another similar to it in chemical properties is “slipped” into a solution that apparently contains one or another element. And if a carrier substance is removed from the mixture, it carries away “related” atoms from there.

First of all ruled out niobium. The solution was evaporated, and the resulting precipitate was again dissolved, this time in potassium hydroxide. Some elements remained in the undissolved part, but unknown activity went into solution. And then they added to it potassium niobate, so that stable niobium “leads away” radioactive. If, of course, it was present in the solution. Niobium is gone, but the activity remains. Same test subjected zirconium. But the zirconium fraction also turned out to be inactive.

Then precipitated molybdenum sulfide, but the activity still remained in solution.

After this, the most difficult thing began: it was necessary to separate unknown activity and rhenium. After all, the impurities contained in the “tooth” material could turn not only into phosphorus-32, but also into radioactive isotopes of rhenium. This seemed all the more likely since it was the rhenium compound that brought the unknown activity out of the solution. And as the Noddacks found out, element No. 43 should be more similar to rhenium than to manganese or any other element. Separating the unknown activity from rhenium meant finding a new element, because all other "candidates" had already been rejected.

Emilio Segre and his closest assistant Carlo Perier were able to do this. They found that in hydrochloric acid solutions (0.4...5 normal), a carrier of unknown activity precipitates when hydrogen sulfide is passed through the solution. But rhenium also falls out at the same time. If precipitation is carried out from a more concentrated solution (10-normal), then rhenium precipitates completely, and the element carrying unknown activity only partially.

Finally, for control purposes, Perrier conducted experiments to separate a carrier of unknown activity from ruthenium and manganese. And then it became clear that beta particles could only be emitted by the nuclei of a new element.

b The new element was named technetium - from the Greek fenzyu, meaning "artificial", referring to the discovery of an element by synthesis.

These experiments were completed in June 1937. So it was the first of the chemical “dinosaurs” was recreated - elements that once existed in nature, but were completely “extinct” as a result of radioactive decay.

Note that we later discovered in the ground some quantities of technetium formed as a result of the spontaneous fission of uranium. The same thing, by the way, happened with neptunium And plutonium: at first item received artificially, and already Then, having studied it, managed to find in nature.

The conclusion to be drawn here is. Above we presented the detailed progress of work on the artificial production by scientists of the long-awaited element No. 43. But now we can sum it up in a nutshell:

  • 1) piece of irradiated in a cyclotron molybdenum had strong radioactivity.
  • 2) Emilio Segre and Carlo Perrier found that this radioactivity cannot be attributed either to molybdenum itself or to possible impurities of niobium and zirconium in the piece. But when working with rhenium, such radioactivity is observed.

“The popular library of chemical elements contains information about all the elements known to mankind. Today there are 107 of them, some of them obtained artificially.

Just as the properties of each of the “bricks of the universe” are different, their histories and destinies are also different. Some elements, such as copper and iron, have been known since prehistoric times. The age of others is measured only in centuries, despite the fact that they, not yet discovered, have been used by humanity since time immemorial. It is enough to remember the oxygen that was discovered in the century. Still others were discovered years ago but only in our time have acquired paramount importance. These are uranium, aluminum, boron, lithium, beryllium. For others, such as europium and scandium, their working history is just beginning. The fifth were obtained artificially by methods of nuclear physical synthesis: technetium, plutonium, mendelevium kurchatovium... In a word, so many elements, so many individuals, so many stories, so many unique combinations of properties.

The first book included materials about the first 46 elements, in order of atomic numbers, and the second about all the rest.


How was technetium found?

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How was technetium found?

Segre was carrying a piece of irradiated molybdenum across the ocean. But there was no certainty that a new element would be discovered in it, and there could not be. There were “for” and “against”.

Falling on a molybdenum plate, a fast deuteron penetrates quite deeply into its thickness. In some cases, one of the deuterons can merge with the nucleus of a molybdenum atom. For this, first of all, it is necessary that the energy of the deuteron be sufficient to overcome the forces of electrical repulsion. This means that the cyclotron must accelerate the deuteron to a speed of about 15 thousand km/sec. The compound nucleus formed by the fusion of a deuteron and a molybdenum nucleus is unstable. It must get rid of excess energy. Therefore, as soon as the merger occurs, a neutron flies out of such a nucleus, and the former nucleus of the molybdenum atom turns into the nucleus of an atom of element No. 43.

Natural molybdenum consists of six isotopes, which means that, in principle, an irradiated piece of molybdenum could contain atoms of six isotopes of the new element. This is important because some isotopes can be short-lived and therefore chemically elusive, especially since more than a month has passed since the irradiation. But other isotopes of the new element could “survive”. These are what Segre hoped to find.

That's where all the pros ended, actually. There were much more “against” ones.

Ignorance of the half-lives of the isotopes of element No. 43 worked against the researchers. It could also happen that not a single isotope of element No. 43 exists for more than a month. “Accompanying” nuclear reactions, in which radioactive isotopes of molybdenum, niobium and some other elements were formed, also worked against the researchers.

It is very difficult to isolate the minimum amount of an unknown element from a radioactive multicomponent mixture. But this is exactly what Segre and his few assistants had to do.

The work began on January 30, 1937. First of all, they found out what particles were emitted by molybdenum that had been in the cyclotron and crossed the ocean. It emitted beta particles - fast nuclear electrons. When about 200 mg of irradiated molybdenum was dissolved in aqua regia, the beta activity of the solution was approximately the same as that of several tens of grams of uranium.

Previously unknown activity was discovered; it remained to determine who the “culprit” was.

First, radioactive phosphorus-32, formed from impurities that were in molybdenum, was chemically isolated from the solution. The same solution was then “cross-examined” by row and column of the periodic table. Carriers of unknown activity could be isotopes of niobium, zirconium, rhenium, ruthenium, and finally molybdenum itself. Only by proving that none of these elements were involved in the emitted electrons could we talk about the discovery of element number 43.

Two methods were used as the basis for the work: one is the logical method of exclusion, the other is the “carrier” method, widely used by chemists for separating mixtures, when a compound of this element or another, similar to it in chemical properties. And if a carrier substance is removed from the mixture, it carries away “related” atoms from there.

First of all, niobium was excluded. The solution was evaporated, and the resulting precipitate was dissolved again, this time in potassium hydroxide. Some elements remained in the undissolved part, but unknown activity went into solution. And then potassium niobate was added to it so that the stable niobium would “take away” the radioactive one. If, of course, it was present in the solution. Niobium is gone, but the activity remains. Zirconium was subjected to the same test. But the zirconium fraction also turned out to be inactive. Molybdenum sulfide was then precipitated, but the activity still remained in solution.

After this, the most difficult part began: it was necessary to separate the unknown activity and rhenium. After all, the impurities contained in the “tooth” material could turn not only into phosphorus-32, but also into radioactive isotopes of rhenium. This seemed all the more likely since it was the rhenium compound that brought the unknown activity out of the solution. And as the Noddacks found out, element No. 43 should be more similar to rhenium than to manganese or any other element. Separating the unknown activity from rhenium meant finding a new element, because all other "candidates" had already been rejected.

Emilio Segre and his closest assistant Carlo Perier were able to do this. They found that in hydrochloric acid solutions (0.4–5 normal), a carrier of unknown activity precipitates when hydrogen sulfide is passed through the solution. But rhenium also falls out at the same time. If precipitation is carried out from a more concentrated solution (10-normal), then rhenium precipitates completely, and the element carrying unknown activity only partially.

Finally, for control purposes, Perrier conducted experiments to separate a carrier of unknown activity from ruthenium and manganese. And then it became clear that beta particles could only be emitted by the nuclei of a new element, which was called technetium (from the Greek ???????, which means “artificial”).

These experiments were completed in June 1937.

Thus, the first of the chemical “dinosaurs” was recreated - elements that once existed in nature, but were completely “extinct” as a result of radioactive decay.

Later, extremely small amounts of technetium, formed as a result of the spontaneous fission of uranium, were discovered in the ground. The same thing, by the way, happened with neptunium and plutonium: first the element was obtained artificially, and only then, after studying it, they were able to find it in nature.

Now technetium is obtained from fission fragments of uranium-35 in nuclear reactors. True, it is not easy to separate it from the mass of fragments. Per kilogram of fragments there is about 10 g of element No. 43. This is mainly the isotope technetium-99, the half-life of which is 212 thousand years. Thanks to the accumulation of technetium in reactors, it was possible to determine the properties of this element, obtain it in its pure form, and study quite a few of its compounds. In them, technetium exhibits valency 2+, 3+ and 7+. Just like rhenium, technetium is a heavy metal (density 11.5 g/cm3), refractory (melting point 2140°C), and chemically resistant.

Despite the fact that technetium is one of the rarest and most expensive metals (much more expensive than gold), it has already brought practical benefits.

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Author unknown

Technetium (Technetium, Te) is a chemical element number 43 in the periodic table.

In 1925, sensational reports appeared on the pages of chemical journals about the discovery of a new element included in the seventh group of the periodic table. The element was named "masurium". Listen to the name: ma-zu-ri-y. Something in tune with the mazurka - the brilliant, cheerful Polish national dance that received its name in the 19th century. famous in all European countries, can be heard in the name of the element. However, the German chemists Walter Noddack and Ida Take (who later became Ida Noddack) named the newly discovered element not in honor of the mazurka, a dance that originated in the Mazovia region. It was named Masuria in honor of the southern part of the districts of Gumbinnen and Königsberg in East Prussia, which had long been inhabited by Polish peasants.

The claim to discover a new element also turned out to be unfounded. Research has shown that the authors were hasty with their messages - various admixtures of other already known elements were mistaken for a new element.

The real discovery, or rather, the production of an element occupying number 43 in the periodic table of D.I. Mendeleev, was carried out by the Italian scientist E. Segre and his assistant C. Perrier in 1937. The new element was created by “shelling” molybdenum with deuterons - nuclei heavy isotope of hydrogen accelerated on a cyclotron.

Obtained artificially, the new element was named technetium in honor of the technical progress of the 20th century, as the brainchild of this progress. "Technikos" means "artificial" in Greek.

In 1950, the total amount of technetium on the entire globe was... one milligram. Currently, technetium is obtained as a waste product from the operation of nuclear reactors.

The technetium content in uranium fission products reaches 6%. Now, technetium, a man-made element, is not uncommon. By 1958, Parker and Martin, employees of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, had at their disposal several grams of technetium, the compounds of which were widely used in studying the mechanism of corrosion and the action of inhibitors - substances that delay it.

In terms of its chemical properties, technetium is similar to manganese and rhenium. It looks more like rhenium. The density of technetium is 11.5. Unlike rhenium, technetium is more resistant to chemical reagents. The empty cell in the periodic table of elements with the inscription “ecamanganese,” the existence of which D.I. Mendeleev predicted back in 1870, is now filled with an element whose properties exactly correspond to those predicted.

However, there is no technetium on Earth! The fact is that, being a radioactive element, it does not have long-lived isotopes. The most stable isotope of technetium has a half-life of no more than 250,000 years. And since the age of the Earth is several billion years old, the technetium that originally existed on Earth has long since outlived its usefulness and should now be considered an “extinct” element. However, on the Sun and some stars, technetium has been detected spectroscopically, which indicates its synthesis during the evolution of stars.

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Meaning of the word technetium

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Dictionary of medical terms

New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


m. An artificially produced radioactive chemical element.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


TECHNETIUM (lat. Technetium) Tc, chemical element of group VII of the periodic system, atomic number 43, atomic mass 98.9072. Radioactive, the most stable isotopes are 97Tc and 99Tc (half-life, respectively, 2.6 106 and 2.12 105 years). The first artificially produced element; synthesized by Italian scientists E. Segre and C. Perrier in 1937 by bombarding molybdenum nuclei with deuterons. Name from Greek. technetos - artificial. Silver gray metal; density 11.487 g/cm3, melting point 2200°C. Found in nature in small quantities in uranium ores. Spectrally detected on the Sun and some stars. Obtained from nuclear industry waste. Component of catalysts. The 99mTc isotope is used in the diagnosis of brain tumors and in the study of central and peripheral hemodynamics.


(lat. Technetium), Te, radioactive chemical element of group VII of the periodic system of Mendeleev, atomic number 43, atomic mass 98, 9062; metal, malleable and ductile.

The existence of an element with atomic number 43 was predicted by D. I. Mendeleev. T. was obtained artificially in 1937 by the Italian scientists E. Segre and C. Perrier by bombarding molybdenum nuclei with deuterons; received its name from the Greek. technetos ≈ artificial.

T. has no stable isotopes. Of the radioactive isotopes (about 20), two are of practical importance: 99Tc and 99mTc with half-lives, respectively, T1/2 = 2.12 × 105 years and T1/2 = 6.04 hours. In nature, the element is found in small quantities ≈ 10-10 g in 1 ton of uranium tar.

Physical and chemical properties. Metal T. in powder form is gray in color (reminiscent of Re, Mo, Pt); compact metal (fused metal ingots, foil, wire) silver-gray. T. in the crystalline state has a hexagonal lattice of close packing (a = 2.735, c = 4.391); in thin layers (less than 150) ≈ cubic face-centered lattice (a = 3.68 ╠ 0.0005); T. density (with a hexagonal lattice) 11.487 g/cm3, melting point 2200 ╠ 50 ╟С; tkip 4700 ╟С; electrical resistivity 69 ╥10-6 ohm×cm (100 ╟С); temperature of transition to the state of superconductivity Tc 8.24 K. T. paramagnetic; its magnetic susceptibility at 25╟C is 2.7╥10-4. The configuration of the outer electron shell of the atom is Tc 4d55s2; atomic radius 1.358; ionic radius Tc7+ 0.56.

In terms of chemical properties, Tc is close to Mn and especially to Re; in compounds it exhibits oxidation states from -1 to +7. Tc compounds in the oxidation state +7 are the most stable and well studied. When T. or its compounds interact with oxygen, the oxides Tc2O7 and TcO2 are formed; with chlorine and fluorine, the halides TcX6, TcX5, TcX4 are formed; the formation of oxyhalides, for example, TcO3X (where X ≈ halogen), with sulfur ≈ sulfides Tc2S7 and TcS2, is possible. T. also forms technic acid HTcO4 and its pertechnate salts MTcO4 (where M ≈ metal), carbonyl, complex, and organometallic compounds. In the voltage series, T is to the right of hydrogen; it does not react with hydrochloric acid of any concentration, but easily dissolves in nitric and sulfuric acids, aqua regia, hydrogen peroxide, bromine water.

Receipt. The main source of T. is waste from the nuclear industry. The yield of 99Tc from fission of 235U is about 6%. T. is extracted from a mixture of fission products in the form of pertechnates, oxides, and sulfides by extraction with organic solvents, ion exchange methods, and precipitation of poorly soluble derivatives. The metal is obtained by reduction of NH4TcO4, TcO2, Tc2S7 with hydrogen at 600≈1000 °C or by electrolysis.

Application. T. is a promising metal in technology; it can find applications as a catalyst, high temperature and superconducting material. T. compounds are effective corrosion inhibitors. 99mTc is used in medicine as a source of g-radiation (see Radioisotope diagnostics and Radioactive drugs). T. is radiation hazardous; working with it requires special sealed equipment (see Radiation Safety).

Lit.: Kotegov K.V., Pavlov O.N., Shvedov V.P., Technetius, M., 1965; Obtaining Tc99 in the form of metal and its compounds from nuclear industry waste, in the book: Production of Isotopes, M., 1973.

A. F. Kuzina.



Technetium- element of the seventh group, fifth period of the periodic table of chemical elements, atomic number - 43. Denoted by the symbol Tc. Simple substance technetium(CAS number:) is a silver-gray radioactive transition metal. The lightest element that has no stable isotopes. The first of the synthesized chemical elements.

Examples of the use of the word technetium in literature.

Now technetium used in medicine as a nuclear pharmaceutical for radiography of various organs in order to check their functional activity.

But where can I get it? technetium, if not a single atom of it is on this planet?

From the residual solutions after processing of spent nuclear fuel, they obtain technetium and promethium, as well as artificial transurans.

Reny and technetium in a number of ways they turned out to be close to molybdenum and manganese, and this ended the debate about the size of the platinum family.

Not even fifteen minutes had passed before the air began to tremble, because the atoms technetium, who came from the sun, carried with them the unbearable heat of the sun.

And then the last atom technetium, who had not yet completely cooled down and because of this almost lost his way, finally turned his stubborn tongue.

The most accurate way to determine the area of ​​bone damage is by radioactive scanning using radioactive technetium, which is extremely important for deciding the volume of the operation.

Currently have kilogram quantities technetium and receive it exclusively in the nuclear industry.

When did commercial production and use begin in the United States? technetium, then the price for 1 g fell from 17,000 to 90 dollars over several years.

They're talking about technetia as a possible catalyst for the chemical industry.

Table of nuclides General information Name, symbol Technetium 99, 99Tc Neutrons 56 Protons 43 Nuclide properties Atomic mass 98.9062547(21) ... Wikipedia

TECHNETIUM- (symbol Tc), silver-gray metal, RADIOACTIVE ELEMENT. It was first obtained in 1937 by bombarding MOLYBDENUM nuclei with deuterons (the nuclei of DEUTERium atoms) and was the first element synthesized in a cyclotron. Technetium found in products... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

TECHNETIUM- artificially synthesized radioactive chemical. element, symbol Tc (lat. Technetium), at. n. 43, at. m. 98.91. T. is obtained in fairly large quantities from the fission of uranium 235 in nuclear reactors; managed to obtain about 20 isotopes of T. One of... ... Big Polytechnic Encyclopedia

TECHNETIUM- (Technetium), Tc, artificial radioactive element of group VII of the periodic table, atomic number 43; metal. Obtained by Italian scientists C. Perrier and E. Segre in 1937 ... Modern encyclopedia

TECHNETIUM- (lat. Technetium) Tc, chemical element of group VII of the periodic system, atomic number 43, atomic mass 98.9072. Radioactive, the most stable isotopes are 97Tc and 99Tc (half-lives are 2.6.106 and 2.12.105 years, respectively). First… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

TECHNETIUM- (lat. Technetium), Tc radioact. chem. element of group VII is periodic. Mendeleev's system of elements, at. number 43, the first of the artificially obtained chemicals. elements. Naib. long-lived radionuclides 98Tc (T1/2 = 4.2·106 years) and available in noticeable amounts... ... Physical encyclopedia

technetium- noun, number of synonyms: 3 metal (86) ecamanganese (1) element (159) Dictionary of synonyms ... Dictionary of synonyms

Technetium- (Technetium), Tc, artificial radioactive element of group VII of the periodic table, atomic number 43; metal. Obtained by Italian scientists C. Perrier and E. Segre in 1937. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

technetium- I; m. [from Greek. technetos artificial] Chemical element (Tc), a silver-gray radioactive metal obtained from nuclear waste. ◁ Technetium, oh, oh. * * * technetium (lat. Technetium), a chemical element of group VII... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

Technetium- (lat. Technetium) Te, radioactive chemical element of group VII of the periodic system of Mendeleev, atomic number 43, atomic mass 98, 9062; metal, malleable and ductile. The existence of element with atomic number 43 was... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


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