How to distinguish between consistent and inconsistent definitions. Inconsistent definitions: examples. Agreed and non-agreed definition

Definition is minor member sentences denoting a sign of an object, person or phenomenon in relation to the word being defined depends on the punctuation in the sentence.

Agreed Definitions V initial form answer questions Which? which? which? which? which? and can be expressed by an adjective, participle, participial phrase or ordinal number. They are associated with the method of agreement defined by the word, that is, they are used in the same number, gender and case as the word being defined:

(Which?) good advice (singular, m.r., im.p.);

(which?) topic studied (singular, f.r., im.p.);

(what?) carefully selected illustrations (plural, tv);

(which one?) at the second window (singular, sr.r., gen.p.).

In contrast to the agreed definitions, inconsistent are associated with the method of control or adjacency defined by the word and can be expressed by a noun, adverb, comparative degree adjective, infinitive, pronoun, syntactically indivisible combination:

textile ( which?) flowered (noun with preposition; control)

money ( which?) on loan (adv.; management)

story ( which?) more exciting (adj.; control)

order ( Which?) to advance (infinit.; adjacency)

newspaper ( which?) “Evening News” (weekly synth. construction; adjunction).

The easiest way to find the differences between consistent and inconsistent definitions is to compare the sentences in which they are used.

Agreed definitions coincide with the word being defined according to grammatical characteristics, are most often in preposition, and it is not difficult to establish their connection.

Bright beam the spotlights illuminated far corner yard

Over a snowy field the wind was raging.

Icicle falling from the roof crunched underfoot.

In the letter, agreed upon definitions that refer to the personal pronoun are highlighted with commas.

Cheerful, she got down to business with enthusiasm.

He, safe and sound, stood at the door with an armful of flowers.

In the postposition, agreed definitions expressed by the participial phrase are separated by commas.

In the forest, noticeably thinned by mid-autumn, the pine trees seemed like giant candles.

In sentences with inconsistent definitions, the placement of punctuation marks is subordinated general rules punctuation and is not directly related to the construction “defined word + definition”.

He has never met in his life a kinder and more attentive person.

This look down annoying and the need to act on orders was perceived as bullying in a sophisticated form.

Mustache brush puffed up like a March cat.

Conclusions website

  1. Agreed definitions are used in the same grammatical form, which is the word being defined.
    Unlike agreed definitions, inconsistent ones are associated with the method of control or adjacency defined by the word, therefore, it is difficult to find such a connection based on grammatical characteristics: it is established according to the meaning of the sentence.
    The snake has coiled in an emerald ring.(agreed definition)
    Hippopotamus weighing a ton moves with speed up to sixty kilometers per hour. (inconsistent definitions)
  2. Agreed definitions are most often expressed by adjectives, participles, participial phrases, ordinal numbers—changeable parts of speech.
    The inconsistent definitions are case forms noun, adverb, infinitive or indivisible syntactic constructions, for example, phraseological units.
    Spring rain, sprinkled on the first flowers, revived colors flashed brightly under bare trees.
    Desire to complete a language assignment efficiently very commendable.
  3. In sentences with agreed definitions, the placement of punctuation marks depends on the position of the definition and the part of speech to which it refers.
    Punctuation in sentences with inconsistent definitions follows general rules.

If the main members of the sentence are the basis, then the secondary ones are accuracy, beauty and imagery. Particular attention should be paid to definitions.

Definition as a member of a sentence

The definition refers to a word with an objective meaning and characterizes a sign, quality, property of an object that the word being defined answers the questions: “which?”, “which?”, “which?”, “which?” and their case forms. There is agreement and inconsistent definition in Russian.

For example, "I loved watching the big beautiful bird white".

The defined word is “bird”. From him the question is posed: “which one?”

A bird (what?) large, beautiful, white.

Definitions in this sentence characterize an object according to the following characteristics: size, appearance, color.

Definitions "big, beautiful"- agreed upon, and " white"- inconsistent. How do agreed definitions differ from inconsistent ones?

Definitions " big, beautiful" - agreed, they change when the defined word changes, that is, they agree with it in gender, number, case:

  • bird (what?) big, beautiful;
  • bird (what?) big, beautiful;
  • a bird (what kind?) big, beautiful.

Definition "white"- inconsistent. It will not change if you change the main word:

  • bird (what?) white;
  • birds (what?) are white;
  • a bird (what?) is white;
  • bird (what?) white;
  • about a bird (what?) white.

Therefore, it can be concluded that this is an inconsistent definition. So, we have found out how agreed definitions differ from inconsistent ones. The former change when the main word changes, while the latter do not change.

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the material from which the object is made

Inconsistent words are never expressed by adjectives, participles, or harmonized pronouns. They are most often expressed by nouns with and without prepositions and have different meanings sign of an object. One such meaning is “the material from which the object is made.”

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the purpose of the item

Very often it is necessary to indicate why an object exists, then inconsistent definitions are used that mean “the purpose of the object.”

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of the accompanying subject attribute

If it is said that something is present or something is absent from the subject of speech, then inconsistent definitions with the meaning “accompanying subject attribute” are usually used.

Inconsistent definitions with the meaning of item ownership

Inconsistent definitions are widely used in the language, expressing the belonging of an object or, more precisely, the relationship of an object to another object.

Distinguishing inconsistent definitions and additions

Since inconsistent definitions are expressed by nouns, the problem of distinguishing between definitions and additions arises. Complements are also expressed by nouns in and do not differ formally from inconsistent definitions. It is only possible to distinguish between these minor members from a syntax point of view. It is therefore necessary to consider ways to distinguish between inconsistent definitions and additions.

  1. Complements refer to verbs, gerunds, participles, and definitions refer to nouns, pronouns indicating the subject.
  2. For additions we put cases, and for definitions we put the questions “which?”, “whose?”

Inconsistent definitions - pronouns

In such cases, the following questions are posed: “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?”, “whose?” and their case forms. Let us give examples of inconsistent definitions expressed by possessive pronouns.

IN her a light came on in the window (in whose window?).

His my friend didn’t come (whose friend?).

IN their the gardens were the most delicious apples(in whose garden?).

Inconsistent definitions - adjectives in the simple comparative degree

If a sentence contains a simple adjective, then it is an inconsistent definition. It denotes a feature of an object that is expressed to a greater or lesser extent than in some other object. Here are examples of inconsistent definitions: expressed by an adjective in a simple comparative degree.

Grandfather built himself a house better ours.

Society is divided into people smarter me and those who are not interesting to me.

Everyone wants a piece more than others.

Inconsistent definitions - adverbs

Often adverbs act as inconsistent definitions; in such cases they have the meaning of a characteristic in quality, direction, place, method of action. We look at sentences with inconsistent definitions, examples with adverbs.

Let's listen to the opinion of your neighbor (which one?) left.

The closet was small with a door (what kind?) outward.

The room was bright with a window (what kind?) against.

Inconsistent definitions - infinitives

The infinitive can be an inconsistent definition for nouns that have abstract concepts: desire, joy, need and the like. We look at sentences with inconsistent definitions, examples with infinitives.

Everyone would understand my desire (what?) capture these magical pictures.

The need (what kind?) lives ineradicably in the heart. love anyone.

The division will perform a task (what?) take height on the right bank of the Dnieper.

Everyone should experience joy (what kind?) feel yourself as a human being.

She had a habit (what?) talk with someone invisible.

Isolation of inconsistent definitions in the Russian language

Separating inconsistent definitions in writing with commas depends on the position taken and their prevalence. Inconsistent definitions that stand directly behind the word being defined - a common noun - are not prone to isolation.

At the back of the garden there was a long barn (what kind?) from boards.

The old woman served sour cream in a bowl (what kind?) with broken edge.

Girl (what?) in a blue dress stood at the entrance to the park, waiting for someone.

In the park (which one?) with cleanly swept alleys it was empty and boring.

Desire (what?) survive at all costs owned him all the time.

Inconsistent definitions that appear after the main word - a common noun - are isolated only if it is necessary to give it special semantic significance. Let's consider isolated inconsistent definitions (examples).

In the same jacket , from gray wool, she left the room as if the whole year of separation had never happened.

This vase , with a broken neck, I remember from childhood.

If inconsistent definitions appear before the word being defined, they are most often separated. Such definitions acquire an additional circumstantial connotation of meaning.

In a long elegant dress, the sister seemed taller and more mature.

In a long skirt and with bare arms, a girl stands on stage and sings something in a thin voice.

Inconsistent definitions are always isolated if they refer to and to a proper name. Let's consider isolated inconsistent definitions (examples).

She, with braids to the waist, went out into the middle of the room and looked for me with her eyes.

Marya Ivanovna , in a white starched blouse, loudly called the servants and told the girl who came to remove the scattered things.

It (the sun) with red-orange rim, hung very low from the horizon.

Practical task in OGE format

Among the exam tasks there is one that requires knowledge of inconsistent definitions. To complete such a task, you need to find a sentence that has an inconsistent definition. Next is a text with numbered sentences, among which you need to find the one you need.

Example 1: Find a sentence with an inconsistent common definition.

1) The room was quiet, and for a long time neither the boy nor the man broke the silence.

2) After some time, the father suddenly said:

3) Listen, Timur! 4) Do you want me to buy you a dog? 5) Shepherd dog with black stripe on the back.

Example 2: Find a sentence with an inconsistent isolated definition.

1) Mother stood very close to Nadezhda.

2) She came in from the street.

3) In a raincoat and a white robe, she seemed different to Nadya than she was two months ago.

4) And Nadezhda, not yet coming to her senses, looked at her mother for three seconds, not recognizing her.

5) She saw several new wrinkles spreading from the wings of her nose to the corners of her lips.

6) Only the mother’s gaze remained the same, the same as Nadezhda wore in her heart.

Example 3: Find a sentence with an inconsistent non-isolated definition.

1) She was beaming with joy.

2) Today they called her mother.

3) Didn’t all the neighbors hear this girl with dark hair screaming:

5) The girl understood why her aunt was happy.

6) Only she herself still didn’t understand whether she was calling her.

Answers: 1(5), 2(3), 3(3).

A definition is a minor member of a sentence that denotes a sign, quality, property of an object and answers the questions WHAT? WHOSE? WHICH? At parsing definition sentences are underlined with a wavy line.

Definitions usually appear as dependent words in phrases with nouns and can be associated with them by means of agreement (for example: BIG HOUSE, BEAUTIFUL GARDEN) or by means of control and adjacency (for example: MAN (what?) IN A HAT, KNOWLEDGE (what?) TO PLAY) . Definitions connected to nouns using agreement are called agreed upon, using control or connection – inconsistent.

Agreed definitions can be expressed by adjectives (NEW ROUTE), participles (PREVENTED ROUTE), possessive pronouns (OUR ROUTE) and ordinal numbers (FIFTH ROUTE). An inconsistent definition can be expressed by a noun in oblique cases (HOUSE - what? - ON THE MOUNTAIN), a comparative degree of an adjective (I DIDN’T SEE THE STORM - what? - STRONGER), an infinitive (OPPORTUNITY - what? - TO STUDY) and a pronoun (HIS BOOK) .

Inconsistent definitions may combine their meaning with the meaning of circumstances and additions. Compare: HOUSE (where?) ON THE MOUNTAIN and HOUSE (which?) ON THE MOUNTAIN. Both questions are entirely appropriate, and ON THE MOUNTAIN can be considered both a circumstance and a definition. Another example: MEETING (with whom?) WITH FRIENDS and MEETING (what?) WITH FRIENDS. In these phrases, WITH FRIENDS will be both an addition and a definition.

Separation- this is the highlighting on both sides of a letter with punctuation marks (commas, dashes, parentheses) of some part of the sentence.

Definitions are distinguished in accordance with the following rules.

1. An agreed definition consisting of several words and relating to the preceding noun is isolated. Compare two sentences:

Path, overgrown with grass, led to the river.
Overgrown with grass path led to the river.

2. The agreed definition relating to the personal pronoun is isolated, regardless of its place in the sentence and prevalence. For example:

Happy he is
He, happy, told me about his successes.
Pleased with your success, he told me about them.
He, happy with his successes, told me about them.

Please note: in the example from the first paragraph of the rule, the phrase OVERGROWING WITH GRASS is highlighted with commas. If a definition has dependent words, then together they make up attributive phrase.

This rule has three notes:

1. An agreed definition (both single-word and consisting of several words), relating to a noun and standing in front of it, can be isolated if it has an additional meaning of reason (that is, it combines the meanings of the definition and the circumstances of the reason). For example:

Tired, tourists decided to abandon the repeated ascent.
Tired after a sleepless night, tourists decided to abandon the repeated ascent.

(In both sentences the definition explains reason refusal to climb again.)

2. Definitions that appear after the word being defined, but are closely related in meaning to it or to other members of the sentence, are not isolated. In such cases, if the definition is removed from the sentence, the phrase loses its meaning. For example:

He could hear things are quite unpleasant for yourself (Lermontov). Sea at his feet lay silent and white(Paustovsky).

3. The definition is isolated, wherever it appears, if it is separated from the word being defined by other words. For example:

At the end of January covered in the first thaw, Cherries smell good gardens(Sholokhov).


    They drank coffee in a gazebo on the shore of a wide lake dotted with islands (Pushkin).

    Deeply offended, she sat down under the window and sat until late at night without undressing (Pushkin).

    The old woman, looking at him from behind the partition, could not know whether he had fallen asleep or was just thinking (Pushkin).

    The Foolovites, who were not strong enough in self-government, began to attribute this phenomenon to the mediation of some unknown force (Shchedrin).

    The waves of the sea, encased in granite, are suppressed by enormous weights sliding along their ridges, hitting the sides of ships, the shores, beating and grumbling, foamed, polluted with various rubbish (Gorky).

    IN long beak _ curved at the end_ the seagull was holding a small fish.

    And either he made a grimace - blinded by the setting sun - or his face was generally characterized by some strangeness, only his lips seemed too short... (Mann).

    The curious and inquisitive children immediately noticed that something incomprehensible was going on in the city.

    His father met him with a gloomy and surprised look.

    He opened his notebook and drew two segments parallel to each other.

    Draw equilateral triangle with a side equal to five centimeters.

    But now they did not speak for long, - the wise one, who did not interfere with their judgment, spoke himself: “Stop! There is punishment. This is a terrible punishment; You wouldn’t invent something like this in a thousand years!” (Bitter).

    A small night_bird_ silently and low rushing on its soft wings_ almost stumbled upon me and timidly dived to the side (Turgenev).

  1. Maybe it was a thorn or the tip of a nail that had come out of the felt padding of the clamp (Aitmatov).
  2. Lying on his armour-hard back, he saw, as soon as he raised his head, his brown, convex belly, divided by arched scales, on the top of which the blanket, ready to finally slide off, was barely holding on (Kafka).
  3. In the bright dawn, the black tops of birch trees were outlined, thin as letters (Pasternak).
  4. The princess absolutely hates me, two or three epigrams about me have already been retold to me - quite caustic, but at the same time very flattering (Lermontov).
  5. I am still trying to explain to myself what kind of feeling was boiling in my chest then: it was the annoyance of offended pride, and contempt, and anger - born at the thought - that this man was now looking at me with such confidence, with such calm insolence - two minutes ago ago, without exposing himself to any danger, he wanted to kill me like a dog, because wounded in the leg a little more severely, I would certainly have fallen off the cliff (Lermontov).
  6. Grease the mold to prevent it from rusting and remove kitchen table, make a sauce from oxylithium hydrate_ diluted in a glass fresh milk(Vian).
  7. Staggering and gasping for breath, he finally went ashore, saw a robe lying on the ground, picked it up and mechanically rubbed himself with it until his numb body warmed up (Hesse).
  8. My father's elder brother, who died in 1813, with the intention of setting up a village hospital, gave him as a boy to some doctor he knew to study the art of paramedics (Herzen).
  9. Who told you that there is no true, faithful, eternal love in the world? (Bulgakov).
  10. But that’s not all: the third in this company was a cat that had come from nowhere, huge, like a hog, black, like soot or a rook... (Bulgakov).
  11. Winter evening on December 14th_ thick_ dark_ frosty (Tynyanov).
  12. The fields, all the fields, stretched right up to the horizon, now rising slightly, then falling again; here and there small forests could be seen, dotted with rare and low bush _ ravines curled... (Turgenev).
  13. One, black, large and shabby, was very similar to those rats that he saw on ships during his travels (Tournier).
  14. The strangest incidents are those that happen on Nevsky Prospekt! (Gogol).
    Doctor Budakh_ washed up_ dressed in everything clean_ carefully shaved_ looked very impressive (Strugatskys).

Inconsistent definitions, in contrast to coordinated ones, are associated with the Defined word by the method of control (a writer's story, a boat with Sails) or affiliation (the desire to work). They can be expressed by nouns in indirect cases without Prepositions. In this case, the most common type is definitions expressed by a noun in the genitive case (student’s mother, teacher’s work). More often than others, inconsistent definitions are used, denoting the Attribute of the defined object in relation. These definitions in meaning are Correlative with the agreed definitions, but in comparison with them they have greater possibilities for specifying and clarifying the attribute, since they can attach definitions to themselves: There is a father’s jacket hanging on the wall; My father's jacket hangs on the wall. Inconsistent definitions expressed by a noun in the Genitive case can denote a characteristic according to its bearer: He gave himself over to a new and unexpected impression with the love of an artist (I. A. Goncharov).

A sign that characterizes the identified object in spatial terms: Houses along the banks appeared less and less often. Inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in Accusative case with prepositions in and on, can denote a sign by Appearance(polka dot dress), according to measure or quantity (a journey of ten kilometers), in direction in space (door to a room), according to purpose (outfit for rubble). Inconsistent modifiers expressed by nouns in the Instrumental case with prepositions constitute a widespread Group. The most common definitions are with the preposition s. They denote “a sign of a defined object by the presence of any external or internal characteristic feature, qualities or properties."

In the latter case, the definitions relate to the members of the sentence, expressed by verbal nouns, and are correlated with the Circumstances of the manner of action with the corresponding verbs.” For example: The offensive began with entire battalions. We began to advance in whole battalions. No less diverse is the semantics of inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in indirect cases with prepositions. “Inconsistent Definitions, expressed by nouns in indirect cases with Various prepositions, ... represent a living and developing way of expressing definitions in the Russian Language. The richness of meanings of prepositions determines the breadth of meanings and diversity in shades of features designated by inconsistent definitions of this type.”

Inconsistent definitions are also expressed qualitatively - Circumstantial and adverbial adverbs. Such definitions designate a feature of an object, characterizing it in terms of quality, direction or time, for example: At the end of the letter there was a signature in French. She loved horseback riding. A small group is formed by inconsistent definitions relating to members of the sentence expressed by indefinite pronouns: Someone in white was sitting on the shore.

He recognized the girl in the straw hat 2. The conversation in the kitchen became increasingly louder. Finally, inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in the prepositional case with the preposition about (about) reveal the internal content of the subject: The question of inheritance was an important part of the document. Inconsistent definitions can be expressed by qualitative Adjectives in the form of a comparative degree with the suffixes -e, -ee, -she. Such definitions denote a qualitative attribute of the defined object as inherent in it to a greater or lesser extent compared to other Objects: I do not know a kinder person than him. But such inconsistent definitions are used relatively rarely in the Russian language, which is due to the fact that Complex forms of degrees of comparison have become widely developed. They allow you to express the characteristics of objects using an agreed upon definition.

The role of inconsistent definitions of the above group is played by the names Nouns included in noun phrases and expressing the actual Definitive relations (and attributive relations with various Additional shades of meaning). Inconsistent definitions, expressed by nouns with Prepositions, usually characterize the defined objects in place, time, in Causal or target relationships. This distinguishes them from definitions expressed by nouns without prepositions. The most common ones include definitions expressed by a noun in the genitive case with different prepositions, in the instrumental case with the preposition s and in the prepositional case with the preposition v. And yet, these types of Definitions are significantly inferior to the definitions expressed by Nouns in the genitive case without a preposition, in terms of usage and variety of meanings.

They have the following meanings: 1. A sign that limits the defined object in some respect: He is my maternal brother. 2.

Such Inconsistent definitions often, in turn, have Agreed definitions with them: A girl with blue eyes came. From inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in Prepositional case, the most common are constructions with the Preposition in, less common are definitions with the preposition on. These Definitions can denote: 1) a sign by the presence of any external feature in an object; 2) characteristics of the object in spatial terms: 1.

It should be noted that such definitions usually appear before the Word being defined and this differs from inconsistent definitions expressed by the Genitive case of nouns. A small group consists of definitions expressed by a noun in the instrumental case without a preposition. Their semantics is varied. They can denote “a sign by likeness and by the nature of the Action.

Among the inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in the Genitive case with various prepositions, the following Groups can be distinguished: 1) definitions with the preposition from, denoting a feature based on the material: a panel of leaves; plank shed; 2) definitions with the preposition from, denoting a characteristic by origin: a commander from officers; comes from a working class background; 3) a definition with the preposition from under, denoting a sign of a substance contained in the object that is named by the word being defined: a cake box. Widespread ones include definitions expressed by nouns in the genitive case with the prepositions from, from under, with, at, from, Near, around, against, denoting the attribute of the defined object: 1) by its belonging to a place, territory; 2) by location or direction. For example: 1. She often noticed something childish in all the people from the city and smiled condescendingly (M. Gorky).

Inconsistent definitions, expressed in the genitive case of a noun with an abstract meaning, can denote a feature that reveals and clarifies the content of the concept. Such definitions are often relative to agreed upon definitions, expressed relative and Qualitative adjectives, allow synonymous replacement: peace policy - peaceful policy; history of the fatherland - domestic history. Inconsistent definitions can denote a sign by the actor, the Producer of the action: I quickly turned to the door, waiting for my accuser to appear (A.S. Pushkin).

A special group consists of inconsistent definitions expressed by Pronominal nouns of the 3rd person in the genitive case, For example: I see their house. Her friend came.

2. All the paths of the garden, which covered the slope opposite our houses, were known to me (M. Yu. Lermontov). A relatively less common group is represented by Inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in the Dative case with prepositions. In this case, definitions expressed in the dative case with the preposition po are more common.

A definition is a minor member of a sentence, which depends on the subject, complement or circumstance, defines the attribute of the subject and answers the questions: which one? which? whose?

Definition may refer to words different parts speech: nouns and words formed from adjectives or participles by transitioning to another part of speech, as well as pronouns.

Agreed and non-agreed definition

A consistent definition is one for which the type syntactic connection between the main and dependent words - agreement. For example:

A dissatisfied girl was eating chocolate ice cream on the open terrace.

(girl (what?) dissatisfied, ice cream (what?) chocolate, on the terrace (what?) open)

Agreed definitions are expressed by adjectives that agree with the words being defined - nouns in gender, number and case.

The agreed definitions are expressed:

1) adjectives: dear mother, beloved grandmother;

2) participles: laughing boy, bored girl;

3) pronouns: my book, this boy;

4) ordinal numbers: the first of September, by the eighth of March.

But the definition may not be consistent. This is the name of a definition associated with the word being defined by other types of syntactic connections:



Inconsistent definition based on control:

Mom's book was on the nightstand.

Wed: mom's book - mom's book

(mom’s book is an agreed definition, type of connection: coordination, and mom’s book is inconsistent, type of connection is control)

Inconsistent definition based on adjacency:

I want to buy her a more expensive gift.

Wed: a more expensive gift - an expensive gift

(a more expensive gift is an inconsistent definition, the type of connection is adjacency, and an expensive gift is an agreed definition, the type of connection is coordination)

Inconsistent definitions also include definitions expressed by syntactically indivisible phrases and phraseological units.

A five-story shopping center was built opposite.

Wed: center with five floors - five-story center

(a center with five floors is an uncoordinated definition, the type of communication is management, and a five-story center is an agreed definition, the type of communication is coordination)

A girl with blue hair entered the room.

(girl with blue hair - inconsistent definition, type of connection - control.)

Different parts of speech can act as an inconsistent definition:

1) noun:

The bus stop has been moved.

(bus - noun)

2) adverb:

Grandma cooked the meat in French.

(in French - adverb)

3) verb in an indefinite form:

She had a knack for listening.

(listen is an infinitive verb)

4) comparative degree of an adjective:

He always chooses the easier path, and she always chooses the more difficult tasks.

(easier, harder comparative degree of adjectives)

5) pronoun:

Her story touched me.

(ee – possessive pronoun)

6) syntactically indivisible phrase


A special type of definition is application. An application is a definition expressed by a noun that agrees with the word being defined in case.

Applications denote various characteristics of the subject, which are expressed by a noun: age, nationality, profession, etc.:

I love my little sister.

A group of Japanese tourists lived in the hotel with me.

Types of application are geographical names, names of enterprises, organizations, publications, works of art. The latter form inconsistent applications. Let's compare examples:

I saw the embankment of the Sukhona River.

(Sukhony is a consistent application, the words river and Sukhona are in the same case.)

My son read the fairy tale “Cinderella”.

("Cinderella" - inconsistent application, the words fairy tale and “Cinderella” are in different cases

harmonization of definitions is:

agreement of definitions A definition is agreed upon, expressed by that part of speech, the forms of which are capable of agreeing with the word being defined in case and number, and in the singular also in gender. This includes adjectives, pronominal adjectives, ordinal numbers, and participles. Cold morning, our class, second page, picked flowers. Adjectives and ordinal numbers included in compound names and stable combinations are not distinguished as a separate member (definition). Leningrad region, railway, red currant, question mark, second signaling system. The question of the syntactic function of cardinal numerals when combined with nouns in the form of indirect cases (except for the accusative case) is resolved in different ways: three pages are missing, offer to three students, study with three lagging behind. Some researchers consider such quantitative-nominal combinations to be free, highlighting agreed definitions in them that answer the question how many? According to another point of view (more legitimate), such combinations form a grammatical unity, since in many cases they are semantically indivisible, which is associated with the impossibility of omitting the numeral: two meters of fabric are missing, add to three liters of water, limit yourself to ten rubles, twenty steps from the station, about five months, a room for three people, live two floors above, an apartment of four rooms, a hand with six fingers, etc. If the agreed definition refers to a noun depending on the numerals two, three, four, and is located between the components of a quantitative-nominal combination, then the following constructions are usually observed: three big houses, three large windows, three large rooms, i.e. for masculine and neuter nouns, the definition is put in the genitive case plural, and for feminine nouns - in the form nominative case plural. At that second, three or four heavy shells exploded behind the dugout.(Simonov). The two outer windows on the first floor are covered from the inside with newspaper sheets(A.N. Tolstoy). Two large columns of Germans are moving along these roads (Bubennov). However, if the nominative plural form of feminine nouns differs in stress from the genitive case singular, then the definition is often put in the genitive plural form: two high mountains, three younger sisters, four sheer cliffs. Two strong male hands they picked her up (Koptyeva). If the definition precedes a quantitative-nominal combination, then it is put in the nominative plural form, regardless of the grammatical gender of the noun being defined. For the first three years, she only visited Zabolotye (Saltykov-Shche Dr.) in fits and starts. The last two words were written in large, sweeping, decisive handwriting (Tu r-genev). The remaining three horses, saddled, walked behind (Sholokhov). However, the adjectives are whole, complete, kind, extra and nek. others are used with masculine and neuter nouns in the genitive case: three whole months, two full buckets, a good four hours, an extra three kilometers. In combination with half- (in compound noun) and one and a half (one and a half) both forms of agreement are possible: a whole six months - a whole six months, a whole one and a half weeks - a whole one and a half weeks. Separate definitions, standing after the word being defined, are usually placed in the nominative case. To the right of the door there were two windows hung with scarves(L. Tolstoy). The last two letters, written in pencil, scared me(Chekhov). If an agreed definition refers to two or more nouns that act as homogeneous members and have a singular form, then it can be in both singular and plural; the singular form is usual in cases where it is clear from the meaning of the statement that the definition explains not only the nearest noun, but also all subsequent ones. From a distance Vladimir heard an extraordinary noise and conversation(Pushkin). The wild goose and duck arrived first(Turgenev). Wed also: Soviet science and art, school performance and discipline, the ebb and flow of the sea, every plant and factory, etc. The plural form of the definition emphasizes that it refers not only to the nearest noun, but also to other homogeneous members. The field smelled, young rye and wheat were green (Chekhov). Wed Also: stone house and garage, older brother and sister, underachieving student and student, talented singer and singer, etc.

Dictionary-reference book linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976.

What are agreed definitions?

Valentina Popova

Agreed definitions expressed by participles and adjectives are separated in the following cases:
I. An agreed definition is isolated, which comes after the word being defined and is expressed by a participle with dependent words (participial phrase) or an adjective with dependent words (adjective phrase):
1) Anfisa carried twenty-five large diamonds in a suede bag that belonged to Anna Frantsevna (M. Bulgakov). 2) - The sun poured into the room through a light lattice reaching to the floor (M. Bulgakov). 3) On the empty platform, long stripes of rainwater, blue from the sky, shone subtly (I. Bunin).


Such definitions, which agree with the defined nouns in gender, number, case, are usually expressed by adjectives (HARD day), participles (jumping boy), pronouns changing like adjectives (your diary, some kind of animal, some difficulties), ordinal numbers (fifth grade). When a noun changes, these definitions also change, i.e., they AGREE with the nouns, which is why they are called that, in contrast to inconsistent definitions. Wed. : big house, to a big house, big house - big - agreed definition. What house? around the corner. houses around the corner, to the house around the corner. Around the corner is an inconsistent definition; when the noun changes, these words do not agree, the definition of “around the corner” does not change.

What is a stand-alone inconsistent definition?

Inconsistent definitions, expressed by indirect cases of nouns (usually with a preposition), are isolated if the meaning they express is emphasized: Officers, in new frock coats, white gloves and shiny epaulets, paraded along the streets and boulevards. Inconsistent definitions can also appear before the noun being defined: In a white tie, in a smart coat wide open, with a string of stars and crosses on a gold chain in the loop of his tailcoat, the general was returning from dinner, alone. Usually such inconsistent definitions are isolated:
if they relate to own name: Sasha Berezhnova, in a silk dress, with a cap on the back of her head and a shawl, was sitting on the sofa; Fair-haired, with a curly head, without a hat and with his shirt unbuttoned on his chest, Dymov seemed handsome and unusual;
if they refer to a personal pronoun: I am surprised that you, with your kindness, do not feel this;
if separated from the word being defined by some other members of the sentence: After dessert, everyone moved to the buffet, where, in a black dress, with a black net on her head, Caroline sat and watched with a smile as they looked at her;
if they form a series of homogeneous members with preceding or subsequent isolated agreed definitions: I saw a man, wet, in rags, with a long beard.
Inconsistent definitions are often isolated when naming persons by degree of relationship, profession, position held, and so on, since due to the significant specificity of such nouns, the definition serves the purpose of an additional message: Grandfather, in his grandmother’s jacket, in an old cap without a visor, squints, smiling at something.
Isolation of an inconsistent definition can serve as a means of deliberately separating a given phrase from a neighboring predicate, to which it could be related in meaning and syntactically, and attributing it to the subject: Women, with long rakes in their hands, wander in the field.
Inconsistent definitions are isolated, expressed by a phrase with the form of the comparative degree of the adjective (often the defined noun is preceded by an agreed definition): A force stronger than his will threw him out of there.
In the absence of a previous agreed definition, the inconsistent definition expressed by the comparative degree of the adjective is not isolated: But at another time there was no more active person than him.
Inconsistent definitions, expressed by the indefinite form of the verb, are isolated and separated with the help of a dash, before which the words can be placed without prejudice to the meaning, namely: I came to you with pure motives, with the only desire - to do good! If such a definition is in the middle of a sentence, then it is highlighted with a dash on both sides: Each of them decided this question - to leave or to stay - for themselves, for their loved ones. But if, according to the conditions of the context, there should be a comma after the definition, then the second dash is usually omitted: Since there was only one choice left - to lose the army and Moscow or Moscow alone, the field marshal had to choose the latter

Lika Asakova

Isolation is highlighting in writing with punctuation marks, and in oral speech with intonation.
Inconsistent definitions are a minor member of a sentence that answers the question: Which one? Whose? , is emphasized in the sentence with a wavy line. Inconsistent definitions are associated with the main word according to the method of control or adjacency. For example: a staircase (which one?) to the attic. To the attic - inconsistent definition.
Naval pasta is also an inconsistent definition. Navy borscht is an agreed definition (it has the same gender, number and case as the main word). Inconsistent definitions can also be expressed by syntactically indivisible phrases. for example: Our athletes are high-class players. High-class players are an inconsistent definition.
For your information, participle phrase speech is an agreed upon definition.

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