Why do you dream about balloons? Interpretation of the esoteric dream book. If you dream of an inflatable ball

Multi-colored balloons are always associated with childhood, holidays, lightness and fun. Bright bunch of balloons in hands certainly makes you smile and improves your mood. But you shouldn’t completely trust children’s associations, because a balloon seen in a dream can also mean a frivolous life.

If you dreamed of inflatable balloons, you need to deeply analyze what you saw and carefully look at the details.

By general interpretation if you saw in a dream many colorful balls- this means empty hopes and unfulfilled dreams. It is quite possible that you will experience great disappointment in your work or personal life.

But if you saw balls flying into a cloudless sky, this represents your elevation above society and separation from reality, remember this.

Multi-colored balls lying on the ground indicate a desire to fulfill a cherished dream or can symbolize an unexpected gift.

They mean the collapse of hopes and separation from reality. Perhaps you look at life through rose-colored glasses, are busy endlessly building “castles in the air” and are too distant from solving pressing problems. Your dreams may take you too far.

What does a balloon with a basket mean when flying?

Dream about an unsuccessful trip.

Dream about changes in life. If you dump the ballast, you will soon get rid of a serious illness. If you crashed in a hot air balloon, this may portend major losses and even a threat to life.

Such a dream warns against wrong decisions and rash actions. If you see the basket rising, then it is sure sign success in business and new achievements, so rest assured.

They may talk about illness and poor health. Pay close attention to this and avoid stress and nervous exhaustion. If a girl dreams that she is holding a bunch of snow-white balls in her hands, it means a quick and happy marriage.

If a man dreams of a white ball, this indicates a surge of strength and victory over the enemy.

Warns of an impending disaster, global catastrophe or emergency. Sudden weather changes and deterioration in health due to magnetic storms are possible. For an elderly person, this symbolizes an imminent illness.

Light and positive sign in your life. It portends joy, fun and interesting events in life. In business, he brings profit and a good deal.

The color yellow symbolizes gold and wealth. For a girl, a yellow ball means the appearance of a respectable boyfriend and expensive gifts.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

According to him, seen in a dream balloons symbolize a conflict situation and troubles in business. Fears and old grievances will rule over you. But soon they will disappear, thereby ensuring a positive outcome.

Burst balloon portends dismissal from work and quickly obtaining a good source of income. In family relationships, balloons mean mutual understanding and resolution. conflict situations. Your parents and children will help you in all matters.

If the girl dreamed of a balloon, which is carried away by the wind - this means unrequited love or the infidelity of her young man.

If she inflates the balloons, this indicates an imminent slight infatuation or flirting. If it bursts in your hands, your partner does not deserve attention and love, and it can also mean imminent betrayal.

Catching balloons in a dream portends disappointment in business. If the caught ball bursts, then this is a sure sign of the resolution of old problems. If a young woman holds it in her hand, she will soon get married or become pregnant, remember these differences.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a blue or green balloon, this promises her an easy birth and the birth of a boy. If he pink color- there will be a girl.

Balls falling to the ground symbolize jealousy and suspicion. Perhaps your fears are unfounded and you need to reconsider your relationship with your loved ones. Raising the ball means unexpected joy and an improvement in your financial situation.

Lying among a large number of multi-colored balls symbolizes the thirst for pleasure and entertainment. It is possible that there is not enough holiday in your life.

If you see bursting balloons, then unexpected problems at work are possible and you will have a difficult conversation with your boss or subordinate. Try to avoid conflict situations at work and in communication with colleagues.

If you saw in a dream children inflating bright balloons, this symbolizes the emergence of problems related to their health and upbringing. Or it is possible that in life you give them too little care and attention. Put aside pressing matters and devote the entire coming weekend to communicating with the kids.

Interpretation of the esoteric dream book

In it, a balloon symbolizes filling life with meaning and fullness of feelings. Blowing air bubbles embodies creative energy and the beginning of new achievements.

If you play with bright inflatable balls, this means that you are able to captivate other people with your work and create a light and relaxed atmosphere around you. If you throw it to other people, it may foretell rivalry and competition in business and personal relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

See in a dream huge black ball, falling to Earth - to approaching troubles and disasters. Perhaps this foreshadows an explosion at a factory or simply a slight deterioration in the environmental situation in your region.

If it is engulfed in flames, this is a warning about international bloody wars and irreparable losses.

Balls that appear in a dream are harbingers of deteriorating health. Pay attention to the functioning of the bladder and pelvic organs.

A shiny and iridescent ball means illusion and disappointment in love. But if it hangs motionless, it means that luck is very close and all your secret fears and concerns will be in vain.

Did you dream about a ball? Check your business partners carefully; perhaps you trust them too much. A bright balloon symbolizes illusions and the destruction of hopes.

If it flies upward, expect great luck in money, perhaps even receiving a large inheritance. Ball falling to the ground may mean that envious people and ill-wishers have appeared among your friends.

We remember everything from childhood: no one can be sad if there is a balloon. It's the same in a dream.

And when there is a large bunch of them in your hand or a scattering of them floating in the sky, awakening will certainly be positive, with a smile. Rainbow and light, like the balloons themselves, the mood will remain even if you try to interpret your visions.

Most dream plots with them contain life-affirming meaning. The main thing is to determine in time what the balloon means in a dream, taking into account various nuances and what such a dream warns against.

Quantity as a hint to quality

This means, of course, the number of balls you dreamed about and the quality of your everyday life.

If balloons countless numbers, and they fly, the interpretation may concern the following areas:

  • Personal front. Balls directed upward promise success in the love field - a very favorable dream.
  • Profession. The chances of overcoming long-intractable production problems will increase.
  • Communication and relaxation. If balloons, symbolizing immediate fun and a festive mood in real life, overtook you in a dream, then this is a sign that you haven’t left your soul for a long time. Stop wasting away and being despondent, you should fully communicate, and all the minor problems that imperceptibly poison everyday joy will be resolved by themselves.

Ball in hand, or a total scam

Inflating a balloon in a dream is a useful activity, the best breathing exercises can't imagine. But can we expect fruitful results from such a dream? But here everything is trivial: depending on how much and with whom.

  • You inflate a lot of balloons with strangers - you are doing unpromising things in reality, perhaps you took on an unsuccessful project at work or are wasting your time on behalf of someone.
  • They filled the balloons with helium themselves, after which they took off: the dream promises unexpected profits, a bonus. It's time to take a chance on playing the lottery.
  • If you inflate balloons one after another alone, you will have many not entirely reliable friends in your circle.

A distant relative of the airship

The dream book also interprets the hot air balloon seen ambiguously:

1. I dreamed of a short flight on it: will visit good idea to resolve the key problem at this moment.

2. Fly for a long time: there is a business trip or an unplanned long trip ahead.

3. Flying and then getting rid of ballast in a balloon means a cure for a chronic illness.

Dream book for girls

A girl’s dream involving balls carries its own meaning:

  • You are holding a colorful bunch or just experiencing happiness in your sleep - happy love!
  • In a dream, a balloon being carried away by the wind means unrequited love.
  • Dreaming of one or more balloons bursting - harsh reality will ground hopes and dreams last days, and maybe even an unsuccessful outcome of the upcoming important event. But you shouldn’t be upset right away: first check the day in your dream book, maybe the dream is empty.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

Flying in a hot air balloon, according to the great somnologist, is a disconnect from reality. It is also noteworthy that, according to Freud’s dream book, a dream with admiring flying balls speaks of a tendency to willingly and a lot fantasize and daydream.

In Uncle Sigmund's dream book, the ball is a symbol of flirtation and easy relationships.

  • A dreamer who dreamed of an inflated and unhindered balloon flying may be proud of himself: there are no problems with fans (or groupies) and are not expected.
  • Accordingly, a balloon that is slightly inflated or drooping indicates discomfort in this delicate matter.

Often universal dream book interprets balloons as a warning about the ephemeral nature of hopes and the unrealizability of long-term plans. There is no need to be particularly upset, but it is worth reconsidering and soberly assessing the situation related to important matters.

And then good mood and the desire to fly will be with you for a long time, and not just after sleeping with balloons.
Author: Ekaterina Volkova

It happens that you wake up in high spirits and remember the dream. And there is a holiday and balloons everywhere. And you think: “To the holiday, joy, fun.” But in dreams not everything is the same as in reality. That's why we interpret our dreams. And really, why did you dream balloons?

Why do you dream about balloons?

Seeing balloons in a dream most often means some kind of trouble or failure in the near future; they are also considered harbingers of losses, quarrels and conflicts.

Most dream books still reassure us that balls seen in a dream symbolize troubles only at work and in the professional sphere. They promise that these difficulties will not affect the health of you and your loved ones. On the contrary, they urge you to stick to your family and close circle - there you will find the necessary help and support when the predicted dream begins to come true.

Burst balloons in a dream

If you dreamed that the balloons you had just inflated burst - expect dismissal from work, significant financial losses or a major breakdown household appliances. If the balloons burst not you yourself, but someone else, the problem cannot be avoided, but you will have to spend more time and effort to solve it. If such a dream visited you on the eve of a significant purchase, do not rush to make it, but set aside the available amount of money.

Hold several balloons or a large bunch in your hands - you are burdened with difficulties in interactions with partners and colleagues. They do not allow you to open up fully and interfere with self-realization. With such harbingers, it is recommended not to make hasty decisions on current issues in the service, but to once again weigh, evaluate and analyze everything.

As an option, you can hold an additional meeting before launching the project, take a closer look at an employee or partner on whom the outcome of the event will also depend.

If you see that children are inflating balloons, it means that the problems will be related to solving the problems of your children or relatives from the younger generation.

Why do you dream about balloons falling down?

If balloons in a dream fell from top to bottom, to the floor or ground, then expect disappointment. It is also frustrating to try to catch, catch up with a flying balloon, or simply catch these balloons of your dreams as they fall down. These disappointments can happen in any area of ​​life. But don’t rush to get upset, remember “forewarned is forearmed.” Exhale, try to look at the situation from the outside calmly, without haste or panic.

If in a dream you immediately see that multi-colored or monochromatic balls filled with air lie below in the room or on the street - this is a sure sign that you are overloaded with problems that, in fact, are easily solved, but you need to work hard to figure it out and not hide from them .

Flying in a hot air balloon in a dream

And if you dreamed of flying in a large hot air balloon, then the upcoming trip or planned trip will be unsuccessful. The expected fears and risks will come true. Review your travel plan and work out options for resolving controversial issues.

Experts believe that if you often dream about balloons, then in everyday life you very rarely relax and have fun. And problems hang over you like the sword of Damocles, due to fatigue and overwork. Analyze other details and circumstances from your dreams - we are sure that in totality everything will not be so hopeless and sad. We create reality ourselves, and dreams are just hints and guidelines for action.

The most rosy interpretation of a dream about balloons: if in the end all the balloons begin to rise from the bottom up and fly away into the endless sky. Or you yourself release them out of an open window or from a balcony, and they will not fall, but, caught by the breeze, will soar to the clouds. Then you will easily cope with all the difficulties and troubles, make your life easier in terms of work and your immediate environment!

Rainbow, good dreams you and balloons flying skyward!

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In our lives, balloons usually represent fun, smiles and celebration. But, as you know, in a dream everything often takes on a completely different meaning. Dream interpreters believe that they are a symbol of empty and unfulfilled hopes. But depending on what other circumstances and details accompanied your dream, it may also indicate important changes in your life, are not necessarily hopeless.

When asked why you dream of balloons, any dream book will most likely answer you - to unfulfilled expectations. But still, you must understand that this does not mean that the situation is hopeless. It is possible that some of your plans and hopes are heading in the wrong direction or are simply harmful to you.

  • If you dream that someone (or perhaps you yourself) is inflating balloons, then it won’t hurt you to check your to-do list. It is quite possible that you will find those that just take up your time, but do not bear significant fruit. This happens quite often. Sometimes, having been inspired to take some action, after a while you can see that the prospects turned out to be false and you most likely will not be able to achieve much success in this case. In this situation, you should not continue to deal with this matter and pay a lot of attention to it, hoping that something will change over time. You should try your hand at another area.
  • Often, balloons can fly in the sky in a dream. If you dream about their flight, then luck will soon smile on you. More likely, unpleasant situation who tormented you in lately, will be miraculously resolved. You will also be successful in solving financial problems, and events in your personal life will make you simply fly with happiness.
  • Seeing balls falling to the ground in your dream is usually a sign that you should pay attention to jealousy, which can affect your mood. If the balloons burst in your dream, it means that real events will return your thoughts that took flight from heaven to earth - most likely some kind of disappointment or unsuccessful outcome of events awaits you.

But in any case, when you wake up in the morning, don’t rush to grab your dream book with the question “Why did I dream about these balls?” It is quite possible that the purpose of the dream that visited you was not to warn you about something at all, but simply to give you a good mood.

Stories from our readers

According to tradition, multi-colored balloons are an indispensable companion to any festive event: a wedding, a birthday, a memorable date. Why do you dream about balloons?

Likewise, dreams with balloons leave behind a feeling of happiness, fun and high spirits. We rejoice at the dream and believe that it is intended to bring positive events into our lives.

But dream interpreters have a different opinion: dreams with balloons bring problems and troubles to a person’s life. What do balloons mean in dreams, according to the most popular dream books?

Inflatable balloons- a symbol of decline, misfortune, sorrows in various fields life.

In love, at work, in everyday life, you will be haunted by continuous troubles. Your self-esteem will drop significantly, your financial situation will worsen, and bad mood will haunt you everywhere.

The meaning of dreams with balloons in Freud's dream book

Sigmund Freud believed that a balloon in a dream is a symbol of frivolous relationships and flirting.

  • A ball floating casually in the sky - this dream indicates that you are too dismissive of the topic of a serious relationship. Frequent changes of partners, many love affairs - this is what gives you true joy.
  • A weakly inflated, nondescript balloon represents problems in the intimate sphere.

Balloons in Miss Hasse's dream book

Vain expectations, unfulfilled dreams, collapse of hope - this is the disappointing interpretation with funny balls that can be found in the dream book of the famous medium.

  • If the ball flew up, despite all your efforts to hold it, the dream represents your complete inability to control the current situation. All attempts to influence this or that process will be unsuccessful.
  • The ball suddenly burst - an unhappy dream, promising sorrows and disappointments. If you decide to implement some grandiose idea, then after such a dream you can not expect that your plans will come true.

The meaning of dreams with balls in the Esoteric Dream Book

  • Inflating a lot of balloons in a dream - in real life you cherish dreams of a better life, although your current existence cannot be called dull and joyless. The dream encourages you to appreciate what you have: the alluring future is unpredictable, and you can more than once remember with gratitude what seems insignificant now.
  • Decorating a house or car with multi-colored balls - a dream tells you about your inexhaustible optimism. Let various troubles await you ahead - your cheerfulness will allow you to easily cope with any obstacles.
  • Accepting a balloon as a gift or giving it yourself is a sign of small surprises that will bring a spark of joy into your life.

Dreams with balloons in the Gypsy dream book

Dreams with colorful balls are intended to convey to you the idea that you yourself are the master of your own destiny.

Yes, there are people around you who inflate problems, exaggerate the significance of your misdeeds and in different ways point out your inadequacy. You should not follow their lead: assess the state of current affairs, do not be distracted by trifles, look for non-standard methods of solving the problem. You can do anything, you just have to want it well!

What else do dreams with balloons mean?

  • If in a dream you see a large number of balloons being inflated by children, say goodbye mentally to your vacation plans. There will definitely be a reason that will ruin your weekend or vacation.
  • Multi-colored balls fall to the ground - there is no reasonable explanation for your jealousy. You harass your partner with made-up facts about his cheating. Remember that for some time he will be able to bear accusations against himself, but then retribution will come. His love for you may fade.
  • Releasing balloons into the sky means there is a possibility that problems will arise in the family and at work. Also, such a dream means little troubles associated with housekeeping.
  • Blowing up a lot of balloons in the company of people you don't know is a bit strange dream is intended to inform you that in real life you are not doing what you are passionate about. You are engaged in a dead-end job that takes all your strength.
  • If in a dream you inflate balloons one after another and then release them into the sky, take a closer look at your friends: there is a chance that someone does not value your friendship too much.

Although the interpretation of dreams with indisputable “symbols of the holiday” cannot be called life-affirming, they are still intended to lift the veil of secrecy over the problems awaiting us. And whoever is forewarned is forearmed. Choose your option from a variety of omens and boldly confront the waiting misfortunes.

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