Chronicle of Games: NO. Tyranny of Dragons. Neverwinter Online: Tyranny of Dragons - “Tyranny of Dragons Neverwinter online tyranny of dragons guide

How to farm dragons in the fortress? How to kill 4 dragons? Why do this and what is given for it?

With the exit module 7 Strongholds Neverwinter Online there was a lot of interesting content related to development of the guild. Each guild was given the opportunity build your own castle, choose your own development paths. And I had to choose what kind of gifts are best to take for the guild and what buildings need to be built for this, but that's not what we're talking about. The entire development of the fortress is based on the extraction of various resources, one of the good sources of resources is DRAGON FARM IN THE FORTRESS. Properly constructed tactics and coordinated work at the event to exterminate dragons will allow you to forget about questions where to get resources for the guild fortress.

First what you have to remember is where each dragon appears, this is important because... this will allow you to quickly find your bearings and not pester your teammates with questions.

Second, these are basic things WHEN ONE OF THE DRAGONS IS KILLED, THE REST FLY AWAY. Keep an eye on this, if you want to kill more than one dragon, only coordinated actions will help you do this. Usually, players leave the dragon 5% of their lives and wait for the rest of the dragons to reach the same figure, when the time before the dragons fly away runs out, all unfinished dragons are sent to eternal rest (or, more precisely, until the next farm).

THE DRAGON WILL NOT TAKE DAMAGE if he was attacked 20 characters or more, well, the magician messed up something with his spells.

Third, a pattern of actions and a set of skills for each of them.

1) Red dragon, in our opinion, the simplest one, it leaves a lot of fire circles that are best avoided.

Like any dragon, it deals very high damage with its paw when you stand directly in front of it and with its tail when directly behind it. Sometimes it delivers a repulsive blow with its wings or spews out a stream of flame.

2) Green dragon does similar actions only not with fire but with poison, puddles of poison left on the ground are best avoided, especially a large puddle around the dragon itself, without the support of a healer or paladin such a cloud will eat away your armor in an instant...

3) Black dragon, The difficulty level of this dragon, like the blue one, is higher than the previous two and this is due to the additional aspects of the mechanics of its confrontation with players.

On a black dragon, a character who has been defeated spawns a doll that will attack allies and cause great damage, and the dragon itself will not let you relax and will lower your defense with every blow. There are two points here, try to die less often) and if you see that the doll is aimed at you, move away from your comrades, take it away, in a few seconds it will disappear and will not cause trouble.

4) Blue dragon, not only do chain lightning cause enormous damage and lower defenses, it is also doubly difficult to deal with, just like with a black dragon, it is highly undesirable to die on it, but here the death of one will most likely create an avalanche of deaths of the others because Each defeated player generates a lightning explosion, causing massive damage to an ally.

There is a simple principle here, it is better to let rangers “work” on these two dragons, they really need the help of a paladin and a cleric.

Each dragon periodically spawns its AMPLIFIERS, in this case, they need to be destroyed as quickly as possible because they greatly increase the dragon's already enormous damage.

Rewards are given depending on the success of the event.

Usually you you receive coupons that will give you various resources in the fortress, the better your contribution to the common cause, the better quality coupons.

Coupons are included signs of the elements and fangs of the dragon tribe that will be useful to you to get a PVE set dragon tribe.

We hope you find this material useful, leave your comments and ratings, enjoy the game.

Relatively not so long ago, it gained a foothold in the Russian gaming market. And, we can say with confidence that the instant sympathy that arose among almost everyone and everyone who played it at least a little is well deserved and justified.

The game itself is significantly different from similar games:

    high-quality audio accompaniment and dubbing

    graphic quality of the game image

    a significant number of different levels and game events for players in the game

    a variety of different variations in the development of the plot direction, depending on the player’s previous actions, which is important for many players

    special detailed leveling of character characteristics with a huge amount of various equipment, down to the smallest and most inconspicuous elements of equipment

The initial passage of the game Neverwinter: “Tyranny of Dragons” evokes enthusiastic emotions and impressions in every player, especially for not spoiled beginners, they will be delighted with the full or even partial completion of this game.

1) The plot direction of the passage in no way has repeating options, even when re-passing game locations or identical places, but the number of quests to complete at each location will be the same.

2) During gameplay in Neverwinter online, using "M" keys"You can always contact geographical map, to determine the path to the next execution of game tasks. In addition, a thin colored path constantly points to the destination, preventing deep penetration into the wilds of the game and preventing the player from getting lost.

During the creation of the game with online playthrough, an interesting plot beginning of the game was invented:

The main character, whom players will play as when creating their own personal and individual Neverwinter guide, was sailing peacefully on a ship, but gets caught in a severe storm. A shipwreck occurs and here the controlled gameplay begins, before the start of which the player has already chosen a suitable game character for himself, among such options as:

  • wizard
  • archer
  • cleric
  • warrior
  • trickster

Further, in the process of popularizing the game, its creators promise to increase the number of variations of game characters that can be played when changing to another character, for example, when replaying this game. After an unfortunate incident with the hero and a shipwreck, he finds himself on some shore, only he survived. It is from this starting point that an unforgettable gaming adventure will begin, the length of which is 60 levels. There will be enough time to enjoy the gameplay with beautiful landscapes and high-quality graphics during the passage of Neverwinter online: “Tyranny of Dragons.”

Interesting nuances and game moments in Neverwinter Online

1) All locations are very beautiful and colorful, but one should not be deluded, in each of them there are many dangers that await the player, which do not guarantee him a long game and survival without situations where he could die.

3) In each game level, a set of quest tasks ends with a villainous boss; you need to be very careful, as he can suddenly appear from some secluded secret place, causing significant damage to the character.

4) To obtain a variety of experiences that cause an increase in adrenaline levels, such as fear, excitement, horror and panic, experience different types dangers and so on. You can take advantage of the game’s ability to join groups with other online players of up to 5 people. Such groups or squads can effectively facilitate the joint passage of certain sections of locations, regions or levels, for example, in some secret dungeon, which are present in almost every level. It is in such dungeon places that you can get a lot of adrenaline emotions and impressions, as well as find some very rare artifacts or pieces of equipment, which later give a significant advantage in battles with opponents and especially bosses. You can also have great fun with a group of players, even all of them eventually become friends, regardless of each other’s specific place of actual residence, and often get together in groups to overcome difficult places when passing through Neverwinter.

The game Neverwinter online: "Tyranny of Dragons" is very multifaceted, with many small details and interesting features, which can be described in detail for a very long time and it is impossible to fit everything into even several voluminous walkthroughs of Neverwinter that describe in detail all the game nuances.

Neverwinter is a free MMORPG with an active combat system based on the Dungeon & Dragons universe. An epic story, fierce battles and a classic role-playing system await brave heroes who are ready to venture into the fantasy world of Neverwinter!

Neverwinter is a true Dungeons & Dragons-inspired adventure, powered by the dynamic Cryptic game engine. Players will find themselves in the Forgotten Realms - a classic D&D world - and will explore and defend one of the world's most beloved cities from danger, helping to rebuild it from the ashes.

One of the world's most beloved cities, Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms, rises from the ashes. Explore and protect it. An impressive MMORPG that takes you from the besieged walls of the city to... underground tunnels on the search forgotten secrets and lost treasures.

Completely free

You don't have to pay for the adventure! You can enjoy all elements of the game from level 1 to maximum for free.

Exciting battles

Forget about selecting a target with Tab and killing enemies with auto-attacks. Neverwinter offers you a great combat system where every action requires planning and using your instincts to achieve an effective result.

D&D experience

If you've played board games or read novels, you may encounter familiar races, classes, and areas. You can begin your adventure by becoming an armored Guardian Warrior, a fast-moving Trickster, a Devoted Cleric following the righteous path, and other classes! On your way you will meet Kobolds, Beholders, Mimics and other unpleasant creatures from the D&D universe.

Endless plot

With the help of the Workshop, you can bring new stories to life, create series of quests and entire areas of Neverwinter - and share your creations with all players. Use this powerful set of tools to create new dungeons - or recreate your favorite campaign from scratch!

"The Curse of Icewind Dale"

New Features - Icewind Dale

New locations are now available for level 60 characters who have unlocked the third gift of the Sharandar campaign or the Dread Ring and have equipment quality of at least 10,000.

First, you need to take the quest Icy Wind from Sergeant Knox. You will be sent to Ker-Konig, small town in Icewind Dale.

After you've finished helping the people of Ker Koenig and building your character in Icewind Pass, you can head to Dwarf Valley, also rich in Black Ice.


You must be level 60

You must unlock the third gift in the Sharandar or Dread Ring campaign.

The quality of equipment must be at least 10,000.

PvP in open areas

Once in Ker-Konig you will be told about the Brotherhood of Magicians and the Ten Cities. Every day of your adventure in Icewind Dale, you will choose who to sign a contract with. You can refuse the contract and change sides if necessary.

When you open the map of Icewind Pass and Dwarven Valley, you will notice an area marked in red. This is a PvP zone, once in it, players will be marked as ready for PvP.

In the PvP zone, you can complete your PvP daily quests, find large and rich deposits of Black Ice, or join a PvP Heroic Encounter (in present moment not available).

PvP mode will remain enabled even outside PvP zones. PvP mode can be removed by visiting a camp or dying. Therefore you can enjoy various options PvP: Guild battles, competitive PvE and others.

Participation in PvP is not required to progress in the Icewind Dale campaign, although participation in it will allow you to mine Black Ice faster.

Black Ice

You will need black ice to create powerful equipment, as well as to improve it.

You can get Black Ice in several ways. You can mine it from deposits or find it during adventures. You can get it by completing Heroic Encounters or after killing another player in PvP in Icewind Pass or Dwarf Valley.

Profession: Black Ice Processing

After unlocking the Black Ice Forge in the Icewind Dale campaign, you can upgrade and forge powerful equipment.

Profession levels are associated with the PvE campaign and the improvement of the Black Ice Forge.

At level 1, you will be able to process Black Ice mined in Icewind Pass and Dwarven Valley.

At level 2, you can craft some of their equipment from Corrupted Black Ice.

At 3rd level, you can create items and some powerful magic stones.

Black Ice Empowerment

Your Corrupted Black Ice gear can be enhanced with Black Ice. This improvement increases the parameters of items.

To upgrade your items, open your Character Sheet and right-click on one of your existing Black Ice items. Select "Black Ice Enhance" By moving the slider you can increase the power of your item. Click "Confirm" and check the new item parameters.

The Black Ice buff is unstable and will not last forever. During battles while wearing enhanced equipment, it will gradually lose its enhancement charge over time. Eventually the buff will wear off and you'll need to spend Black Ice again to restore the items to their former power.

"Tyranny of Dragons"

In August 2014, Tyranny of Dragons, a new addition to Neverwinter Online, was released. The game developers provided players with access to two events: Hoard of the Dragon Queen and The Rise of Tiamat, which will focus on the dragon goddess Tiamat, created by Wolfgang Baur and Steve Winter of Kobold Press.

At the beginning of their adventures, players will immediately be thrown into the thick of battle, finding themselves in a large raid. Throughout the long night, various battles will take place, rescuing hostages, traveling through sewers and much more. This will only be a prelude to the search for information about the Cult of the Dragon, for which you will have to go down into a terrible dungeon. And everything described happens only in Hoard of the Dragon Queen, and in The Rise of Tiamat an enchanting continuation of the story awaits everyone.

The developers say that both events will be challenging enough to keep players busy, but also note that newcomers to the series will have no problem taking part in them. And although at first Tyranny of Dragons may seem boring and ordinary in terms of gameplay, as the difficulty increases, everything will become much more interesting!

Tyranny of Dragons Campaign

Introducing a new campaign that you can start at level 30! The Cult of the Dragon has become active in Neverwinter and the Sword Coast, and it's time to find out what they're up to. Go to Harpist Boward, who is located in the Hall of Justice in the Protectorate, and head to the Cemetery.

You can end the campaign by defeating the red dragon Lostmouth in his lair. Make your way into his treasury to seize powerful equipment and rare relics that can be exchanged with the Zhentarim for artifact weapons of unrivaled quality.

Artifact equipment

Two new types of artifacts have appeared in the game! Artifact weapons - three types for each class. This unique weapon adds an additional effect to certain at-will skills. Artifact belts allow you to increase one of six character characteristics.

To upgrade artifact equipment you will need level 60 cleansing stones and other items. Improving equipment gives it new bonuses, damage and characteristics. By upgrading artifact equipment with items of the same type, you will receive additional upgrade points. (For example: upgrading a belt with another belt.)

Weapons can be obtained by completing the Tyranny of Dragons campaign, and belts can be found in the epic Shore of Tuern encounter and the epic dungeon Lostmouth's Lair, as well as in Tyrannical Chests.

"Return of Tiamat"

New area: Dragon Spring. Along with the expansion of the campaign comes a new area: the Dragon Spring. Join the veterans of the Sword Coast in the battle against the Cult of the Dragon. Fight cultists, dragons and even more formidable enemies who resort to ancient magic. Don't let them bring Tiamat into our world!

To get to the Dragon Spring, you need to take the quest “Return of Tiamat” from Sergeant Knox. The task becomes available when the equipment quality is at least 10,000.

The Tyranny of Dragons campaign has been expanded!

The Tyranny of Dragons campaign has been expanded to prevent the Cult of the Dragon from bringing Tiamat to the Prime Material Plane.

New Artifact Equipment

New artifacts that will allow heroes to enjoy their adventures more!

Off-Hand Artifacts: These artifacts can be placed in the left-hand slot. They act in the same way as other artifacts, but have two special properties (see the item’s context menu, section “Managing Artifact Skills”):

Class feature. Changes the properties of one of your class's features, increasing effectiveness or providing new differences. At first, the item only unlocks one random bonus for the class feature, but the boost cube from the Wondrous Bazaar can unlock another one. Bonuses are selected one at a time, but already opened ones can always be changed for 5,000 astral diamonds.

Bonus to the parameter. Upon reaching epic quality, artifacts provide a +100 bonus to a random stat from those typically associated with items for the artifact slot. Similar to class feature bonuses, these parameters can be unlocked and those already unlocked can be changed for 5,000 Astral Diamonds. In addition, using the gain cube you can try to raise the value of the selected parameter, up to +400.

Off-hand items also provide a separate bonus when used simultaneously with a right-hand artifact.

Artifact cloaks. In addition to those parameters that are characteristic of a neck item, they can increase the protection class and allow you to passively receive action points in battle. These bonuses increase as the quality of the item increases.

Campaign Tyranny of Dragons is designed not only for level 60, it can also be performed by small characters starting from level 26.

Over time the stages of the campaign Tyranny of Dragons- everything is more complicated. If you don’t donate, then collecting the ingredients to open the latest gifts takes a lot of time - they drop too rarely and are too expensive at the auction. However, first things first...

The main opponents are cultists, among whom there are archers, warriors, magicians, guards, and sons. Everyone has their own trick. For example, cultist warriors can spin quickly and at the same time ice blocks fly off from them, which freeze the target upon collision; cultist guards use invulnerability and can resist your attacks for quite a long time; archers strive to immobilize you and shoot you with their killer shot, which takes away a lot of health; Syns turn into such giants, quite strong.

The cultists also have trolls, poison-spitting lizards, and a number of other predators. It’s quite easy to determine exactly what battle tactics to use against cultist opponents on the spot - the main thing is to avoid serious attacks, indicated by red lines, the rest will follow...

The main bosses Tyranny are dragons - incredibly strong, killing immediately if you come under their attack. They drop used in this campaign dragon coins and crystals of the third and fourth level. Very rarely - loot, which is needed to receive gifts, and equipment.

The Tyranny of Dragons campaign has become longer

Campaign Gifts Tyranny of the Dragon strengthen the character.

  • The first gift is dragon form. Gives useful Dragon Claws for attacking classes (+200 to power) or Dragon Heart, which increases health by 800 hit points for characters in their support category (tanks, healers, warlocks in the seduction branch).
  • Second gift - dragon power. Dragon's gaze gives 200 critical hit damage, which is also useful for attacking classes, and Dragon's Shadow— 200 units to parry. It is worth noting that for a PVE character, parrying is generally not necessary - Dragon's Shadow useful for PVP players.
  • The third gift is will of the dragon- This Dragon Smasher with 200 units of penetrating damage and Protective Dragon Scales with 200 defense units. Penetrating damage is useful for any class, because healers sometimes farm (or complete quests) solo.
  • The fourth gift is dragon spirit- a gift that is quite difficult to receive. First you need to spend a lot of time in heroic battles and get a rare artifact (you can also buy it from a merchant, spending a huge amount of resources - not only astral diamonds, but also other currencies in the campaign Tyranny). But after that it is mined Dragon's Blood with 200 units to restore or Dragon Greed with 200 units to vampirism.

Haarl's Treatise on Dragons from the merchant it will cost you 20 gold, 50 thousand astral diamonds and one hundred pieces of dragon signs, dragon coins and cult secrets. This means that you will have to collect all these resources for almost two weeks and not spend them on gifts, equipment and magic stones. At auction, the price of the Treatise starts from 220-240 thousand astral diamonds. It’s also a lot, but this amount can be accumulated in just a few days.

  • The fifth gift is dragon soul.

The choice of gifts (especially the fifth gift) depends on the character’s class, the main play style (PVP/PVE), as well as the chosen ideal path. Let's say, for wizards-lords-miracle workers, they need those gifts that increase the level of attack: power, critical, penetrating damage, and for warlocks in the Seduction branch, gifts for protection, defense, vampirism are suitable (although for a solo career, attacking gifts will not hurt) .

Campaign Quests Tyranny of Dragons and tips for their implementation are collected in separate material- daily quests.

The latest Neverwinter update added two more dragon career items: dragon understanding And dragon lore. They provide additional points for researching campaign gifts. Thus, you can increase the effect of the last, fifth gift, for example, increase critical damage.

Tyranny of Dragons campaign quests can be obtained from the Protectorate

Among the pleasant bonuses in this campaign are the wanderer’s equipment and dragon treasure magic stones, which definitely need to be inserted into the gear (Neverwinter has other useful magic stones that make farming easier). Thanks to them, with a probability of 1% or higher, killed monsters drop valuable purifying stones, which can be used to improve magic stones or artifacts, or can be sold profitably.

Artifact weapons and artifact equipment are upgraded with other 60 equipment to legendary level

During the campaign, you can make artifact weapons, which are improved in the same way as regular artifacts. This means that it can be “boosted” stronger than other fluffs - to the legendary level and ultimately get as many as 3 holes for crystal stones; two for enhancing stats and one for magic stones.

How to earn extra astral diamonds in this campaign? Firstly, make magical dragon treasure stones - you can keep a couple for yourself and stick them into your gear, the rest can be sold at auction. Thanks to these stones, it is easier to obtain improvement stones; they will also be put up for auction. Thus, you can spend half an hour or an hour a day on farming and, in addition to earnings from prayers, fights, workshops and dungeons, receive several tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of diamonds. Secondly, mystical dragon keys allow you to open additional chests at the end of the battle - there are also quite valuable things there that can be sold. One of them is artifact gear that can be upgraded to legendary. As long as this item is not tied to a character, it can be sold. Thirdly, a magical dragon key that opens a chest with valuables in the dungeon.

Over time, you can open the fight Banks of Tuern, at the same time, regular and epic battles with stronger monsters become available; as well as an epic dungeon Lostmouth's Lair. One-time skirmish and dungeon keys, as noted above, open additional chests after the final boss. They have to be made anew each time.

An epic battle on the banks of Tuearn- creepy horror. To begin with, the monsters there are level 65 and quite tough-skinned. It’s not worth jumping into their arms with a QS (equipment quality) less than the stated 13K (or better yet, 14K or even 16K). The last epic boss is especially scary - it often spits something fiery and forces you to constantly move out of dangerous zones, in addition, this monster is aoe. Fortunately, I play a mage with a shield buff - it helps me survive. The typical situation for many dungeons, when mobs periodically jump up to the boss, is not here - after killing the few animals that guard the boss, you can closely and without being distracted by anything to deal with the main adversary. In general, there is no need to enter this fight especially often - unless that when the key is made in order to clean out both chests and for the daily tasks of Lord Neverwinter, for which he shares astral diamonds. The second chest occasionally drops artifact gear, which is upgraded in the same way as artifact weapons.

Tyranny of Dragons Locations

So, if you have a great desire to exterminate dragons, which breed at a breakneck speed and fly in every 20 minutes, and at the same time get useful items and loot, then head to the following locations:

  • Neverdet Cemetery
  • Black burial grounds
  • Ice Peak
  • Rothe Valley
  • Whispering Caves

On Neverdet Cemetery the dragon has settled Chartarix, which spits something deadly poisonous, periodically deafens with a roar (this technique, however, is also practiced by other Neverwinter dragons), and also thick-skinned. Five people will be stabbing him for at least 5 minutes. During this time, he will have time to kill one or two fighters, almost all stupid companions who get under dangerous attacks and do not care at all about their own skin. Daily and weekly tasks in this location will include breaking summoning circles, destroying the cultists guarding them, replacing the inscriptions on tablets, and visiting local dungeons where cultists are looking for something. The location is quite large and it will take a long time to travel through it.

Next stop - another giant location Black burial grounds. Unlike the previous one, here all the quest tasks are, as they say, nearby - the cave, and the guards of the mound, and some ancient artifacts, and the dragon Vartilingorix. The enemies are the same. Of the ordinary ones, golems are quite strong. Among the difficult ones are the boss (dragon ghost) in the cave and, of course, the dragon, about the same in strength as Chartarix, or a little weaker in terms of protection. At least, according to subjective sensations, he is killed faster.

Ice Peak- very convenient location. The walk to the dragon's lair is not that far, at least the path is 2-3 times shorter than in the two previous territories. The tasks here are to repair the cart (that’s the name of the quest, although the character seems to be breaking them), wander around the mithril mine, destroy monsters there and collect loot, search dead gnomes (a rather unpleasant task, I must say), etc. The dragon Merothrax is killed relatively fast and generally not so dangerous. His attacks do not kill, but freeze the characters of their companions for some time.

Rothe Valley- the third location in the campaign. If 60s in previous locations could calmly travel past the monsters and they did not attack them first (this is a feature of the game, mobs react if their level differs from the player’s level by 7 levels), then here on the way to the dragon’s lair he will have to fight with enemies: Levels 53-54 are roaming in the tunnel, and you are at 60, so you count. Among the quests, perhaps the most interesting is found - you need to penetrate the territory of the cultists (this is a kind of “cave”), free the prisoners and make some noise there. Other quests are banal - save someone and bring them to the desired point, destroy barrels with lightning, commit other acts of vandalism. But the plus is that if you fall from a dragon, you don’t have to wait for someone to revive you. and stand up yourself, fortunately the res point is almost at the dragon’s side. Dragon Venfitar - quite quickly (again, according to subjective feelings) is killed by a group of 5-6 people, although he resists with all his might, spits lightning, balls and roars terribly.

Whispering Caves- last location in Tyranny of Dragons. Level 59 enemies live here, which means that you will sometimes have to fight along the (quite long) path. If the pet is fast, then you can run past the enemies, of course, they will give chase, but will never catch up. Quests - break the chains of miners (fortunately, you don’t need to lead them anywhere, they themselves know where to run), rummage through the cultists’ tents, etc. In a word, nothing interesting. Dragon Vilitrax in this location there is a bone one, its appearance is preceded by a short summoning video. Killing him is quite simple, but cultists with their little animals and golems constantly intervene in the process. In addition, the dragon itself often AOEs with peculiar arms protruding from the ground, which you also need to dodge.

"Loot" from dragons

Dragons occasionally drop equipment, weapons, and other useful items. The chance that you will get the item is relatively low, but if you regularly participate in heroic encounters with dragons, it is quite possible to obtain epic equipment. Dragons drop the following items:

  • blue dragon bone weapon(two right-handed and left-handed items drop from dragons in Neverdeth, Ice Peak and Black Boneyards)
  • items from Dragon Cult wardrobe
  • artifact equipment(from dragons Vilitrax from Whispering Caves And Venfitar from Rothe Valley).

Many interesting items - both equipment and quest components - drop during the epic battle Banks of Tuern. Among them are dragon equipment, infernal armor, all kinds of accessories, etc. All of these items are bound to the character only when used, and therefore can be sold at auction.

A recent update made an additional location available - . It is intended exclusively for characters level 60 (and high DC - Quality of equipment) and includes daily quests, random multi-player heroic encounters, and dragon skirmishes. Artifact and epic equipment drop generously from dragons in this location.

And a reminder at the end - the dragon campaign starts at level 26 and you should not delay completing it until level 60, the maximum level. Gifts allow you to make even a small character stronger and you won’t have to bother with being a “pensioner.”

ps. This is a short guide to the campaign. Tyranny of Dragons is constantly updated and supplemented.

Post Views: 7,420

It's time to sum up the interim results of the new module Newerwinter Online: Tiranny of Dragons.

Enough time has passed since the new, long-awaited module was installed in Neverwinter Online: Tyranny of Dragons. In it we were able to see a slight expansion of game content. Of course we expected more, especially PvP-conscious people. We were waiting for a new PvP arena location and/or Free PvP location, but we didn’t see any of this in the update. However, the new content turned out to be interesting. The new company forces you to run daily across five dragons and a small dungeon.

Beat the dragons in big company quite fun, especially after in one of the patches their HP and defense levels were raised, and the dragons stopped dying in the first 15-20 seconds after their appearance. We were also introduced to a new non-melting armor set with reinforcement cells and without the fearlessness characteristic. This great kit armor for PvE fans, because each of the armor sets gives an aura to the entire group, be it 10% Skill Recovery (Wizard armor set) or 10% to the AP set (Hunter armor set). We also received new stones for power-up cells - runes. This is absolutely new type stones, which gives a temporary effect, lasting only two hours. Their bonuses are extremely good + 800 stat points at a high level or +400 points at a low level, as well as a special effect called Aspect, both of which depend on the type of rune.

There was also a slight expansion in professions. At levels 15 and 20 of armor-producing professions, a reinforcement kit is now available. This set can be used on any armor. The small set (available for profession level 15) adds +50 to stat points, while the large set (profession level 20) adds +100. You can select one characteristic from the list:
Penetrating, vampirism - "Cutting and Sewing"
Critical chance, evasion - "Skin processing"
Maximum hits, defense - "Making armor"
Restoration of strength, power - "Weaving of chain mail"

If you played this game before the update, you may have noticed that some classes have been completely rebalanced, and the mechanism for how the Penetrating Damage stat works has been revised.

Now I would like to know the players' opinions about this update. For the interview, we chose a PvP player from the first page of the rating; in our opinion, such a player should be the most active. The first to respond to our message was Arseny or Besia - Hunter-Pathfinder from the guild The Elders.

Arseny, what is your attitude towards the new module as a whole, what is your first impression of it?
I liked the new module, I especially want to highlight the new company where you can get new artifact weapons. It falls randomly, one of three, which is especially interesting. And also the gifts of this company, namely the mechanics of receiving the last two gifts. To obtain them, you must first open the battle and the dungeon, and from there you can get special funds for completing the campaign. This makes the new company more interesting than the previous ones and makes me, a PvP focused player, want to go into dungeons.

What can you say about new enchantment items like runes or armor boost sets?
Armor enhancement is good idea from the developers, since there is a new incentive to upgrade professions in the game, before this module I did not use professions at all. As for the runes, I'm not sure it was a particularly good idea since a lot of the runes didn't work right in the beginning, particularly the blue dragon rune. It was a terrible sight! I haven’t seen so many numbers on my screen for a long time! But still, I would like to thank the developers for their timely response to player feedback and corrections of incorrect content. Although, runes can still be called a positive element of the game. After all, before, PvP trips against strong teams lasted from thirty minutes to two hours, and after the battle, despite its outcome, you were completely exhausted mentally - you no longer wanted to play at all. Now the most fierce PvP battles last 30-40 minutes, which adds a lot of dynamism to the game. I really like it.

Have you noticed any class rebalancing? Who has become stronger, who has become weaker? Did you like him? Is it correct in your opinion?
First of all, it’s a shame for the Rogues and Clerics, because they were promised to be dealt with only in the fifth module. On at the moment all other classes had their damage increased, but they were forgotten about or, as the developers say, postponed until the fifth module. Now it’s very difficult for all fans of these classes.
I really liked the updated Guardian, before this module this class was useless in both PvP and PvE, but now I rarely go to PvP without a Guardian. Now this is a killing machine that works for the whole team. In my opinion, this is exactly what a Guardian should be. It holds the enemy's blow very well, increases the defensive ability of allies and deals retaliatory damage.
Hunters. This is the class that I play for, in this game it is radically different from such classes in other games, especially in the third module. We could stand at one point for hours and even hold two players at the same time for some time. Otkhil was unbearable, and it was extremely uninteresting. Then there was practically nothing to oppose to bows. However, now this is an extremely dynamic class, you must be in constant motion so as not to be taken control of and killed. This is the same dynamic that has been picked up.
Wizards have also changed now; previously this was a very difficult class, which, in my opinion, did not quite fulfill its role. Play on high level in serious battles it was extremely difficult, and few people knew how to do it. Now, on the contrary, you have to be afraid of even slightly developed characters of this class, especially when there are several of them. In this module, this class works very correctly, because its purpose is control.

So what about the new class in this game? How do you like the warlocks? Have you already played for them? And how do they manifest themselves in your field, namely PvP?
Ahaha, no, I didn’t play as a warlock, as I am an ardent fan of the Hunter and put all my time and energy into it. In the PvP arena, the warlock is a worthy opponent, already quite well mastered by the players. This character has the highest damage at this stage, and therefore should not be ignored. With the advent of this class, we have to change the tactics of battles in the PvP arena, and this, again, is very interesting.

What can you say about new race Draconians and the set that contains it?
This is an extremely exotic race for this game, but still I didn’t even try to play for this race. Despite the good bonuses, this race is simply not aesthetically pleasing for hunters. Draconids are huge, broad-shouldered creatures that, from a distance, look somewhat like chickens. I created my character to admire the picture, but with this race I won’t be able to do that. It seems to me that she would be very suitable for Guardians and Warriors, but not Hunters. However, I really liked the Draconid Legend Pack. On pre-order, before the update it was sold at a very good discount, and even now it’s worth the money. For the artifact alone, I would have already bought this set, since Dragon Heart has the stats I need. In addition, the set contains the largest inventory bag that can not be obtained in any other way, excellent style items, as well as a race change token, a set of large runes and several standing stones. A great purchase, this set is well worth the investment.

What would you like to see in the game in the future?
First of all, as a PvP-oriented player, I would like to see more innovations in the arena, or the emergence of new Free PvP locations. I would also like to see guilds in this game have more significance, and not as now - just a passage to the Gauntlgrym location. These could be guild wars, castle sieges, or territory seizures. But first of all, guild wars. In addition to guilds, I would like to see new artifact items, new weapons, armor, etc. And also new ones interesting competitions or events, and indeed expansions of the world of Neverwinter. How more peace, the more interesting it is to play. I would also like to see new style with angel wings - this is my small but cherished desire.

Thank you Arseny, good luck with your travels in the vastness of Feirun!

Result of the module: The module turned out to be extremely successful, both in the opinion of the editors and in the opinion of the players. Even if the add-on was slightly unfinished at the time of release, a quick response to support requests helped solve this question release of micro-add-ons.
Good luck to all, adventurers!

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