What do archaeologists do briefly? Profession archaeologist. What are the advantages of this profession?

Enormous knowledge of history, special equipment and excellent physical shape - all this is necessary for a professional archaeologist.

An archaeologist is a person who explores the past with the help of material sources, such as buildings, objects of art and everyday life. The bearer of this profession is accompanied by exciting excavations of ancient cities, settlements and burials.


We all understand that working in the field of archeology is interesting and, one might say, even romantic, but to master such a seemingly easy profession, you need to do a lot of scientific work.

Also, do not forget that an archaeologist spends most of his working time in extreme conditions, and for this profession there is a fairly large list of medical contraindications.

We should not forget that an archaeologist must have distinctive character traits that will undoubtedly help him in difficult situations.

Who is the profession of archaeologist suitable for:

  • Unpretentious in everyday life. It is worth understanding that a person with such a profession is constantly on a business trip and lives in a tent. The ability to provide first aid will be a good addition to your diploma;
  • Sociable. Archeology, like no other field of activity, is built on teamwork. Also, the need to constantly exchange information with colleagues will not pass by.
  • Good memory- the best assistant to an archaeologist;
  • Patient and analytical. This character trait will definitely help out when working with documentation and data processing.

How to get a profession as an archaeologist, you ask? What exams should I take and where should I apply?

You can master the specialization “archeology” only in the last year of the Faculty of History. But in order to become a truly professional, you will have to start working on yourself long before entering college.

To successfully master archeology you need:

Also, good photography and drawing skills will always be a plus.

Where to study to become an archaeologist?

In this, as in many other things, Google or Yandex will help you. In a search engine, you can enter the numbers of the following specialties and add the word “history” to them: 050401, 030400, 030401. Or enter the code 030402 and add “Historical and archival studies.” After which, you will be given a whole list of universities in different cities where you can get an education related to history. From this huge list, choose universities where you can get a bachelor's, teacher's, or master's degree in history. Then choose the department that has the “Archaeology” specialization. Also, on the website of a particular university you will find a list of exam certificates that are needed for admission.

Is it possible to become an archaeologist without a relevant diploma?

To be honest, a career in archeology can only be made by a person with a higher education. In this case, we are talking about leadership positions and archaeological supervision. Unfortunately, without higher education you cannot become an archaeologist.

Where and how do archaeologists work?

An archaeologist is a very painstaking, unhurried and assiduous person. Having worked hard all day, representatives of such an interesting company don’t mind spending the evening around the fire with colleagues. Plunge into a discussion of flights and falls, play a couple of songs on the guitar.

What does an archaeologist do?

But the very first thing an archaeologist begins to work with is searching for a place for an expedition. So you can sit for months studying various maps and papyri. Once the location has been selected, permission must be obtained from the relevant authorities. And only then can the long-awaited research begin.

And this process requires the finest work. As soon as the so-called archaeological “excavation site” was laid, the research began. The entire excavation area is divided into squares. Each of which is carefully and accurately cleared. The found objects are photographed and “preserved” in a special solution, since in the open air, the find can be seriously damaged.

A shovel is not the only excavation attribute. There are many subtle research tools so as not to damage the found artifacts. When all the finds have already been collected, the long process of examining them, analyzing them, photographing them, and filling out reports begins. The artifacts are then put into boxes and delivered to laboratories and museums.

Excavations can last from a matter of hours to several years.

Salary of an archaeologist in Russia

The minimum salary of a Russian archaeologist is 13,300 rubles, the maximum is 74,000 rubles. In total, the average salary of an archaeologist in Russia is 27,600 rubles.

The history of mankind has many dark spots. Not all events were reflected in the chronicles. Sometimes, in order to find out any details, it is necessary to look for individual elements belonging to a particular period. It is precisely this kind of activity that guides the archaeologist.

What does an archaeologist do

What does an archaeologist do and do? Many people believe that archeology is an exciting adventure that involves searching for treasures and a lot of impressions. This stereotype was formed under the influence of Hollywood films. This presentation of information is partly truthful, but without a lot of embellishment. A person who wants to master the profession of an archaeologist must first of all be a fan of his work.

Finding artifacts is not a particularly simple process. All of them, in most cases, are reliably hidden from human view. Sometimes great discoveries require diving into the depths of the water (which is what marine archeology does). Field archeology involves conducting excavations far from amenities and civilization. Often, discovered relics must be examined or preserved on site.

It is also worth noting that the lack of proper living conditions may not be such a pleasant thing. It is not always possible to wash your face or even brush your teeth. The profession of an archaeologist is associated with the implementation of a clear schedule: early rise and late bedtime with short breaks for rest - this is an integral part of this specialization.

Pros and cons of the profession of archaeologist


  • an endlessly interesting profession;
  • the opportunity to visit the most remote corners of the planet;
  • a touch of antiquity;
  • social significance of the profession. Every specialist can go down in history as the discoverer of something.


  • life is not always in comfortable conditions (lack of opportunity to eat properly, sleeping in a tent, lack of a shower or toilet);
  • exhausting work;
  • frequent business trips can interfere with your personal life;
  • there are no guarantees of successful completion of the expedition.

Don't miss:

How to become an archaeologist

Time spares nothing. That is why all objects found during excavations are characterized by high fragility. The slightest wrong move can lead to irreparable consequences. Accuracy occupies a special place in the work of an archaeologist.

Artifacts by themselves cannot tell anything. It is necessary to know a lot of information about the area where research is being conducted.

Very often, scientists involved in archeology turn into narrow specialists, focusing only on a certain period of history. Findings cannot be taken out of the general picture of reality. Therefore, it is very important to know the historical background of a particular phenomenon.

In addition to a thorough knowledge of this complex science, an archaeologist should also learn the rudimentary basics of drawing and photography. All items found must be recorded. You never know what might happen to them in the future. Knowledge of ancient languages ​​will also be an important addition.

The value of a discovery loses all meaning if people are not informed about it. In this case, the ability to analyze all your observations and express your thoughts in articles or scientific publications will come in handy.

Where to study to be an archaeologist

  • Moscow Archaeological Institute
  • National Research Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky
  • Novosibirsk National Research State University
  • Volgograd State University


Archaeologists are scientists who study the life and culture of ancient civilizations on the basis of the preserved remains of their life. In the work of an archaeologist, the main task is to conduct excavations in order to find sources of research. Archeology is in many ways reminiscent of the work of a detective, when, putting together a whole picture from mosaic pieces, scientists try to solve the mysteries of the past and recreate the image of a bygone world. This requires imagination and developed abstract thinking, so this profession can be called creative. Archaeologists also need patience, the desire to achieve a goal, and perseverance, because sometimes it takes years and decades to uncover the secrets of a disappeared civilization or historical monument.

History of the emergence of the profession of Archaeologist How did the profession originate? How did the profession develop?

Even in Ancient Greece and Rome, the profession of archaeologist was known and popular. Already at that time, people were engaged in excavations, found ancient architectural monuments, and knew about the Stone, Iron and Bronze Ages. During the Renaissance, numerous excavations were aimed at searching for works of ancient sculpture. But as a science, archeology was formed only at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Significance to society Importance, meaning and social status of the profession

In the modern world, archeology is a very significant science that allows you to discover many secrets and mysteries of past centuries, get to know bygone civilizations better, get acquainted with the culture, life and way of life of people of different eras - from antiquity to the present day, and recreate the appearance of the most ancient plants and animals from the remains . In their research, archaeologists use various methods to analyze and study objects, which can be optimized by cooperation with branches of other sciences. The profession of an archaeologist is in great demand today, because in the history of mankind there are so many mysteries, undiscovered secrets and blind spots.

Features of the Archaeologist profession Uniqueness and prospects of the profession

The main activity of an archaeologist is excavations, the purpose of which is to search for cultural objects, ancient monuments, and other objects of historical significance. In addition, archaeologists may work in a museum and organize exhibitions and tours, ensure the preservation and restoration of objects found during excavations, or introduce visitors to these finds and research results.

"Pitfalls" of the Archaeologist profession All the pros and cons of the profession. Difficulties and features.

An archaeologist must have good health, endurance, and be well physically prepared, because the work involves archaeological expeditions in different climates. A person who has chosen this profession should not have allergic reactions, especially to materials of organic origin. The work of an archaeologist can be either individual or team work, so emotional preparedness, balance, and calm are very important.

Where and how to get a profession Archaeologist Where do they teach professions?

The profession of an archaeologist can be obtained by graduating from the history department of a university. In order to work in this specialty, you must have a higher academic education. This will also allow for the management of archaeological excavations and archaeological supervision.

You will need

  • - medical card;
  • - certificates of Unified State Examination results in subjects required for admission to the Faculty of History;
  • - a computer with Internet access.


Make sure that you do not have any medical conditions that could hinder your desire to become an archaeologist. An archaeologist must have a healthy heart, he must not suffer from hypertension, seizures, hearing or speech disorders. Obstacles include diabetes mellitus, hemorrhoids, some skin diseases, severely decreased vision with the impossibility of correction, diseases of the digestive system and excretory system, as well as infectious diseases that have become chronic. An archaeologist should not suffer from drug or alcohol addiction. Get examined and consult with your local doctor.

Archeology is a specialization that is obtained in senior years of history departments. There is also a specialized university that has branches in different cities of Russia - the Moscow Archaeological Institute. You can begin preparing for future scientific activity in college (in particular, a pedagogical college with a social orientation). You need specialty 050401 – History. But in the future you will still have to enroll in a higher education institution.

If you want to go to college immediately after school, carefully study not only history and the subjects required to obtain a certificate, but also disciplines such as physics, chemistry and geography. All these sciences will be useful to you in your work. The ability to draw and work with a camera will also be very useful. You can find out for which academic disciplines you will need certificates on the website of the higher education institution after February 1, but in any case you will need a certificate.

Type the following specialties in the search engine: 030400, 030401, 050401 - History or 030402 - Historical and archival studies. Look at which universities you can get these specialties with the qualification “history”, “master of history” or “history teacher”. Choose one that has an archeology department. After specializing in this department, you can obtain qualification 72251 – Archeology.

Please note

If for some reason you were unable to enroll in a specialized educational institution, you can still take up archeology. In particular, the military one. To do this, just sign up for a search team, which is available in any large city, as well as in many villages. Search engines are primarily engaged in searching for the remains of military personnel who died during the Great Patriotic War. This is a fascinating and useful hobby. However, for many former military men it becomes a real profession. If you wish, you can create your own search party by registering it with the Search Squad Foundation. Remember that this hobby requires discipline, accuracy, good knowledge of the history of the places where excavations are being carried out, and some special skills.

Mention of archeology began in Ancient Greece. For example, Plato understood this concept as the study of antiquity, and in the Renaissance he meant the study of the history of Greece and Ancient Rome. In foreign science, this term is associated with anthropology. In Russia, archeology is a science that studies fossil materials that are associated with human activity in ancient times. It studies excavations and currently collaborates with many scientific fields and has several sections dealing with different eras and cultural areas.

The profession of archaeologist is a multifaceted and interesting job.

People study the culture and life of ancient civilizations, reconstructing the distant past from the remains that are carefully excavated in the layers of the earth. This work requires great care and painstakingness. Because over time, the remains of the past become more fragile and dilapidated.

An archaeologist is a person who excavates in search of sources for new research. This profession is often compared to detective work. The work of archaeologists is creative, requiring attention, imagination and abstract thinking - to recreate the pristine picture of the ancient world in the past.

The profession became popular in Greece and Ancient Rome. Since then, the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages were known, many excavations were carried out and even more ancient architectural monuments were found. During the Renaissance, the main goal of archaeologists was to find ancient sculptures. As a separate science, it was formed at the beginning of the 20th century.

What qualities should an archaeologist have?

You need knowledge of the many facts accumulated by scientists in your chosen field for your activities. This could be the Neolithic or Paleolithic era, Bronze, Early Iron, Scythian times, antiquity, maybe Slavic-Russian archeology, etc. The list is not complete and can be continued. Archaeologist is an interesting profession, but it requires the erudition of scientists and the ability to compare various sources.

Such a person must have his own opinion and be able to defend it, argue, based on logic, and not on emotions. It can be difficult, but it is necessary to abandon your hypotheses if there are facts that refute them. The work of archaeologists requires the presence of important qualities - patience, diligence, accuracy. They are extremely necessary during excavations.

Good endurance and physical training are required, since the work of archaeologists most often involves excavations that take place in various climatic conditions. Plus there is no allergy to organic materials. An archaeologist is a person who must be balanced, calm, and able to work in a team.

Knowledge required

Professionals must be able to draw, draw, and photograph. Know the basics of not only restoration, but also conservation of metal, stone, clay and organic materials (leather, bone, wood, fabric, etc.). A broad knowledge of anthropology, linguistics, ethnography, geodesy, topography, geology and paleozoology is required. Those archaeologists who study historical antiquities must have a good knowledge of history and auxiliary disciplines (textual criticism, numismatics, paleography, sphragistics, heraldry and much more).

Field archaeologists must be economists, good organizers, teachers and psychologists. But the most important thing is that they must be able to “see the earth,” read its layers and layers and correctly compare the antiquities found.

Occupational diseases

Human archaeologists have their own diseases, which they acquire during expeditions. Most often this is gastritis or a stomach ulcer, which directly depends on the quality of food, since there are often no normal conditions for cooking. Rheumatism and sciatica are also common, since very often archaeologists have to live in tents in various weather conditions. Because of this, various arthrosis and arthritis occur.

What is the job of an archaeologist?

What do archaeologists do? Not only global excavations, but also individual mosaic fragments that need to be correctly selected and carefully put together into one whole. It often happens that it takes many years to unravel the secrets of the past. But the final result is worth it. Because this is exactly the way to recreate the past, which seems to be hidden forever in the bowels of the planet.

What do archaeologists do? They study sources, analyze them and subsequently supplement them with various already known facts. Research includes not only excavations, but also a desk part, when work takes place directly with artifacts and documents. Scientists can work not only on land, but also under water.

The most famous archaeologists

Heinrich Schliemann is the German scientist who discovered Troy. This is one of the first pioneer archaeologists who began to study antiquity. He was born on January 6, 1822. According to the horoscope - Capricorn. Conducted excavations in Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Greece and Turkey. For almost half of his life, Henry tried to demonstrate the historical importance of Homer's epic. He tried to prove that all the events described in the poems are not fantasy, but reality.

Norwegian anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl was born in 1914, on October 6. He wrote many books. His expeditions were always bright, filled with heroic events. Many of his works caused controversy among scientists, but it was thanks to Tour that interest in the ancient history of the peoples of the world increased significantly.

There are famous archaeologists in Russia. These include he was born in 1908. Zodiac sign: Aquarius. This is a famous Russian orientalist historian and academician. He explored many monuments of the North Caucasus, Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Already in 1949, he was appointed deputy director of the Hermitage for scientific affairs.

Outstanding discoveries

Archaeological scientists highlight the 10 most significant finds in the world that were found during excavations:

Unexplained Finds

What unusual things do archaeologists find? There are a number of excavated exhibits that are simply impossible to explain logically. The scientific community was alarmed by the figures of Acambaro. The first was found in Mexico by the German Waldemar Jalsrad. The figurines appeared to have ancient origins, but caused much skepticism among scientists.

Dropa stones are echoes of an ancient civilization. These are hundreds of stone discs found on the cave floor, which were engraved with stories about spaceships. They were controlled by creatures whose remains were also found in the cave.

Terrible finds

In archeology, there are also some rather creepy finds. For example, screaming mummies. One of these was tied hand and foot, but there was a scream frozen on her face. There were suggestions that she was buried alive, tortured, poisoned. But studies showed that the jaw was simply poorly tied or not done at all, which is why the mummy’s mouth was open.

Archaeologists have also found huge claws of an unknown monster. And the found skull and beak of enormous size only convinced scientists that it would not be pleasant if such a monster came across someone on its way. But later it turned out that these were ancient ancestors and their height was 2-3 times higher than human height. It is said that there is a possibility that this bird has survived to this day, and it can be found in areas of New Zealand. The natives of this country have many legends concerning Moa.

Archaeologists' tools

During excavations, these types of tools are mainly used: bayonet, shovel and sapper shovels, picks and shovels of various sizes, brooms, sledgehammers, hammers and brushes of various sizes. The work of an archaeologist can be quite difficult, especially when it comes to excavating large mounds.

An important point is proper work on site. And the ability to choose the necessary tool is also necessary. The excavation director not only monitors the health of archaeologists, but also helps to use the right brushes and shovels correctly.

How to become an archaeologist

You can study both full-time and part-time. Archaeologist is a profession that can be acquired by anyone who has a passion for antiquity and excavations. To do this, you need to enter a university that trains historians. It is in this discipline that they can then engage in excavations and other areas. An archaeologist is a historian. However, unlike the latter, he is engaged not only in the study of theory, but also personally searches and explores antiquity.

Archaeologist salary

The average Russian salary is approximately 15 thousand rubles. But for just one expedition, an archaeologist can receive up to 30 thousand rubles. Salaries may vary in different cities. For example, in Moscow it ranges from 20 to 30 thousand rubles. In the regions it is approximately 5-7 thousand lower.

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